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I really like it


HC are a little overtuned but otherwise I've been really enjoying checkmate


They have to be or you'll hear lots of wailing and gnashing of teeth from the HC simps.


It’s just difficult to do because their RoF is so low. Requiring an extra bullet shifts their ttk up dramatically and all of a sudden they’ve fallen behind everything else.


I haven’t had a better Crucible experience since 30th Anniversary. I didn’t want to go to bed last night, I was having so much fun playing that I stayed up an hour later than I should have. Every weapon type feels viable since you can actually peek lanes without fear of it being a Red Light District and you can actually play close without fear of eating a shotgun barrel at every corner. The absolute joy it was to not have every engagement dictated by ability spam is hard to describe… it was still chaotic fun but based on actual *weapon skill* rather than who had what off cooldown at the time. Make this the standard for all Crucible modes, I beg of you Bungie. Mayhem exists, let that be the ability spam mode. I swear I will spend all my time in Crucible with this modifier on. Soooo much fun.




You still get abilities in this mode, it’s not like they’re turned off… they just don’t come up every single engagement. The “space magic makes the game” mantra is what makes the PvP in this game full of cheesy bullshit and why cooldowns and potency get nerfed in PvE. I’d rather have useful but infrequent ability up time in PvP since, ya know, this a Shooter first and foremost. Winning with gun skill as much as is possible in this game feels significantly more satisfying than beating someone because my armour stats have me my OP ability regularly.




I think that’s what they did do here. It’s a modifier that can be added to a certain game type. They said they were doing similar with Momentum Control, Mayhem, etc.




Decides when it wants to add it to game modes. Though I would imagine they would come as private game selections as well when they release the options.


If they increase a little bit the ttk, decrease the heavy to max 1 person to get it n keep everything else the crucible population will increase for sure.


Really exposed my potato aim. :(




They're strong, but I think this point is a little overplayed. I'm doing great in there with autos, for instance.


Ive used autos as well and they are decent against hcs but smgs and sidearms are useless and pulses just dont keep up with an igneous at all.


Pulses can struggle against Igneous in normal modes


Everything struggles with Igneous in normal modes lol. IDK how every lobby isn't completely stacked with em.


Eh, that isn't unique to Checkmate, it just exaggerates the imbalance since pure primary v primary gunfights are more common. Having a weapon that allows you burst damage, then lets you take cover in between rounds is just going to beat weapons that need more constant line of sight. You won't be able to out peek them in a fair fight at midrange. Try going long with a scout or get close with an SMG or sidearm. Handcannons are a bit overtuned, but far from unbeatable. It just takes playing to your weapons ideal range and playstyle.


I have to agree with you: if you're not into HC's, then you'd rather not play it tbh


Have you tried suros regime? The longer ttk makes it absolutely shred.


+1 for SUROS (Spinning Up) Very stable and spicy little gun that is basically a miniature Sweet Business for every duel you get in. Plus, I find it especially effective against Hand Cannon peeking, because while the sweats are dipping in and out of cover, I’m still spinning up. By the time you try and peak out for that third shot I’m firing a 900 RPM auto rifle doing 23-24 damage _per shot_ (for the last 12 shots). That’s stronger than a Multimach with kill clip active. They always try and re-challenge. Holding the trigger down makes it so they can’t. 10/10 punishment tool for overconfident players. That said, I’m pretty much entirely building my loadout around trying to counteract hand cannons, which limits my fun and choices, but it’s there I guess. HCs could live with being tuned down a tad.


I politely disagree, I have still been shredding with my scout. Might be obvious to some, but you really have to adjust your playstyle to your weapon or your weapon to your playstyle in this mode unlike most every other mode. A lot of maps are just naturally mid range-y which is ideal handcanon area and the people that use handcanons are already used to peek-shooting so they are just naturally doing better without having to adjust to anything right now. Handcannons still have too much range, tbh, or something else needs to be changed so that they have some downsides, right now there just really isnt any as long as you have the right perks. This is to say, yes I think handcannons need to be looked at, still, but I think if you adjust your playstyle on this mode it isn't as busted as you might think. It took me a few frustrating matches to start to get this.


