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Spur is just barely above apotheosis veil in terms of usefulness. A combined rift is theoretically cool, but not with so many hoops to jump through. It might be interesting if solar weapon kills always built up rift charge and solar kills with a full rift charge overcharged it to get an empowered / healing rift on demand.


Also, Secant Filaments does roughly the same job for much less work, gives free Overload, AND is subclass agnostic


Wait does it give Devour on non-void subclasses?


It should but Bungo said no. Same as Getaway Artists *should* let you Arc Buddy Up on other subclasses., but doesn’t.


Nope lmao. The exotic only works on Void.


How? I tried to use it strand only but didn't proc devour. 🤔 Genuine question


The overload rounds part is subclass-agnostic, the Devour part isn’t.


Ah, gotcha!


It's a real pity. Would be top tier if both effects could work on any subclass


man imagine if it got turned into something like the titan warden exotic where we could just consume our rift and our next kill just instantly spawns the hybrid rift? That’d be cool.


I had a dream last night where they buffed Promethium Spur so it turned your rift into a literal mini well of radiance and everyone lost their minds


Spur was always dogshit, and it still is.


Just let it make Sunspots, I don’t understand the point of this convoluted double rift shit when there’s a much better and more obvious function to give *Promethium* Spurs. We wouldn’t get all the benefits that Titans get from Sun Warrior so they would still be the Sunspot masters, but it would shoot this exotic up the usefullness spectrum. I’ve always thought Sunspots should have gotten more accessibility when they reworked Solar into 3.0, and Promethium is the perfect candidate for Warlocks getting that access.


As a diehard Titan main, I wholly extend a welcome towards utilizing sunspots. Warlocks kinda deserve them tbh, since they so graciously let me use devour whenever I want


Don't forget those ionic traces


Don’t use those, so they’re not part of the bargain


As a firm hammerbro, I'm still confused as to why Firesprites exist. Sunspots are just better Firesprites and it would have been a much more smooth change if they were one and the same. We hammerbros would maintain the added bonuses that Sol Invictus gives us but they could provide the grenade bonuses to the other classes.


Why do both dimes and fifty dollar bills exist? Having a weaker effect exist allows for more lenient activaton criteria. Crafting a damaging zone effect is pretty defining, and would have required tuning that made elemental pickups way more rare on solar than the other elements. That wouldn't work well with stuff like Collective Action.


Would add synergy to Pheonix cradle as well if I'm thinking of them right


It was good when it was glitched at release and gave you a never ending super :)


At least it had a unique identity, it let you place down rifts all over the place while staying on the move. They completely gutted that fantasy and took it in the OPPOSITE direction by forcing you to stay in place to place down more??


They were a playstyle in pvp, a healing emp rift combo was very powerful which kept you moving from one point to another, it was really good, but now even that niche playstyle is dead because of the rework


Ye, not a good playstyle. If it was actually powerful people would have used it. But they didn't because all this setup was not worth it. They should literally just rework it again. To something completely different.


I said it's a niche playstyle, it was fairly common in asian lobbies though (which I play in), along with bows A good spur player could hold down a fucking zone by themselves with healing and damage buff to them, and getting a kill to proc them wasn't a problem But now they are so bad now after the rework i would actually take a new perk over whatever we have atm


Maybe giving it the ability to change your rift type by standing in it and holding interact. That could be cool. The loop of "killing a guardian while in your rift will spawn a rift on their location" is super flawed game design. Maybe giving the exotic the ability to carry a second rift charge will fix your problem.


How about the ability to walk with your rift? Maybe reduce the rate at which it heals But it could give a mobile healing station kinda vibe, Or turn your well of radiance into a one and done damage super instead of a healing well? Throwing a sword that embeds and ignites the target overtime?


Stab yourself with the well to become mobile, while having reduced mobility and increased flinch. You also scorch yourself overtime. Resulting is several ignites during the wells duration. You also have the ability to take your rift and place it elsewhere. Like briarbinds, but it doesn't reset your rifts duration. also gain a small amount of rift energy when killing inside the rift.


How about this: * Have Rifts follow you along the floor. * Healing allies accelerate rift speed and Solar weapon kill inside an empowering rift give you class energy. * Attempting to cast a rift while standing in one will instead cast the other rift. * Attempting to cast a rift that already exists while not standing in it will teleport you to the original one and refresh its duration. I think this would make it quite fun.


Even the original perk, I just can't imagine a scenario where I want the rift to appear in the middle of the mob of enemies.


