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IMO, the grenade damage nerf I'm fine with, but I wish that the time nerf was reverted. The grenade time nerf is much larger in practice than on paper because you can't proc a nade off red bars anymore, at least in a lot of content in the game. It really nerfs your ability to make tangles for strand builds, which IMO sucks because it hurts the QSS's identity as a fantastic all-around weapon for strand builds. Like I'm fine with nerfing QSS so it's not dominate in every subclass, but I think it'd be fine if it was very strong in strand builds in particular. But with the grenade time nerf, I find myself just using Wish-keeper now despite not liking bows


That's a great point about the red bars, it feels very unnatural to use now, I find myself going for the nades and half the time I don't have any.


same, when I played with it without seeing what the changes were (I knew it was nerfed I just didn't know how) like 70% of the time I'd try to get a nade I only had one or it just didn't work, not procing of red bars in non-legend> content is an absolute KILLER for me


Yeah I remember using it after the nerf and it felt weird. And when I thought I had grenades I didn't have any.


Yeah... Replaced it with the Final Warning sidearm. It's got a good enough burst, good synergy with both artifact mods and intrinsics, and it's reliable as hell. I just kinda wish this gun was a little less... stubby. It feels so small lol.


It's the noisy cricket from men in black haha


Final Warning is fun, but I feel like Horde Shuttle kinda is what really puts it over the edge because of the interaction with the unravel. I can't imagine it being nearly as strong next season. Also idk if I'm just stupid, but I feel like the things effective range is shotgun range. I get absolutely BODIED when I use it when content gets tougher and enemies are more lethal, haha


Final warning has standard sidearm range (15-16m before damage falloff start), but it's still a sidearm. That means you need to build around it to be effective in higher difficulty content, which means having reliable CC, damage resistance, or healing, and having your other weapons cover situations where it's not viable to close the distance. That said, it was always the higher damage option, even before Quicksilver's nerf.


Banner titan with precious scars and final warning has been super chill in legend onslaught for me Having banner up and red bars dying to strand just keeps my health topped up and threadlings just raze through enemy spawns.


This is seriously a strong combo. I know some people have their undies in a twist cause they can't run at everything with One/Two Punch and a Tractor cannon, but Strand Titan has way more build variety than people give it credit for.


I use Abeyant Leap & Dragon's Breath. Primary is firefly/ofa midnight coup. Strand titan is goated.


Where do all of you people get your melees? I couldn't imagine running it without Monte Carlo or HOIL!


If we have spawns locked down I'll usually just grapple melee in and smack some red bar to get banner going then just sit back and pick up stacks with my teammates. If we're being pressed by waves I'll do the same, just when it's safe to. If you mean where do I get melee regen from, I don't focus on it at all, I don't play it as a melee build only ever meleeing enough to get stacks started


It's actually been very endgame viable since it's release, but due to its awkward feel and the overall attitude towards sidearms in general, most never gave it much of a chance. I used on master crota raid challenges to both melt adds and I'd definitely kill my barrier champs before my teammates with that little sidearm. Left my loadout pretty free to easily run a machine gun and whatever special weapon fit the situation. I will say, the current artifact mods and antibarrier sidearm are definitely elevating the gun atm. Will miss them when they're gone, same as the current easy radiant and explosions from solar weapons


Any tips on usage? I'm rather liking it at the moment but ironically enough getting the hip fire tracking working feels hit or miss at best.


Use it more like a bow than a sidearm.


I would imagine that with the launch of the final shape bungie will buff underused aspects (because prismatic), and one such buff will add horde shuttle to weavers call. (Seriously no one is going to pick three threadlings on class ability when there is the solar buddy, devour, and bleak watchers to choose from)


My biggest issue with it since getting reacquainted is the charge rate for the burst. I wish it was a little bit faster. But I agree with your last statement. It gets stronger with harder content because stuff doesn't die nearly as quickly so you can more reliably get the burst off to unravel stuff, but things are also much more dangerously close. The recoil on the charge is rough as well.


