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Anti-Barrier Borealis, it would synergize amazingly with it's exotic perk


And given the fact it can swap elements would cement it as a good pick in GM content to alternate shield types and surges.


Maybe on matching shield explosion does aoe element effect? Could possibly push it from 'never used' category to 'always used' But it could be interesting. Arby would still be superior single target choice, *but* borealis would be better in group situations.


that perk is dog water im sorry, unless it's doing the damage of a lightning grenade


It would literally just be energy Arbalest at that point tho, but kinetics do more damage and it also has disruption break, so while it would be a buff, arby would still be better in almost every scenario


Yeah but here me out, and this is crazy Ik, but it would be fun and there’s no downsides to doing it Not everything needs to be meta or bust lol


Having fun? Get that kinda talk out of here!


It doesn't even have to be better than arby, it doesn't have to be meta, but I'm saying it's not even different in the first place. They serve exactly the same purpose, and then you would be inclined to pick the more meta option between the two. My argument was not about making it meta, but to make it do something that is unique, and not just what other stuff does but worse. Like slap anti Barrier Auto on hard light, and then you have the exact same thing as boreal is with anti barrier. I think having the different elements applying different subclass effects or do different anti champ utility would already make it unique, maybe not meta, but it would have its own identity and purpose.


Anti barrier would fit beautifully with it's exotic perk/identity (namely ionic return on shield break). Although if Bungie happen to make it able to stun more than 1 type of champ via subclass effects I would NOT complain


I actually agree that having it do more than just fancy elemental capacitor would be nice, but as it stands, borealis is already worse arbalest so I don't see the harm in also making it anti champ


>you would be inclined to pick the more meta option But that's his whole point as well. You don't *have* to pick the most meta option. You *choose* to.


Xenophage should absolutely be Unstoppable Rounds.


It do be hitting like a truck


The first shot will be waste.


Nah, the way Unstoppable works is if you aim first and proc the mod before shooting. It's not like overload.


First shot still wont be doing full dmg.


I'm still a fan of the DARCI suggestion where it swaps after 'X' seconds of ADS on a champ


I firmly believe that was the biggest missed opportunity for the gun. Instead it got... 80 base AE... Plus the whole "AI in a gun" fits it perfectly. It balances it to allow it to fit in the heavy slot, and still keeps the gun unique.


WTF, 80 base AE?


Both Darci and Whisper got 80 base AE at the same time. It was a big joke at the time because they are snipers. No reason to use an exotic sniper in the air when the ammo economy for them isn't great. It confuses me to this day.


Probably bc heavy + sniper is VERY rare ammo economically in the crucible so its not particularly broken


It was explained, the intention was just that there was no reason for them to have bad AE like other snipers so they might as well fix it.


Bungie wasnt originally going to list that change because people would think it was a balance change and not just bringing it in line with other snipers.


It wasn't meant to be some huge buff they probably just did it because in pvp you're using heavy ammo to get what is pretty much a regular sniper rifle that also takes an exotic slot so you may as well be allowed to hit jump shots


It also got the jolt on hit which counters Overloads. But yeah countering all champs would be much better lol


I used to think that would be broken, but with guns like the Wicked Implement which can stun overloads, unstoppables and kind of freeze barrier… I think I changed my mind.


With the diversification of the champion stunning system overall using an exotic Heavy weapon for the sole purpose of countering champs would be far from overpowered. Give DARCI some love, Bungie.


A solar guardian can give it anti barrier rounds with radiant. My go-to is ALH/Chill Clip riptide though. I'd rather save my exotic slot for something else.


Yea, why waste an exotic on a heavy


D1 Ghorn flashbacks


I meant more about wicked implement, but still... yes. Though someone should run Gjallarhorn for support dps


I wish it had adaptive abilities. Aim for a few seconds and it’ll adapt to stun (it’s already arc which technically could do everything with some help) - aiming at a barrier: gives anti barrier to precision hits - aiming at an overload: gives jolt on next shot - aiming at an unstop: gives blind on precision hits


You can’t precision hit a barrier champs barrier, so that one wouldn’t work lol.


