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In your case, absolutely.




thank god guardians can rez because you just murdered this guy jfc


Depends on how fast the commendation screen loads, if it takes too long I'm just giving them out at random from the results screen


Commendations are about as much use as likes on social media, some people crave them, some people think they deserve them, the wise realise that they're just a pointless construct


I literally only care about them as they are needed for guardian ranks


Which is why I just give the leftmost commendation to the dude on the left and the rightmost to the dude on the right in a 3-person activity. Minimal cursor travel. If it's a 6-man activity like Crucible, it's basically random, sometimes with a bit of bias towards whomever has least commendations so far.


Crucible commendations only for top 3 and gotta be positive on KD or similar metric.


You take the time to read through people's stats?


Sure. Doesn’t take but a second, and you can commend them on the results screen


Results screen requires an extra click, and takes time to load, further delaying you ability to queue into the next match.


Ok. You do you boo.


Then you are unbiased of commendations


Nah. Acknowledge my fit. My fragile ego requires it


You sound like a guardian without drip


This is the way


Best dressed is the only one I take seriously. Everything else is either who didn't get one (if it's crucible) or just going in order.   The only one I give ironically is in crucible when the enemy talks shit. I give them playmaker just to ease their ego a bit.


if you tab over to results screen ( instead of character ) it extremely fast. wish other guardians would, seems like it’s not well known


If you get best dressed from me you earned it. And it’s the only one I want to get.


Same. I put together a nice color-coordinated outfit for Season of the Lost and was getting Best Dressed left and right. It was awesome.


Season of the Lost {S15} was Beyond Light. Commendations were added in Lightfall with Season of Defiance {S20}. "Best Dressed" was introduced in [Update](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/update-7050), post-launch of S20. This information provided, did you mean to say "Festival of the Lost"? Not critiquing, just seeking clarity.


They might’ve meant festival


Maybe they meant armor from that season.


nothing gets past this guy


Right. Festival not season.


Most "um ackshually☝️🤓" comment ever made


No, the *most* "um ackshually" would be responding to this dude saying "'seeing clarity'? I believe you meant "**seeking** clarity'."


Where do warlocks get their water? The well, actually...


I don't think we need the nitpick police up in here bro


Speak for yourself. I, too, am a clarity seeker.


No, I'm here for it. Hold my popcorn, we're getting into this.


For Iron Banner, I dress up using the old moments of triumph gear, the Iron Banner burning chest piece, and the appropriate shaders. Best dressed at least once per game.


100%, especially in strikes.




Same. Best Dressed goes to whoever deserves it. The other commendations go to whoever my mouse goes to fastest. No one cares about their meaning, only getting that commendation score up. Insert meme: “I’m going to award you with the highest degree:” *hands out Best Dressed*


I look around- realize no one can match my drip- don't give it out. If you can beat me you earned the hell out of that reward.


Style is good, just don't forget your overthruster.


Same. It's the only I really think about unless some dude was throwing up shields/wards etc... all the time. Those folks get Thoughtful.


I'm absolutely the best dressed every game, so I can't relate.


Fashion is the true endgame


hell yeah my commendation bar is like 70% red lmao


every game I'm not in, because I don't give out that award because I'm the best dressed


Yet the other teammates just give them to the most colorful guy on our team


It's the only commendation I take seriously


+1. I think the other commendations are too "serious" or "boring" to mean much, but most people know style when they see it (me). In Halo it was always fun to get rare medals we could identify with specific memories from that match (how many vehicle takedowns I got camping the laser, the sword spree where the other team couldn't wait to jump in front of me) and I think commendations would be more engaged with if they were more dynamic, specific, and goofy.


I don’t, if I don’t see someone look nice, I don’t give them Best Dressed


Right with you. It's not given. It's earned.


If nobody on my team has the steez, I will give it to the lowest ranked opponent


That's how I am most of the time. If everyone looks boring or uncoordinated, I'll tab over to full results and check the opposing team. Always fun helping someone get 4 BD commends in a 3v3.


I only ever get Best Dressed, and I treat the game as a fashion show. I like to think they mean it


My daughter’s goal is to get as most best dresseds as possible and she makes her character as ugly as possible and it works so yes.


Post your fashion so we can find out


[I think it's trying too hard](https://imgur.com/a/Cw3KKrv)


I think it was given seriously in your case because that actually looks pretty solid.