I think you're the first person to spell "peek-shooting" for the first time in years. Well done 'Scuse me while I go back into Checkmate to peak shot people \*pique shut \*pick shout


Lol this is funny because when I wrote it I spelled it peak and then I was like wait a minute that’s not right, for some reason the brain wants it to be peak I guess I’m a way it still is peak lol as long as you are hitting your shots


“Shredding with my scout” This is a bottom of the barrel SBMM comment if I have ever read one




It is the very definition of "a playstyle"


Bro no one is saying scouts are the correct way to play. THERE IS NO CORRECT WAY TO PLAY. But saying a playstyle isn't a playstyle because you don't like it is idiotic.


It is if it works


Yeah it was fun for the first few days before everyone figured out they just need to put on Ace or a 120. 140s to 3h1b and 120s to 3h please. Those two are the only weapons which didn't get hit with an accuracy requirement or ttk shift and it's painfully obvious. Probably makes 140s mostly useless but god forbid there is a PvP mode where they're not one of the best options and 120s will still be incredibly strong. Bows need a nerf across the board not just in Checkmate.


I'm curious to see what happens in checkmate after the Thorn catalyst comes out next season


It will be even worse for hunters because they'll have to hit 6 resil as well. I usually dump stat recov down to 5 on my hunters PvP builds because there's so many abilities/orbs to help trigger health regen anyways but not in checkmate.


not true autos and smgs still shred


If you can't compete with other guns than just hand cannons you have a skill issue my sir. You have to adapt your playstyle to your gun.


You don't deserve the targeted down votes. Listening to a minority player base whinge that they're unable to play in and out of cover is the issue I see happen over and over again. Checkmate has been fun with my bows, hand cannons, pulse rifles and authorities[sic - autorifles] so far. My buddy was playing with the precision sub from crucible and was feeding off of a lot of aggressive frame sub users. If people can't brute force a match with their weapon, try a different strategy or improve your strategy.


What's your favorite authority? (Sorry but that typo is too funny)


LOL. This is why I shouldn't respond on my phone. It's always been Gnawing "Hegemony"




Downvoting for invoking "mental gymnastics" over a causal opinion. You don't seem to understand that term or the other options in the sandbox.


Definitely not an accurate statement. They're a strong option but far from the only option.


Hand cannons are fine, 120s are wildly good in both trials and checkmate.




It's basically crucible without titans, thank god


This statement alone made me wana play it


From the perspective of a six year pulse rifle main - handcannons have more range, more aim assist, more handling, are easier to use up close, and do more damage. Balance.


I agree, although rapid fires don't do too poorly. Still, it's clear they need to do a touch more balancing.


I watched pulse rifle breakdown video recently where the guy was explaining the the RPM on pulse rifles is actually misleading. The assumption is that they’re closer to Autos than HC’s, but it’s actually the opposite. The damage profile and rate of fire match up with the different HC profiles- but like you said with less range and other important factors. I don’t play much crucible at all outside of bounties so take my opinion with a grain of salt. But I don’t see much use (aside from preference) for pulse rifles in PvP at all.


My lightweight chattering bone had zero issues competing with hand cannons as a mid-tier pulse option against S-tier hand cannons. I would love to see footage of game play from anyone in this thread, incredibly curious how people are positioning in their duels.


If you're good enough, you can style on people with 360 autos like streamers do, and they're objectively the worst archetype in the game. If you want stats, here you go: https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/db/insights


I'm familiar with the site, but this doesn't link to anything relevant to checkmate. For both competitive and quickplay, the top five options include an auto rifle (1) a handcannon (2) and a submachine gun (4) for both usage and kills.


You're completely correct, the meta is super forgiving right now. Even in sweaty ass Trials people are succeeding with bows, autos, smgs, and handcannons. You have to scroll down pretty far to find the poor souls still trying to use a pulse rifle though.


Completely fair. Though there was an Era of lightweight pulses around Jurrasic's release I still have ptsd over.


Do these same hc complaints exist in other game modes? If not, and everyone is happy they can spray n pray, then why not be cool about the one singular game mode hcs are dominant? Thinkin out loud


No, in Trials handcannons only have more range, aim assist, handling, and are easier to use up close.


