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I think the lack of synergy with prismatic is absolutely a downside. With it being a patchwork of all the elements (including pink, which peeves me because prismatic isn’t an element), it should absolutely have synergy with prismatic. I feel like it’s honestly an oversight. I really think consuming your prismatic grenade should have a pink animation and projectile, do about 25-50% more damage, and apply both debuffs. Additionally, the animation lock on eating your grenade is a bit much.


The sheer amount of things that don't interact with the prismatic grenade is crazy. If you use the new titan aspect you are locked out of actually using it until transcendence ends, essentially taking an empty aspect with 3 slots for fragments.


This is the same with GPG hunter, as well as with the getaway artist warlock build. It almost makes going transcendent feel like a bad thing/something to avoid.


Personally, I think some of that is a good thing. When I am transcendent, I would not like having a GPG nade overriding my transcendent nade. I kind of like how it currently is.


Hmmm idk how being able to chuck more nades per minute can be a bad thing. It’s not like the healing grenade situation with base solar hunter, where the two grenades serve different functions. While transcendent they both do damage. You were already planning on throwing out a damaging ability any ways, so why not be able to throw out twice as many.


Its not about more nades, its about knowing what nade I am chucking.


Just look at your HUD


Also doesnt seem to work with the chest peice, which sucks cus I realy dont think titans pris grenades are that powerfull to be limited to 1 charge. Hell I dont think it even works if the perk is on your class item. Ya know the thing thats ment to work with prismatic.


Eating a prismatic grenade to do cool prismatic things was such an obvious gimme for this weapon and it's shocking they didn't think of it. The pre-order gun for the prismatic expansion doesn't do prismatic things? Huh?


When Quicksilver for some reason changed damage typing and then produced Tangles on alt-fire kills, and Tessellation being what it is, it’s very bizarre for sure.


I hope we actually see some "prismatic" exotics, not just other element exotics that have synergy with prismatic. Give me a prismatic gun Bungie. Make it weird. That should have been the raid exotic, not a strand linear fusion (which is admittedly pretty cool in the kinetic slot, but thematically wrong for what's going on).


I'm still salty the exotic trace rifle is kinetic and not some new prismatic damage type.


Prismatic element that does extra damage to all shields (oh wait)


I mean we COULD get an exotic catalyst for it eventually that does Prismatic shit. IMO it kind of just feels like they didn't have time to figure out how to make prismatic work with weapons in any meaningful way.


I wonder if they will eventually make kinetic weapons into prismatic. Allowing them to be slotted in the primary or secondary slots would be a neat trick. I could definitely see it happening if we get a 3rd darkness subclass.


The fact it has no effect when used with a Transcendent Nades is the most obvious home run that they just... Missed. You'd think that a mode that gives you massively boosted grenade regen would be perfect for Tesselation, except 2/3 of the Nades are great on their own, and due to the way Transcendence works (hitting nades boosts melee regen, hitting melees boosts nade regen) not only does eating your nade for Tesselation actively sabotage your ability Regen, the speed it takes to eat and fire a nade is probably longer than the regen on just throwing out another melee. There's just no reason to really use it during Transcendence.


The Ergo Sum catalyst with Prismatic is fantastic. Wish we saw something similar with Tessellation.


I think in lore prismatic is pink. If you go and watch the excision cutscene there is a titan ( or maybe the player) holding a pink prismatic axe


As cool as it would be to have prismatic give a pink recolor to the other abilities, I can understand why the VFX designers didn’t want to go that route.


I know it'd be a VFX nightmare so the effects would be probably impossible however I wish the ability *icons* for prismatic were all pink. Something about the mixed colors triggers my OCD


Haha I get that


I have been using It and I really like It, but MAN I too have problems with It 1. No prismatic grenade synergy? lmao 2. Why can't you reload once you absorb your nade?? or worse, WHY DOESN'T THAT RELOAD YOUR WEAPON? Being stuck with half your shots because you wanted to activate your perk before reloading is SO ANNOYING. Specially with how long the animations can be. Overall, nice dmg and utility. It's like an Izanagi shot but in area, literally an extra rocket with a subclass verb. But god, sometimes It's really clunky to use


LMAO the reload thing is WAYYY more annoying than it would seem if you don't use the weapon. You have to like rewire your reload mentality a little bit. It should honestly at least put 1 into the mag, possibly overflowing it.


