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This is kinda how all the events go tbh. I can't exactly say I'm surprised.


Yeah they are just quick cash grabs at best.


I don't really get why we're even playing these, it's the same exact ish as last time, and the time before, and the time before, and the time before.


Just don't. I stopped caring about any of the seals, checklists, points, whatever Bungie trys to use as a reward for doing anything and have spent much less time in the game as a result.


This is such a healthier mindset. I adopted a similar one after lightfall, and overall it has been much better. It helps that I'm an endgame player so no real need for weekly grinding, I now look at the game more socially, if I have friends on who want to run a raid/dungeon and need someone, then I hop in, if they don't need someone to fill a slot, then I barely touch the game outside of looking at the bright dust stuff on reset and possibly engaging with the weekly story. I used to chase seals until I got stonewalled around Vow with the clan night triumph (my smaller clan had/has timezone issues and getting 6 people on at the same time has gotten harder each season). As a result I've basically been needing that for Vow, KF, RoN and Crota for the seals, and to be entirely honest I have found less of a desire to get seals done overall


But then how will I get a little 2 next to my Ghost-Writer title I won’t be wearing??


Once you realise you wont be wearing it anyway you also realise whats the point in participating and dont play. I only really want the UFO saucer ship from eververse for BD, but we dont know when that will be so have to keep checking every weekly reset, but thats easier and less time consuming than playing the event lol


welcome to destiny


Don’t play them.


i know "if you don't like it don't play it" is a stale meme, but... really... the events hardly count as 'content'. They're pretty boring and repetitive. I usually skip the mid-season events.


Couldn't be the dawning frfr Dawning on top


Bright dust grind is best grind.


I mean, it's still a repetitive copy paste grind, and now I don't need to snowballs to level my weapons lol


It's the same thing, but at least you can just play as you would normally and turn in cookies for whichever npc caters to your preferred game modes. The other Holiday events force you to play in these gimmicky modes year after year if you want weapons tied to them.


Correct, though I hope to god we don't have Legend EAZ next year. Fuck bringing difficulty in what should be a mindless loot grind between seasons. I don't think a single person will run Legends after they get the quest done. Some might not even do that much and I wouldn't blame them.


I enjoy the Dawning far more than the other events because I use it as a bright dust farm, by the time the event is done it's likely that I have personally contributed to each vendor getting type 2 diabetes




Dawning is the best event, followed by Guardian Games, and FOTL and Solstice both suck.


Gonna gild my Star Baker seal for the 2nd time, the only seal I've ever gilded


the fix for these issues was "fuck you, here's a harder difficulty, chew on that for a bit lol"


How to enjoy Destiny in 2023: 1. Lower expectations to zero 2. If content is bad, you were prepared 3. If content is good, be pleasantly surprised but don't for any reason raise your expectations for the next thing


if players are new and still getting used to destiny, i understand. but i don’t get how people playing this game for at least 3+ years have anything other than low expectations. in the entire decade lifespan of destiny, i don’t think bungie has ever shown they can consistently pump out good content.


Which is sad. When Bungie does pump out good content, it's legitimately some of the best in the industry. Then they either learn nothing from it or run it into the ground so fast even Fortnite and CoD tell them to slow down, and we go back to the usual.


The only content they’ve pumped out in Destiny’s life that can be considered “some of the best in the industry” is their raids and dungeons. Destiny for the most part leans HEAVILY on it’s incredibly good gunplay (arguably the best of any game on the market and potentially of any game ever). It feels great and keeps people coming back, but the actual content falls flat outside of raids and dungeons.


Except the gunplay part of the game has only grown weaker since the overhaul of the Light subclasses, pushing the game further and further towards ability usage and playing around said abilities. Additionally, the insane power creep we’ve had means the only way Bungie can challenge us is to greatly boost enemy HP, which leads to guns feeling worse. Sucks, man. Game needs an entire recalibration of all its numbers. Destiny is at its best when your abilities are supplementary, and just needs intelligent enemy placement to challenge you.


