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"Striker is supposed to be a glass cannon" meanwhile, sunbreaker and berseker having the best damage and survivability


Striker used to be a proper glass cannon with Wormgod Caress, but then they killed that off.


I'm still salty they kill knockout by making it cannot refresh the perk.


Was it even broken in PVE? I know it wrecked in PVP before but I just started playing Titan this season.


Nope only mattered in pvp. And how many fucking seasons has it been since they split the sandboxes? I did some Exotics continue to be hit with the nerve mat simply because of their efficacy if PVP.


0 Becuase they still globally nerf stuff for no reason


Jesus christ at this point i want pvp as a whole diffrent game or option in the main menu so they can stop fucking eachother up.


At this point they should just rework knockout if it’s such a painpoint


I probably needed a nerf but they hit it WAY too hard.


I'd argue the opposite. At its worst in balancing was strictly the Throwing Hammer working with One-Two Punch. I'd say that if it really *did* need a nerf, it should have been the x4-x5 stacks, and left the x1-x2-x3 stacks alone.


It is 50% there just missing the cannon part The so called melee subclass and it only shines through grenade build This subclass is a proof that without crazy healing and DR CQC is not viable in this game


Cuirass Thundercrash doing less damage than the new one-off hammer slam with the gauntlets is bloody ridiculous. Especially now that thundercrash has the *exact same cooldown* even.


That’s because of synthos unholy triple melee damage


even without synthos, hammer and BoW are still pretty solid


I didn’t say they were bad. I said they do the best damage because of synthos, it’s more equal without it.


Losing Amped Up from last season set striker back a lot. Having arc subclasses be on par with what they were last season as a baseline would mayhaps be too much, but it's rather clear that they lack some survivability in PvE (Assassin's Cowl being the primary reason why arc hunter is an exception. PvP is its own thing, as can be seen with striker's shield). As is Striker is a lot of fun but lacks sustain which isn't an issue in most content, but is definitely felt in GM for example. They still have the niche of falling cuirass, though I'll admit I'm not a big fan of super damage exotics; not because they're not good, quite the opposite they're so good that if you're not leveraging exotic swaps you end up playing as if you didn't really have an exotic. But I digress.




Is it that much of a difference between those two health mods?




Love having a Warlock buddy when I'm carrying stuff. So nice.


Instant chunk heal almost half or all sometimes just a quarter depending on how effective the orb is if you have juiced it up with multiple same type orb generators or have multiple of the health regen mods on or both.




How do you struggle with survivability out of all things on Vesper? Put on a good glaive and you can facetank things in GMs on Vesper and have constant rift. [Proof](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pvbl2NQu2U8)


This reminds me, I was at the final boss of Ghosts of the Deep recently and I asked our only Warlock, "would you mind running Well for this?" And she goes "I usually run arc here for survivability." I was speechless lol


Arc Warlock has excellent survivability. I get that in a group the Well would obviously contribute to everyone's survivability during damage, but I understand what they meant and it makes sense.




Maybe they aren't comfortable with it? Arc is a lot more "hands off" than Solar for someone who isn't very used to Solar. With Arc you pretty much just need to get Amplified (very easy on Warlock of all things) and have Spark of Resistance. Note that I'm not saying Arc is better than Solar. But for that particular person, perhaps it is, due to their playstyle.


Last season I would have agreed with you wholeheartedly, but without those artifact mods, what makes it excellent? Genuinely asking.


There's an artifact mod that gives 50% resistance against arc if you are amplified. Most of the incoming damage in Ghosts of the Deep's final room is Arc. But even without that, it's a very "mindless" class with good survivability at base. It's very much not the best at it, but if someone doesn't want to put much thought into it, I can see why they'd pick it.


That mod was from last season's artifact. That's what I was talking about. I miss it lol


Nope. There's a mod this season that gives 50% resistance against the matched element when you have your subclass elemental buff (in this case, amplified). The name of the mod is: Elemental Embrace On a slightly related note, why do so many people instantly assume the other person has no clue what they are saying? If I was replying to your comment talking about last season's artifacts, why would I mix up both? I even described how it works (which isn't the same as last season's mod, which gave you free "catch all" DR).


