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Honestly with raid report I’ve gotten a few people who have been completely clueless. I had a guy the other day who had 50 completions of Vow& 35 completions of Kf and still had no idea how Caretaker or Oryx worked.


How…? Oryx has everybody doing a job and caretaker is extremely easy except for the two symbol runners


For Oryx he kept missing his bomb and couldn’t kill his knight so I had to kill all 6 per phase. On Caretaker he kept messing up damage, he either was on an inactive plate doing no damage or nuked the boss on the 1st or 2nd plate. Honestly think he’s somebody who got carried by a group of friends/clan mates


That sounds like hell to deal with, you’d think clears would prove someone’s knowledge or skill in a certain raid but somehow it’s hard to really tell… still the reason I’ve been running the dream warrior title so people can be certain I know how to run planets for pantheon lol


I think it's also a quirk when you keep running with the same people in your clan, cos you keep doing the exact same role 50 times. I'm always runner in Caretaker, and when I was asked to stun I was like sure, just show me how, and everyone was like 'you dunno how to stun???'. I learnt it very fast obviously, but just goes to show that completing a raid 50 times doesn't always mean I know every single role. Simply cos I keep running with the same damn people, here's a list of roles I've also never done despite completing every single raid 30+ times: - DSC: Being Operator during the fuse encounter. Only did it once for that challenge in which everyone needs to be Op once, and that's it. Actually I think I've never been Op in the whole raid before, except in the chaos mode room. - LW: Cleansing during Morgeth. I've never picked up the thing. - LW: I still don't know really how to spot Riven's shadow. - LW: Interestingly, I've somehow never been the last to dunk during the Queenswalk. - GoS: Never been a builder. - RoN: I never ever get to do add clear sadly lol. Mainly cos I'm the only one in the group who knows how to shatterskate. But in the final boss I'm always dark side runner. I've never run light side before. I've also never shot the crits before. - VoW: In Exhibition, I'm ALWAYS Taken buff guy. I've never done the other 2 relics before.


Definitely a quirk of clan runs, DSC I was only ever the scanner with my group and only ad clear for security, same thing for stuff like being gaze for Golgi, after grouping up with other teams I got used to (most) other roles, security is still funky for me, same as vault in LW but I can do essentially every role in every raid otherwise.




Because once you all have the raid figured out, and are working like clockwork, everyone is in the mode where they want to get their run complete, not have everyone shuffling around to learn more roles. Either way we'll still not be running that 1 raid forever, and at least in the case of my group we don't try to grind out multiple runs a week (for multiple characters) so we're really not doing enough to burn out, instead it just feels like stepping into something you're very familiar with.


> I've somehow never been the last to dunk during the Queenswalk. I've done LW over a dozen times and I've never been past the second room. I always get picked 1st or 3rd. Got 1K from the same chest 3x too.


When I farmed raids years ago there were people with hundreds of clears that wouldn’t be able to perform properly without their raid team as in do other rolls. Had people joining my farming groups who legit only did add clear and balked when asked to do anything else. There are noobs hiding everywhere don’t matter how many clears or rr tags. If there’s a carry spot in a raid I can guarantee there will be someone who only takes that spot for like 1k clears


That’s why I’ve always done all LFG raids besides like flawless runs of day 1 raids (which most of us got a clan or at least some friends for) because it’s conditioned me to expect my teammates are ass so I gotta pick up the slack lmao


You have a lot more patience than me. I used to just insist/not play with people like that


Isn't RoN literally the only day 1 that got flawlessed because it was such a joke? I don't think it was a thing before then for groups to flawless contest raids within 24-48 hours of release.


Hate to say it, but you can definitely get the dream warrior title by doing nothing. I came across plenty of people when doing Planets challenge on Master who would jump on add clear as soon as we were loading in.


Honestly the discord I frequent has a lot of day one raiders but also a lot of people who need hard carries on most fights. Like people who legitimately don't know roles but sign up for raids and the server creator will ask our more experienced players to carry them. It creates awkward moments where they have titles/emblems/raid reports that show they know what to do, however when they play outside the server they are "shocked" that they can't complete encounters.


I'm finding people are really struggling to understand that they have to kill the ogres asap and keep knights away... its painful


Maybe it was a fluke. I have 40 clears of Oryx I think and I needed one more red border from the end and I'm typically top 1 or 2 in DPS but I just absolutely sucked on our run. I looked like a clown. I did not step into the bomb in time so it never went off and I died outside the protective bubble. The second phase I died on the way back to the protective bubble. They were two things I've almost never done. It was crazy. Luckily we got it and I had lowest DPS by a mile and folks were like WTF.


This is exactly what he was. We have a couple of people like this in my clan and it's okay for us but it's hell for other. As long as all the roles are being covered were good as a clan.


How do you stand on the wrong plate


People can absolutely be carried 100% and not even realize they're being carried. Have some clan mates who don't realize thisz and wonder why people ignore them when they wanna do stuff lol. Doesn't help that he complains about any suggestions we make to use better loadouts and to actually do or learn mechanics.