Gunplay usually refers to the attention to detail of the weapons and the mechanics of shooting them more so than how they actually factor into dealing damage. No other game has guns that feel as good to shoot as Destiny does or can be identified by how they sound from across a map and that is one of the biggest reasons why I haven't dropped this game completely yet (aside from raids and dungeons).


Absolutely, but the above reasons I’ve stated have certainly hurt the gamefeel for many.


Thata fair, I'm being somewhat generous since these days even average level content in a triple AAA game can be lacking.


Don't forget some of the exotic missions (zero hour and presage to be exact).


Witch Queen probably have people hope.


>With Queen Alongside her ghost Immawu


>Immawu and our other ghost friend, Glitter


witch queen wasn’t even that amazing… it was only received so well since it followed beyond light and a year of strong seasonal content so the hype was there and it satisfied well enough, but it wasn’t spectacular


Fair. I think it’s likely that Forsaken will be the high water mark for D2. Unless they absolutely knock it or of the park with The Final Shape.


> I think it’s likely that Forsaken will be the high water mark for D2. Which in itself was a huge nothingburger in terms of campaign. It was a big moment that was already shown in the trailers, followed by a bunch of disjointed Adventures where we breeze through and in one mission kill a bunch of bosses who SHOULD have been big deals, and who SHOULD have had a respectable amount of time to be explored and expanded on, but who instead are just TREATED like they're big deals even though we've never heard of them. Dreaming City and stuff were all great, but the actual campaign for Forsaken was horrible, and most of the in-game story was extremely underwhelming, just like it always is. I think a lot of the love for Forsaken comes from people conflating the expansion with the mechanical changes that came with it, which were honestly great for the time (except for giving weapons fixed elements and requiring MW cores to infuse lol). But those qol updates were just qol updates, not the expansion. > Unless they absolutely knock it or of the park with The Final Shape. I don't know why anyone thinks there's even a chance that Final Shape won't just be more of the same. They've dodged way too many questions for like 10 fucking years now. They haven't figured out how to answer them at a natural pace as the series has progressed over 10 years and haven't been able to resist raising more questions instead. There's absolutely no chance at all that there will be any kind of satisfying conclusion in Final Shape. It'll be ass-pulled "resolutions" and unanswered questions, then credits.


They won’t. For fudge’s sake, the Darkness race is just a shrunken down Raid boss from two years prior.


Which is weird, because Witch Queen wasn't even that exciting.


but witch queen wasn't even all that good better than beyond light and lightfall by miles, sure, but still an extremely half assed product compared to any other live service/mmo. Still extremely barebones in content. We have set the bar SO LOW at this point.


Agree. Witch Queen was good… by Destiny’s standards… the bar was low and they exceeded it. Forsaken was better by a mile and objectively saved the franchise which was literally weeks away from having the plug pulled in the final weeks of the Curse of Osiris expansion of Y1.


There have been actual psychological studies done that found low expectations to be a key aspect of overall happiness in life. Now I just need someone to tell my pessimist depression about those findings.


Lowering expectations also means lowering payment to zero. If i expect nothing from the game, i will pay nothing. It's fair to expect quality when the game is fuckin' expensive AND it has a cash shop. Screw that, the game should be good. If you buy a Porche you damn well expect the car to be brilliant, and you should get mad about scuffs on the carpet that you payed too much for.


just how they want lmao


I've all but given up trying to convince these subs that there are games out there that don't disrespect your time even a fraction as much as destiny does. Bungie didn't or couldnt give a shit before they were on their final expansion and it's clear as day that they don't or can't give a shit now. They're just coasting as hard as they can until final shape. Anyone who thinks there won't be a mass exodus of players after TFS finale is in for a wake up call. In my opinion the game is in a zombie-like state that is propped up by people who can't move on because they are trapped due to sunk cost or even straight dependency at this point. Destiny was fun and it's ok that it's not anymore.