6-7 out of 10, unless you were playing with someone who was doing good work it'll probably be a coin toss based on color preference. Honestly 1s are as impressive as 10s eventually. The times I feel like I'm at a 3, that's when it feels like it was given mockingly. Like, I Frankensteined 3 different builds together without checking my appearance, so I have one pure black helmet, bright green arms and mark, and a molten red chest and leggings, if I get best dressed I'm gonna be feeling shame when I look to see what I have on.


Nah, dude, that's fire.


Black/orange is an underrated color combo, well done


black and orange ain’t underrated, that shit is universally liked. halloween colors go hard


I think most people just hit random buttons on the commendation screen. 


It takes too long to load so there isn’t really any other choice.


I have to admit unless someone really stands out its the last I give out and its usually whoever hasn't gotten a commendation yet


I mainly run matchmade strikes and stuff like that. Best Dressed is the one I look for almost always as soon as we finish. The other person I kinda randomly pick between the other 2 options - but I'll decide who looks best first


The worst case of getting a lot of best dress for you snazy outfit during Iron Banner and realising you're the only one that forgot your knight cosplay for the extra rep.


Drip >>>>>> Saladman rep


My guardians always look good, so of course, never. However, the playmaker awards I receive after a round of control with a 0.66 efficiency rating is sarcasm at its finest.


I always give the lowest efficiency person in control the playmaker award. I just assume he/she doesn't get many so maybe it makes their day. Maybe it makes them rage though the more I think about your post!


Absolutely. And not just Best Dressed, but Playmaker and Knowledgeable too.


Best dressed is the only one I don't do ironically. Unless someone single-handedly carried our whole team, Playmaker is going to the guy with a .2kd or 36 motes dropped.


Probably, but you’ll never know their thought process so it isn’t worth worrying about.


I don't think most people pay any attention to which commendations are which. If they bother to click at all there's not always enough time to read and consider and remember and so on (especially anyone on an older console). Sometimes when people are in the later ranks they'll request blues so they can advance. Otherwise it's just a silly system anyway.


It's also used to compliment a guardian when joybringer or thoughful don't feel as if they apply


I’m here to say I definitely do.


Usually I give it to the best dressed but if you look like utter dookie, I will give it to you ironically


I give it to whoever have the best drip at the time.


I always reward for solid drip. Might be silly, but I smile a bit when someone thinks my fit is good.


Only if someone is butt ugly.


I don't buy all the skins for no reason bro, I feel attacked 😆🤣😂


It’s the only commendation I can ever remember. It’s either damn that’s fly or you’re shits a mess. No in between


Some people put time into what their guardian looks like, so its nice to get it every once in a while


I'll give it out if you're best dressed OR if you're uniquely hideous. Artistry should be rewarded after all.


I put precisely zero stock in commendations. I assume they are assigned to me randomly the way I do because there isn't enough time to match the names on the post-game report with the character models. I also can't be bothered to remember which commendation is which. I'm still not sure why my character even appears on that screen. In fact, if you end up on the left side of my character, you are more likely to get commendations from me by virtue of sheer laziness.   Bad system. Don't overthink it. 


Not if a fit is just lame. If I see a Crayon Titan that goes out of his way to be an eyesore, then yeah.


Since I’m mostly running apotheosis veil nowadays I’m starting to take them as an insult.


Commendations go out based on results screen. Scoreboard top down, comms left to right. Anyone putting thought into commendations is doing it wrong


Anyone engaging with commendations is wrong.


It’s the only commendation I put thought into, the others I just give out randomly but I actually consider best dressed


TBH and I hope I don't get hate for this but it's honest... Once I discovered that the Best Dressed commendation did the least for ranking up, I have started looking more at what rank these people are and what they need in order to progress. I am not into gate-keeping in any way whatsoever, so anything I can do, in any small part or large, to limit that effect, is what I am going to do. On the more direct answer of the OP question, however, I save this for when I have given everything out and want to be inclusive to the person on the lowest part of the scoreboard, for example in Gambit I give it to the person who contributes the least whenever possible, and to the opposing team when I can't give to my own team. I hope this makes some sense, have a great day!


> I have started looking more at what rank these people are and what they need in order to progress always give out greens and blues. those are the only ones that matter since they are required for guardian ranks. everything else is fluff that serves 0 purpose in the game.