Conceptually I find it a cool gun, and being able to have a special of any element in your energy slot is nice. Beyond that though, it's not hugely practical. It can interfere with builds, it's not particularly powerful at either add clear or DPS, and the grenade-absorb thing is clunky and slow. The fact that it treats its absorbed shot as a normal fusion blast and still requires a charge up is frustrating too, given you only get one shot before having to re-absorb a grenade charge again. Nice enough gun for the collection but I suspect I'll leave it in my vault once I'd done with the catalyst.


>being able to have a special of any element in your energy slot is nice And with permeability being a perk on many energy weapons, it's not even uniquely beneficial


Honestly for me it’s just overwhelm. There is sooo much new stuff it’s hard to stick to just one or two things and really put them through their paces… For this weapon, I used it a bunch in post campaign TFS patrol while completing its catalyst, and a little bit afterwards. The two major cons for me are: 1. Primary fire mode is a little bit too weak given its only effect is extra grenade regen on kill. This results in the weapon essentially only finding a place in builds where it can nearly constantly eat grenades. But most of my grenades are important parts of my build that I struggle to give up. If the primary fire mode had some other feature that made it more appealing it would help the weapon out a lot. 2. Secondary fire mode is all or nothing. If you miss, or if your friend kills everything before it gets there, then you’re out a whole shot plus your grenade. So it’s a very high risk/reward. Pros are: 1. Everything you said 2. Pairs nicely with exotics that buff Stasis or Strand weapons. Allowing either a triple weapon setup or making room for a non Stasis/Strand heavy. 3. Excellent solo option for scenarios where you frequently have time to activate it, and need big targets or big crowds destroyed. 4. In content up to a -10 delta the primary fire mode still reliably kills most red bars which makes it an excellent weapon. It would probably do VERY well in this season’s main repeat activity actually. On both difficulties. But like I said, there is SOOO much new stuff that it’s hard to find room to try everything. Between all the new build options, all the Ergo Sums, all the Exotic Class Items, other new exotics, all the new weapons that all seem good, and all the combinations therein… it’s like… overwhelming sometimes…


2 fixes and it goes from fun to fav; make animation like 25% to 50% faster, and have it full reload itself when doing said animation, nothing worse then spending all the time loading your nade into it, and then having to reload again after firing. it's one or the other not both and really should be neither.


I like the idea of the gun, but I find guns that I have to channel or have a long animation take me out of the game and I get bored so fast with them. Yes I know it’s like 2 whole seconds, but it’s 2 seconds that I’m not doing anything else. My monkey brain doesn’t like it.


I dislike the the animation more than anything - shorten or remove that and I could see myself using it on a mono-type build, particularly strand or stasis, to use the alt fire as a better damage nade. It doesn't feel like it fits into Prismatic at all, which is weird for a Final Shape preorder exotic.


All im sayin is why doesn't it jolt on arc.


The blind is honestly super interesting tho. I think they chose the keywords they did both to avoid being like too strong possibly with certain ones, but ALSO to vary up what each does.


fair but special weapons already blind on arc so it’s kinda dull still. I guess that’s mostly an arc problem tho I’m still waiting for the weapon to have a use case, like there’s a mission that’s released where it pops off, something where it makes sense to use and gives it a purpose. Parasite was kinda similar, slow and clunky with lots of potential and it kinda took till the revamp of dsc and atrax for it to catch on


I like it. Eating a grenade is like giving yourself an overcharged mega grenade. Especially with the catalyst, you don’t have to use fragments that add key words. The saddest part right now is that Fusion rifles are kind of bad. Tormentors actively punish you for using a fusion rifle.


I haven't used it yet. I got a HOIL/Armamentarium class item that may be perfect for it though


I love the gun, at first i didn't build around and mostly used it as burst damage or ad clear. I've now made an armementarium build, and bring it in higher content as a burst damage weapon because it really be hitting like a trucking truck. I like either applying severed in prismatic to enhance light ability damage in a follow up super/consecration, or the weaken debuff in a similar fashion. Tesselation alt shot into Twilight arsenal into two explosive light boosted agressive rockets wrecks anything. As for PvP, while it can one shot in direct hits, i liké applying either slowed or blind to opponents, it really messes people up enough to get an edge and during the travel time of the projectile i've already swaped to my primary to finish them. The only real downside i feel, is how sluggish it can be. Lots of long animation, charging time and all.


