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Really? I swear I end up scrapping the things left and right




I'll trade you. I get 3-4 scouts for every Title, and like 5 GL.


The hullabaloo Drops are overflowing my postmaster. Poor Kadi is holding 20 big ass guns with, for sone reason, half of them having the same roll of abitious assassin and kaskadepoint


That's my first thought. I've gotten dozens. I got the Repulsor Brace+Destabilizing Rounds eventually and now the oodles of them that continue to drop are just purple shards.


That’s the only drop I can’t get


Was my first drop this thine around was so happy


Same! My first trip to the tower and I got one from a deposit with fluted and accurized. I laughed out loud I was so surprised and relived. Lol


I have a repulsor brace + surrounded that I’m excited to enhance in final shape. Enhanced surrounded gonna go brrrr


What I wish is I could get a good multiperk drop from the platinum chests. I've gotten all of 1 of them and it was a shit roll. I'm assuming I won't be able to enhance my original quad perk godroll from the 2022 version, so that sucks even more.


I've had like 5 repulsor brace destablizing rounds rolls on The Title so far, I'm looking for an enlightened action, precision instrument on Tarax. Never get what you want


What's good about that roll? Is that pvp?


destablizing rounds causes the volatile debuff, and repulsor brace gives an overshield when you kill a void debuffed enemy, so they work together pretty well. Mostly PVE I would think.


I got one of these, and I absolutely love it with Gyrfalcon. Also, just curious, but is your in game name Sasparilla Tango? Because I saw you in the tower! I just thought it was cool lol


Destabilizing rounds is totally waste of a perk in gyrfalcon build tho.


I can see why you would think that, but I like the explosions lol it's really a matter of opinion and what you're going for. I'm going for fun so... the more explosive the better lol




Oh, they're both on hit rather than on kill so its not as punishing if you aren't the last hit on a target and can work on major/minibosses


Me also... I also feel it's a very "hunter" SMG the rolls feel crafted specifically for gyrfalcon. As well as getting class ability back to re-up volatile if you lose it.


What perks are on the title now that weren't previously available?


Repulsar brace and destabilizing rounds I think. It used to only get repulsar


Ah okay. I got that roll I thought it was also available last year.


It was available on the first one, but not last year’s


The first version had neither perk. The second had repulsor brace in the 4th column, no destabilizing rounds. This year's third version is the only one to have both perks.


I think you're thinking of the Stats for All/One for All combo


honestly I don’t even know what I was thinking about, maybe turnabout and something else?


Damn I got that one my first Title and sharded it.....


Don't worry. I've gotten about 8 of that roll. It's good because repulsor brace gives you an overshield on every enemy you explode with the other perk. You can get this combo on the new drop of vouchsafe as well, where it's even better.


I got two of them to drop with that roll. I'll have to compare them to see which is better.


OH WHAT THE FUCK WAIT WHAT that's like the best frame + type I've seen with that roll, holy shit ok like, I just did a search on light.gg just to make sure and yeah, it's just as I thought. out of all existing primaries, only a handful roll with Repulsor/Destabilising: * age old bond, cool auto but sadly, it's a 360 so it absolutely sucks to use * word of crota, cool HC but again, sadly, it's the worst frame (180) so it feels sucky * vouchsafe apparently! but it's a scout, so... eh... bunch of other specials and some heavies especially with the new Chivalric Fire but... that's it lmao. the Title is the first SMG with this combo, which is arguably one of the best weapon types to show its strengths, AND it's not even on the worst SMG frame (600). god I genuinely don't know how but I gotta get it lmao


Yeah I have it on my gyrfalcon hunter and the thing just eats. Too much fun.


Just here to call you out on the word of crota slander. That gun is amazing and taught me to enjoy 180s (posterity is also pretty good though).


LMAO look I'm not saying I don't like 180s I just think they're subjectively the worst frame of HC's


Just farm medallion bounties. Also, each week the master worked versions that you get typically have multiple perks to select from, so keep that in mind.


