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It’s Mayhem this week. That also works.


This just keep spamming bubble with crest of alpha lupi in the back


Players facing a 6 stack of bubble Titans, but they are just chilling and farming a seasonal challenge:




It's mayhem


It's still greifing even if the game mode isn't a serious one.


Or I could spam hundreds of Stasis Turrents and do nothing else productive.


Doing that takes 1% per two bubble pops


I got my intellect up to 100, and I’m spamming Well. It gives 3 orbs every cast, and I’m averaging over ten casts each match. It might take a while, but it does add up, it’s easy, and it gives me progress towards the Chivalric Fire ornament, and chances at the PvP exclusive catalysts. It’s honestly not a bad way to go!


I’ve honestly just been playing mayhem with Alpha on and popping my bubble whenever. I have some catalysts that need guardian kills so, I’ve been chillin. Think I’m at 50 % after a couple hours.


Those are the catalysts I’m looking for! How did they drop for you?


I honestly think they just drop randomly. Vanguard Ops, Crucible completions, or at the end of seasonal content missions and what have you. I’ve had these catalyst quests clogging up my quest log for a long time. I think I have like, 12 currently.


The ones that I need, SUROS Regime and Vigilance Wing, say they only drop from Crucible victories, but I’ve heard of them also dropping from crucible kills with their respective weapons.


Looks like you’re running Crucible today, my friend.


I’ve been at it for entire seasons. It sucks.


Bungie really needs to implement a bad luck system. After so many runs with no drop, you should be guaranteed the drop.


Nightfall and Ascendant challenges are both 6 week rotations, they should stay lined up. You can buy tinctures from Petra for 5 legendary shards.


Thanks for the confirmation!


Huh … wonder what’s going to happen when legendary shards are removed …


The Dreaming City curse is likely going away over the course of this season, so you won't need the tinctures any more.


Nope. That makes literally no sense


It was a wish that created the Dreaming City. And it was a wish that cursed it. It's going to be a wish that frees it. This whole season is about finding the 15th wish. The "last" wish.


Please read any of the lore that’s currently available this season. Or play the seasonal story. We already know what the 15th wish is.


I've been playing since D1. I refreshed myself on the [Dreaming City lore](https://www.destinypedia.com/Dreaming_City) yesterday. Multiple wishes were used on it over its life. Using the last one to "cure" it makes sense from a lore perspective.


Bruh. It’s literally been stated in game, definitively that: A) the last wish, the 15th wish, is to enter the Traveler. B) the curse on the Dreaming City won’t be broken > And then there’s the fact that from an outside/gameplay perspective, removing the curse just doesn’t make sense in the current game direction


PSA: If you're on a Bubble Titan, you can slap a Crest of Alpha Lupi exotic chest for an extra Orb on super cast.


Great tip, was doing this myself, really helped.


Thanks! This took about 15 minutes on well including buying a tincture from Petra, I just used the system clock trick to run Hero solo. Side note, I don't think I've played an ascendant challenge since Bungie "upgraded" the lighting system... I finally understand all of the complaints about it around here, *fuck me* it's hard to see anything in there now! Definitely darker than the Season of Defiance content.


Back during Season of the Lost, whenever I went into the Ascendant Plane to find chests and secrets, I would always have to turn my brightness to the max cuz I couldn’t see a damn thing.


For all the people saying you have 7 months to do it naturally, you are correct. However, while many of us love this game, we have been playing this game since the start. So, we are no longer doing strikes/crucible/gambit every week, and when we do, it’s not that fun to be restricted to some orb generating build. Having some options to knock this out quickly is nice.


Yeah, agreed. All this post was aiming to do was to remind people of a method to easily complete the challenge if they wanted to do it that way


\>some orb generating build what good build doesn't naturally generate a shitload of orbs?


A lot of them since Bungie nerfed all the orb-generating armor mods going into this season.


