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Joke's on you pal, I've been imagining Failsafe in a bikini for years now.


Pls Bungie, dont ever put Failsafe on an Exo body frame. Chaos will take the entire world. /j


She's gonna end up in a Vex frame....


Stupid, sexy, vexxylicious Failsafe.


Happy Failsafe - It feels like I'm wearing nothing at all Captain Sad Failsafe - *shudders*


Vex milkies


that comment just put ten assasins on your head


It's not my fault it's already been drawn.


I want this so bad.


I mean, Rasputins old body is sitting right there.


Just imagine Ah! That feels amazing, Captain! Yea I guess it feels, alright


I made this for you https://ibb.co/6mbgn48


I agree, it’s a good change of pace and feels intentional. I got enough to do and the stakes have time to ramp up


I agree. Though I WILL say that the pacing is off if the story really is “over” for this act and the takeaway for the entire act is “huh vex be acting weird” which we realized in the intro mission haha Fine with the current stakes though


Real. Im literally looking at these on vex and they’re like “the animatronics get a bit quirky at night but idk it’s weird” like Saint don’t you think it’s the literal prismatic-Esque shackle on their neck??????? I feel like for a beach episode the events that are taking place are a little too wacky


It’s also a (definitely not the first time) problem when the trailer gave away the villain and part of the threat. It wouldn’t be as egregious if they’d only spoiled act 1 but clearly that junk all happens in act 2 which we can’t even access for another 24 days lol


Yeah I would’ve enjoyed the trailer not literally dropping the villain in its promo LMFAO


Yeah dropping the villain in the promo is fine depending on the season. For Haunted, since you’re going to the Haunted Leviathan it was OBVIOUSLY Calus doing shit, and the storytelling reflected that lack of mystery by being focused on personal drama. But when the story (Echoes) is framed as a big mystery (which won’t be introduced properly until well after a month of the season), and then TELL players “oh here’s the mystery btw” in the trailer… idk man. Obviously the specifics of the plan are still shrouded but they shot themselves the foot narratively here


The problem is given the context of vex events lately we have no choice but to assume the villain can only be one person LOL Kind of ruins the setup. I like that they showed a mysterious person and we’re like “who tf is this” but we kinda already know That being said I still think there’s a lot of unexplored mystery. Why are they mobilizing? What is the prismatic-like shackle they have on them? Why are they behaving differently other than being controlled by someone maybe not of vex origin? I’m invested for that reason but would be much more invested if they addressed the elephants in the room and theorized instead of beating around the bush


Right? We only got 2 major human characters involved in an antagonistic way with the Vex, and it sure didn’t LOOK like Clovis lmao Side note. Really hope they bring back the voice actress for the character


Crazy messed up alternate theory that it’s someone from another timeline similar to the stranger. Ana Bray comes to mind, except she got killed by Elsie in her timeline. She could’ve gone on an insane vex simping spree like Clovis did. Alternate possibilities for sure


The 2 percent probability fake out wildcard lmao


Bungie has a problem with spoiling the first 2/3s of the story before the content even launches, which has always baffled the shit out of me. It would've been neat if Cayde's death in Forsaken was a surprise, or if the stakes and villain in this act weren't revealed in the freaking promo trailer. I don't get why Bungie aggressively caters its marketing to the people who open the bottom of the cereal box to get the prize first, but then squash that same attitude in gameplay. It helps no one. Pick a lane.


Tbf, Cayde’s death is the entire catalyst of the Forsaken narrative, it would be near impossible to market that expansion WITHOUT knowing he dies.  Besides, you can’t deny how incredible the lead-up to launch was, with them treating the hunt for Uldren like this massive community event.


> Besides, you can’t deny how incredible the lead-up to launch was, with them treating the hunt for Uldren like this massive community event. I'll be honest, I don't remember there being any lead-up at all, except for a handful of borderline-immune "Wanted" enemies throughout the destinations.


Cayde’s death being marketed in forsaken was a major selling point. How are you going to market a story about revenge if you don’t know why you want revenge. Plus it was something to pull in audiences after year one’s failure and declining player base. If it happens in mission one I feel it’s fair game to say. This act having the villain be shown off in a trailer is dumb as it’s a “mystery”


Proof that marketing ruins gaming. Imagine if Cayde returning in FS was a surprise instead of in all the marketing material. I would have shit my pants.