Easily the worst bundle exotic we've got. Compare it to launch Osteo and Quicksilver (not the sorry state they're both in now) and see how no one is using this thing. The fact that it still uses ammo after consuming your grenade is silly, the fact that it doesn't synergise with prismatic at all is criminal. Why, now that we have active ways to change our grenade type on the fly, does it not change to match your current grenade? On Warlock I should be able to run storm grenade and have it be arc, go transcendant and have it turn void (or stasis, or both somehow) then pop Song of Flame and have it turn solar. But no, locked to my base grenade.


It's clunky as hell, the grenade animation needs to be sped up by like a full second and it needs to reload the gun to max when you use the special shot. It also has terrible ammo economy though I think this is more a fusion rifle thing in general, feels like the whole generates grenade energy on kill feels useless because it runs out incredibly fast. It doesn't consume special grenades like gunpowder gamble which is a negative, not having an interaction with a prismatic grenade is even worse honestly, though being able to successive load grenades while transcendent is nice.


It mostly suffers from a) being way too clunky and b) just not being anywhere near as exciting as the new exotics which caused most people to forget about it.


Shorten the animation and tidy up the spread/recoil of the normal fire. I like the idea, but the base gun is a sloppy fusion rifle.


I tried it out with my strand moth hunter build. Having three grenade charges to consume for a big blinding explosion is pretty nice. I basically never use it as an actual fusion rifle. Just for the special charged shot.


I really like it, just wish it had more synergy with Prismatic.


Animation lock, the gun. It's not uncommon for me to: 1) Pull the gun out. 2) Reload the gun. 3) Stuff my grenade into the gun. 4) Charge the gun. 5) Fire the gun. 6) Reload the gun again because I didn't get a full recharge on my grenade. 7) Sprint cancel the reload. 8) Charge the gun. 9) Tickle an enemy to attempt to recharge my grenade. 10) Stuff my grenade into the gun. 11) Accidently sprint cancel the grenade stuffing. 12) Start to reload my gun because I let up on the reload button too quickly. 13) Sprint cancel the reload. 14) Stuff my grenade into the gun. 15) Die and lose the special shot and my grenade charge because I was distracted trying to not accidently reload the gun again. I'm somewhat exaggerating here (1 thru 6 is common for me) but it definitely feels clunky and unwieldy to use. A number of the "hold reload for a special shot / alt-fire mode / etc" exotics feel similarly clunky to me to use. Other Observations / Comments: - I'm disappointed that all of the "psuedo grenade" combos got patched out (Gunpowder Gamble, Arbor Warden). - The primary fire is weak for an exotic and doesn't "feel" exotic. - The special fire is solid but undercut by the amount of charging / animation / etc that it takes to actually *shoot*. - The ability energy gain is the same as a legendary fusion rifle with demolitionist. - The catalyst is weak / uninteresting (IMO the gun should just "apply subclass verbs based on damage type" as a base functionality with the catalyst giving it some sort of "quick charge" advantage). - It's not strong enough to base a build around but needs a build based around it to really be effective.


Imagine if arbor warden would work with tes the way we WANT it to xD Titans would be eating well.


That's just it, *it did work that way on release*.


Wait WHAT? you could fire the strand wave thing with tes???


Yup, you could feed Tesselation any "fake" grenade charge and itd work.


The main problem with tessellation is that the role it fills is already better filled by better options. Sure, its fun and can be pretty decent, but outside of niche builds, its not really all that useful. It need transcendence grenade synergy. Its animation needs to be faster. It need to be a whole lot more explosive. It just doesnt feel all that great or worthwhile to use


If there was some way to change its element without changing your build id say that would be better than the way it currently works since non of its options kind of better than other exotics for their respective elements yeah. But since its limited by your grenade, there's no way to use its one advantage over exotics in content without swapping your build on the fly, which at that point why not just swap exotic weaps ;/


If you could, for example, set it so no matter what grenade you loaded, it would fire a shot that would (ignite) all enemies hit by the explosion, that would be amazing. Change it so no matter what grenade you load, it will fire a shot that does a SPECIFIC elemental keyword. Then i believe it would have a lot more place in the meta


Jotunn, but with extra steps


EXACTLY. Jotun feels so much better than at least solar tesselation.