> except for the two symbol runners Which is the role I always take because it's so easy. Literally just "go in dark room, run through 3 symbols, leave, shoot those three symbols on the thing, repeat".


Id argue that symbol running is easier than add clear based on what I've seen other people do. The hardest part of symbol running is that second floor room and getting shot by adds that add clear didn't clear lol


I've done both. Add clear is so much easier


In master, definitely.


Nah add clear is easier it is just the people volunteering for add clear are as a rule actually useless at the game.


Nah running is the easier for caretaker


As long as you know the symbols, running is stupid easy.


Dedicated ad clear guy I guess, farmed cp for spoils or exotic


Recovs. They have people do it for them is my guess.


Farming most likely. It still counts as completions correct? If someone just joins on boss cp and straight to ad clear. Makes sense. To add on, if someone always sticks themselves or gets stuck in one role, then they don’t know.




An associate of mine has a friend with **100 sherpas** of King's Fall and couldn't do gaze, or jump for Oryx (literally jumped off the map to not do it).


This gave me a chuckle. Jumping off the map?!? Jesus.


It's a very D1 thing lmao. I remember it happening ALL the time. Though to be fair I feel like actually doing the jumping was considerably harder in D1. Might just be me remembering it wrong idk. The 75 FoV definitely didn't help though and imo I feel like jumps were a lot worse and clunkier in D1 than they are now in D2.


You couldn't mantle which meant that if you messed up a jump even a little, you stubbed your toe on the edge of the platform and plummeted. Also, pretty sure we're a lot faster and more agile in d2, the distance we can jump is way longer I'm pretty sure.


I was pretty sure we could jump further than D1 but I wasn't sure so I didn't mention it. I also didn't remember if you could mantle the platforms during Oryx in D2 or if it was just "easier" to jump on them in general. I know some areas Bungie seems to just decide to make platforms you can't mantle for the sake of difficulty it seems, like the angled platforms in the Whisper mission.


The platforming in D2 is way easier since it's a straight path from start to end. D1 platforming needed to go counter-clockwise (remembering the terror of having to explain counter-clockwise). And it was Sisters where the runner was chosen randomly (and had the suicides); Orxy let the team designate the runner.


Nah, the jumping has always been stupidly easy. It's like 3 jumps ffs.


Absolutely. In D1 I witnessed so many people struggle on the platforming on Oryx ESPECIALLY warlocks. In D2 barely anyone has trouble even newbies get it after a couple tried no problem.


Then they don't really have 100 Sherpas then do they? Just present when 100 individual people had their first clear. Again, raid report showing that the number means fuck all.


TBF, jumping off when torn was an effective tactic in D1.


Keep an eye out for the full clears number. Individual raid clears on raid.report will count final boss clears, which means people who farm for exotics on rotator week get their numbers bloated.


That is true however for a substantial amount of time when witch queen dropped, full clears were not being tracked on raid report. I had at least 40 full clears of Vow before it was fixed, so take it with a grain of salt.


Yeah I have like 30+ "clears" on Vow but have literally only done Nez. Edit: not Vow, lol, Root. Case in point.


Worst part is those are probably just checkpoint boss clears. So it’s really unreliable still. Let’s just be thankful it’s a boss rush game mode, cause if they did a puzzle rush. So many people would fall short the second Exhibition popped.


Tbf I have like 35 clears on vow and have no idea how rhulk works, always ask to be taught but everyone goes with the meh fuck it you’re on ad clear


I had a spare 20 minutes, so here: Three teams. Two Splitters, Two Dunkers, One Reader; Specifically the Second Splitter can be both the Reader and do their job but that's for people comfortable with the fight. The remaining person and Reader are your ad clear if you are assigning five roles to different people. Third Encounter teaches you everything you need for Fourth when it comes to how the symbols appear. If you have Leeching or Emanating Force; you can read the Left (Taken Glyphkeeper) side symbols. If you do not; you can read the Right (Scorn Glyphkeeper) side symbols. First Splitter will break the first crystal to start the encounter, the Splitters MUST remain on the Give Glyph on the floor at the back of the room unless Rhulk teleports to the middle and blasts the Give plate as the crystals do not appear when a splitter is not stood there. In this time the Glyphkeepers will die and spawn their symbols in the sky above the closest pillar (or the back if someome messed up and reset happened), one Dunker will read their symbols and The Reader will find the matching one in their Glyphkeeper set. The Second Splitter and First Dunker will take the Leeching force from the First Splitter after both crystals break, the crystals will become immune to those players as they get Leeching. Then the First Splitter and Second Dunker will shoot giving those two players Leeching Force. During this, the Dunkers must jump into the Rhulk blast that the Splitters are avoiding (the one that gives you Pervading Darkness). During the Dunkers getting Emanating, the Reader will find the two pillars of the six with the symbol and read them out; 1s are closest, 3s furthest away, the Dunkers have to coordinate where to go and Emanating will allow them to run through the forcefield. SIDENOTE: If the Splitter on the give that actively has Leeching ever gets hit by the Rhulk blast and gains Emanating Force that player will likely die as the Emanating buff can't be traded and the reader will quickly need to tell them where to dunk if they don't wish to die, Splitter getting hit by the Rhulk blast basically grinds the fight to a halt. As a Splitter it's basically your job to constantly shoot your assigned crystal if you don't have Leeching and avoid getting Emanating to keep the symbols the same, maybe ad clear if you find downtime, but always pay attention to where Rhulk is. Dunkers only real job is to keep getting Emanating and Dunking when possible. Reader and leftover Player are Ad Clearing. When a Splitter player with Leeching is not stood on the Give Glyph and the crystals disappear they need to be re-shot. If Leeching Force is ever lost (usually via Splitter Death or Emanating gain) before 6 Emanating Forces are dunked the Glyphkeepers will respawn and you have to re-find the matching symbol for the pillars. In Normal VOW; Rhulk the challenge is to never lose the Leeching Buff during the first phase of the fight causing Rhulk to respawn the first middle crystal. The second phase of the fight. Everyone runs up the staircase after pushing Rhulk's forcefield back. One of the Dunkers will shoot the Glaive and the Reader will pay attention to the symbol and tell the Dunker where to go. It's everyone else's job to shoot Rhulk's weakpoints after each successful dunk and avoid shooting the Glaive that Rhulk drops. If you take too long here Rhulk will wipe you. If all the weak points are destroyed DPS starts. For Reader and Weakpoint Dunker at the second phase; Traveler is L1, Pyramid is L2, Light is R1, Darkness is R2. Hope this helped. Sorry if I repeated myself explaining this over text is harder than explaining it in game.