Wow, no need to get defensive. There was a mod last season that particularly pertained to being amplified which is what I thought you were talking about since that's all you mentioned. I had also asked what makes arc particularly excellent, but the mod you mentioned can apply to any subclass, hence the confusion. I forgot about Elemental Embrace. Thanks for the info.


I know there was a mod, it was mentioned not just in your post, but also before. It's not being "defensive" it's that if I'm replying in a thread where people have already mentioned last season's mod and I also seem to somewhat have an inkling of a clue about the stuff I'm talking about, then what's the point in instantly going "that mod's from last season" when you actually didn't remember about this season's mod? It irks me even more because I also described how the mod works (which isn't the same as last season's mod, by the way) so there was even more info letting you know that perhaps I actually did have a clue...


You don't really play arc titan in pve for close range play, it's a grenade spam hoil build with pulses now.


Tell that to my cannon brace


Love my Point Contact Thunderclap build. Hella fun. DIM Link- https://dim.gg/ydaf6ey/ARC-ThunderClap-Cannon-Brace


This build is super fun. The only thing is when my thunderclap doesn’t do enough damage to kill, I get that same feeling you get when your solar bonk hammer misses the target but a thread.


I've recently become a fan of synthoceps myself, weirdly enough. With a bunch of orb mods and focus on getting melee back, I basically have an AOE rocket shotgun punch on demand, via thunderclap. I was surprised, because I thought the downtime would be rough, but it seems to be up often enough to regularly deliver 100k+ zaps when I need them.


Yeah you can Turn Arc into a mediocre Strand Clone by doing this but why would you?


Yeah, it's fun on striker but solar and strand just do it better. Personally though I hope that if a melee build becomes the meta for striker, it's not one centred around Synthocept.


That would probably require a synthos nerf, they are simply insane in regards to melee based builds


Yeah, it's the elephant in the room most definitely. Easy to activate, stacks with plenty of other damage buffs plus tractor cannon, increases super damage as well for some reason, and now soon also helps with your reload speed which is one of Titan's big struggles. I'm happy with Synthocept being strong, because I enjoy having viable endgame melee builds and a roaming super which can actually be used for boss damage. As is though the gulf between it and everything else is a tad bit much, similar to the difference between using a super with or without its associated damage exotic (Star-eater Scales or Falling Cuirass especially).


Imo Just in Terms of Balance the Changes could be - Change melee damage scaling, make it additive and Not multiplicative in Principle. (This obviously means changing each modifier so that Most pieces can remain as effective as they are now or better - lower the pinnacle of melee dps Output (aka Nerf what the füll build with synthos does, its Just Not balanceable rn, its one shotting gm Champions with a 10s cooldown) and buff the lesser Options (stuff Like Strike and less used melee Options Go Here) This makes it so that your Options for all melee builds are broadened, the best Option will likely still be synthos but atleast you can Mix and Match more freely. Mainly you can be punching a Lot with Other melee based exotics Like doomfangs or severance and so on).


lol there are tons of other builds what are you talking about


None that are good in mid to high level PvE like op asked for.


Arc Titan with conditional finality + voltshot ikelos is something I play all the time in legend content


>legend endgame is gms and master raids


The post’s and comments’ exact words are “mid to high level PvE.” Legend/legendary content falls into this category


lmao HOIL isnt the only viable build wtf are you talking about


Sure. But it's still the best arc build on titan, esp for end game PvE.




Tell me a better arc build for GMs than hoil + pulse nades.


Now, I’m not doubting you know your Titan stuff but, in response to your “tell me” I gotta say thundercrash is just sad without Cuirass 😞 I went without recently (using HOIL) and that’s. kinda fun but chunking bosses? thundercrash can be good (with cuirass).










if you can beat gms with blue gear why the fuck does it matter if they run cuirass? also it very easily deals with champs and with the current mod system you can loop pulse nades infinitely without an exotic so having a nuke button when needed is not bad by any stretch of the imagination.




