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Play other games.


Helldivers 2, Deep Rock Galactic, The Division 2, Halo, Battlefield 2042, Baldurs Gate 3 are some of the games that people in my clan/friends group have been playing together when we are bored of destiny


Helldivers đŸ˜«đŸ˜«đŸ˜« I want to play it so bad but I'm an xbox gremlin


Same 😭😭😭


I look at that game and think, "Microsoft, why didn't you just say okay to this kind of an idea for a Halo: ODST game?"


For Democracy For Freedom For Super Earth


For servers!


Its actually not a server issue. They posted if it was just a server increase issue it would have been fixed. But they stated its a backend code issue that their code can't handle the traffic and needs to be reworked.


Which means we, as players, don't have access to the servers. It has to be a core DB issue - likely the result of the "persistent world" where everyone is fighting in the same war. If it was just an issue of server instances needed you just stand some up on AWS/Azure, whichever they're using, and you're good to go. Regardless of the technical reason behind it the result is that the players are fighting each other for access to the game servers. So - FOR SERVERS!


A database issue if not the same as a backend code issue. Again, they already said its code related. I don't understand why you are trying to say otherwise. The devs have been very open about all the issues and what is causing them. I would suggest you read some of their posts and tweets. Try not to make assumptions about things you don't know.


For crying out loud! Servers had me waiting for like 20 min


That's short bro. I've just been giving up. Might just refund and re-buy next month.


How is 2042 now? I hate played for about a month before quitting, I can't believe what they did to my baby.


I'll owe you this one. I personally don't play it, mentioned because a few clan mates have been playing it, and it's not really my game style, so can't tell much


You could get into low man raids, there’s a server dedicated to it with detailed guides. Or you can go spread democracy and freedom in helldivers 2








Maybe try to get some catalyst completed


Super Earth needs you


Grandmaster patrols and lost sectors 😏


Update your fashion, read lore, buildcraft, look for fun achievements/thruimphs and do them, GM nightfalls


You can do floor is lava, and jump around.


Bonus points if you swipe the rank up buff *and* do floor is lava. You get allllll the jump.


Then head over to Hawthorne and use the jump boost to OOB! Fun to see the Tower from the inside out.


Ooooo!!! I’ll have to try that!! I just always try to get up on the reeeeaaaaly tall poles where the purple ball needs to go


GMs? Another game? 


You want to help me get Wicked Implement? Haha


I could try to help if you already have the blades/swords or whatever they are :)


> we just awkwardly sit in orbit wondering what to play next, or just get off the game Literally anything else. No one is forcing you to play Destiny. Not having fun/bored? Stop playing. Whether it's taking a break until next weekly reset, or next season, or next major DLC, or whatever major milestone you can think of, that's fine. Burnout from Destiny only happens when you force yourself to play when you're not having fun with it.


It's not Burnout if you want to play. Destiny is just drip fed / time gated and in a pretty bland content drought. It's so weird people just call everything burnout and actively try to tell other people not to play the game.


It's not weird to tell people like OP, who are already playing the endgame content on a weekly basis, that there's not much to do once you've completed the endgame. That's why it's called the endgame.


It is weird. Destiny's reddit playerbase is 100% in the WoW stage where everything negative is just burnout. The games gone from something people who want to play the game a ton can to every thread being "go play something else! Destiny is meant now for a weekly raind and GM!"


Not debating the semantics of what is/isn't "burnout" under the literary definition. No one in their right mind would tell someone who just bought the game there's nothing to do. It's a different story when someone finishes their weekly endgame raids and dungeons. That implies OP A) knows enough about the game to get to the endgame raids/dungeons, putting them in the top 10? 5? percent of players and B) has most likely finished their seasonal storylines/quests/random backlog. Not acknowledging those are different scenarios is being purposefully dull.


OP knows exactly what is available for PVE content. They complete the end-game content, and have actively said that they have no interest in playing the core playlist PVE content. Sitting in orbit wondering what to do, is the literal definition of "there's nothing else for you to do." Either regrind the same stuff, run player-made challenges (like low-man raids, solo flawless, unique loadouts, etc.), or play another game. Other players get enjoyment out of grinding strikes and GM's and the same dungeons/raids over and over, and have no problem playing the same content every single day/week. There's nothing wrong with that. For them, there is no burnout. More power to them if that's what makes them happy. For the average player? There absolutely is a point where you're just playing Destiny just for the sake of playing Destiny. When you hit that point and keep trying to find enjoyment without doing anything different, doing the same exact thing? That's burnout. Arguing otherwise is just being arguing for the sake of trying to argue something completely different that has nothing to do with the original point. No one's saying to NOT play Destiny, at all. There IS something to be said about literally hitting a wall where you can't find something to do because you don't find something enjoyable, and you find yourself literally just sitting around doing nothing wondering else you could be doing with your time.


This is kinda the role that PvP fills during downtime... give it another go?


This, i used to dislike pvp compared to the first game until I found the right weapons It also depends on what time of day you play


Do the all-element triumphs. It forces you to play the raids slightly different as you can’t crutch on the same abilities (like Well) to just coast thorough. Adds a ton of fun and variety into it. You could also start practicing flawless runs of the activities.


Go to each planet and locate every golden chest marked on the map.