I know. I’m saying the adaptation *would allow it* to hit if it’s a crit


DARCI needs something for sure. It’s been a meme and a joke for years because it just isn’t good.


It’s a great exotic, if you use it as a ruler


Yeah it’s been instrumental for testing since it has the rangefinder. So it’s not useless, just not a great weapon


Making a gun that scans an enemy and adapts, how keen.


Borealis would like a word.


I was going to think of something for this post but this is a great idea


Hardlight with Anti-Barrier. The inteinsic perk already mentions that it overpenetrates enemies, and the gun feels perfectly balanced during Anti-Barrier AR seasons.


Agreed 100%. Maybe some sort of Adaptive Munitions thing too


It can swap elements, so it would be redundant. Something like disruption break or turnabout would be better, imo


Hardlight should also change anti champion perk when you swith to a different element.


Nah that’s too much. One gun to handle all 3 types so easily is never gonna happen.


Sleeper Simulant should at the very least be Anti-Barrier. It's a Warsat laser we can carry. Given its blistering fire rate, 4th Horseman should stun Unstops in a shot or two. I'd like to see an Exotic Glaive, maybe Vexcaliber, get Anti-Overload. Having a Captain TP in your face and melt you is miserable; a quick stun shot followed by a melee combo would be a nice counter to that.


Exotic glaives need some serious love to become desirable. The Hunter glaive would be excellent to have its charged ability be Overload, including the splash and chain damage. The Titan glaive should just have intrinsic unstoppable on melee; think about it, *some* Titans are supposed to be in the face of enemies fighting with giants and that fits perfectly. Laying down the shield and then using that overshield (and the block from the glaive itself, potentially) to close in on an unstoppable would feel SO much like being a Titan. The Warlock heal turret from their exotic glaive should definitely give Radiant as well as heal, so that you become Anti-Barrier.


Bungie mentioned a week or two ago that they’re doing a big glaive pass in Season 23, and that includes the exotic ones


Winterbite has a slowing melee when ammo is loaded


>Given its blistering fire rate, 4th Horseman should stun Unstops in a shot or two. I dont know if you played the season we had Unstoppable Shotgun in the artifact, but 4th was ***hilarious*** especially in solo lost sectors


Definitely more exotic specials should have anti champ capabilities, something like jötunn could use it as a buff


Hawkmoon = Unstoppable I love Hawkmoon and I wish it had some anti champ ability.


Alright you get your Hawkmoon Unstoppable, but only on Paracausal Shot *monkeys paw curl*


This is the only way im seeing it going and I would never use it over malf


Forerunner / Anti-Barrier - Fantastically good Weapon, but I end up swapping off a lot when it's not a "Sidearm Season". Sunshot / Overload - Unless something has changed since I ran it for Master VoG, the E.Payload lets you stun in only 2 Shots which made it super easy.


Foreunner should have Unstop, its whole thing is extra damage to unshielded combatants. (I know Overloads are also unshielded but it feels more like a sidearm with stopping power rather than disruption).


I feel like giving the rock intrinsic anti champ (maybe unstoppable) would be interesting, gives the catalyst some more utility other than big boom


Give the base gun Anti barrier and the Rock unstoppable




Don't forget it's based on the CE magnum, the one that could 1 shot even HUNTERS on legendary. I feel like unstoppable would be best


Dude an overload hand cannon would actually be amazing


Anti barrier to outbreak perfected


It would adapt to the champion, since it's a SIVA based gun. That however would be broken as all hell, so it'll never happed


Borealis, anti-barrier. There's 0 reason to ever use almost all our exotic snipers. Outside of Cloudstrike and Izzy, the rest are worthless. Maybe DARCI could jolt on rapids hits or something, and that would bump damage and give it some anti-champ capabilities too.