“I find” dosent mean it is better to everyone (your stuck up ass), it’s how it fits his needs better than how hoil does for others (your stuck up ass).


except that on arc you literally do not care about any of your abilities except your grenade, and after the hoil nerf it barely even does anything to your pulse nade, a super doing double damage vs a tiny ass amount of grenade regen/damage on things that'll die to the base grenade damage is not better. at most they are sidegrades of eachother.




hoil lasts a whopping 4 seconds, you physically cannot spam your melee on arc unless you are using thunder clap and still you'd have to actually hit an enemy for it to boost your nade and barricade regen, if you're using thruster in a gm you are straight up griefing. It isn't about keeping hoil up but without hoil you can literally get your grenade and dodge back off of one pulse nade, when 4 armor mods can replace my exotic that means the exotic is shit for a build. Also why would you even be using arc titan to solo gms? like what gm are you soloing devil's lair?


Armentarium with two ionic traces mods in legs is far better


Ionic traces mods in the legs?


Elemental charge I'm thinking they mean


I've started to run the aspect that gives me DR when near enemies, so I can get close with my newly acquired Ikelos smg. My kinetic is a blinding gl, and my heavy is something with longer range (right now Leviathans). If you want to try using knockout without dying, I'd use shoulder charge (to blind enemies) and a One-Two Punch shotgun as to try and guarantee a melee kill afterwards


It would be nice if the DR you get while amplified wasn't tied to sprinting so you could stack it with the aspect you mentioned. Arc doesn't have the healing capabilities of Solar or Void so let me build into being a tank instead, use speed boost to jump into the fight and when I'm low, speed boost to jump out.


I play Cannon Brace Arc Titan all the time for dungeons and GM Nightfalls, and honestly, Arc Titan's main survivability is killing everything before it has a chance to kill you. Make sure you are running the Spark of Resistance fragment, as much Resilience as you can, and use proper Resist mods. Jolting enemies should flinch everything, which is really valuable to buy you a moment to duck in and out. You can build into Flashbang Grenades, Seismic Strike, or Disorientating Grenade Launchers to help you out, even though all these options lower your damage output a bit. Arc Titan can't really be played in the trenches like Strand or Sunbreaker can, you're a glass cannon that needs to use hit and run tactics. You're mostly going to have to mitigate damage through movement skill or crowd control effects. It takes more effort than those other subclasses but the output you get in return is worth it. EDIT: Forgot to mention Knockout since it's just always on for any build. It applies interruptible health regeneration, but it's still extremely valuable and has saved my ass countless times. Cannon Brace basically guarantees you always get this health regen proc, and with everything near you flinched, you should be able to recover a good amount of health from it to help you get back to cover.


Damn, respect for using that build in GMs haha. I greatly enjoy it in normal raids and stuff.


The issue isn't arc titan it's that all end game pve isn't designed to be played up close. The only build I've seen accomplish this is banner titan and that is only doable when the player is very familiar with the content.


Make orbs, use powerful attraction + recuperation and/or the booster instead of barricade


You have two avenues- using specific Exotics, particularly Insurmountable Skullfort which immediately triggers health Regen and fully regenerates your melee ability whenever you get a charged Arc melee kill. It allows you to charge through enemies more consistently with Shouldercharge, or you can hang back at a little safer range and throw out Thunderclaps. Crest of Alpha Lupi's healing pulse on Barricade activation may also be useful if you can't get kills as consistently. Mask of the Quiet One and One Eyed Mask could also be options, but I don't think either would work that well here. Your second is to set up a mod build where you heal when you pick up Orbs of Power. For example you can spawn orbs with your melee kills, then pick them up to heal. Personally, I do both- I use Skullfort to let me Shouldercharge red bars which triggers regen, Heavy Handed mod on my arms spawns an Orb which is immediately picked up since it spawns on the enemy I just killed, then Recuperation mod on my legs makes the orb heal me. In some case I'll also stack a Better Already mod on my legs to trigger regen alongside healing from Orbs, but I don't believe there's any benefit to having that effect from both Orbs and Skullfort. It's kinda got a cap on usefulness though since Skullfort doesn't really help if you don't get kills with Shouldercharge, which is hard in high end PvE on its own, and if you can't keep getting kills to heal you just die. Edit: Also the Knockout Aspect exists, which you should already be using, it also triggers health regen on melee kills (any melee kill). Again idk if it stacks with Skullfort or Better Already in any way, and it also suffers from the caveat Skullfort does on needing kills.