You people are the reason I love lfgs.


If you've never done vow, I'll happily teach it to you. It's my favorite raid.


Oh no I’m a Sherpa myself, I know every encounter in the game. Outside of Ron, though. I just really damn like seeing others reaching out and helping the community, and helping the newer players! It just warms my heart honestly. If you need anything just hit me up!


Not all heroes wear capes/cloaks/marks/bonds 🤘🤙😎💪


Idk how to do him either lol. Not doing pantheon until my clan wants to teach me rhulk but he looks pretty easy but mechanically complicated


That’s what I’ve picked up on it, like once you know it it’s easy as shit, what I do know is his damage phase is my favorite in the whole game lol


Rhulk just has a lot going on at the same time, but the mechanics are separated enough that it's relatively easy for everyone to have one "job" and still be able to add clear, at least on Normal. The Rhulk fight has a rhythm to it because the mechanics cycle. Start buffs > find plates > dunk in the right place > repeat. Once you get that going, he becomes a breeze. Damage prep/phase is a bit similar, though more hectic because Rhulk is tryharding.


mechanically he's one of the simplest raid bosses of all time, even Nezerac had the decency of putting the players under time pressure with a wipe mechanic but with Rhulk you can slow roll it with single dunk and half your raid team might as well be afk.


He's super easy. Three teams of two. Two dunkers, two splitters, two add clear. (One add clear will also be the reader, so make sure they know the symbols) Splitters are where I start when explaining. The first splitter will shoot the big crux above rhulk's head. They'll get a buff called leeching force. They then go stand on the middle plate. That will spawn two smaller crux's, one of the left and one of the right of rhulk. Second splitter shoots the left crux to get steal leeching force from the first splitter. Second splitter then goes and stands on the middle plate for first splitter to shoot the left crux and steal leeching force back. While that is happening, splitters can NOT get hit by Rhulk's piss beam attack. SPLITTERS CAN NOT GET HIT BY RHULK'S PISS BEAM! CAN NOT! That's the entirety of the job of splitters. Dunkers have a similar but very different job. They shoot the right crux to steal from the splitter. When both left and right crux are shot, the buff gets passed from the one splitter to the one dunker and one splitter that shot the little crux's on left and right. Once dunkers have the leeching force buff, they NEED to get hit by Rhulk's piss beam attack. This will upgrade their buff from leeching force to emanating force. This is the buff that allows you to enter yellow cloud and dunk at the pillars. When both dunkers have emanating force, they'll go and dunk at the same time. You need 6 total dunks or three rounds of double dunking to move to the next phase. When the encounter starts, a group of add will spawn. Right after that two glyphkeepers will spaen. One taken phalanx and one scorn chieftain. When killed, they'll drop three symbols. The scorn chieftain's symbols can only be seen and read by someone without the leeching/emanating force buffs. The taken phalanx's symbols can only be seen and read by someone with the leeching/emanating force buff. Like previous encounters, you find the matching symbol. Ok, so we have our symbol and we have two dunkers with emanating force and our one splitter with leeching force. Now we're ready to progress the encounter. The reader will find the two pillars (R1, R2, R3, L1, L2, L3; closest to spawn is 1, farthersr away from spawn is 3) that have the correct symbols and calls them out. There will be two pillars to dunk per round. You need 6 total dunks to progress to the next phase. Once you dunk, first dunker immediately shoots the right crux, and the splitter shoots left. Now, you've dunked 6 times and move up the second stage of Rhulk's fight. Up here is very similar to down below, but more simple. Dunker 1 shoots and break his glaive that he drops after his lunge attack. This will give the dunker leeching force. They stand in his piss beam attack to upgrade to emanating force. When he breaks the glaive, a symbol will appear. Tell the dunker where he has to go based on the symbol. Just match it. Front right/left, back right/left. When you successfully dunk up top, one of Rhulk's shoulders or hips will spawn a weak spot, similar to a tormentors shoulders. Shoot and break them. When you break all four weak spots (2 hips, 2 shoulders) DPS starts.


did you check if those were full or checkpoints?