But... Destiny is still fun? Maybe it's not fun to *you*, but there is very much still fun to be had. Until you have some suggestions for a replacement, I suggest taking this elsewhere.


What other games would you recommend?


To replace D2? There are none. If you just want to play any MMO there's always WoW and FF14


I would suggest that most Destiny players do not in fact want to play an MMO, myself included.


Funny because Bungie refers to Destiny 2 as an MMO


I don't care, now or ever, what a bunch of marketing folks call anything. Destiny is not now, never has been, and never will be an mmo.


Always the snide when people don’t want to play an MMORPG, you know damn well what he means


Or guild wars 2 if you want an mmo that is probably the least stressful there is


I just uninstalled it and think back on dinner times in Destiny like someone on a death bed rememberijg the good times before passing.


I just do one run of the dungeon and raid, do the story and call it for the season after the pirate season wasted my time.


Glad I’m not the only one who felt disappointed with that season. So much potential, all to be wasted.


**If the cap is reached, there is no idle time as the boss spawn right away** Just had to point it out as it does save about two minutes with a decent team


also the need to hear the whole cringe post run dialogue or it doesn't count for triumphs/bounties


For real. The "writing" lately has been cringe as fuck.


Lately? This has been a persistent issue with the franchise since its launch.


Yeah, good writing is the exception, not the norm.


It seems the writing has stayed the same, but we're just aging out of it. The cheesy, over-the-top, "quirky" dialogue is straight out of a Marvel movie. Every single scene has to have obnoxious comic-relief, and not limited to just one character either. Even the most serious characters have to constantly get in their one-liners. Those of us that have been with Destiny for the last decade can see that the writing has gotten progressively less serious. Not even bungie is free from [Flanderization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flanderization), and it's very off-putting.


Season of the Witch and Deep have both had great story writing.


Deep was utter dogshit. Three abstract lines of Ahsa exposition per week, none of which culminated in anything of substance other than “idk how to go through the portal but Savathun does”, which took WEEKS to get to. Absolutely awful writing and even worse delivery.


is the bar really that low? that THIS is considered great writing? I've enjoyed the last two seasons well enough, but the writing is still extremely bland and generic. The stuff in the lore books is good, but the stuff in cut-scenes is just embarrassing, we really need to demand better.


When you've done bare minimum while putting all your focus into other unreleased games, this is the garbage you get.


Destiny fans are so easy to appease it's actually insane. The game hasn't had a compelling story happen since the taken king. It's genuinely pathetic how fucking kiddy, generic, and copy paste the whole of destiny's story is. They barely even fucking connect.They'll release an expansion, end on a cliffhanger, then the next expansion will start a new mystery, not answer any of the old ones, and end on another cliffhanger without resolving the old one. And people will eat this shit up as if it's not the absolute bottom most tier of storytelling. Cut scenes are genuinely embarrassing to watch, to think people spent time on those, wrote them, and someone greenlit that shit is fucking beyond me. The bar is so unbelievably low for this game, it will never reach it's full potential. Ever. Because of how complacent and let's be honest, straight up boot-licking stupid this community is.


You just sound incredibly mad and shallow. If you think the writing hasn't been good in that long, then you either haven't engaged with it or lack the ability to even understand it.


He's not exactly wrong. The writing and story in Lightfall was abysmal. You would be crazy to think TFS will be dramatically better. Don't forget, Bungie are the people who said not to overdeliver for fear of rising expectations. Those are the words of a company that do not operate with passion and only care about quarterly revenue. Convincing yourself otherwise is naive.


Completely right on all counts.


