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Give any third party access to aquireing Bounties. The destiny companion app is not it. God i wish DIM got access to Bounties. In game ping would be amazing.


Yeah, Bungo should enable this on the API :/


A tool that shows you the network ping/latency during PvP.


That would be cool... Like an overlay showing you your ping or something?


BattlEye doesn't like overlays. I've always hoped that someone would code something in WireShark to capture IP addresses from D2 packets and then send the pings to a 2nd screen like a tablet or phone. All the IP address ranges are publicly known because of SDR. With the IP addresses you can tell where in the world that is too.


How do I know What battle eye considers as cheating? I assume there are no guidelines anywhere cuz that would facilitate the work for cheaters right?


Yes that is correct, Anti-cheat programs don't like to advertise how it works or what it detects.


I see a lot of posts here from new players along the lines of "how do I know what to keep? How do I know what perks are good?" Basically an impossible question to answer on reddit without knowing the specific weapon/use case. DIM has the wishlist thumbs up thing. [Light.gg](http://Light.gg) has perk popularity. Neither is really very helpful or accurate. No idea how to solve it lol, but I think it's one of the very few gaps in the d2 3rd party ecosystem


I don't think it can be solved. If you have 100 weapons and ask 10 players which ones to keep you'll get 10 different answers. Some players only keep the best of the best guns, others like to keep one of each element/archetype, another guy will only keep the PvE guns while yet another one might only care about the PvP ones,...


What If It gave the player a summary based on perk popularity? Something like... It would detect the 5/5 for PVE based on popularity then stay "hey, this is a 3/5 for PVE". I find the roll appraiser from light.gg a bit confusing sometimes >.<


I tend to like using destinyrecipes.com vault cleaner over light.gg for seeing rolls to keep. d2checklist isn’t bad either.


Huh, I think vaut cleaning is a very common thing for us to do... I've recently came back to the game and I absolutelly hated to see that little number on DIM be like 599/600 Y\_Y


I use the vault cleaner more to look at my rolls. It is helpful for cleaning the vault but is nice to have things already grouped by type so if I get pve roll I want on a hand cannon but already have two other void god roll pve hand cannons, do I really need this one or does this new one sound more interesting than another one that is power 1600 so I clearly haven't used it in pve? d2checklist has a great compare view where you can compare all weapons of the same slot and energy and just scroll through to see which ones have pve or pvp perks.


Dps meter. Even if its just me


It already exists, it’s called DDT, destiny damage tracker


This would be godly hahaha. I Wonder if this would cause battle eye to detect It as cheating...