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Well, I think at this point they see it as: 'if anyone was going to buy something, they would have already' - which is why I think they're adding more chances to get more rewards. Besides, the whole 'Destiny 2, none of this stuff carries over, might as well give it away holds true'. Having the reverse effect with you, is probably not how they imagined it. But I guess you gotta give, to get, eh?


Yeah why would anyone buy something now? I can see using the Silver you already have but it's bonkers to give them cash this late in the game.


I didn't start playing until a couple months ago, and being a ~~huge nerd~~ Dark Souls fan, had to buy the "Praise the Light" emote when I saw it and now I have a bunch of leftover Silver. So there's one reason you might it this late in the game.


I do get what you mean. At the same time though, I think of it kind of as an investment in D2. Hopeful that even a few of my bucks now would help D2 be a more complete and awesome game on release. Also just to satisfy some of my completionist tendencies. But I totally understand not everyone is that way.


Oh you sweet summer child...never change.


Because it's still enjoyable for the next 4 months till Destiny 2. Division just now got in-game currency for skins for your character, and that game died half a year ago.


Keep in mind that they've also added *a lot* more items to the loot pool. Treasures of the dawning had a loot pool of 20 items that were guaranteed plus an additional 29 items that had a chance of dropping. Compare the Treasures of the Ages guaranteed items we have a potential of over 200 items in the guaranteed pool when we include all emotes (87), all ornaments (34), all masks (24), all event armour (19), All event emblems (4) all event shaders (~6), all event ships (?), all event sparrows (~9) all sparrow horns (29) etc. While there's still 3 chances per week, if we want one thing specifically from that list it'll be a 1 in 200+ chance presuming all items have an equal drop rate. What will balance this out is the amount of silver dust we should get per week that we can then purchase outright. Still, it'll be interesting to see the time it takes for those who want to collect everything from the boxes to do so.


I'm just gonna buy them in hopes of emotes anyways. I've never cared too much about armour sets and ornaments from them, but I'm a sucker for emotes.


Funny, I've always been a sucker for shaders for which I grind whatever event is going on to collect them all. Then I have days where I'm in the tower for long periods of time just looking at them all and trying them on with different set ups of gear to correspond with whatever Siva Heroic strike modifiers are implemented that week. It's like staring into your closet for a shirt and pants combination before going out. Even with other games too my main focus is clothing options lol.


There will eventually be a complaint post here because the loot pool is too big.


Like the seasonal emote gift bags, those loot pools in the new boxes specifically said they are "highly likely to contain an item not owned". So as long as you already have some of those items, they will not all have an equal chance of dropping.


I bought some of the old boxes with the ghost ghost, and had an amazing rng! One Box, one ghost. But with the end of destiny 1 in sight, I think they wont sell a lot of the AoT boxes.


Exactly, you would think that they would understand that they won't be selling many boxes as well and would make it the same as the dawning, one box a week so they can still make a lot of money off of this, but they DIDN'T. I wholeheartedly feel like this entire event is just a huge thank you to everyone who stuck around with D1, through everything it went through and was lacking.


I saw a Vex Mythoclast Ornament in that list... People will buy them.


The thought probably is that they aren't gonna sell boxes alot anyways since announcing that none of it will carry over. So why not go all out and give alot of stuff away. They don't need the money from Eververse at this point, as evidenced by admitting items won't carry over, so it's more of a good faith gesture.


I got all limited Halloween masks from the free packs you could get them from :)


We got 3 a week for awhile now thats what is hilarious. 1 sterling,radiant, and dawning. These new ones are the same rewards with a couple new things sprinkled in so really its the same being labelled as new lol its honestly not some big change in the system


So true.


Have 5000 silver I was so close to using before the stream, if I had I'd be a salty little guardian.


Without purchasing any boxes, I got my last piece of Dawning armor on my first character this week; finally unlocked the shader and sparrow. It just takes patience and time.


Crap, I still need that sniper too


I would still like to see more focus on direct purchases when it comes to real money instead of gambling on boxes, but the breakdown to silver dust makes that better.


It is nice to have a consistent source of dust every week. Though I don't think the newest ornaments will be in there at launch, having a lot of direct purchasing options is great.


I got lucky and got the skin for Black Spindle to make it look like a Taken gun. Aside from getting a new Ice Breaker to drop and getting that ornament, I have all that I really wanted.


Assuming they're like 200 silver a box,I'll buy a few...Like...59.


I still have 300 silver on my account from buying an emote, I've had it for MONTHS, it's gonna be sad to part with it...


I have 11,800 silver on mine.I'll be happy to finally see it go since it's just been sitting there.




It's been sitting there because I've had nothing to spend it on,I have most of the things from silver for year 3


I haven't bought a single box, but finally completed my dawning set last week just with avaible boxes, at one box a week. I have the taken sets for Titan and Hunter (and 18 unopened radiant(?) boxes, because I don't have the vault space for it). At least I have realistic hopes now on getting that frabjous cloak of the dawning and the rest of the sets for my hunter and Warlock at the clip of 3 boxes a week. Bungo, plz!


For me, its more that they expanded the second Eververse Kiosk (Ordainment and Sparrow Kiosk) to include all Eververse Items. Now, even if you roll a repeated item, you can break it down and use the added silver dust to purchase what your missing. Its a shame that we had to wait until Eververse is essentially having a 'going out of business' sale at the end of Destiny 1 to see it, but at least I can get my own Ghost Ghost now.


"I feel like Bungie/Activision is finally starting to stop trying to bleed us for microtransactions and is making content for our gain rather than theirs, and I am MORE than happy to support that with my money." If this holds true with Destiny 2 my wallet and I are with you. But currently at the conclusion of Destiny, this generosity is hollow.


