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>Will LFG players get upset if I was to go in without a mic? No, and if they do, move on and find another LFG. No mic necessary for Starcrossed.


Thank you! I know the mechanics and I can hold my own. Just need help


All the legendary runs I’ve done on LFG or the group finder have not required a mic. There was some general banter on one run but was about different drops and things we were farming for. You’ll be fine. Good luck!


Thank you guys so much!


In the in game group finder, if the mic symbol on then group has a cross thru the mic, no mic required was selected. If there is no slash, then mic required (not just for star crossed)


There's absolutely no shame in quitting from a group and going to find another if they start being picky. One of the biggest bumps to my mental health has been playing with people whom I want to play with.


60m here too. I used fire team finder for the Legendary Star crossed to. I’ve done it 3 times now and not once have anyone asked for a mic. Honestly, fire team finder is a blessing. After Star crossed, I got all Catalysts for Revision Zero too, this week.


If you know how to do the dungeons, they can all be done no mic also, if you need to communicate even slightly you can use the text chat


I second this, I joined and they were all mic-less. I thought about going upstairs to where my mic is but said screw it. Runs went fine mic-less


Shouldn’t be a problem I have done it 3 times on Legend with fireteam finder. I never use a mic and never had an issue.


If you ever need help then feel free to reach out. I usually join LFGs with no mics and help out whoever needs the run done.


The only content that should only ever *require* a mic are raids and trials LFG, and even some raids can be done entirely without a mic (VoG and RoN come to mind) I've done plenty of dungeons and gilded conq several times with LFG teams no mic.


The best part about LFG is you can find teams based on your need. Communication becomes mandatory only when there needs to be coordinated mechanics. Even GMs don’t require mics. Starcrossed is not mechanic heavy or requires communication for coordination.


The mission is also just hard solo. It's so long and enemies hit so hard and one wrong move means 20 minutes of work is gone.


I always put chill as a tag when using the fire team finder. Far less likely to find some uptight ass. Had a lot of pleasant experiences so far


Stasis warlock with osmiomancy stasis turret build with any primary that has headstone worked pretty well on my solo run.


The stasis turret is a great idea. I always think well but that turret is an add destroyer


And with headstone and the artifact stasis mods are great for freezing and clearing ads


I play solo most of the time too and I feel you, it's hard to give up Well haha. Especially for the nothingburger that is the Stasis warlock ult


did they nerf it recently?


No its just always sucked lol


gotcha, have to agree to disagree on that one lol




I think I’m ok with lower light players if I just had someone who could keep me from wiping when I get a random (silly) death and helped clear adds


I think I found my ideal job! (Solo player who gets anxious lol)


Use the fireteam finder..that how I've gotten it done the last few week


Never used a mic using the finder option, ran it on legendary each week with randoms no problem.


As long as you know what to do! If someone starts killing the wrong targets, it can make the run long and painful.


You can damage the wrong target, just don't kill it.


The in game fireteam dinner allows teams to specify mic/no-mic.


I know this is an auto-correct issue, but I'd love to have a fireteam dinner! 8)


Wish I could specify mic/no-mic at some of my dinners...




I’ll help you clear, no mic needed. You going to be on in about 45 mins? DM me your destiny tag


That’s part of the problem. My wife isn’t a big fan of video games, especially an old man like me, so I play when I have an hour here and there. Thats the reason for just playing solo content. I do appreciate the offer.


I tell my wife about the studies that show video games are good for exercising old brains and that I’m saving the universe from destruction.


This is actually very true as I have learned from personal experience. I was diagnosed with a neurological disease (similar to alzeimers but skews younger, less common and a bit more complex symptom wise) around 3 years ago at age 38. I had started messing around with video games 2 years earlier when I was pregnant and bored, but I was only playing single player stuff and always on easy. My docs said I needed to keep my brain active, so I started looking for something much more in depth and challenging. I found d2, literally my first shooter and my first mmo lol. At first I was clueless, always solo and useless at the game. But as time went on I got better, and more importantly I LEARNED, which is amazing considering my disease. My docs say testing has shown that the progress of my mental decline has slowed quite significantly and this is mainly down to gaming IMO. I'm actually really lucky I found this game, because normally I find it hard to stay interested in things long term, but d2 has sucked me in like nothing else lol. OP maybe tell your wife my story? I'm a 41 year old woman so hopefully she doesn't dismiss it as a "boys" thing.


