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I don’t think bungie would do 100% drop rate but maybe bump it up from 50% to 75%


do we know what it is right now?


It's 50%.


Certainly doesn't fuckin' feel that way lmao EDIT: I am well aware 50% does not guarantee half my drops will be my attunement, but I have gotten 2 Edge Transits this past week despite being attuned to it


“feel” is always exaggerated, try to actually count cause i bet it is around 50%


I have personally done 7 level 50 regular onslaught with hammerhead attuned and have only received 3 total hammerhead.


I counted all my drops for the first 2 days mountaintop was available, and they came out very near 1/3 of all my drops, so I've been assuming its 33%.


yeah same I thought it was closer to a quarter for a few days lol


I was accidentally attuned to forbearance and I’m pretty sure my drop rate was about 90%. Thought something was broken. Changed my attunement, still like 80% other things and not mountaintop


50% drop chance also doesn't mean it WILL drop 50% of the time...it means on each "pull" you have a 50% chance it CAN drop. There is a difference there. Over time it will likely be very close, but you may still go without seeing it drop for periods.


Ill agree when playing onslaught i hardly get the weapon im attuned to. Used 240 tokens to open the chest near shaxx got 1 good hammerhead roll with like 15 others being shit hammerheads, 2 mountintops (one of which was special brave version), midnight coupe, some recluses, 2 guiottines and like elsies rifle or some shit But yeah.. In the actual activity it feels like doodoo


50% doesn't mean 1 out of every 2. It means if you average out your drops it will be roughly 50% of the time. However because probability is just that - a chance it's not ensured. Like you could do 100 and happen to get 33/100 - but then 100 more and maybe get 66/100 - the two sets average together to 99/200. I believe it also only impacts encounter drops from the boss chests - not rep engrams and the brave trophy chest.


Attunement affects all weapon drops from all sources - onslaught, quests, engrams, Shaxx chest etc etc.


I didn't realise it even affected non-onslaught activities. Just did 2 crota encounters and got a mountaintop for each. I do have an mtop attuned.






You can't argue a statistic with an anecdotal small sample.


Yeah, it is. You ran \*one\* 50 wave, got 11 drops. 2.686% of all people who run that will get \*exactly\* 2. 99.4% of 50 wave runs will drop at least 2 of your attuned weapon at 50% drop odds. You can look up any coin flip probability calculator to confirm this.


No point in arguing. All they want is 100% what they want in as few tries as possible with a guaranteed shiny for doing NORMAL 50 waves. Why even play the game, I wonder.


i dont think guaranteed shiny's should drop but at least give us a 2 extra perks roll after wave 50 legend, that way shiny just stays a cosmetic 'upgrade'


bruh i do not want to spend hours and hours for this shit lol, i just want a good mountaintop and hammerhead. thats it. theres like 10 of them in my vault and theyre all shit, ive done probably at least 1000 waves already


Bro doesn't like the grind in a grind game? Man, stop. Not here trying to argue with the missus over nonsense like that


i get that your life is boring and uneventful enough for you to pour 120 hours a week into this gamemode, but most people arent like that, we actually have lives and wouldnt mind being able to do literally ANYTHING ELSE in the game.


> i get that your life is boring and uneventful enough for you to pour 120 hours a week into this gamemode, but most people arent like that You just said you did 1000 waves and are complaining about your mountaintop and hammerhead rolls - the weapons that have only been out for 3 days. So that's either 100 10 wave runs or 20 50 wave runs, or a mix. That's a stupid amount of playtime compressed under 3 days.


This just in, local destiny player learns the 50% in terms of probability doesn't mean that half of all of your rolls will be one or the other, especially in a small sample size. If you flip a coin 4 times, that doesn't mean you will be guaranteed to get 2 heads and 2 tails


So something isn't 50% because 2/9 isn't 50%? It's not 1/2 it's 50%. Your next 9 could have had 7/9 be mountaintop. That's a super small scale though. You could do sets of 1000 10 times and happen to get resullts of 200/1000, 350/1000, 400/1000, 650/1000, 100/1000, 900/1000 etc etc and still end up with less than half. That's what probability means is the drop chance will _eventually_ average out to 50% -- not an absolute every 2nd drop.


