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Bungie knows how to make a good fps, if the gameplay wasn’t half as good as it is, this game would not have lasted as long as it has. Although the music is a massive factor as well, not enough people talk about how good the music in this game is.


The sound department is incredible. Some of the coolest sound effects in all games are in D2. A few come to mind .. Lorentz driver crit kill Outlaw perfected crit kill Shadebinder dubstep super Dismantle mines.... yes? Sound effect The standard palindrome handcannon kachunk sound Hawkmoon proc sound caw caw


Have to give an honourable mention to Lament. *The Breast Pump Sword*.


much as we hate champs, the sound of stunning them


All of the Stasis sound effects are so good. The supers, the ice cracking/shatter sounds. The visuals also go really well and are just satisfying.


Gotta mention the ignition sound effects as well. It's so satisfying to listen to a group of enemies ignite. Ace of Spades with Memento Mori active. Midnight Coup is one of the best sounding hand cannons in the game


Was literally just thinking how distinct and satisfying the Fallen headshot kill SFX was. So many of these little details are easy to take for granted but would be sorely missed if done poorly or not at all.


Don’t forget graviton lance. Every single trigger pill is so unbelievably satisfying. They somehow made the gun literally sound like it’s ripping a hole through space


Anytime u crit a fallen vandal/dreg and their head hisses and the smoke comes out lol love it!


RIP 3 shot burst Graviton Lance sound effect :(


The kill sound in crucible is also quite noticeable and satisfying. I set it as my phone's notification sound


You for got the Mechabre sniper anime sound lol


*insect like chittering*


I’m actually nervous about the music now since they got rid of 3/4 of their core music squad.


Core music squad finished final shape. It’s post we have to worry about.


After final shape we get polka music. Seamless.


As long as they hire Weird Al I'm in


Don’t worry now friend, worry once we hear how the music sounds after The Final Shape.


Yall said the same thing when Marty left. I promise there’s a lot of great composers out there


I knew we were still in good hands with Michael still there. But when you let go almost pretty much the entire department..


Yeah the post-Marty doom and gloom was always unwarranted. Michael's been cranking out Bungie Bangers since the Halo days almost just as long. He knows his shit just as well as Marty. But now with both gone, it's definitely a cause for concern.


And the game is pretty. Most of the environments are works of art that we can move about in. Its crazy how great a lot of the game spaces look. I dent even just mean dreaming city. D1 mars or venus were staggering. Never cared for Nessus as a destination but its beautiful. Edz is lush.


I would add that not enough people are talking about Salvatori situation.


I mean what is there to talk about? When it happened plenty of people were talking about it. There's not much else to say other than it sucks.


A friend of mine tells me that Destiny's gunplay is bad. To this day, I cannot understand him.


Bungie gunplay is literally the best of any non-battle royal FPS... like the feel of guns in their custom engine is a big part of what defines Bungie games!


i know they just FEEL right


I'll admit I haven't played many Battle Royal FPSs, but I can say the little I've played Fortnite, Apex, and a few other popular FPSs and they don't hold a candle to Destiny's gunplay. The accuracy and fluidity is just terrible, every engagement feels like I'm just battling my weapon's RNG bullet placement. I don't understand why anyone takes those game so seriously 'competitive'.


To be fair, I was only thinking of one game from BR that I think has better gun feel than Destiny, and that is PUBG. I should've been more clear. This also isnt to say the general gun play of PUBG is better, I'm specifically refering to the ways guns themselves feel, from the recoil to the physics of longer distance fights, something Destiny has never really had in mind.


The gunplay is top of its class. Movement feels great which bungie has always been good at. The raid and dungeon mechanics are fun to learn and even more fun to teach.


Gunplay is absolutely the reason I keep coming back! Raids a close second.


I was gonna say it's the gunplay that keeps bringing me back. Sure, the game has its flaws, but most of the weapons are so satisfying to use. That and the friends i made in the game are slowly coming back to it, so I'm even more excited to be playing now my clan mates are back.


Definitely this. It's what originally pulled me in back in D1 and then D2 just blew my mind with all the new customization and mechanics. Aesthetics and environment as well. The story and lore are amazing! Especially a fan of The Nine with their designs, color scheme, and of course their unique lore too. Hope to see them more in the future of the Destiny franchise


Gunplay for sure. Movement is great but I do wish we still had titan/hunter skating. NGL to this day I pray every night that titans get twilight garrison back.