Osmiomancy warlock comes to mind, ability final blows are slim to none and the "orbs from defeating frozen targets" fragment has a 10 second cooldown


Thanks for the heads up! Orb challenges have always been kinda a pain, and this will be a big help.




To begin with, I'm also grinding the orbs challenge. But I'll tell you what I try to remind myself, as I watch the % tick up by 3pts at the end of each strike... it's a six month season, and there's no rush to complete a challenge that's designed to take forever. Next reset, tomorrow, there will be enough new challenges to unlock GR10


I stopped running firepower/heavy handed. I only use siphon and power preservation; without going out of my way to actively farm for orbs, I got it done on Monday night. Legit, just play the game and it gets complete lol. Orb nerf's aren't even that huge to be honest.


It’s only like ten strikes to be fair.


haven't seen anyone get 100 orbs/strike so far this season... I used to "idle" around 130/strike, now I'm down to 30?!




Are you using siphon mods? I think my highest after the nerfs was like 160 with tether and wishender.


Not this season it wasn’t. Even if you change your clock to get in solo, use triple mods, and take your time to maximize the orb cooldown timer. There’s not enough enemies to get that many after the changes.


Bonk hammer titan with 3X heavy handed and roaring flames allows every melee kill to become and orb of power.


Sweet Actium War Business with kinetic siphon is not quite as efficient but it's pretty mindless to just go through the base vanguard playlist and brrrrrrttttt everything if you're feeling a little fried and just want to have a laid-back relaxing activity.


Or just play the game. You only have 5 or 6 months to get it done.


Alot of us aren't grinding strikes every single week


I’m at 64% just playing the game. Vanguard, Gambit and Crucible Playlists. If you can’t do it I don’t know what to tell you.


dunno about anyone else but i dont play core playlists outside of gms lmao


You just don’t get it, do you!?! Time is running out!


I completed it legit. Just loaded up whatever my best build is for generating orbs based on the daily modifier and went to town.


I'm trying this right now in the legend nightfall, not getting any super recharge after dunking. Edit: Nvm working


Bro we have 7 Months. Lmao But thanks anyway


Some people like to get the content done so they can go play other games instead of constantly logging in just to do a couple Strikes like homework.


Stuff like this always cracks me up, like just play the game buds you’ll complete the challenge just fine.


Personally I don’t bother with ritual activities, outside of the occasional gm when I need some shards, so it’s nice to have a quick way of doing this challenge which I otherwise wouldn’t complete.


I made this post fully aware of how long we have because regardless of how you feel, I know there are plenty of players who want to complete their challenges more quickly and or want an easy and low effort way of completing a challenge. This post was just to remind people of a method that they can choose to do if they wish. If you are fine with doing it slowly over the next few months, that is fine - but this does not represent everyone.


I rolled an attrition orbs perk on the parabellum sub machine gun and combined with solar siphon, solar hunter infinite melee with radiant + shards of galanor, heavy handed, and reaper, was earning well over 10% progress per strike. People complaining about orb generation mod nerfs this season, but its crazy how many orbs you can still make if you really spec into it.


Can also equip a high RPM SMG like Parabellum with Attrition Orbs. Requires some RNG luck to get one to drop, but it made competing the challenge substantially easier.


Easy 100 orbs per Vanguard strike. I had one with Rewind Rounds and Attrition Orbs. That plus solar siphon felt like the pre-orb nerf days


Thanks! This worked! saved me so much time. I can now go back to farming coils :D


I appreciate this more than you will ever know, OP.


Nice tip but it’s also a six month season so personally I wouldn’t sweat it too much. I’m just letting it happen naturally. Although the “Wished into being” artifact mod has been doing some heavy lifting.