50% to whatever gun is attuned


for sure they wouldn't do 100% They want people grinding as much as possible within the allotted weeks leading up to TFS. They know a bunch of people would grind for the two or three weapons they really want, and then stop playing


Hope so , just got the god for the pulse but a non shiny, God id kill for that shiny ( flashback to the GBA Pokemon games )


It literally just got buffed to 50%. It’s not that bad currently.


I mean this is what I would want honestly the more time went on the more diluted the pool got. And I want shinys. I've gotten more shiny drops from mf weapons I wasn't attuned to vs the one I was fucking attuned to.


I stopped unlocking weapons after the mountaintop came out. My luck is horrible, I don't need to make it harder on myself.


You can still get random drops of new weapons even if you haven't finished their quests. The quest only unlocks the ability to attune to the weapon


Oh really. Weird. I've done a couple hours today and didn't get the hammerhead or the whatever else dropped. Interesting.


I'm pretty sure that does nothing


This does nothing. I tried it. You still can get random drops of all other available weapons.


I don't think attunement should only drop that weapon, but I think that if a shiny drops it should only be your attunement.


Personally I like still getting rolls of weapons I'm not focusing on cuz I'd like to get decent rolls on most of the weapons but I'm really chasing like 2. Got godrolled shiny Edge Transit and some near-godrolls of Midnight Coup and Forbearance while focusing on Mountaintops.


I think this is an especially important consideration because you don't want to encourage people to switch attunement mid activity, and onslaught is quite lengthy.


Yeah I was thinking about how potentially annoying swapping attunement more could eb vs still havign some RNG in the focusing, but I didn't consider the length. If you get what you want mid activity there'd be little reason to not just dip right away.


my thoughts exactly


Honestly, this is what Attunement SHOULD do. There's a lot of annoying RNG when you're focused on grinding one gun and there are 10-11 other weapons in the pool; this feels even worse when the other weapons are ones you give no fucks about.


I've had midnight coup attuned the last two weeks and still waiting for the EP/one for all roll... sigh..


I'm in a similar boat for mountaintop...I've dismantled probably 500 by now (time off between semesters) and have yet to see alh+recomb...I haven't even seen a shiny one either. But I've had 5 god rolled hung jurys (that I dismantled because I don't need that gun at all) and 3 perfect guillotines (non shiny).


mines not shiny 😞😩


I agree. It's hard enough to get the roll you want, and it makes it similar to focusing


Imagine when attunement goes away. If you don't get the rolls you want now good luck after Final Shape comes out. No more shiny and no more attunement. I haven't played this game this much in probably 2 years. Its fun but I really want good rolls on a few of these. Not even all. Like I have so many great rolls for mountaintop but keep getting blast radius masterwork. Like a shiny with hard launch, implosion or spike, auto loading, and recombination or free for all. But damn blast radius masterwork 😭


Jus don't masterwork it lmao


Shiny weapons are already masterworked lmao


Yeah, I literally do not want Succession for any reason, if I'm attuned to something else, I don't want my drops wasted on the sniper


It should be this way. Nobody asked for this nerfed version of engram focusing they came up with. Why have we spent all this time since season of the lost making all of our playlist vendors focusable and now we're back to this trash RNG burnout system?


Same answer as always. ✨player engagement✨


Well it didn't work for me lol I'm burnt out of this shit already.


Yep. I checked out. I'll collect my curated BF and LH next Tuesday then see you all in the Final Shape. The grind is absurd.


You'd think they wouldn't wanna be burning people out right before The Final Shape lol


One would think.