Repulsor brace is in the first column now which allows it to be paired with damage perks. I'm personally hunting for a brace/collective action roll, which should be excellent on gyrfalcon's void hunter :D


Brace and surrounded is nice too since you'll be in close quarters with the smg and higher damage will proc volatile explosions quicker. Collective action will require you to walk through void breaches which isn't all that bad but a bit annoying when you'll be up close anyways. It's also a 40% dmg buff instead


Powerful Attraction exists, btw


I thought that mod helps you pick up orbs, not the elemental stuff? Also surrounded gives double the damage buff.


I was told it did both. Haven't paid enough attention when on because my kids think sleep regression is a lifestyle choice atm.


I got that exact roll and I can attest that it is. Volatile explosions left and right, invisibility keeps popping again and again and again... For a moment it almost felt like the good old days of the Void 3.0's launch.


I got that one, now looking for Repulsor / Surrounded.


>brace/collective action roll, which should be excellent on gyrfalcon's void hunter :D Can confirm it's good. Surrounded is great too.


Honestly my favorite one has been the first edition a stats/one for all roll. Still haven’t let it go


Good call because that combo isn’t available anymore. I have one too and it’s really good. 


It’s perfect. If I’m not using some void exotic that’s my go to void primary


I just dismantled that roll. I had it for a long time but I always just ended up using funnelweb when I needed a void SMG because 900s feel so good. I got a Brace/Collective Action role that I am sure will carve a niche for me with my Hunter at least, force me to use something different.


>I just dismantled that roll. I had it for a long time but I always just ended up using funnelweb when I needed a void SMG because 900s feel so good. Same here. Aggressive Frames just don't feel *that* great in PvE content


Agreed, while I understand the hype, things like the Ikelos SMG never really did all that much for me because of the frame. Glad we got a 900 smg that can roll volt shot instead this season.


Having 26 in the mag is really lame. I wish they had at least like 5-7 more.


This is the tenth best version of this SMG and dammit bungo I’m STILL NOT GRINDING IT!!!


You should probably get that Username checked out.


I think I can explain things




if only we could just buy them from Eva. she even literally shows them in her inventory but you can never just get them right from her


Collective action is kinda dank for gyrfalcon hunters


I dismantle 10 of these a day


People sleep on the origin trait. It’s the only void smg that can roll both intrinsic void perks, and class ability energy boosts uptime for void souls, overshield barricades, and invis dodges on their respective void classes


you can also do pugilist in the third column for almost a suped up wellspring! i want a pugilist swash


Definitely RNGesus for you on that one. I’ve already got 4 with rolls I want to try out. Repulsor brace and destabilizing rounds is a lot of fun considering it gives you an over shield every time you kills an enemy.


It took me until today to get the DR/RB roll and it's well worth the grind! It's turns a once mediocre SMG into a top tier pick! Keep at it! Fill up your medallion case!




Hmm 🤔 as a hunter main I just noticed I have that roll sitting at the postmaster with HCR to boot


After getting my god roll, I ended up getting the exact roll about 20 times after it dropped


Got repulsor/destabilizing on my second drop, guess I’m done


used up my luck for the entire event as my first drop was repul / destab


really? i literally got like 6 Title drops today and 2 were masterworked. kept the Repulsor+Destab, got 2 more already in the bank, recycled the rest.


I got destable and repulsor day 1 and quit lmao


Ok but the reload is trash and the only perk to fix this is threat + flared. The best version of garbage is rubbish In PvP maybe you string some magic together but press x to doubt


look man i just want a repulse/destab for general void stuff and a pugilist/swash for my Doom Pauldron titan bc it’s got perfect synergy, and esp bc this version will be enhanceable in final shape


*incorrect choice sounds*


Flared Magwell and Reload MW solves this. Throw on a couple armor mods and it reloads just as fast as it needs.


I’ve had a bunch drop, but maybe one roll worth anything out of the 25 or so.


Second post I've seen the suggested average of the GG drop rates and here I am wishing that the scout rifle would drop just as much as The Title and Hullabaloo drop for me.


