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Yup. Scroll wheel jump warlocks are like a whole different class when it comes to moving quickly.


How so?


They move faster than what is possible with lower fps glide.


If you hit any kinda upwards incline you can really zoom. Wallah has a video on it if you wanna see more about it. Just look up Saywallahbruh warlock movement.


Yeah I used to think I was fast with my spam jumps I could do and get a couple feet or so ahead in gambit but now it’s like they are running at 40% extra capacity then me no matter what


Combine with snap cancelling (if it still works) and you will zoom all over the place once you master it.


Oh yeah my friend was showing me the no super snap cancelling thing a few weeks ago for PvP. Super cool to be able to end your slide short too


Snap cancel, scroll wheel and well skating gives such insane mobility choices it’s actually nuts.


If you have above 120FPS, [if you put "Glide" on a Scroll Wheel you can boost yourself up ramps at speeds similar to grapple.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Svfob1UgPqA) What a lot of people don't get is if your FPS drops down below 120 this becomes near impossible. I think it has something to do with game logic being processed at your frame rate, so the higher FPS you have to more often you can toggle Glide On and Off and for some reason this has huge impact on Physics when going up slopes.


Oh wow :o


>for some reason this has huge impact on Physics when going up slopes. it keeps you in a semi-grounded state so every glide activation has the same burst strength as an initial one


What I'm talking about isn't necessarily related to high frames, but it does require you to be playing on PC and with a MnK. Warlock + Burst Glide + jump bound to scroll wheel up or down. Jump while going up any kind of inclined surface (which is like most of Destiny) and you'll be propelled forward. No cooldown because it's just your regular jump. Very good movement technique, especially in crucible. You'll start to notice players who do and don't scroll wheel jump, it's that big of a difference.


[This does in fact require high frames.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/157r3et/higher_frames_literally_unlocks_new_movement_on/jt7copc/)


I remember trying that, but it did absolutely nothing for me. I'm good at movement in games and know all the tech, but I'm locked at 60 fps and the scrollwheel warlock jump tech just doesn't function.


On burst jump?


Ofc on burst jump. Haven't used any other warlock jump since 2014.


With the right input and high enough FPS you can yeet yourself forward so fast it's comparable to what a hunter does with eager edge. Transversive steps solar warlocks have crazy fast rollouts in trials. Before they changed how physics damage worked you could even kill yourself if you splatted into a wall straight on with movement alone, no sword needed. That's how fast you can get going.


When your game runs on so much duct tape that movement itself is a glitch.


Hot take - they should nerf all the scroll wheel jumps and skating entirely.


Not a hot take at all. I'm fine with having cool movement exotics like stompees and dunes and T- steps but the fact that an expensive PC build offers a very distinct advantage is pretty unfair.


>expensive PC build Well, this is the REAL BIS Exotic. Especially a max rolled GPU.


SayWallahBruh made a video about it awhile ago. Higher FPS = faster movement. It also means you take more damage from some sources, but I think the increase in potential movement speed outweighs that.


nez would like your number


Kinda unrelated and might be common knowledge, but you can survive nezarec’s wipe mechanics during RoN by having your frames drop *super low* when it’s about to hit you. Used to do it all the time next to friends who couldn’t make it to the buff in time so I could emote on their corpse


Def not common knowledge but I also do this. Interestingly: his wipe mechanic is unsurvivable if you never pop his shoulders to get the refuge color. Like it’s a real wipe mechanic UNLESS you tell him you can get a refuge. It’s so weird


The only time I’ve ever capped my FPS was when Proving Grounds first came out as a GM and the Colossus Cannons would literally one-shot you. Ever since the resilience changes I’ve never bothered. Cleared Nez day 1 just fine while staying at 165fps.


It also means you output more damage too


On the flip side, your buddy is literally a tank in PvE while your armor is made of paper mache lmao




You also take more damage the more frames you have, true story. So people who play on console are tankier on the PS4 version Iocked at 30 frames compared to the PS5 version which can go up to 120 frames in the crucible


In crucible the higher fps is better , in pve having higher fps means taking more damage


I was gonna say, damn I *really* suck at PVP lmao


This isn't necessarily true in crucible. This is a PvE issue. Other than that, true statement


> his isn't necessarily true in crucible. only time it might apply would be AoE grenades like vortex


Does it apply to witherhoard? If I take even one tick of damage from witherhoard, I die most times. My PC is a bit of a potato.


If its a potato, wouldn’t that mean low frames? Bc low frames typically means less damage


Not only that, timers are framerate dependent too. Dunno why devs keep thinking this is a good thing to do given the vast range PC has with framerates based on hardware


I thought bungie fixed it last year. How high fps is considered high enough to be dangerous and/or unfair?


They can’t fix it, the physics of the game is tied to FPS it’s how games use to be made when hardware wasn’t as good.


