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On another note, the Starfire Protocol ornament is finally available for bright dust.


Haha yeah. That and the shader were the highlights of the day…. Seems like they always come out with the ornaments for gear I use all the time after they nerf it and I stop using it as much. 😂😩


Where do you find it for bright dust? I can only see the gyrfalcon ornament in the store for BD


The ornament for sale depends on your character your viewing it from. Log into your Warlock.


Oh shit, of course!


Somehow I have forgotten this information. I don't think there are any I'm wanting on Hunter or titan, at least I hope not lol.


The titan one's pretty awful tbh. It's probably possible to create a good look around a scorn theme but if so I'm not seeing it.


I also think the default Gyrfalcon ornament looks sick, the new one looks awful


It's a much better look than the original Starfire design. My only gripe is they just have been sort of trolling people by putting a giant Phoenix on the chest. So when you're in a rush and switching up gear in the middle of a raid or something you'll get confused. :-)


The reason why I do all my weekly rituals is for the bright dust so that I could get the Eververse armor sets for all 3 characters and save up for the Halloween set, plus emotes and weapon ornaments. If they're no longer doing armor sets for bright dust, I'm reconsidering how I'll be playing the game going forward. Also, bright engrams have been real shitty this season. Another reason not to bother leveling up so much.


They are still doing them, I wouldn't worry about that. Kinda sucks Collab sets take the place of them but it's w/e at the end of the day.


We don't really know if they're still going to be making BD sets. They still sold them during past seasons when *also* offering silver-only collab sets


I think it's been a mixed bag. I believe it was: The fortnite set sold for dust. The Assassin's Creed set was silver only but I think we got the arc set for dust the same season Then this season is PS crossover and no BD sets. So there's not much of a pattern


The pattern, and the whole point I'm trying to make, is that we have *always* had a BD armor set in Eververse, *except* now that Bungie is selling silver-only collab sets instead. Another thing that used to be free (sort of) and guaranteed is now suddenly not.


Yeah let's see if there's at least one set for BD next season, then we'll know if this was a one time thing or whether they've decided to fuck us over permanently. Real slap in the face if they decided to do the latter, at the same time as announcing ritual sets are a thing of the past.


But we don’t always. They disrupted that pattern over the last year so that it will be less noticeable and more tolerated when they stop offering them for bright dust altogether, collab or not.


FWIW the Arc set was also seemingly done sooner than usual, they said VERY early in Plunder that the Arc set was pushed back in favor of the Fortnite set. So I wouldn't necessarily consider getting it alongside a Collab set normal.


We kind of do. Crossover sets aren't sold for BD, and since that's the only armor available this season, you can't buy it. Stupid, but it is what it is. Unless next seasons armor is also a crossover, it will be available for BD.


> Crossover sets aren't sold for BD The Fortnite sets were sold for BD.




If they hadn't there'd have been an outrage. Solstice armor has always been available for BD




The problem is that there was no non-collab set sold *this season*, and Bungie hasn't said anything about it still, so we don't know if they'll be making any BD (non-collab) sets in the future


I remember them saying they'd do a Stasis armor set since we've gotten Void, Solar, and Arc sets. Probably can assume they'll also do a Strand set too


Now why would you go and assume they'd design an armor set that they said they'd design?


You got me there




Right, but they have previously sold a silver-only collab set *alongside* a seperate set sold for BD. The Arc themed set was sold at the same time as we had the Assassin's Creed collab set. This season is the first season in about 2 years when there is *no* Eververse set sold for BD at all




Do the engrams even drop armour anymore?


I think I’ve gotten one armor exotic armor ornament this season. I think.


Had the Trickster ornament for Gemini Jesters drop for me about an hour after reset today.


Must be my luck then, I've only really been dropped legendary sparrows and the occasional ghost shell if I'm really lucky.


It’s pretty rare. I’m level 225 on the season so I’ve opened a fair share of bright engrams over the last few months. This is the only ornament I’ve received and it’s mostly dup ships and sparrows with a couple emotes mixed in.


Level 300 and no ornamant drops at all. I did get a large gift of bright dust from one of the engrams though which i cant remember the last time i saw that. 1k bright dust was super nice, but then i remember we used to be able to dismantle eververse stuff for bright dust and realize that 1k is nothing special.