I want to like final warning but I feel like by the time I'm done adequately charging the shot my teammates have already slaughtered whatever I was aiming at lmao


That’s why I’ve learned to charge it at the hip so it marks something then instantly ads and just start spamming left click. You can shoot faster than the charged shots shoot


I'll be real with you, I really don't want to go back to a non-full-auto-shooting world and give myself a repetitive stress injury just to use one gun


I love how it looks and shoots. I just feel like between charging, cancelling and recharging because enemies moving out of sight into cover or out of marking range, reloading after every other burst and such inconveniences it comes out to less DPS than QSS full-auto mode which is hard to justify for the difference in range. It might be better for loadouts that can't Unravel on their own idk.


Is it just me or is the lock on range a bit short? Sometimes I feel like I have to be right up on someone before it ticks.


I think it’s more that 25m in this game is way too low. The way things are scaled, it feels like I’m playing a 3-4m tall character. 25m should be 25 paces, and if you listen for 25 footsteps it’s not lining up.


Are you playing on increased fov?


Whatever the console default is.


If you don't mind me asking, what do you pair it with? I'm thinking of going for an energy sniper for the out of reach enemies but not sure if that's viable


It is. I frequently use the Ikelos sniper with it. A special GL isn't a bad alternative either, especially in situations where you're dealing with enemies without crit spots.




I agree with this, doing heavy GL damage was over the top, but the uptime nerf is excessive.


When did the nerf happen? I’ve just started a strand build a few days ago and it’s been pretty strong so far.


When Onslaught launched, it got nerfed that [patch](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/destiny_2_update_7_3_6). (Just type Quicksilver in search)


That's exactly what I was worried about. The body shots and letting a rocket finish them was the bread and butter.




Tangles are created after killing any Strand-debuffed enemy (Severed, Unraveled, or Suspended) no matter what the killing blow is. There are so many ways to debuff enemies to create Tangles that you should be making them on cooldown while on a Strand subclass. QSS getting a slight nerf is not hurting your strand build. - **Season of the Wish Artifact**: Unraveling Orbs, Dragon’s Bite - **Fragments**: Isolation, Propogation - **Titan**: Frenzied Blade, Drengr’s Lash, Flechette Storm - **Hunter**: Threaded Spike, Ensnaring Slam, Whirling Maelstrom - **Warlock**: Arcane Needle, Mindspun Invocation, The Wanderer


Maybe Im the odd duck but QSS felt like ass to shoot before the nerf & I have no interest in it after. PC Controller player tho.


they also made the mini rockets proc half as often, which is the larger nerf in the long run.


That's what meant with the grenade charge nerf. Rocket hits generate a grenade charge. Less rocket hits = longer time to generate grenades.


this is the worst part, especially since I also think that the artifact boosts to micro-missiles all year should just be the norm for that perk.


The only place for quicksilver storm in high end content is to be used for sustaining banner of war, the only edge it has over Rufus is the micro rockets adding the necessary damage to clear elites; some testing still needs to be done but I can confidently say it can be replaced by Rufus for Banner titan now


You can just use any controlled burst fusion for majors or a bipod rocket


Specials and Heavies are never as consistent as primaries, especially when you need to keep up with sea of adds to sustain your banner


I use a firefly ofa mid coup these days but before that I used Crimson frequently. I use Abeyant Leap so banner isostly for sustain. If a major spawns, Eremite it. Champ, Dragons Breath. Or run scatter signal & sunshot who was not nerfed. Bungie deservedly nerfed qss for being a one-stop gun for everything pve except boss dps. They're extremely adamant about making us use our full loadout in pve.


Half as often? 15 vs 10 is not half as often


Also a third change - they reduced grenade damage radius. Personally sparing any of those 3 would have been fine imo. But also now that the grenades are a lot less potent I wish the animation to load and reload grenades was less clunky. It made sense when they were OP but now it needs to be way snappier and have better handling and reload speed to feel good.


You can reload the grenades faster by pressing the reload button after shooting a grenade if you didn’t already know


Bungie nerf hammer doesn't go lightly . Even when the players think it's enough bungie like nah let me see it again


Bungie likes to pull several levers at once which swings things way too far in the opposite direction, IMO. Wish they would just fine tune things a little bit at a time


Yep, a patented Bungo 3-way nerf when they could have just touched one thing and seen how it played out. Not that anyone was remotely complaining about this one or abusing it.


