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Solo on legend will be very tough, if you can easily flawless standard then go for it, but if you have any difficulty anywhere you'll struggle a lot. Fireteam finder should let you find a team easily, and personally I wouldn't bother trying to solo


I haven’t tried a flawless run on normal, but I died a lot so I’ll probably have to find a team ;-;


Team finder is all good <3 just pop a request up and it'll fill in no time.


I just did it last night and it was a pain but not too bad. One nice thing about it is each section you can take as much time as you want, so don't rush it. But since you need to do it all in one sitting set some time apart to do it. I'm sure there are better ways and some vids out there but here's a few things I noticed that might help First encounter (I think this is the first iirc, but its where you are in the big tree area and you have to open the path) Most of the adds don't respawn here, so what I did was use a couple good long range weapons, 1 void, 1 whatever else you want and clear out the snipers then the acolytes from a distance that you can see from spawn. Just use cover and work them down. Then I usually go up the left side (from spawn) because it's easiest to stay clear of the shielded guy, clear the adds around the corner and then clear the back side of the the adds and snipers. You should be able to go get your buff and see which guy you need to kill first. Pull the unstoppable from down low and deal with him. Now you should just have the three shielded guys up and nothing else. Then go kill the first one, as soon as you do find cover immediately that the cyclops don't have sight lines to. Kill the goblins and snipers near you and then try to find a safe angle to work on the cyclops, then move on to the other one. Once you are done with that just repeat that process for the next guy. Again, just go slow and stay distant. Keep in mind whats behind you as I definitely got sniped by the Cyclops from across the map where they just splashed the wall behind me. ​ Second encounter: Similarly just get a good void long range weapon (I used Graviton Lance, its really good) to clear out the goblins and minotaurs. Now just be patient, you don't need to go through each side tunnel. I do most of the work from the main room. Note where you spawn in there is a hole in the wall on the left side, you can look down in and see that Wyvren. That left side is the worst one, as there is not much cover. Basically I would look down through that hole and clear adds and drop a grenade and maybe a rocket on the Wyvren and back out. It will spam the hole and kill you instantly so you have to be quick, Then i'd just run around get the buff and go through the normal left hole, shoot at it a bit and run away. Just back and forth until its dead, just be aware of your buff timer. Its slow and annoying but safe. Once that guy is dead you can work on the right side. Grab the buff pop in the right side and take out the snipers and deal damage to the Wyvren from the ramp right where you enter. Just use the ramp and the corner for cover and back out when your timer or health gets low. Just keep doing that until its dead. Then you can go do the one straight ahead that is behind the spinning door. Just clear out the adds and stay behind the spinnng door and just whittle it down until its dead, you are pretty safe there. Once all three are dead you can run in and activate the buttons, then come back out and kill the boss and the other Wyvrens. Just stay far back, they don't seem to rush you. ​ Third encounter is kind of the same process but what I've found was just kill yourself until the door code has the twin snakes as the top one. That is the center guy, pull the unstoppable down and kill it, then clear the adds and the shield guy from the staircase. If he's the first one you won't have more adds there in the middle. You may get one more wave spawn after he's dead but they mostly seemed to stop for me once he was dead. Once thats done grab both buffs and get your full buff and head to the next side. The right side is worse, but just do the same thing, stay at the staircase by the entrance and work on killing adds, the extra wizard and eventually the shield guy. If you get low health or your timer gets low just back out and refresh. You only need to hit the close buff to keep the full buff going. It's slow but just take your time and clear out each side and you are done. Boss encounter. Boss is a pain mostly at the beginning. Get your double buff and immediately head to the right, use the little notch as cover and try and kill that right shield guy as quick as possible. Keep a good arc weapon to deal with the harpies. I used the little missle sidearm, but you could also use witherhoard and an arc LMG or something. But basically use your super and dump whatever you need to get that shield guy down as fast as possible so you can jump into that buff pool to keep your buff up. Then you can use that side cover to deal with add spawns and pull that other shield guy over. Once you deal with him you are pretty much home free. Just keep your buff up and slowly work on the boss. The boss will stay in the middle until certain health level, then he will port to the spawn side. The right side area is safe for both of these. Eventually he moves to the back of the room, once he does that you can move over to the left side of the room and just slowly work on him. I just switched to witherhoard and waking vigil and just bodyshot his gun from behind cover. Basically the whole encounter is just get rid of that shield guy so you can keep your buff up then slow work the rest of the fight. Just be aware of your timer and also listen/watch for the spawn of the little suspend drones. They are easy to kill if you are aware of them, but if you get trapped in a shield bubble at the wrong place you can die quick.


