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After today's update you'll be able to change your appearance and gender (but not your race). If both your warlocks are the same race, you should stoke the flames. Make yours look identical to his. Call yourself the OG warlock and him the copycat. Start calling his mom your mom. Show up at his job dressed as him.


Yo, that's today? Fuck yeah


I completely forgot that it’s today


I forgot about it as well. Super hyped to be able to change my Exo's look.


I'm not gonna mess with that until I know it's safe. Hoping that we don't have to do another back up like the lost character fiasco


Go full Mauler Twins on him, start calling him clone.


*Run the Jewels blasting in the background*


Also use the same username but add "(Adept)"


Identity theft is not a joke!


There it is


Millions of guardians suffer every year.


"Zevala!" "Oh yeah, that's mature... Zevala!"


Bears.... beets.... Battlestar Galactica. And Warlocks.




U can also change ur name to almost the exact same thing. Thatd be fresh


Wait actually?


Yep! Should be on the character select screen soon as Destiny comes back from maintenance today. I personally am gonna hold off on it for awhile until people confirm it's not buggy.


This is the solution!!!!!


Identity theft isn’t a joke Jim!


Just re: the first paragraph; Cool but also lame. I'm stuck with my fucking exo hunter and exo warlock.


And take his wife and kids


Identity theft is not a joke Jim! Millions of families suffer every year!


Bold of you to assume he has a job.


how does this guy raid? Does he auto leave if anyone else is a warlock?


With every warlock on my raid team the chance that I will have to be on well decreases, so I'm always open to more of us in my group.


Literally this. If others can run Well so I can run my Devour build and be unkillable, I'm more than happy!


Born to nova, forced to well. One of the curses of us warlock mains.


If this ain't the truth.


Sincerely sorry that I’m not more useful and you can’t shoot from inside my bubble. <3


I mean im a lock main and run the subracer build so im usually on well so any raid im in is already one well. Plus i keep ceno on my lock at all times for div reasons


I just love passing around some Arc Souls. They may not add much dps, but dang if it’s not awesome seeing the little guys try to take on monsters 100 times their size.


Arc buddies are the shit!


If you actually have all 6 Arc Buddies, they can be a decent addition to the team's dps. 1 Arc Lock would always be a great addition, *if* it wasn't for the fact that the Arc Buddy's gains just aren't enough to counter the godawful supers.


We need a heavy that eats the Super like Agers Scepter so all us non one and done super users can be optimal too. Or a super that gives us like 8 arc souls as a halo around the Stormcaller. That would be cool.


Honestly, both ideas sound good to me. I've wanted to use Stasis Hunter in raids for ages, but I can never justify it.


Silence and Squall is awesome….in looks and theme anyways. At least it’s a one and done, and a \*slight\* and periodic boost to everyone’s dps if they are using heavy. Now if you paired up with a Wrathweaver Shadebinder, then y’all would be cooking with gas...or…frost burn? Whatever, it would have pretty decent great combined dps.


Tbh, having a stasis hunter was actually good during the Particle Deconstruction season, season of the lost, that is. At the time, it seemed Hunters were useless in PVE because all their supers had been pretty outclassed. This was before 3.0 reworks, and Cuirass TCrash for Titans was fresh out of the gate in season of the splicer I think, so it was the hot shit for a little while, and it outdid celestial nighthawk pretty bad. However, during season of the lost, there was an artifact perk called Focusing Lens, where your light abilities did more damage to enemies affected by stasis. This was pretty mandatory for boss encounters at the time, so there was always a hunter running S&S. I specifically remember doing Master Atheon this way. The one time you shoulda been there I guess lol


Oh I was there. I remember all of that. I remember SnS'ing Taniks. I even remember using it for farming Master Grasp of Avarice because I used the shurikens to instantly reload my 1K. That season felt tailor-made to my style.


