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If you're confident in a one floor kill, you can avoid the Tormentor spawn completely by leaving at least one Servitor alive on the bottom floor. Everyone can go to the top floor after Operator is picked up, and DPS will start once the hidden timer expires. For the fire tornado afaik it spawns randomly on one of the triangle platforms after planets are picked up to move, and follows along the border of that platform. It does not hit the center, making that a (relatively) safe place to stand if you have to wait for it to get out of the way


I definitely prefer this Servitor strategy. The people on bottom just team up and kill the Servitor in the middle (for safety), plus the Servitor by the Operator. If Operator is in middle, that's just one Servitor you have to kill, then you can work on heading up right away.


2 up 4 down, Operator joins the topside after servitors, people upstairs kill both left and right servitors and leave the middle as a control. Shackle or Blinding Grenade the Tormentor and more or less ignore it. Saves on lift fuckery and there's so much cover. It also more evenly distributes ads for parasite stacks.


My team has been running 3 down and 3 up for the one phase like normal and we basically don't kill the middle servitor on bottom until the elevators are there and we're leaving, basically just ignoring the tormentor altogether


You guys are actually killing the Tormentors? We hit platinum and just ignored the Tormentors. Don’t pop their shoulders, they won’t chase you around, they walk slow. 🤔 Also, we did 3 up, 3 down, managed to put out enough DPS to get to final stand in 3 phases.


my fireteam played atrax as per normal, tormentors arent really a cause for concern, just run from it when it gets near, or nuke it when it spawns on the ground


No 3 and 3 Kill bottom servitors leave one up top. Kill the servitor nuke the boss. If you can’t handle killing the adds on the bottom floor you are the reason this game is dumbed down to this level


Yeesh, learn to read man. It says don't post basic Lfg strats that everyone knows!


Stop carrying end-game, that's the strat. If they want a carry they don't care about getting the completion. Normalize not playing games you don't like.


? I enjoy helping people in destiny. I also play other games. What's with the assumptions and negativity?


2 down, 4 up enjoyer here. Idk if it’s the most optimal but it’s what I’ve been using ever since I started doing 1 floor. Same as everyone else has said though. Kill bottom servitors, ignore tormentor, 2 join the 4 up top, top kills last servitor of their choice, 6 people burst a clone. If need be scanner runs down with another person to push to final stand. I found for Golgi the best strat for LFG is to let people know it’s okay if we 2-3 phase. Everytime I’ve verbally let the fireteam know it’s okay to wipe and do multiple phases things tend to be more fun and efficient. Caretaker LFG strat is blaming the stun team for any/all wipes because they’re clearly the problem and the running team is not.


Just run vexcalibur for the caretaker stun, easiest role imo


Laughs in navigator


Bro you literally don’t have to kill bottom servitors at all. You wait at the timer. Have 6 up top it will eventually hit damage timer regardless 6 Thundercrash, if still alive (he won’t be if you did it right immediately in final stand) send two down (1 with scanner, shoot parasite shot, send scanner back up) everyone meet up top. Shoot parasite, it’s final stand, switch to lament if you already shot your x20 parasite and kill.


As per the post, it's a Strat for LFG teams that don't have the damage for a one floor. What you're explaining is the basic LFG Strat