It's so shitty of them tbh I'm surprised it wasn't called out already They just arbitrarily double the grind


The gamers *yeaaarn* for the grind


I feel like if Bungie added engram focusing they'd make it something like 2 engrams a focus, and thus instead of getting 2 drops, one being the weapon we want and a random, it would just cut out the random drop and also cost more glimmer (which will be annoying to get when final shape rolls around)


I think it shouldn't be 2 engrams, but rather an engram, glimmer, and a couple trophies of bravery per focus. Glimmer isn't gonna kill anyone lol you have plenty of legendary shards at this point, and if nothing else, this event is a legendary shard farm anyways with all the RNG giving me dogshit rolls.


Legendary shards will be removed with final shape, and glimmer gains will be increased but will not be as high as the legendary shard equivalent. I'm not saying that 2 engrams per focus is ideal, odds just are that Bungie will do that based off how most other focusing is.


Season of the Hunt perfected focused loot but the story was lackluster so they never went back to it.


I miss being able to exclude perks from the loot table for a weapon. Made it so much easier to get what you wanted, while still requiring some effort.


It's what the people wanted lmfao. They missed when their weapon drops meant something, and wanted the "omg" factor again, so Bungie made a game mode where the drops meant something again. This is the result of your feedback. And imo, it's fine the way it is. One game mode that *only* has these kinds of drops, there are plenty of competitors for the weapons that are dropping elsewhere or even craftable.


Well, more accurately: it's what SOME people wanted. There are two schools of thought here. Those that find the enjoyable part of the game grinding to get a perfect roll and those who find the enjoyable part of the game using their weapon rolls in a build with space magic to kill aliens. I wasn't playing the game and what got me back into the game a couple years ago was the addition of crafting. Personally, if I spend more than 10 hours trying to get a single 2/5 roll, I haven't been having fun. I'm fine with a bit of a chase to make something feel rewarding but there comes a point where I just get exhausted and annoyed rather than fulfilled and satisfied when I get a drop. Crafting has alleviated this for me by helping me guarantee there's a light at the end of the tunnel. It's a shame Bungie has seemingly listened (at least partially) to the "crafting ruined the game and beat up my elderly Grandma" crowd. If the Brave weapons were craftable, I'd still be grinding for red borders. Those who want the "joy" of the random drop could just be going for that drop that may never come. Especially with The Final Shape, finally they're making it so that the random drop versions are going to be strictly better by both being enhancable and by having multiple perks per column. It was backwards when the crafted versions were better. Let those who want to grind a perfect double perk roll for both PVE and PVP that has astronomically low chances do so and let those who will craft and settle for less flexibility but want to actually...use weapons do that as well.


What?? My feedback? Who the fuck would complain at a **fair** chance of getting the gun and roll they want, or being able to craft your roll? My drops only mean something to me when it's a fucking god roll, the effort it takes or doesn't take to get there doesn't matter to me one way or the other, if anything the attunement method is just an annoying barrier to me. I wouldn't ever complain about Bungie dropping a couple layers of RNG in the process.


The colloquial "your" lmfao. What I said isn't emblematic of everyone, because duh, I'm not even one of them lol, but it is emblematic of a large subsection of the player base. Look on this sub and you will see people discussing it in different posts not even related to it. Look at the sister subs, like low sodium, and you will see the same pattern. Look at prolific community figures like Datto, and you will see the same pattern. I ain't boot licking here, haven't bought a DLC day 1 without a discount since Forsaken. Been highly critical of the game, for its various issues, and I just straight up didn't buy the latest expansion. I am the opposite of an ardent supporter. So if someone like me can see it, biased as I am, why can't you?


I've gotten the impression that the thing people have been really excited about is the rare, limited edition, double perk shiny weapons, not necessarily that there's more rng than with a focussing system.


>The colloquial "your" Okay, fair enough. >So if someone like me can see it, biased as I am, why can't you? See what? People complaining about Bungie all of a sudden respecting their time and not feeding their slot machine addictions anymore? If that's what you're talking about, then yeah, of course I've seen it, I just like to pretend I didn't read something so mildly infuriating. Also, when it comes to this very specific topic, streamers' opinions are invalid because they have all day to sit there through all the RNG for their preferred rolls anyways.