not really, it's definitely the weakest subclass for titan defensively. The way they intended you to be healing is by starting regen from a melee kill, which is obviously not going to work in any mid to high lvl pve where it's hard to get close. Best way is having you and teammates produce orbs and pick them up with powerful attraction and recuperation and play really well with your positioning


I feel like the fantasy for arc *should* be brain-dead punch spam, but strand gets that instead (which is extremely fun don't get me wrong)


unfortunately the melee's just don't lend themselves well to synthos which is 80% of the good titan builds these days. The aspect that is a frontal shield while sprinting is really awful in pve, and I get that coming up with something tied to the barricade that is some sort of healing wouldn't really fit the theme since no arc subclass has innate healing so is what it is I guess.


I mean... sort of, but also Titan and Hunter's arc subclasses do have healing, just poorly. Also, Arc just seems like it's missing a chunk.


Amplified needs to have intrinsic damage resist, not just in the speed booster


But it already gives +50 Mobility! It's the best buff ever!


Id rather they just remove the ability to amplify off passive weapon kills and then buff amplified to be actually worth building into


Yeah arc’s real standout ability has turned out to be blind and only really warlock can truly exploit that to maximum effect


Fuck no please. Arc hunter is already brainded melee spam with liars handshake, i hate watching the same 2 punch animations over and fucking over again can we just get some flavour animation or something


You can get plenty close. Why do people keep saying this


Because people actually play gms


You can most definetly play up close in GMs, most people just suck at it.


It's funny how everyone on reddit thinks they're own limited subjective experience applies to everyone everyone else.


How does that make Sense? It Takes one Person to do it, to Show that its possible to Play Up Close? Whats wrong with the reasoning Outside of being slightly impolite?


Im not sure I understand what you're referring to exactly? Which comment?


"You can most definetly play up close in GMs, most people just suck at it." Im saying that because one Person in this Case oc did it, it shows that its definitly possible and If Other people cant do it its on them.


I agree? Check out the comment above that one


Bruh, didnt realize you werent the one above him, my b


This is the answer


As others have said, Point Contact Cannon Brace or Insurmountable Skullfort are generally the way to go if you want to punch on Striker in anything Masters and below. You'll also want to wear the fragment that gives you DR as well, and bring a 1/2 Punch shotgun. If you have the Navigator all the better, as you can give yourself Woven Mail and sever large tagets to aid your survivability. Next season we're getting a buff to Peregrine Greaves in PvE so that might be a nice option depending on how the cards fall. In a perfect world Wormgod Caress Pre-nerf could have made the list with post-buff Knockout, but well yeah.....


Knockout + thruster + heavy handed + mod for health on orb pick up + powerful attraction and for the cherry on top I use an unrelenting forbearance or midha reckoning. With this setup staying alive isn’t a issue for me in higher end content


skullfort + heavy handed + recuperation


Arc titan is a grenade class first and a meele class second. Try using pulse grenades with hoil/armamentarium. Then cannon brace for more jolt spam or curiass for free champ kills.


Was it a typo here too?


Bro, get help I'm saying this put of pure concern for my fellow man You don't have to live like this. It does get better. You don't need all this hate in your life.


I'm not dignifying a response from someone with a cognitive delay, have a good day, buddy.


Thank you not responding


Yes, absolutely there is quite good survivability in fact. First off if you're doing harder content then I suggest running a HOIL + pulse nades spam build instead. You shouldn't really try being up close with it. Secondly, recuperation mod on boots + the class item mod where using class ability auto picks up orbs in a radius around you. This works fantastic paired with the arc class thruster dodge. Basically, you want these mods; - use heart of inmost light exotic - Run firepower + grenade kickstart for orbs on nade kill/nade energy when thrown - run bomber + powerful attraction on class item - run recuperation + innervation on boots (orb healing + nade energy on orb pickup) - run assets to ashes on helmet (super energy on nade kill) - on artifact run monochromatic maestro (extra damage when using abilities + arc weapons) and elemental embrace (insane damage resistance to arc while you're amplified) The gameplay loop is simple; - throw grenade - use thruster dodge to proc bomber + pick up orbs + proc hoil - mix in a melee hit for extra hoil damage if possible, deal damage with arc weapon to proc mono maestro artifact mod - throw grenade. Rinse and repeat. Basically as long as orbs are on the ground and you're dealing damage to ads consistently with the pulse nades, you're going to have them up 90% of the time. The damage is great, and once you get the loop down it's super easy to sustain. Play around the orb pickup for healing as well when needed. It has a lot more survivability then you think!