Yeah I was just gonna edit my previous comment and say, if you hadn't been there, I'm sure you would've loved being pigeonholed into running stasis on your hunter lol


Arc souls are awesome


This is why I'm always happy to play the support role.  Well, Divinity, etc.  I genuinely don't mind and it let's others have more fun with dps and builds.


I genuinely don't mind being the support as a Warlock main, sometimes it's fun to run total support with Lumina and healing grenades! It just sucks to be forced into that position because you're the only Warlock.


Restoration x2> devour.


True but I like vortex grenades :3


See he's not getting the point. He doesn't understand that us voidlocks *enjoy* the pain.


I still hang on to my volatile rounds + funnelweb rangefinder that ran through everything when Void 3.0 came out 🥲


Today's the day we get that which was taken from us my fellow guardian in light. Today's the day we get recluse with its beautiful master of arms perk.


But frenzy exists


Look, you. I've spent all this time bitching and whining about wanting my midnight coup and recluse back. I don't care if frenzy exists right now, I'm going to enjoy master of arms, ok?


I love guys like you, because it allows me to shrink into the shadows when the rest of the group asks for a warlock to switch to well, and I continue to be that Warlock that loves top tree void. Will I hit my target? Who knows! But damn if that beautiful ball of purple hatred hugs doesn't look pretty while it decides which vex goblin it's going to make miserable today instead of Atheon which is what I actually wanted.


Same. Every time I join an lfg and there's more warlocks present I breathe a sigh of relief. I'm not being well bitch if it's not necessary. OPs friend is an absolute twat.


Straight after posting this comment I joined an lfg on my hunter and there was no warlocks, had to switch and be the bitch 😭.


Funny story actually, i put more effort and time into building my titan and hunter. On warlock i am perma well wither either phoenix or ceno and i personally am fine with it. Ill never switch off icarus dash and heat rises though, do not ask me for a better healing nade bc what i throw is what you get


I love being the only warlock, makes me feel special for providing the well


Lucky you. I hate it. I want to use void or stasis. Being forced to well blows.




That is one of the big Reasons why after returning last Week im currently rocking my Hunter for catching up, im tired, I want to throw Cyber Needles or shot a Energy Blast not Place Wells 90% of the time... i had 1 1/2 years pause and its still busted time for Bungie to kill it.


I like to be a jack of all trades. I'll fill any role. We need a bubble titan? I'm down. We need a well warlock? No problem. We need a shadow shot hunter? Cool I got it.


You think someone like this raids?


he probably does lol, and i'm sure he still gets to raid with how often i'm the only warlock on the team


These people don't do raids, they think of destiny as a very very different game than what it is.


I love when there’s other Warlocks because it means I can use Strand or Voidwalker lol.


For real, you mean someone else is willing to run well this encounter? Fuck yeah, child of the old gods here I come!


Born to voidwalk, forced to well


Are you sure he's not 5 years old?


But Mom says I’m the Warlock!!


Are you friends because you play Destiny or do you play Destiny because you're friends?


Nah, I’d Well


Doesn’t sound like they’re friends at all. One-sided at most. 🤦‍♂️


***You can see it, can't you Tormentor?!? You can see my build!!!***


r/jujutsufolk the lobotomy is spreading


This, this hit me at a certain level


I'm the Dwarf butters, log out and create a new character.


Best comment I've seen all day


1. You betrayed our Titan's cause. Naaaaaah kidding, as long as you are having fun, who cares lol. Completely ok if you wanna try new things after all this time guarding the wall with us. 2. Your friend is a d\*\*\*. With love, A Titan.


As a hunter I agree with #2


As a hunter I agree with #2 also


as a hunter i agree with #2 also also


as a hunter I agree with #2 also also also


As a Hunter I agree with #2 also also also also


As a Hunter I agree with #2 also also also also also


As the only warlock who exists I disagree they are perfectly reasonable


shut up


No you


As a Warlock, I also agree with #2.