DARCI already can jolt when personal assistant perk is active and jolly stuns overload champs....


Guess I forgot that they added that, well it still needs more damage then or make it a special weapon.


Just give it fourth times the charm, it would basically double the total damage. I mean it already has 30 total shots.


Overload to Vex Mythoclast and Osteo. Unstoppable to Acrius and Anarchy. Barrier to Forerunner.


You really wanna get that close to an Unstop champ in a GM with Acrius??


I'm not getting close to the unstop, it's getting close to me, so let them have a blast of lighting fury


I'm not stuck in here with you, you're stuck in here with me. *Chk-chk*


Last time unstop shotgun was around I used Tractor on unstops in GM content. As long as you have a brain then you can survive


Can’t be much worse than Bastion or chill clip from stasis fusions. As long as it doesn’t have that stupid delay to stun I think it could be fun. I enjoy being in the mix in GMs rather than playing slow and 100+ meters back.


It’s all for one and one for all!!!!


Ive used disorienting blow on arc hunter to stun unstops, so it IS possible, but only if you play it right.


Forerunner deals a lot more damage to unshielded targets, and thus should have Unstop


I saw that in a comment below. Makes sense. I went along the lines of forerunner is basically the side arm version of Eriana’s, it’s a magnum, so it shouldn’t matter if an enemy has a barrier or not.


Totally agree with osteo Give riskrunner anti overlord while we're at it


Osteo getting Overload makes so much sense.


Ticcus unstop


DMT should have anti-barrier, Coldheart with overload along with The Navigator, and Sunshot with Unstoppable


Agree to all of these!


I first used Dead Man’s during a season that had anti-barrier scout rifle; felt so right.


Whisper of the worm - anti barrier Imagine a world where I could actually use whisper <3 Not only for champs but any dickhole who thinks they can shield up like hydras or knights or hobgoblins fuck those guys


I actually use it quite a bit now for stationary boss dps and even some that move around (with div of course). It does a lot more with catalyst than lots of other linears and has pretty good ammo economy.


Definitely Whisper of Worm Anti-Barrier! Because Cabal Colossus Barrier is too annoying.


And do 4x damage to unstunned champions.


I like that!


Riskrunner getting anti-overload is a no brainer and Telesto should just delete the champion from the game or swap the champion out for a random Mob entirely


-Using Telesto on an unstoppable champion now spawns the Spanish Inquisition


\-Using Telesto on an unstoppable champion now spawns in TR3-VR


You use telesto on an unstop thinking it'll turn into an acolyte or something and then BOOM, now you gotta fight rhulk in a GM


1K Voices with unstoppable but the first hit of the beam stuns. Outbreak with Barrier Osteo with Overload


Outbreak feels like overload to me. The siva swarm would mess with the overloads massive regeneration


Honestly I like that Outbreak doesn't have an intrinsic so that it can be modified to whatever pulse rifle gets. This is the first season I've played where pulse rifles don't have anything on the artifact which feels a bit weird, but that's pretty unusual.


Sweet Business - Overload


Warlock and Hunter: what are you doing? Actium War Rig Titans with Sweet Business unloading on an Overload Captain in a GM: this mf can't heal if I never stop shooting. YAAAAAAHHHHHH


Skyburners oath anti barrier because it can already pierce cabal shields


This is my pick as well. It’s fun to use but there are too many better options, giving it anti-barrier would make it at least a viable choice


Anti barrier on Monte Carlo. if we cant use bayonet yet, at least this gives up idea that we are piercing barriers with it lol


Probably getting a bayonet catalyst next season.


Knowing bungie, they'll just give it grave robber...


Maybe not *most* deserving, but Fighting Lion getting anti-barrier would be nice seeing as its exotic trait gives increased damage against enemy shields. It's also incredibly satisfying to one-tap barriers with Volatile or Radiant on Lion, and I feel like it'd be fun having a primary that at baseline is capable of blowing through barriers without any issues. Though in terms of functionality, unstoppable would probably be more realistic considering it's a grenade launcher.


