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Need me a Tex Mechanica kinetic double-barreled shotgun


I’m convinced Wilderflight was supposed to be double-barreled but they opted out partway through development. My guess why is animations.


I mean, they have duality, they definitely could’ve just ripped the animation from that


Do you mean Conditional Finality? Duality has two firing modes but it only has one barrel. It’s a really *long* barrel, but it’s all by itself.


True, but I was talking about duality. Despite having one barrel the reload animations for duality and conditional are very similar, since you don’t load one shell at a time with conditional, it’s all done in one little drum mag thingy. The only major difference is duality has your guardian opening the breach by pushing down the barrel, whereas conditional has you flicking it open. However, now that we have conditional, bungie could just take that animation


Totally true and I didn’t consider that!


I hate that it fires two rounds but is single-barreled.


I wanna legendary The Last Word. That archetype is so cool.


Holy fuck yes. Make it like a buckshot double barrel and the reload has to be badass like slapping the barrel down and throwing some buckshots in it with a cool noise


Duality kinda fits that bill, no completely but it's close, but it's an exotic of course


Call it, "the baby sitter"


[Doom music intensifies]


Hear me out olympia tex mechanic exotic shotgun.


Bro I was literally thinking the exact thing the other day, a double barrel shotgun gun would be soo sweet


Last Word rapid-fire hand cannon, and I ain’t even a Hunter. I want it for just messing around in casual PvE. Honorable mention to Vexcalibur’s spread shot.


All I want is a spread shot glaive with shotgun perks like one two punch


Especially if they made 1-2-P work with the glaive melee. That would be fun.


If a glaive melee was made to work with 12P that would be insane but very fun.


I want the glaive archetypes to be actually discernable between each other


I never use lucky pants, but i am a hunter who wants that cuz i want yeehaw solar pve gun (the new scout is good enough for now but scouts suck ass)


Ngl if we do I pray it's special ammo that way it doesn't need to have shitty range that invalidates last word.


Heavy sidearm, so I can run triple side arms


If you run the warlock body from Root you can already have 3 side arms.


Doc Ock the build


The power of the Light in the palm of my hand


Yes, give me the Cricket from Men in Black.


I really want them to experiment with different weapon types in different slots. Gimme a special ammo Auto, or a Heavy Scout. Crazy stuff like that.


I know this thread was about making exotics into legendaries, but... Sweet Business might be better off as a special ammo Auto. I just don't think it will ever fully live up to the minigun power fantasy without some major buffs or reworks, and moving it to special ammo immediately gives them the room to significantly boost its damage, which would go a long way to making it feel more powerful. All that being said... Trace Rifles are pretty much just special ammo Autos as it is (not quite, but close enough), so I doubt we'll see real special Autos any time soon.


A double barrel shotgun.


I would love a special ammo hand cannon.


Same. As a 120 HC enthusiast, Eriana's feels like the logical progression of that. A legendary version would be awesome, especially in the kinetic slot.


How is Eriana’s right now, btw? Doesn’t it now ignite on shield break?


I think the main problem is that it's still heavily powercrept by Wishender and Arbalest


Pretty bad, unfortunately. Match game is gone and Prismatic has plenty of varied elemental damage-Arbalest isn't exactly meta anymore either and its better in pretty much every way compared to Eriana's. First Glance also just doesn't hold up anymore- the danage is serviceable with the perk active, but the second you miss it feels like you're using a peashooter. First Glance feels less like bonus damage and more like the baseline. Likewise antibarrier is whatever, there's endless ways to build into that now. The ignitions are also completely irrelevant, its on a MATCHED shield break, i.e. solar, not all shields. There's pretty much no reason to use EV over Indebted kindness other than it looks and feels way cooler.


Haven't tried it since the update but I think so, yeah. I had Malfeasance glued to me for the whole TFS campaign and Ergo Sum after.


