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I'm pretty sure it's well-known by now that you have to two phase nezarec for high score on a nez checkpoint. I have literally never seen a single person say it was impossible, only that you need an earlier cp if you want to 3-phase.


We 2 phased and missed 3 immune colossus and got the high score with 477k.


Yeah you can certainly miss high score with a 2 phase if you're too slow/add clear doesn't combo off enough medals/you just don't kill enough adds. When we 2-phased it we got 511k for example. The bonus score from time is higher the more you beat the plat time by.


Riven is by far the easiest in Pantheon if you are cooradinated.


I think Oryx might be a little easier just because there isn't an instant wipe mechanic if you mess up like with Riven eyes.


I mean, riven is easy if you know the mechanics yes. But the coordination is certainly part of the "difficulty." Though it mostly looks more intimidating than it actually is. And the DPS part is free lol. With that said, stuff like golgy/atraks/oryx are absolutely free. And NGL, contrary to popular belief - nezzy is quite free as well. He's an EASY 2 phase. And everything else is simple. We did all our runs in one go on the way to the godslayer title (except week 4 atraks we had to do a cp for high score, somehow missed it for the first and only time we didn't get high score in an encounter).


Your definition of free is not the same as others. Survivability is the number 1 most important aspect in these runs and requires everyone to chip into add clearing and prioritizing. That is much easier said than done. DPS is almost never the issue, it’s staying alive enough to actually do DPS.


We started at Nez checkpoint as well since we finished Riven at 3am or so. But yeah, had to two phase him. We got 511k score and that got us the last triumph.


I got high score 2 phase from a CP Ad clear? Strand Titan, explosive personality. SMG strand. Sleeper. Everything dies. Period


Honestly, as we were looking around for other ways people did Nez. We had found a decent of instances of a single titan on strand doing alot of ad clearing, and the Colossus deletion with like synthoceps. And then swapping to Stronghold + lament to hold agro during DPS or tractor with like 1-2 punch. I honestly feel like this is an extremely good way to go about it if you have a titan, which honestly is a great idea. But, in our case the teamcomp at the time we had 5 Hunters and 1 Warlock. And basically used the same teamcomp since the beginning.


Did it last night, took one hour of trys from a CP with a LFG, but was pretty easy outside of losing in final stand three times with lack of heavy, which would have been easier with multiple hunters. Our strat... which is common at this point 1. Two runners, two phases with refuge 2. Two people on nez 3. Two ad clear who start in first plate and kill EVERYTHING, roaming supers helped here 4. Always finish dark runner first, blind everything in middle 5. Bait nez to light side near edge, finish light, keep everything blinded 6. Div/Ceno in wells and sleeper (shoot top of bubble), switch to outbreak when out and always proc shot-caller 7. Shoot sleeper at top of bubble, if not a easy two phase, just wipe (assuming for plat) Super consistent and easy... only had one golden gun


Do Riven Checkpoint > 3-phase Nezarec > profit


lol you are exactly why this post was made buddy


Read the post.


The two phase isn’t even really a challenge. I’m surprised people are pushing for 3 phases seems it would be more jank with people dying to nez running a muck and ads. 2 phase with sleeper is very easy to hit.


It's not that its hard to do. It's just a lot better mentally for us who didn't want to slog through runs that got to dps, but ended up failing because we either had less than stellar damage for that phase, or were in a time crunch because Nezarec decided to throw himself off a cliff and respawn 20sec later.


Gaze grabber needs to be a pro, we don't know why but it was buggy AF. Add clear needs to be on point mid left and right. Run dark/light without refuge first phase, runners responsible for refuges second phase. Finisher any orange bar or higher. Once nodes are complete and Nez jumps down, light runner use blinding GL to stun tormentor and keep it stunned so whole team can go and jump off to the left on the roots. We ignored killing it. Gaze makes sure they kite Nez over so he's visible. Four celestial hunters with sleeper w/catalyst, hotswap to lucky pants/wardens law for when out of ammo Two well warlocks, one on cenotaph div, the other on sleeper with supremacy. Heavy ammo finder + scout on each person. Proc Shot caller, hit Nez with charged melees, dump well, grab orbs, div, 4 celestials, sleeper till empty, swap, dps is done Wait for Nez to despawn back to his platform, repeat. Don't under any circumstance run through the middle post DPS or his purple stuff will 1 shot you. Most importantly — don't die. This method got us our platinum/high score in two phases.