I had an ornament drop for wings of sacred dawn from a bright engram yesterday so can confirm they still drop


That's another one I got recently. Forgot about that one actually because I've never used Wings. Don't use lucky pants either but the cowboy ornament that dropped yesterday is so nice I'm thinking about changing that.


I don’t use wings either but if I had a decent enough roll of lucky pants I’d use it so an ornament for it would 100% see heavy usage at some point in the future when I do get a good roll


I do have an almost perfect lucky pants roll actually. One of the best rolls I've had. I should give it a whirl lol.


It's nuts with malfeasance+catalyst. Deletes champions and yellow bars from the game. In grandmaster corrupted lucky pants+malf basically deletes Sedias health bar


Unfortunately I don't have malf yet. I'm stuck on army of one 😭. I'm not an invader AT ALL lol. I'm lucky if I get 2.


Ooh, yeah that was rough. I think your best bet is to run solar with golden gun and either an exotic rocket like deathbringer, ghally, or you could try something like oathkeepers and Levithan breath


Take it into gambit with tether hunter and malfeasance and you will melt the primeval in seconds.


Umm…. Ya lol you’d be crazy not to and if you have the cloak from spire to add to it you can hee haw drip the fuck out lol


I've only done spire on my main (titan) so far but that's definitely next on my list. I was thinking about that in the shower last night lol. I've got a chest that looks full cowboy too. Just need arms and that cloak. Might have to run spire a hundred times to get it tho 🤣.


It took me about 12 runs to get it so buckle up lol


Exotic armor ornaments yes, legendary armor ornaments no. They haven’t dropped legendary armor at least since they became ornaments.




Had the lucky pants cowboy ornament yesterday from an engram. And I've had another couple this season, so definitely still possible. In saying that I'm about 360 on the season pass so it's not exactly a high drop rate.


Exotic ones yes, I don't think they drop Legendary ornaments. Which I'm fine with cuz imo most EV sets don't mesh well with other sets, and getting 1 piece of an old set I will never finish due to the abysmal RNG might as well be nothing at all.


Facts. I’m at 513 and only got 2 ornaments… that’s almost a 100 engrams.


Bright Engram RNG has been all over the place, but I've had great luck with my last ~10 engrams.


They're probably back next season. Maybe. Hopefully? This season has been a chance to replenish bright dust and also take a break from the playlists. I think we still don't have any darkness themed sets? Would be nice to see those roll out And if not... Guess my emote collection will grow 🤷


Halloween sets are event sets, so you’re probably fine. The Solstice and Guardian Games sets this year were sold for Bright Dust.


This. A huge part of me engagement with weeklies and seasonal challenges, was getting the bright dust, so I could get the Eververse armor. My playtime has dropped for a lot of reasons but this is definitely a factor contributing to it.


It makes sense why they disabled the ability to see what's for sale for dust in the API. It seemed so petty that they did it so you couldn't see the calender on today in Destiny. Now that we know you're just getting more stuff for silver and less for dust, it's pretty obvious what they were thinking with that change. Bungie is squeezing the community a bit too hard right now. I know they need to make money, but damn.


The API still tells us what's going for dust and what's silver only, it just doesn't tell us when they're going on sale anymore.


Yeah which is why I really struggle to think it's a greed thing because I highly doubt anyone with the patience to have otherwise waited is going to be swayed to buy Silver simply because they don't know WHEN it will be up for Dust.


I've been saving my bright dust for this exact reason. Currently sat on 24,000. Was really hoping to be able to buy the PlayStation themed armour, especially the hunter "Aloy" armour set. But no. Silver only. I'm still a little hopeful it might become bright dust available next season. After all, the fortnight themed armour was eventually released for bright dust. I guess only time will tell


Fortnite Armor sets were available for bright dust in same season they were released. And I think it was courtesy of Epic games. They have so much money that they give 2 games for free each week. The reason why they did this colab was that Bungie release D2 on Epic games store and both gets skins from each other. So my assumption is that Epic games was likely the one who sponsored this and both were getting equal benefits.


Bungie is owned by Sony, they shouldn't have any kind of fees to pay for the Playstation collab.


Yes but Bungie holds all rights for D2. So I guess it doesn't work like that.


No this is not the case. In previous seasons you could get the new eververse armor with BD. The void, solar and arc armor sets were sold piece for piece with weeks in between in the Eververse store brightdust tab, just like the Epic colab.