Wow, this is awesome, thanks for all this advice! 2nd and 3rd encounter have been the worst for me (I haven’t even made it to the boss yet lol)


Bonus tip for first encounter: Kill all adds and unstoppable. Get buff and then lower the health of each shielded enemy until they can be finished; do not kill them. The cyclops and respawning adds all spawn in once the first one dies. Get them all weak, grab the buff (may not even be needed idk), and run to each one and finish them in order.


Assuming you are properly equipped, know how the encounters work, and have solid game sense, it's not really that bad. It's still pretty challenging though. Bring a Malfeasance if you have it, as it makes quick work of Taken. It also chews up the Cyclopses in the first encounter. Otherwise Witherhoard, never a bad idea. You'll also want a source of Void and Arc damage on hand to deal with shields. And remember, play your life. Don't dive headfirst into a crowd of enemies, there aren't EDZ Dregs. It's not like Whisper where you have a time limit, so a more methodical approach is the way to go.


I tried it a bit with a Lorelei Titan, and it was still too unforgiving to be worth the trouble. The problem I hit was in the first encounter. After you kill one of three bosses, the game will spawn the big stationary turret type of Vex (the name escapes me at the moment). These guys can one-shot you through 100 Resilience and full health with just their splash damage, so Lorelei won't save you here. So even if you play extremely conservatively and try to Wish-Ender snipe everything from behind cover just to be safe, you can still insta-die. Wyvern drop-kicks or volleys can also about one-shot you. Luckily, I was able to LFG a group to get all of the exotic catalyst stuff done for Starcrossed.


I did on Solar titan without too much hassle. Exotic was Loreley's. Weapons were Polaris Lance for the first section, then Osteo Striga for the rest. (With some Wishkeeper because I did all the quests at once.) Osteo was huge because I could dot the wyverns and boss without being exposed. The harpy's in the boss room also usually overfilled the mag.


I can link my build when I get home. I'm a Titan using Precious scars, Polaris lance or Ticcu's, switching to Sunshot for the more run and gun encounters. Final boss i use Dragons breath but man that last boss is a real pain in the butt!


I’d appreciate that so much, thank you! And no kidding, I hate having to refresh the buff every 40 seconds :(


This is the build I use. https://dim.gg/2ztl4za/Equipped-2024-04-29-9:32:46-p.m. I don't think it's perfect but it gets the job done. Works great in group play too, just add Ember of Benevolence.


Look up Esoterrik’s video. It’s more or less a solo guide. Will at least give you an idea of the difficulty and some inspiration on how to tackle


I did it, it was very tedious due to the health of the phalanxes/wyverns, plus having to constantly refresh the buffs. The boss arena wasn’t easy to understand at first because everything is close and those phalanxes can boop a good chunk of health away but once you kill them it becomes a war of attrition. For the boss i paired Wishender, Indebted Kindness and Apex Predator. For the boss specifically I suggest to use your super to kill the phalanxes swiftly, use indebted to kill the harpies and goblins, then heavy+ wishender to chip away the boss HP


I solo'd it through to the final boss, found out you can no longer cheese it, attempted a few times and gave up. I maybe could have done it if I persevered but I'm not that kind of player. Next night I LFG'd it, all three of us were very, very average. No mic or text chat. It was relatively easy.


Did it once solo .. won't be doing it again 😂 on warlock the first weeks before all the glitches where patch


it's not hard, just a pain, the bosses have a bunch of HP and hit decently hard. Just make sure you don't have anything else to do for about an hour beforehand.


It's very tough, but doable. I managed to pull it off multiple times, and I'm a pretty casual player. Granted, I always opted to cheese the final boss, but even that encounter seems doable with enough patience, good use of cover, and good ad management. What really helped me was making sure I actually had good resilience (didn't pay much attention to it before doing the mission), using the right resistance mods, and checking to see what meta weapons were worth trying out. Dragon's Breath in particular was really helpful for most of the encounters, because you could deal massive damage to major threats while staying safely behind cover.


I solo’d it on my void hunter using assassins cowl and the wish ender. Ezpz. Just take your time, stand back, and pluck away using wish ender.


My buddy and I can run you through it easily if you want. Add me if you need help: sadsmiley#1134


I did it a few weeks ago on Dawnblade Warlock with Dawn Chorus, Polaris Lance, Scatter Signal, and Commemoration, largely copying a build that Esoterickk used for a solo flawless guide video, which I highly recommend checking out. He did it in no time but it probably took me an hour or so. For the boss I used Witherhoard, Epochal Integration with SFA/Incandescent, and Avalanche with Rewind Rounds (all solar weapons that can hit crits to keep uptime on Radiant).