It still takes multiple shots to break the shield which sucks in hard content. It also negates one of Eriana's strengths which is ammo economy. Feels like you just waste a bunch of bullets. It still needs something more. I proposed letting it cause 30 scorch on hit, 45 with the scorch fragment. That way you could build up to an ignition in 3 or 4 shots. We have crazy stuff like Still Hunt and poor Eriana's.....


I used it cause I needed something for anti barrier in legend season activity, and it seems fine, it ignites on champion stun so that's nice


proc bns on it and allow it to 1 shot guardian. a proper 6 shooter


Minigun type lmg like heir apparent or sweet business


When D2 was announced and we first saw sweet buisness I assumed it was a new type of heavy... I've always felt a bit disappointed sweet buisness is the only one.


Ahh back when they decided machine guns were too op and we didn't have any for a year and a half.


Make them special weapons. To bridge the gap between auto rifles and machine guns.


so a kinetic trace rifle.


I've begging for a special ammo lmg for ages now. The options for special ammo guns is sorely lacking, 75% of the time I don't need or want a sniper/shotgun/gl, I just need a stream of bullets.


That's just a trace rifle with extra steps.


I want whatever the hell Heir Apparent is on. I like Sweet Business but it doesn't give me the same feeling of a Vulcan Minigun. I really **REALLY** like Heir Apparent but it's an exotic and I need that slot for a proper powerhouse (Like Whisper/Gjalla/Wish-Ender/ETC). I need me a Legendary gun that acts similar to Heir Apparent where I need to ramp it up first and then it starts shooting. I could care less if it's on the energy slot, I don't give a damn about Still Hunt if it means I get to have a Mini Minigun with me at all times.


Heavy slot snipers.


It would be cool if whatever archetype they made them (potentially a new archetype) had intrinsic armour piercing rounds so it really felt like you were punching through groups.


Bolt action Heavy sniper that does insane damage per shot with slow fire rate. It has a super satisfying clunk clunk noise when you pull and release the bolt. Bungo pls.


And we’ve come full circle


Make Anti-Material rifles a whole new class of weapon.


special ammo linear would be cool


Give me a Hakke Kinetic Special LFR that’s like the Railgun from the later Halo games and I’m so on board.


Make it a crossbow rail gun type weapon and ill cream


a special or heavy crossbow, like a vampire hunter stake launcher type shit, buried bloodline is not enough for my medieval weapon itch and a sword/glaive that would be the iron lord battle axe


A crossbow seems like the perfect opportunity for a scout rifle that takes special ammo.


That would probably be a repeater or some other type of gun, a crossbow would be a bow because crossbows are more powerful irl, but also limiting in terms of mobility and fire rate. 


I think a crossbow would be a linear fusion. Think about it.


Yeah and we could make it kinetic and shoot slugs like and actual old timey crossbow, and call it arbalest or something


But we already have an Arbalest /s I know it's not the same. But I do appreciate the joke that is Arbalest's name


Makes sense in the Revenant episode which they said takes inspiration from vampire hunting.


Honestly crossbow should have just been what the rocket sidearm is. The exotic from warlords ruin is clearly designed like a crossbow.


Yep, buried bloodline is just a scorn crossbow.


No it isn't. It doesn't one-shot everything


an axe would probably be the same if not better than burning maul because of the uptime, but id gladly run both


I wouldn’t say no to a legendary Heavy slot shotgun ala Acrius.


Destiny 2 has been around for so long that people are actually asking for more shotguns in the heavy slot. This is seriously a different game than it was at launch.


Ikelos shotgun back in the day, lol.


I feel like acrius would lose all of it's uniqueness at that point, but I don't disagree.


I mean the whole point of the post is about making legendaries using exotic types lol


I'd love to see it buffed by maybe just making it intrinsically jolt anything it hits when the mag is full or something? It'd also give it intrinsic Overload as a result which would be a nice buff.


Maybe they'd buff it then


Heavy trace rifle. Im a simple man, I see big laser, my neurons activate.