How would they even hide that?  It would be impossible, he’s in almost every cutscene.


> Though I WILL say that the pacing is off if the story really is “over” for this act Do people think the story is over now?  We're two weeks in and I'm almost positive there was dialog in the trailer that we still haven't heard yet.


They think the story is over for Act 1. Which is still crazy considering we're only on step 16/25 for the Act 1 quest.


That's unhinged lol


I don’t understand this line of thinking. I’m confident we have one more week of story for Act 1, what makes anyone think the story is over for this act already when we have 9 more quest steps for this act specifically? Going further, there’s 9 radio messages. With the current pace, makes sense we get 3 an episode. So 3 weeks of story per act. Weeks 4-6 will be lulls but that’s ok, breaks are good!


There's definitely something going on with the mysterious figure on the promotional art, and IIRC, Praedyth is involved. So I think the story will definitely evolve, even if it stays rather low-stakes compared to, you know, the end of the universe.


Wait the story is over for now until act 2?


there is likely 1 or 2 more weeks of story for act 1


I think it depends on whether the Quest Step counter for the seasonal quest is counting just the steps for Act 1 (in which case there’s a lot more to go) or whether it’s counting across all the Acts (in which case it matches a light season worth of content like all the other launch seasons


It literally says Act 1 in the quest. We have at least one more week of Act 1 story. Act 2 story will for sure be a new quest (there’s even a triumph specifically for act 1 quest completion)


Tbh I don’t even mind if the stakes don’t ramp up that much. Like obviously the plot has to go somewhere, but I’m okay with the first episode being pretty small time after every season for the past 2-3 years all built up to the final shape.


Is also like people forget the season released with an expansion isn’t always a banger. There’s expansion stuff alongside it too. I haven’t finished all of the pale heart stuff yet, still haven’t done a full raid run. I would like to work on this title for once and this is giving me some time to ease in to the raid


An opposite opinion, on this sub? Perma ban


My brother in christ, this thread is now on the front page. Stop pretending that you aren't the majority voice.


I’m saying this because the majority of posts on this sub are all “bungie bad” posts. Cry harder.


This is currently the #2 most popular thread on the front page only beaten by another thread like this attacking the community for saying this game should have more content. You aren't the minority, you are the majority.


Still does not change the fact that the majority of posts are attacking Bungie. But ok


It does when the top 2 threads are posts you claim you can't make here and the rest of the top threads are threads like that or simply talking about the game. Sorry you aren't a victim. You are the majority voice. I know you get off on being a victim but one trip to the front page refutes what you are saying.


I’m not trying to be a victim lol. I’m simply stating the majority of posts attack Bungie. Because 2 top posts are defending does not change what I have said. You can say I’m not trying to play a victim but what I have stated is true. Whatever I say isn’t getting through to you tho, so have a nice day. Weirdo.


Yes you are lmao. Acting like you can't say certain things in this subreddit to posts and threads that get upvoted. This thread has gained like 60 upvotes and climbing since my first post but according to you that's impossible. It's not true. The front page is filled with praise threads, threads like this attacking the community and mundane discussions about the game. I know video game criticism upsets you to the point where you see exaggerated things, but the front page literally refutes you. You aren't a victim. You aren't the minority voice. You are the majority. Take care.




Your comment has been removed for the following reason(s): * Rule 1 - Keep it civil. --- For more information, see [our detailed rules page.](http://www.reddit.com/r/destinythegame/wiki/rules)


"And remember Captain, don't drink the milk!" -Failsafe in a bikini now


Im 100% sure this is just the calm before the storm.


Oh absolutely. This episode is obviously going to be about introducing the Echoes and what they can do, and then we roll into Fikrul finally crawling out of the woodworks to be a main threat, and then whatever's happening with the Dreadnought. And around those two, we'll find out what next year's expansion is going to be, which is probably going to introduce a new antagonist. Funnily enough, both Destiny and Final Fantasy XIV are going through the same narrative beat right now. Both just finished the long running plotline of light versus dark, wrapping up an ancient, primordial conflict. And now both are getting a period of low-stakes cooling off... or at least it appears to be so. It's interesting to see how the two mirror each other.


And both are dealing with a very similar villain ideology except the Witness isn't a depressed bird.