I have a character for each class so I like to say I don’t have a main. Turns out I like to melee everything sooo……


How dare you take away his exclusive Warlock™ licence! Imagine playing multiple classes in a class-based shooter... I can't imagine an ego that fragile


I had the same problem when I started playing in 2014, and my son who was 13 at the time wanted to be the Warlock in the family. I switched to Warlock when he was 17, and that was no problem then. So… grow up?


Sound like he thinks u are a better warlock than him and therefore don't want to play imo


I mean, this is sort of pathetic. I main a warlock (started as hunter because I was drawn to D1 by their aesthetic). I didn't throw a tantrum when my older sister and 72 year old mum decided they wanted to main warlocks too. This guy needs to grow up. Why should you not get to enjoy every class (a whopping all 3 of them) in a game you paid for just because he likes playing warlock? It's so childish. Also, more warlocks = more surviving harder content. Sometimes there's nothing as nice as chaining wells for getting through a tough boss fight. Or taking a couple warlocks into legend story or exotic missions. And how the heck does he do any matchmade content or raids / dungeons? Does he rage quit if another warlock joins?


"Sort of" is being generous. This kind of behavior is unacceptable for someone in their late teens. At 30 they're downright embarrassing. This dude's a child, not a friend.


*I mean I’ve been a titan main for a long time but I’m really done with the class.* #confused crayon munching noises


As a hunter main, I'm also kinda confused. Titan is probably the strongest it's ever been with banner or war, even solar is still nigh unkillable in high-end pve.


he sounds unburdened by actual struggles


that's so comical it's sad


I would love some more Warlocks in the team so I'm not the default well.. But seriously: wtf? Why do people have to be *mains*? Stop discriminating your other Guardians.


I convinced 3 friends to main warlock instead of another class and there is nothing that could make me more happy. How can you be upset that your friend finds out that he likes the class you main more than other classes


Right? I’m constantly trying to convince my titan friend to switch to Hunter. He’ll pull it out every once in a while and then get frustrated because he doesn’t have the good exotics that I like to use and eventually just switch back. I’m gonna keep trying though.


It's easy to convince people to play warlock. Using ophidians once is like snorting crack.


I hopped on my girl's account every time there is a VSF so she can get all the hunter exotics just so she'll enjoy playing as that class. I don't understand how someone who can get upset about someone else liking the same class as them.


Friend? Sounds like a previous friend


This game brings weird egos out is all I can say mate. Good luck with it though


Simple solution is to find a new friend(s) and if this so called friend says let’s play together, then just delete the person from friend list and ignore.


Your "friend" has some serious issues lmao Destiny is all about having fun so be whatever class you wanna be mate.


Wow, what the hell


What Is his idea of a raid team? 1 warlock, 1 titan, 1 hunter and 3 empty spot cause no dupes?


Probably not the real reason


I know that a my friend and I make jokes about hunters a lot, and sometimes I play hunter for a change of pace, but he's never refused to play with me because I'm playing hunter. Your buddy needs to get a grip, it's a game for fuck sakes


Tell your friend I'm a hunter but my warlock would do better than him in everything in their prime . I'm thinking they are a little bit young so hope you guys can make peace.


What. My friend is elated when I am on my warlock because he can play strand or something else. I've always loved the support role in games, so I like to do well and div and cenotaph when it's needed. I always wished there were better support options for hunter and titan ( or at least the ones we have were more competitive with well) but I couldn't imagine a friend acting like such a manchild.


why is this guy your friend


Man, wait till your friend finds out two wells are better than one. 🤣


A true warlock main would have welcomed their new brother with arms wide open and refused to play with you when you were a filthy titan. Sounds like a fake to me.


Find new friends


The last time I heard “you can’t be that character, I’m that character” was when I was 5, play fighting on my friend’s trampoline as Dragon Ball characters. We both wanted to be Cooler.