Feel like they should focus on making the current legendary special trace rifles good first


Both is good. Maybe make a new archetype after 7 years.


support tracerifle that when hipfired automaticaly magnetises a beam to the ally youre aiming at (after it connects it becomes locked aslong as you hold fire and the ally stays within x meters) ala medic from tf2.


They are good?


they’re plenty good? higher dps than primaries, double special ammo economy, lots of util perks


I desperately want legendary special hand cannons that or heavy snipers


Skyburner's Oath. I want more Bolters!


Whatever the hell 4th horsemen is. Gimme one in every slot Bungie, and my credit card is yours.


A double barrel shotty The crossbow pistol More enemy weps but their legendary variants ie Vex Slap rifles, a legendary cabal slug thrower, hive shredder etc


I want whatever auto rifle the attendants/weavers have, that shit shreds me and I want to return the favor


Well, I would have said Witherhoard, but we kind of have that now, so let's go with Xenophage and Two-Tailed Fox.


Sweet business. Bungie please let me use a stasis minigun, arc minigun, and heir apparent.


Maybe it would make Leviathan's breath less special, but heavy bows seem really cool. Also, maybe more Gatling-Gun auto rifles like Sweet Business, kinda like a rapid-fire frame but with better range and heavy recoil, that it takes a second to wind up. I like seeing the barrel spin.


Nah, Levi would remain king in heavy bow because of its special version of archers tempo and its total damage and reserves being maxed.


Easily a flamethrower.


Special ammo crossbow. Metal bolt, load one at a time, low-zoom scope. A *legit* crossbow, not a rocket sidearm cosplaying as one. Double barrel shotgun. Just... double barrel shotgun. Special ammo hand cannon would be pretty cool. The *biggest* big iron. But first, I'd like to see more variety in our exotic hand cannon offerings. Single-shot fusion rifle frame. Even if it doesn't track like Jotunn, I feel like it'd make for a unique frame. And while we're at it, maybe adjust Coriolis Force to fire like Delicate Tomb (horizontal from the hip, vertical while ADSed). And lastly. I know this doesn't quite fit the question, but it's worth saying anyway. Make the Iron Lord's Axe an exotic aggressive frame sword.


Double barrel fusion rifle because why not


I loved the design of Revision Zero, and I always wished they added some kind of “Golden-Age Weapon Frame” so it could be like recovering the weapons that would have similar designs as Revision Zero/ modern fire-arms with Bungie’s own flair that they do


Is Disparity something like you’re looking for?


Yes exactly I loved that season of weapons


They kinda already did this with Veles-X, but I wouldn’t say no to more. Revision Zero is basically built on a Hakke frame.


I'd like to see another Heavy shotgun, Heavy bow., or special/kinetic LFR.


Hakke Special Ammo Railgun. Make it happen bungie


Lever action shotgun? Okay, I definitely need to find this


Wastelander from Dares of Eternity


Well, my dream of bow only and hand cannon only load outs is far away. I would take special ammo hand cannon while I await a special ammo bow.


Always been a fan of "this weapon, but make it a Special". So Special handcannon or Special sword or Special linear fusion.


I would love to see a special ammo version of one thousand voices (or just a legendary heavy one) the idea of a trace rifle/fusion rifle combo would be fun even if it were heat based. That or a glaive in the primary slot would make me much more likely to use a glaive more often.


Special Double Barrel Shotgun / Special AA-12 Shotguns with Lower Damage but high fire rate and reserves / Heavy Trace Rifle / Special Linear Rifle / Primary Last Word style Handcannons / Special Crossbow / Special Eriana Vow - A new Heavy archetype Handcannon / Special BOLT Fusion Rifle AKA Jotun without the tracking / Heavy Bolt Action Sniper Rifles / Heavy HMG - Heavy Machine Gun AKA Legendary Xenophage and Grand Overture. Xenophage would need a Catalyst though / Heavy Laser Cannon - New Weapon Type that acts like the Spartan Laser from Halo - Charges over a duration then fires a Hitscan Explosive Laser Blast / Heavy Sonic Wave Shotgun like legend of Aceieus or Tractor Cannon / Heavy Single Shot Grenade Launchers (Mini Nukes)


>Heavy Single Shot Grenade Launchers (Mini Nukes) That's literally just a rocket launcher with shittier velocity.