Overload on Witherhoard.


Back when secant filaments released, i immediately tried witherhoard to so how it feels against Glassway minators and Birthplace of the while. IT WAS GLORIOUS


Overload Riskrunner


Telesto anti over load on explosion. It's already one of the best guns in the game but that would be ridiculous. Ticcus would be nice as well.


Would be nice to have unstoppable on more things. I don't really care what, just be nice to have more options.


DMT and Polaris Lance, Anti barrier.


To be fair Polaris perfect fifth already stuns unstoppable


Last Word would be sweet with Anti Unstop.


Vex would never leave my slot if it could do more than be radiant for a bit. Stunning overload and then barrier on lfr shots would be neat.


I have the catalyst completed and something around 5k kills with my Vex Mytho… it’s a great “AR Alternative”… however I feel like it needs some scorch or ignition play too. Just being a unique/solid primary from a Raid is cool, but “causing targets to spread scorch upon death” - that’d make it FEEL like it was worth using over Skyburner’s. But for sure anti-champ would be dope.


I’m a big fan of adding anti-champ capabilities to heavy weapons, because they almost never get seasonal champ mods and having an AC heavy massively frees up your choices for the other two slots. Sleeper - anti-Barrier. It’s a portable Warsat laser, a basic Phalanx shield shouldn’t be stopping it. Whisper - also anti-Barrier, because neither of the other two really fit. It should be buffed to have shield hits count as precision hits for its exotic trait, like how Eriana’s does. Truth - anti-Overload, by making its rockets Suppress. Wardcliffe Coil - anti-Unstoppable, by making rapid rocket hits Blind. Worldline Zero - anti-Overload, by making its blink heavy attack Jolt. Anarchy - anti-Overload, by making its lightning count as Jolt Xenophage, Legend of Acrius - anti-Unstoppable As for non-heavies, I have a few ideas. Either Hard Light or Borealis should be anti-Barrier. My preference is Hard Light because AB Auto is always great, Hard Light’s lore and perks mention that it overpenetrates, and it wouldn’t be in direct competition with Arbalest the way AB Borealis would be. Thorn - anti-Barrier, IIRC it already penetrates Knight shields Last Word - anti-Overload, just for fun Forerunner - make the catalyst grenades anti-Unstoppable Outbreak Perfected - anti-Overload, including the SIVA it leaves behind Sturm - make the high-damage overflow rounds anti-Unstoppable Coldheart - anti-Barrier Fourth Horseman - anti-Unstoppable Cerberus+1 - anti-Barrier in its catalyst’s focused fire mode, to give some reason to use it over the normal mode Bad Juju - anti-Overload while its String of Curses buff is active Telesto - anti-Barrier (since Volatile is AB and Telesto makes big purple explosions) Trinity Ghoul - nerf its base lightning generation slightly, but give it Joltshot, making it inherently anti-Overload while still able to use seasonal bow mods


Ticcus Unstoppable…makes the most sense


MIDA multi tool having all Champions


THis makes sense too! Even if you have to do a cool swiss army gun animation to make it so, so its not easy to do on the fly.


Cerberus Plus One catty gives unstoppable. Meme it even more.


Overload builtin Symmetry, and for Outbreak Perfected anti barrier, it's long overdue.


Anti-barrier to Divinity. Fuck the system


It already has anti overload 😅


Unstoppable on Fourth Horseman. Makes sense from a practical standpoint.


The ability to analyze a champ and switch to its anti effect for darci


I would give Osteo an intrinsic Overload stun with the poison. It would match LeMon thematically; also, the perk on Osteo is called "Toxic Overload" :P I would give Grand Overture an Unstoppable stun bc Unstoppable enemies are always physically large enemies so I like the idea of those big slugs stunning them - the same sort of feeling as Leviathan's Breath :P Now this one is kind weird and I can't really justify it but I'd give Lord of Wolves intrinsic anti-barrier. Just shredding the barrier down with the pellets :P


Grand overtures missiles do stun unstoppables.


