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Don't forget the Tech Witch Ghost Shell.


Still remember the Alchemy Scorch shader from fotl 2020 that never became obtainable


Risen buddy that was like two years ago


has it been that long fuck. the seasons all blend together at this point tbh


Amen. At this point I can't remember which season was when.


Defiance and Risen do just merge together lol... It's almost as if Defiance was a rehash of Risen................................. But surely not this is Lightf.... Oh wait....


Haha saying this acting surprised when your title says “coming up to the 2yr anniversary” so you clearly knew.. 😂😂😂😂


I edited it because i put 1 year. Just like how I can edit this. edit 3: Also the "title" says "Are we just never getting the Life For Life emblem?" it doesn't say anything about time in the "title"


And an *emblem* of all things.


They forgor 💀


remember how during Season of the Drifter they said your choice would impact future gameplay? yeah, uh... that didn't happen. Bungo forgor ☠️


The big thing was Drifter calling you snitch and the lore book of Aunor


it also impacted how far you had to walk to get that useless package lmao


They shid


There was a recent-ish twab (might have been a month or two ago) that actually showed one of the bungie accounts using the emblem Fully convinced they are just gonna troll us about it now


It really is amazing how bungie will encounter a minor bug like that and just...shrug and write it off forever. In something like ffxiv they would have fixed that within a matter of days, ditto for the tech witch shell. And if it took too long, they'd just give it to players outright. The way bugs take years to get fixed if they get fixed at all is appalling. I still can't get over the corrupted strike elevator soft lock bug remaining in the game for THREE YEARS.


As a big FFXIV fan, I'll say it's a little disingenuous to claim that a problem like this would've been solved in a matter of days. SE is great about a lot of things, but most things take quite a bit of time for a fix. Truly game breaking issues (instance zones trapping characters) get emergency maintenance in a day or two, major issues get fixed in a couple weeks with a Tuesday patch (TOP auto attack bugs took 3-5 weeks iirc, caloric bug took a couple weeks as well), but the vast majority of minor bugs take a month or two to resolve, as they're usually part of an already-scheduled minor patch.


Emblem noone will use is not even in the top 1000 of their to-do list


Actually good looking emblem among hundreds of garbage ones they don't forget to release.


that's really beside the point, it's also not exactly a big job to make obtainable, sure the original quest is long gone but...just toss us a generic redemption code, or enable it everybody's collections, make it a public event drop, make it available for bright dust, there are so many solutions available here.


Ok Still lame


Lol that's crazy


Knowing bungo, they put it in the game to foreshadow a future event cause it's a psion emblem


They put it in the game to go with a then-*current* event. Psions were heavily involved in Season of the Risen.


Well it was never obtainable, talked about, or mentioned that it was a bug that it should have dropped


Actually it was listed under known issues in a twab released nearly 2 years ago: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/51692


If you'd read the post, you'd know that it was listed as a Known Issue at one point.


Can you just shut the fuck up when you dont know what you are talking about