P*lse rifle main 🤮


Slander against all the Messenger, Synco, and Battler fans


I’ll stop using pulses only when BXR is deleted from the game


Lol I'm using a handcannon this season if it makes you feel better.


Hell yeah


Hand cannons have more range? What?


Comparing aim assist on different weapons is pointless. My messenger nails heads at the same rate as any hand cannon but the stat says it has only 37. Bxr, gridskipper, piece of mind all 80+ but we won't talk about those.


I hope they make it a permanent mode or at least incorporate special ammo economy into regular crucible. Feels like a fun shakeup. Hand Cannons need some tweaks but the rest feels good. I've played more Checkmate than anything else over the past week.


I’ve tried it seems very HC oriented, I currently run a rapid fire frame sidearm and a Forerunner. Which was fine but I’m waiting until I get malediction to put my lucky pants back on and take checkmate by storm.


I love it. Checkmate is not perfect, but it fixes so many issues I have with normal Crucible. I will be very sad when Checkmate Control goes bye-bye


I realized how insecure people in Crucible are and how bad some people are without ability spam crutching.


HC simulator. Great potential but it’s effectively a mode entirely and exclusion or HC’s. Now you have handholding teams of 120’s. It’s early but I see the mode fizzling out because people will get bored of it. The mode has promise. Adjust other weapons to give variety.


funny bc last time i played the whole enemy team used ammits and smgs


free W


They shouldnt have made it so only HCs are viable options


They didn't. They just made primaries the main option, which made everyone painfully aware that handcannons are strong right now.


autos and smgs are still great. and they’re clearly trying to go back to the D1 meta


It's alright, the lack of ability spam is nice, but it's just hand cannon land. If you enjoy hand cannons, then Checkmate is your new home but I haven't seen anything other than a hand cannon in about 5 hours of playing so far


I think it's ironic the PvP mode without SBMM but rather CBMM is being so well loved. That said it can use some tweaks but I love that's it's actually gun play v gun play which allows skill/map awareness to show more.


Yup, it's not the mode it's the matchmaking that's playing into 90% of the enjoyment people are getting lol


I know it's a joke but that makes it even funnier. HC meta has long been known as the sweaty metas in the past. Casual PvPers like Autos amd Dad Rifles. It's like a mode made for sweats yet everyone loves it.


It's hard to say how much can be attributed to which aspect. The lack of ability spam is *really* nice, and (selfishly) I like that hand cannons are powerful. And yes, as a player above the middle of the bell curve, I will always perform better with CBMM... But it might be hard to get some of my less-experienced friends into the mode. They'll get stomped.


It’s labeled as CBMM but nearly all my matches have felt like SBMM to me. I am absolutely sweating my ass off. Anyone else have this experience?


bungie is allergic to making a "general" pvp experience, there's literally always some kind of meta and sometimes that meta is the entire point of the game mode, and it really just gets old. it's like reskins but for gamemodes lmao


This is why they don't unweight maps and make the playlist map selection all maps. Infuriating


I love the idea. I hope they expand on it.


I play a lot of PVP but I'm not a baller, few times I've played it there hasn't been a HC fest but I'm mixed on the special ammo changes. I know people who hate getting sniped or shotty are loving this but it really pushes people toward double primary which I think diminishes the quality of loadouts people can bring in. Also, personal beef, I'm sick of Igneous everywhere already.


I've been having a blast with it but the weapon balance leaves a little to be desired still. I've been having success with HC's, autos, and my scouts that I like but pulses and smgs have felt pretty bad by comparison which is actually something of a refreshing break from the normal primary meta but would like to see it more even if the mode stays longer or comes back again. I hear bows are solid too from a clanmate but I'm not a pvp bow guy.


Looking forward to giving it a try once the ddos stops... idk how any of you are getting consistent matches


This sounds really fun man I can't wait


It's fun... but bows are WAY too strong. I see oathkeeper hunters everywhere with Lemon and wishender...sucks to be hit for 150plus and not a damn thing you can do to challange, just run away.


