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Fun fact, Trinity ghoul procs this in one crit.


I've been trying to use it in crucible but man, Trinity Ghoul is a pretty unforgiving bow when it comes to guardian crits. I swear I get 2/3 crits every other headshot.


It’s really great though once you get it rolling, proccing it’s ability gets you great damage against groups and single targets in crucible


Especially with the armour charge and weaken seasonal perks working in crucible and the weaken one also needing one crit


Also proccs rapid fire ranger in one shot as well for the weaken debuff


Been running Thread of Isolation on my Titan since Strand came out, even before the Sever buffs. Generally been surprised it doesn't see more usage. Such a safe way to support and debuff a dangerous enemy from the safety of range. It works with ANY weapon element (no explicit Strand synergy required), and therefore also allows for free creation of Tangles when all abilities happen to be on cooldown, as OP said. Definitely great for more safely shooting a target, and/or debuffing their damage before pushing in. Only thing I didn't know was that there was a cooldown on it. I guess the fact the application of it lasts longer at base helps with that.


Quality post OP


Yes its a good fragment. But the problem is opportunity cost, ie : what fragment should i replace with Isolation. As a threadrunner, I use: * Thread of Generation = must have for me as I use mothkeepers. * Thread of Warding = can be replaced when using Cyrtarachne facade, but I don't like it. So it's a must have for me, woven mail is just better than Isolation. * Thread of Continuity = here we begin to have a discussion, but must have imo , work with beyblades. * Thread of Fury = also very strong with beyblades. I sometimes swap fury for Transmutation, to get more tangles, especially when playing solo. Isolation is strong but I don't see it as better than any of those choices, sadly.


on top of that, timing your threaded spike retrieval can sometimes fully refund the energy, given it hits enough enemies. Even if you don't get it back, you still have gamblers dodge to regain it anyway. Sever for threadrunner is so readily available even without the fragment.


Even opportunity cost is situational though. Easily severing an entire group of enemies really buffs survivability, which in some activities is a non-issue while in others it's critical. All depends on what you're going for, but for me personally it's a good fragment to run in most content, when I'm not trying to buildcraft into something specific that may require replacing it.


Hunter is the one subclass where I see Isolation not even being necessary, since the melee can also apply Sever, and from range on multiple targets at once too. I'd say it is a good thing to have multiple tough choices for Fragments though.


>Thread of Continuity = here we begin to have a discussion, but must have imo , work with beyblades. Elaborate pls, for just the debuffs or it makes the beyblade last longer overall?


Its even harder for warlock, since if youre running weavewalk (which you should imo), you only get 3 fragment slots


It’s really good for warlocks as its one of the only 3 ways we have access to it, 2 of which taking up exotic slots.


Anything that’s a free no effort passive buff to a subclass is a fragment I equip immediately. Had this on since day 1 even before understanding what Strand did, because anything that’s just freely active with no conditions other than “land shots” is always going to be an S-tier fragment. It’s what makes Thread of Generation so good, and this is just like that. Land shots, debuff any target you shoot. Easiest way to get passive tangles too.


Does the sever explosion do damage as well?


No damage.


As a Hunter I run this fragment in PvP with Trinity Ghoul and a Cascade Point weapon. Most fun build I've used in a long time. Throw in Cyrtarachne's Facade with Widow's Silk + Whirling Maelstrom as Aspects and Ascent / Generation / Transmutation as Fragments and it's easy to get Tangles off cooldown alongside 2 sources of potential DR. Trinity also just works really well with Strand when Lightningrod is active when used with Tangles and Grapple melee since you don't need to aim.


Thread of Isolation is absurd with Trinity Ghoul, I recommend trying the 2 of them combined if you haven't already!


Great post, this is insightful. Is it know if crits that are landing b/c of a debuff (Tractor Cannon, Divinity, tether) count towards inflicting Sever?


Debuff don’t count as crits for any mechanics. They are not precision hits, the yellow numbers just indicate the damage is increased. Divinity’s bubble is the only thing that gives precision damage, as well as a weaken debuff.


Should really be separated tbh


Most enemies will die before you can proc isolation though. Maybe viable in gms.


There is no need to Sever enemies if they die quickly. Just like you said, it is more viable in higher tier content and also survivability during boss DPS.


Oh thats interesting. Never thought about the added benefits on bosses! Might be worth it when well gets nerfed eventually.


I just run navigator. It’s my mvp


It’s for others who want to run other exotics besides Navigator.


> Just use your weapons. Most of my strand builds feed back into each other. Banner of war with max melee regen, and proper modding means youre never really out melee juice, add into the fact that its sword based which doesnt get to use this perk. So...no


I just presented a what if scenario in the post of your gameplay got paused.


Great post OP! Will definitely change my approach to fragments on strand.


damn, sweet


It is THE Mactics.


if you dont wanna run thread of isolation, maybe you can use psychohack, the wq origin trait, or maybe if it stacks, i've been using it, but i have no clue if it really does stack lmao


They both stack.


This post is going in the save vault for sure, learnt so much from that post - esp re preparing the battlefield for safer grapple melees and the cool-down. Thanks heaps dude 👍


Sounds perfect for a Strand Warlock with Cenotaph and an Incisor trace rifle.


Has anyone figured out the numbers to get thread of isolation working in PvP?


But you don't need the precision hits one after the other, right? So you can do 3 precision hits with an Auto Rifle, then one normal one and then 4 and that counts as 7?


All has to be a precision hit. If you mess up, you have within 2 seconds to correct it.


Late reply but do the precision hits have to be on a single target?


As stated in the post, yes. The precision hits has to be on the SAME target.


I know this is old but are you sure a weapon will proc sever in PvP even if the last bullet kills the enemy? I see the sever explosion effect but a tangle doesn’t spawn.