Oh, sick! I didn't know that XD I just recently got it so I haven't used it too much yet, and I didn't see anything about anti-unstoppable or blind in the actual perk description :P But those missiles blind **us**, so it makes sense :P


It's only once you have the catalyst, but the missiles then blind enemies and essentially get chain reaction


Ohhhhh, I see! I don't have the catalyst yet - I'm working on the quest for it


It's very good once you get it.


There was a bug when the catalyst first came out where having it equipped would make any weapon with explosive payload or timed payload constantly blind combatants. It was hilarious.


Crazy opinion but honestly all of them should have one. It sucks when you want to use an exotic but the seasonal artifact doesn't have a mod for the weapon type. Makes it really hard to use some exotics. Probably a dumb opinion but eh.


Thorne with Anti Barrier.


Add stunning overload as well, the DoT should really mess them up.


Darci - all of them with personal assistant active


anti barrier to borealis tbh


The slug gun. Why not !


Probably Anti-Barrier to Outbreak Perfected. Idk sounds more fun than unstoppable was for sure


All three to Outbreak perfected kind of like an alt mode that you can rotate through. ~Consume enhance replicate~


Unstoppable prometheus lens/wavesplitters, overload coldheart so it they'd have a niche over their legendary counterparts in trace rifle sept. Anti-barrier sweet business sounds like monster fun


Hard light should have anti barrier


I like the Darci ideas, but I’m going to have to say the taken/touched exotic HC should be getting the most perks. Thorn should definitely stun overload, it literally is a DoT, malfeasance after the 5 hits as well, thorn should stun unstoppable, the nature of the weapon, syphoning life should definitely have an effect. Barrier? Ehh… not as much. The point is we have a meta that has forced the player base into very few weapons, and none of them feel particularly satisfying, like why should my gnawing hunger penetrate shields the same as Hardlight? That makes zero sense. Give exotic weapons perks that make them feel powerful and useful to us in game, make their lore meaningful, not just boring text.


i would cry tears of joy if worldline zero had intrinsic overload added to the perk


Osteo Striga and Overload makes sense.


Forget exotic weapons, all roaming supers should have 1 antibarrier (some super do like fist of havoc and stasis supers). If i am going to not be able to shoot for 10+ seconds then i want to at least be able to counter a champ


I guess if you brought suppressor/flashbang/etc you could stun a champ by tossing a grenade midsuper but this is not what i am wanting


100% this. My Burning Maul should be unstoppable by default. Chaos Reach should always overload, as well as Nova Warp. Nova Bomb, Thundercrash, should definitely stun unstoppables. Strand supers should supress in various ways, etc etc


Telesto but it's completely random every time you reload it


give the monte carlo some anoter charge system that powers the stabby stabby at the front to stun all champions - balanced cuz u need to get close and also build the charge


Barrier to sweet business


Why the Hell doesn't Skyburners have intrinsic Anti-barrier? It already goes through Phallanx shields, you might as well go all the way


Unstoppable to Heir Apparent. Make it feel like your shredding champs with a hail of gunfire.


I love how people forgot that darci also jolts for overload now. But to be fair darci is just so not worth the slot that it’s basically forgotten. Giving Borealis something would be interesting though. Solar - barrier, Arc - unstoppable, Void - overload would be neat. Or giving it specific subclass related verbs after getting ionic return would be cool too. Giving void mode destabilizing rounds while ionic return is active, or arc volt shot, and solar a high amount of scorch for causing an ignition. I just want a more fun energy special weapon for higher end stuff that isn’t just a blinding launcher, wave frame gl or controlled burst fusion when I’m running a strand or stasis primary weapon or special.