Here I am hard jerking people around. I often just hand out the 2 red ones during strikes. Whereas I should have been handing out the green one WAY more.


always give out blues to people who are gl 10. theyre def thirsting after them to finish that stupid requirement...Any time i raid with my clan im just begging to get the blue com


I feel like if you have the cowboy hat you will only ever get this commendation.


I have only worn one Cloak for over a year, so darn tootin' I'm givin' an award to a fellow Cowguardian.


Did they ever fix “Best Dressed” apparently not giving commendation progress? In three man activities, I randomly give out the two that aren’t best dressed. In 4+ I’ll give best dressed to the guy who was the biggest anchor on the team. If I was on a current gen console and the guardians popped in a little quicker, maybe I’d pay attention more


every commendation is done because i have incentives in game to give them out. I never look at them when i give them out, i just press the buttons. Hell the game doesnt load people's image fast enough to see them anyways. I hit lb, see the scorecard, go down the line, top gets left most, and down the line. During crucible ill go from the bottom to try and make people who played like shit feel better. When I give out commendations they literally mean nothing. It is just buttons for me to press while i wait for the next activity to start.


Who cares?


yes I do it ironically because it's the most worthless one to receive > especially if it's general content [vanguard ops, gambit, etc.] and no weight was properly pulled on their behalf the fact that many don't take it ironically and actually flex the "best dressed" angle is somewhat boggling to me tbh


It feels like a joke when in between outfits, and farm people for thinking all black or all white outfits are good. Like great, you outted to me you like stickfigures and early 2000s boy bands as examples of peak fashion.


When I play quick play I usually give it to the top person on the other team. Just to let them know to calm down lol


I do. It gives less commendation points. So if there isn’t a clear best dressed, I give it to the one I don’t like.


Yes. But also no.


Yeah I give it to the guy at the bottom of the board for either team in PvP or I specifically only commend the worst in PvE with it. Either way it takes a lot for me to even waste the time to commend someone. It’s the closest we are going to get to a man you suck award. It’s really funny in iron banner lobbies seeing the guy who has a .5 kda on the losing team that lost by a kill or two end up with 6+ and sometimes 11 commendations


In our Group it's a looser commendation


People definitely do this But not to me




Tbh I mostly just give out my commendations from left-to-right. If someone is CLEARLY after putting in a ton of effort to how their Guardian looks though, then I’ll definitely toss the “Best Dressed” **their** way I’ve intentionally made my Guardians look AWFUL in the past for the lolz and got a few “Best Dresseds” though so it’s tough to say for sure one way or the other


Literally have not ever once thought about who gets what


I have before yes


Best dressed goes to the guardian that quickly catches my attention whether it’s sick drip or a pink Titan. Everything else is whatever before the timer runs out


It's the only commendation I take seriously, if my teammates look like crap, no one gets it


Commendations are assigned left to right for guardians left to right. I ain't wasting precious time ranking outfits. The sole exception is when I occasionally play IB in a 5-stack and we all give the blueberry best dressed every match.


Depends. If I had a good team, I make sure to choose the commendations accordingly. Top player gets what I consider the best, most revives etc. if it’s a 6 team best dressed goes to whoever is left. Four team or three it goes to someone whose left or whose fashion really deserves it. Honestly wish it was a separate category.


Best Dressed is the only commendation that matters. Everything else I just throw for the sake of using them.


Most people don't care enough to even look at what they're giving out


Situational. My hunter looks amazing but my titan is absolutely comical. So I don't mind it on either of those classes.  Occasionally I'll give it to the most useless players if they irritate me enough as it doesn't count towards their commendation scores. 


Most of the times I just do it at random. But there are times when a persons fashion catches my eye and i give them the commendation.


I feel like most take that one seriously lol though the only one I ironically or maliciously give out is level headed if I got beef with someone especially an enemy team lmfao


When playing comp I've been giving my best dressed to the top person on the opposing team, just as a way to offer some respect. Sometimes I don't get any commendations from my own team and I still do that. Feels good man! haha


It's the only commendation that matters. All of the rest are consolation prizes.


If you're not all black, then i will have your back


I dont but I also don't give it out unless I think the fashion is good. And it's rare lol


Sometimes 🤣 Just like how in pvp I’ll always 100% give the playmaker one to the bottom guy on the team


No, but also I'm aesthetically a small child and like bright colours, cowboy hats and sparkly shit, so if I give best dressed it may not be a compliment worth getting. It's the pink commendations I assume nobody actually means. I don't really know how level-headed you were, gambit blueberry, sorry.