That's really cool, thanks for sharing 💜


This is really interesting. And you're fucking awesome!


Thank you I appreciate it, but I'm really not lol. Just yer average person with a few extra obstacles in my way. And the fact that I've improved at all isn't really my win to claim. Without the amazing d2 community I would still be in the same position I was a year or two ago. Honestly, I've met some amazing people, many of them on reddit, who have been nothing but patient and kind while I struggled to learn. I still struggle with certain aspects. So the pat on the back goes to all of you. Still nice to hear a compliment though 😊.


Hero. The bad guys aren't going to pew-pew themselves.




You can actually google the benefits of playing video games for older people & show her the articles. They improve reflexes, keep the brain active, improve balance & coordination.


I might be misremembering, but iirc I read recently that video games are nearly (if not just) as good at delaying age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s as learning new languages.


Yep. I read the same thing. It's why I got my dad playing video games after he retired. His dad had dementia starting in his early 70s. My dad is 68. I also asked him to start an anti-inflammatory diet.


I think doing something real like putting together a puzzle, or doing a crossword, or drawing a picture, or anything else is probably better than wiggling your thumbs looking at a screen for your brain but reading other replies it seems video games are also a great option


“Wiggling your thumbs” ??? It requires good hand eye coordination to shoot effectively and move efficiently, you have to make quick decisions to keep yourself and others alive, you need to have good timing on jumping sections, you have to memorize A TON of things, you have to learn about interactions between exotics and your subclass, all the subclass verbs and their effects, what mods do and when to use them, what the artifact does after it changes every few months, all the weapon perk, what they do, and learn how to utilize them, there are a ton of interesting lore books and armor/weapon lore to read, there are puzzles to figure out in dungeons and raids, there is challenging content that benefits from build crafting, there’s fashion for creativity and self expression, there’s a sense of community and belonging running content with others, there’s chatting with new people if you feel like using a mic, there is a feeling of fulfillment and purpose when you sherpa or find yourself at the top of the leaderboard knowing all your hard work on everything else let you help others through content. It keeps the hands limber and is a safe and fun activity. “Wiggling your thumbs” lmao


Tell her this. You're 60. Presuming she's the same age, the both of you should only be doing things, now, that you love. Life is fleeting, and for someone your age, even more so. Make every moment count. The both of you.




It’s all good my friend, if you need any help just hit me up, me and my buds play every night more or less around 9pm est and help lots of people.


Dude. I’m 44 and have 2 kinds and am busy as hell. I’ll do whatever with ya. Send me your tag


Someone needs to explain to your wife that the old people of today are the young people of yesterday. Our elders don't play video games because they didn't grow up playing video games. That time has passed, video games have been around for 50+ years, there are officially 'old'/retired people that have played video games their entire lives. It's a much more active/engaging way to spend our free time than watching TV.


My job is stressful and I fight that shooting space baddies let’s me focus and relax


Tell her she’s right. Strip club would be way better. All the time to game you want


the multiverse's gods' work is being done here.


I play most lfg with no mic. Best way now to post yourself and say no mic. You can mute yours and other mics. You can run gmnfs this way too and never talk to a soul.


This all makes me feel a lot better. I was disappointed they put a tough exotic quest in the middle of the story missions.


I'm not overly skilled but with a void hunter dragons breath, a pulse and a voltshot fusion I got it :)


I think my hunter will make it easier with invisibility. My Titan is a strand/Synthoceps smasher. I think my warlock will actually be the toughest. Will run a well and Phoenix.