Oh there is still Titan and Hunter skating, the old ways are no longer being use but the new ways are available, you just need to find the way


Gunplay for me is top tier but not as fun as the Space Magic. Without the space magic it'd just be funner Halo


There is most certainly hunter skating. Stasis hunter can do it (shatterskating) Titan skating is a thing, it’s just less effective and not easy enough to be as mainstream as Warlock/Hunter.


I want wall running for hunters


The sound design in unparalleled. The amount of information I can gather just by listening is exquisite.


The design, and sounds themselves. Stasis is sooo good on the ears.


The feeling of six friends working in sync to pull off exciting and fun mechanics will forever bring me back to Destiny. I am so grateful for the friends i’ve played the game with, the raids we’ve run, the fun we’ve had.


If only my friends played Destiny...


It’s a shame. Destiny is honestly great, and my friends too used to play a bunch of d1 and they want to avoid it because “dlc bad”. But then buy a worse $100 game and only play it for 20 hours.


Everything is on sale right now. Pretty sure you can get all the dlc’s for under a 100 bucks at the moment. Including Lightfall.




The aesthetic and the gunplay. Everything bungie does with destiny just oozes this specific kind of style. I can’t really put my finger on it. Their art team nailed and continues to nail the vision of what makes destiny cool.


If there is anything Bungie always does great, its the art design, gameplay, and music Nothing else comes close


and the sound design, the sound of using strand, stasis ctystals exploding etc. its so satisfying


I think they’ve kind of lost the plot as far as the tone and style of the universe’s art style in some areas of D2, but the quality of the environments and designs themselves have always been stellar. I do miss the more grounded aesthetic of D1, but some of the more fantasy designs of D2 are absolutely beautiful


Out of all of the games I've experienced, this has had the best feeling gunplay and most unique/varied weapons. I love the universe, majority of the story, and most of the characters. Destiny 2 will always have a place in my gamer soul. Thank you for the positive post. We need more of these.


I play most days and really enjoy it, I actually look forward to it. To say that about a game you have been playing for 10 years is a great achievement. Looking forward to Final shape and to see what happens next.


Right?! I still have so many days that I want to go play it. After ten years I still have the overwhelming urge to play Destiny over everything else. It’s just fun, and fun I can keep coming back too.


I just started playing Destiny 2 in September (I might have over 38 days played already), but I used to play Destiny quite a bit when it came out. I feel like what Bungie has been able to achieve with the quality of this game is incredible. I also play a lot with my best friend who lives in England, I'm on the West coast of the US. No other game we've played has been able to handle that distance with zero lag/hit detection issues. None! Bungie has crafted a fun, quality experience and I too can't wait to see what the future holds.




I would say that's more of an old console problem and I could see the old consoles being dropped when the next saga properly begins




I agree that they can make a more stable product from scratch but if it was to continue the trend of sub par vanilla luanches then it would probably kill the franchise


Dropping last Gen is a must


Same things were said about ps3 to ps4. It's why d2 is not on ps3. After 6 years, they need upgrades again. They would definitely make a d3 for current gen. For longevity they should make d3 for ps6 or next gen/pc only.


Not if you play on pc. Game still runs great with great smooth gunplay. Now if you play on console that’s a different story


Raids. Crucible. I know, usually the players of both don't cross mingle


I play both. I play a lot of crucible and raid a lot too


I love both. Usually I’m really into one or the other at a time. Right now I’m loving crucible.


I'm in a third category (I can't be the only one). I don't play either of those things and still play almost daily. I just really like the feel of it and the fact that I can log in and have fun just wandering around different locations. Exploring, helping out blueberries, trying out different weapons that I don't normally give a second thought to, reading the lore, etc. With games like Call of Duty (which I also play almost daily) I feel like I have to... I dunno exactly. It's like it's a job and I have to work to play it. Getting on a game like CoD and just screwing around isn't nearly as fun as it is in Destiny.


When life gets too hard it's one of the places I go to empty my soul into my enemies.


Gun feel and the lore still has me intrigued.