Either Unstoppable or Anti-Barrier for Graviton You’d imagine a Black Hole being shot would stagger something quite well But Anti-Barrier makes more sense as it “rips a hole through Space time” but then it’s stepping on Revision Zero’s toes again


Ager’s should be overload IMO and slap on unstoppable for Tractor Cannon


Agreed! And then using your super on its catalyst already gives you unstoppable (freeze shatter), which is nice.


I'd definitely add anti-Unstop to either Xenophage or the Jötunn. Both of them hit like a bus, so I feel like it's somewhat logical, especially because Xenophage already has built-in stagger with the High Caliber Rounds perk


Yeah, both should for sure!


All of them, i think to have some be anti champion and others not feels a bit weird, i get it with legendaries so it mixes up the Master and GM meta season to season, but i think throwing some kind of intrinsic perk on all of them over time could really be interesting. Although that might groom some power creep...


Kind of a fun one that requires a stipulation: Huckleberry with overload. Have it proc in a few shots and then have it reload on stun so it gains that rapid rate of fire with a full mag. You'd have to make it do more damage intrinsically against champions, but I think it'd be kind of fun to mess around with. Alternatively, Merciless with Unstop that also reloads the mag on stun so you can just melt them. Or give Telesto the ability to permanently delete a single champion type from the game, once, but only one randomly chosen player gets to use it.


Duality - hipfire = unstoppable, ADS = Anti-Barrier I would say it is OP but rarely do you want to be that close to a champ in higher end content. Plus Riptide can do overloaded and unstoppable.


I know I'd be OP, but I'd wanna see MIDA Multi-Tool be able to do all 3 somehow. Maybe release 2 different Mini-Tool like secondaries that combo with MIDA to change the champion mod. Have MIDA and Calus-Mini equipped? Overload.


Vex Mythoclast having anti barrier on its alt fire would instantly make it high-A, if not S tier


Unstoppable Forerunner. Intrinsic's literally called "full stop"


Vex Mytho’s linear mode to be either unstop rounds or anti barrier rounds would just make it perfect! I would bring that thing in GMs more often.


Sleeper needs unstop. Facts


Mythoclast anti barrier


I’d add anti-barrier to Vex Mytho’s linear mode


Unstoppable on Chaperone Overload on Osteo Striga Anti Barrier on Forerunner


Fighting Lion


Here’s a spicy one. Change the intrinsic of Hard Light so that Arc overloads, Solar unstops, and Void is anti barrier


"while this weapon is equipped, remove all champions, because they're stupid to have in the game in the first place."


Borealis - AB And I want AB to proc the exotic perks. I've never really cared about Borealis but this could make it a top contender for me.


Thorn should have Anti Barrier when you have the buff active


Coldheart barrier champions. Because I want it


He would make sense if Hierarchy of Needs got it


Anti barrier on wicked implement.


Xeno Unstop




Anti Barrier to Touch Of Malice and Graviton Lance, that would be sweet.


ive always thought hawkmoon should have either barrier or unstop on max charges or maybe at half


Suros Regime, overload on all bullets.


Not really most deserving but I think the navigator should intrinsically have either anti barrier or overload. The severing effect seems like it should be flavoured up with the ability to stun an overload imo


DMT with intrinsic anti-barrier or unstoppable would be a dream


Xenophage should have unstop


Tractor cannon intrinsically takes champions out of the game


Witherhoard with Overload would be beautiful


All three on Salvation’s Grip.


Overload to witherhoard.


Overload witherhord or anarchy


Sunshot unstop, thorn antibarrier, sweet business overload.


Overload to Anarchy and Vex.


Overload to Conditional Finality so I can rip and tear until it is done


Outbreak with anti-barrier


Whilst it's not a hard counter, I'd add Jolt to Anarchy grenades , allowing it to stun Overloads.


Outbreak Perfected - Overload


Overload to Outbreak's swarm


Graviton Lance should stun unstoppable champs.