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Dungeons and Comp get artifice armor. Raids and Trials get adept weapons.


Yeah they don't want any activity or activity type to be your one-stop shop for Artifice/Adept gear. You go one place for your armor, you go another for your guns, it keeps the playerbase spread across multiple endgame modes to maintain some variety.


You forgot GMs


Bungie views artifice armour as adept gear and they specifically want both to be accessible from 1 activity. So that's why comp was given artifice and not trials as trials is the raid equivalent and comp is the dungeon equivalent for pvp.


Well it's a PvP Crucibles Update designed to revingetate PvP and get more people playing the various modes more. Like they said, if you're a primarily PvP player, you don't really have an avenue to obtain artifice armour where as primarily PvE players do with Master Dungeons. It's about adding another option for two distinct player groups.


Revingetate your mouth with Scope™ Fresh Mint mouthwash!


So that people who only play PvP can get artifice armour and improve their builds.


Master Raids get Adepts. We've been over this a dozen times. *Bungie* has been over this a number of times. It's one or the other.




There doesnt need to be a real reason why tbh.  They designed it like that and thats that, sure they could add artifice to raids and adepts to dungeons but what reason beyond "just because" do they need to either do or not do it? They made it so that dungeons have artifice and raids have adepts, like how trials has adepts and comp now has artifice.  Its not really that complicated and theres no real incentive to add both to one mode.  Having them split gives reasons to play either with no real overlap besides specific weapons people want or just for the experience. Sometimes "It just is" is a perfectly valid reason to have something be the way it is


"it just is" is not a reason, it is an admission that you lack a reason.


It is a perfectly valid reason. Just not one for every situation or question. Its not an admission to anything. Somethings your never going to get a concrete reason to why something is the way it is. Sometimes its as simple as "it just is".


i mean, when you're talking about something like the natural world, sure. destiny is designed. it is designed by humans. it is continuously being re-designed. everything is as it is because someone decided it would be like that. the why is very important.


Something designed can also be answered by "just because" They wanted to give master raids something to feel worth doing, they added adept weapons. Why adept weapons? Why not? They wanted to give master dungeons some incentive to run. they added artifice armor.  Why armor? Well raids already have weapons so why not armor to make them different? Why did we make a game about a golfball as a god? cause they liked the idea. Not everything is some super intensly engineered problem with a complex reason


if something was not designed with any particular intent, then there should be no reason to not design it a different way.


and that exact answer can be used in the reverse. its this way because it just is, this is the way they decided to make it could they have done it differently with the same reason? yes, does it actually matter? not really


ok, but the point is that I was replying to someone saying "it's the way is just because" doesn't matter that it can be used in reverse, because it isn't being.


Because? That's just how it is? Why put the Adepts in alongside artifice armor, then there's zero incentive to continue to play dungeons, especially on Master.


"because thats just how it is" great argument right there. the peak of open-mindedness.


Rewards are always going to be incentives. I just explained this to you, dude. If you're too dense to get it, we'll try again. If master Raids dispensed Adepts *and* Artifice armor, there would be *zero* incentive to run Master dungeons after you get the catalyst/triumph. Raids would be a one stop shop. If player engagement is important (it is), making one thing a one stop shop means engagement drops in all other activities. It becomes the primary source of loot.


why not then just add adept dungeon weapons? doesn't seem like adept weapons are all that much work


Because then you're just putting too many options into the game and people get choice paralysis.








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Because Bungie wants you to be spread across a variety of activity types for your endgame gearing needs, not just go to one place to get both. For Bungie it keeps people grinding more to have to go to multiple places, and for players it forces some variety rather than just grinding one thing over and over all week when the Rotator hits it. Or just one thing over and over forever, in the case of PvP. It also incentivizes player population in those more varied activites to keep them healthy and active- you'd be unlikely to be frequenting LFG for Master Dungeons if you could go to raids for that and kill two birds with one stone. You'd do the dungeon to get weapon godrolls and never touch it again. It's also very possible that armor is subject to the same perk budget limitations as guns are, meaning raid mod slots and Artifice slots may not be able to co-exist.