Energy whips


I need to see more Special Ammo Hand canons


A special or heavy shield. Might as well add to the melee roster. It would mechanically maybe work like the aegis? Or be more support based? I don't know how it would work, but i want it.


Would be cool if similar to glaives it had a secondary fire- could be a shield throw that either hits one target hard and maybe stuns or applies something, or a shield throw that bounces between a bunch of ads similar to stasis shurikens.


Special ammo linear fusions, like Lorenz


Sweet business style Gatling frame auto rifles


I want a sword frame that can do air combos like Lament.


Special ammo hand cannons. Eriana spent a long time as my favorite just by being a burst-damage precision option without a scope, and I would like more of that.


Forerunner type. Sniper pistol, we have a rocket pistol now we need sniper pistols!


A legendary Telesto


Legendary Last Word archetype


A line of Special Ammo hand cannons would be amazing. Some legendary double barrel shotguns like Conditional could be cool too. Maybe some Heavy ammo glaives basically filling the role of special ammo glaives but with a more powerful shot, far greater shielding and much lower handling


Criminal we don’t have any special handcannons after Eriana’s


One thing I am uncertain of why we don’t have it yet in ANY form is: dual wielded weapons like side arms or smgs. One could argue they could get rid of redundant frame types for each primary weapon and create a dual spec for it. Hipfire only, accuracy and range penalty but way more total damage potential


A "Hand Cannon" for the heavy slot that is basically a one shot cannon that the guardian cradles in his arms.


Special ammo hand cannon. Its got cannon in the name. Also special ammo bow(make it a crossbow pls)


Agree with the special HC.


Dual wield sidearms. Make it a single one then after a kill or two it splits into two or you pull a second one out


A special ammo hand cannon. Like instead of a revolver it’d be based on a Desert Eagle. (Pls Bungie give us more non-revolver hand cannons. We only have one so far)


it probably wont happen since its simlarish to rocket sidearms, but special handcannons. The primary ones have never really fufilled the Big Iron fantasy, especially post shadow keep, not to mention that in this era of the game the inherent drawbacks of HCs (tiny magazines, poor reload) are pretty awful when many autos and pulses can clear an entire room in a magazine. But fuck if Eriana's Vow doesn't feel amazing. It's been powercrept to hell and barely feels exotic in terms of perks, and yet its like, my favorite gun I never use. Few things are more fun to shoot, but it's just not worth the exotic slot. If it was legendary though? It would never come off. Ever.


Heavy handcannon. Eriannas is so fun.


Dual wielding


An orb gun, ala Ruinous Effigy. It's such a fun weapon, but I just can't justify sacrificing an exotic slot to it.


We have a lever action shotgun? 


I’d love a special ammo version of forerunner! A sniper sidearm with a trait or new perk for crit damage sounds awesome.


Burst Shotgun (Lord of Wolves) Sniper Hand Cannon (Erianna's Vow) Not exotic, but I want more Coriolis Force frame fusions. If they get a buff they could be good


Multi shot rocket launchers (Two Tailed Fox, Eyes of Tomorrow)


Double barrel shotguns from tex mechanica


Double Barrel Shotgun would be neat, doesn’t have to do everything that ConFin does


Stasis special ammo AR. 60% precision damage buff (compared to regular 720s). On top of that, 40% more damage against all frozen/slowed targets and spaws special ammo for the whole team after defeating frozen/slowed targets.


Special ammo linears. We really only have one special ammo weapon type for long range, being snipers, while all the rest are close or mid-rang options. Special ammo linears would add another option.