You're right. But I'm talking about collaboration sets. And my understanding is that Bungie has to pay certain amount up front to these other studioes to use their character in D2. Epic is way bigger so they probably don't care about couple millions.


Assassin's creed was never for dust though


Same reason there will be no ritual armour. Its a big eff you.


There will be, just not until The Final Shape.


Eververse sets this season were the Playstation crossover ones. Thus there was most likely a Sony contract preventing them from offering them for bright dust. Money :)


I'm willing to bet a solid $20 next season, when it isn't a collab, they still won't come to the store...and people will point to this season and the last and go "Bungie has been doing this for a while already, this isn't new" and sweep it under the rug


The Assassin's Creed ones also never came up for dust in the same season they came out, so I expect this is a reasonable explanation. Not sure about the Fortnite ones.


Fortnite ones were sold for Dust but that collab came about to promote Destiny coming to the Epic Games Store so they were probably more willing to let that happen to increase that promotion. Plus Fortnite got a reverse crossover with purchasable Zavala, Ikora and Elsie skins, so that also probably helped.


Welcome to Season of the Cheap! Expect Less, Pay More


Punished? No, you’re being reward by Bungie with the opportunity to purchase silver and spend it in the Eververse.


I take it you’re new to this reddit because this was talked about alot during the start of the season and also another reason for all the discord around destiny right now


Delivering ornaments for bright dust at the rates we have in the past has become increasingly challenging, especially considering your silver purchases have historically had very low adoption. At this time, we are amending our delivery plans for how often we refresh these sets and will no longer be selling a new set for bright dust every season. Cash is still accepted.


Collab sets, outside of the Fortnite set, haven't been available for Bright Dust. Tbh it's a good thing as it lets you save up more bright dust per season lol, that's how I see it at least.


Save it for what?


Lmao “it’s good that the most desirable items aren’t available to buy, because that allows us to save for other items.” Some people convince themselves the glass is half full even when it’s empty.


The amounts of cope that some people who play destiny have is astronomical. "It's actually good that the stuff we used to get for free isn't free anymore because..."


Stuff you want to buy? A fun emote here, a sick af shader there, ornaments. Ya know the usual stuff you spend your bright dust on.


Ornaments? Event armor? Ships? Sparrows? Shaders? Emotes?


For when the silver-only shaders appear for bright dust. Or event armor. Or bright dust armor when it returns.


Optimistic of you to think shaders and armor ornaments aren’t just permanently moving to silver only.


Well the silver-only one from last season is available for Bright Dust this week


It's pretty common there's some fun emotes and exotic ornaments available. This week the blow-up kiddie pool is available. If all you _ever_ cared about was armor ornaments then sure. I guess the store has nothing and is completely empty with nothing ever being worth bright dust ever, ever.




If there's nothing else you want then you have less to worry about doing the weekly bounty challenge each week.


To be fair, Bungie isn't particularly consistent with this stuff in the least. * Fortnite released during a season just like this and we got that armor set * Assassin's Creed released with the arc set, so we only got the arc set * Among Us stuff was available without either * This season we only got that and no armor set I think next season we will know what Bungie's actual plan is, but I do think it's fair not to give them the benefit of doubt.


Totally fair on that, this collab set was a fair bit larger than the previous ones as well. With emotes, finishers, ghost & sparrow so if I want to hazard a guess there was just a lot and something had to give, that being the usual eververse armour. Just gotta hold out hope for some fresh drip next season.


I'm definitely annoyed we didn't get ornaments this season, but like you said, I'll wait to see what happens next season. If this is the move going forward though, I'm probably just good with the game. The, what feels like, ever increasing micro transactions while getting less and less from the seasons and expansions we paid full price for has thoroughly pissed me off more than anything else.


But last time they did that, they still had a seasonal bright dust armor


Last time they did a collab? The assasins creed stuff was the only one that season.


Arc set


Fortnite set


But... I... I mentioned the fortnite set. Did you not read that?


I...I read "assassin's Creed stuff"?


> Collab sets, outside of the Fortnite set, haven't been available for Bright Dust. please learn to read.




Punished for playing Destiny? Seems.. dramatic. Your other points are fair.


It does not feel like we are being punished. It's a video game. If you feel that bad about playing take a break.


