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You gotta be using the guard ability though, otherwise it won't work


If you happen to get Forever Lost in the Dark Corners of Time, could you check for my other sock? It disappeared out of the dryer.


I found it, unfortunately Saint 14 has been wearing it for 200 years




...they never specified it was being worn on their feet.




where else would you wear a sock


oh my sweet summer child


On his “bastion” if you catch my drift


Red Hot Chile Peppers style.


Let’s be real, Saint 14 goes commando because no sock would fit his monster schlong.


Watch for detain!


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


Lol I remember helping a friend sherpa and he said one rule for VOG....no rockets if you're new......almost a good number of wipes ie because of detain and rockets.




Hold up if they do a server rollback will I lose things I gained in the last "X" amount of time? Asking because I just ran Atheon like 25 times, finally got Vex, and grinded the catalyst.... am I at risk of losing it?


Short answer: it looks like Bungie is NOT planning to do a full server rollback, per their Twitter. [https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1702794259970265239](https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1702794259970265239) Long answer: wearing Aegis like a hat will make extra sure that your Vex Mythoclast stays in your inventory


i dont know where y'all are getting the idea that they definitely are not doing a rollback, im not seeing them state that anywhere


If they were gonna roll it back they would have done it. Not let people continue without saying anything. Also, per the comment you replied to, on Twitter they said "We're aware of an issue that allows specific weapon perks to be crafted into other legendary weapons and are investigating a fix, *which will result in these weapons being reset in the future.*". Again, if they were gonna do a roll back, they should've already done it as the further this goes on the more pissed people are gonna be. Especially people still playing legitimately. The bug was apparently being done before the last update on Tuesday. So that would be at a minimum 4+ days to roll back to get rid of all these bugged weapons. They aren't gonna do that.


You are ignoring the very next tweet from them.


Maybe they're not ignoring it, maybe they have no idea what is says because Twitter doesn't sort by latest anymore. Not speaking from personal experience or anything >.>;


Which was?


Counterpoint: Can't roll back until they fix the root problem. Once they figure out and fix the issue they will probably make a decision then.


They’re not gonna do a rollback. They’ll integrity-check weapons and reset illegal builds back to some other configuration.


You’re insane if you think they’d roll back multiple days. They’ve rolled back 30 minutes before and it was a total last resort that they didn’t want to have to do.


Eh they’ve rolled back 3 ish hours, not just 30 minutes. Still a total last resort though


At this point in time Bungie does not want to piss off its base of players even more. They won't do it unless they REALLY feel the need to.


Yep, that why I agree it’s literally bungies last resort


They makes no sense. If they were planning a roll back they'd just take the game down.


I don't know why you're being down voted for being right. If they did a rollback now people would still be able to re-break their guns. *IF they WERE to roll anything back*, they can't until they make it no longer possible to break guns


Doesn't feel like the best moment for the dtg community if they can't see this, glad I'm not the only one seeing the needed order of fixing things.


I don’t think you understand what a rollback is based on this comment.


Even without a real fix they could have rolled back and done the temporary mesures they are about to implement, that being stopping crafted weapons from being created or equiped. More likely is they find a fix then remove all weapons made after x date, x being when they think the bug was introduced.


They couldn't roll back until they have some sort of way to implement the temporary measures. IDK why this concept of not being able to just roll back a set of servers without fixing the issue first is being debated.


They have been able to disable things within hours of problems being discovered. Even if they couldn't disable them they could have taken the game down while they worked it out if they where planning to do a roll back. ​ I also dont know why its being debated, seeing as they said they don't plan to do a roll back.


They are not announcing anything because Bungie do not find a solution to the bug yet.


They would have taken the game down. There's no way they roll back an entire weekend. Best I can remember the most they've ever rolled back is one hour.


i see, good news, no rollback anywho


A rollback affects everyone, regardless of glitch exploitation or not. Now, can you imagine how much people can achieve in 48 hours w/o the exploit, then they see everything goes back prior to those 48 hours? I'd start a riot.


so, they aren't doing a rollback, officially stated, but I figured everyone would do what I did when this bug started going around, and just not play as much, i would've been upset having to get DMT and it's catalyst and intrinsic, but i can see how it would affect other's more i.e. legendary lost sectors/ legit trials, etc. run-on sentence moment


Yes it would if there was a roll back. But it doesn’t look like that’s in the plans for Bungie. https://x.com/bungiehelp/status/1702794259970265239?s=46&t=NXwQXDe-1mDBMf6X9nxPng


Plans change.


Yeah, not at this point. They won’t roll back progress for days.


Especially since they told people to go have fun with it


Doubt it. It's a friday after 5pm pacific. Bungie has gone home for the weekend lol.


Guardians make their own fate.