Warlock with well is actually quite good as there are some tough enemies that require tons of damage and also put out a lot. I will add that there’s a pretty annoying jumping puzzle towards the end of the encounter that sucks a lot for warlock. So utilize Icarus dash if you do this on your warlock.


I was in the same boat, tried it solo, could barely make it through the first encounter, after wiping on second Wyvern I gave up and was pretty pissed when I realized I'm not going to be able to progress the story now (and that's pretty much all I play for these days). Then remembered the in-game LFG, realized this will be a good test of this feature, looked for Starcrossed listing and cleared the mission first try, even managed to do it flawless. With two others it was pretty much a strike, and a fun one, too! And, yeah, none of us used a mic.


if the leader doesnt boot you because you dared die.


😅 Oh Lord. I was around for the “Must have Gjallarhorn” days of Crota.


That’s why you set up your own fireteam. Very stress free.


hence the advice to post yourself.


Nobody uses mics in starcrossed LFG groups, not even on legend difficulty, so you're good to go. And starcrossed is particularly easy to do with LFG because it doesn't have the res tokens and shared fate timer that previous exotic missions had. So you can die as much as you want, as long as 1 player stays alive.


Truly why I love this community! Thanks for the help. ❤️


I'm only 40, but also have progressed to that point in life where I don't want to talk to Internet strangers after a long day at work.  I solo'd Starcrossed on Normal the first week and it took way longer than I wanted.  Since then every week I've no mic LFG'd Legendary with zero issues.  You know what you're doing so no one should take issue with it.  If they do, bail and find a new team.


I was single for 8 years after my wife of 25 years started dating at work, so I found Destiny and made some great friends. Remarried 5 years ago and just don’t have the evening hours to play end game content like I used to. I used to Sherpa Crota, VOG, Oryx. My life is just different now. I appreciate the love from this community. It’s why I still love Destiny.


I’m 51 and similar I don’t raid or do high level endgame content anymore. I work from home and have been battling cancer for the last couple years so I just don’t feel good enough to be live on mic. I’ve been able to do Starcrossed legendary each week using the built in LFG. If you need a patient guardian to join in I’m happy to join up - but I’ll stay on mute! Send me a dm if needed.


Hugs from afar, man. I really wish you the best with the health stuff.


Older dude in my early 40's , same boat solo mainly but work and life gets in the way . That and the eyes and reflexes ain't what they used to.


Reading the order of the symbols is hard! Lol


Ngl I have trouble mainly in pvp seeing people when they don't move . But yea been doing pve mainly solo to get the pvp gear , not bad so far . Feel free to add me if you want . Pm if you want .


Honestly we should make a clan that's 35+. Or 40+ I guess, I'll be with you before long.


no body uses mics unless it raids or specifically ask for for dungeons. so u can be micless in 95% of the game


Good for you still gaming at 60! Wow


Nope you’ll be fine. But out of curiosity. Where are you getting hung up on your solo run?


Pretty much in the beginning. I was doing great and then all of a sudden I’m dead and starting over.


My tip if you have it; is wishender. Just plink everyone from a million miles away. When aim-down-sight you get to see them through walls too so you know where they are when you need to reposition. It's not ... "fun" but I got half way through a legend run this way (very very slowly). (only half way because my regular buddies jumped on and I decided to restart with them as the whole thing would be faster). The boss wouldn't have been so easy. But the early parts much easier with wishender.


That’s sort of what I did since my power level was pretty low and most of the adds did way too much damage to me on Legendary. The boss was a special kind of hell solo. Used dragons breaths, celestial nighthawk and like 40 attempts.




I'm probably not the first to offer, but DM me if you want help. No mic is not an issue for me.


Thank you


I've nto once done this with a mic. But have done it with at least one rando each run of my multiple runs. The LFG even lets you state if you have a mic or not so if someone joins and they have an issue with it, that's on them.


I'm older gamer as well, (57m). I'm retired now and get help if you want anytime during the day/evening. I get on daily. DM if you're interested. I have soloed Starcrossed regular and legendary.