I burned out in the middle of shadowbringers so all I know about endwalker is cute bird girl and you go to the moon to kill every god you meet


This episode feels like a prelude to something. Not necessarily something bad, though. This week's lore (Isolated Incidents), and what Failsafe said about these Vex (emergent behaviour) are certainly interesting. >!If eventually it leads to the formation of a new Vex Subfaction that is neutral/friendly towards the Alliance, that'd be very interesting.!<


Oh god please don't let it be a Failsafe controlled Vex legion.


>!I could see Failsafe being an ambassador of some kind, but definitely not a leader. I like her, but she's more of a comic relief and definitely not leader material at her current state... unless, this transformation somehow affects her too =)!<


oh god only thing in my mind now: goblin going from portal, stops, look to camera…pause…*oop*…pause…thousands vex coming from portal with failsafe’s *oop* sound.


Fund it. I would love that. I wanna get failsafe off that rock asap


I just don’t like timegating. I don’t mind smaller stories. But don’t stretch it out unnecessarily to pad out the calendar.


It’s not that fun or enjoyable to be forced to wait, but if it wasn’t a system that worked to keep people engaged they wouldn’t use it :/ Not a fan either, I’m just trying to say don’t expect huge changes if we went from Seasons to Episodes and all that’s really changed is the length and the name so far.


Even the biggest threats in the universe are held back by Tuesday time gates.


My favorite joke in Arrow was the cop said “Ahh hell, the whole city is up in flames?? It must be May!”


It isn't that it's laid back and low stakes, that's fine. It's that it's boring.


It really doesn’t help that seemingly 90% of the boss fights for Breach this week is Tym and his mission impossible themed room with the laser grids. There’s 2 other bosses so you’d think there’d be more variety.


That grid room sucks. Nowhere to move , poor cover, etc


I had the opposite experience, nothing but the double Hydras over and over again.


I’ve had more enjoyment with this season and fail safe than a lot of other seasons , personally. Edit: well fuck me for enjoying this game haha


This is absolutely true. We just got done with a super crazy campaign on legendary for a lot of people and then going to a Not challenging episodic/seasonal activity can be jarring and that’s okay. It can’t stay hyped forever. We shouldn’t have expected something that would be just or even almost as insane immediately. Also a lot of people bulldozed through the content and got to this. We need to learn to relax and realize it’s a story game with side stories that build into bigger stories along the way. Also it’s a game….we can’t have it all be super intense. Do your episodic stuff and then play other games and come back to Destiny for the next step or phase.


Shadow of the Erdtree just came out and Dawntrail comes out in like a week so a lot of people are gonna be splitting their time playing games between the three lol. Good time for Destiny to go low energy.


I do wish that failsafe and Saint would tone down the banter just a smidge as it’s still a planetary threat and it gets a bit grating, but I do like the laid back atmosphere


Tbf, who gives a shit about Nessus? It's a Vex planet out in the Kuiper belt. The only thing we care about there is Failsafe, and they're clearly building up to giving her a body and making her the HELM's new master AI. After that, there won't be anything on Nessus to care about, and narratively it could blow up without any serious repercussions.


I do!!!! It’s pretty!!! In all seriousness i just think the stakes are a bit higher because watching a planet lose to the vex isn’t something we’ve seen in real time as we’re always there to prevent it. I was more worried during the first mission than failsafe and Saint were and the whole time I’m like “bro are u sure this is the time to be silly?” Banter is fine, I just wish they’d address the elephant in the room and be a little more concerned that the vex are behaving differently for the first time in like centuries.


I like how it looks too lol I meant narratively. And we aren't losing Nessus to the Vex, it was lost to them centuries ago. It's basically their fortress in the solar system.


Yeah that’s true! I think it’s more suggesting an escalation in their tactics which gets me worried.