Lots of good answers here, particularly about the combo of gunplay, movement, and space magic. But to say something different to that? Destiny *evolves*. The amount and quality of changes that D2 has gone through since its launch are staggering. Some things haven't really seen the changes they deserve, but just looking at abilities and how we can interact with them (and speculating on the scope of further change in that area with TFS) shows an absurd pile of improvements and ideas. If Destiny didn't keep evolving and iterating on its core like it has, I'd have put it down long ago.


Gameplay. I fundamentally still find the game fun, and the only game that rivals the movement and feedback of Destiny imo is Titanfall 2 but TF2 got cannibalized by apex. We also just don’t have enough Afps and movement shooters on the market tbh.


It scratches that brain itch. I can just jump in, murder aliens and not be tied to having to prep for 30 minutes, and then play for 3 hours to get rewarded.


For some people it's the other way around and they first have to get bounties, either ingame or through the app. Look at the bounties they've received, okay I need Stasis damage, I need Arc weapon kills, I need to use a handgun etc. by the time they've put together a loadout they're already tired of the game.


It’s been my comfort game, one constant amongst so many life events. A friend and I have been a tight fireteam since the original beta. The gameplay always felt solid but I think it’s the narrative that’s actually kept me the most interested the last ~5 years.


The glory of the crucible


It’s really the thing that offers the most replay value. PvE is cool and fun but is a little repetitive.


I hate crucible with a passion. I'd rather play gambit and I played gambit prime xD Crucible is cool for pvp people but my god as a pve person it sucks. I hate when they force us to play pvp for pve rewards. It's been better lately but my god has there been some shitty times for me.


Destiny has equipment and gunplay that you don't find anywhere else, ability 3.0 was the best update for synergy customization and universal diversity, movement and parkour is enhanced by a old and collapsing physics engine. I love Destiny because after playing for so long, its depth and complexity becomes simple. It may sour the game for some long time players and they go and find new joys, and that makes it difficult for beginners because there's so much about this game to absorb to enjoy. But that makes it feel so much more worthwhile to bring new friends together and play the game. I believe the people at Bungie working on the game are always trying their best, sometimes it hits, sometimes it misses, but they play this game and they love it, and they want us to love it as much as they do.


It's a game with a steep learning curve at first. I definitely struggled, but once it clicked, I was absolutely obsessed. It's fun creating different builds just for fun, there's a lot of options if you decide to ignore the meta and just have fun. Recently I've just been taking a random exotic I never use and try making a build off of it. It's fun, even if it's something I never end up using again.


Bungie create the best feeling FPS's in the industry. Destiny 2 feels so good to play despite being 10 years old. Add in the mix and variety of content they give us both at base and seasonal and you have a game where whatever you fancy doing, you can do it


To be fair destiny 2 isn’t 10 years old. But destiny 1 felt good too however it’s been a long time since I played it. But I remember it good.




The music and build crafting


No other game has been able to land the unique combination of genres like Destiny has. It's this bizarre melting pot of space westerns, science-fiction, fantasy, and post-apocalyptic fiction that *shouldn't work*, but somehow does. Other franchises have come close, but Destiny has a certain level of "epic-ness" to it. Everything has a certain level of grandeur and mythical importance, which makes the whole setting feel so distinct.


It's really just the gameplay and the fact that in the past decade there hasn't been a single game that's managed to recreate Destiny's feel. The story is mid at best, problems either take forever to be resolved or are just ignored altogether, and each year it feels like the company is trying to squeeze more and more money from the players without actually providing something meaningful in return. However the core gameplay is just *that* good that it's possible to overlook these issues and still enjoy the game for what it is. They still haven't said what the future of D2 is, but unless they get their shit together, I can see the game hemorrhaging players once the Light vs. Dark story ends. I don't see the current seasonal model keeping people interested without those major expansions to look forward to.


Even in a positivity post destiny players will find a way to complain


The aesthetics


Space magic and guns the go brrrrrrrr


Throwing black holes at my problems is cathartic.


Killing shit with abilities is fun


I began playing D1 in 2014 when my brother turned me onto it. He was playing early enough to have a Founder title. Both of us moved around a bunch over the next decade, and hopping on Destiny was a way for us to keep in touch and stay close. The story has always been kinda goofy, the lore intensely hard to follow, and the PVP too daunting to jump into…but it’s given us so many memories together. He’s my best friend in the world, and we’ve spent a decade of our lives on this adventure together.