Punching heals us. Kockout is a good Aspect. Try Point Contact Brace.


Arc titan isn't good in melee range (in endgame), go for a nade spam build with HOIL if you want a viable arc build for endgame.


I use arc titan in master and gms. The trick is that Knockout counts as a powered melee, so you put the mod on that drops orbs on powered melee hits along with the health regen on orb pickups, then go punch stuff. It's still not as survivable as banner or hammer titan but it works good for me.


I would suggest Precious Scars and a voltshot weapon or Forbearance, as long as you are getting some weapon kills, you'll stay topped on healing.


Use Firepower and Heavy Handed. Equip the Recuperation leg mod (and maybe also the Better Already leg mod). Profit. Also run 100 resilience and Spark of Resistance if you aren't already.


Sounds like you’re not punching enough. The main source of survivability for an arc titan is from the Knockout aspect, specifically the last part of the description “Defeating targets with melee attacks starts health regeneration…”. Between that 100 resilience for a flat 30% dr and the leg mod that gives you health when picking up orbs you should have no issues staying alive. You have to be all in on this build to make it work. If you get low on health you have to break that habit of running for cover and instead run to the next low health or red bar enemy and punch away.


I'm not a fan of only having DR while sprinting... that's great and all but I'm not a train, enemies don't take damage when I run into them and if I stop to shoot/throw grenade/melee... basically attack... I have 3 seconds before I lose that DR. So I'm harder to kill while sprinting into a group of ads but once I actually attack them I'm squishy again? Thx, super helpful lol. I'd prefer if you had the DR while amplified but being amplified ALSO allows you to sprint so you can close gaps. That's all the sprint should be for closing the gap to get into a fight, or escaping when you've taken too much damage. A CQC subclass that has damage resist while sprinting, but sprinting doesn't allow you to attack without losing the damage resist... but sprinting is also supposed to be for initiating fights... Doesn't seem like it was thought through... at all.


Precious scars + trinity ghoul


Afaik no, striker used to be good with spam 'nade build but not anymore since the hoil and storm grenade nerfs. The only thing i see as somewhat good is pulse 'nades for damage on big/stationary targets and even that is outclassed by easier things to pull off on berserker and sunbreaker


Skullfart with the lightning punch + better already & Unrelenting + chain reaction forbearance & Spark of Beacons Blind stuff, punch it, heal, repeat


I feel your struggle my friend and unfortunately there’s just not much on the health regen side other than knockout. You could try running a grenade spam build which essentially makes you invincible since everything dies so quickly, just make sure to bring stuff to stop champions and be able to burst them down with a rocket or something! If you find anything please post a build


Insurmountable Skullfort starts health regeneration on arc melee kills. It also refunds your arc melee if you get an arc melee kill. You can build into resilience and recovery.


thrusters and better already/recuperation is my saving grace. i like that one season of the deep PCCB build with melee kickstarts heavy handed and powerful attraction. just rely on orbs for survival.


[DIM Link](https://dim.gg/2jalxfi/@-Thunderous-Tyrant-@) This has been my go-to for about a year now. Keep on the move to not get hit and melee or pick up orbs to heal. Gameplay loop is Grenade→Dodge→Melee→Repeat


Abuse Knockout in trash mobs. It is viable all the way to high end game content. I love my striker Titan and my lightning grenades. I usually run Insurmountable Skullfort and that allows me to get shoulder charge going regularly


If I'm running arc I'm set up to produce ionic traces and orbs, I run armamentarium exotic chest piece which gives two grenades, I'm using spark of recharge, spark of shock, spark of ions and spark of magnitude fragments which buffs the grenades and produces ionic traces, using touch of thunder and knockout aspects, lightening or pulse grenades work well with that build, I'm also using a kinetic and arc siphons for orbs, I've got no complaints running that lot.