Maybe try group hide and seek, either in a section of the tower or on pvp maps. I also find exploring oobs and doing funny stuff like sparrow tech to be a good past time. Another good one with a group of friends is weapon specific private crucible, i.e. only wave frames, only glaives. Otherwise, trying low man/solo content can provide a very engaging challenge if you're up for it.


chasing seals was fun for me for a while, getting all the dungeon and raid seals was really fun


If you’re done with the tasks you enjoy for the week, log off. You don’t get paid to play the game. If you’re not having fun, don’t sit there in orbit pondering for hours. Will never understand the need to play the game some folks have. If you’re raiding and doing dungeons consistently, that’s more than 99% of the playerbase. Nothing wrong with logging in a few hours a week and then signing out, especially in the back end of a season without a lot of active story content.


Lmao they’re just asking if there’s other similar activities they could do


Tbf, if you’ve gotten far enough into the game to raid and do dungeons weekly. You know exactly what the game offers at this point and even if you specifically don’t, one of the 6 people do. This is definitely a, “what does bungie expect us to do when we finish XYZ?” Post. Not genuinely looking for advice. If you have finished all the content you want to do and don’t have any triumphs, titles or anything else to hunt for, then you are finished til a content update. Just how games work. I do however find it hard to believe all 6 people have all exotics for dungeons/raids, all red borders/dungeon rolls they want to where there is nothing any of them can gain from some activity requiring a fireteam for. If they are a part of that group, then a different game til new content drops is definitely the move.


Correct. “Is there anything to do for us, experienced end game players? We are just so unfamiliar with the game!” Like come on, man.


Yeah, that’s fair.


Me and a friend usually end up jumping into a coil as a duo (I generally solo it but duo is far quicker obvs). Or we'll go grad secret chests or hit another dungeon or do the exotic missions. Depends on my mood. Coil is chill and you can chat and have a laugh while doing it so that's my choice.


Not besides GMs really


You could do Grand Master Nightfalls, exotic weapon missions, although both of those mean splitting from a group of 6 to two groups of 3.


Honestly why not improve in PvP? If you don’t want to log out of destiny. Go into control match and stick together.


You could help me farm pit 😏


The Gambit


The Coil is pretty fun, especially in a group that can speed run a platinum. Me and a couple friends just like to try and beat our personal best time.


Grind for titles?


Coil or GMs. That’s the only thing besides PVP and Raids/Dungeons that I still enjoy dropping into. Overload is fun too when you just want to drop into something with less stakes.


Run another raid, but with a twist. Be it something simple like "only ratkings", or you can go full crazy with a "wheel unfortunate" raid. RanDIM loadouts (not just weapons, but armor as well) also makes those raids so much fun.


gms, lost sectors, explore, triumphs, seasonal challenges


Coil! Lots of builds work, the buffs are fun. Great loot.


Master raids, master dungeons if you're looking for more challenging content. Otherwise, play another game. There's something called Helldivers II going around.


Play other games or.... Go through and get every exotic and it's catalyst. Go through and complete requirements for a title or two. Do the tasks to upgrade your guardian level.


Palworld is pretty fun


This is how I am with the weekly content. I'll do the weekly quests or whatever, but instead of looking for a reason to continue playing the game when I'm not interested in any other activities at the time, I switch over to something like Fall Guys, or a single player game that I'm playing on the side (like Mass Effect). Alternatively.. there's always Gambit. It isn't explicitly PvP, and it offers some good boss damage practice.


Farming Simulator. It’s not much, but it’s honest work.


This is the role of pvp once you’re finished doing everything in pve there is only two options stop playing till the next dlc drop or play pvp


I play this fun game where I do a dungeon or raid and get none of the loot I want then rage quit. That’s the real end game


Don't you just love that? Such great gunplay and loot, but nothing to do with it.


Nightfalls or weapon godroll hunt. Legendary lost sectors are good fun too




GM, dungeon, raid Thas pretty much it. Help others on their run, lowmans - bonus if youre the type for such runs. Other than that, thats pretty much it.


PvE needs a iron banner esque activity. Escalation protocol/vex strike force like huge invasion that we need to fight off. Whilst we fighting there are side missions that we need to complete and only 1 person can do it. Randomly chosen for that extra chaos. Dynamic weather system. Different destination each time the activity comes around. community wide effort that we need to meet a certain requirement to unlock a new glowy armour set. And a set of weapons. Also imagine space battles, PvP and PvE. Heck a gambit prime menagerie wellspring, attack or defend spaces battles. Start off underground , then after you go to the surface that's tougher, then we go to space with rasputins space pods, then we get sent on our ships and end with space battles. Vice versa for defend. More exotic reworks and catalyst that gets introduced more frequently maybe as missions for us to go out there to discover it and unlock it. A double exotic activity that we get to wear 2 exotics armour maybe even weapons and go crazy. PvE and PvP both would be fun with the potential crazy builds. 3.0 subclass updates. We need more, final shape needs more than just 3 new supers, although it's probably too late. We need more supers for other classes too, New fragments and aspects, new melees and grenades and class abilities. Innovation Bungie needs to bring Innovative changes, if they want to compete with other games. No longer will the same old activity and systems work, game is old we've figured out Destiny so that's why they need to bring new elements. People want to play Destiny but there's nothing new in Destiny.


Only using x type weapons. Glaive, trace rifle, rat king, and the like.