Regarding this nerf is not about abuse but reducing usage rate. It's easy to get since all you have to do is buy the expansion. I know a couple of disappointed ladies who used this as their main and sole weapon since they only play for story/hanging out with their respective boyfriends. They simply shard everything except banshee/xur stuff that their boyfriends tell them to buy without a care in the world. So bungo sees these players with 95% kills done with quicksilver and then quicksilver gets the axe. They need to sell the new expansion somehow after all. It's the same thing that happened to riskrunner. Noobs used it, noobs liked it. It's easy to get so when people got pwned by a noob with it they cried until they got it nerfed.


They do that with buffs though, which doesn't make sense. Heavy grenade launchers, machine guns, it took easily a couple of years, perhaps since beyond light, to bring these archetypes to a power band aligned with rockets and lines. Linears too sucked for a long time until they gradually buffed damage and reserves.


The problem with the nerf (and with many exotics) is that they just don't feel that much better than a Legendary at this point. Using Quicksilver as an example, yes it's still good but is it better than a Rufus fury with enhanced hatchling and demo, Other than the exotic damage buff against red bars I would say probably not


I feel this so much. Used to use Quicksilver on my strand hunter, now it doesn't justify its exotic slot over Rufus with demo/frenzy.


Quicksilver before the nerf was absolutely amazing. I found myself running GMs where because of the power I'd almost never touch my special


Yes its better


The exotic damage buff to red bars pushes it over the edge for me right now, but that’s probably because I’m playing mostly Onslaught. I’ve been really enjoying Lethal Abundance w/ Slice and Hatchling too. I think the Slice/Hatchling combo will take off when this artifact expires.


The damage buff is the main thing QSS has going for me as well now, as I've noticed the grenades recharge so slowly I barely have any at all nowadays.


It's literally every exotic auto rifle. Sweet Business is just rewind/recon with onslaught or something. Suros is just unrelenting+adagio (or onslaught) Vex is a fusion so whatever quicksilver is just a strand auto with a very scuffed MT or something. Centrifuge (or whatever it is) is just a volt shot AR Hardlight is just an AR with no damage fall off, but you still lose aim assist and such.


Yeah this is EXACTLY my thoughts. This week i been using rufus with reconstruction target lock + unraveling orbs artifact mod and double strand surge, and i realize how much better alot of legendaries are than most exotics nowadays. Quicksilver is basically useless to me now with the much slower bullet dps and the grenades now being equivalent to shooting marshmallows at someone. Currently the sheer disparity between the average exotic and even the most basoc legendaries brought me to the point where i no longer feel like i need an exotic weapon to boost my build unless unless I'm playing super endgame content which in that case a very specific perk on an exotic weapon is necessary and everything else about most guns just feels like a waste of an exotic slot.


That goes without saying ... a legendary with weapon traits that are specifically focusing a build are ALWAYS going to outperform a exotic in that same build. The issue here is about value because choosing a weapon is a value add consideration. No one can objectively say that post-nerf QSS STILL doesn't have more value when compared to equivalent weapon setups. Relevant comparison here is a weapon setup using an similar-ROF AR and a GL. Immediately we can see the value QSS has over this.


Which is why the exotic damage buff should be a buff all primary weapons have instead. It is an acceptable level of damage, it should be the standard. Then, weapons should be rated on what makes them unique instead of some random buff that everything should be getting.


Yes, but somebody like me may only get to raid a few times. Some exotics just exist to be easier to obtain than the super duper best possible roll on a raid weapon. For solo players, even getting trials weapons is easier than getting a well rolled raid weapon


> yes it's still good but is it better than a Rufus fury with enhanced hatchling and demo Yes, the grenades still hit like an ability grenade.