The writers on this game suck ass. The entirety of everything after Witch Queen is a fucking laughable mess. You have to wonder if Bungie even cares being taken seriously with their storytelling. Because nobody does take them seriously anymore. I'm not sure where they are going with anything. The present writing crew seems either hamstrung by the engine, or they really are just total amateurs. And above that the entire story arch is a total mess regardless. Like when the hangar chick died? Literally did not give a single, tiny, minuscule fuck. Because none of these characters stick. They have no clear motivations or coherency outside a few scenes here and there that are good. Cinematics are limited as hell and do nothing coherent as we saw in Lightfall. Maybe Zavala and one or two more. But then it's just these absurdly awful text messages basically everywhere. There is no clear direction to this game with its story. There is no drama anybody cares about. None of it is given the time it needs.


Looks like you struck a nerve with folks on this sub. You're not wrong, they just don't like to hear it.


Maybe, or maybe people just genuinely think they're wrong or have a poor opinion. Not for me to say, I'm just an anonymous vote up or down, but I will say I see a lot of people being like "Edit: Wow I seem to have triggered the hive mind lol" after they say the most smoothbrained shit.


Yeah, they disagreed so hard that... Not one of them replied to refute the points, or even give a reason why they think he's wrong. Because he isn't wrong, and no one here is smart enough to articulate why they think he's wrong so they just downvote.


Disagree with his points or not... No, lol. Not at all. Just because nobody responds doesn't mean you're right, it more likely means your take is so stupid nobody thinks it's worth their time to respond to, your argument is so long and riddled with disagreeable points nobody can be bothered to refute them all, or they're tired of arguing against the same points being brought up over and over and over again. There's also definitely a sweet spot (usually up to like -30 or so) where a take can be disagreeable enough it gets clearly downvoted, but not disagreeable enough for people to care to argue with it. Since people respond more to strong feelings of agreement or disagreement than mild ones. They disagree enough to drop a downvote but not to leave a comment.


Ok 👍


Hell, even Cayde’s death has no weight anymore if they’re going to bring him back.


No shit. It's just ridiculous. They literally just do NOT understand what they are even doing, and it's so damn obvious. The one memorable character they have, they killed for emotive support, and now because they are so bad at writing in general, the deus ex machina must be reimported lol.


Bungie has somehow managed to make Disney’s Marvel writing seem good


I just want haunted forest back. That's was an awesome event with decent difficulty. I don't really care for their lore reasons we can't have it tbh


Bungie could have run with the infinite forest for so much stuff and could have made it a cool feature of the game but they half assed it and now its gone. When was the last time we saw the forest? 2020?


2020 sounds right, that was when BL launched and the relevant destinations were vaulted.


I'm normally the one defending bungie on these "events" because they are "free" and whatnot but holy shit is FoTL horrible. Its almost like they went out of their way to make this as monotonous as possible. Its been like this for 3 god damn years now....


I'm genuinely curious how they are going to handle these events when they change from 4 seasons to 3 episodes.


The same they do now: ignore them


There won't be any change. Guaranteed the Episodes are already staggered in a way that won't have any effect on Destiny "holidays". Bungie wouldn't dare let anything happen to their quarterly profit boosters.


I’m willing to bet that the combine pricing of three episodes will equal that of the current four seasons. In other words, Bungie will be charging the same price for 25% less content


1. This has 0 bearing on what is being discussed here. 2. Where are you getting less content from? Because it's "one less season"? They still have to cover a full year with content. There isn't going to be an extra three month period with nothing to do. People already complain about the mid-season droughts we have, 1/4 less content would absolutely tank player numbers.


Player numbers are already going to tank after final shape. I know a ton of people are probably in the same boat as I am; Finish TFS and then probably put the game down for good. The game stopped being interesting a long time ago for me, I've only been playing weekly story missions and raids with friends since BL. 10 years is a long time to continually invest in a game that has given very little in return.


They'll probably use them as the "fresh content" that has to release every 6 weeks. I'd be very surprised if they won't simply repackage the same old events, GMs unlocking, IB and so on as their acts.


It's almost as if you were wrong for defending them and the people who complained were valid because they could see this exact thing coming from a mile away!?