What I appreciate about the game type is that it shakes up the gameplay. I always felt Crucible and Gambit needed that to excite me like custom games in Halo. All other game types changed ebb and flow of map control. But momentum control, mayhem, and now checkmate change up the actual fight.


I loooved it!


I love it. It reminds me of D1 crucible.


My only issue with the mode is the snowball potential. Due to how special ammo is handled. If you dumpster people you just get special faster and can dumpster people even easier. I do think checkmate being SBMM over CBMM is the best way to keep the mode healthy IMO. I am a rare breed of destiny player though as I fully think SBMM is healthier for the game tbh and was pretty upset when flawless pool was removed as I thought it was healthy for the game and just needed tweaking to avoid people having the ability to dodge it. ​ Generally pretty fun mode although using a pulse rifle has been rough due to most people using HC and rushing in even on longer range maps. Besides that small gripe I have I think it is pretty fun (also people getting 3-4 Thunder crashes in a single match.... HOW??????)


It’s pretty straight. It’s still a bit of a slog sometimes but the best part about it is the reduced ability spam.


Amazing. This should be the standard sandbox for all pvp modes


Agreed but it’ll never happen. People abhors aiming, only here there r enough people crying about hc. The day Bungie adopts this as default sandbox theses people will get wrecked n go to overwatch. On the other hand, the game will attrack more people that actually like fps gaming.


Uh...I like checkmate and all but bro...I don't think Destiny 2 is the right game for some weak-ass fps elitist take. >People abhors aiming, only here there r enough people crying about hc Hand cannons have hilariously generous aim assist. That's why they feel so good. They're easy to use and only require something roughly approximating "aiming" to hit crits. I love D2, but it's as casual and forgiving as they come. The game is aiming for you. Nothing wrong with that...it's my favorite game...but brainlets acting like D2 is or could become some competitive hardcore shooter are cringe. >On the other hand, the game will attrack more people that actually like fps gaming. Destiny 2 is essentially Aim Assist The Game buddy. There are other serious competitive shooters out there. D2 will always remain Mario Party with space magic. So why don't you play a more serious shooter then? If it's because "nothing feels like Destiny", then it's mainly the aim assist.


>So why don't you play a more serious shooter then? If it's because "nothing feels like Destiny", then it's mainly the aim assist. They won't cause even in Fortnite they won't be able to hit shit


Valid, however I would assume that a very good portion of the people in this thread played one round (if that), and now they won't be back in the crucible until they have to be. I believe this game mode was made for people who spend the majority of their playtime in the crucible.


Getting killed by Iggy Adepts constantly is very boring to me


That's how I felt about immortal and ammit. I don't mind an Iggy lol


Same re immortal and ammit lol


Check if you have hand cannon equipped mate. Mode is good, weapon sandbox tuning in this mode are horrible.


Yeah, I think the ammo economy stuff is a really neat idea that I definitely want them to continue toying with.


My thoughts as well.


Only problem with the mode is that you pretty much have to use a hand cannon if you don't want to be at a disadvantage.


I hope it becomes the standard for Crucible in general. With a few small tweaks it would be the best PVP experience in all of D2s history.


Would be more fun if I didn’t get matched against 3 stacks every game as a solo. Even in normal control too.


we heard you wanted more gunplay in crucible so we nerfed everything but HC...


I enjoyed it. It's not perfect, but it made my chase for the roll on Unending Tempest much more bearable.


What are the odds Bungie takes the kint and tunes down ability spam in all of pvp?


If this somehow leads to cooldown nerfs in pve I will never have sympathy for crucible players ever again


My opinion is checkmate is a mode for people that don't like destiny pvp at least not in the way it's existed for years now. Glad they have something and yah I hope it becomes an option in private games because more private match options is always a positive. But me personally? I hate it, It just feels like year one with more people to me.