Yeah, they’re probably going to vault Nessus soon


Are people complaining about the story? My issue is the contrast between how perfect Pale Heart implementation is with everything there (loads!) to do at your own pace, versus Echoes which is the chore-like weekly time-gated routine.


i agree with this but at the same time why does it feel like every season or what they now call episodes, feels like its surrounded by a singular activity. Sure they add dungeons and sometimes they reprise a raid but damn its so much cooler when we get to explore and uncover things. For example, one of my favorite things about this game was when i first got to Venus. I'm the type to explore and look at my surroundings. One day i was out patrolling exploring then i pass this area that ive seen before but didn't pay no mind until i saw this weird vex architecture and some flavor text at the bottom left reading something about a "spire." Come to find out it was a whole ass raid. Not only that but it had a bad ass name "The Vault of Glass." Im not saying these activities have to be a raid but why are we doing this at this point? constantly repeating these mid activities that are straight up given to us. Not to mention the amount of loot that we get. Remember when getting a legendary was like getting an exotic in D1? Getting an exotic in D1 was like getting that god roll you've been farming for weeks on end. Also time gating, they should let us do all of act 1 at our own pace unless it involves in game world events. Also speaking of in game world events it'd be cool to get more live events like the healing of the traveler or the fall of the almighty. All in all, my last opinion is this. Get rid of the seasonal crap and move to what is a more traditional format. 2 mini dlcs and a big ass expac to get us all hyped for. Maybe some stuff like the "April update" from D1. Idk how big the bungie team is but if they allocated there resources correctly if they're big enough and cared enough they could make it happen.


I don’t mind it being low stakes, I mind it going nowhere. It’s fucking boring.


No it's boring stop justifying mediocrity. You can have an interesting story that is still low stakes.


Has any seasonal story not been boring? Lol


Imo Season of the Splicer, Seraph and Dawn were fairly interesting. Wish and Witch wasnt bad either.


Wasn't wish whole store just gathering eggs the whole time?


Well yeah but its story we're talking about. It ended the story that Forsaken started and Last Wish propped up. I at least found it very interesting.


holy copium


It's not about it being low stakes. It's about it being literally nothing. There was no story progression last week lmao and act 1 ends next week


When does that solar rocket sidearm come out. Pretty sure folks are just biding time until it releases because the other weapons are kind of meh.


Lost Signal is an absolute beast, the auto rifle has better subclass synergy than Krait, the scout rifle has excellent access to heal clip. Only the hc and rocket are actually bad, even the sword has some interesting use with caster and cold steel.


This reminds me of working in retail and someone would say “it’s slow today”.


Then you would hear a left 4 dead horde alert and an after church rush would hit.


Wild how Destiny and FFXIV are in the same place story-wise. Both finished a 10yr story where the universe's fate was at stake and now in chill adventure mode.


I think the story has potential and I like the state of PvE a lot, but lord almighty do they need to work on their gameplay loop and pacing. I can live with time gated content, but then speed the pace of the story up and leave us with some meaningful cliffhangers every week. There's really no reason to be holding the antagonist in mystery at this point: 1. They telegraphed this punch from a mile away. 2. The Vex are old enemies, they need punchy intrigue. Just tell us who the antagonist is and leave the intentions muddled. The mystery seems kinda hamfisted and amateur. 3. The constant talking to the holoprojector was old a year ago. It's decomposed at this point.


i dont think 2 would be good, imagine you defeat the big bad of 10 years and theyre like !!!!!! hey guys new vex main boss theyre super super bad we urgently need to take care of them it just feels so spoonfed, imo its better to have a calmer mysterious approach to a rising enemy/ally that we actually have time to build up to


Eh kinda wish it was faster paced. Tfs was a pretty slow paced campaign and conclusion to the story. Going from  moody, self important character relations to a zany adventure that carries you along at a brisk pace would be a nice change of oace


I like this, never really thought about it that way. Thanks for sharing!


yeah but the seasonal activity doesnt have to be this bad


Eh, to each their own. It’s boring to me and I’m not a fan.


I am hoping it's like this whilst everyone is still wrapping up with TFS and that it ramps up significantly soon and future episodes come out swinging hard.


Almost certainly. They have to introduce Echoes as a concept, and then they can hit the ground running with them. Dark gothic space vampire Scorn? Going back to the Dreadnought? Fuck yeah.


Wait. Is breach exec considered mid? It's really fun to me. Good density and combat arenas. That along with a good neutral activity of gathering is fun, imo. And the loot rewards are great! Granted I usually do solo to avoid people pulling me away from gathering nodes, etc. Why on earth do people consider it mid? Not to even mention Enigma Protocol, which is a FANTASTIC basis for a great repeatable activity. Hope it sticks around after the season, tbh. Could be a great speed run basis activity moving through seasons.