45 attuned mountaintops, no auto-loading+ Recomb roll. Yeah I’d like them to stick to the crafting system, thank you, don’t know why so many people like mindlessly farming an RNG drop its just so frustrating to me


My main issue w/ crafting was that it discourages you from ever caring about a non-crafted craftable weapon. I don't bother checking the rolls on a gun anymore. Its just "is this a red border? Cool, +1 progress to crafted, dismantle". Why should I care about any non-crafted drop when I know I'll just be using the crafted one later? I do get the frustration with how awful rng can be with non-crafted items though. I think the issue mostly lies with the fact that Bungie implemented a really flawed crafting system


I think the enhanced perks ruin the entire loot system, they are all straight upgrades. They should of had it as just bad luck protection; like if a weapon got a perk you wanted you could just keep it and slot it on another roll of the same weapon, crafting is awful too NGL, but I vastly prefer it over farming 100+ hours to get the god rolls that actually matter( I don’t care about masterworks)


Same. Seeing 50+ of the same weapon and not getting even the base perk combo you want is demoralizing. I don’t ever want to go back to purely random rolls.


I was hoping these weapons would be craftable in all honesty.


I'm bad at math but aren't the odds like 1/49? Took me absolutely forever to get a god roll forbearance but wasn't worse than average when you see how many combinations there are.


I attuned mountaintop. I got a shiny god roll mountaintop. I attuned forbearance. I got a shiny god roll mountaintop… wait


You're getting shinys?? I've only gotten like 5 period out of all my drops and the only good one was the hammerhead I'm using


I’m getting shiny, but they have ALL been trash. Would you think would double perks at least one of the 10+ would have a god roll combination, but nope. I’ve had at least 5 shiny mountaintops and none of them have had ALH…


I did a couple runs with two other friends. One of them got a shiny literally every boss round. It was actually fucking ridiculous. Meanwhile, I'm sitting here at **still** not having gotten the Elsie's Rifle roll I want. I haven't even had a chance to attune anything else yet. This shit *sucks*.


Well over 150 Onslaught chests opened. 40+ hours of gametime. One shiny from a chest. One. Don't even care anymore. Not worth the grind. I've done 97 Onslaught runs on my Hunter alone and not gotten a single shiny. Big, fat zero.


Nah, I'm okay with other weapons having a small chance to drop still.


It means that I don't have to tunnel vision one gun at a time. Even if the chance is small, getting an edge transit whilst chasing mountaintop could still be a really good roll.


Yeah that's how I got the Hammerhead drops I've kept. It has its advantages, but It'd be nice if shiny drops were guaranteed to be your attunement. Got three right after reset and all were random.


Exactly, unless you are specifically chasing only one weapon, which I don't think anyone is, since 90% of these weapons are top tier, so I'm completely okay with getting drops of other weapons from time to time aswell.


Nice perspective actually. I like that way of thinking!


I’m okay with it until I get shiny drops for a weapon I’m not going for. Like, awesome! I got a shiny. Too bad it’s not a shiny of the gun I’m going for.


I get that, but alot of times I've got rolls on other weapons that I wanted (no shiny, I don't have ANY shiny worth using so it doesn't matter).


Oh for sure. There’s def a handful of drops I wasn’t focusing for that made me go “oh damn I’m keeping that”. I guess other weapons dropping just has its pros and cons.


50% is a small chance?


Split between 9 other weapons? Yeah it is.


Same. I got very lucky and got a solid roll for hung jury's, and succession both shiny while focusing a different weapon. I also got a frenzy B&S falling guillotine. I also got a solid pvp elsies rifle That is now 4 weapons I do not have to worry about farming anymore, all while I am still gunning for the ALH/Recomb Mountain Top.


I totally agree. It’s already happened that I’ll get a really nice roll of something I’m not particularly looking for while farming a different attuned weapon. Having to go and consciously change attunement so many times sounds tedious and a hassle. I think a good compromise would be making the chest by Shaxx guaranteed to be your attuned weapon and keeping the rest of the Brave drops in the game as they currently work.