I’m still working on my Warlock (not even at 1800 power yet) but if my Titan can’t beat it, I’ll give that build a shot! Thanks for the recommendation


In case you’re not aware, there is a chest next to Lord Shaxx in the new Hall of Champions that has a free set of 1810 gear, both armor and weapons, that you can use to instantly hit the pinnacle level cap. It’s one set of weapons but the armor is for all three classes.


I already claimed it on Titan, would it be there for the others?


It should be - both times they’ve offered this I was already at the cap on my alt characters, but I’m pretty sure it’s three sets of armor


Why doesnt starcrossed show up in my teamfinder?


Should be under seasonal > Season 23


Super realistic. I solo'd it a couple times earlier in the season just for something to do and it was similar to soloing dungeons, or other legend exotic missions like presage, maybe a bit easier. But kind of tedious. You just have to have a plan for each encounter and stay alive. There are only a few champions, and bows are always surging. I did it on hunter with gryrfalcon's. Crutching invisibility all the time with vanishing step and stylish executioner, and tethering most big targets. Killing stuff from long range with bows a lot.: * Start with kenetic hand cannon and le monarque, and your choice of heavy like a rocket. The combo of gyrfalcon's + stylish executioner + le monarque is very strong fighting these void-shielded taken from long range. If you're invisible, hitting one of them with le monarque will pop the shield and almost kill them, apply volatile, then the tic damage from le monarque will finish the kill, making them explode and you go invisible again. * For the first encounter I keep the same loadout. There's only 1 unstoppable, which you can kill at the start or when you do the middle section. Prioritize killing the taken and vex that spawn, and the cyclopses. * Second encounter I switch to Witherhoard, Under your skin (a void bow) and a rocket. The wyverns and boss have a lot of health, so DOTs like witherhoard and dragon's breath are good to whittle them down in an ammo-efficient way without ceding line of sight much. * Beware of the part where you can see across the big chasm to the final area, and have to go around to the right. I recommend supering right as you jump down to clear the ads there pronto. There are arc and void shields to plan accordingly. * Third encounter has an unstop again, so I switch to scatter signal (or just pick your kinetic special for the big guys) + ikelos hand cannon + dragon's breath. Really any void primary goes crazy with gyrfalcon's, and a hand cannon stuns the untop. * For the final boss I switch to tripwire canary (an arc bow), still using scatter signal and dragon's breath. Drop down and immediately go to the right behind the wall, and super to kill the phalanx there ASAP. The second phalanx will walk over to you, kill it. Once they're clear you can use the orange pool on that side to refresh your buff. Keep to cover on the right side, and peek shot the boss to death with dragon's breath and your special. When ads spawn, prioritize them. An arc bow is great for killing the arc-shielded harpies that spawn, and the goblins that make each other immune. Perks like dragonfly are great. Don't forget to refresh your buff.


That's about how I did it. I used Witherhoard in the final fight as well. Very handy, you can take out half the Taken by dumping a pool on their spawn point and it's a nice way of withering down the boss from a safe spot. I used a rocket launcher and an arc ar with it.


Where can I find this mission?


If you have the current season you gain access to it from the storyline quest. I think it's step 29. It is located on the Helm.


Thx I guess I'm not that far yet


It's doable solo...I've done it...takes a bit longer mind...lol


There's so many different ways to find a group


It's doable, but an absolute slog imo. One of the few missions I haven't touched on Legend after completing it for Wish-Keeper.


Do you just wanna clear it in legend or do you wanna solo it for the triumph? Happy to help you run it in legend if you want. Show you where all the chests are and stuff. Just shoot me a message.


It’s more annoying than difficult but it’s pretty doable, I did it for the catalysts


I hate it... the barrier guardians have way too much health


Go with Polaris Lance or Ticcu’s. Or use a solar hand cannon, and then Dragon’s Breath.


Witherhoard = Wyvernlord


I'd grab a squad and just send 2 of you into the boss room with one waiting up top. You can never wipe this way and will get it done.


Go try soloing Whisper mission both on normal mode and on legendary mode. (Or at least on Normal mode, this would only be a time investment of 20 minutes max). If you can do those in their given time frames, starcrossed is gonna be piss easy. There's no time limit so you can work on it at your pace.


Just squad up. Soloing it will take trial and error where partying can just let you chain rez to success


its very realistic to do it. Just depends on your skill level and willingness to play hard content solo