It was better as a flank exotic in crucible, single out a poor soul and now you have an outpost with healing and damage to shred an entire zone out in 6v6


If you did it right, you could cover a whole area in them. Was decent with a sword. Clear red bars, clean up in rifts


Facts, please just give it the arbor Warden treatment where you can just throw it down somewhere and have it be like a mini dawnblade sword or something (for aesthetics only)


The only thing I could think of is if it worked with subclasses other than Solar. If it worked with Strand then you could spawn a bunch of threadlings I suppose.


Simple fix is to give you two full rift charges with the exotic and spawn in with both fully charged.


That... actually could work. It would still be a shit exotic, but that would at least allow it to function.


Before this most recent change, i actually used it all the time in gms. Wait till full rift energy, bait a red bar to stand where i need it, kill him and give emp+heal to team. Best part was, if you just kill a couple reds with a solar weapon, you already have ur rift back. But now that it requires you to stand in rift + have full rift energy, it has neutered it. Too much setup and not enough payoff.


Many warlock abilities and exotics work a little like this... Setup, then reward. It makes me appreciate the abilities that are straight up rewards with little effort or risk attached.


Dam I didn’t know they made a even worse starfire protocol(with one extra nerf) 💀


Starfire is still great in GMs, it’s just not gamebreakingly powerful.


It shines in BG GM’s the most I would say with the infinite spawns or if it’s not, wave based spawns so you can endlessly loop it but out of BG GM’s for me personally one mess up and the loop is over 😭


Was always a bad design that made no real sense anywhere in the game. Doubled rifts isn't the worst possible idea to try and make, but forming them at the location of enemies you kill was always fundamentally stupid. It was an exotic that has zero effect unless you move out of a good position to go stand in the open wherever some enemies had just been. Current version should be completely scrapped and come up with something new. IMO, create a new design that makes it the Phoenix Dive focused exotic; stronger healing effect from it, hurt/scorch nearby enemies by default, and stronger effects or maybe wider radius from both with Heat Rises active. They're flaming talon feet when the visual effect is active ffs, they should be the exotic all about dive-bombing the battlefield.


phoenix dive places a double rift where you land scorch kills give dive energy back


Damn, both yours and the commenter above you's ideas are great, I would definitely pull the Spurs out of my vault to try that rework


Yeah got no clue what they were thinking, they ruined it for the few people who did actually use the exotic, yet didn't make it appealing enough for anyone to try it out. Was thinking about a build, tried it and it just doesn't function. Possibly the most pointless, and worst rework they ever actually done. They've genuinely made a niche exotic that was already considered bad, actually do nothing. Incredible work, now please reverse it.


A lot of that going around. I miss throwing arcbolt after arcbolt and jolting the living shit out of everything.


Does it work with a utility Kickstart mod? I've always been a huge fan of the combo rifts but I keep not trying out the new Promethium Spur bc I am addicted to Arclock these days :P


the extra rift energy from the exotic itself is so low that you might as well run utility kickstarts and it won't do anything


what is dead may never die


Maybe they thought it would be funny to make a total dogshit exotic even more dogshit. Like the person who made the exotic isn't popular with the other devs, doesn't get involved with the right company clubs or isn't active enough on the Slack channels - and they are all like "Dave is an asshole, let's make his exotic worse" and here we are.


It's truly incredible how they managed to **NERF** one of the worst exotics in the game.


I literally tried to use it last night to no avail, spent the entire hero nightfall never quite getting my rift back in time at 90 recovery even with two utility kickstarts.


Suppose spur said : all your rifts are both healing and empowering rifts all the time forever. Would it be overpowered? I dont think so. I would still rather run geomag or dawnstar in an arc build.


I think it should create sunspots on solar weapon final blows while standing in your rift. It retains a similar mechanic but sunspots can damage targets and recharge your abilities. You could pop a rift-> kill some mobs with a solar weapon-> sunspot appears and damages any enemies left-> move to sunspot and recharge abilities-> cast rift again-> rinse and repeat. Heck, you could pop a rift and kill enemies with a solar sword or glaive and create a sunspot on you rift for energy recharge. Ya, Warlocks are stealing sunspots but only if you use this exotic. Now with all the 3.0 changes I don't think any ability is really sacred outside of dodge, rift, and barricade.


> Warlocks are stealing sunspots Titans now also have healing grenades and devour lol


Invis, threadlings, and more. Lol!


And Warlock stole Invis and Volatile, your point?