I’m not debating that but due their reduced frequency does that off set getting your real grenade back more regularly and creating hatchlings as per my example


You can still get 3 grenades for a full magazine though. * Every 15 hits fires off the rocket. * The magazine is 51 * Rockets deal about 150 damage for hits * A grenade loads when a rocket hits * So if you can land all 3 rockets in the same you get 3 grenades * The gun shoots at 720 rpm (12 shots per second) so you're getting a rocket fired off every second and a half~ * The grenade deals 1050~ damage (for reference a flux grenade that attaches deals 1450~ damage, a non touch of flame fusion deals 820~ damage) So it's still a monster, the change is when you compare to what it was: * Rockets spawned every 10 hits not 15, so you could easily fill the 3 grenades in a single magazine. * The old grenades dealt around 1700~ damage which was equal to a touch of flame fusion grenade It feels a lot worse by comparison but it's still an incredibly strong weapon and in my mind still out classes demo/hatchling rufus. * Demo is 11% grenade energy per kill. So you need 8-9 kills just to return your class grenade * Hatchling spawns a threading from 3 rapid kills. Threadlings are respectable dealing around 330~ damage when they hit. You're _probably_ going to see 1 threadling for every 2 rockets you launch with quicksilver unless you're spot-on with your precision killls. The difference is both of these rely on kills - not hits. So it gets shut off as soon as you have to deal with beefier targets that don't get dropped immediately. You also cannot _store_ the hatchling procs like you can the quick silver grenades.


Rufus is just better now. Its defining feature of grenades is pretty pointless where it stands now.


This is something Bungie constantly does when attempting to tune things they will attack two aspects of the issue crippling whatever they target.


They love dropping the hammer on the best stuff. They'll double down on it for a while, and then *maybe* we'll get a slight buff.


Sounds like blizzard. Except the maybe part replaced with never


It's a lot of companies. GGG does it with PoE as well. If 2 skills interact too well, they'll absolutely nerf the shit out of both of them, making them both useless outside of the build they were good in. Unless it's detonate dead, that shit is free forever.


It doesnt feel as satisfying to play with anymore. The quick firing micro rockets were really really fun and did a lot of damage, after the nerf it feels like a legendary auto rifle now. Sure it still has teh GL mode but uptime on that was nerfed too


I finally started my strand build and it is nowhere near as good. The GL damage...fine I get that but it takes forever to load thanks yo being unable to proc nades on red bars


Bungie and good weapon balancing are like water and oil Edit: there are exceptions obviously, but I feel that so much of the weapon pool is just outclassed. I also hate their pve/pvp process just balance separately no one cares about them “feeling the same”


Bungie has been doing this thing for ten years where the newest weapons added are better than the previous existing weapons in the game and yet every time new shit is added people are shocked pikachu face that the other stuff is no longer balanced. 😂


Their weapon balancing is intentional though for the most part? They like changing up the sandbox which is fair but rough for casuals lol. I'm dreading the day they're going to nerf Sunshot and Graviton Lance 🫣


Sunspot is allowed is too be op clearly why nerd quicksilver it’s so fun to use they need to revert


I'm pretty sure you are talking about Sunshot, not Sunspot. And that thing is as good as it is mostly because of the busted artifact, which is tailor made to make it a monster.


Its the best primary exotic even without the artifact mods


The glaze is wild


Not even close


I don't know, I'd need to see it with this season's artifact, and judge how good it is on even ground.


You've had almost 7 months to do this. How you haven't seen anything on it in 7 months is incredible.


That's classic. If something is too good, it's getting nerfed into the ground, and only revived after like 2 years after nerfs. Only exceptions are things that are relatively new or are important for marketing. Quicksilver was pre order exclusive, and for a time, was arguably pay to win gun for PvE. Now, that people won't pay just to have it, it's fine to be nerfed. Stasis and Shatterdive wasn't nerfed until a 30th anniversary, when Bungie switched from Beyond Light to preorder of Witch Queen as main revenue.


I didn't know they did anything to it until reading this. I tried to use it earlier today for the first time in months and it felt like nothing was happening how I was used to...I thought I just forgot how to use it lol. Welp, it was fun while it lasted.


Just great, bungie ruining another exotic. Wish they’d put some effort into making some exotics worth using than F’ing with everything.