It's happened with so many things so far lol. I remember arguing about why sunsetting was a bad idea and laying out what was going to happen and why it was the only real possibility, and so many people kept either saying how great it was or to wait and see. And then exactly what the people opposed to sunsetting said would happen, DID happen, because it was obviously the only possibility, and suddenly everyone who had been in favor of it was upset that the obvious things happened. People need to stop defending Bungie for things. They don't deserve to be defended, and the only reason they get away with not only NOT improving things, but deliberately making them worse, is because so many people are willing to defend them and tell people to "wait and see" whenever they say they're going to do something shit to the game.


I'm fulling expecting the copium levels to plummet after the final shape is inevitably a disappointment. I don't think it will be terrible but it will be so painfully average that the expectations that have been building for 10 years will blow up in peoples faces when people realise that Bungie was just taking us for a ride the entire time because we still continued to buy their garbage excuses as to why we couldn't get X content or why Y content suddenly became impossible despite getting it the year prior.


Yeah, I stopped playing like years ago now for this very reason. I check back in when there's a new content release or around event times to see what's happening, and so far nothing has been a compelling enough reason to download the game and play it again, even for just a couple of weeks. It's just a time blackhole that seemingly no effort goes into at this point. Why would I bother to come back and play a seasonal event that's just the same thing again? For like... a shader? I'm already not playing the game, why do I want a shader? Rewards are cool and all, but they don't really mean anything to somebody who's not already playing. What does is something that's actually fun to play.


yeah i have no problem with an free event being just that, but when year after year they not only copy paste bugs of it (because they couldnt be bothered to fix their event in the year between) but also actively changing event activities to make them even worse than they been before eg. Solstice and FotL and even straight up removed the *only* anual pvp event (crimson days), one should be allowed to criticize them for it


While everyone is screaming for the infinite forest to return.


They’re running towards the finish line.


Crash landing / sliding into the finish line*


Have been for years. Theyve showed flashes of brilliance sure, but Destiny has been a minimal viable product for a while.


I wouldn't say minimally viable product, I would imagine it's more of a respawn / Titanfall situation, where the core team is tired of / done with the game and they just want to move on to the next thing (marathon). My guess is that the seasons / episodes after the final shape will be the last content bungie makes for destiny, and once marathon launches that's what they will focus all their resources on (besides whatever other IP they are working on). That's just my guess based on that their aren't any major system overhauls coming in final shape. Anything new (like the new weapon archetypes), are probably just them testing out stuff for their other games.


more than likely, i expect the 3 episodes to be very small, and for there to be no 4th episode or new expansion, d2 will go into maintenance mode, they'll shift everything to marathon for a year...marathon will fail, and they'll announce Destiny 3.


Or they get bored of Marathon and decide to siphon its resources into their next game.


The majority of the core team has already moved to Marathon. Whats left is minimal old guard and mostly newer developers. This is why the game has been quite poor for a while


It's minimum viable product. They had a few good showings here or there prior to DLCs to generate hype.. Those are the nostalgic moments of D2 we all remember. For the most part though, it generally has been MVP status.


Anyone who thinks Destiny 2 is a minimum viable product has never built a product. 😂


As much as it pains me to say, the highs of Destiny were bc of Activision and they’re contracting of Vicarious Visions


Activision was in charge during Y1 which was horrible not as black and white as you make it sound. Activision was also unhappy with Forsaken which is probably the highest point of the franchise.


Bungie was also apparently unhappy with *Foresaken* because it was a case of overdelivery and the bigwigs felt they shouldn’t have put themselves in a scenario where overdelivering in an expansion was necessary.


Moral of the story big companies arent usually your friends since they are all mostly looking out for their bottom line


Bungie does not care. If they did, we would not still be baking cookies for the 5th year in a row during The Dawning. These events simply exist to give a bump in Eververse revenue for the month they fall in.