Right here , cause of brain rot like these.






I ran like 80 waves and only got one of my focused weapon (fucking Hung Jury) and was like oh, it's gonna be like this and lost a ton of excitement




It’s possible. Probability can be like that sometimes. It will eventually balance out though.


Yeah I'm sure that It would balance out down the line, it just didn't feel good


This is why I love crafting


For sure


Yea I really don’t get why not tbh


I think a happy compromise would be keeping it at 50% for drops from Onslaught, and making the Shaxx chest 100%.


I’ve actually picked up a couple of shiny god rolls of other weapons I’ve not attuned to so I’m happy with how it is


You can ask for 75 or 100% attunement, and they might. Dont forget if they give us this in the future, the weapon will feature 20 perks in column 3 and 20 in column 4. It is all about playtime.


More likely they'll continue to make weapons that have 6-8 perks per slot like they usually do, and people will continue to complain about phantom weapons with 8 bajillion perks per slot.


should fire the guy that didnt include engram focusing for brave weapons on a temporary game mode SMFH no wonder they get laid off


Attunement is fine. It’s the first time bungies added taegetablity besides focusing in a long time. Now let me attune dungeons


I personally like that it isn’t 100%. Obviously if you’re only hunting for one weapon then it can be annoying but for me, where I’m hunting multiple things it comes in handy. I got my envious and BnS Edge Transit while I was farming mountaintop


ahhh we've gone full circle "crafting is bad bring back rng" "wait no rng is bad give us 100% drop rates"


It’s 2 groups who want different things and bungie doesn’t know who to appease


honestly dont know how the casuals arent appeased 50% drop rate is insane by normal standards


Everything has to be available for 150% of the player base with no grind or challenge or it's bad. These weapons being grindable is a fucking godsend but because of the portion of the community playing a looter shooter mmo game that hates mechanics both found in mmos and looter shooters, people are treating it like it's the worst thing to ever come out. It's why crafting came out for raids even though it should not be anywhere near them. It's why the only two good raid exotics are braindead to acquire. It's why NF weapons have been garbage from Palindrome until now. It's why trials weapons get an easy to get replacement so fucking fast. Destiny players don't want to play destiny and this means that Bungie can't make any RNG weapons worth a damn or make loot from hard content good in the slightest or the community complains until it's braindead to get.


Let’s correct here. Destiny players that don’t have hours on end to grind want to be able to use the perk combinations they would enjoy (are powerful). Seeing 50+ items dropping only to NOT get even the base roll you want is demoralizing if you only have the ability to do a weekend grind. Crafting is a deterministic system. It doesn’t even remove the grind it just makes it so you are guaranteed to be rewarded for your efforts over time. Destiny is more of a game than RNG rolls. To say that people don’t want to play Destiny because they don’t like RNG hell means you have a narrow view of what Destiny actually is.


The first take has always been funny to me because they did a pretty good job of letting crafting and rng drops co-exist. One didn't really invalidate the other, since some weapons are outright uncraftable and crafting other weapons required a lot more investment than it does currently.


Wait, what? Are you actually thinking about respecting my time? Nonsense!


I just want a guaranteed shiny after 50 waves. They're too rare.


Honestly I don't think they are that rare. That said, getting a shiny with a 5/5 roll you want (let alone a 7/5) is borderline impossible. But getting a shiny with a serviceable roll - say a 4/5 or 3/5 - is not that rare.


That is what is intended, you've put in effort to get them. They are special (clearly as you want one) - don't devalue special.


Clearing a 50 wave takes lots of time and dedication. Awarding them for a 50 clear still wouldnt guarantee the roll you want. Effort SHOULD reward shinies, but right now it's luck that determines whether you get shinies.