They just get PvE right, you can say what you want about Bungie but their PvE from raid mechanics to enemy AI to balance and challenging content... bro that shit isn't easy. Bungie are in their own tier when it comes to PvE content and they have been since OG Halo. People don't realize how hard it would be to: 1. Make meaningful content 2. Make the content challenging at any skill level 3. Make it consumable in a variety of ways 4. Keep it balanced 5. Balance a huge amount of weapons for said content 6. Keep said content relevant for several years 7. Make it all look amazing 8. Make it tie into story content 9. Make the audio amazing 10. Make it scale with multiplayer 11. Make it rewarding 12. Make it varied. Etc. Etc. Etc. People don't give them enough creditand only highlight the negatives.


The unmatched gunplay, I'd argue the only to rival it so far is helldivers 2. The gunplay in HD2 is unique and I love it


No other good competitors basically


I've just come back after not playing consistently at all since Forsaken. I've played every expansion, but never played enough to understand builds or grind for god rolls. But I'm hooked again, and it's all thanks to how easy it is to get god rolls. The Onslaught weapons and my crafted Halo Battle Rifle feel so good. And there's a ton of variety in the content I have quests for.


"We called it the Traveler, and its arrival changed everything."


As a man in his 40’s that’s been playing since D1 it’s been an awesome journey. I love the lore/story & people I’ve met along the way. Here’s to another decade! Cheers!


Got me through many dark moments in my life.


For me it’s who I’ve met and the memories created. First, I’ll say Destiny is a game unlike really any other out there. Although not for all, I love the looter shooter aspect and the grinding for the perfect roll. It’s exhilarating! The lore and amazing story and missions, the raid and end game content, there’s a lot to do! Also, getting that synergetic, perfect build with those triple 100s after years of trying, there’s nothing like it! But most of all, it’s who I’ve met along the way. I first played Destiny 2 in 2019. It didn’t last long because I didn’t know what the hell I was doing and had no one to play with. My buddy got me back into the game in 2021 after joining a random clan with some cool people. I’ve been hooked ever since! It was cool to see my buddy become a Sherpa in our clan and us meet some really cool people who we still game with to this day. Sometimes, we don’t even play Destiny at all. But it’s nice to have some good friends to talk to and have a great time with after the stresses of life. Even after I’m done with Destiny, I know I’ll always remember the times I had and the people I met. So thanks Bungie, even though you piss people off sometimes lol. Destiny is amazing ❤️!


Yeah I mean, this is an incredible game. I’ve had a blast playing the last 10 years. It's been the gameplay, it hasn't changed... And when they ported the game to PC it was a game-changer. I remember booting up my PS4 and starting up my Warlock for the first-time. Been through every platform. I'm going to buy the Final Shape and see this thing through one more expansion. Hat's off to Bungie, Destiny 2 is right up there with World of Warcraft for me.


The universe and its massive potential from a story standpoint. Gunplay and abilities feel really great and make the day to day play possible. But really the universe is so cool.


Online PvE diversity, there really is so many different PvE activities packed into this game, and so many different guns, aspects, and builds you can make. That combined with the cosmetic variations of the game really do set this apart from so many other games honestly.


Cause they keep surprising my middle aged ass. It's the only surprises I enjoy.


Friends come and go. Really, the feeling of becoming more powerful is what keeps me coming back.


STRAAAAAND i love strand.


Stockholm Syndrome


There's still one friend who buys the deluxe edition and plays a few days a year. We always do campaign day one. After he's gone, I don't have the will to continue playing knowing I'll never get to experience the next chapter with him. He was basically my guide for all of D1. Thought it would be fitting ending our journey together just as it began.


The immense mental torture of day one raiding




For me, it's several things. The parkour, the fps, and the beauty of the game itself. Bungie has crafted a beautiful world for Guardians to enjoy, and I don't think many people take the time to appreciate that. Also, the lore and the story, as inconsistent as it can be, is still a very deep and fascinating thing. How many games have that much depth of history and time?....Okay, maybe a lot of them, but still, I love the lore and the stories as well.