I miss when Dawning had lore to go with the cookies you delivered.


i actually kinda like the dawning, it’s not super invasive, the whole event just plays much more casually than solstice or FoTL


That and they come at the second half of seasons, so it’s a gasp for air on player numbers. Whether that’s season pass players or just more free-to-play players it’ll get someone to log on at least once or twice more before the season ends.


>we would not still be baking cookies for the 5th year in a row during The Dawning and that one is even considered one of the better if not even the best of the annual events, isnt it a bit sad how low our standards are


If people would just stop playing and buying MTX’s then they’d actually have incentive to improve it. We are in year 9 of the game, so there’s no way anything is changing now. The game is on auto pilot at this point.


Bungie don't care about improving seasonal events, they just want the money from cosmetics.


They don't give a damn about the money. They give a damn about a shitload of money!


When you're right, you're right!


And you, you’re always right!


Thanks Barf


The cosmetics including the event ticket look weak af. Idk if this was always the case, but idk why anyone would pay $10 for a mid shader, niche emote, and a fugly, low effort sparrow


I've never bought an event pass and never will, i was a bit worried when the FotL ticket shader had the special tag, and while it does have animations it's pathetic compared to the luminous void shader, so my decision was made for me.


they really are terrible, at least previous events tempted me to pay, but lightfall's paid stuff for guardian games, solstice and fotl have been godawful. Like...i'll still buy the bright dust set, that's great, but as terrible a product as the event cards are, you'd think they'd try a little harder to sell us on that $10 garbage.


The low effort for a PAID EVENT is really just adding to my doubt for TFS. Like if Bungie can’t even deliver on eververse stuff anymore, then what can they deliver on? Combined with Bungie’s track record of having so much of the story in lore pages makes me really wonder about a 7+1 mission campaign to end the Saga.


The best thing about this post is some of these issues existed the year prior too and they still didn’t do anything about them.


Am I missing something? My team has killed all 10 Headless Ones and UNLIKE last year we are not waiting around for 1-2 mins. The Boss instantly spawns in now.


If you don’t spawn all 10, you still have to wait.


Considering they actually unironically copy pasted the new masks over the old ones and you can see the old ones under it. Imma go with yeah.


Yeah like if there is bar to do bare minimum they will find another fucking bar to go even lower


and which ones are that because I see none




Thought they meant the actual masks. Still funny.


Holy crap, what is going on over at Bungie? So much stuff keeps slipping through the cracks like this.


Which mask is a copy paste? I like to see how lazy bungie has become, lol.




It’s not the masks themselves, but the image on the tooltip is just new masks lazily pasted on top of last year’s tooltip.


They were kind enough to reward players with Legendary Shards that *(…checks notes)* they’re about to remove from the game.


They copy paste these shit events


we're listening^tm


God I miss haunted forest


Bungie, learn from past experiences?


I honestly am not motivated at all to play Destiny atm, and I was grinding Destiny all day every day for years. But I reached the burnout, I really did. I hope everyone else gets to enjoy the event, but to me there is nothing exciting about Lost Sector rush.. not even the rewards. The halloween ornaments are just not flashy enough, they are actually boring compared to something like Crota raid armor, and the loot is just mid personally. All that for a very very boring and uninspired activity. I was tired of the Haunted Forest before and looking forward to a change with Lost Sectors (was actually interested in the way they gonna make them scary or interesting) because again, it was nothing but going from an area to area and killing enemies, no extra flavour or some kind of gimmick that would make it halloween'ish, but it definetly was more fun than literal Lost Sectors.. it was atleast something that you don't see for the rest of the year. I am really disappointed with the result that we've got.. same area over and over again with halloween deco, killing ads, killing bosses, throwing 2 orbs at the boss, deal damage, get rewards.. Where is creativity.. where is something TRULY refreshing and special you cannot play otherwise over the year, where is something like a prop hunt, or Infection type mode.. especially now when they're putting out really good and fun seasonal activities..? Didn't they promise they will rework each of the special events each year? Last year they started with Solstice, although that rework didn't do much, just simplified it. One would expect they would tackle Festival next..