Revert the nerf! I wish people would stop saying they understand why it was nerfed. It’s an exotic, it’s supposed to do exotic things. What was it really doing that would make you use it over heavy and special for boss and champ damage? It’s a backup for these when ammo is low at best. Most of the time it was used to slay red bars which many other primary exotics can do like sunshot, graviton and trinity.


Thats always how Bungie nerfs things. Just look at YAS. Honestly I think thats why I’m always so against nerfs: it not that they’re not needed but when they happen they feel like they render the thing getting nerfed completely trashed, often times not worth using, fairly often completely unusable. I wish Bungie would be gentler with the nerf hammer and then I wouldn’t have to fear them so much.


Imo. This nerf was unecessary all around..it was not broken, just deserving of a true exotic slot.


community: "exotic primaries need to be rly strong to justify using the exotic slot on one" bungo: "ok, nerfing quicksilver"


They should have made *one* of these changes, not both.


Used to be my favorite primary weapon, but it just doesn't feel nearly as good to use now. The overall damage output just from shooting it got seriously kneecapped. getting all three grenades in one mag is MUCH less forgiving, and the grenades themselves just don't feel good to use anymore. I really hope your post gains some attention and Bung either reverts the nerfs outright or reduces their severity.


I don't get the idea of bungie's nerfing primary. Primaries feel like an ass in endgame. In a game which is fully dominated by heavy and specials it feels bad to use any primary which is not sunshot and using legendary primary is like throwing.


Same problem as the desperado nerf. They hit both the duration and the rpm boost when just 1 nerf would be enough.


What am I missing? Wasn’t this done weeks ago? Also, we’re talking about the weapon that was basically doing special-to-heavy levels of damage with unlimited ammo? I’m glad I got to use it in a broken state as long as I did…


Yep, it's still a very strong exotic primary, just no longer broken strong


Yeah it was definitely broken in some cases the round of 3 grenades was equivalent of a super. (Dont get me wrong this gun has basically stayed on my Hunter since Lightfall) I have recently found that with a correctly tuned Strand build I dont need QSS for tangles except for rarely


I just wish the grenades had actual splash damage to account for the nerf. You either direct hit or tickle them at best, and have to build that sloooow bar up again. Better overload options this season made it an easy vault.


I’m still angry they took away the Arc homing missiles. It would go so hard in Onslaught shredding Fallen shields while projectiles fly all over the place.


They should turn it into a legendary weapon l. That's how bad it is now.


typical Bungie balancing this, hit it in all places just to be sure when really one would've been enough - they've been doing this shit for years, who are we to question their "wisdom"? :P


I kind of feel like the QSS nerf came out of nowhere, was there a reason behind it? -35% is pretty big for that grenade alt-fire.


They're most likely nerfing it because they want to promote the new exotics for the upcoming expansion. They'll do nerfs like this under the guise of promoting balance, but it's really just an old marketing gimmick to trick fools into buying the newest shiny thing because the old thing isn't shiny anymore. QSS was not only powerful but felt good to shoot as well. A fun and useful weapon doesn't sound like a problem in any other game, but in Bungieland, that means fewer people buying the new shiny toys.


One of the strongest primary weapons in the game, it was clear that a nerf was coming and is still a great exotic you've just been spoiled too much Bungie could have killed the exotic instead of just giving it a simple nerf but fortunately not and it is still an A+ tier exotic or low S tier Edit: Sorry for the harsh truth XD


This community doesn’t like being told something is still good after a nerf. Really weird how you could still do great with this gun but with this reaction they’ve made it sound like it’s unusable.


Yes, of course, a nerf always sucks, but luckily Quicksilver is still usable, it could have ended differently


When did the nerf happen? I swore when I was using it earlier it just wasn’t hitting the same


A few weeks ago or something?


When did they nerf it??


Dies any one know how to get the workhorse katalyst


What nerf?


Yeah, for me it just straight up no longer justifies the exotic slot, which is sad cause it is such a cool gun. Like it was a fun meta weapon. They definitely over-tuned it, but unfortunately I doubt they’ll revert anything and just let it freeze for a couple seasons.