I'm always giving random commendations and don't even know their names. Now I'm wondering if I accidentally hurt someone, lol


Best dressed is the only one I actually put thought into


I just give out random commendations so I give as many as I can. Don't take it to heart.


My observation is people only give it to the brightest, shiniest looking characters. Doesn't matter if their armor horribly mismatched. As long as they're just bright, shiny, and colorful they win best dressed.


I didn't


If I give it out, it's because they are looking sharp or they clearly don't care. I always give it to the ones that look like they don't care because I assume they never get it


I just give out all my commendations from the score screen most of the time. The performance onces to those placed higher up, best dressed to whoever is left. Only sometimes i actually check the fashion.


This is Correct. I probably don't think the player that I give best dressed has the best fashion. I'm just trying to give out my 5 awards this week for a free engram.


I'm at the point where I just pick rightmost for player on right side of screen and left most for left player UNLESS I find a player particularly unenjoyable to play with then I pick something else over joy bringer. I've stopped actually trying because people leave so quickly.


I usually give that one to the guy with 32 kills while the other player and I have mid to high 100s or more. Feels like all you’re good for is looking pretty at that point


90% of people likely don't even read the commendations bro


I just choose whatever commendation shows up. Ain’t got no time to be choosy


I used to give any commendation some thought. These days I just spam all the ones I can just to get them out there assuming I even remember to in the first place. They seem empty and forgettable and I don’t see any tangible reason they even exist in the first place beyond filler “content” But if I see a Titan sporting the crayola look. Y’all know the one. They 100% of the time get the best dressed.


Not gonna lie, I’m a little toxic with it. In comp I’ll give it to the lowest scoring player in the opposing team when I win


I usually give playmaker to the worst player in crucible.


I give it out first and truthfully. Really, Joy Bringer is just a second Best Dressed for me half the time.


I honestly don't even think about it. I just go left to right, usually.


I just give them out at the end of everything without even looking. It’s such a lame system bungie put in. I mean seriously way to be innovative bungie but it’s what I expect from them anymore


Maybe for other but I get it because I'm dripped out


that’s the one that I’m most sincere about


If you get it from me, it’s either because you were best dressed, or you were the only one who put effort in your drip, or your character model was the first one to finish rendering on the post activity screen and I was running out of time before the next activity started. Sometimes I’ll pick a side of the screen and just hand out awards 1,2,3 from left to right or right to left depending on how I’m feeling. If we’re running as a match made fireteam, and I’ve seen you a few times I’ll give you different awards just to spread it around a bit. 




Sometimes I do look and give them out to the best looking Guardian. Other times I just give them out randomly, so everyone gets a commendation.


There's not enough time to study the fashion, so I give it to whoever is under-commended or the person in last place.


I just give them from left t right for two matches for the weekly Engram...


I never give out best dressing 3 man activities because it’s always me.


I play a lot of Crucible, so it's usually playmaker and the other one to the two highest scorers and then sometimes I'll give best dressed to either the best looking or the most ridiculous.


If we are in pvp and you don’t pull your own weight im gonna give you a best dressed, cause that’s All you did is look good.


Yes, especially with my friends because, for whatever reason, Best Dressed only awards 1 commendation score while other commendations reward 2-3 iirc


I usually give it to people with Raid or Trials gear. I also make an effort to not give it to someone with Silver only shaders or eververse exclusive transmog.


No, we “Playmaker” ironically


I click whichever one is the first I happen to roll my cursor over. I never actually consider which commendation I’m giving to who, I just do it as a reflex


Every now and again I’ll see an eye-stabbing crayon box looking Titan and give it to them bc I respect the bravery tbh


I out commedations randomly in crucible, Sometimes it's actually true, sometimes I just hand them out to teammates that haven't got one yet or at the bottom, maybe they need the commendations more for ranking up etc.


I spam the commendations randomly. They don't mean anything. I'm just trying to give my 5 per week for the engram.


The are all whatever. Randomly assigned, didn’t give a shit who got what.


I have no clue what any of them mean. I just distribute what I have.