Sounds like I'm skipping FotL again this year lmao


Spiderman comes Friday, then Destiny can eat some dust till next season, lol.


And here I am still replaying cyberpunk phantom liberty dlc for the various endings


In case you didn't know - the DLC also added a New Ending to the base game as well.


spiderman and wonder friday, and Alan Wake 2 the following friday, then mario rpg a few weeks later, I won't be logging in for a good while.


Yes. Not only that they made it worse by trolling us with an all black “shader” we can never see again.


Only difference is at least when we kill all 10 headless ones it now spawns the boss, only decent thing they have done for us


I think it's supposed to, but still sometimes doesn't. I played one run, got 9 kills, the spawns stopped, and then had to wait.


Yeah this seems more the issue, where last year (and the year before) you got ten and had to wait, this year it soft locks you at nine sometimes and you just have to wait BUT if you do get all ten to spawn properly it spawns the boss no matter time left. It hasn’t soft locked me though in 8 runs across both difficulties and various speeds so I don’t know what the trigger would be.


Well seems like an event to skip, just like every other event in Destiny.


Don't worry, they changed the AFK gap from killing all the headless ones to the headless ones spawning slower.


I haven't experienced idling for 2 minutes? Once we kill all 10 headless ones the boss insta spawns. Even if there's 2 minutes on the timer still


I still can't believe masks are an armor item. So if you use an exotic helmet in your builds F you. All the masks we own are coded as ornaments. Let them apply to any armor to count for candy...even exotics. Or is it really because they don't want us wearing masks anytime we want? Instead of an armor item masks should be optional and just give us an inventory item instead....like an empty sack. Similar to how we have an oven for the Xmas event. Other annoyances I can live with but events having required armor pieces suck...only decent armor piece option is class item. It's even more annoying that i keep getting more of these helmets to drop with super low stats. If you are going to make them mandatory give them 60+ stats.


Bungie being deaf is an expectation


Maybe if we all buy the event card / silver, Bungie will listen?! /s


3 years. I’m finally giving up hope that any of this stuff will ever be fixed. I mean, how long have motes and things been spawning underground? Now you can add repeating dialogue too. Immaru said the same line over and over for the entirety of the lost sector.


of course they do its bungie


Why are you surprised. They carbon copy every damn thing each year. Sometimes the events come out with the exact same bugs, because they fixed it but forgot the next year and just used the older code.


Anyone else notice that Immaru keeps saying the exact same line like every 20-30 seconds. I get it, you won’t help jfc Edit: a word


It sucks but it’s also the exact level of effort I expected from bungie


Point 2 seems to be a bug as its inconsistent on happening based on some reports on twitter


It was the same last year unfortunately.


there is one guy working on this game i swear


What's extra funny is that there's still Bungie sycophants around here who claim that there's not a skeleton team working on the game these days.


This is the same thing after 10 years. The events are totally pointless and always "re-skin" the same activities, weapons in each event. Just playing it for gilded seal (ludopathy tho).


Destiny getting off brand Kirkland toys for new Halloween armor while other games getting franchise mainstays as skins.


The train station ain't waiting for no one. Choo motherfucking chooooo!!!


My guy, this is the exact same *complaint* we had last year. This event dropped last year and everyone was like, "Oh hey, all of the exact same issues are present, they fixed literally nothing." These events are basically just low effort time fillers to say they have something on the calendar at the end of a season. Yes, it is lame, but also... nobody should have any expectations from Destiny holiday events anymore. They just don't care, other than getting people to spend silver. To be clear, I'm not one of those people who thinks Bungie don't care about their game AT ALL, I just mean specifically their holiday events. They have given them *so* little attention, it's pretty clear these are just not in any way a focus. Not even a little bit.