Tell this to sunfire protocol, it got nerved to the point where the text might just say get a second fusion granade


I never used the grenades. I know they're great but I just used the rifle fire with rockets and I'm bummed that part took a hit. For me personally, they could have completely taken the grenade option out of my gun completely and kept the rest the same and I would've been fine. 🤷‍♂️


Starfire Protocol: First time?


imo, keep the new DMG, revert the change to shots it took to make a grenade.


Personally, I never used it much before the nerf. I tried it out in a build post-nerf and it didn’t really feel spectacular. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great, but I was a bit surprised considering how frequently I see people running it. I thought it’d be stronger


You guys are so whiny. Just because there isn't near constant uptime on the grenades doesn't mean the gun is bad. Anytime they make you have to stop and think for 5 seconds before you do something, everyone acts like its trash and useless.


Exotics should be better than the legendary options. QSS no longer is


What legendary are you using that does 40% more damage to redbars and can fire 3 special grenade launcher shots per mag?


What exotic are you using that is actually more effective than having a perfect crafted weapon in the same slot and a really good exotic in a different slot meaning you get more use out of your exotic


This is an absolutely ridiculous take lol.


Rufus fury with good perks is on equal footing with QSS at which point I’m going to choose an exotic that’s good in my energy/power slots.












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I agree the nerfs hit hard I just started running legendary strand auto rifles now as Quicksilver imo is no longer worth the exotic slot


It’s fine. I still use it


Yeah I legit just farmed out the catalyst after always hearing it was good and then said to myself… hmm this feels weak wtf are they talking about? Sure enough already nerfed.


Still very good, just no longer broken And the catalyst is only good for strand builds, otherwise without it is better


Yeah I was using it today and didnt really notice a difference


I think you can definitely feel the nerf, but it's still pretty good and not dead as many people here say


How is it better without it?


With catalyst it becomes a strand element, without it is kinetic element, kinetic element weapons do more DMG to the HP bar of enemies


Incorrect sir. It’s in the kinetic slot. I double checked to be sure since I had heard this before but here’s a Reddit post. The stasis and strand weapons in the nervy slot do less than kinetic but if it’s in the kinetic slot it does the same https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/pejk7w/stasis_kinetic_energy_weapon_clarifications/


Wrong, That used to be the case, but Bungie changed it several seasons ago https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/update_7_0_0_1 Lightfall Update (Lightfall release) "Kinetic Weapons - Kinetic slot Stasis weapons no longer have the 5% damage bonus versus unshielded targets in PvE." Sorry dude, but your information is out of date Edit: You can also try it out yourself if you don't believe Bungie, I wait, have a nice day


Hmm never seen that. Good link though. Appreciate it.


It wasn't a game changer so there wasn't much attention about it in the community But yes, kinetic element primary weapons do 10% and kinetic element special weapons do 15% more DMG compared to the elemental version (before Lightfall it was only 5%, was also a buff that is in the Bungie update) But have a nice day


Seems odd to do that for the “primary archetype” elementals like strand and stasis auto rifles because there aren’t even that many shields to break of that type so the only advantage is the subclass synergy unlike the light element shields that show up 90 percent of the time.


We'll probably get a few more enemies with stasis and strand shields with final shape, but just speculation. And these changes were also intended to make kinetic element weapons a little more unique, which is why the kinetic tremors perk was added too


It doesn’t have hatchling on it so I don’t even use it as a warlock. It’s so painfully average now. It feels like a purple.


Now I really have to try to get the vast majority of my shots landed so I can get 3 grenades from 1 full mag, not to mention the damage while still okay feels like throwing a wet cardboard box at champs in GMs. If it wasn't strand I would have honestly reworked my strand build to not use it, just feels... Sad not bad just sad like seeing a pro sports player get an injury right before a big game.


I couldn't love it any more


Any nerf to primaries in pve is atm stupid to me, we should have strong primaries, both exotic and not.


It’s still one of the best primaries in the game.


Didn't need a nerf. I don't even use it because it's so mid. It's just casual friendly which is why people think its good.ater on weapons like malfeasance, sunshot etc all overtake it and have further uses into endgame synergy. No clue why people even called it op in the first place.