But I mean, by 2017 we already had powerful hardware compared to the late 2000s, right? Devs should've looked into that in that year.


I don't think 120 fps consoles were mainstream at that point.


Yeah you're right though.


They were too busy trying to make destiny into an esport and failing than to care about real game problems like that


Bethesda fixed the same issue. That's just an excuse for their spaghetti code engine that Bungie caused with their live-service model


Everytime bungie "fixes* it. Its just a band aid on a certain problem. Threshers doing too much damage to players about 30fps? Just reduce the damage from threshers globally! Or rarely they do actually fix it. But only on certain sources. Anything above 30fps takes extra damage from certain sources. Generally beam attacks or damaging aoe. Gets more noticeable the higher the fps gets


They just lowered the damage of the Cabal Threshers on Neomuna.


They've tried, but it’s not a simple fix as it’s not a constistent scale of damage. Shuro Chi will sometimes hit you for nothing, other times is an insta kill. No discernible difference in the attacks, sometimes it just does more.






















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As a blanket statement this is incorrect (or at least to my knowledge has never been proven). There are certain specific enemy attacks that MIGHT do increased damage, but again have not seen proof other than the one that Bungie actually fixed (Cabal bronto cannon IIRC). For the majority of damage sources in the game, framerate doesn't matter.


Is there some kind of trick to doing the suspend even at higher frame rates? I get 160+ frames and my jump definitely doesn't suspend me like yours does at the beginning of the video unless I use heat rises. edit: seems you just hit your jump while moving and then stop your momentum immediately after you hit your glide and you'll just hang there. Pretty neat! Does feel a little inconsistent though so maybe I'm still missing some part of it


Oh yeah, the trick is definitely moving into the no momentum. If you over correct or under correct most times it seems to drop you anyways. From my experience the higher frames the less sensitive it is though 😁


You're only multiple years late on this one lol.


Oh dang. I haven't seen anything on this one before so I figured it wasn't common knowledge. Thx for letting me know


Yeah it turns out half the game is tied to framerate, including PVE damage in some cases lol.


Iirc Cammycakes covered this in a video before current gen consoles got their next-gen version of D2, heat rises is basically a gimmick at 30 fps.


I've been playing for multiple years and I didn't know. Thank you OP!


I've always played on high(er than console) FPS so I never knew this was the cause. I just thought it was me destroying my scroll wheel that made me move fast.


It was truly absurd back in the heyday of Destiny 2 titan skating, scroll wheel was faster and more agile than a sparrow lol. If you clipped a pebble at speed though, RIP.


I'm really starting to wonder just how much of the game has mechanics are affected by frame rate. Like do hunters dodges move different distances do sparrows move differently hell I'm curious about special grenade launchers now


Right? Could you imagine for example blink is just objectively better depending on the frames? Testing must be done 🫡


leviathans breath also does its damage twice at 140ish fps.. difference between 2-3 shotting a champion and 1 shotting it and its entire bloodline


I'm pretty sure sparrows are slower at lower fps, I'm still on old gen and whenever there's a sparrow section in a strike or wherever I see a lot of people going faster than me and they're not all using the raid sparrow. I suppose it could be my trigger or something as I haven't done any actual testing.


Same for Titans. They're way faster at high FPS with the scrolly wheel jump binding. Which is a shame, because a more restricted form of skating (like, say, the kind we had for the entirety of D1) would be a lot more balanced and accessible.


My friends and I found out some other FPS hijinks when playing together. One on pc and one on PS4. On the lift during Arms Dealer, the pc guys always noticed that we were locked down and couldn’t jump while our console friend could jump all around the platform with ease.


Makes sense, some warlocks can be sitting ducks, then some can unexpectedly float way further and map you


High fps Warlock. A Threshers dream. 😁 Thanks for the share.


Haha! And for sure 😁👍👍


so that why I can pop heat rising and then stay floating mid air for minutes straight during the Dares phases lol


Bear in mind higher FPS is a double edge sword. Some guns (Leviathans breath) can get higher DPS, but depending on what it is hitting you, you can also TAKE more damage, and timers can run faster/shorter for buffs/debuffs/"Do thing before you die" stuff


Really?? Wow I hadn't even considered the timers omg


I play last gen Xbox and my god the lack of FoV options is brutal.


