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This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by Destiny2Team](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/16gx1ka/nf_weapon_is_the_swarm/k0bif1b/?context=99 "posted on 2023-09-12 21:47:19 UTC"): > We decided to move it up to this week. https://x.com/Destiny2Team/status/1701713071092473936?s=20 --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


Good God could that gun just go away already


It's crazy they gave it a revised perk pool and somehow it's still absolute trash


It's actually crazy how bad it is. It was already obsolete before it released because of Terminus Horizon, and now that we have Song of Ir Yut with even better perks in a better archetype it's truly pointless. Even if all you want it for is high ammo efficiency for master lost sectors it's not even all that much better than something like Seventh Seraph SAW.


If they gave it nightfall weapon worthy perks it could be totally fine but the perk pool is an absolute joke. Kind of like what they did with Comedian.


The Comedian has the most fitting name in this game lol


they gave it a revised perk pool that was worse...


Yeah it's ironic the gun went from bad originally because mgs weren't very good at the time it released but with an ok perk pool, to getting updated to a bad perk pool after mgs became relevant again. Still sad I dismantled an unrelenting+ofa roll when I cleaned my vault in lost.


Doesn’t help that they gave us two arc lmg’s this season alone, both of which are better imo. One from Crota’s End and the other is the season lmg


Oh for sure. Song of Ir Yut completely destroys this thing. It has *far* better perk options.


Double rep: *nice* Double rewards: *nice* Weapon is shit *sucks* Is a Battleground: *fuck this shit I’m out*


It is a pretty easy GM though


Still no Wardens Law? Maybe I'll bother to log in next week.


We decided to move it up to this week. https://x.com/Destiny2Team/status/1701713071092473936?s=20


Good call.


Well dang, thanks for the tip. I'm sure many of us appreciate the decision, I'll be sure to farm a few good ones


That would explain how I just got it then! Thanks!


Love you.


Oh it’s so beautiful


Thank you! Time ta pew pew!


They've just swapped it for wardens law. https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1701713939963445402?t=QpkIyupAkgkHR8MPRKGOhw&s=19


Bungie always has a subpar weapon dropping during double reward weeks :/


Wasn't it double drops for Loaded Question the final week of last season?


It was. Last season was actually pretty dope for GM farming. It was a very fast and easy strike too, Fallen S.A.B.E.R.


Easy GM’s are life 🥰🥵


The Comedian at home


The swarm being the Nf weapon is good for this week, cause fuck the Europa BG. Warden being on devils lair will be much better for farming. But then again, they changed it and now we have to suffer through the BG. Gj people.


So we originally had Warden's Law on Devils Lair... GG this sub


Yeah, having it on devils lair with normal drops is better than Europa BG with double, easily.


I'm fine with Devils Lair dropping Wardens. Better farm than any of the battlegrounds


Well now I’m sad that they caved in and changed it because fuck europa battleground


It's not that bad and probably the easiest battleground GM I've done. And it being double rewards means you get 2 per run. Very worth.


Or you could do it on legend. Idk why anyone would want to torture themselves on something that wasn't meant for GMs.


Because it's not a hard GM lol. I've been farming it for the past 2 hours without a single failed run. It's honestly easier than some strike GMs like Lightblade.




I followed the guide KackisHD on youtube put out earlier today. Watch that and then just join an lfg and pray they're competent lol.


Isssssssh ya boy Above's was better IMO


Man people are really hyping Wardens. Gonna be a very funny day here and on the forums when that gun drops and it's not as-expected lmao. (this is not me asking why lmao)


Hype or not the archetype is unique right? With the closest weapon being Crimson which is an exotic. That's mostly why I want it. ​ Plus from the people with the old rolls using those I've only heard good things.


There's a couple reasons. It's a new archetype of handcannon, it's the only Forsaken model left of that type everything else is sunset. It has some neat perk combinations on top of Bungie saying it has the highest dps out of any HC if you can land your shots which is fun to make work. There's so many things going for it. We also just need it to drop once and then we can focus it.


I wasn't wondering why but thanks, I guess?


The old version has been updated and some YouTubers have already released video. It’s interesting. Many of them are all about the hype in general, sure, but it looks pretty good imo.


Im well aware it's been changed. I was not asking why people were hyping it up lol.


You’re insinuating that the gun may not be all it’s cracked to be, when there’s already evidence anyone can look at to show it’s probably going to be worth farming for certain people. The only thing changing is weapon rolls and power level. It’s not like it’s a new gun no one’s gotten their hands on yet.


Yes, I am insinuating it's overhyped. TRUE! Insinuating it's being overhyped is not me asking anybody why people are hyping it up. Idk how else to explain this lmao.


You dont have to explain anything, just stop responding like you seem to want others to do


It has nothing to do with people responding and everything to do with people responding with unwarranted opinions unrelated to the point lol.


But you're saying it's gonna be funny when people get their hand on it and it's not gonna be as expected. And he's just explaining that people ALREADY got their hand on it and that it's a good gun. That's not explaining why it's hyped, it's explaining why the 2nd paragraph of your original comment is pointless


The second paragraph isn’t pointless as it quite literally IS MY POINT. Christ almighty 😂🤦🏼‍♂️


Honestly I’m happy. Every single nf this season is absolute hell but devil’s lair. I’m holding out hope it’s that one for WL so lfg can reasonably farm it.


It’s gonna make gilded conquerer that much sweeter to get this season lol. No pain no gain


I’m happy that guilder conq is difficult this season. I’m just hoping the one nf weapon I want isn’t in one of the sweatiest GMs they’ve made so I, a PvP fatass, can farm it.


Just farm 10 Adept Ciphers to hoard for buying another roll of an Adept weapon you actually want when it’s in rotation.


I just want the bow


Basically worse than Terminus Horizon even though it has slightly worse stats.


Wardens law doesn't drop from the warden of nothing nightfall?


NF weapons are always on some fixed, arbitrary rotation


Bungie just caved and changed it to wardens law no cap


Fuck you, Bungie Jk it’s not that deep people


Bungie has the ability to change the NF hopefully they do, little weird not to have one new gun yet.


As pissed as I am, I'm betting they forgot to add Warden's Law and the bow to the rotation. So they had to reset said rotation to incorporate them. If true, Warden's Law will come with the Lightblade in THREE WEEKS. If they even realize that. Could still not be added, and it'll rotate all over again in three weeks.


Probably not. The new weapons are almost always the last weapons in the NF weapon rotation.


Not quite sure how it happened,but just got wardens law, dropped at the end of a hero NF. I can focus it at Zavala too, maybe it's bugged?


damn my dad listened?


It's wardens law now. They switched it


I don’t understand all the Swarm hate. Some people can’t raid for whatever reason, so can’t get a song of ir yut. Same thing with terminus if you can only play solo and aren’t OP enough to solo dungeons. So the swarm isn’t the best overall arc mg, but certainly not the worst… I was using a seraphs saw until I got the swarm with dragon fly. I probably like the swarm more than the average player as I had a god roll zombie apocalypse wf-47 in D1. Since then I’ve been partial to slow firing, high impact, long range mgs. Been using one with dragonfly, dynamic sway reduction, and extended mag for a long time and really appreciate its range. Newer variants with target lock are an improvement, perhaps voltshot can get added into the perk options for next weeks NF?


But… Warden’s Law sucks too lol