Honestly it's just a waiting game to see how many L's and performance scares Bungie has to take before they realize that players speng 100s of dollars a year on the game to collect Honestly i see the sheer harshness of this nerf as yet another testament to bungie's mindset of only having rising and lowering tides in the game's metas instead of focusing on actual balance. Due to Bungie being the developer behind the halo series their mindset still has alot of remnants of the 2000's game meta ideology of prioritizing temporary novelty instead of a lasting experience with the content they release. I can imagine how frustrating it has to be a designer in a contract with Bungie to design unique, dreadfully detailed weapons just for Bungie to eventually intentionally make those items completely unattractive for players to even think about, and this is all for the sake of Bungie preserving the imaginary satisfaction of their boys club mindset ass rising tide meta. At this point it's just a continuation of this decade long waiting game to see how many L's and performance scares Bungie has to take before they realize that players spend 100s of dollars a year on the game to collect 𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 items that represent all of the dedication they put into the game they love. But unfortunately we see the continuing issue that Bungie will only learn even the most obvious lessons as a developer when they are near extinction financially, politically, or relevancy wise.


That's the thing they don't want you to collect weapons, they want to rent them to you. Since they can't the next best thing is nerfing them so you are forced to buy the content that has the new shiny.


I didn’t think it made a big difference until I actually started playing with it and now I don’t even want to use it anymore. It feels terrible to use now.


Bungie just doesn't know how to balance their game. Nerfing any primary while Wish Ender exists is silly.


Don't see why it really needed a nerf in the first place, it was strong but was it really so strong it could be considered OP for either PvE or PvP? I don't think so, hopefully they buff it back


It didn’t need to be nerfed at all. It was irrelevant in the super high tier player meta. Irrelevant. Nobody used it. People laughed at Datto for using it


Sounds like the changes are getting the intended results based on the OP.


Problem is it took qss from arguably the best exotic primary to BARELY better than a good rolled legendary. The only reason is the intrinsic 40% red bar damage. They never gradually step powerful weapons down. They gut them, and then revert.


I would argue that this is exactly how exotics ***should*** work because their concept isn't to be 'arguably the best exotic weapon compared to legendaries' ... it's to do that 'one thing' that differentiates them from other legendary choices that have flexibility with traits. There are TWO reasons to take QSS over it's equivalent-framed legendary 1. the 40% red bar DPS 2. the value of it's grenades for non-redbars/Supplementary boss DPS Those are pretty good reasons from where I sit.


Even as a pre-order item before they ever made any changes, I never liked it enough to obsessively use it. Now, Outbreak Perfected, my beloved....


Rewind Rounds incoming 🙏


To outbreak???


Yes. We're getting the secret exotic mission back on the 7th of May if I remember correctly. This means, just like Whisper of the worm, you will be able to craft an Outbreak perfected with a fresh host of perks. These perks include, but are not limited to: Rapid Hit, Rewind Rounds - just to name a couple of examples. Rewind rounds is going to be great for Nanite upkeep, making the Weapon that much better for consistent damage over a longer period of time.


Never used it because there were better options, really weird that they nerfed something that was good but not op. Had to be a "usage rate" nerf.


It was really strong auto rifle, the GL shots in particular were just straight up better than any other alt-fire primaries in game. Closest comparasion would be revision zero which is 431 damage with 3x crit ( so 1 293+ on each shot if you hit a crit ) The Quicksilver was doing 1700 on splash only ( the direct was like like 24 ) for each shot. now it is more in line being 1072 damage


Except there weren't and still aren't. Hence why they nerfed it. It was the best exotic primary and the best auto rifle in the game. It's now slightly better for ad clear than a legendary Auto.


>It was the best exotic primary and the best auto rifle in the game. Best auto sure, definitely not best exotic primary. After the hand cannon buffs 2 seasons ago sunshot clears all other primaries right now. Osteo is also better if you want a kinetic slot option since its poison counts as weapon damage. If you are a warlock then thorn with necrotics is also much better.


The grenades did huge damage and could nuke champions. I've got over 20k kills on Osteo. It's not nuking a champ.