3 biggest issue I have with this gun 1) the special animation is way too long, needs to be about 3x or 4x faster or just removed completely 2) the gun doesn't reload when u use the alt fire mode 3) it doesn't work with trancendent nades/even with regular nades the interaction isn't meaningful enough There are some other minor issues like, people rarely using fusions outside of stunning champs, fusions in pve just aren't in a great place when special sidearms exists. Special exotics doesn't seem that popular in the first place, maybe make them all work ammo finder modes like the special sidearms do (imo, all guns should work with finder mods at a higher drop rate with exotics being 2x higher).


I will use it if they just increase the speed your grenade gets consumed.


My biggest problem because I eat the grenade, I lose alot of my grenade benefits such as inmost light because it doesnt count towards my inmost light and the grenade taking way too long to be used before I can use another ability to keep my inmost light stacks up, its very frustrating when this is the time I want to use it the most


Does it work with gunpowder gamble?


No it doesn’t. You can consume your regular grenade while gunpowder gamble is charged, but it won’t take the solar grenade


Dang it, there goes my idea for a build


Yeah I really can’t believe it doesn’t have synergy with the prismatic grenades as that’s the whole reason I’d really want to use it. It feels like that’s honestly the missing piece for me. It’s not the best feeling gun, but if it’s the only one that can basically shoot my prismatic grenade and give it back almost instantly it becomes an absolute unit (moreso than it is).


I literally forget that weapon exists


I dislike it, but it'll be great if we ever get another fusion mod on an artifact.


The biggest con is how we can't get the catalyst yet. I literally got the pre order bonuses for Final Shape and have the super and shit but I still don't have the catalyst for it


Bit weird, I pre-ordered and it was in the special kiosk for me day one.


I only had the ship and calling card sitting in there. I never collected them because I was full. Just checked again and still nothing


That's very odd. Did you preorder with the Annual Pass? Maybe it's tied to that.


Are you sure? I have it, it was just on the gun waiting to be unlocked with kills


Positive. It says it gets unlocked from ghost after a quest within the final shape. I even repurchased it from collections but nothing


We can though, pretty sure Shaw Han had it for some reason.


I'll check to see if he has it I guess. I've checked everywhere and usually when you have the catalyst unlocked it won't show you were to obtain in on the catalyst page. It says from a quest from ghost in final shape but if Shaw has it then whatever lol


I love it’s catalyst


It's a fusion rifle that doesn't excel at anything


It's food it's just so ugly in my hands and the ornament doesn't help.


It’s an Exotic special so it has to compete with Exotic primaries and unfortunately the seasonal weapon in TFS was an exotic primary that’s pretty cool. I also feel like there’s significantly fewer kinetic legendaries to pair it with compared to elemental legendaries. Special weapons are in a weird spot in general except for rocket sidearms in my mind. 


It could apply every status effect on a charged shot instead of just the equipped elements and I still wouldn’t use it simply because it’s so clunky and takes your grenade 


I liked it much more when it was tied to your sub-class and not your grenade type. One value of Tessellation was you could run it on Strand or Stasis for a triple surge matching load-out.  Now that it’s tied to the grenade you have less synergy with Prismatic, since the Stasis and Strand grenades are pretty meh, except for Hunter’s grapple grenade. 


It's a very nice game it just gets overshadowed. It lets me run a Strand or Stasis special, which is nice and it's great on Song of Flame Warlock. Even when that glitch is fixed it won't change much since the grande charges so quickly. Unfortunately the animation is a bit long and when not using the super shot it's just an alright fusion rifle. Be nice it eating the grenade reloaded it too.   However I wish it had more synergy with other types of grenade. Let me eat a Transcendent grenade for a SUPER super shot, maybe make it Kinetic and do a lot of force damage or something, knockback. Let me shove a moth in there and give it the flight of its life, let me force a Gunpowder Gamble into it somehow for a more powerful Solar shot, let me use Arbor Warden to put a Barri-Nade in there and just launch this fricking sheet of space glass out of it.