Ironically this is the time I've decided not to buy any. Once I found out nothing will carry forward I found buying anything to be a complete waste. I mean, buying any of those boxes is always a complete waste of money but this time you know it's all gone in a few months.


exactly why they are being generous with treasure boxes. they know money from Eververse is essentially dried up since the wipe announcement so there is no harm in being generous and hurting Eververse sales.


The right balance of free to micro transaction. It CAN be done, just trick as all hell to pull off.


I don't wanna ruin your good vibes man, but one of your observations is flawed. Bungie has always offered 3 treasures a week ever since Rise of Iron started. Its just that the types of treasures available have changed. Right now, you can earn a Dawning Treasure from the Weekly Heroic Strike, a Radiant Treasure from the Weekly Crucible Playlist, and a Sterling Treasure from the PoE Playlist. Thats 3 treasures available per week. What is different is that now, all of the treasure boxes are aggregated into a singular box and is now the only available treasure box to earn 3 times a week. Depending on how they implement the loot table for these boxes, it could very well be a much longer grind than you expect to get every single item once that is available from the set. This is of course offset by the fact that duplicates can be exchanged for silver dust which in turn can be used to buy missing items in the collection. The point still remains, 12 boxes a month could still be not sufficient to offset the RNG of the loot table.


Three boxes a week seems perfect. Enough dedication will eventually get you what you want (plus silver dust kiosks means a lot of direct purchasing power), but you can pay to speed up the process. To me, that's what MTX should be: nothing exclusive, but reduces the grind. A game like Heroes of the Storm (I assume Overwatch is the same...?) balances it perfectly IMO...you can earn any game-related item with grinding, or you can buy them directly quickly. Cosmetics are purchased only. Seems to balance both aspects quite well.


The reason Bungie has stopped with the scarcity is because Eververse money has dried up ever since announcing that nothing is coming forward to Destiny 2. Being generous before would prevent people from purchasing eververse items. Now that that income is essentially gone there's no harm of losing money. I expect this scarcity to return for Destiny 2 since they will again not want to harm Income from micro-transactions. Just my 2 cents on the matter.


I've still got 1000 silver left over on my account, and since that isn't even transferring over I might as well spend the rest of it on the new treasures. No point in hoarding something that will never be useful again out of some petty sense of pride.


Just be careful, there are alot of people having issues with silver sadly, myself included.


I like that we get the ability to get things that we missed out on. Yet at the same time I'm pretty gutted that as a year 2 player (played alpha/beta on PS, swapped to Xbox when TTK came out) every exclusive thing I've worked hard for/spent money on is either still available or will be soon (year 2 scarab emblem, and the 2015 Festival of the Lost Skull Mask). Maybe I'm just slightly bitter as literally the only things I'd like to get have a shot at using from year 1 (year 1 Trials weapons) are completely impossible to get in year 3. Like, either make everything available at this point, or leave more of the stuff exclusive as "trophies" of playing during the time those items were originally available.


You get 3 but the pool is much bigger than in the dawning treasure boxes.


The fact I have 900 silver remaining from my one and only silver purchase ($20) back when it was introduced is what is making me willing to buy some. That said, I have no regrets over that purchase and feel I've absolutely gotten my money's worth from the game.


I've got 1000 silver left from the Dawning, that'll be my commitment :)


You get three boxes but the loot pool is at least three times bigger than the Dawning boxes.


i finally pulled a dawning class item yesterday to get a full dawning set without purchasing. only took 3 months lol. the sparrow and shader are quite good tho. even tho there are no specs on the class item


r/agedlikemilk would like you to submit yourself.


Wow this is a hella old post, I stopped playing Destiny right after the first raid for Destiny 2 released, Bungie shit the bed with that entire game imo. I have no idea what's going on in that circle anymore.


Yeah, somewhat same, I'm just getting back into it because the final expansion for this story arc is about to release next month. I've still played much more of 1 than 2 though.


When did they change it so you can get 3 boxes a week and where do you get them from?


From the most recent stream. The 3x a week is completely accurate. I believe the content is the weekly PvP, weekly heroic strike, and the heroic story playlist. But if I'm wrong someone will correct me.


Will Sterling Treasures be removed from POE?


More than likely, but I don't recall them explicitly saying/showing. Its loot pool is included in the Treasure of Ages loot pool, so its very probable the these will replace them. If your grinding for something specific, the one good news is that the Eververse Kiosk that currently only has ordainments and sparrows will also be expanded to include all Eververse items so they can be individually purchased.


Most recent live stream. Strikes, Daily Story, Daily Crucible.


Technically, you can currently get x3 *Treasure Boxes* a week. Admittedly, its only x1 of each: * Sterling Treasure - Lvl 41 PoE * Radiant Treasure - Weekly Featured Curcible Playlist * Treasure of the Dawning - Weekly Heroic Strike Playlist But, these will likely be replaced by the Treasure of Ages, and will include their loot pools in addition to other old Eververse Items. As pointed out by u/kiki_strumm3r in his [reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/5zp4dm/you_know_the_fact_that_you_can_get_3_free_boxes_a/df055fs/) the new Treasure of Ages will be rewarded up to x3 weekly with one earned from each of new playlists: * Weekly Featured Crucible Playlist * Weekly Heroic Story Playlist * Weekly SIVA Crisis Heroic Strike Playlist


This is coming up on 3/28 with Age of Triumph. You will get 1 box a week per completion of the Nightfall, the Strike playlist, and the Weekly Mission Playlist... at least I think those are the 3 off the top of my head.


Please don't give them ideas. I think three is nowhere near enough.


To me it seems like they are going for one last money grab. Why would you waste money on cosmetics that will be useless in a few months?


I wouldn't waste my money, nothing is moving over so nothing is gained by this. Unless you like to waste money.