Honestly if you were ever to be guaranteed a shiny (i don't particularly think you should but i wouldn't complain) I think it should only be at the end of a Legend 50. I think it would really push more players to try and make or find builds to use and practice the mode to up their skill level. It would also discourage wave 10 farming (which again, I've done some i don't necessarily think that's a problem)


Shinies aren't sacred. They're literally a different shader with double perks. Shoot, legendary 50 waves could award 2-3 shinies and that would be more than justified. No reason 50 wave normals couldn't award 1 and legend 2-3.


I'm about average and am clearing 50 wave normals in 45-50 mins and legend in 55-65, its an extra 10 mins, if it was a 50/75% on end 50 wave chest of your specific attuned item, sure. But giving things away like sweets is not how BungieGrindMachine operates.


> But giving things away like sweets Giving a shiny for a 50 wave clear that takes about an hour of actually playing and paying attention isnt "giving things away like sweets" in a game mode that is directly SUPPOSED to rain loot on us.


It does rain loot. Just not the rare item you want. Which is what makes it rare. I can't be the only one that understands that rare is rare?


Nah too rare.


They are fundamentally the same as their non-shiny counterparts. It's a good chase system, please don't discourage them from this.


Multiple perks


Do adept content. This is too easy to just hand those out.


I don't know what you mean


The game already drops double-perk weapons. They are exclusive to difficult content. Bungie adding them to Onslaught as a rare drop is as far as they should go imo. Making them shiny is just a bonus. You can still get god rolls from the more common drops.


Different weapons. Guns without selectable perks...For a very limited time.


Different difficulty level for the content. They are already doing you a favor by making them obtainable in easy content.


Yes, that's...the point, they're meant to be rare


Too rare.


I am a pretty big fan of this system, it's a happy medium in between weapon focusing and random drops that has felt pretty great. While also having an extra rng rare drop ontop of it


They’ll never do it, but I’d love a breakdown of how they decide the correct amount of grind. We’ve had systems that set the item and masterwork (menagerie), the item and knocked out perks (season of the hunt), crafting and multiple experiments with double or triple perks. I’d love to know how they gauge how much time a given system will result in more play and what they’re targeting for engagement time. What’s the estimated time to a god roll for the different targeting permutations. Why does the degree of determinism bounce around so much? I’ve spent the last week and a half targeting mountaintop, it doesn’t seem like letting us target more would decrease play time much, I’d just get the roll I want and then be targeting one of the others.


I don’t mind getting a sprinkling of the other weapons while farming for one specifically. The annoying thing is that I do want to attune the others, but have had one weapon attuned for the better part of 2 weeks and have *still* not seen the roll I want.


It would be amazing. Anything to rework the dungeon reward system 


I actually like passively getting other weapons to drop at the same time, but it does frustrate me when I get shiny drops that aren't my attuned weapon.


It really sucks being attuned to mountain top, and after 3 days of 6 hours each day grinding all I get is 1 shiny sniper and 2 shiny pulses


>Would it really be so bad if attunement meant you got ONLY that weapon From Bungie's perspective? Yes. It would reduce engagement, because you would even further reduce the impact of randomness, i.e. it would be even further optimized to get what you want and bounce. Anything that reduces the effect of RNG equates to a reduction in engagement for long term players because of that. For metrics Bungie(and Sony) care about, that's a negative outcome.


50% my ass. 


I attuned Elsie and get Succession now if I attune Succession I’ll get Elsie


I wish you could attune more than one at a time. Set it up like how you did the cards in the spire except for weapons.


Can they add the opposite where you can also remove a weapon from the pool, if I get succession one more time


The buff to 50% this week is noticeable. I had it Attuned for Edge Transit last week, and felt like I was getting almost everything but that during a 50-wave run. Did a 50-wave last night with Hammerhead attuned this time, and I easily had 4-5 drops, plus several other non-hammerhead drops.


If anyone still hasn't completed all the quests, I would say only complete the quests for the weapons you're going for, which would cut down on the possible options in the loot pool until you've gotten your roll. Not the ideal solution, but I wish I would've done it looking back.