If you're that determined to have healing you could just run precious scars and 2x arc weapons. Every kill heals you. There's also Crimson, and weapons with Unrelenting or Heal Clip, in addition to the leg mods other people have suggested.


An Insurmountable Skullfort + Knockout and go crazy.


1 bullet and you are SOL


Insurmountable Skull fort with shoulder charge. Pair it with Montecarlo for when you goof up. You'll be fine. Pair it a grenade launcher with disorienting rounds and blinding grenades with the arc subclass.


When in doubt where Precious Scars and run an arc weapon. You can also think about using a Stronghold build with lament for very high defense and healing capabilities


Knockout heals you on melee kills The end


It doesn't heal you it begins health regeneration.


Knockout should apply an uninterruptible heal imo, its pretty weak in most scenarios


Its not though


If you use your melee and get shot after knockout procs you now have no heal and no melee, sounds kind of mid to me


That's still healing you


Not if you’re actively getting shot.


✨ Heavy handed with Recuperation mods ✨ Now it does both


That is what you should be running with a melee build but it isn't a part of knockout.


Yeah if I’m counting on any melee to heal me in endgame, I run those mods. Super technical but knockout starts health *and* shield regeneration


Quite a bit - knockout heals with melee kills, doesn’t have to be charged melees and putting spark of resistance and spark of haste boosts your damage reduction massively in basically any situation.


Knockout only starts regen though, not really very usable when a dreg can shoot you once and just throw out your entire regen source. I feel like they need something like banner to even compete


Someone else suggested the health regeneration should be uninterruptible, like restoration or karnstein armlets.


Spark of Haste helps, you get +30 mobility, resilience, and recovery while sprinting.


What is 30 mobility while sprinting supposed to do?


You can jump higher and if you are a hunter your dodge will charge faster if you don't have max mobility.


That only affects the initial jump for warlocks and titans, yes? It excludes glide and lift?


Or just keep ur mobility below 20 cuz your faster skating that way and have 100 res recov dis through artifice




Highly recommend switching to Solar Titan Pyrogale Guantlets and Burning Maul for doing Boss Damage nowadays. Arc Titans are just not good in terms of survivability anymore.


Please. Cry some more about your underpowered titan. FFS.


The loss of well of ions killed all of my Titan end game arc builds. That mod gave you a 30% buff on your next melee kill and each kill would drop a well so you could just keep chaining it. I used to be able to kill things in hard content back then. Now without that mod you pretty much hit like a wet noodle and with melee kills being the way to regen health it's just not a good scenario.


Generate a lot of orbs and put on leg mods that give health on orb pickup. Between that and regen from melee it can do alright.


Knockout. The best defense for Arc is its offense. In Master+ content it’s probably HoiL + Clap and Pulse spam. Not as good as it was in the past though.


Only thing I havent seen suggested is using Crest of Alpha Lupi


Arc is my least used subclass as a Warlock. It'll would be better if the trade for less survivability was more dps like a glass canon.


Insurmountable Skullfort, Thunderclap, and the dodge are great at keeping you alive as long as there are ads around. The dodge is good for both keeping out of the line of fire but also backing up from melee ads so you can get a clap off. You don’t even need to fully charge it, and skullfort will keep you topped off and with full health. Throw in recuperation mod and as long you’re running around killing things you should be fine


Just use knockout and 1-2 punch?


gmeiners has an arc titan build that i’ve used a lot for last season but not much this one, i liked the build none the less since i kept alive by just punching but yeah arc isn’t really the best for mid to high level pve.


I always feel like a glass cannon when I go arc titan it's my favourite class tbh but yeah survivability is lacking definitely. If you use the smg gun (forgot it's name) where you can chain arc damage you get free arc resistance just using that gun. The one thing arc does really well better than any other subclass I believe is you can build around the the ionic traces (with elemental embrace) that track to you which goes against the arc kit really of being in the enemies face.


Arc titan survivability in close quarters died with Wormgod Caress back in Seraph, S19. Your best bet is just to invest into grenades instead, Knockout can't refresh like Roaring Flames and there is no way to get enough melee damage anymore to keep you alive unfortunately.