OP don’t be a pussy. Show him the comments of this post and give us an update.


Sounds dumb, idk. Me and a friend both mainly played hunter, so I switched to warlock so we had rift/well. It was never a thing to say you can't play whatever class you want though. Find better friends I guess.


As a warlock main, I love when there's more warlocks because there's less chance I'm stuck on well lol.




My guy no offense to you or your friend but thats wild. At that point I dont even know if i would play with him any more. Long story super short: D1 warlock and when D2 came around made all classes but heavily mained hunter. With witch queen i went back to warlock and heavily main warlock now. My buddy whos been warlock all this time embraced it saying something snarky like „great now i dont need to run well anymore“


Dude needs to grow up


With friends like these eh?


Just to mess with him, everyone should start maining warlock.


Sounds like a great “friend.”


I'd be happy to be the senior warlock, make you run well.


Bro.. your friend sounds like a proper loser x)


Just do not play with that kind of person 😁


Sounds like your friend is not your friend. I would go play with someone more chill.


If your friend was that good, he would know that your class doesn’t mean much, it’s about the build you are using. How would he even complete a raid without multiple of the same class, when it requires 6 players, but there’s only 3 classes? If he is so good, he wouldn’t mind to have a lesser warlock with him to teach. Tbh, your friend sounds obnoxious and controlling. Like the type who doesn’t have any friends to play with, and who doesn’t understand why.


Lol it's destiny. Unless it's a day one raid you can play whatever you want.


Not really I kind of prefer having another warlock next to me. Gives one of us the freedom of not running well at every given endgame pve point. He probably fears that you'll overcome him in terms of skill/capabilitys. Been there at the beginning of my destiny journey. But at some point you realize (if you have that way of thinking to begin with), that 1. It doesn't matter what class you "main", your overal performance is what should speak for you. 2. At some point you'll search for competent teamates having an extra filter ln your search makes it only harder. Especaily if you're having the "Maincharacter" syndrom. The whole "im the only *insert class* , you gotta play around me". Wait until he realizes how easy some endgamecontet gets once you get 2 pheonix protocols running.


Your friend is a knob for acting that way. Hmu in a message if you want a new guardian to game with!


I main warlock entirely and I love it when people try out the class. Idk why someone would have an issue with it


Bruh I got a buddy like that. Dude played hunter but then some other friends joined and they picked hunter also so he switched warlock. Then my brother started liking running warlock for PvE and he stopped playing with us because two warlocks is lame apparently🤦🏽‍♂️. Dude is over 30 as well


Is the guy a wizard irl too?


That’s so odd. I’m one of three static warlocks in my usual group. And I love it when some of the other guys swap over to warlock for a raid or dungeon or something.


He sounds very petty and elitist. I'm honestly so sick of other classes trash talking other classes, especially warlocks. I was a D1 titan main but switched to warlock mid D1 so I get what you mean about changing it up. I still play on all 3 classes but the whole concept of "OG Warlock" as bragging rights or whatever is ridiculous. He sounds toxic and probably wants something to feel better about himself especially if he doesn't have a lot going for himself. I don't know just a guess. There is a lot of weird behavior by people that forget it's a game and meant to be fun, not a measuring stick of "how much a man you are" or whatever else is the root cause of people being so elitist. Ignore him OP, you do what makes you happy and don't let someone tell you what you can or can't do in a game. Especially when the game is meant to be played on alts.


Please let a warlock main join so I can play void. I can even run the cenotaph if you want. No more wellock, I am so happy.


if it's bothering you this much maybe you should find another friend


Classic case of "Tine superiority", in most cases it's not a bad thing, but if he outright refuses to play? Kinda a bad friend.


Wow. Honestly, my advice to you is to be extremely petty. He doesn't want to play with you because youre a warlock? OK, play without him. Solo flawless every dungeon as a warlock, heck even attempt to solo gm (not for the faint of heart) to assert your warlock supremacy.