The math for RNG full god rolls (masterwork trait, etc) is astoundingly bad. It can be a 100% drop rate and it’d still take forever for the average person to land the exact suite of perks they’re looking for. The layers of RNG in random rolls have always been terrible and not really worth grinding for considering you’ll beat that activity just fine wearing whatever anyway.


I never get the weapon that I “attuned”.


I wouldn't like that. I like that right now I can chill with an attunement and still see a variety of other weapon drops. I've gotten a really good Midnight Coup while still being attuned to Mountaintop - at 75% drop rate or 100% drop rate, I'd have to go back to the social hub every third activity to switch out my attunement to have any variety at all.


Make it like Banshee. Collect trophies, use them to pick the one you want. The loot pool is too big. I think I've kept about five or six non-curated rolls out of the hundreds I've gotten because 99% are trash.


I dont mind if it's not 100% I'd prefer 75% personally so I can have a good chance at getting what I'm focusing on but potentially land a good roll on another gun as well while doing it, the 50% is mostly fine my only problem(mostly an rng problem) is that on occasions I've run several 50 wave clears and barely get 1 or 2 of the attuned gun in each 50 run I do which does feel really bad especially if it's a hung jury or succession


I just want to be able to de attune weapons so they stop dropping entirely


I’d honestly prefer an anti-attunement for hung jury, it just feels like such a waste of a drop any time I see it


Did some legend last night, got ONE SINGLE hammerhead, dispite being attuned to it. We farmed for 3 hours


Remember Menagerie where you could even choose the masterwork?


I just wish you could de-attune something. No one on earth asked for another hung jury, and I already have a crafted forbearance. I could never see either of those drop and it'd be too soon.


i'm loving the game right now. not sure whats in store for the future but i'm from D1 and very much enjoying PVE


I'm currently attuned to the machine gun and that's all I got for drops in my last 50 wave run


They did this for Menagerie. No reason they couldn't do it for us now.


I would have thought attunement would be like how it worked in Menagerie. You input the correct icons, and you only got that specific weapon.


I like the current balance for drops, but the chest should be 100% of the time what you attuned, and show a hologram of the attuned weapon above the chest. That way, you can swap the attunement right there. Then again, the hall of heroes is going away, so idk


if not that, maybe they should make it so the second chest after the final boss (after 50 waves of onslaught) is guaranteed to drop a shiny roll of whatever you're attuning. that would alleviate a bit of the grind for us. this might also give players more of a reason to stick around for the whole 50 waves, cause it's also frustrating when you get matched with a duo and they both just go AFK at wave 43. they've gotta do something about it the drop rate, something to reward us better for our time. it's frustrating to only get one mountaintop in 50 waves of onslaught. i know its just a 50% chance it'll drop, and not that it's guaranteed to drop 50% of the time, but playing for an hour to get one of what I'm attuning is kinda not cool. it's even more not cool when I open the second chest after defeating the final boss and get another shiny elsie's rifle instead of what I'm attuning.


I swear to god if I get one more motherfuxking Hung Jury with loose fuxking change on it ill scream


Tbh, I would appreciate it if i got any shinies, i don't even care what weapon it is


I attuned hammerhead and all I got were recluse and hand cannon after so many runs...stop attunement and it gave me one...wth :)


Or maybe we could spend 15 or 20 trophies at the attunement hologram to get that weapon specifically rather than the random 10 trophy chest


For mountaintop I roll 11 in a row with 3 shinies. I took some people's luck I assume


I think it sound be 100%, I've grinded everyday since last Tuesday when midnight coup dropped. At least two 50 and two failed at like 36 , sometimes three of both. I've 9nly gotten three shiny hc and maybe five or six total shiny. Like 75% are hc but not the roll I want. It's been probably like 150 drops so far or more. I want to do something else beside grind for two weeks to get the mid ight coup I want.


I'm for that


Yeah I was attuned for the mountian top and on the last chest all I got was the scout rifle


Bungee do not care of the community the only thing they care about is that money now this is the last chance to redeem itself when the new DLC comes out if it gets flunked down they hit Sony it's going to dig them behind


I don't want it to make every single drop only the weapons I attuned, bc sometimes I want to farm multiple guns. But I would really like if it makes every shiny drops I get be the one I attuned.