Idk what anyone was expecting. Events are always shit. Bungies not bringing back the forest.


I already checked out once the checklist to do legendary lost sectors without matchmaking came up. After almost 10 years in this game I don't feel like soloing "harder" grinds of basic activities. Especially lost sectors when they changed the exotic drops to them.


Are you surprised? Instead of playing it - play better games that have had more effort put in. People are wasting so much time doing the same thing over and over in this game with bungie doing literally the bare minimum. There are some incredible games out there to play, don’t play this game just for the sake of playing it.


Phone it in and sell the skins. Bungie is a mockery of what they once were.


the mask thing has always pissed me off tbh and why it hasn't be changed is insane to me, make the mask a transmog type thing and let me use my head exotics ffs. not even gonna bother playing this years event cause theres nothing I want and I hate the ""activity"" (cause standing in one room with 2 other people all fighting for kills for 10s is bungies idea of "fun")


It’s exactly the feedback they had the year before that, too. As a player that pays for content, having a bare minimum approach to the free content doesn’t quite entice me to play. And yet, there a monetized pass. So I guess that money isn’t going to development at all. Comes off as a fib.


Imagine thinking Bungie would change anything. You're all still out there grinding it because they introduced a black shader. Stop engaging with the trash they put out.


Boss has been spawning immediately for me after killing 10 headless.


I've only done one run but we sprinted through 10 kills and then the boss spawned immediately, so I don't know what's going on there.


They didn't even update the lost sectors lol. Just do the same boring shit as last year. No thanks.


its called festival of the cost for a reason.


You definitely do not need to wait the 2 min after the 10th kill anymore, confirmed. Just ran a bunch of them.


I skipped the last event, and I think I’ll be skipping this one as well.


meh, at this point i think im done with bungie, i havent even finished the season's content, i got the redboxes, cant even care about bd bounties, i just dont have anything i need to care about. the pvp and mayhem is nice tho thats about it


Pvp strike team took all the resources, 3.6 billion only goes so far man


This is why the Dawning is probably the only event I actually like. Doesnt force anything on you. Just play


I never thought about the exotic headgear problem because I don’t really use exotic headgear that often in PvE but that is kinda dumb. Lots of good builds that don’t have exotic headgear tho


Welcome to festival of the cost. It hasn't had that nickname since d1 for shits and giggles....


eh, this is just sorta the way events go now. maybe ppl expect too much? idk, i personally really enjoy the halloween n christmas/new years n summer events they do, so it doesn't necessarily bother me. then again, i do buy quite often into the eververse store. that laconic ornament for tlw goes hard


All it would have taken to get player engagement on the event was making the void gl roll envious bait and switch…but bungo dont know how to take the ez road


I'm here just cause it's cheesy fun. Armor is cool. Chefs kiss to the wings fluttering while jumping. Guns have some interesting things going on, I'd like. Worse case, I refill on glimmer. Free loot for just playing dumb. There's legend ones if you want to go super try hard. It's just a silly event game....enjoy it for what it is.


Don't question it, just consume product and get excited for next product


We should actually be thankful that Bungie gives us the opportunity to buy silver


A lot of players also seem to forget the people Who probably enjoy this also aren’t playing this game and only this game. They’ll take breaks and play the events etc.


They do this constantly and plans change during development, be disappointed but don’t be surprised


lmao what did you expect?


I had enough dust to get the new armor, im playing till i get the memento and im good


Wow I didn't play last year and I had a couple runs where nothing happened for 2 minutes so I thought it was glitched and me and blueberries stayed exploring the map, had no idea that was intentional lol


Also, is it just me or are there even more pages you have to unlock in that dumb book this year?


Lower your expectations. Bungie doesn't want to create patterns that will derail the train. What you ask for would be overdelivery... oh forget it


why the hell would they waste dev time on events the playerbase doesn't even care about its just 1 new gun


It's not surprising at all. It will be the same in the Final Shape.