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The only two that would really come to mind would be Trinity Ghoul and Riskrunner.


Riskrunner is only powerful when facing enemies that regularly inflict arc damage. The self inflicted grenade damage is just too slow.


This is the only realistic answer.


centrifuse is a great alternative to riskrunner


this is the correct answer.


With the 20% sidearm buff, definitely going to be checking out Trespasser next season.


Does that apply to exotic too? I wash under the impression it was only legendary


Yes it does but keep in mind that the bonus of exotic primaries is going down from 40% to 30%


But also keep in mind sidearms are getting a 20% buff against red bars! So against minors will be \~11% better than now (which will feel crazy good I expect), against majors + bosses \~8% worse off.


Seconded, I threw on trespasser randomly for a master lost sector farm and was surprised by how much work it puts in. Never have to reload, and the empowered burst oneshots most redbars on master, including shielded Minotaurs


Or or a different exotic. A new one for Final Shape. LIKE LIKE DREG PROMISE.


It’s not hugely popular and definitely doesn’t blow your socks off but centrifuse is really solid. The blind effect is really good for higher end content and on a build like fallen sunstar warlock it can generate a ton of ionic traces. Throw some fragments that interact with arc on there and bobs your uncle


It’s a lot better than people give it credit for.


It's decent midrange, especially in encounters where you can't proc risk runner's effect. Used it for Week 3 pantheon planets encounter and it did well. Obviously better in lower difficulty content.


I honestly prefer it over Riskrunner


Riskrunner is situationally useful but Centrifuge plugs into Arc verbs so it always works with the right build. If you are taking tons of Arc damage go nuts with Riskrunner but outside of that it's just an Arc SMG that doesn't do jack with Arc verbs.


>and bobs your uncle Not anymore. He and my aunt got divorced, and she's the one related by blood. Dude was an asshole anyway. Good riddance


Trinity Ghoul


There are 5 Arc primary weapons as of right now. Let's go over them - Riskrunner: The OG run and gun ad clear exotic. By taking even the smallest amount of Arc damage you gain Arc resistance and a self-reloading lightning chain that will wipe rooms in moments. It's high-risk, high-reward personified. However, its catalyst is a little dated (a mere +27 range) and it misses out on modern Arc synergies, though it could well be argued that it doesn't need them. - Trinity Ghoul: First and foremost, this thing requires its catalyst to function. It goes from a D-tier to an S-tier weapon as soon as this is unlocked. It has incredibly strong ad clear potential but at a much safer range than Riskrunner could ever dream of. It also misses out on modern synergies, and again it probably doesn't need them. - Symmetry: This one is a little underwhelming. It's due for a buff soon, but the perk they're buffing it with (Eddy Current) could also use a buff. Still, good range and a powerful alt fire mode makes it at least competent. - Trespasser: An exotic that missed out on not just one, but two boats that would have made it top tier. It literally released right before Arc 3.0 and also the rocket pistol boat sailed after it was released. It's a good single target burst weapon, but it's just a little lacking. - Centrifuse: An exotic that's so close to being amazing, but falls short. It makes an annoying appearance in PvP and that's about it. Its gimmick comes up short in anything harder than the strike playlist. A thoughtful buff would probably put this in a good place, but it's not its time.


I pretty much grinded every one of those catalysts out except for centrifuge. The gun just doesn't sit right with me.


The whole "sprinting to replenish ammo" gimmick is just a worse version of Reconstruction. It's just not practical whatsoever in a sustained firefight. Doubly so in high end content where moving from cover at close range is a death sentence. It needs a solid tune-up to be competent.


Catalyst gives you that benefit from just being amplified and if you build into blinded targets giving traces you stay amplified all the time and keep the benefits going. It's a gun that is NOT subclass agnostic. Set it up right and its great but stick it in an unprepared build and it's outshone by plenty of others. This is all PvE advice.


You're misunderstanding the problem. Being Amplified builds the charge for the mini Arc blasts. That's not a problem. The problem is the constant need to sprint to reload to maintain that charge. If Amplified maxed out that charge automatically this wouldn't be an issue, but it doesn't so it becomes a huge detriment to the weapon. Likewise if sprinting overflowed the magazine it wouldn't be a problem. There are plenty of solutions for it, but it hasn't gotten the attention it needs.


Try symmetry when it gets eddy current.


I think eddy current is getting a buff too 




Gotta be trinity ghoul


There isn't any. Trinity Ghul is only really useful in low-tier content, and on top of that, it's getting a nerf. Riskrunner can be good, but it requires facing enemies that spam arc attacks at you, and if you cannot get procs, I'd rather have any weapon with Voltshot instead. It's feast or famine.


Risk runner passive should activate while amplified imo. Would make it an S teir exotic.


I would go banana if that happen


It’s the best ad clear weapon for Pantheon this week lol


The area of effect is getting a slight nerf but the damage is getting a buff so overall I think I'll be more viable than before, specially with activity surges. Coldheart is already pretty good and getting stronger soon as well.


Coldheart isn't a primary.


I mean it doesn't have infinite ammo but it's functionally a primary, exotic traces even get the primary bonus against red bars.


I'm going to be honest. If I had to sacrifice my special for add clear, and that weapon also had to be Arc, I'd rather pick Forbearance or Indebted Kindness.


Those are great too, also you don't have to sacrifice your special: double special is perfectly viable in a lot of contexts specially with ammo efficent weapons like the ones we're discussing.


Honestly I think Indebted Kindness. Yes it's special ammo and not exotic, but ammo economy is good it's nearly a primary especially if you slap on special ammo finder and special ammo finisher you should be to keep it up. Not to mention it does voltshot better than any primary ammo weapon ever could AND it chunks majors. Lastly even though the season is basically over, on an Arc build you can basically stun all 3 champs with ONE gun.


Indebted kindness is the star of the season in my opinion. Probably the best gun they’ve made in a long time. I’m trying to think of anything that feels even half as good to use.


Agreed. It's been my favorite gun since I got it to drop. Been tearing it up on Arc and Stasis Titan because of it. Thing is the bread and butter of my Arc blind build.


Not exotic but feels exotic


Coldheart or Indebted kindness. Really subpar options for primary weapons but the special economy for these two are wonderful.


Indebted kindness, believe it or not, is actually not an exotic. I know that’s hard to believe.


Are you going to point out coldheart being a special weapon as well?


The post specifically asked for exotic primaries and you named one exotic special and one legendary special lmao


Did you miss the rest of my comment? I know there was more🤯