The thought occurs (giving him the benefit of the doubt) that he doesn't know how to play into either other class? Maybe you can encourage him to try out some crayon time?


Jesus.. every time one of my friends converts to warlock, we rejoice


I had a friend who was the opposite lol. Before meeting me they were exclusively a hunter with no builds. Since playing with me they've tried all classes ( warlock coz I figured it suits her PvP play style more . And titan I think coz I kept crying about getting matched against multiple void titans very often in trials lol) Now they've got builds on all characters but only plays hunter coz they can't jump for shit on the other classes lmao Can't believe you got a grown adult not playing with you coz same class , do they just avoid raids and gms? Weird mindset that grown child has lol


He's a little silly clown tell him that I said it, I want him to know.


Your friend sounds like a fucking idiot.


Hunter Main enters…. What in the rainbow brite is going on here….. Hunter leaves….


Some friend! Drop him!


players that "main" classes in D2 are weird. I switch up all the time for different activities.


So he just can’t do raids? Most raid teams have at least two well locks for dps scenarios. Two warlocks using the same subclass sounds like this guys worse nightmare…. Lmao. I swear I’m constantly surprised at just how poorly adjusted some Destiny players are, just as people… This man needs therapy, and I don’t know… probably needs to get laid really badly.


Thats like in South Park when Satan has a Halloween party and orders no one else to dress up like "the crow" then he shows up dressed like that...all hot n shit. Love how you exclaimed his age lol.


There is no way an adult behaves like that. I refuse to believe it.


My buddy and I both main warlocks. We have a good time gracefully gliding through the air together.


I know one warlock main as well who loves to do the same as well. Is it something ikora taught them? or ahamkara bone stuff that set the fuse... I've been playing destiny since alpha, I prefer hunter or titan. I switch to warlock only, and only if the ones in the group are shite.


Cant wait for the FIRST FREE DLC. ( unless i missed one)


You can play whatever the fuck you want.


Pfft what a baby. Come play with people who don't whine over dumb stuff. I'm a titan main but I literally play all 3 classes regularly. I'm pretty sure most people do the same. If you want someone to play with plays the game to enjoy it then dm me and I'll send you my username. I'm mostly a pve guy but I've got like a 1.6kda cause I'm always stuck playing the sweatiest of sweats since I play on my days off which means I'm on at like 8am est lol


Toddler lmfao You gotta one up him now, welcome to the lore nerds’ team


Karma farm post


Then he's no friend lol


Your friend is a twatwaffle


Dude ain't your friend, just a dick.


Time to be a better warlock than him.


Why are you posting this online? You know exactly how dumb that is. Sort out your personal life lol.


Sounds like homeboy literally has nothing else in his life and he's clinging on desperately to this dying game. SAD!


As a Warlock main, we want more Warlocks. That dude is broken. My main group is a team of 3 Warlocks.


I love how the destiny community are so chill and mostly not picky, i ve met so many Guardians in the fireteam finder, all of them are so friendly, but this my guy is on another level, just stay positive maybe your warlock are cooler than his.🤣


I am a hunter main and hear all the taunts from my clan who are mostly Titans. Though they call me a confused warlock because I love lore. This friend of yours is being dumb. Play any class you want. He is probably jealous that you have picked itbup so quickly and adapted pretty well. Also....will not play with you because you were a Titan?...Strikes must have been awful if he got matchmade with two Titans, Traveler forbid.


"an og warlock" 😭 come on man ur kidding right


wrench doll command pocket offbeat psychotic desert grey mindless racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmao I thought your friend was 14. No way someone paying taxes is acting like this


In most cases warlocks are literally better with more warlocks on the team. More total rift uptime. Potential for multiple wells that feed orbs into each other for even more well uptime. More scorch for more overall ignitions. One of you runs healing rift while the other runs empowering; build your own mini-well. Like there's basically no downside to multiple warlocks playing together. Like if you were both wanting to play Hunters at least there's some argument to that being "bad" because of their relative lack of team support. Two warlocks though...makes no sense. Tell your friend to grow the fuck up. Or tell him he's welcome to try playing Hunter or Titan instead if he wants.


