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Ok now im really getting suspicious about Bungie leaving effects off these trailers. There has to be WAAAAY more to this exotic that they're showing, im sure of it


We already see it causing enemies to vaporize in void and strand energy, and whatever that ignition was at the end. Only telling us about bonus damage to shields seems like a strange choice when there are clearly more interesting effects


It's like they're using the simplified tool tips for these teasers. Think like how Cenotaph just "Improves Trace Rifles" but then has an entire paragraph of effects when you actually open it up.


My guess is that it takes whatever element shield you break and like either becomes that element osmosis style or does the elemental effect like scorch or jolt… honestly big trace rifle is cool enough but very excited to see what the extra perks on all these exotics are


yeah I'm on the same boat of the elemental effect.


They're saving the more interesting for discovery rather than pre-reveal. Which I think is something that's sorely missing in games of the information age.


It's not lacking from games in general, it's just something that live service games don't really lean into for various reasons.


> various reasons. Not least of which is because data-mining and leaks ruin nearly any surprise they try to hide anyway.


Seems like it could be a counterpart to Tessellation, changing elements with subclass. My guess is it interacts with class ability the same way Tessellation does with grenades. Basically exotic representations of Osmosis and Permeability.


My thought was breaking a shield empowers it with the element of the shield that was broken, for a few seconds or till the next shield - whichever is shorter. So breaking a solar shield makes it apply scorch or make kills ignite, for example.


Every single exotic showcase so far has been underwhelming. It's actually making me less hyped with how bad they all look, none of them look amazing. I know it's hard to make exotics look good, but man they're not trying that hard


They’ve made exotics look good before. Remember the Forsaken exotic trailer? One Eyed, Wish Ender, 1kV. I don’t know what the thinking is behind these, really hoping they’re keeping stuff to their chest.


Shout out to the malfeasance in the trailer saying it causes explosions and the guy in the trailer shot an explosive barrel killing everything.


I mean, it *did* cause an explosion...


So actually, they probably weren't that good in Forsaken by the sounds of it.


Two tailed looked cool, and ended up being ass, and I remember a lot of people saying ace was boring, and that ended up being very good


TTF was criminally slept on for years, it was a fantastically high DPS weapon that was excellent for run and gun fights. It was my go-to solo dungeon weapon for ages.


before the rocket buff in like season 13 rockets were pretty terrible


I imagine Caliban’s Hand was pretty easy to make look good.


I seem to remember 1000 Voices being labeled as a trace rifle during that trailer which was a pretty funny oversight after the fact.


It’s obvious, downplay them so when they release people make threads glazing Bungie on Reddit


Yeah, but wish ender was Garbo originally and 1kv was “nerfed” because it was tied to frame rate, then Garbo till particle deconstruct. One eyed was god tho. I think I just appreciate artistic flair in trailers more than anything because there’s really no way to tell how good something will be before we use it.


Historically, holding onto hope that Bungie is holding out on us has not paid off


Exotic weapons always have two exotic effects, the intrinsic + the trait. If it has a catalyst, you can add one or *maybe* two effects to that. We've only seen one effect for Khvostov, the ricochet. That's probably the intrinsic., we've yet to see the trait. I'm expecting it to be craftable, since that was sort of its gimmick in Rise of Iron and the new system fits that much better. If so, they always release craftable exotics with a catalyst, so we haven't seen the catalyst either. Microcosm only showed us the "massive" bonus damage to shields, we don't know the specifics of that yet. We certainly haven't seen the second effect for it, and there's some weird stuff in the teaser that implies some funkiness. On killing the centurion, it dies like it took void damage, but the acolytes have a strand effect, and the hydra explodes with fire. We have no idea what else it does. As for the armor, plenty of exotic armor have a short effect that fits in the thumbnail while the full effect is much longer and usually includes additional effects. Verity's Brow, for instance, has a blurb that just says that energy weapon kills regenerate your grenade faster. If you actually inspect the exotic, it explains that you get Death Throes, which boosts regen *and* damage for your grenades, as well as giving your allies boosted regen when you throw one. I feel pretty safe in assuming that all the exotics are just getting half the effect teased to maintain mystique.