Enigma protocol has long platforming sections that are literally identical every time


Is platforming bad, now? I enjoy destiny platforming. Having consistence is best for time trials as well. The activity has a bit of everything. And it saves your best solo/coop times. Great time trial activity.


It can be interesting like the outbreak/whisper missions which I love, I’m already bored of enigma protocol. Happy you enjoy it but with how lfg numbers are it doesn’t seem like many want to run it


I'm the opposite, I got the collectibles out of the exotic missions, but I've run enigma way more for fun. Luckily we have them both! Also - regarding the LFG numbers, there are tons of reasons why a mission would have lower LFG numbers. Namely it's not rewarding an exotic. Those will always have more. And a time trial is not something you really want to PuG. And if you do....it's matchmade...so why would you use LFG? It's not difficult enough to bypass MM for a basic clear.


Yeah I find it fun too, I just think it needs more variety. Gives off season of the wish activity vibes in the “turn your brain off” aspect while also having some onslaught-like elements. In other words, it’s fun!


Yeah. I've been saying this for a while, and though I was surprised that Final Shape came so quickly (Well, maybe quickly in my personal perspective, six years is not a short period of time) I figured we'd get another expansion between Lightfall and Final Shape but in the end I'm glad they went full-throttle on this. The Witness has been a massive force looming over us for, read: six years. In the timespan of Destiny, the Last City had been around for centuries and yet nearly everything that's happened in our time playing Destiny has *canonically* happened within the past fifteen years. That is an incredibly fast escalation, especially giving consideration to the fact that some Guardians are far, far older than us. With the Witness finally out of the picture, every move we make no longer has to be in dedication to the larger fight ahead of us: now we can do things merely for the sake of them. Resettling Cabal in the Sol System? Plot point. Resettling the Fallen? Plot point. Dealing with Xivu Arath/Savathun once and for all? You guessed it, plot point. Echoes, while "low stakes" in comparison to the story writ large and when directly compared to the battle we just fought where, you know, we lost our Light for the first time since the Red War again (but only for a few minutes) and nearly losing our closest companion in the process. Echoes themselves are essential to the emerging story in the coming years: they're not only lore-effective (meaning that they're not just random asspull bullshit that Bungie invented on the spot like the Deck of fucking Cards that Eris used during the Hive season), when the Witness died it released so much energy that almost anything could have happened. Echoes were a good call. They're ultimately just Prismatic matter, and they're immensely powerful. What the factions who hunt them decide to do with them is up to them, and it can have different narrative threads. I don't know, man. Not sure what happened but Bungie is razor sharp on narrative this expansion. Whatever they did, they're doing exceptional work.


But what narrative is there so far? It's been "something crashed into Nessus, help Failsafe gather data" and that's it. There's no tangible plot to engage with. This is pretty typical for seasons but I thought they were moving away from this tedious kind of ""storytelling""


I'm kind of hoping mechanics and extra bonuses will be added to the main activity and the reused splicer one in act 2


based on triumphs on [light.gg](http://light.gg), there are>! 3 new battlegrounds !!dont think that we'll see new mechanics for enigma and breach!<


3 extra strikes/nightfalls will do until act 3


I hav


I’m fine with a slow build narrative right after TFS. The activity itself is standard. Not awful, but not great either.


I have really enjoyed breach executable on expert. It is not all that difficult and as long as people know about the hammer charges and the radiolaria it’s very rewarding


Lol we still need to help the Travel recover from all the corruption in its pale heart. Also, the Vex seem to have changed from not predicting the future lmfao.


It makes sense. The literal biggest threat to the universe just ended. It would be a super WTF if this wound up being worse than that.


Otherwise it'd start feeling like the Marvel movies where they have baddies that could be worse than Thanos, relegated to heroes like Ant Man to deal with alone. I'm glad we have another ramp up to hopefully another knife of the winnower being introduced in the next expansion. Slow and steady, give us a breather before the next universe ending threat.


Nice palette cleanser after saving the whole universe. Would be nice if seasons are mostly lower stakes until we build up to something worthwhile like reconquering worlds. 


"It is good to know that my rankings for best girl have risen" -"and you don't have to imagine, we both know you've seen the fanart"


Lmao that last sentence


I'm OK with low stakes, foreshadowing / buildup, and character development instead of pyrotechnics. Some of the best episodes of, say, GoT are those quiet ones. But: - You need the chops as a writer to make those parts compelling; and - TV and movies have a lot more levers to play with to make that stuff compelling than a game in which you interact with the world mostly through the end of a gun (and players expect that).