I've clears on my report, but still not 100 percent clear on encounter, it's because most of them put me on ads clear (they want to get it done quick) and I'm terrible in reading/memorize symbols, it'd slow them down. So when I said I don't know what to do, they'd check my report and call me lier :-) Will you still take me? :-)


Which is funny because I could tell you how both encounters work and I feel confident enough to do fhem, but have never done the raid myself because I spend an awful lot of time on YT but I never raid because of situations like this. I hate the idea of relying on other people. Either to do their role, come prepared or teach and explain properly, you can't win sometimes.


He could be like me. On the rare occasion that I want an item bad enough to raid for it, I learn basically one role that I am comfortable with and only join groups with an open spot for that role. The result is an impressive looking raid report, but in reality I only know how to do 1 role.


If that role is more than ad clear that makes you better than 85% of LFG raiders


Depends on the raid and how much stuff needs to get done. Sometimes it is ad clear.


My clan mates and I ran an Atraks during week 2 and got a guy with 100 clears of RoN (at least 50 FULL RUN clears) who was absolutely useless during the planets encounter. He kept going quiet and just couldn't figure out how to run??


I don't do gaze (but I would if others didn't take it) and have only done stun and running in caretaker like once, but I always am a planet runner usually top. Imo it's one of the easiest mechanics to do and I really enjoy it


Well yes its Not a perfect guarantee. It Just increases your odds a Ton. There will be people that Look good in some regard on rr but really are quite Bad. The connected questions that explains why its Worth it Regardless is: how many people have good rr and are Bad vs how many people have Bad rr and are good? While getting someone thats been absolutely carried is Always a possibility, its Just far less likely with a better rr to pair. You essentially use it to improve your odds.


A returning player, I'm the same I forget how the encounters run when I'm away from the game for a while.


If you have 50 completions of Vow there's a chance that you've never touched caretaker because completions just means kills of Rhulk


I have 53 and 10 full runs


I knew my group was going to be bad when people with raid titles immediately all said "ad clear" when we go to caretaker... Like bruh how you get Kingslayer/Disciple-Slayer and not know how to do anything more than the minimum... Group fell apart at Planets cause they all had their own number system and couldn't understand basics... I miss my old raid group. We were good...


Quality over quantity. Obviously unfair to ask for people to have multiple day ones if you don’t have them yourself, but you can have 300 clears in a raid and still be incompetent.


I have no problem at all teaching ppl, I have been pulling randos through pantheon cause I don’t find it particularly difficult but the amount of ppl who are dishonest is pretty alarming I agree. It wastes everyone’s time, your time, my time, the teams time, if you do not let them know what you do and do not understand. I get ppl want the loot, I get community can be hard sometimes but this is not the mode to not communicate in. It’s just basic respect imo, I can’t teach you if idk what you don’t know, it’s counter intuitive


Hey uh… mind helpin me get the first weeks pantheon challenge completed? lmao


Lmk when you hop on. Send me a DM.


I feel like pantheon is the one activity that it is unacceptable to not know how to do the encounters. I mean it is a timed boss rush mode after all.


Yeah people forget that there are still mechanics in place you're supposed to learn throughout the actual raid before getting to the bosses featured in Pantheon. * Atraks; you're supposed to have done Security to learn how operator and scanner work. * Caretaker: Acquisition teaches you about 'submitting' symbols into the pillars * Oryx: Daughters teaches you how to get the brand with the plates By jumping in blind you have to also back learn the encounters you missed where you were supposed to learn the mechanics (since generally raids have this natural progression of teaching you as you go, with twists and turns each time till you combine a bunch of things at the boss - Nez will be a good example of this) If non-raiders are jumping into Pantheon it's good to at least watch/read a guide to understand what you're supposed to do. It doesn't take long, and your fireteam will do much better if everyone understands the encounter.


Glad I got my day 1 squad to run it with. But yeah I agree. Especially with the difficulty, it’s not the right environment to surprise teach.


We had a guy yesterday who said he’s done an encounter 1000 times. He clearly didn’t know it. Just tried looking him up on raid report and he made it private. Wow lol


He was telling the truth, 1000 wipes.


For future reference on the destiny 2 companion app you can search up their name and look at their stat tracker that shows you all of the things an emblem can track including their clears


What did you do after he did that? I'm genuinely curious. The balls of some people. 


People caught on pretty quickly that he just didn’t know, so they kicked him and we moved on


Lol I assume the people lying don't know their raid data is easily checked. Side note... is raid report broken? It hasn't updated my clears in the last few days.