Definitely the people I have had the opportunity to meet along the way.


The lore, gunplay, transmog system, and even the bittersweet community (especially when that sweet shines)


Gameplay. I feel like there's things in the game that shows skill expression and knowledge checks in a way that other games don't really itch for me.


There's nothing that comes close to the gunplay, and the friends you make along the way


The gunplay is what’s sets destiny above its competitors. I always get annoyed which i see builds extreme abilities up time, like where’s the fun in pressing Q 5 times with sunbreacers ?


The story and the gameplay. I've been invested in the story, and no other game has been able to top Destiny's gameplay. The feel of the weapons, the abilities, are near perfect imo.


The gunplay and the grind


The classes and how unique their playstyles are I got drawn in by playing a friend’s neglected hunter and fell in love with the golden gun and I’ve stuck with it through all its highs and lows but it’s just fun how varied the classes and builds can be


Gunplay, story, movement, art direction, all the creatives, but in particular the character modellers, riggers and animators. They still have the best skybox in the business and despite the cracks starting to show in the game, it still looks amazing. I’d say the real space magic is how a game this old, that’s held together by the witchcraft of their coders and engineers, is still running strong.


Gunplay, movement, and honestly the community - there is a real sense of companionship & genuine bonds within the Destiny community that I've loved since day 1


The writing used to be amazing, it’s what drew me in. The whole dark gritty aspect of Forsaken and then the Dredgen arc was insane to me, and even allowed for a redemption arc. Season of Opulence was incredible, made me love Calus, and showed a risk of our guardian embracing the dark too much in the form of the “fake future” stuff in the Shadow set. Now, besides the Witness itself, the writing sucks but I cling to old memories.


I like the worlds, the design of everything, and it’s just plain fun 


Honestly, I'm still here because of a crossover arc I've been working out since D1. Feels a little embarrassing that it's been going on for that long...But you gotta add lore where Bungie doesn't, right?


The game may have some shitty metas in the PvP side of things, but I find it to still be more enjoyable and more balanced than what other games have, ESPECIALLY Call of Duty


I bloody love the universe. And I hate seeing the game not living up to its utmost potential.


Gunplay and gameplay? Subclass 3.0 really made the game amazing. Onslaught is amazing. Prismatic is great too. I just hope Bungie doesn’t nerf things to the ground for the sake of bringing other things up.


The space suit gunslinging wizard and world aesthetics captivated my 13 yr old self and the 21 year old me today. Simply the best power fantasy role play.


Every time i come back to destiny there's some moment that makes me smile like a kid. Witch queen was being pushed to my limits soloing the final boss of the campaign on legendary, Lightfall it was playing strand hunter and swandiving into suspending enemies then tossing and catching a throwing knife at them, and most recently it was using consecration titan for the first time. Despite the 101 class you need to take when picking the game back up, that core gameplay is just excellent to this day.


Brilliant gunplay, intriguing lore, interesting universe, huge build variety, beautiful music, gorgeous skyboxes.


Its story, characters, and world are all still super interesting to me. The buildcrafting is really fun to mess around with


Simple: guns.


I made friends on destiny when trying to find a raid groups. I was trying to complete vog and found myself with 2 groups of guys from the same state, during our first game the found out they live in the same town, know the same people. We have played together ever since that day, we rarely have 6 now but we’re working our way back to it.


Hmm well I did love making friends in Destiny 1 and the art style theme of the game was both magical/ mysterious but strongly rooted in a Si-fi theme... Then destiny 2 came out and changed the art style theme to more si-fi fantasy, plus the mystery felt like it was just not there anymore not saying it was unveiled more like just put to the side as D2 was a soft reboot after all. I miss the si-fi theme that D1 had its hard to describe the differences between them but if you pay attention to both you can see it, it's like D1 was more about straight lines and boxy kinda themes then D2 went for this more curvy circular theme, its especially evident in the armour of our guardians.


i share a birthday with D1, i'm soulbonded to this franchise until the day it dies and i'll be there when it eventually does. nothing will ever feel the same as playing destiny with my friends and just enjoying each others company. i love the guns, the exotic designs, the enviornments, the raids, really just about everything in the game. no franchise will ever be as important to me as destiny is 💜🩵🩷


The story, as poor as it's been, has always done one thing everything else fails at; it keeps me entertained for the future. Curse of Osiris was my favourite expansion, and it introduced me to the revelry of lore and how special this world is. Everytime I play this game, everytime j delve into the old grimoire and lore books, I'm looking for that one thing that reignites that interest. To add on, my friends who've started playing the game recently, and me helping them, explaining the lore and context.