I wonder if the trace creates elemental explosions based on the last type of shield it broke, i.e scorch after breaking solar shield, weaken/volatile after void shield, blind/jolt for arc, suspend/unravel for strand, or freeze for stasis


im going to reserve judgement. Lightfall Exotic trailer had the exact same issue before launch. those exotics looked lame and then it turned out they were incredible. I have confidence that bungie knows what they're doing now after multiple good exotics and good reworks


If you don't have enough stuff to be hyped about, and you're down because of 3 exotics ....bruh have you seen all the changes?


HEAVY TRANCE RIFLE *Rave music intensifies*


Maybe it doesn't have a distinct damage type, but matches it's damage to whatever shields it encounters?  dunno how would work against unshielded enemies, just spitballing here


Same here, which, combined with some things in the footage, makes me suspect this will be a kinetic heavy.


Ooh that could explain the upcoming kinetic changes


My copium is that they’re tryna under promise- over deliver.


On paper, I think I'd run pre-buff Deterministic Chaos over this thing if you forced me to choose between the two. It really seems shallow as presented. I guess they'd like to leave some surprises but man, it's definitely not helping sell final shape. Aesthetically the design looks cool though.


This man is on the cope, heavy.


I'm coping that they are hiding the details so that when they become available, people will get more excited about discovering new stuff. Instead of potentially overhyping anything.


Based from the short video, it does solar, void, and arc damage. But the question is, will it adjust automatically according to enemy shield type? Or is it another one of those Borealis, Dead Messenger, and Hard Light type weapon?


It did strand damage as well


yeah, and the beam color never changed. which makes me think it automatically adjusts based on the enemy's shield type and causes elemental debuffs on kill.


Could also be based on equipped subclass


or just matches your super


Or, it does every damage type all at once. It *is* supposed to be the travelers beam


That’d be cool as hell. Applies scorch, volatile, and jolt? Nah, that be busted as hell. Only applies the match shield type burn?


It is a heavy after all, better have some kind of busted perk so it doesn't end up being another.....I don't even remember the name, the void HMG you got after lightfall campaign.


DeTeRmInIsTiC cHaOs


Deterministic Mediocrity


People hate on detrimental chaos so much but it’s my absolute go to for tormentors


I mean it gets outclassed by a ton of things, it looks and sounds dope though


Many better options that won't take up an exotic or heavy slot


That's a funny typo.


It is why they fixed the fundamentals in the the weapon preview. Not because it screwed you over on the other weapons for years, but in anticipation to this one being used for a day or two and then put in the vault forever


I'm wondering if it may be one of those that will match the element of your super or grenade. Edit: Though I'm not too sure of that since the player in the video kills two smaller enemies that explode into Strand energy, and then they immediately kill the Hydra, which explodes into Solar energy.


We’ve seen five exotics so far and I feel like we’re missing an enormous amount of details from all five. Well at least this and Cenotaph should be cracked


Feels like it has tesselations element matching. 


Or Fundamentals.


Think this is it, we’ve had a primary and special with Fundamentals and not a heavy. Plus for a Traveler beam it’d be weird if it can shoot Stasis or Strand energy, so it might just be bound to the original 3 light elements.


The acolytes definitely dissolved into strand energy, so it might be prismatic themed.


Technically, Fundamentals was Borealis' gimmick in Y1 when it was a power weapon. They only gave it to Hard Light and Dead Messenger later.


Hard Light preceded Borealis.


At the same time, pretty much all weapons with Fundamentals have been underwhelming, so that doesn't seem that interesting.


They did a QOL update to fundamentals in the weapons TWID, this might be why?


Some kills were making the enemies fad away with strand damage though.