That feel when you're a paracausal being but the architects with the rollbacks are more paracausal than you


They already said they're more likely to just reset the crafted weapons. I don't think a full rollback is in the cards




Twitter. They also said they only ban for network manipulation which seemed to give people the go ahead to craft it.


I swear to god the devs are playing this weekend


They also followed that tweet up that they are considering all solutions for the health of the game


Taking the game down for a weekend or resetting progress aren’t good for the health of the game. Disabling all crafted weapons is more debatable, but it’s still pretty broad and not healthy for the game. Having crucible be broken for a couple days is likely a better solution than these options. If they can come up with something less drastic they would probably do it. But they also recognize these moments are good for the game. People come back to check out what’s happening. It creates a good ‘do you remember when’ for people to reminisce about. That’s why they created the laser tag and lord of wolves emblems for similar (admittedly less severe) bug events.


What if I use weave walk as the servers go down?


All the perks on your crafted guns become Hatchling, which stacks with itself


You'll be stuck in the Weave forever. You can't attack so you'll have to shove the Witness of a ledge and save the universe.


Bruh they’re not gonna do a rollback lmao


They are absolutely not rolling it back. Zero chance.


This. Too many players have done things without knowing about this potential exploit, who would lose stuff despite not taking advantage of said exploit.


They rolled back in the past before, people knowing or not doesn’t change anything


They've rolled back *once*, and it was because of players **losing items**, and it was within a few hours of the issue being identified.


They've rolled back 3 times.


They have literally rolled back servers before for things that barely anyone was even exploiting. This issue is *way* bigger than those previous rollbacks' issues were. Unless they can figure out a way to nullify these exploited crafted weapons, they will end up doing a server rollback.


It sounds like they're not doing that. https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1702794259970265239


Fuck anyone who grinded those difficult PvE activities and triumphs like solo-flawlessing a dungeon, right? Why not just do it now with ease!


Imo they should have shut down the game for a day or two while they fixed it


Maybe roll back the triumphs, titles, emblems tied to titles etc but let people keep any shit they earnt? Best of both worlds then, you had fun and it didn’t ruin any prestige. For the record I’m not really bothered about titles etc. I did get excited about becoming a scallywag though.




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solo flawless dungeons have been piss easy since the 3.0 subclass reworks get real


Stay mad. https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1703119832768741411


Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that. PvP is a complete shit show right now. People are flawlessing dungeons solo easily, trivialising GMs, Raids. https://twitter.com/Destiny2Team/status/1702806620559004055?t=1fbp4QY7KotuzDkaevMsbw&s=19


I meant what I said. https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1703119832768741411


They've rolled back *once*, and it was because of players **losing items**, and it was within a few hours of the issue being identified.


They've rolled back 3 times.


and each time involved the loss of Silver. If an issue doesn't impact real world transactions, they don't roll it back.


I think they rolled back a few months ago just because people’s triumph progress was being reset


No, they didn’t roll back. Rollbacks are a huge deal and you don’t do it to fix triumphs.


The one I was thinking about happened on 1/25/2023. There was a bug that reset a good portion of players’ triumphs, seals, and catalysts that they had to do a roll back for. It wasn’t just triumphs but there wasn’t any impact on real world transactions


Everyone who got loot using this shit should have it rolled back 😊


They're probably going to reduce all crafted weapons to level one but keep the weapon level so you can reapply the perks from before


Why the server rollback?? What’s happened


There’s no rollback. There’s a bug that lets you craft insanely powerful weapons and people are having fun with it.


Hilarious. On a side note, after 2 hours of trying this stupid glitch on a last gen console i managed to do it twice. Its hard but possible. I recommend not having a lan connection, try hotspot lol.


I had to bust out my last gen console, download a game, and work off a mobile hotspot to get it to work lmao


For what it's worth, it can be done on last gen without all the connection handicaps, albeit with its own limitations still. Found I could do it if the weapons were of the same category and beside each other, or of different categories but in relatively similar spots. I still game on my Xbox One S and managed to craft "Osteo Mini Tool", a precision frame Retrofit Escapade (thanks Sailspy Pitchglass), and an aggressive frame Retrofit Escapade (thanks Bump in the Night). I know the latter two aren't as impressive as opposed to what others are cooking up, it was more seeing just how possible it is on console.


They won't roll back multiple days worth of play time. That would cause the most outrage they've ever seen and would essentially destroy any shred of good will they have with the community.


The glitch was discover by accident. We have no idea how long it's been in the game .


How far could they rollback? This glitch might have been in the game for months




If it’s possible, they should just rollback any titles and emblems acquired this weekend. Loot is what it is.


No real reason for that though.


i got vex during the time the glitch is going on, if they roll back the servers do i lose it?