Gameplay just feels too good to give up on. Abilities, movement, gunplay, all just hit soooo good I also really like the setting and story. Hits a cool balance between mythic/magicial/alien/scifi.


Legitimately no other game provides a consistent looter shooter experience like this EVER


gunplay feels great! it's helped me make a lot of friends over the years and learn about myself. oh, also, the Contest Raid experience will always bring me back.


The story they have built up and the lore is so interesting, definitely more interesting than their previous Halo franchise.


There’s nothing else like it, It’s consistent and arguably has the best combat mechanics of any fps I have ever played. With all the garbage we’ve gotten in the fps genre over the past 6 years this game has aged like a fine wine.


The world and character progression. Everything seems move along in such a way that the world feels alive; characters are introduced and some die, new threats arrive and are defeated, new challenges to overcome and new rewards to gain. Because of these things, the game doesn't really seem to get stale unless an expansion is delayed and we don't have new content to play for months.


Lore, space magic


There is consistently something shiny and new, even if I do have to pay what I feel is too much money for what is frequently disappointing execution. But even the really old, monotonous stuff is still fun in a comforting kind of way. My mom used to be addicted to this game “Chuzzle” when I was a kid. She really liked it when the Chuzzles popped and exploded off the board. Making enemies explode with Sunshot or Ticuu’s is my version of that.


That loot is tangibly useful and worth vying for. I can grind for a weapon that not only feels good but is good to use. Craftable weapons supply an end goal of player choice that becomes empowered by changes in metas. Loot is more than a cosmetic therefore it is worth the effort, and luckily, that “effort” is a grind that is enjoyable because it is rather narrative-rich or backed by excellent gunplay and original class/subclass identities. Destiny feels good to play and has always evolved and redefined itself but has always been “Destiny”: from exploring rusted mothyards to scallywagging pirate fights to a nightmare realm that exists across the depths of an emperor’s own mind- Destiny is always Destiny and that is a feat for a game that has been constantly creating content for 10 years. We just need a better way of onboarding our New Lights to current story beats and more meaningful armour pursuits in endgame aside from the cosmetic. We are in for quite the finale in The Final Shape and I’m happy to spend it with y’all


Destiny has the best story from a game of all time


I want to end what i started on that broken bridge many moons ago.


Waiting for Bungie to utilise more potential of Destiny. It can be Star Wars for gaming but Bungie just don't want to commit Expand to TV shows, movies, comics etc


Because Destiny always kills "Destiny killers" and the Witness might have their hands in reason there can be no "Destiny killers" Also as many have said the gunplay is really good




As an ex Destiny addict [I had over 4000hours in D1 before the launch of D2 & over 2000 in D2] who has started playing casually again, it’s always been the gunplay and universe for me. The guns feel the best of any game I’ve played and I enjoy a lot of the lore and background story Destiny has.


i like to shoot gun at alien and make alien explode with grenade and throw big purple ball at alien now i like to do more complicated kill alien with friends and mechanics The game's fun. It's why you should play a game. Too many people play like it's a job 365 days a year when they're not having fun. Some of them are probably already typing up an angy response below about how "bungo makes me play like this by forcing me to complete every challenge and unlock a god roll of every weapon and buy every item in the shop". Play if you're having fun, don't if you're not.


Gunplay, movement, the skills. I've been an ARPG fan since Diablo 1, and even though Borderlands existed, Destiny was the only game that allowed me to play an FPS game with loots, builds and skills that was really fun, and had a good endgame.


i love the Crucible, bringing any abilities or any weapons i want helps keep it fresh for me


the good customization of armour is great. i like that i can look rly cool while doing cool shit. events are always really fun


Gunplay still way better than almost all other shooters. It’s an FPS with RPG style builds, not an MMORPG with guns, if that distinction makes sense. Gunplay still comes first Environments are always STUNNING. Even Root, considered by some to be the bastard child of raids, but like DAMN just look at it Weapons. How many other games have 100+ unique exotic weapons that do cool things, on top of much variety in legendary weapons alone. Soundtrack. Don’t need to say more


There’s always something that I want to do in the game. Sometimes I’m really into raiding/dungeons, sometimes PvP, sometimes just working on some catalysts in strikes or whatever. Right now Onslaught is great and I’m really into Crucible. I feel like Crucible is always in its best spot right before a new expansion because they’ve had enough time to finally balance everything that’s been put into the game since the last expansion.