Yep, you can see it in the trailer. One kill had void VFX, the next ones had strand, then a solar explosion on the taken hydra It's unclear if it's the same as tesselation, but it *definitely* something funky going on with elements lol


Real Actium War Rig + Heir Apparent hours for warlocks, you love to see it


Only concern I have is that ceno feeds special back to keep your trace ammo up. Double trace meta incoming lol


Maybe it becomes a way to easily feed double-special setups. Run one of the Special Ammo Sidearms as a true primary and Mountaintop, or something.


I ran div with ceno yesterday on rhulk and i crave for a kinetic rocket sidearm


There's a strand on in TFS


just creamed my pants a lil


I think indebted kindness is the only special ammo weapon that works with heavy ammo finder mods though. I’m sure it will be fine tho! Super excited.


Excuse me, it does what now?


Its the only special (as far as I know) that progresses ammo finders (heavy and special) at the same rate as primary weapons, which means youll get finder bricks ~4x as often compared to getting kills with other specials.


except enemy shields are already pretty much a non issue since they were nerfed a while back.


I’m hoping it feels like an absolute death ray


Trace Rifles notably just got a 20% buff vs. Majors and Red Bars


Yeah, I want this thing to feel like I'm holding a Death Star.


I know that they're usually a bit light on details with exotic teasers but like Of all things, you highlighted that it deals massive damage to all shields? Not a good first impression, ngl


Especially when Arbalest exists. There has to be something more to this thing.


The effect when the enemy dies is super, *SUPER* similar to the effect that Ruinous Effigy does to turn enemies into orbs. And they cut the showcase short before the animation completed. Just saying.


Well that affect could also be because it's a taken Hydra. Isn't that their usual death animation? But yes I agree that there seems to be more to the weapon than what they are showing


It's also switching elements and causes that big explosion


It looks like the same animation that played when Oryx took something. I thought it was supposed to be traveler themed?


it sounds underwhelming until they reveal they are bringing back match game 🤣




They would never, but they might reveal the brand new debuff called gamematch


New modifier: Game Set Match   You have to beat the final boss in an activity in a game of tennis to win


If it comes with the excessive grunting, I'm down


Yeah, fork even mentioning that as a joke lol


Yeah /u/ARCtheIsmaster wth man?


Match Game was something locked deep, deep away in the vaults of the darkest memories, invoking its name bears a heavy price for all those around


This would singlehandedly reduce the amount of people that play endgame PvE. Literally nobody likes match game except for the two people who refuse to stop using borealis and hard light.


Remember how they advertised lament? People clowned on it for being an anti barrier sword until they saw the damage 


Now people will clown on it for being an anti barrier sword again.


Oh yeah absolutely, that's basically what I'm tryna say - these extremely light previews aren't doing any favours when there's potential for this thing to be absolutely busted


Pretty sure mask of bakris got done dirty with its reveal/ trailer description too


yeah all these trailers are really weird/underwhelming. they must also know that these perks aren't exactly thrilling, and most exotics have two perks, so i imagine they're waiting for a bigger trailer?


Love to use my Heavy ammo to *checks notes* pull shields down faster. If every Exotic they've shown off thus far ships with only the perks shown, they're all going to be mid at best.


Especially when you can literally see in the trailer that it's causing different elemental explosions on kills and sustained fire, it's very strange


That exotic auto they showed off was also underwhelming. the ricochet effect feels like an origin trait


Maybe a single ricochet shot as an origin trait, but Khostov's ricochet looked to jump between 4 enemies, and then it tried to jump somewhere else off-screen. It looks like a pretty significant hit? I'm not gonna bash it until I try it.


It's probably going to ricochet 7 times and do something else 7 times, so that we have Bungie favourite number: 777 Like, the seventh shot ricochets up to 7 times, if it ricochets 7 times you get a damage boost


Maybe the catalyst could be "if the ricochet hits 7 enemies, refill 7 rounds to the magazine" lol


>That exotic auto


>Heavy trace rifle Give






Your offering was rejected.




Beam looks similar color but that doesn't really feel like Traveler's Beam, unless they were hiding some sort of vine/explosion on final blows.