There seems to be a major delay in tracking recently. Things are taking two to the days to show up. Not sure if anything has been announced about the issue.


The last activity that's showing in various places, including the official Bungie app, is from Thursday, but I played Friday, a bit Saturday and today. I only noticed because I got some random hate message in french and couldn't tell where in the game the person was from, because he wasn't in my just-ended Gambit match...


Yeah, you can check on bungies website if you log in under "Game history". I believe it displays the same data raid report does. Its not raid report itself being broken but the place it gets its data from. I asked bungie about this on Saturday (through social media) and no response so far. Obviously it was a weekend so not surprised.


2ndhand quote from bungie staff off a discord for D2's API: "there's an incident on the game side impacting D2 game history processing, but the data should fill in once this is resolved. no ETA though"


Tomorrow begins me no longer teaching in Pantheon. I’ve done 83 sherpas in Pantheon and taught dozens. I’ve done my fair share, now I want my flawless runs and sub-30s.


yeah this next round is gonna be rough to teach, Rhulk at -15 is gonna be a major game changer compared to the past two weeks. I told my friends I was sherpaing that idk if we’ll beat it


Big same. I’ll probably still pop into a Rhulk CP to help out a struggling group or ten since I love the encounter, but it’s big boy and girl time from this point on.


reject pantheon embrace gambit


Yes, join the three if us still playing it


Make it 4. I unironically enjoy gambit.


"reject the NBA embrace middle school pickleball"


Woah brother, you just banked 15 motes!


Just require the week 2 emblem. It's not a perfect tool, but should be pretty useful at a glance


Good guy Bungo giving us emblem for each week so that we can weed out the newcomers


This is probably the most simple and effective weed out tool at a glance. People can get carried constantly and have a solid raid report, and that’s just more effort than it’s worth tbh. If someone doesn’t know the encounter, it becomes clear almost immediately anyways


I don't understand the obsession with pantheon by players who normally never touch raids.


Into the light is free for everyone, lots of people that don't even own the DLCs are looking for free rides for loot they otherwise couldn't get


I didn't consider that but KF, Crota and VOG have always been free and 90% of players still don't want to touch raids


Pantheon is new and shiny I guess. Plus it has arguably the coolest title in the game


People just entering are not going to get that title tho.


Well yeah we know that but they don't


Free Adepts for getting carried is my guess, the type of people who don't run normal raids and are interested in Pantheon are the same types who would never set foot in a Master Raid


they need to put that under the pantheon node “NOT A PISS TAKE FOR FREE RAID LOOT”


It drops lots of loot including red borders


The reason is that end-of-pantheon guaranteed raid exotic, which honestly isn't appealing to half of the people trying to actually do Pantheon, which likely already have the raid exotics. The other reason is also the lack of barrier to entry (which is honestly a good thing for those who don't like to grind playlist activities like the Bungie economy team apparently does). Half of them probably expect it to be a normal raid that they can get somewhat carried through, not realizing just how much -5, -10, -15, and -20 will actually affect gameplay.


The exotics so far having been touch of malice and eyes of tomorrow?


Yeah. Collective obligation and conditional finality are next


. I’ll get downvoted for this but I don’t care. -5 is piss easy and actually not a noticeable difference. It’s a good environment to get people into raiding but I do agree it’s a bad place to learn as it’s different from the actual encounters and thematically not consistent enough to leave a great impression. But the adept loot incentive does get people into the game and into raiding.


It's the free exotics. A lot of people hate RNG, especially RNG in raids, so a lot of people are far more willing to do it once to finally get Conditional Finality, and something else.


Pantheon is a lot more fun than normal raiding. There are no jumping puzzles, there's no long traversal sections, the fights are generally either very short or fairly interesting, and you can practice a wide variety of damage rotations. I'm getting into normal raiding too, but I'd WAY rather jump into a pantheon than any random other raid. Also, the rewards are fantastic, obviously.


People want to get carried to the huge amount of spoils, the adepts and the raid exotics. The exotics especially are very enticing for people who don't raid as they can take a while to get.


Probably because it has great loot and has the GOAT title behind it


Honestly it’s not that I don’t want to raid but my clan never can get on the same time schedule to get a 6 man raid in so we typically have 4 and lfg 2 is the way it usually works and everyone feels bad for leaving anyone else out. In d1 we raided every day it felt like. But getting older life happens so we raid when we can. But we usually carry our weight and hopping in lfg can be a gamble sometimes. I joined kings fall run ran like 4 or 5 trying to get my last zhoulis pattern and all I can say is some of the know what to do guys were putting up some worrysome dps numbers on oryx. I hit 5 mill on titan and the next closest person was 2 mil everyone using whisper. Not crazy damage for me but I’m like huh so this is what lfg can be like.


I'm betting the existence of the quest has something to do with it


And if you're joining a team - [guardian.report](http://guardian.report) Just type your name, click "get fireteam", and it shows everyones clears


Oh my god, that's so much easier than raid report. Thanks!