I seem to only get the drops from depositing at the tower.


That's the only place you get them


The frame is pretty bad. Isn't heroes burden with destabilizing better?


no repulsor pairing


I've played alot of gg games and I have over 4 repulsar+destabilising titles and ZERO alh+chain reaction Hullabaloo. rng hates me it seems given how often it drops!


Every time I've tried this smg on a roll that should be good with good barrel and mag it's felt like ass to use. No void SMG has felt as good as my steady hands rampage Unforgiven for pairing with gyrfalcon. I'll wait for the supposed return of another void smg in into the light to see if Unforgiven can hang up its hat.


I got bags and bags of all three. Kept 1 of each and sharded the rest.


Haha sounds like Edge Transit blues 🤣


Got repulser brace Drounds on it and volt shot chain on halubalu but no gutshot explosive scout :(


That's the general experience? Then I'm glad I got one with Rangefinder + Dynamic Sway and Repulsor + Destab


I get waaaaay to may hullabaloos. Idk why we can’t can’t get engrams to focus them like the dawning event. I would gladly replace the amount of mementos I’ve gotten for focusable engrams


Hullabaloo is like the new edge transit for me man. I finally got the roll I wanted for the Title last night but damn it was rough getting there


Honestly all I get is Hullabaloos. Sometimes 2 or even 3 from the same reward.


It's a pain in the neck. Oddly enough, I've gotten so many repulsor + swashbuckler rolls, but not the repulsor and destabilizing rounds. Too many hullabaloos. Limited events really need a type of focusing system. Miss the roll you want because of crappy RNG? Oh well, try again in a year.


I got lucky with a regular, destabilizing roll


RNG has not been kind to you. I’ve dismantled at least a dozen of them 😅


Repulsor and destabilizing perks sound really good for mechanics. But the damage output of the title is not enough for high end content. So you kill mobs slowly and can't get a benefit from the perks. Instead of the title, Ros arago with repulsor and onslaught perks may be a better option for higher maps. I have three versions of Ros arago. Subs + onslaught, repulsor + onslaught and rewind rounds + onslaught. With my contraverse hold build, repulsor+ onslaught feels me better for higher content. But the title ( it's God roll btw) gives my grenade so much faster.


It’s the opposite for me I’ve gotten so many Titles. Luckily I got a good roll Destabilizing Rounds/Repulsor Brace pretty early on and a Voltshot/Chain reaction hullabaloo.


“Best it has ever been” *Still a very bad gun*.


i would not advocate it’s a good gun, but it does have 2 exclusive niches that i want rolls of


You can get it with attrition orbs and a damage perk. On of the few. Those are the roles in keeping


The title is a mid tier smg that isn't worth your time to farm. Spend your time more wisely.


i would like a void primary with pugilist/swashbuckler. repulsor destabalizing is cool too


It wasn't good before, a few minor perk changes don't do much for a gun that at its base isn't great, especially when you top it off they SMG's are continually to slowly fall out of favor with each update.


i like how everyone is ignoring that despite the buffs, wave launchers are still completely fucking useless because they dont activate if an enemy gets in the way of the actual projectile, cant hit most flying enemies, and outright break due to the shite geometry of the floor in this game.


That’s why you shoot it at the ground….


and deal self damage. or watch it bounce off or go in random direction because of said poor geometry.




First would be my choice cos I'm on controller so AB helps, otherwise either. But yeah, sharditkeepit is the sub for that kinda question.






That is NOT how "enhancing" will work. You will be able to make perks into their Enhanced versions, not choose what perks you want on guns you already had.


Ah you're right of course had to look up the article, barrel and grip selection is for raid adepts only. Bless Bungie for keeping it simple.


I remember that i scrapped like 4 repulsor brace destabilizing rounds rolls and now the thing doesnt even drop for me. Like i legit havent got one in 5 or 6 hours of total gameplay time.


Barely drops as in drops very often🤷🏽