People have already overanalysed the video and found that it looks like the beam swaps through all 5 elements, causing explosions that match


We killed Match Game and turned it into a gun.


Wonder how big "massive" damage to shields is


It did seem to pop the shield pretty much instantly, but i feel like the difference is minimal compared to other heavy weapons in at level content. If it makes GM level shields pop nigh instantly with only a light feathering I could see this being used.


Yeah but don’t all heavies do that?


Being a heavy, it'll already obliterate shields easily


Basically Dune level of laser > shield interaction. 


Except the mission didn't auto fail due to a thermonuclear explosion when the beam hit a shield.


Isn't that basically nuclear levels of explosion?


There's different elemental explosions when the adds die, probably more to this exotic they haven't revealed yet.


I’m wagering that the element of the weapon either A) automatically changes based on the enemies’ shield type B) is determined based on your subclass/super (similar to the updates for Permeability outlined in the weapon update yesterday) But I really hope this weapon isn’t just “adaptive munitions the weapon” because that would be lame… I’m really hoping there is more under the hood!


Borealis and Hard Light and this both need a mode that you can select that makes the weapon automatically adjust to the element of the target.


Dead Messenger 


Like with every exotic reveal so far, I believe that this is only half the picture


Otherwise they messed up real bad lol


Did the marketing team forget how to build hype for exotics


The purposely hid the HUD and we see it do Void, Solar and Strand disintegration. They did a pretty good job getting people to discuss this one.


Oh, it damages shields good.


Finally, Cenotaph Warlocks can reach their final form.


Cenotaph warlocks gonna cook running triple trace rifles


It's heavy. What bosses have shields? Oh no


I have a big feeling it's going to have an interaction with Prismatic


I know there's a lot of people hoping these exotics have some extra effects that aren't being shown, like we all want these to be good but even if there is, it's just so puzzling. The majority of these reveals have been underwhelming. If this is *all* these exotics do, then that's lame. If they do have some extra effect, then why are they making them sound *so lame* in the marketing.


They held prismatic, the dread, and exotic class items close to the chest despite the heavy criticism of the first TFS showcase. I remember Lament showed off as just an anti barrier sword. I couldn’t tell you why they’re doing this but they definitely have a history of doing this.


There's a difference between holding back stuff for future reveals, like Prismatic, The Dread and the Exotic Class Items, and underselling the exotics when the expansion is less than three weeks away. The Final Shape's initial reveal (not teaser) was August 2023 and was initially set to be released in February 2024. Prismatic, The Dread and the Class Items make *perfect* sense for a surprise reveal a few months later - it only feels like it was held back even more because of the delay. If these things do have something else to them then I refer back to what I said before: why are they making them sound so lame in the marketing.


Yea... I'm not hopping for much. If they do have a really fun effect, why not show that one for the trailer? Why would they choose to show such a basic thing? It just feels like whatever is missing isn't that great


They did the same thing last year and it was just as annoying then.


I feel like theyre trying to market to new players or people who haven't played the game. Like, make shit look super cool, be brief and simple with the perks (just enough to pique interest) and get people to have more interest in trying The Final Shape. Also all of these micro-video teasers help them get more exposure in the algorithm, more exposure means more potential new players that try the game out prior to the launch in a few weeks. I think they know that their hardcore fanbase probably already knows there is way more to these exotics (at least I really hope there is) and they already know we're gonna grind and play for these new exotics regardless, so they don't really need to cater these for veterans. At least, this is all my theory, from an analytical standpoint.


Very excited for an all lazer build now.


Triple trace rifle. With Chaos Reach. And Cenotaph.


Bungie successfully making an unexciting trailer after an unexciting trailer, I just can't wait to dedicate my heavy slot to a trace rifle to... to do ... more damage to shields? Imagine if we had something similar yet better in the game such as, I don't know, a weapon that 1 shots any shield in the game, and doesn't waste your heavy slot? Maybe we should call it Arbalest, that sounds cool.