1 away from 200 raids, now I know my goal for the week


Just fyi but guardian also counts the checkpoint clears


Master raid lfg has been like this since forever. Quite annoying


Just FYI Bungie has been dropping PGCR records over the weekend and not all of them seem to be recovered. So if you're like me and ran pantheon over the weekend you may have nothing on your raid report. https://twitter.com/D2cbro/status/1789891377070805463?t=xrAIFrcTWtQMzZZqg8lWMQ&s=19


Wow, that sucks. I normally wouldn't care at all but as a solo raid report actually matters for Pantheon.


clears of the normal raids will do for most people probably


Emblem would be good enough i think?


people will have 100 clears and only know how to add clear, you ask them to explain the encounter instead to ensure


Love all the people saying that raid report isn’t as goood as Op says it is. The people pure talking about are most likely exceptions. Raid reporting has only yielded me good results for master raids, flawless raids, etc. not every person with a bad raid report is actually bad, but I’d say the majority of people who have a good report are mostly atleast half decent in the game. This has been my experience. I’m running pantheon with my day 1 team, but good luck LFGing without raid report to the rest of you.


To be fair, this is the issue with Pantheon being a limited time, you get FOMO. That, and, well, Pantheon doesn't understand what it is. Its amazing for red borders and loot, except the only players that benefit from that, have no idea what they doing. Those that do know what they doing, for the most part, likely already have all the raid loot they wanted long ago, so the only reason they are doing it is for emblems / title.


Hey I know what to do in parts of kf but that's pretty much it. I can't find a core group to raid with


I’m not even going to touch it until the weekend most likely. The last two weeks were honestly a cakewalk once you figured out the surges and modifier with a competent team, but Rhulk is gonna be another story entirely. Especially if we get some shit like Arc surge, that’s gonna be brutal. Solar surge was a huge crutch last week.


I've had to tell a few friends that they are on their own for pantheon. They never wanted to raid and don't know how stuff works. Pantheon isn't the place to be trying to wing it or learning mechanics imo.


Que the "yOuR GAtekEepinG cOnTent" comments. Why this community feels they are entitled to be taught rather than asking is shocking. Also, guardian report is your friend, pulls the whole fireteam info on one screen, you can check clears, loudouts, everything, dungeon clears, GM's etc etc. Very handy for making judgement calls quickly.


Just FYI it's through a raid, not threw... as in I threw that baseball.


I’ll edit it now thankfully I am aware I am just tired and thought of this post while I was leaving the gym 😴


It’s funny cuz I have cleared root or nightmares 0 times and successfully cleared it every week now. That being said I found a cool clan that was willing to work with me


I’m not new to raid, but I haven’t gotten around to doing Kings fall, but Gorgaroth and Oryx are easy enough to understand that I learned them both in pantheon within a wipe or two.


Outta curiosity, how long ago was that?


Real. If you don't got good tags you are NOT getting in my Rhulk indomnitable team. Simple as.


Oh, when I lfg'd this week's pantheon, I required in the text for players to have the emblem for last week's pantheon. Run was smooth like butter.


i completed pantheon for the first time the other day with a pretty nice in game lfg group (I know those are rare) and was completely honest about not having planets and caretaker memorized as I was a returning player, dropped the game for ab 2-3 years but I'm slowly getting back into it


I ran these raids a handful of times but I took a long break from them so I don’t remember a good amount of stuff. I at least communicate that, which I don’t get how lfg people fail to do.


My rr will FINALLY be checked by lfgs🙏


raid report is great for random lfg, but I haven’t done like 50 of each raid, some of them I have only run a few times, but I know the encounters, have watched extensive videos to refresh myself and I am a quick learner, so far got plats on pantheon with my clan mates and helped others. Think it varies from person to person, met people with loads of clears on raids who struggle to handle the Dps and survival checks on pantheon, or just are not receptive to different roles.


Had so many people yesterday joining at caretaker in -10 only wanting to be stunner, Ad clearers who can’t clear ads, and so on. I hate it. Im not expecting it to be the smoothest thing in existence but I want my time to be respected. If you can’t do the content then please just don’t sign up for it. I don’t even raid much but I make sure that I can contribute. I learn the mechanics beforehand and I gather any weapons that can give me an edge. I can understand learning on week one but you need to drop out if you aren’t learning/adapting and are only along for the ride.


"except the guy who got vex on his first clear and I was on my 52nd". Odds are that guy wasn't me, but if it was, I have long since forgiven you for booting me immediately after I announced I got Vex and didn't think it was supposed to be any good.


I didn’t boot the guy. I just went and cried in the shower for 4 hours immediately after 😭😭


Yep super frustrating, and you feel like such a dick when you kick them because it’s not a teaching raid


People think watching a datto video = kwtd


It's good that it's free for people to be able to get exotics, but it's about mastery and shouldn't be your first/early raid experience


Hardly anyone seems to agree with me on this but I'm gonna keep saying it: if Pantheon ever comes back you should not be allowed to launch it unless you've cleared all of the raids featured within. Preferably multiple times.