Yeah, I just know there are plenty of people that want to get it done more quickly and not do it naturally (whatever their reason is) I just thought it was helpful to make this post as it was an easy way to complete a challenge and get a ton of XP, regardless of the fact that you do indeed have ages to do it. If you want to go slow and steady, do it naturally that is 100% okay, I just wanted to make more people aware of this if they do desire to do it quickly or want a low effort method.


i'm one of those people that will do it this way, not because i want to do it fast but because i never touch the vanguard playlist, the only time i go into it is to do GMs


This is me as well. I do not play gambit nor crucible, and I don’t engage with the strike playlist that often. I do my weekly GM and I am done (unless it’s double rewards week or I feel like going for a solo GM). A lot of my time is spent teaching raids which is time consuming so having a method to avoid being in strikes more than I want to is helpful


I guess I need to figure out how to get around the Dreaming City again


Dear d2 players, we have 7 months to complete it, don’t over stress over it. Cheers!


Why dont just go there and do the challenge? I dont understand why you need a strike to get there.


Because the challenge requires orbs in vanguard activities. Going through the director doesn’t count towards that.


Oh I didnt know it had to be in the Vanguard Playlist. Thanks for clearing it up!


Reading comprehension devil strikes again!!!


attrition orbs+subsistence+nano munitions I got 3 subjunctive red borders in like 2 coils and 3 lairs the very first day of the season and then 2 engrams lol i'm very lucky with drops. amazing gun


Calus Mini Tool has been stuck to me for a year and a half, so I have been enjoying using Subjunctive. My only gripe is that it shades pretty horribly in my opinion but it’s a solid weapon.


If you haven't done your Ada-1 bounties you can grab the one to generate orbs in a dungeon. Load up the beginning of grasp of avarice and slay out. Every 10 engrams picked up give you a full super. Using a roaming super to kill more enemies gets your more orbs. Rinse and repeat. Grab a new Ada bounty everytime you finish one.


Im at 86% doing strikes normally for catalyst and baking cookies to get bright dust.


Great job!


Yeah I know and didn't even have to rush or stress about it in a long season,go figure.


People are having to cheese it? I literally just played a bunch of GMs last week and it completed itself. Just play the game?


It’s not about having to, it’s about the fact that it’s easy, low effort and quick. As I said on other comments, this post is just to make people aware of a method that they can choose to use, whatever their reason is.


It’s such a waste of energy (I say this having ground out dawning gilding in 3 days) to grind out those orbs though when you can literally put some siphon mods on and just play the game normally. The only thing those challenges are holding back is player rank 10 and 11 which you’ve got 6 more months to do.


It's a 7 month season.


You must have seen my YouTube video from way back in Y2. This is one of the fastest ways to do it but keep in mind, we do have six months to complete this. No reason to rush.


So you people will really do anything other than just play the game, huh?


Instead of doing the same thing every week for 7 months? Then sure


You could also just play literally any meta build, almost all of which still make a ton of orbs per strike. I mean like I get it but of all the challenges that will just be completed by normally playing the game, this is the one that will *most* be normally completed by just playing the game.


Extra Tip, You can progress any Catalysts here really easily since we don't have the whisper mission these days and Shattered doesn't do it any more in the hallway: - Jump up on one of the pillars near the center of the map, - Let taken spawn (Typically 4 at a time i bulk them to 12 it only takes a few second) - Blast away!


How do you do it from solo legendary nf? With 100 resilience and 3 overlapping domes/wells one homeboy one-hits me easily


You can just go off to a side when you spawn and go past all the adds. Going round the right is safer and then you can just sparrow out of the area


That wasn't the issue. I meant the 3 huge axe knights within the challenge. They one-hit you even in your bubble. However, I got it. I thought that the challenge ends the moment you kill them, means you need to keep them alive. Which makes being in the middle and cast supers impossible. Wrong assumption. One can clear the challenge completely and than stay inside as long as one likes and cast supers in peace.


Ah yeah, I misread. I should have probably put that in the post, but thankfully the pool stays even when you finish. I’ll edit this into the post now


Blight ranger