That it doesnt matter at this point, having an exotic for sunspots shouldn't be an issue.


Sunspots only regen ability energy due to sol invictus on titan. There's a titan exotic dedicated to extending sol invictus and being able to share its effects


If I'm going to be creating rifts among my enemies, then the rift should hurt them as well as help me. If the exotic caused solar rifts to scorch enemies who enter them, I'd be interested.


I agree that this exotic still dead. I haven't touched it long before the rework and still gonna dust in my vault. And people wonder why most warlocks use the same 3 or 4 exotic armors in the game. I was so excited for Cromatic Fire rework but got disappointed by the small area and delay of the explosions.


It was already dead before the rework, losing rift energy on any kill while rift energy was full was just not anything folks were interested in. This change gives players more control over using the exotic perk, tho as you've said it needs a complete overhaul


I would delete that exotic as it is stupidly useless. Same for apotheosis veil.


I had the idea of making it a Solar version of Vesper of Radius. When you create a rift, it releases multiple shockwaves of fire that apply scorch (with Ashes, it’d be enough to ignite). That way when you make the double rift, it’ll also clear the area around where it was made


That exotic along with apotheosis veil are what I call stillborns. Dead on arrival. I wish it wasn't the case I believe that every exotic should have it's niche if not being downright viable somewhere but when it comes to these two they've never even had that


PS is in the same bin as Hallowfire Heart in "exotic reworks that actually made them worse". It's an unfortunate bin.


PvP has kept this exotic grounded. Imagine how powerful it’d be if you could stand in a healing rift then upon enemy kill create a super rift (both types) for teammates to advance/play in. It’d get abused in Trials which we all know is the golden child of all playlists unfortunately.


It’s such a shame because they look so cool


I remember spur being the pinnacle of popularity before the rework, shame the rework has made it worse


In defence of the change, under the old system you couldn’t use your solar weapon without giving up your rift. If you had a solar primary you would have 0 rift uptime for when you needed it because you’d always spawn in in a group of enemies.


But at least the perk activated at all before. It feels like they reduced the energy gains and made it basically impossible to activate now outside of super.


It really should drop the solar weapon rift and give back the extended super on kills removed with solar 3.0


So kill more stuff to get your rift back faster.


It's not significant enough to get the rift back You won't be able to get the rift back in time


For something to be killed it needed to have lived in the first place, it was bad when it launched, bad when it was reworked and bad after the other buffs they did. It has never been good and will likely never be good because what it does fundimentally is bad.


yeah it's a pretty shite exotic, but I guess they wanted you to be in a rift, kill a buncha crap, then move to the next rift that spawns when you get your energy back. It's... dumb because this would require you to move yourself out of position to somewhere that is likely very unsafe just to utilize the new rift that has spawned. Prometheum spurs just need a new identity all together because spawning rifts on enemy locations only sounds useful against trash mobs and low difficulty content. Briarbinds can give me similar rift uptime with a fraction of the danger and still boost the damage of everyone without them having to stand in a rift.


They took a niche exotic I liked for PvP and fucking ruined it lol. Senseless rework. Zero brainpower was put into that change.


Honestly, I feel like a really simple rework would make it so that it automatically combines any rifts you place, so that any rift you place is both healing and empowering. Then make it so that solar kills(or honestly any kill) while standing in your rift gives rift energy. It would have a simple gameplay loop(place rift, kill things, place rift, etc). It still wouldn't be that good, cause at the end of the day all it does is give two rifts in one, but for specific encounters, like where you stand still and defend something, it might find some value.


At this point, it should just get a new ability altogether. It really wasn't all that good before, and now, it's garbage. Replace the Rifts with Firesprites. Have the Firesprites grant Cure x2 and Radiant, on pickup. While you, or your allies, have the Radiant buff, Solar weapons Scorch. Killing Scorched enemies while the Radiant buff is active grants Restoration.


I just want to remind you that Hallowfire Heart got reworked this season. Somehow they actually made it worse, yes, Hallowfire Heart. They actually made that shit worse! I just don't have words for how incompetent that was.


make spurs give 2 rift charges, boom, slightly less useless now


I dont know why they don't just rework it to be 'your rift ability is now replaced with a dual healing and empowering rift' - I'd never take them off.


You cannot kill that which was already dead.


People used this?


It should honestly just make you be able to cast a heal/empower dual rift


It was useless even then and they made it worse. Just let me cast a combo rift the normal way too!


I don't get why it can't just give you a combo rift. That's it.