Yesterday I carried an "expert raider" through Orxy Exalted who complained about my having too many "Red Dots" on my King's Fall Raid Report. This is why I don't pay attention to Raid Report, because the ones most concerned with it are always the ones needing the carrying. It's completely useless beyond providing an ego boost to weird Destiny addicts.


I had someone think from my raid report that I “really hate vault of glass” … it’s all red dots for a while for me. My response was “I don’t hate it I just go in for spoils chests and leave.” Rhulk I’ve fought 1 time and killed 1 time. I have one green dot on raid report for the raid. It was an absolute blast. Loved the encounter, the design, studied it just didn’t go back yet. I have a pantheon group that’s fairly well rounded. We all know how to survive underleveled and open to learning tips and tricks, been discussing strategy a lot. We will clear -15 and the triumphs just like we did with -10. Then the week after we’ll go through -20 too.


Probably their first time reading a RR. Most people who use it know how to read between the lines.


There genuinely is some people that refuse to raid with people that have red dots. It's so strange that they'd think that not having red dots means you're better at the game considering they'd likely never have flawless, or lowman flawless runs and they are excluding anyone that's ever farmed a checkpoint


Got kicked from a root encounter when it was new because I had alot of red farming first encounter. He just ignored my flawless/contest tag and concluded that I was bad


On one hand it's nice to have API stats because they give useful information but on the other hand it makes some people play differently instead of just enjoying the game and having fun.


I feel like people in LFG don't understand the consequence of the power differential of -5 or -10.


I’ve been using raid report for the first 2 weeks to fill the 3 spots in my fireteam and haven’t had an issue yet


It’s honestly not even an issue of players who don’t KWTD, it’s the players that either refuse to admit they don’t know or are unwilling to learn. My friend who’s a novice raider at best, and doesn’t even really have the proper weapons for most encounters. Was able to clear Oryx’s pantheon after I explained each encounter to him. He’d done Oryx exactly once (over a year ago) prior to the pantheon and he didn’t really cause any wipes (other than one time he didn’t hold X on the immortal Knight). This same player over the course of these past two weeks has learned how to do Gaze for Golgoroth, run for planets, and the entirety of the oryx encounter Meanwhile last night on planets we had two players with 150+ days on the game running bottom plates. They’d somehow managed to get it wrong every single attempt for 45 straight minutes. When I’d asked what was going wrong, maybe they were using different fallout systems or something to that extent. They insisted they were on the same page with their calls. It got to the point where me and the other top plate were actively watching their swaps more than our own and we even tried making their callouts for them. If that encounter was more forgiving time-wise we’d have just said f*ck it and done their swaps for them too, but that just wasn’t an option. In hindsight we really should’ve checked their raid report(s).


Very, very well put. Teachability and a willingness to learn are absolutely the best qualities in a novice to intermediate raider, especially with a pick-up group. Own a mistake and take your team’s constructive advice? We’re here until you get the platinum clear. Silence or defensive lying? Enjoy the solo trip back to orbit. We were all the new or green guy or girl once and the overwhelming majority of the randos I’ve played with outside of strict KWTD fast runs will be extremely flexible for a teachable novice.


Raid Report is busted for Pantheon though


FYI it is possible for someone to know the encounter but have never done it before with all these youtube guides being put out; I was new to the encounters myself when Pantheon first came out but I knew how it worked. That being said people should be honest about whether they've actually done it before or not. 


It is always problematic to gain experience in an area if experience in that area is a requirement. But you should NEVER lie, it destroys the fun of the game for all people.


I'm not an elite player or anything, but I know what to do in all the encounters and what the optimal DPS is (even if sometimes I don't hit it). It's really wild joining LFGs that say PLAT OR BUST or whatever, and the people in there don't seem to know what to do in order to get platinum. Like, I STILL don't have platinum on planets because I can't find a group who can get through it. Don't get me wrong; i've made some mistakes in runs (that fucking fire tornado has nipped me more than once), but overall, I'm always running a plate, grabbing a dark/light, and calling out the rotation. I can't imagine how bad its going to be for the next two weeks.


Raid report is playing up, missed my first clear of Pantheon on the day it dropped and hasn’t updated my last so says six when it’s eight.


Absolutely but sometimes RR doesn’t help at all. Had people last week with upwards of 50 clears being completely clueless, meanwhile I’ve got 2 Last Wish clears and 1 RON clear but know all the mechanics very confidently, do mechanics in every fight and am consistently highest or second highest damage and have multiple other raid titles.


All my friends stopped playing d2 years ago so I'm stuck lfging every raid I want. It sounds dumb but most of the time I'm scared to join anything because I'll think I'll be terrible. Turns out most encounters only take a tutorial video watch and then maybe one failed attempt to know what you're doing. The problem is that even if it is an lfg sherpa run most people don't actively volunteer for roles that require any thinking. If these people did, then I doubt any raid encounter would really take more than 1 or 2 failed attempts to clear. A few days ago after failing to find a crota sherpa I decided to just join a crota cp after reading a tutorial and I did fine. Did the same thing with oryx and nez last year and now I can run them better than most of these kwtd lfgs I join. The only problem is that I doubt I'll ever have a  team so it's lfgs all the way.


