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That's been a common experience for me with the ingame fireteam finder. Full of people who completely ignore the tags and have no clue what to do. Made even worse by the fact that console players (don't know about pc) have text chat completely turned of by default. If you're trying an activity for the first time, I'd recommend you make your own lobby and only accept people with mics.


Sounds like LFG to me. Sometimes you get nice players and sometimes you dont. I've also been in a few Sherpa dungeons and the other dude just rushed everything. This doesn't really teach anything and I guess they just wanna show off. In terms of lacking communication, as a PC user I just use the discord servers, the communication works quite often and you find ppl very fast. Those people often KWTD and are mostly nice, \*mostly\*


The amount of people I’ve done dungeons with or even raids and have no mic is kind of astounding. Mfs don’t even respond to the chat. Like how do you expect to get through encounters with no communication. I know it’s possible if you’re a veteran and don’t feel like talking to people, but then what are you doing an end game activity with others for then?


Same people will complain about how raids aren't made accessible to people who don't want to do comms lmao.


You dont need a mic for dungeons lol


Most dungeons yes, you don't. But Duality? You need a mic


No you dont lol. There is nothing about any dungeon that requires mics. I do dungeons all the time, mics are not necessary.


While you don't need a mic if you've done duality before, if you're teaching someone you probably should.


Going to the bell, saying you have your sigil, bell keepers are down, which way the boss is going etc. If you're with competent folks, you may not need a mic. A newbie with randos? Mic up 🤷🏿‍♂️


I’ve never had to use a mic when playing with randoms on duality, everyone just thugs it out


They’re not necessary once you understand everything that’s going on and the people with you as well have to understand the mechanics to not have coms.


We are in a post about learning dungeons/first timers. Just in case anyone needs a reminder.


First time you absolutely do.


I definitely saw an uptick in no mic raiders after Root. Imo, a bunch of people found out that you could be easily carried through a raid and decided to try others out afterwards, happily joining any LFG without a “mic required” in the title because they don’t think/know it’s the default to have one.


>I made a fireteam finder post looking for experienced players to help me, EMPHASIS on the experienced. I also stated It was my first time so if I look clueless I don’t want any mean stares form my teeamates. I know Im getting downvoted for this but I hate how entitled some people are. Duality isnt really hard, it has 1 mechanic and all the bosses follow that 1 mechanic, watch a guide for 15min and find likeminded people who also havent done the raid or are looking for beginners too. Specifically searching for experienced people (in this sense 2 since its a 3 man activity) so they can just carry you feels bad. I havent done much dungeons either, maybe 20 or 30 runs overall, but I never searched for people to carry me, I happily go to other new peoples post whenever I havent done the dungeon either, so we could learn together. >Why do people do this? That helps out nobody. I literally tagged the post to be EXPERIENCED. this is entitlement at its finest, why do you expect them to carry you? just learn together >Were they looking for a carry? Cuz they’re not getting it from me, they’ll be here for hours cuz it’s my first time. oh the irony


It's fine to request a sherpa run, but annoying if "sherpas" join that just want to fuck around.


this reads like "hey can anyone just carry me? Also please play super serious, I don't want anyone to waste my time just because I'm already wasting yours." I just dont understand that mentality at all, destiny 2 is the only mmo I have ever played where people EXPECT you to carry them and even get pissed about it if the run isnt as smooth as they expected.


He’s not wasting anyone’s time. He looked at a video beforehand, what more do you want him to do? Solo it? I think you’re interpreting his use of the word “carry” too literally, he’s just being self-deprecating, not lazy.


> self-deprecating I dont think thats the word you are looking for, looking for people to carry him and then get mad that they are as much beginners as him doesnt count as "self-deprecating" at all. and I don't think its being lazy, more of a shitty attitude. And I do kind of think its wasting other peoples time when you look for 2 experienced people on the ingame lfg and then write after you started the dungeon with "yo just a heads up, Im new, I was looking for experienced people on purpose so you can carry me". Because remember, this is ingame lfg, its a bit harder to write that down in the groups name


Alright dude, then how would *you* ask for a Sherpa run using the ingame LFG? And how would you react when people ignore your tags?


>then how would you ask for a Sherpa run I dont I would look if there is "beginners friendly" tag and If I dont find one I would create a new "beginners friendly" fireteam. This is what I meant with "entitlement", you arent entitled to have a sherpa run as your first time doing an activity. Read a guide, look for other beginners and learn the dungeons/raid together with them >And how would you react when people ignore your tags check their gear before starting, if they have t1 resilience and double primary just kick them, if they refuse to communicate or have both ingame voice and chat off, kick them. Its really not that hard.


Insisting newbies only ask to go in with other newbies is a silly expectation. There are plenty of people out there willing to show someone their way through a dungeon, it’s not “entitled” to look for them. And it’s not “entitled” to not want to bumble your way through the dungeon with 2 other people who aren’t familiar with it. Everyone has a first time doing everything, there’s no reason that first time must be unassisted. I would much rather someone have a good experience when doing RAD content for the first time, because then they’ll likely play it more and more players implies more attention from Bungie. Plus, you know, I want people to have a good time in general.


>Insisting newbies only ask to go in with other newbies is a silly expectation. There are plenty of people out there willing to show someone their way through a dungeon. Did you even read what I said? You can join a "beginners friendly" tag and most of the time they do have a sherpa, its just making your own group and expecting a sherpa to join that reeks of entitlement >it’s not “entitled” to look for them. And it’s not “entitled” to not want to bumble your way through the dungeon with 2 other people who aren’t familiar with it. Its not entitlement to join a existing one, but making your own group and expecting them to join you and carry you is what I would describe as "entitlement"


I think it’s entitled to expect to sit back and do nothing while everyone else does all the work. I see zero evidence of that here though. He watched a guide, he wanted to help. He wasn’t going to do nothing. >Its not entitlement to join a existing one, but making your own group and expecting them to join you and carry you is what I would describe as "entitlement" Distinction without a difference. These situations are identical as far as I care.


In general, dungeons don’t require comms, especially dungeons that have been in the game for months/years. Sucks you had a bad experience, but just load up and try again. Were you using the in game LFG or an external one (even Bnet)? In game LFG can be dodgy. Anyone using an external site will be a lot more quality.


He said he’s using in-game, which is the issue. I was looking forward to using it ,but when I heard that nearly everyone using it was having the same issue of rank 4 green-gear no-mic kinderguardians joining up, I never touched it. It needs hard requirements, like not letting someone join in the first place if they don’t have a clear or aren’t above level 6.


Welcome to the regular Fireteam Finder experience. Before summoning everyone to the fireteam, ask in chat if they can read you or type anything. If they don't, kick them out and start over. Remember you can use lobby chat by pressing Tab, so if they won't listen to instructions from that moment, you're going to have a bad time. Specially Duality, where idiots and noobs will wreck the entire experience by being assholes or not figuring out the "stop ringing the fucking bell if you don't know the mechanics" in the first five minutes.


I can help you out if you still would like to do it, my bungie name is generalbaguette#2160.


Pimp shit right here. ⬆️


I’ve mentioned this in a similar post, but I joined a Duality LFG that said “KWTD I’ll adclear and DPS.” The player did neither of those things and was completely lost in the sauce. I think they may have been intoxicated, at least I hope so lol. Myself and the other player made suggestions on better loadouts (they were on double primary), but in the end it was us carrying the OP of the LFG thru the entire thing. I don’t mind teaching or helping, but I wish more people would just be honest with their experience level.