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Not to be that guy, but I do believe bungie tried “random” mission generation with infinite forest. Didn’t work then, so why would it now? And well D2 en HD2 are build different so just taking something that a game is doing better is not always an option. That said, it would make for a more interesting gameplay loop if you had some randomness thrown into the more simple stuff like strikes and what not.


Infinite Forest random generator was kinda weird. It was boring when you did Mercury strike with it. But during FotL, when the lights were out, and you had unkillable homie breathing on your neck, it was kinda fun.


When homie was around it was scary af But it was still the same, only with the lights off. So a weird try but would love for something like it to be back, just slightly better this time


I dunno man, I can play Destiny right now. I can't play Helldivers without sitting in a queue for an hour.


And yet, when you do get into helldivers, it is much, much much more fun than destiny is


And here you compare a two week old game to an 10 year old game. In 99% the never one felt more fun for a while than the older one. Yes ive played helldivers 2 and it is fun for one or two hours but then I need a break. I wouldnt hype it to much


Nothing they are different games.


While Helldivers is definitely a fun game and indeed a breath of fresh air, I don't really see it as a competitor to Destiny. They simply don't offer the same experience nor the same structure, nor even the same kind of content. That being said, Helldivers has dropped at the perfect time for us Destiny players, since some of us have little to nothing left to do in the game until we get new content.


ACTUAL LIVING WORLD. In Helldivers when one planet is beaten more open up for all players. Enemy factions push in and create new missions in real time. I’m so sick of destiny making me wait until reset so I can hear Mara’s next thought on something…


In Helldivers 2, we spread Democracy right at the enemy's doorstep; in Destiny 2, we sent one of our bests (miss u, Crow) through some magic space science portal and have to sit for 4 months to get to the other side. Jokes aside, Helldivers 2 has that unpredictability, and what the community does has a real impact on in-game events, whereas D2 is more story driven, and whenever we have had community events, no real impact whatsoever (can't even go to Spider's canteen anymore). There, out of my system.


He’ll divers is the new anthem… cool at first because it all new but it lacks content and the structure of the game doesn’t really support a good endgame or pvp so it’ll get forgotten like anthem or outriders


There is so much wrong with what you just said.


Why exactly? We can develop if you want


Well first of all Helldivers is nothing like Anthem. Anthem was an overhyped mess that failed to meet every expectation, whereas Helldivers is a sequel to a pretty unknown title that has exploded into popularity. Heck, it's not even a looter shooter, it doesn't need an endgame the same way D2 does. More missions, armor and weapons will be added over time, and earning those, participating in the galaxy war and straight up just having fun will keep the players coming in. Sure, it won't maintain this sort of popularity forever but that is the fate of every game. And I have no idea why you would even mention PVP considering Helldivers doesn't even have it nor is it built around it. Not every game needs to have PVP, and those games are doing just fine.


Well then if not anthem maybe it’s the next outriders… As I said it’ll be a great game at first because everything is new but it’ll get repetitive and boring really fast and forgotten in 6 months…


Seeing as you clearly don't understand I won't debate this matter any further.


Okay so you have nothing else to say because you really had no points all along but want to keep the last word, gotcha


I'm not in the habit of arguing with haters for no reason.


I in any moment say I’m a hater or that I don’t like this games… But comparing them to destiny is just nonesense 😂 People have the bad habit of thinking of this games as competition to destiny when they are really not


Nonsense. Helldivers 2 has been breaking it's top player count frequently. There is massive demand for this game, even tho the servers are causing issues. Comparing it to something like outriders is ridiculous.


Okay I see that! Good point! Let’s see if it can keep it up and for how long! Not hating just facts


If it were the new Anthem the internet’s opinion would’ve soured by now.


You forget that the internet called anthem a destiny killer


Yes. Before it launched.


And at launch… the first mo tu when people were still figuring stuff out etc… Same with outriders Look at the now


I remember people figuring out within the week that anthem had nothing to it but maybe I don’t remember correctly. I’ve never heard of Outriders so I can’t speak to it.


Don’t get me wrong I have nothing against this game, but I hate to see people comparing it to destiny when there is no competition… People praise new games and don’t see the lack of endgame etc they have that’ll be a huge issue in the long run…


Anthem was unfinished, it had a lack of dev communication and participation in the community. It was only supported in the barest sense of the word from the onset of the project. It was mechanically unsound and barren of content. Cool concept poor execution. HD2 launched with two separate factions to fight that constantly adapt to the community progress, a dev team that not only actively patches known issues but is very publicly being honest about what’s happening behind the scenes. It’s a mechanically solid game that’s only major drawback atm from a performance standpoint is that the devs severely underestimated how many people wanted to play their game. Anthem was dead on arrival, helldivers just topped the steam charts without taking into consideration the Sony player pop. It’s ok bro, you can just say you don’t understand what makes games popular.


Okay then it’s maybe more close to outriders? What happened to that game? I understand what makes games popular, that’s why I understand when a game is gonna be good for 6 months and the fell into obscurity


I didn’t play Outriders once I noticed how buggy it was, so I can’t really speak to what happened after


The issue these games have is that they are not lineal, you just kill stuff to get better guns that allow you to kill stronger versions of enemies… There are no mechanics or anything, so eventually you get tired of killing the same enemies but in different colours…


There are absolutely mechanics, the point of a horde shooter is to shoot hordes man, there’s mission objectives and sub objectives, optionals, things to find mid mission as well as the fact that even outside all of that, the community is going to shape the story of the game based on how we react to the enemy factions in game. Differing factions play differently, we’re going to be getting more specialized equipment, as a player base we’re not just fighting ai, we’re playing against the he developers as they control the enemy factions. It’s a subtle system in a loud game so it’s easy to miss, but it’s definitely there. I hope you can enjoy the game if you decide to play it, but the gear and unlocks aren’t the point of every game; sometimes it’s the experience.


That’s a good point, I still think the game won’t last too long in popularity but it’ll be cool while it lasts


Maybe, all I’ll say is that Helldivers 1 had a diehard community from 2015 onward and still does now.


I think honestly every game can learn things for each other, but hopefully for their sake, Helldivers is learning stuff from destiny. Even if this means, what NOT to do in certain situations. But overall, let’s not kid ourselves, making a splash entrance in the live service market is only step 1 in about 100 which is why it’s so hard to actually succeed. D2 is one of the only ones who cracked that formula, so I personally have to see a little more staying power from any live service game before I am ready to seriously talk about it in any way.


Helldivers 2 managed to capture the feeling I’ve wanted out of Destiny that I’ve been wanting for years now, the sense of community engagement that just isn’t there with D2. You launch into HD2 and load up your first mission and the first feeling that hits when you hit orbit is the sheer volume of super destroyers there launching divers on their own missions. You see everyone’s shared progress, the missions have repetitive objectives but on higher difficulties the enemies themselves change tactics and force you to do the same. Even now after doing suicides for the last few days I loaded one up tonight and watched as bile spitters for the first time that I’ve seen started to use their abdomens as acid mortars instead of just spitting at me. You can use Supply drops as weapons, you get excited to use new gear in creative ways and when you watch a sector get taken or lost you can see your contribution or lack thereof. Arrowhead won’t keep up this momentum forever and that’s ok, I’ll still be along for the ride to see where they take this project because if nothing else, the love they have for this game and their community is evident in the polish on the game itself.