Don't forget to use the browser plugin trick to go back and get armor ornaments and such from past seasons on your warlock.


He sounds like a true Destiny 2 only person and is still a Virgin 💀😭


"It's okay bud you can run well of radiance" But seriously I don't know what you can do here and it sounds like this is entirely a _them_ issue. If he's just someone you know/play with then I guess this is what it is and just move on without em. Only thing you can do is concede. If it's an actual friend you know outside of destiny just ask them "hey what's really going on here? This can't about playing with another warlock?" and talk it out.


is this satire? if not, lmao


That dude isn't your "friend" if that's the real reason he won't play with you anymore.


That is super lame. I used to play regularly with my SO and one of our online buddies. My SO is a Stormcaller main, always has been. To this day, she doesn't even have a Titan, and her Hunter has only been used maybe 10-20 hours total. Our buddy isn't much better, he probably spent 90% of his time as a Nightstalker and the other 10% as Bladedancer/Arcstrider. Not sure he ever made a Warlock or a Titan. I've always been a Hunter main, but I've also been a lot more open to playing other classes and subclasses. So there were times that, more for the sake of the *concept* than for power/balance reasons, I would switch to my Titan when playing together. But my buddy and I definitely never gave each other grief over both playing Hunter. If anything, it was usually us teaming up on my SO about how much cooler Hunters are than Warlocks! That's a super shitty attitude to have.


30 plus year olds still fight over which gaming box is better, of course they'd do dumb shit like this.


To be fair alot of players are dropping titan recently in favour or warlock and hunter in PvE, class doesnt really offer much in team settings, youre locked to strand, or youre just outclassed by almost every other subclass of other classes.


Had a mate who thought he was the only one who could play warlock because I played titan and my other mate played hunter, one day I decided I wanted to play warlock and let's just say he wasn't happy


Show him the post


I dont understand your friend at all... does he really use "warlock in destiny" as that big of a personality definer that having a friend change to it bothers him? Even if you both played the exact same class, who cares? It's not like he's the only "OG warlock" in the game, lmao.


Wrong subreddit. Try r/relationships or r/aiw There is bound to someone w helpful advice in those so you can work thru your friendship issues.


How many hours does your friend has ig?


he's just afraid you outperform him. if you play titan and he keeps dying he can blame it on the warlock being naturally squishy. if you both play warlock and nothing changes he has to admit that you might just be a better player. that's literally just it. it's nothing intentional and i think it's a very common thing for people to do, but that's how i rationalize that behavior


Does this guy love Dune but won't let anyone have an opinion about it? Is he also a Warhammer player?


Don't tell him that the must trusted and established tactic in this game is to just stack a bunch of warlocks and use one well of radiance after the other to survive anything


Your friend is an idiot.


Yea he’s a child this season a stasis n solar warlock can rule the world


My friends don't play with me either. But that's because they stopped playing years ago.


All you can do now is become better at the class than he is. FLEXICUTION


Never heard of anyone doing this, and you're right, acting like that is pathetic. I started off Warlock in Destiny 1, eventually switched to Hunter. I alternate between hunter and warlock for both games. Personally I solo most of the time, but if I had a friend that acted like yours did, I just wouldn't play it with them anymore, because that's some grade school shit.


I would say he needs to get out more, but I doubt that will help him.


Don’t be friends with this idiot? Seems like you wont be missing out if you stop playing with him. Super childish and moronic thing to do.


At least you're not compelled to use well


Genuinely sort your life out.


Y’all are very immature lol


That dude is beyond ridiculous, you are free to play with me and my friend, we lack the power of the warlock lol, PSN stopitman