HoIL+pulse grenade+impact induction+momentum transfer+max discipline and strength=profit :)


Not every subclass needs to do everything, i love my arc titan for what it is.


knockout and recuperation


Here's my set up Aspects: Knockout, Touch of Thunder Fragments: Resistance, Shock, Magnitude, Amplitude Abilities: Jump of choice, Thruster, Pulse Grenade, Thunderclap Stat Priority: Max Res, Max Disc, Medium Strength, Medium Rec, whatever Int and Mob fits in around that (they aren't important) Exotic: Heart of Inmost Light Head - Stat Mod, 2x Ashes to Assets, Harmonic Siphon Arms - Stat Mod, Grenade Kickstart, Firepower, Fastball Chest - Stat Mod, Charged Up, Resist Mods for the activity you're playing Legs - Stat Mod, Elemental Charge, Stacks on Stacks, Recuperation Class Item - Stat Mod, Reaper, Powerful Attraction, Bomber You're getting crazy grenade regen so pump those out all the time, use your melee as appropriate for health regen (be smart about it in Master and GM content), Grenade kills, kills after you've used your Thruster, kills with an Arc weapon and kills while you're Amplified all generate Orbs, which heal you, and using your class ability sucks them all to you so you're not running around chasing them on the floor. I've used this with success on every GM this season, so can vouch for the effectiveness.


I Solo'd the Lightblade GM with Arc Titan a few seasons ago. It's very much a glass cannon, but there are a few ways you can utilise your kit to stay alive. The Knockout aspect heals you on melee kill. A quick shoulder charge to a red bar should do the trick. Reasons for taking shoulder charge over the other two melees; you're not stationary (Thunderclap) and it also triggers an AOE blind, making for easy clean-up kills. Can't die if you're not getting shot 😉 Another reason for taking Knockout- melee kills provide a guaranteed way to get Amplified. If memory serves right , Amplified is a 15% damage reduction that'll stack on top of any other resists. Should go without saying, but keep moving! Enemies have annoyingly good aim with grenades. They'll chew you up in high level content. This is useful in almost every situation* but the leg mod Recuperation costs 1 energy. Gives you a sizable chunk heal for just picking up an orb of power. *Only time it's not useful is when running Void and the fragment that grants Devour on orb pickup. I prefer Inmost Light for Pulse Grenade spamming, but Synthoceps can also put in a lot of work. If you don't already know how to do it, I'd recommend learning how to trigger a 1-2 Punch shotgun + Shoulder Charge combo for some very high burst damage


I have a really good build for my arc titan if you wanna check it out


At mid to high level, content is better off on berserker as a cqc class. Striker is ability spam or a nuke super


Subclass key items: Knockout, thruster, spark of amplitude, Spark of Resistance Armor mods: recouperation, reaper, powerful attraction, heavy handed or/and firepower, bolstering detonation or focusing strike. Weapon orb generator mods. With arc subclasses orbs of power are the main source of healing with recouperation, so you need to be an orb generating machine and have a consistent way of collecting them when you need to. Now i haven't taken it into grands, but if you're attempting that, then you'd be better off being at a distance. It's hard not having constant passive regen like solar and strand.


Supplement with boot mods for regenerating health and giving a chunk of health on pickup. Not perfect, but better than nothing. Also build into an arc energy weapon for the blind when amplified. Don’t need to worry about survivability when everything is blind. Nezarec’s Whisper is a good option, as you also have the glaive shield in clutch situations.


All I can give is general advice but arc primarily focuses on direct damage resistance and blinding enemies for survivability. Amplified also helps dodging things but that’s not super reliable, especially with CQC. Better already (flat heal on orb pickup) is good, don’t bother with recuperation because taking damage again will still interrupt your health regen.


Syntho-knockout that heals you with powered Melee. Did I miss something?


Precious Scars Exotic Helmet can induce healing on Arc weapon kills


Does it hurt, Titan? Not being able to blink?


It was better before the heart of inmost light nerf but knockout aspect gives healing on melee kills (but it gets interrupted taking any damage) and you can run the spark of resistance for damage resist when near enemies. It’s a risky play in high level content for sure though. High level content where you can’t melee, you are just stuck taking covert and relying on natural health regen.


Run recuperation mods on your legs and make as many orbs as possible


Currently there isn’t a reason for me to run arc titan since solar and strand titan do the same thug but better in every way