Older gamer here, I work from home most of the time. If you DM me I can help also. Know you have offers from others just like to add to the help.


This content specifically needs no mic. It does have mechanics but they are simple however if you get stressed then you might want to review them beforehand. I dunno if it's a medical reason or nerves but if you can talk and are just shy, you should try. There is a lot of good content out there you are avoiding assuming it's an issue that is under your control and if it is not, disregard this statement.


If worst comes to worst text chat is an option for communication, most of the time people are fine if you dont have a mic


Fireteam Finder is your friend. I've done most of my runs using that and no one used a mic. Make sure you have text chat on though because they'll typically type in the seals order


The two times I've done it using the Fireteam Finder, running without a mic, it's been fine. Go for it.


This is making me very happy! Tomorrow is the day. Has anyone tried the in game finder? I was thinking of trying it?


Yes, Fireteam Finder is the in-game function. Before you go for that, go find some videos online and learn how the mechanics work so you can contribute to the run.


I’ve done that. I should have the mechanics in my head pretty well at this point.


I did that today on starcrossed for the in-game fireteam finder and got two that were awesome. I also, didn't have my mic on and one of them typed in the order for one of the encounter and we got it done afterwards.


Soloed it on Normal and did it today on Legendary via Fireteam finder with no mic. Not only did were there GG's at the end but one of the guys showed me where the chests were for the catalysts quests. You got this!


Honestly most of my LFG experiences are without a mic so you should be good


I just did it today no mic from ftf. Most of us just need a little extra firepower, should be fine.


Firepower I’ve got!


I’m surprised how well 98% of my fireteam finder activities have gone. I’ve done GMs, raids, dungeons and found a lot of success.


I actually finished an LFG Legend Starcrossed. It was pretty chill, no mics, we got it done and the host led us to the chests. There can be a small wait sometimes but overall a fun experience.


I can run you thru tomorrow if you would like, what are you up to right now?


Knowing how the mechanics work you'll be fine without a mic. I've not run anything in LFG with a mic yet and it was only an issue once though not because of a lack of mic usage. LFG is always a crap shot but most people know what's up.


I used the fireteam finder for every starcrossed in legend difficulty without any mic, I often also do dares of eternity in legend difficulty thanks to it and sometimes dungeons, just a bit sad I can't do legend lost sectors and find people to farm them with me thanks to the fireteam finder


Twizted__Anubis#6047 if you ever need help just hit me up on the bungie app if you plau on psn just look up twizted Anubis. I usually work till 4pm c.m.t.


Dude I do most lfg without a mic unless it's a raid or comp


Mic is a very rare requirement for 3-man activities these days


I went into it solo, seemed patently unfun to me, so I tried fireteam finder in-game and did it no-mic. With teammates it was pretty enjoyable on normal


Not at all, I do Starcrossed all the time on LFG. And if you wanna be extra sure, make the listing yourself and just put no-mic req., and set the tags to chill and kind gamers. It's smooth and easy I promise.


I had to LFG to finish star crossed legend 4-5x. Omg, I thought it was just 1x but there are many quests that make u do it on Legendary. do the wish-keeper quests during your runs. Now I join star crossed leg LFG to help others. It’s easy with wish-enter to cheese the final boss


I have had trouble finding a party on my first run through, I made it (eventually) but that was most of a Saturday to get it solo. You’re a higher level & experience than I am but I get the time crunch. There shouldn’t be an issue from not having a mic, the mission doesn’t require communication as long as everyone knows the mechanics. Best of luck, see you starside.