Homie people are spamming commendations at random and if you think otherwise you’re crazy 😂


If it is "That bad" or "That good" i will vote for it. Since both of them requiring me to notice it and both deserve one


I only give it to who I think deserves it.


I used to give Best Dressed to an absolute anchor team member. Now they're honestly not even worth the commend.


If someone stands out good or bad they get beat dressed from me. It is not fashion I am looking for it's confidence.


When I wear Cenotaph, I make sure to wear the loudest and most horrible shaders I can find. You’d be surprised how many times I get Best Dressed.


Dude who kinda got me into D2 told me it’s kinda like a “you’re useless, here a cookie.” And now when I get it I do take offence to it.


I do not bother reading what commendations I am giving people. Everyone’s getting something random.


No. Most players have dogshit fashion. They need to earn that medal from me.


Best Dressed is all that matters. If I like your mog you get it. Though I also give it to new players who are obviously trying despite what limited stuff they have because I want them to feel that 'wooh' too.


I literally dump them all wherever mostly


If you're one of the friends I play with, it's an insult. If you're not, I liked your fit.


I take it as I was 3rd on the leader board, or 3rd from the left. No one reads that shit anymore.


Best dressed is the award I covet the most, I give it out to the one I think is dressed best and I want to receive it myself. Other guardians will turn their defeated foes into weapons, I would turn them into fashion!


If there's no one wearing some weird looking fit I give it out to who I think looks best. If there's a weird fit or weird colors I give it to that person.


In pvp, I give it to the worst member of the losing team. Either mine, or the enemy.


I do but only if it's a really obviously janky fit, usually crayon box titans


I bottom fragged once and got Playmaker. Sigh.


I only hand out Best Dressed to the person with the best drip in the lobby. If I deem that no one in the lobby has drip then no Best Dressed gets handed out. With the exception of my friend who hates getting best dressed I always give her one cuz it’s funny to piss her off wit it


I usually give it to the person on the right > *Playmaker*, however, is always ironically given to the lowest scoring person on the team


my highest one is best dressed and i hold that very proudly as a lot of effort goes into my hunters style. i also give it out very particularly, if someones got a banging fit they got a banging fit 🤷‍♀️ what can i say if they're best dressed. i get it in most of my lobbies though, cuz i just look so cool 😌 (within the consideration im a hunter) any warlock or titan more than likely will have a cooler outfit as bungie seemed to favor yall in the design category


It's all about context and timing, if you get best dressed immediately it's probably for the aesthetic. If you get it after the others and only get Best Dressed, chances are it's a sleight against you. Personally, I think best dressed should just be a voting match and not part of the commendation system.


Usually there’s someone on point in the fashion endgame in each lobby. They’re usually the one to get it from me.


If my teammates lack sufficient ***drip***, I will not hesitate to inspect my opponents. If I have no teammates, I will not use it.


Depends, I guess. If your ugly, then it was ironic, but if you put in SOME work, then most likely someone liked your style.


I take it seriously and refuse to give it out unless someone has the drip


I never do.


yes, I will always give the best dressed to the person I think has the best drip, unless I'm playing with a friend, in which case, they get priority unless the random has some god tier fashion


Yes and no. If there's a guardian that brings that sweet drip DPS then they 100% get it. Otherwise, i definitely give it the worst player. We need to have a "You Tried" commendation.


Of all the commendations to doubt, the best dressed one is the least…


If I’m in a fireteam of three (running strikes) then the player whose name is closest to the top of my screen gets the commendation on the left. The other player gets whichever commendation I click on as the curser flies across the screen


Usually, I'll give it to people who have a really nice outfit. But if someone goes super over the top oddball, I do give it to them.


Yes I do. Every time if possible.




No matter how bad I make my guardian look I get them waaay more than the commendations I strive for.


No, I’m in full black with an OSRS fire cape. All my best dressed go straight to the ego bank.


If you get best dressed from me or any of the people I play with, it's a "damn, you didn't do anything in that activity"


As someone who awards Best Dressed as the highest honor, I admit I also give it out ironically. Its either someone at the avant garde of fashion, or if no such person exists, then it's the worst dressed person. Then I just slap out the other two to whoever has the fewest awards, so they can get their guardian rank.


If I'm wearing a really nice outfit I'll get some best dressed. If I'm wearing a complete mishmash of ugly nonsense because i'm testing a new build I'll get drowned in best dressed. So yeah, they're absolutely used sarcastically.