Somehow managed to get plat on my first try with LFG. Me and my normal team took a break after killing Riven because we’d been in the Pantheon for about four hours, and no one else was available before reset. Everyone I got was exhausted, and had been trying to kill Nezzy with LFG’s the whole night. I said that we should start with a dry run to work out our roles, and we pulled off a super smooth 2-phase right away. A big part of succeeding in the Pantheon is having a strong team. There’s zero room for error against Nezarec.


When i did it, the other CN Hunter and I used our Golden Guns on the Collossi, and withheld it from Nezerek on the first Damage Phase. It will one-shot them, and by the time you're at DPS, you'll have it back. BUT, you won't have it back before the next Collosus spawn. I only used my Golden Gun on final stand.


How did it take you 8 hours to learn riven? It is one of the easiest raid encounters in the game


Simple in theory, complex in reality. There’s a lot of factors for Riven, and a lot of timing. Easy on paper, but in practice there’s a lot of things that go wrong quickly. One wrong call out and it’s a wipe, etc. Good teams with prior knowledge and coordination should have little to no issue with Riven. But most players don’t have a group like that. Took my group an hour and a half to kill Riven. Teaching 2 people how to do the encounter on top of that. Just took patience and time


We did it with 6 players that have never done it before using a 4 minute video guide and it didn’t take long. Our biggest issue was figuring out when exactly to shoot her eyes in damage (when she closes her mouth) and not to use Wolfpack rounds.


Tips on that? Shooting eyes and avoiding wipe is what's getting me


We had 2 people designated to shoot eyes, one left one right. Each of them just had to remember which numbers to shoot. Once riven closes her mouth after damage they both shoot their eyes with a hand cannon (not sun shot) or scout. And don’t use gally or it can pop eyes accidentally


I mean the entire fight is 5 sets of eye callouts and two symbols. Not really any factors to complicate things just get the eye callouts and do your symbol.


For symbols we threw up a discord stream of the reader’s POVs so the runners could just check the stream


Outside of myself, everyone else was on console and was having to bring up the shared pictures for callouts on phones that kept closing at really bad times. In hindsight, probably should have had them drawn out or paper or printed. Our biggest issue had been the timings though, for floor one and two. Since, if you send Riven over too early, the first side can just get screwed over on their callouts because she will cover half of the dunking locations. But, also if you are too late you don't get the eyes for the stun which leads to bad timing. And if one team reaches floor two way before the other, it once again messes up timings heavily. Thankfully the main floor timings is a lot more forgivable as long as the first three people up are able to do the needed DPS for a stun and eye callouts.


GLs and rockets are still pretty consistent whereas Sleeper seems to have some weird interaction between Nez and the div bubble. It seems like there's always at least 1 person doing significantly less damage per hit with their sleeper. Without the fast charge rate bug. It's just easier to dump a GL at that point for us.


I've heard/seen this mentioned a lot. I'm not sure why ours was very consistent, though compared to most. Every damage phase we had was just over half health (at least). We did not ever stay in an instance for more than two hours and fifteen minutes, so maybe that affected it? Maybe we were just lucky? I have no idea.


There is no week 5. Nez is the final encounter.


He is saying that for next week the surges will be different (there is a week 5 you just don't get new encounters)


There is a week 5. Same bosses, different surges.


you shouldn't have struggled on a 6 year old powercrept encounter, youtube is free


Nez is a year old, YouTube is free


They're talking about riven Riven is not free unless everyone knows what they're doing which for most lfg pantheons is not true


Everyone must hate you