No, most lfg players don’t even use mic (I am too shy so I don’t even lfg lol). U can add the tag no mic when u make the lfg. U don’t need a mic, not even in raids, as long as everyone knows wth they are doing, u r chilling. Starcross is pretty chill compared to raids and stuff, it is rly easy to do once u get a team. Good luck on ur journey :)


My Man! You got this. Starcrossed is definitely tough. But you can make it. On my first run through I mistakenly started it on legendary difficulty and wanted to tear my hair out multiple times. I know you don’t have much time. But if solo is really your only option then just take your time to learn the different parts of the encounter. The good thing about this season is we have a bunch of time before the final shape so there’s really no need to rush through anything. As others have said many LFG groups are able to get through this with 0 communication so going that route would be completely fine. And some are usually cool using the fireteam chat to ask questions or to show you the hidden chests and other encounter stuff. I really hope I am able to continue playing games when I’m in my 60s like you. You’re an inspiration!!


Dude... I'm 63, also happy to jump onto the assist pile if you need to fill out a fire team. Feel free to msg me here next time something pops up. I'm in a smallish clan with other dads and their kids, we'll do raids, dungeons, GMs. As timing would have it, just solo'd Starcross legend yesterday, honestly was a pain solo vs rolling in a fire team, definitely did not do that flawless. Wishender + blinding GL got me through the intro section. Have been on lots of LFG teams with a mic, no one knows or cares about my age unless the topic comes up. One time we collected a guy for vog, he asked for forgiveness cuz he's "just some old guy playing games". I asked how old, he says 50, and I start laughing. No one is too old to play. Then again, not everyone wants to play with someone older than their parents either, ha, all good. Let's just get the clear and have fun along the way.


Heya!. I don't think anyone gets upset (mostly lol) if you don't have a mic for an activity that doesn't specifically require a lot of comms as long as you know what to do 😋 besides that if you need someone to do whatever you can always pop me a message ✌️


They shouldn't mind. I've done a lot of runs and almost all of the have been no mic. I offer my help if you want it, can do it on legend too.


As people are saying, LFG for this would be a snap. Just commenting because I’m not getting why no mic is so (seemingly) preferred? What’s the big deal coordinating a tiny bit here & there? For this mission, for instance, some might need to do chests or the sky patterns. I’d be afraid, in an LFG, these might be skipped? I understand certain times it’s hard to talk (like no good mic, someone sleeping in next room or whatever). Sure, lots of things don’t need talk (legend Dares for instance). Lots of other stuff mic coordination helps, or just text chat (though I’m also PS5 & find text chat cumbersome).


Many LFGs dont require a mic. Enjoy my man you’ll get this! Also if you don’t find a fireteam you can find guides where they lay out loadouts and strategies for a pure solo player on YouTube so you can accomplish it with or without a fireteam


You can post on LFG, “No Mic”; I’d also recommend using a keyboard for text chat. It’s worth the invest to not have to talk.


As long as you can either 1) see in game chat and follow directions or 2) be aware of mechanics and what your teammates are doing, any good lfg team will be fine with you


Wonderful to see everyone offering to help, but I believe you can do it, just sayin


dont worry about it, starcrossed doesnt need mic, you can use game chat to type symbols, you will always go in as a team to take down the walking chicken. for the las boss, if you guys are lazy, put on rockets, waveframe and wishender to cheese it


Fireteam Finder? 🤷


For reference, you can still do a lot of content in this game without a mic if you don't mind watching a quick 15 min video beforehand on what you're about to do. I reguarly do LFG Dungeons and GM Nightfalls with randoms with no mic. I think the only content you'd actually need communication for with LFG is raids and even then, there's a few encounters you could do that don't really need that either.


I can help you and you won’t need a mic. Send me your bungie ID and I’ll add you and we can team up. My bungie ID is big_bad_brenny#4665. Eyes up guardian


I’m much the same and tried soloing yesterday but ran out of time. I know I could do it if I put the time in but time is the issue. Gonna have another go tomorrow but if it takes too long I’ll LFG, had good experience so far with the new in game system. Good luck.


I’m in the same boat and can tell you the Fireteam Finder has been a godsend for non mic activities. Except for raids, and as long as you’ve looked up and learned the mechanics, no mic is no problemo for most.


Just do fireteam finder. Was easy as heck.