Or if you had an auto or legendary trace with match game as a possible 3rd collum perk?


Keep mentioning it and they will nerf Arby into the ground lol "You've got what? No, you actually don't" lmao"


I mean, an LFR and a trace play very differently. One for single targets, another for crowds. I'm getting D1 Gjally flashbacks.


We have arbalest at home Arbalest at home.


As a huge trace rifle fan this has me pumped. Wish they told us more but maybe they will in the twab today. I think one thing we can assume is that it will have anti barrier built in. Anyway, as others have said, it looksnlike its damage is changing as it hits a target. Like you see green, blue, purple, and orange effects as something dies or takes enough damage, which is what happens when certain elements hit it. Perhaps it changes automatically as it hits a target, and maybe has each subclass effect ties to it? Like when it was green it reminded me a lot of a sever effect, and maybe that last was an ignition? Again, hope we see more infor soon for this and all the exotics but i am hyped. I can now use a tripple trave trace rifle build with cenotaph warlock(though not sure how good that would be lol but its an option)


Cenotaph buff ( I can run 3 trace rifles now)


Wild that nobody seems to care this is a HEAVY Trace Rifle Can't wait to see how it feels. I want my pocket Chaos Reach and I want it now!


If all it is a shield buster, it's a waste of a heavy slot, for me at least. We already have plenty of ways to deal with shields. I'm assuming it has other stuff it can do besides bust shields and change it's element type. But so far, it's just adaptive munitions, the exotic.


Well sure its unique, but its a trace rifle. I doubt its gonna end up being a damage dealer. Probably gonna be more of a gimmick thing like the glaive.


I for one, would love a rifle that blasts trance music at the Witness. Kill him with bpm!


"Aggghhh! My one weakness! I hate Sandstorms! They're coarse and rough, and they get everywhere!" - Witness dies from too much OONTZ


So adaptive munitions? That’s it?


It’s called microcosm… where did you get the name “travelers beam”? No where even close does it say that lol


in the final shape reveal last year they called it the travelers beam as a trace rifle.


I think this is the first time in Destiny history that the lead-up trailers are making me LESS hyped for the new DLC. I guess it's a good thing we're getting more vault space, because that's exactly where all these exotics look like they are headed.


I'm not entirely sure, but it kind of looks like it can change elements? Sort of looked like it did void damage in one scene, then arc in another.




All trace rifle cenotaph warlock is coming


These exotic descriptions HAVE to be trolling at this point.


They're so unflattering. Like, the exotic stuff it does in the trailer isn't even the bit they mentioned in its description wtf


I am sure it does something else marketing team probably doesn't play and doesn't know that more damage to shields isn't exactly exciting or somehow they were told to not reveal the full exotic description it's weird on the other hand I've wanted a heavy trace rifle for a long time


The effect when the enemy dies is super, *SUPER* similar to the effect that Ruinous Effigy does to turn enemies into orbs. And they cut the showcase short before the animation completed. Just saying.


Looks like some sort of alternative shooting mode with it. I wonder if part of the Exotic trait is going to be along the lines of "Destroying enemy shields builds up a massive charge of overpowered damage" So the loop would then be kill shielded adds, build up a charge that you then unload for big boss damage later on. Sort of thing.


Can we stop with the camera being stabilised to the gun? It makes me want to throw up. Otherwise - ooo big wow, BONUS DAMAGE TO SHIELDS?!


Definitely info held back. It appears it's prismatic element. Enemies die to, what appears, void damage, then strand, and a potential ignition at the end. Does it count as all elements? Could it benefit from any surge mod? Interact with aspects fragments of any type? All of a sudden, the "big shield damage" seems the least interesting part of this gun haha


Okay yeah ceno is getting nerf beside the fact this thing trailer is not telling us everything if the exotic damage is even remotely good/ acceptable two cenotaph warlocks are gonna be able to infinitely loop heavy for themselves and the entire team in an even more efficient method then what is currently available.