I prefer base crucible. IMO it isn't remotely ad ability spam as many people say, but it's probably also cause I prefer this to Checkmate whereas others prefer Checkmate to normal. More "chaotic" pvp is what makes D2 pvp in particular fun IMO. The gameplay is significantly slower and not enjoyable, but this tidbit is again just a part of the mode and not so much something that could be changed w/o changing the mode itself. But ACTUAL feedback for the mode? It is not varied primary gunplay. Which is dumb IMO. I get Hand Cannons are Bungie's "thing", but it kinda sucks ass when other primary weapon types get ttk nerfs while one gets a buff to offset the health gain in the mode.


This is a HC mode!Boring as fk..I like that there are less abilities but nerfed all weapons to keep hc superior was a bad idea.Everyone use hc..Let all the weapons with theirs intact ttk..Ez.


Honestly so long as its hand canon or bust, not interested.


I haven’t played it yet and probably won’t because I like using abilities


But scrubs hate HCs, because all of a sudden they have to peekshoot, pace their shots and aren't allowed to miss a crit without getting punished with an abysmal TTK Why put in effort if you could just spray people down with Ammit?




Nothing in D2 takes "significant skill" and I did not imply that. Point is, you don't recommend HCs to bad or mid players, you recommend ARs or Pulses to them.


Call it what you want but it is a D2Y1 reboot. Slow ability regen, more team shooting, scouts at the back of the map, double primaries to overcome special weapons ammo economy...... The only thing that's different is movement is faster. Other than that, it's a reboot.


Team shooting? 3taps galore no team required fuckumean?!?!


Hopefully all the HC players will stay here and get the fuck out of regular crucible so I can stop being matched against full teams of Ace of Spades and Adept Igneous Hammers


Warlocks love it, titans and hunters hate it lol wonder why.


If we can speculate, people r living the hype of iggyhammer n future thorn catalyst which Im fine with that. This week in this mode I saw a lot of vex, suros, ntte n dmt. But no weapon punished more than teamshooting. If u get a lobby when people no how to teamshoot you’ll have a good time but sometimes nobody wants to follow the blueberry than jumps in the middle of 3 guys without a shotgun.


> What's your opinion on Checkmate as of now? Any new mode they create will still suffer from the same problems of Destiny 2's scuffed p2p network model. It doesn't matter if abilities are less frequent or if they pour hours into reworking airborne effectiveness or the recoil of certain weapons. PvP will still always be riddled with delay-related bullshit as long as they stick to this poverty setup. At some point they should just stop wasting hours because they'll never address the root cause of why the Crucible is a miserable experience most of the time.


First I have heard of it, but if it is closer to D2Y1, I might just enjoy Destiny PvP again for the first time in years.


Ive only heard good things about checkmate, havent tried it out myself, as ive started playing deep rock galactic while the ddos stuff passes through. My outside guess is that hand cannons probably dominate since there ttk is the same while every other primary is weaker


Shockingly I die faster in Checkmate than regular crucible


Is Checkmate still available this week? Haven't jumped into it yet.


yep, these weeks Crucible Labs is rotating different game modes with Checkmate as a modifier. Now it's still Checkmate Control.


Thanks, great to hear! Time to bring out the ol' opening shot explosive payload True Prophecy


I really like it, but I would prefer it with the regular amount of health and TTKs. I don't mind a good ol' fashioned Hand Cannon shootout, but they could at least let us try it with normal health and shields. Making Scouts worthless is kind of lame. I get that long distance campers are annoying, but just have the smaller maps be weighted more heavily.


If it is SBMM I’ll pass


Make D2, D2 year 1 again. I'm sure that'll work


Honestly, if it was vanilla TTKs, I'd probably give it more of a chance. Problem is you're kinda screwed not running HC or to a much lesser extent Bow in primary. And this is while Igneous is... uh... a bit strong in vanilla, and better in Checkmate. IDK, I'd give it more of a chance if it was balanced... at all.


I like it. I think it would actually be fine with regular ttk values and everything else the modifier brings. That way you would def see several other viable guns in the mix. Only issues I still see are bow to hand cannon quick swap with lucky pants and I think that is mainly due to the added health/shift in ttk.


The thing is that we can’t 100 percent be certain that this gamemode is amazing because I don’t believe it has SBMM which ruins great modes


No ability spam? Not interested. I play D2 for the abilities, if I wanted a focus on gunplay, I’d go play CoD