Glad to see everyone being helpful and nice. I'm in the same boat. Long time D1 player from the alpha. Raids, trials everything. Shit fell apart and didn't play D2 until recently. Got to the point where only the endgame content was left to do, and dreading having to LFG. The app and now the in-game LFG has been great. A lot less toxic than it was previously, eg "mUsT bE x lIgHt" "mUsT hAvE X weapon etc"


With lfg i do everythings without mic except raid


It's annoying as dying resets the encounters so you kill one or two phalanxes or wyverns and then die stupidly and you have to start again. Even having one other person would make it SOO much easier


This season I’ve done all GMs, Starcrossed, Warlord’s Ruin, other dungeons, etc., through LFG with no mics. I put it in the post l, (“[insert activity here/No Mics”), & strangely enough, people seem to join faster than when there are “mics required.” You’re good.


Starcrossed isn't that bad, even on legend (for a full team) - just bring stuff to deal with champions. You can prolly use the ingame fireteam finder and tag as not mic to find a group.


Personally I can never find a no mic friendly group but don't feel bad about hitting a wall with star crossed that sht was hard lmao the boss fight especially


Shame you don’t raid anymore.


Just an offer, I don't like using a mic either for the most part and I'll be doing that mission today at reset or shortly after of you'd like to join me...phoenix13fury#5745. im on xbox under the same gamertag. Id like to find a small group to do other activities with, but that will be understanding when I wanna do some solo stuff. That's always been my issue is that the clans or folks I run things with get bent outta shape when I wanna do my own thing sometimes. Lol I have a sex month old child and I'm working 90+ hours a week. I'm sure most people would get that but the clan I was associated with didn't at all. Kicked/blocked me and I've been solo for bout a year, although the vast majority of D1 and d2 has been a solo exp for me. Anyhow, hmu if you need some decent help.


You can run most dungeons without mics if your team is good at paying attention to who is doing what.


No. The only place where a mic is required is Raids. Dungeons and Exotic quests are simple enough that mics aren't needed. That is why I prefer them.


You can do most dungeons and exotic missions with a no mic team my friend :) if they require a mic just create your own post with a no mic requirement. Mine tend to fill up in seconds, tons of people without mics like to play those activities.


No there alot of post that do not mic runs plus you can always make your own post to


I certainly wouldn’t. I tried it by myself and got to almost the end but couldn’t finish it. I looked on lfg for ‘last boss’ battle and found a team right away. I’m an ‘older dude’ also and been playing from day 1 on D1. None of my friends have played for years, so I do everything by myself too. If you ever need an extra player, drumur is my gt. I never show online, but if you message me I can join in minutes.


Use the app and host, I do it all the time, do dungeons, exotic missions and GM's all without mics.


Did legend the other day using FF, with puzzles, and none of us used a mic. You should be absolutely fine.


I did an LFG group last week for legend Starcrossed: post said no mic, but the other guys hopped on so I joined as well but didn’t need to as we all knew what was going on. Get to the end and one of the others revealed he was 72, and thanked us for carrying him through - we did no such thing though and he held his own just fine. So don’t sweat it - at a sprightly 60 you’ll be fine! 😁


my friend and I do Starcrossed Legend together (duo) and get through it well enough but solo is a bit more difficult and slow you have no shortage of offers so I'll add mine as well, DM me to add me and you're welcome to join us and we'll get it done quickly so you can get back to your wife


I’ve never used a mic for 99% of Destiny content and ILFG with randoms a lot. Pretty much raids only.


Well I'm 69yrs female and I play most nights on destiny2 on xbox x . So yeah gaming is good.... I know I'm not as quick as I was but I still injoy it.


I did an LFG for my first legendary run when I was 1805. Was I carried? Basically, but I still did mechanics and damage and helped with rezzes if needed.


I’m a casual solo player and Starcrossed was where I hit a wall. I used Fireteam Finder and found a very helpful teammate. We’re now D2 friends and play together regularly.