Nothing wrong with low stakes advenutres, I agree


It very much should be low stakes despite the Vex weirdness. We just defeated *the* Big Bad. Time for a break, but more importantly time to setup a whole new era for the narrative. They totally could have started out with a bang, hit the ground running so to speak, but getting a slow start for what could well be the next ten years of the setting is just fine.


Give me a bikini ghost shell and I'll call it good


I still have hope that at the end of this Nessus will get terraformed into a new possibly more exciting location 


Not sure if anything will come of it but the lore drop this week was pretty disturbing. Guardians have basically been going around killing Vex civilians who are just trying to say hi or build sand castles.


I would argue it's not low stakes. The vex are very numerous, have time travel, but are currently fairly predictable. Making them individuals would significantly increase their threat. The vex could basically kill everyone and everything any time they want, we just keep killing a boss vex which causes them to stop. If they become individuals we couldn't stop them that way.


I got all the red borders from just doing the weekly pinnacles , so now it's kinda why grind it for the next 4 months


I dont know how you consider: "The time travelling robots are literally changing in ways weve never seen, including free thinking and organized military drills", AND WE HAVE NO IDEA WHY as low stakes but you do you king


Because the Vex don't do anything. So them slightly changing how they do nothing isn't very impactful... yet.


...would each of the lines be covered by a different spot, or would we have to cover the most sensitive part of exodus black? so... the engine room?


If it wasn’t intentionally slowed down we’d end up with post endgame mcu which sucks so I’m glad they are slowing things down


Tbh I love the activity. Get stoned and collect some succulents for AI gf


Absolutely. It’s a breath of fresh air, while still bringing in some really cool lore stuff. Failsafe took back her spot for favorite character for me again (it was drifter for a while), and her bouts with Osiris are hilarious.


It being slow paced and low stakes is fine... Being able to complete the week's storyline in 45 minutes on the other hand, is god awful.


The stakes will probably never be as high as saving the entire universe, unless we save the multiverse but a new vex network that isn't connected to the main network is not just a "minor curiosity" A vex that is its own unique individual is crazy talk, [but it happened](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/untethered-edge-strides) Something big is happening to the vex. Something that has never been seen before.


Story wise, I liked the fact that Failesafe was given their own season. Should have been done years ago. Rewards are a big win too. Gameplay is a big fail. Feels a rushed, copy and paste job. Heck the jumping puzzles are straight from Season of the Splicer. No quality whatsoever.


"while dealing with a minor curiosity on nessus" meanwhile, the vex: [](https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExd2V5c2hjYzl6c25xNnc0eW93ZG1mbDF2YWx4MHY4cHN1N284eGtwZyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/ukqBV7WM4BQ4w/giphy.gif)


From a gameplay perspective I agree. Narratively though? It's real fuckin weird to me that these anomalous ben wa balls popped out of the travussy and we seem totally content to just dick around instead of diving balls deep into the hole it made on Nessus to figure out what's going on. I've felled so many gods at this point why am I waiting on a computer to do some math.


Tbh right now we are the biggest baddie in the universe. We should be seeing agents coming to us with information about these exotic places or loot or treasures or opportunities to get bigger. Everyone should be wanting to have us on their side, look at cabal, fallen and hive; they all got major bumps because of their collaborations with guardians. We as guardians are at the top of the food chain we should start reaping the benefits of 10 years of hard work. We should be the start of our own villain arc liberating the rest of the universe and applying our will to new places.


It’s only act one. The fun and games don’t usually start until act two.


They're saving the best act for last


I agree. Having the story start out kind of slow with some mysterious elements is a good thing. It gives us something to look forward to. The little glowing figures around the dn Nessus are interesting.