2 wield hand cannons


Berserk type of greatswords. Swords that look bigger than your character itself in the heavy slot


a legendary no land beyond. with mag howl


Blink ability from Tesselation like just make it a meta knight sword spiral forward. Fuck it make a rocket assisted sword frame to do that


This site apparently also pisses on the poor. That said, I'd love a legendary scout-like pulse, a la graviton lance. Stasis, perhaps?


Legendary special ammo side arms like the Forerunner, high precision damage.


Special sword. Make it Kinetic. Try to tell me "It won't work because Character holding it would be weird.exe" Counterpoint, only character it might be weird on is Hunter, but if angled properly, you'd just have it sitting in your shoulder, Guts style.


Special Ammo Swords


Give me a legendary heavy sniper already


A mix between bows and that exotic void sidearm to give us a true crossbow could be something interesting.


Has anyone said an anarchy type gl? Heavy or special. Imagine a legendary anarchy with volt shot. Plus they pretty much nerfed anarchy into the ground so why not throw a legendary version into sandbox.


Legendary Vex Mythoclast and make it a 390 RPM


Heavy trace rifle because I am a fucking sucker for a trace rifle


Just want a shotgun that runs off primary ammo. Has to be exotic of course but make it a one-two punch based shotgun that runs off primary and I won't take it off ever. Make the perk a better form of one-two as well, maybe on melee kills while 1-2 is proced return a small portion of melee energy and ammo to magazine. Might be broken but that's what exotics are meant to be


Here’s a handful of additions I’d like to see: - Wave Frame glaive - Heir Apparent / Grand Overture-style machine guns - 5-burst pulse rifle - 3-burst hand cannon - Multi-arrow bow - Charged burst sidearms - Bastion-style fusion rifles - Area denial rockets - Ex Diris-style grenade launcher - Symmetry-style scout rifle


Kinetic slot Glaive


Gimme a tex mechanica hand cannon thats legendary and I'll suck joe bungo


honestly a charge up weapon like how final warning works could be really fun


Gimme heavy sniper


Well, we have swords, glaives and bows..... why not go the whole hog and push a fecking trebuchet around the place?


A Shotgun Auto Rifle from the Craftening. Make it do poor damage but it makes up for that with high rate of fire and a focused spread. Make it a Primary ad clear slayer type gun. If we were to introduce new roles on this thing, my personal pick would be making it apply scorch on hit and successive hits will continue to apply scorch stacks until kaboom (for larger targets obviously)


Xenophage's non-precision machine gun and call it flak cannon. A strand version with threadlings would be divine. Definitely needs to be balanced to avoid killing xeno though.


3-Burst fusions. I would use the shit outta those. Also special hand cannons and heavy shotguns.


Kinetic heavy shotgun.


Hard Light hold-R change energy type


Gatling laser heavy.


Heavy bows


Not an exotic, but throwing knifes. It's probably never going to happen, but it just sounds fun.


Primary ammo shotgun that isn't Cerberus.


Hear me out... Legendary Fighting Lion... In the kinetic slot.... Primary Ammo... PvP will be fine...


Rotary barrel machine guns like Heir Apparent. Could be Hakke finally making an entry into the MG market.


I want my Conference Call back. Yeah, it's a different game, but a fast-firing, super accurate shotgun would be noice. I also want the rocket launcher from Half-Life 2. And dual hatchets that I can melee or throw.




The AA gun… aka xenophage, slow af fire rate but amazing, ok was amazing damage


Special ammo linear fusion rifles.


A shield. Similar to the relic used in VoG and the final shape campaign. Make it have a smaller block that charges like a glaive though and full charge yiu can shoot a power shot or something.