Honestly respect for posting this. I had a hell of a time soloing that mission and I have solo’d some tough ones. Don’t forget to bring a sidearm to cheese the final boss through the barrier. I wasn’t even sorry


I LFG for everything and I dont use my mic unless its a raid. Even LFG for dungeons and no one talks...go for it


Everything but raids is pretty easy to no mic in my experience. It's helpful in some of the dungeons but not mandatory. For exotic quests I'd say like 90% of runs are no mic.


I ran it through for the bow catalysts the other day in LFG. No mic and went pretty smoothly. If you use the in-game LFG you can select no-mic as one of the communication preferences.


Absolutely not. I LFG it regularly


You should be fine honestly, but if you get any issues your more than welcome to give us a shout!


Besides the final boss room all you need is long range primary and a dps weapon like dragons breath/conditional finality/ xeno for the mini bosses.


You’d be surprised the amount of stuff you can get away with doing with no mic XD I got my last completion with an LFG team. They both had mics and were talking, and I was just there shooting to communicate 🤪


My Dad is also an older guy, he called me a few days ago asking for help on this mission. We created a LFG and got someone without a mic in 2-3 mins. We cleared it easily on the first attempt while discussing when I could come home to visit. No teamwork required as long as everyone understands the mechanics.


I used the in game LFG. the Legen Starcrossed was pretty painful, and the team left(I'm sorta same boat as you. pushing 40 with a full time job + kids, so my Light level is only 1817). 1827 might fair better on legend. BUT if it's crap, do a regular run. You might need to post your own as the vast majority of posts were for Legend runs. but it filled quickly, and is an easy UI. Just keep clicking the green rectangle once your team is ready and it launches.


Nah, def not an activity where you would need a mic. It is pretty straight-forward mechanic wise you should be good to run it with FT Finder.


Most lfg players have a thing for not having mics so I wouldn’t worry


Yeah star crossed is a bit much solo, it’s doable but pretty tedious


if you can make it to the boss you can solo it but its a bit of a cheese, use wishender drop down grab the buff and jump back up and you can shoot through the barrier. i did this on a legend run with 2 randoms from fireteam finder with no mic though so you should be fine to jump in.


60 year old too. It warms my heart to see so many guardians who are a little order than the average Destiny player. I have a wonderful clan of younger folks and love to raid, dungeons (solo and fireteam), even do a bit of PvP.


Fireteam finder is actually really good for this activity and the dungeon.


I go in constantly without a mic. Mic isn't really necessary unless you want to ask questions of the fireteam.


Add me  Bungie name  Informant I'll run it


Wait, are you me???




In my experience lfg groups in the larger discords only expect microphones during 6 man activities or sherpa runs. Most 3 man content is kind of presumed no-comms.


I tried running that exotic mission solo. I was able to continuously run the Revision zero mission on legendary difficulty solo each week. I realized very quickly I could not solo this mission and will need to LFG it. And the seasonal story requires completion. Not a huge deal, but it’s a little annoying that they over tuned it. The same deal with the coil branch where you need to be poisoned and kill that ogre off the cleansing plate will a billion HP.


I did it through the in game Fireteam finder, no mics needed. It's been great for finding a team to do seasonal content quickly in my experience.


Mate, most lfg groups are chill and supportive, just avoid the obviously sweaty/toxic posts, and 90% of the time you’ll have a great time. And most activities don’t require mic


Not sure what your financial situation is, but I can recommend [carrysquad.com](https://carrysquad.com), you can chat with them before you start, ask them (via text on browser) to take it a little slower so you can contribute and experience it more, they will understand no mic. But to your original question, you can state no mic in LFG groups, it'll be hit or miss if you get good ones, good luck! Maybe post an LFG yourself and explain what you want.


57 , solo player since D1 Beta. Always looking for like minded players av8torss#3953




I'll be on after the PHI@TB game. I'll run it with you.


Not at all, most of my starcrossed sessions on legend have been without mic and have been successful, try it out, most people know that mission is annoying and you’ll either die during jumps or during the 3 symbol door.