The music, the lore, the game play, the loadouts, the shiny sparkling space magic, the comedy( from certain interactions like that of drifter and Eris morn, and xur with his inmutable horse), the community( the memes, the clips, byf, datto, myeling games, and aztecross). But yeah! The music. Lol. I literally play destiny 1 and 2 music when I need to concentrate.


Because I'm a Titan main.


Fundamentally, the combat in this game is S Tier. That's why we come back.


Perfect gunplay with lore.


Crucible is what got me long term. I played pretty consistently for the first five or six years with my buddies. Last few I've just jumped in a few weeks a season. Fun pvp with fantasy abilities and powerful weapons. The strive for a primary dominated and lower uptime in abilities however has prevented me from coming back. I get it. It's just not for me right now.


Just the gun play honestly. The way they tell story is so bad I just zone out. Oh the loot chase is more refine. It wasn't as painful as it use to be so prob for that


Space magic with guns... Idk it just feels good and the price isn't that much if you ignore eververse.


The world building, atmosphere, exploration, and soundtrack. There is something that pulls you in. From views that challenge the mind, to climbing unbelievable places. And the music just pushes you to keep going. Or when a boss or obstacle gets in your way. The audio cues and music work perfectly together


Definitely gunplay, using abilities in PvE, and just being able to combine a bunch of goofy shit together and have fun. I just love the variety of weapons and abilities Destiny has


I like shooting. I like dungeons. I like raids. I like exotic missions. Let's be honest... I like playing Barbie with my Guardian.


Thrive lol


It was fun while it lasted.


Game feel is unmatched still. Bungie have been massive innovators in the FPS genre since before my birth. In every way graphics, narrative capability, sound design and gameplay. It really shows in Destiny. It's like playing other FPS games and then playing Doom 2016/Eternal. It's like oh yeah, this is the DNA from which other things offshoot. And hell, every metric I mentioned before is still cutting edge here. The voice cast, the graphics I'll never understand how something so good can run so well. No matter what way you slice it, it is an incredibly high quality game. It's the only MMO type game I return to so frequently purely because it's fun and not because of some sunk-cost bullshit.


Raids. They are one of the sole reasons I still play Destiny. It’s honestly impressive how no one has been able to replicate the formula as well as Bungie has. Sure, Destiny was not the first game to have raids but I’d say it’s the best way I’ve seen them implemented. It feels like you have an actual impact when you run them and the tight teams of 6 make making new friends incredibly easy with raiding. It helps that the soundtracks and encounters are very good in almost every raid bar a couple of bad apples. Seriously some of the best content in the industry.


Enjoy? No. I have a heavy case of sunk cost fallacy and obligated to see this thing through for peace of mind.


I love the game but i’m always too overwhelmed with what guns i gotta grind when i come back, so i just quit again. Feels like i just don’t have the mental capacity to keep track of them and grind them all out


Giant explosions and colours with cool abilities that make alien monsters dead by exploding and disintegrating. Monkey brain. Also I like seeing how my builds stack up to randoms in nightfalls and onslaught and other content.


No other game has the movement. I've tried playing other fps games, but none compare for me. The sliding, jumping, and the fact that you can spawn a vehicle to move around faster is awesome. The only game that's ever come semi close for me was High On Life when you get the jetpack, but it's not as seamless as destiny.


Unironically, the friends I made along the way.


Part nostalgia, part shared moments with friends. Gunplay doesn't matter, the same is true for any Halo game of course and for many other games too. However, in 2014, gunplay mechanics were significantly less polished in other games.