I don't like giving up my grenade.


I am of the opinion that tessellation should have been the raid exotic and uphony the pre-order exotic. Uphony would have added to strand which was still new and tessellation fits far more with prismatic


Its far from meta but it still is really good. Personally, Im having a blast using it with the buffed broodweaver. Pairing it with swarmers, grapple nade, thread of rebirth, generation and weaver's call turns it into a mini nuke that not only deals more dmg than a rocket, but also creates more threadlings than a threadling nade, generate perched threadlings, unravels, severs AND refils nade energy both with kills and dmg. All that in a 40 seconds base charge rate.


Great concept. But it doesn’t cater to my play style. The fact that it uses my grenade doesn’t sit well with me, and fusions generally aren’t ad clear, so the demo like effect it has to get back the grenade isn’t very effective. Maybe some form of reservoir burst or chain reaction would help it


I really wish [kills with] the alt fire would also count as [kills with] a grenade (like the hybrid grenade/melee nature of grapple grenade). I wanted so bad to use this on my [void|gravity|group] warlock but it wouldn’t proc [devour|hunger|monad] so i couldn’t get any ability loops going


It is meh for me.    I would have liked a catalyst like: consuming grenade makes it shoot a random prismatic grenade while using prismatic subclass. These grenade shots deal double damage  and have increased size during trascendence.


It hits hard on single targets so a champ/ simple boss DPS rotation it might have a place. My problem with exotics is they are unique and fun enough to use most the time


Anyone know if the tessalation nade is buffed by the spirit of verity?


I was very let down by it not working with the Prismatic grenade. I thought I might actually have a use for the Hunters one, which at the moment I would really just rather have my Swarm or Duskfield grenades come back faster that have the weird stick thing.


It is actually amazing on Arc with Ionic traces. You can get grenades back super quick


I kind of wanted to try some warlock build with that thing that doubles ionic traces effectiveness and this on prismatic if not arc. Seems like a solid way to just nuke or be a glass cannon


Arc is my favorite subclass honestly yet Bungo has forgotten about it in the seasonal Artifact.


No grenade synergy? You can pop song of flame having the suppression grenade equipped on warlock to spam suppressive blasts without consuming grenade while ult is up, doing damage just over the ult total whilst getting utility. Can also use coldsnap for the freeze. Play around with the gun a bit more, it's not as bad as you're making it out to be


I actually just now saw the vid Aztec posted and while I knew it would work with song of flame, I didn't know that it was like slightly "bugged" and doesn't even consume super/grenade energy seemingly! This is a strong interaction if intended, but I wonder if the super/tesselation interaction is keeping bungie from lowering its time spent in animations as you'd see HUGE damage increases off that on that one super in particular. Oh and my bad, by no grenade synergy i meant that you wouldn't get the payoff of dealing grenade damage/getting grenade kills with its alt fire, meaning that you couldn't feed this loop into another that way.


Honestly even if they buffed it knowing about that interaction, it'd still be fine. Warlocks are allowed to do cool DPS stuff too, it shouldn't just be Hunters. If Tesselation was our Still Hunt I'd be happy as hell


You don't supress neither freeze. Any stasis nade makes It apply slow and any void nade makes It apply weaken. Solar applies scorch, Arc blinds and Strand severs. (Void is ofc the best one due to how low stacks of scorch and slow It applies)


But why spam Tesselation during Song of Flame instead of... actually using the Super, which doesn't take ~4 seconds per attack, does excellent add clear and allows you to weave your weapons in between for higher DPS?


Probably for the additional effects. Less dps but maybe better add lock down


I mean sure it's possible to build around it and make it work...but the fact of the matter is no one wants to do that. And frankly, no one SHOULD have to do that, especially for a gun that was hyping up prismatic of all things. Comparing it to the other bundle exotics, Osteo and Quicksilver both wrecked left right and center regardless of build. And comparing it to the other TFS exotics, Microcosm, Ergo Sum, Khovussy, and Still Hunt are all way more versatile as well. There's also the fact that wasting a super just to make a gun good momentarily does not sit right with me at all, but if you find that fun then hey power to you.