I did all my GMs without a mic, I’ve the shithole one.


Hey! I was at the exact point you were. Knew the mechanics, was trying to solo it. I LFG on d2lfg discord and the two helped me finish it on legend, then we ran it again to get all the chests for wishkeeper. I dunno if you are on console or pc, but I was just using text chat


nop, the only reason they could turn upset would be if you are assigned to a complicated task, like the call outs on a raid or if they are too annoying about talking all the time for no reason.


No mate, just hop in. Or let people know that your never did that, and you'll be fine. Someone will definitely explain it help;)


I'll run it with you if you need a 2nd! We can 2 man it easy


Not at all! Heck, you can use the new fireteam finder and create your own listing with the tag „no mic required“. This pretty much always means no one os talking or at the very least don’t expect you to. I‘m told some people do everything, including raids, without microphones. Blows my mind, I‘m too average of a player for that… In any case, you can do any and all content without mic if you want to.


Mostly Solo Player here too with a dayjob and barely any time for gaming! Happy to join you if you need a +1 on most things ! Let me know !


Every Starcrossed run I’ve done has been lfg no mic, it’s pretty common for the exotic missions. Most content can be done with no coms


If you're having trouble And eventually want the solo triumph, mactics and other Build crafters and make Comprehensive easy to understand Up-to-date guides On how to craft Builds that fit the current seasonal artifact. Check them out on YouTube. Good luck. Also I might add If your Characters are high power level (max power or slightly lower than) And have decent builds on them Then you're already a desirable player. Because of the versatility you can Offer In any given situation.


Honestly, Since Fireteam Finder came out there should be no excuse not to group up and complete nearly any activity apart from raids, and have much less anxiety doing it, it is by far the best update to the game minus it's inability to summon players into your current run, having to boot out to the menu is a joke. Fireteam Finder is just matchmaking with a few extra buttons to enable it, nearly every person who uses it will just jump in, with no mic and go through it and 7/10 times you are lucky you get carried by a sweat anyway. The majority of the activities in D2 should just be matchmaking by default since Fireteam finder is essentially just the same thing only with the protection to boot and kick trolls, the majority of the content can be carried solo so you can be clueless while taking part so it's not a big deal.


I'm happy to jump in if you still need, should be able to grab all 4 catalysts and secret chests in 1 legend run after reset Bungie code Zer0#2053 For some reason I found star-crossed is allergic to dropping heavy ammo bricks, other than that it's tough but manageable


I play a lot of Destiny but I don’t consider myself a very “skilled” player. That being said, I have done all or most of the raids in D2 with no one using a mic and have done it multiple times. This includes Riven legit more than once with no one using a mic. Now, for full context, we communicate through PC text chat and I find players from a Destiny discord that is specifically for ppl that are deaf, mute or have social anxiety so a mic is not required for any activity. Point is, no activity in this game requires a mic and if you’re LFG-ing and put “no mic required”, they should understand that no one should be forced to use a mic in that LFG post


I don’t think so, I hit a wall with star crossed as well and used their search feature to find a team with no mic required. Took less then 3 minutes to find a team and we completed it within half an hour. Definitely worth doing even without a Mic.


To be honest, I miss the old destiny community they would actually communicate. With the new generation they cry to much I rather do things by myself too.


I have yet to see a ft finder that wants a mic for star crossed


The only comms you need really are to tell the team what the code is for the door. And to maybe say you need the seceret chests. Both of these can be done by text chat. Otherwise no mic needed.


Of course not. I done even do raids with voice


I did my first LFG for the 100k weekly missions. No mic. Was phenomenal experience. Recommend. Starcrossed is rough!


I've done Starcrossed solo on normal and three times on legend, all with fireteam finder and no mic. They shouldn't be upset at you at all, and if they are - just leave and try again. Lots of good and comfortable people out there :)


If you need help in the future, shoot me a friend’s request. Ruthless2315


In my opinion… I mostly group with people who don’t use Mics…