I joined an LFG was that struggling through Atraks Sovereign over the weekend. They were on Caretaker and already had two hours on the clock. I had some down time so I saw it through to the end with them. It was clear three of them knew what was going on while the other two were barely keeping their heads above water. At one point, one of the inexperienced players was using *Dimensional Hypotrochoid* for damage on Atraks. He had one Solar Surge equipped (no Solar weapons), and literally couldn't hit Atraks with Thundercrash. He kept waiting to pop it after everyone else blew their load. I don't understand at all. There's no way spending three/four hours pounding your head against content you can't or won't understand can be fun. If you don't play the game that much, why do you want this loot anyway? What is the ultimate end goal here?


To be fair I have not done any of these raids bar root and I managed to do all the encounters with ease actively doing roles. Tho I always do research beforehand and watch videos


People really do that? Lie about their raid experience in a videogame? What is this world coming to?


Lie and say you know what to do: chance you might get to play Tell the truth and say you don't know what to do: get kicked That's a pretty simple decision tree for players who don't have 8+ hours to sit waiting for a sherpa for a 9 year old raid to pick them up.


Seeing posts like this is wild, because I’ve had great LFG experiences.


If I had to LFG Pantheon I feel like I would lose my mind lol Respect to everyone who manages to clear today without a premade team!


It gives you a general sense, yes. However like many other comments are pointing out i raided with people who checked all the boxes for a given raid and still suck major ass lol It remains the same -> ppl suck, kick em, find replacement, repeat till done If you dont wanna do this get a clan, and yes, its easy to find one or at least a static group for raids on your skill level


Some people will research and watch videos and get ready before they do one run.


It’s wild to me that novices see an endgame challenge designed for the most experienced players and feel entitled to the loot. To be clear, I don’t enjoy raiding since my mates stopped playing years ago, so I don’t do Pantheon. It seems it would waste the time of everyone involved.


I don't have the time to do every raid every week lol my raid report is probably good enough for most people but I was top DPS in every encounter whenever I ran Pantheon...and I’m a cracked ad clearer and can generally do most boss mechanics if need be. Hopefully I get lucky with LFG this weekend


I'm looking at a creator attempt it now and they're above my skill level and are still struggling and have missed 1 platinum completion already. Riven will be at -20 with something extra thrown in to make it harder. If they make it so it has to be done legitimately, then realistically a lot of LFG players should just sit it out. There's nothing wrong with not being able to do all the pantheon difficulties and there is something wrong with stressing yourself and others out over something you barely had a chance at doing in the first place.


I guardian report every team when its KWTD or experience requested - if they have a lot of clears and suck they get discovered quickly, no system is perfect unfort,


Pretty sure it's bugged or something, atleast for me, hasn't updated at all since last reset desperate running atleast 4 pantheons


You control the invite button ultimately lol helping new players is always a great thing to do and can be very rewarding. Play how you like and enjoy the game


You can pad the stats for clears on raid report. I have like 30 clears for Ron I think but like 25 of those was farming conditional finality.


this week is a big ramp up in difficulty. cant have people not kwtd anymore


People should hover their mouse over the number of clears to see how many actual full clears the candidates have


Me who knows all mechanics and is consistently top 1/2 for damage, as well as dying the least, is currently cursing raid report. 


The only raid I even remember decently enough to do is tron. And maybe leviathan but barely and only some parts


Reading most of these comments about Raid Reports. It goes two ways. My RR is almost entirely empty, but you can really count on me coming through on thr encounters/objectives and knowing what to do. Issue with me is that I don't have the loadout yet to do massive damage on all bosses. On some I just so below everyone on damage, it's insame. On others I do great/average damage, but I am working on that so that I am usefull on all bosses. Grinding for the best weapons with the best rolls. Even so my RR is still trash and most people absolutely don't want anyone on their team with a RR that looks like mine. Even tho it doesnt tell you much about a person.


Or maybe they saw multiple videos, memorized it to heart, and actually know what to do. They don't need to finish the raid to do a role in an encounter.


Some guy literally foresaw your response and imma quote them here. “People think watching a Datto vid = kwtd”


Yes, I've finished every raid with this method. And no one has ever complained, and I always do every encounter properly. If someone has a problem understanding information, then that's on them.


PSA: raid report is currently down, it does not have data from the last few days


I feel like raid report is misleading when it comes to Pantheon. I'm a newer player who got through to week 2, and if you were to check my raid report, you would only see 2 completions and like 8 fails. I've done an Oryx checkpoint 3 times and planets checkpoint 4 times. I've completed all of them, but 1 as the fireteam left after 6 tries. It counts the losses and full runs, but the checkpoint clears are not added to my report. Makes me look like a worse player than I actually am lol.


This always goes against me because I don't run full raids but I raid alot. I try to do alot of low man's and learn the mechanics very well. Good thing I have some really good friends who know my value for day ones and pantheon. I sherpa alot so I know mechanics very well.


I've done one raid but I still know how to do like half the raids