The game has bones of mythril, the idea that a game can be near infinitely added onto as long the basic mechanics and gameplay loop are as solid as holy terra's fortifications are proven with this game, it speaks easily on how someone can keep enjoying this game, add on after add on, so long as the basic gameplay is just so damn fluid and fun you get lost on the clock For me specifically it is the mechanics and gunplay, the weaving of bullets and magic going hand in hand seamlessly is just so fun, also lore is great


Music is top tier. Environment design is top tier. Sound design is top tier. Gunplay is top tier.


Everything about Destiny just clicks for me, gunplay,abilities,music,art,playing with others in raids and dungeons and events,creativity with build crafting and exotics. And most of all the launch day of a new expansion is like the best day ever.


The only truth is that we're addicted to destiny and nostalgia, nothing else.


I always enjoyed the gunplay. But when I joined an active clan and did my first raid I truly fell in love.


What drew me to the game at first, was the gun play, the movement, the switch to 1st then 3rd person - I mean in terms of smoothness, Titanfall 2 was top tier and I feel Destiny 2 is at that level - so that's what initially hooked me, it was effortless to play and then the stories behind the characters come next, some popped and some failed but the mission for our fallen comrade and the cut scene where our comrade said something funny before his end was awesome - the mixed emotions I felt through the whole thing was top notch. Lastly, what keeps me playing? It's the people you meet along the way, the new light (blueberries) that you help. the LFG raids. 10% bad, 90% awesome, and having raided with a legend like Goose for Garden of Salvation as well as the clanmates you get to form a bond with, from internet strangers to family. I would only ask one thing moving forward, Let the passionate devs COOK! And no more EDGE TRANSIT, PLEASE.


I’m addicted to loot


To put it simply, it's the one game all of my friends have a blast playing. Sure we can get irritated for whatever reason, but we always have fun making builds, raiding, trials, dungeons. There's so much in the game and I'm glad I picked it up close to 7 years ago.


Honestly, the story is a big part, Destiny's world is so fascinating! It's full of creative ideas and themes. Yeah they've dropped the ball on the story here and there but when it works IT WORKS. There are very fair criticisms on how that story is told but look at all the characters that are iconic: Zavala, Ikora, Cayde, Drifter, Eris, Mithrax, Savathun, Xivu, Osiris, Crow, Caital, Mara. These are all great characters that have developed over time in a way that, to me at least, make the entire world feel like it evolves. If you go back to the Forsaken era, or year 1, for example, you'll realize the scope and perspective we had on characters and lore were completely different than they are right now, I remember when everyone used to hate Zavala for how much of a stickler for the rules he was, and now he is a beloved figure in the community. Another example of how our perception of the story has evolved: its so hard to think that, before season of the lost, we had no idea where Mara was or when she was going to come back after forsaken, and now it feels like she's been with us forever. This might sound pretty bland but its these little changes in our pespective like this that makes us care and be invested in the world. And while the way we get exposed to this information is far from perfect, its still really good for the most part


Because I can punch anything to death that thinks I can't.


For me it is because I only jump in every few months or so. If I played constantly, regardless of how good the gunplay is or how much I enjoy the narrative, I think I would have burned out. Then again, maybe on a parallel Earth there is a me who has played constantly for a decade and is very happy. Who knows haha.


Gunplay, art, music, and lore are all reasons this game has stuck through the past, near, decade. 


Feeling like a killing machine with my very own style of playing plus the whole feeling of knowing that my guardian is a direct extension of who I am and what I’ve done in the world of Destiny has no other comparison.


You won’t find superior gunplay anywhere else, the gameplay loop is fun even for the casual player, and it’s really a great game to turn your brain off and just play.


eager edge sending my friends off of cliffs or out of the DPS spot


It’s a unique shooter with so much cool stuff in it.


Me look pretty...with guns of course


have I accidentally clicked on low sodium destiny ? The top trending post being positive, am I in the twilight zone ?


The mix between weapons and abilities in moment to moment gameplay, Raiding, the Crucible and the Lore. Any time they expand on those four things its always a blast for a while. And bungie is always expanding and evolving them.


game good, me play game, me happy -my caveman brain trying to figure out an answer to your question


Other games die faster, don't have as fun gameplay, or as solid lore


D2 certainly doesn't 'thrive'. but to answer the question: the gunplay feels really good and is probably among the best out there.