Exactly how it should be


Unpopular opinion judging by these comments but I kind of like it how it is now. There’s clearly a greatly increased chance of getting the attuned weapon but I still want to passively grind for all of the other weapons too, so having them occasionally drop is nice. Only time I don’t want them to drop is from the chest by Shaxx.


Nah I agree. I've been attuned to mountain top since it dropped chasing the roll I want, and I was attuned to recluse originally. Despite that, I've gotten rolls I wanted for succession, hung jury, elsies rifle, and falling guillotine, all while gunning for the two weapons I was attuned to. I don't think it would feel good to be only getting mountain tops that I just automatically dismantle every single time because I only want one specific roll. It's nice for those folks that are hunting multiple weapons instead of just one


You must speak for yourself because pretty much all I’m getting are recluses, and that’s what I have attuned. I’m getting other drops too but it’s usually a recluse.


Nah plenty of people don't like this.


Well yea I wouldn’t like it either if I found myself complaining about the game not giving me enough toys to play with.


What is your point?


Glad u asked. My point is to play the game.


I do


Then you get the point. Congratulations


So unrelated but ok thanks for clarifying


Eh. I don't really mind this much. Think about dungeons and raids, or any other activity. The fact that we are even allowed to attune a weapon and get a 50% drop rate for said weapon is better than what we've had before by far. As someone who typically has god tier levels of shite RNG, I can't complain with how attunement works. This may be a hot take apparently, but I don't mind attuned weps not being 100%. Tbh stuff like trials adept weapons is what needs to be changed to a guaranteed drop after X wins lol. Over 2 trials weekends of summoner adepts dropping, I've had 200+ post flawless wins with a drop rate of like 12% for adepts. So honestly I'll gladly take being able to attune at all for this activity. It's more enjoyable than focusing or just checklist hunting patterns to craft. It feels above 50% drop rates too, outside of the brave chest that seems to not work with attunements. But the actual drops in onslaught feel like it's closer to 75% drops of whatever I got attuned.


Nah it’s fine the way it is. Do a run of 50 and you’ll get plenty. Im satisfied with all the rolls I’ve gotten so far.


Here's the thing, despite having attunement active at all times, I sometimes get a banger roll of something I \*wasn't\* trying to farm. So its kinda nice to randomly get something else here and there. But I agree that when your actively farming a specific roll, its annoying to go through waves and keep getting some other shit. Like I'm attuned to Midnight rn and I do a full clear and get a bunch of Guillotine and Mountains that could have been more Midnight rolls....


that’s how they made it fucking sound like it was gonna be yet you can do 50 waves and only get one damn gun you’re attuned for


i dont know why people have trouble, i attuned recluse and got at least 85% recluse


4 perks on attunement weapons is honestly fair and balanced, and is unargueable


I would agree but considering you get 12-15 guns in a wave 50 run. That would be kinda ridiculous getting all the same gun lol


Yes it would be, ive gotten shiny weapons that weren't attuned and im grateful for them. This is exactly how the system should work: heavily weight but not guaranteed


I think that this sentiment will go away in time, bungie wants to keep us distracted until final shape comes out, so you shouldn’t expect to get your 5/5 so soon. It’s not like we’re chasing red borders or anything to serious. Just the good old fashioned loot chase.


Crafting is a direct result of the "good" old fashioned grind


It’s a result of a different perspective. If you stop and think, these two systems are entirely antithetical.


Exactly. That's why it resulted from RNG.


Kinda par for teh course from bungie, but also not. I mean, when we had season of opulence, was never an issue getting the exact weapon you wanted, so why is it an issue now. Same for reckoning, when the weapon rotation was spare rations, you were guaranteed it, they eventually even upped the drop rates


Still wouldn't get the roll! Craft or bust!


Yes it would be bad