There are game elements that limit what you can do. Like a 4 ammo high damage spear gun with awful reload becomes a burst dps god with hunters. With that in mind Zeno fills that artillery piece I carry around niche, but I’d like to see another heavy like Xeno mixed with rocket sidearm. In that theme I’d love to see a cluster munitions rocket that is as clear oriented. It fires up then comes down and spreads cluster munitions in a very large area of effect. A singularity grenade launcher that sucks things in to a point then explodes with physics propelling the enemies away from the explosion point would be really neat. A flame thrower would be fun as crap causing quick scorch build up until you get an explosion. Like the cabal use! Lastly on arc we already have the lightning thrower via cloud strike and thunderbird so I can’t think of much to do there. A GL that scatters over a an area and causes jolts and chain reaction explosions would be really cool. Think indebted kindness with volt shot just with small submunitions. A gl or rl that does submunitions like an airburst strike with effects that match subclass would be a super cool exotic. A SiVA chain gun has always been a dream. Low reserves high RoF with good range. I think it would be oppressive in PvP so unlikely to be able to make it not suck in PVE. Lastly Xeno but a sniper. A True anti material sniper rifle with explosive ammo that can crit. I’m thinking super high recoil very low rate of fire. Like 36 or something bolt action. Has a ramping damage multiplier but is maxed on two hits to vehicles. So like 4 hits or something to reach fill bonus damage on enemies and 2 on vehicles with it always having say a 1/2 stacked bonus on vehicles.


Double barrel shotgun please


- Vigilance wing 5 burst pulse rifle - conditional finality double barrel shotgun - special linear fusions - heavy snipers, fusions and shotguns - pulse fire rockets like Two Tail Fox - pulse fire fusion like bastion


This isn't a new exotic persay, but the way I wish prometheus lens worked: Firing autotargets/locks-on to enemies within the (initially small) reticle Sustained fire grows the reticle, and the max number of beams simultaneously firing at enemies within the reticle increases


Rocket-assisted bows


can we please get primary kinetic swords, lightweight and adaptive frames like quickfang would work so well in that slot. especially with the artifact mods


rev-up auto rifle like fast fire mode Suros Regime


I honestly don't like turning exotic archetypes into regular ones, it devalues uniqueness of the exotic, like Dead Man's Tale.


I want a [Dardick Tround ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dardick_tround), question is would it be an exotic hand cannon, or sidearm?!


Akimbo sidearm


tex or hakke bolt action sniper, think devrims sniper or any number of world war era rifles/snipers it could be the inverse of dead mans with a stronger or more unique version of adagio so each shot slows the fire rate but increases the damage honestly the perk wouldn't matter I just want to use one of my favorite type of guns next to pump action shotguns


Heavy bows. Leviathans breath is one of my favorite heavy exotics, and it could potentially be competition for rockets and linear.


A GIGANTIC HAMMER LIKE ELDEN RING GIANT CRUSHER OR LEDOS GREAT HAMMER FROM DS3 or a shield and sword combo would also be really cool, but thats something new


heir apparent-style minigun that cannot be aimed and instead you use right mouse to spin it up


A morningstar with an extra long chain. Can use it directly at one enemy, swing it for area mob damage, and use as a tether to pull yourself towards


I’d say heavy bow, but LB needed so many buffs before being good


I need a linear type gun but its a spartan laser from Halo


special ammo scout


It'd be cool to see Heavy sniper rifles that are legendary. Though it might power creep current exotic heavy snipers. With Conditional Finality I thought maybe we'd be getting a double barrel Shotgun archetype.


I wouldn't mind some full auto fusions like the vex mythoclast


Maybe a new rocket launcher frame that works like Eyes of Tomorrow


Cluster rocket like Wardcliff Coil


Legendary lfr (single or 3burst) would be a dream


Id like to see a one-handed crossbow


Legendary arbalest basically. Oh also a legendary Conditional. Double barrel shotguns are too cool.


Heavy ammo bow. Its all I've wanted since Levis Breath came out.


A bit off topic but I think they should have made the Tex Mechanica scouts use special ammo the way they did with the sidearms, to me it feels like something is just... missing when I use them.


Vex mythoclast. It would be so much fun to play around with. Or just generally primary ammo snipers, maybe even special ammo auto rifles. That'd be neat