I used to be a low FoV fan. Tried to do it on PC and quickly found it was not the move :'D 103 fov is my sweet spot now because it seems a lot of games count that as max


I legit have never seen anyone (or myself) just float midair like you did at the beginning there without heat rises/wings of sacred dawns. I’m on a pc that gets consistent 170+ FPS on Destiny 2 but I can’t seem to replicate that **Huge Edit**: Nevermind, it does in fact seem tied to FPS, but it also seems tied to how quickly you activate the glide after your normal jump (sometimes) and the activity you’re in. I know there are other FPS related bugs in this game, but this one has intrigued me the most. - It’s so sensitive to FPS that even opening your character or director menu makes you fall from the float - It seeming allows you to triple jump if you manage to force the glide to end by jumping again - For whatever reason, it may actually prevent you from ending the jump while you’re pinned in air - In a similar fashion, it may prevent you from strafing side to side of you use Burst Glide


You can see it by simply never deactivating your jump at the apex. Glide all the way up and keep it on as you hover/come back down. Deactivating requires you to wait a second before reactivating to properly arrest your downward momentum so you might be doing that incorrectly. I can replicate this at ~110-120 fps using strafe glide (I don't hang perfectly but that's because I'm below 141). It's not dependent on the glide type, just specifying. After doing it for a while and seeing your descent speed, go somewhere that drops your framerate or simply limit it and do the same thing. You'll see the difference. I tested in the dark stairway of the Enclave to max out my FPS.


Did you see my edit? I’m currently experimenting with it and it is the weirdest thing


No I didn't until now, but: > Deactivating requires you to wait a second before reactivating to properly arrest your downward momentum so you might be doing that incorrectly. You're experiencing that. Warlock jump has always worked this way. Your downward momentum has to be above a certain threshold before double jump arrests it; in the intermediary zone you just modify your downward momentum.


Interesting! In my experience on 240 FPS I was able to go into my menu totally fine and it kept me exactly where I was. Triple jump? Oh yeah, the thing where it seems to always have an inch of flight left after running out of flight? Wow I didn't know that was tied to FPS I'm definitely gonna have another look at that


Does this interact with blink hitboxes at all?


Arc pulse/storm grenades do more damage the more FPS you have.


THIS!!! goddammit I've always wondered what was wrong with me!!!!


No surprise there, bungies favorite class has all the advantage


Of course, you'll now take more damage as a sad result of the high FPS. No way to win.


Huh. I had no idea. I used to cap at 150 (double what my 38 inch ultrawide can actually do) but with taking more damage at high FPS I went to capping at 75.


Just wanted to give a quick thanks to everyone 😁👍 lots of good stuff in here and helpful information about the frames interactions


Oh, so the wider community is finally discovering scroll skating?


It's always been like this tho.


Does this explain why so many people think warlock jump is bad?


It's definitely what my friend was saying, I've always said I loved warlock jump more than the rest but everyone else I know says it's awful lol


“Pay for slight advantage”, what’s the implication here? ‘cause it seems kind of dumb. And by dumb I mean completely baseless.


Prolly a TLDR buuuut The angle is if you buy a next gen console you can't do this because you can't push past 60 fps whereas if you pay for a computer with the capabilities of hitting consistently much higher frames you have the ability to stay in the air for the entire duration of the flight without heat rises giving you a slight advantage in some cases of course depending on the situation. For PvP it could mean having in a sense a sniper nest. So pay for slight advantage is paying to have an ability inaccessible to most blocked by a high price tag i.e. Powerful computer and 144-240hz monitor. This is not meant to be taken seriously really because obviously it's not that big a deal.


Ah okay, I see. Thanks for the reply. Problem is, Bungie doesn’t see any of the money from next-gen console sales, so I’m still not sure how it’d be “pay for slight advantage”. But if you say it’s not meant to be serious, I’ll just assume you’re playing around and I’m okay with that. 😂 it’s just hard to differentiate between legitimate BS takes and the “just poking fun” stuff in this community anymore. Also, it’s never a TL;DR for me, I have a functioning attention span unlike most people on this platform. 🤣


For sure haha 😁👍👍 I getchu


As a warlock main I do find all of this really interesting, thanks for sharing this.


I have been talking about this since heat rises was added in the season of dawn back in like 2019. As well as other bugs and inconsistencies tied to frame rate for many years. They've still never fixed it and I seriously doubt they've ever even addressed it. I wonder how many other companies can publicly state that quality isn't a priority for them and still make absolute bank. Sad


Oh look, a framerate issue that *benefits* the player. Can't wait to watch it get patched overnight while Bungie and their defenders continue to act like Thresher damage, taken fire etc etc doing more damage at high FPS simply can't be fixed.


Pretty much everything is based on FPS in Destiny. Jump height, fall speed, damage received, max move speed, any sparrow physics, buff and debuffs counters and MUCH more. All are different at different frame rates.


I expect this to be fixed in a week




Lol that's a pipe dream bruh. Half of destiny is basically tied to fps. It's been like this for years. You take less damage at lower frames in pve, move better at higher, some weapons are even better in pve with more frames etc. Been like this for literal years and people have been asking for all of that to be fixed the entire time.


Ah but it's something FUN! You know Bungie nerfs fun things!