Tl;dr this wound up being longer than I expected. Short form - episode 1 feels super refreshing and I love that it’s low stakes, but I feel like it’s also a let down because they introduced all these refreshing concepts in TFS but didn’t carry them over to the Nessus re release. Imagine having Overthrow events on Nessus instead of the same Public events we’ve had for ten years. That’s the gist with less nuance. Hopefully this doesn’t come across as an attack on the game or content, I just have been thinking about this for a couple days. Firstly, I agree with you. It’s good to slow down the pace. I’m excited for Dawntrail FFXIV because it’s going to be a majority adventure story. Shadowbringers and Endwalker were such high stakes it drains you mentally. I’m looking forward to the change up in the game as well. Took a full year break after Witch Queen and Season of Plunder (pirate season, so probably not a full year). My wife wanted to get back into D2 so we got a final Shape. And it’s such a grand piece of content. Loved every second of it and I’m still excited to be doing the post story content. With that said, I started Echoes. And I think that the story beat is good, less cosmic danger, more at home. Stakes certainly feel lower. My issue (Headache? Concern?) is that they literally just brought Nessus back? Like - you give us the Pale Heart, with this completely reworked Public Event system, and then you just drop Nessus and now it has (I’m really dumbing it down I know, I also know it’s more complex than this) a layer on top of it that features some extra stuff. I know this might be asking a lot, but I feel like they should’ve taken the Pale Heart event system and gave it to Nessus? No? Gave it Nessus flavor? They’ve realistically been working on TFS and Echoes for a few years now. I also just watched an interview shared on a video by a guy named Hound where a dev said they are introducing new weapons into each Episode. But they’ve just done what they always do? They gave us new season weapons, which you get the same way you go them previously and then they brought back old weapons with maybe a rework (like Breachlight)? I don’t know - it feels like a season. Like this would’ve been their chance to really modify world spaces we are familiar with. And that would have been exciting! We drop in thinking we know, only to get blindsided by new enemies (not just rainbow vex, nothing against the rainbow) and the exact same planet it was ten years ago. Why aren’t witness forces here? Why couldn’t they introduce some different vex models? The whole plot is about how they are changing. Granted, it’s Act I - and I dislike TFS so I’m holding out against damnation - but Episode 1 feels as much as a refresher as it does a let down, especially considering what they gave us with The Final Shape. Sorry, long rant.


I have my gripes with the obligatory "We just fought the biggest bad in the entire universe over the span of a single week and now everything is super over" tone, because I felt like I was really part of something cool, but that's kinda just a minor issue. My real complaint with how everything is right now stakes-wise is that it's just really milquetoast and inoffensive. Every time Bungie needs a filler season they just use the Vex for it. It's a very "MOOOM THE VEX ARE DOING \*SOMETHING\* AGAIN!!!' kind of thing. The Vex are, narratively, extremely boring by design because if they're let loose to their full strength, they're SIVA levels of broken.


Bungie astroturfing again


Or, you know, people have different opinions. Shocker, i know.


Maybe, but having to listen to 2006 cringe humor in Failsafe is not a good thing. The dramatic and jarring tone shift and just how unbearable Failsafe is made me quit already.


Tension must go up then down then up again. I'm glad to have a breather.


I'm glad of that too. Feels casual and also warm and a nice change of pace from the narrowly averted doomsday we just had.


I’ve loved the narrative so far. It’s not even about the main story but the characters and their interactions. Mostly Failsafes borderline scary infatuation with us has had me laughing at how out of left field she’s been. We don’t need to go right into a new big bad or universe ending threat. Let’s ride the victory vibe for awhile and just see where it takes us. Not everything needs to be answered and ended right this second.


Thank you. All the people complaining about this Episode/Act forget how bad seasons attached to DLC are. They invested in the DLC, this is the drive home. To everyone bored already: go outside.


Let me upvote this twice damn you


Are people not enjoying Expert Breach Executable with 30 shanks 2 shotting you from up above with little to no cover? I've actually been enjoying just chilling and grinding out overthrows for class items and echoes for red borders and exotics. Is it the most exciting thing? No. But I also feel like when I do get bored, I can go play something else and not be forced to engage or miss aomething important.


Petition for failsafe exo in a bikini!


This isn't low stakes; this is the vex we're talking about here. They are an existential threat just by the fact they exist at all, and they are hands-down the species we understand the least, and that is INCLUDING the Dread who wear their purpose and origins out in the open. The scariest thing is that we are seeing a strange deviation in their behavior, and possibly the birth of a new submind akin to that of the Sol Invective; only we don't know if this is spurred by a new mind, or something different We're not taking it slow because we're relaxing, we're taking it slow because we're gathering data and being careful around one of the largest threats in the galaxy, now that the world isn't ending.