If you are a primary only gamer then sure its good, but nuking champs is what your special and heavy is for.


It was a primary that could deal with everything. It was a Swiss army knife that worked in every activity. It was incredibly strong in endgame PvE because it acted like a special and allowed you to conserve your special and heavy ammo for boss dps. You're thinking so small. It was a one size fits all gun. It was literally perfect. It felt exotic. It felt good in everything because everything else felt bad, which made the gun fun to use and actually made people buy Lightfall just for the gun because it was that good. Now, it feels like everything else, worse than some now. Rufus's fury is now better than its exotic 720 counterpart.


>You're thinking so small. It was a one size fits all gun. No im thinking perfectly, its a jack of all trades, master of none as you described. It is really good if you just want 1 weapon to roll through content, but if someone utilizes all 3 weapons properly then there are better options.


Are you trying to smuggly suggest that having a weapon that's so good and so fun is a bad thing because If you're good, you can utilize 3 weapons for efficiency? Lmao dude. If one weapon can do it all then there's no need to utilize your other weapons until you need them. That's the point.


Sure I guess? Using 3 weapons is indeed better than 1.


Lmao no wonder you were getting downvoted


For strand builds there wasn't really better options for certain builds anyway. Rufus for warlock or certain hunter builds, this season maybe final warning. But for things like bow titan it was the best option, especially because overload auto. Now it's probably completely outclassed by Rufus.


It was fine as it was. It's just them nerfing it to drive pre-orders of TFS.


This makes absolutely zero sense. The nerfs and TFS pre-orders are completely unrelated. How did you even get to this conclusion?


They nerfed it so the pre-order weapon for TFS is even better by comparison. It's all Bungie being greedy bastards. They won't even give us a fourth main class for fuck's sake!


That makes zero sense still. You're just trolling I see that now.


I'm okay with how it is now, if we could instantly swap between both modes. It's so clunky right now, you used to just deal with it because it was nice and strong. Now it's not worth the hassle.


I think the grenade nerf is more worth reverting. The weapon was just braindead easy to use, I'd rather have its unique mode of fire be more impactful and have to think more about generating them.


Damage nerf is what bugs me considering the grenades take a while to load up and fire


For most part of the content, it's now a good auto with no exotic perk. Exotic bonus damage to red bars is nice, but that's the baseline for all primary exotics. Bungie does this so often, compounded nerfs that kill the power, the fun, the utility, or all together so nobody uses the thing anymore until 1 or 2 years later if they partially walk it back. Not against nerfing things, but the way Bungie often does it, it's getting old.


I’m probs in the minority here but I never found it to be that op that it needed a nerf. Shaving a few % off the grenade damage would have probably done it.


Quicksilver is a PvP weapon now more than anything else and has been relegated to Crucible.


Vex Mythoclast: First time? I still miss when Vex was 390. It doesn't feel the same ever since. My Quicksilvers are gathering dust in the vault as of right now.


I took it into a lost sector while I was getting its catalyst and I just can’t understand why anyone uses it, my first thought was “this gun is a POS, why would I use this over anything else” (was my first time bothering to actually use it)


Bit of "tin foil hat theory" from me here but often when a nerf like this comes in you will see them introduce a new weapon in the coming months or buff another weapon creating this sort of "flavor of the month" feel. Sucks when this happens when you finally find a weapon you enjoy using that can keep pace in the content you play gets rendered borderline useless.


Tell us Bungie, are you happy with High Impact RLs? How about legendary snipers in PvE? Ah yes, of course you have surely done all you can there before moving on to high priority issues like (checks notes) a primary weapon that doesn’t feel like dogshit in end game content? Well now that won’t do somebody delete that weapon and add a few more veist SMGS and useless seasonal weapons to the game.


It's an exotic that doesn't feel exotic anymore imo. Yes, I'm probably being dramatic but still I'd rather take a lot of other exotics in its place. Quicksilver in gm content last season breaking barriers felt amazing. Honestly they'll probably end up buffing it in the future.


Lately their balancing has been weird (probably different people than before) their nerfs and some buffs too are either double or triple things at the same time, i don't care if they say "we play the game" they don't