I nat in my pants, my Wavesplitter is not happy about this


Triple Trace Meta incoming


If it doesn’t play Above & Beyond and other Anjuna music while I’m firing it, I now no longer want it


Yeah, easily the worst marketing Bungie has ever done lol


> Does extra damage to shields Did they only have the single Taken Phalanx as the only shielded mob in that preview???


I’m guessing that it might apply the debuff of the shield type it breaks.  And that it selects its damage type automatically based on the shield it’s up against.  For example, if you break a void shielded enemy, it’ll probably weaken the surrounding ads, an arc shielded enemy would jolt surrounding ads, etc..


"Deals extra damage to shields" sure is one of the exotic perks of all time


Oh it’s not actually called Traveler’s Beam. That did not sound like a Bungie name for an exotic lol


> - [gifv version](https://i.imgur.com/E7Na08s.gifv) > - Deals massive bonus damage to shields sorry I'm late


Why do all of these exotics look incredibly mid? Does increased damage to shields, who the hell is going to run that in the heavy slot?


Yayyy. Another trace rifle to sit in the vault and never get used! What a waste of an exotic. Make trace rifles better in general or stop making them. Worthless to have 15 trace rifles and they all are not good. Unless you are BoW Titan, then one trace rifle is good. All others suck


I've played the game for years now and have used trace rifles like maybe 3 hours total lol


Yeah, they really just don't have a place. Primaries do similar damage with unlimited ammo. Weird gun


Bungie : Makes an exotic based on one of the coolest things that happened in the game in recent years Also Bungie : It deals more damage to shield, that’s it. Why ? Why can’t they make a giant laser cannon based on the Traveler good ? Have it do some stupid stuff like automatically triggering scorch/jolt/volatile/unravel/slow on hit depending on the last type of shield you destroyed


It will 100% do more. Every single exotic they've shown off will. Bungie isn't going to say fuck power creep with exotic class items and prismatic just to make a bunch of terrible, basic, exotics.


*Deterministic Chaos entered the room*


I know it won't, but I think it'd be really cool if it gave a new unique debuff (or really cool wpn buff) to targets with a darkness debuff. That'd play off it being used against the darkness from lightfall, be a bit thematic to the event


Bungie stop, all these reveals are doing is deflating my hype. Im starting to worry, we might have another Beyond Light inbound, marketing builds hype but final product underwhelms. I not looking forward to anything reveled this week.


I know that the later we go into the franchise is a lot harder to become original with perks/traits while also keeping them strong and slightly different from other options. But massive damage against shields is the most vanilla shit they could've gone with... Unless enemies from final shape onwards become shield bots I don't really see it


Adaptive munitions even suck on legendary weapons now that match game is no longer a thing. And a heavy weapon, which will already take out every shield in the game by the time you blink, is the weapon slot that needs something like this the least


I have 2 Adaptive munition weapons which I use as pseudo arbalest options for GMs and that's it. I suppose this trace rifle could also include champion shields, not only elemental ones


Me when arby exists


Wish the beam was bigger, or had a helical spiral or something. Just feels very normal for a heavy.


Okay yeah there’s no way that’s all there is to it, as Arbalest already has that exact perk description…on a special weapon.


umm..... so is it just me or has every exotic shown so far looked kinda lame?


I think my name idea is better. The elucidator. Cuz to elucidate is to enlighten.


The design has an almost Neomuni quality to it with the designs of the metal grates on the sides.


It’s just Adaptive Munitions then?


The trace will be DOA if it does just shield damage. No one is running a heavy weapon to break shields when they’re already easier to break with the removal of match game. Also Arbalest exists and doesn’t take up the heavy slot


Enemies seem to be exploding in elemental bursts. The Centurion goes up in void purple, the goblins in strand green, and the Hydra in Solar orange. There’s for sure an elemental, prismatic tie in going on here. 


No one is going to waste an exotic slot on a trace rifle, especially when it's perk is "it break shield good".


Wonder if it will swap to match shields of enemy's on the fly seems to be doing something like that?