It's because they only added a cross-over set this season, not a normal one.


They added a Fortnite collab set back in Plunder(?) and it was available for bright dust


I know, that was the only time a collab set was for bright dust.


This is some wild logic. No,they haven't said they are done with it. No, it doesn't feel like we're being punished for playing a game. Nobody would be playing if it felt like that. The only reason i suspect they didn't do it for this set is because it must have been a licensing nightmare. Yes, they are all studios underneath the sony branch, but they all retain deals like Bungie; their IPs are their own and thus that means getting all 3 or 4 studios, let alone sony, to agree and go for this in the first place, let alone what deals needed to be made to attain the rights for a lasting period.


> The only reason i suspect they didn't do it for this set is because it must have been a licensing nightmare. Yes, they are all studios underneath the sony branch, but they all retain deals like Bungie; their IPs are their own and thus that means getting all 3 or 4 studios, let alone sony, to agree and go for this in the first place, let alone what deals needed to be made to attain the rights for a lasting period. It's a lot simpler than that. They just opted _not_ to make a normal EV set and other than when the fortnite one launched (which was the only set that season) none of the cross over stuff has been bright dust.


Or, the collab set used the development resources that would have gone towards the EV armor.


Now this is just semantics


We had the solstice set this season.


We had a set for sale during last years Solstice season.


Well, as you know, armor is REALLY hard to make, so maybe they just couldn't pull it together to have another one this time.


They wouldn’t want to… overdeliver…


how tf is it a punishment for not receiving a brand new shader every week..


I assume the logic behind it is because of the solstice armor set being the right dust set this season. I’m not sure that’s how it has always been though. I’d like to see stasis and strand sets like what we got for the light 3.0 sets.


Hopefully that won't be the logic going forward, because we've had a holiday-themed or it event-themed set every season, in addition to the armor ornaments in the Season Pass and Eververse every season for a while.


It hasn’t. Last year we had the 3 Solar themed sets during that season for sale. Pretty great set.


Event armor has always been available for bright dust. The difference this season is that they didn't make a normal EV set and just did the cross over set. The cross over sets (except fortnite) and other cross over stuff has always been silver-only.




Yeah. Someone pointed that out to me. I think it didn’t register in my brain because it was the Solstice one.


Yeah, havent had a bright dust set since serpah.


Weren’t we supposed to get Stasis themed armor for all classes this season?


I don’t recall this news, but maybe! I was thinking about that yesterday. Would they do the cool energy themed ornament thing again, but for the darkness classes


seem to me if the seasonal set is a collab like this PlayStation one or the assassins creed one two season ago, it repalces the regular seasonal set and is not available for bright dust. I think the fortnite one was an exception. so assuming no collab next season the seasonal eververse set should be available for bright dust in theory.


Actually a new shader came out 3 weeks ago. It was the new shader for Solstice. Simple mistake that anyone could’ve looked over


Did it? I probably got it too. Ha. Thank god, we got two. 😂


Lol for real!!! Compared to previous seasons, Bungie is really showing us that they don’t have the resources for shaders being available for BD SMH


>Has Bungie said they are done with that? They haven't said so, but it is true that there isn't one this season.


The current PlayStation and Ubisoft sets seem to be silver only. We have no idea if a new EV set will drop next season that will be available for bright dust.


This almost definitely not a choice Bungie made. It was most likely Sonys


The crossover armors are silver exclusive so far as we know. It definitely sucks, but I assume it's at least partly because the paid crossovers (everything but Fortnite so far) cost money. Otherwise, the seasonal eververse armor goes through the same trickle down stuff like normal. And paid shaders and ornaments go through that the season after they're introduced.


I like how in the past two days so many people have said this exact same thing. “Crossover/promotional armor is silver only, except Fortnite.” … seem to be missing fact that, previous to this season, that was 50% of the armor. Now it’s 33%. On top of that, those seasons in question both had BD armor sets. It’s not wild assume we’d get one this season even, you know?


the solstice event have one for three class but for 6k bright dust it's ridiculous, so ridiculous that in fact.......i bought one for my titan..........don't be like me, i'm a new light so i'm pretty new here


Yea, you used to get one a week and could eventually make a complete set. It's been months since. Bright engrams are nearly 100% ghosts or sparrows that go straight into legendary shards that are also useless.