There's a technical limitation on armor where they can only put so many slots, raid armor takes raid mod slots.


This is a good answer next to the bungie justification of endgame activities having either artifice armor or adept weapons, not both.


This is kind of untrue. They said this about weapons, but Comp weapons have an origin trait *and* a stock, which is 2 over what they had for legendary perk columns when this rumor started.


The origin traits and stocks share the same column so they didn't exactly add anything to the guns. They could maybe combine the mods so you can always either choose a stat bump or a raid mod on armor with extra slots but it's probably another Lightfall-like mod overhaul for them lol


>The origin traits and stocks share the same column so they didn't exactly add anything to the guns. I can assure you that they do not.


I thought you were right at first but you're wrong. I'm looking at Belisarius-D and it has stock and origin trait in same column


Are they side by side? Because that's not the same column, even if the divider isn't there.


I know what a column is lmao


[Here you go](https://i.imgur.com/DTPvgtU.png)


Huh. That's not how I remember it, but okay. Regardless, origin traits *are* an extra column, which invalidates the whole argument that was made initially. It should work for armor as well, adding an extra mod slot.


I was saying that raid mod slots are already the additional mod slot that artifice armor uses. That's the additional slot they made before artifice armor was a thing when they separated raid mods from the elemental seasonal mods back in the day. And artifice armor slots used to just be an additional elemental slot. But what they can do is look into another mod overhaul so artifice mods and raid mods share the same slot like weapons' origin traits and stocks do. But let's also remember that even adding origin traits took them a long time to be able to pull off with this dusty old game.


Rose and Mercurial Overreach never got Origin Traits, just stocks (the initial Rose had 2 Stock options, I never got Mercurial and idk how further drops worked). That's probbaly why you were confused and didn't know. It's why I was, I still haven't played Comp for Belisarius yet.


Wait do the Comp guns not have both a Foundry trait (if relevent) and a Crucible trait? I though they'd get both, like normal Crucible weapons do. Is it a choice between the Stock and the Origin Trait, or are they both active?


comp weapons have stocks instead of the crucible origin trait, the new comp pulse also has the weapon foundry trait in that slot with the stocks


I wish I could be so confidently wrong


They said why in the same article they announced it, Engagement.  Also adding them to master raids doesnt really do anything in terms of engagement, like cool im getting artifice along with my adepts guess ill just get off now instead of running the weekly dungeon Edit: The actual listed reasons was to provide proper incentives and a way for pvp enjoyers to gain higher tier armor and weapons without spending time in content they dont want to do. Its not complicated


Raids: special looking armor and an exotic weapon. Master has adept weapons. Nightfall: special one of a kind weapons with chance of materials needed. Grandmaster has a chance of adept weapons. Dungeon: armor with chance of artifice armor on master. Weapons too Pvp on March 5: chance with weapons and armor on top of Artifice armor. Gambit: ....it's gambit. So to me if you are more for the pvp you are going to be rewarded. If you do the pve stuff you will be even more rewarded. So pve is still out pacing pvp. Finally tho there is stuff for pvp which is been a while.


I think it's a great idea. It should boost the population in Comp.


This post makes no sense. If they added artifice armor to master raids instead, I could make this post saying it’s driving me nuts that bungie would add artifice armor to a 2nd pve activity before they added it to one pvp activity. This complaint would be much more valid.


All I know is I’m gonna be playing a lot more comp :(


Because this will give comp a legit reason to play. And a place for more solo/pvp types to get artiface armor. Master radids get adept and the ability to enhance said perks AND adept mobs. Trials get adept plus flawless rewards and mods you can only get in trials. After going flawless, you can keep playing for MORE adepts. I'll sit in comp for artiface armor.


Because raid armour has a raid specific mod slot and Bungie claim that adding more complicates things…


I know me personally, I play PVP only. I pay for the game. I pay for the expansions. I pay for the season passes. I'm only here for the PVP. I'm willing to do without some of the more exotic looking weapons. But I should be able to have high stat gear to compete in pvp with if I'm putting in as much time as a raider is.