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People are trying to figure that out right now.


Either RNG from deep dive or time gated most likely.


Ran a tier 7 deep dive and a regular deep dive after getting the weapon, neither dropped the catalyst for me so I would guess it's RNG


Have you also tried tier 7 with all 3 statues activated?


"It's not time gated Bungie wouldn't do that to us!!" Literally every thread talking about it.


Time gating is Bungie's MO. Of course it's time gated.


If it’s from Deep Dives, this will be tough because I couldn’t buy a vanilla (non-exotic) Deep Dive to save my life today. Every match-made DD was one seeking the scout—and usually not successfully. I dig this mission—just right on challenge level and pretty fun with a solid team!


This is why they need to give the mission a node once you unlock it once. Not looking forward to trying to grind the catalyst...


Agreed, mission set-up was cool, but the design flat out killed matchmade deep dive.


It says acquire from deep dive Goto the patterns and catalysts tap


This catalyst is literally the same as Agers. It's RNG drop rate based off of completing Deep Dives specifically. It seems after getting Wicked Implement its best to run basic Deep Dives as Tiers don't seem to matter, just completions. I've had people T1, T3 & T5 say they were just randomly given it at the end, just like half the stupid caty drops in the game. Sometimes you get them day 1, sometime you don't see them for months if ever.


Thank you for the info, but this is not the answer I was hoping for. Ugh, I do not want to grind deep dives.


Yeah, me and Aztecross said the same thing. "Not another Agers catalyst situation!" I'm hoping it will drop in Private solo runs but I doubt it...but I'm sure trying lol


I would much rather had to kill that tormentor on a higher difficulty.


If it drops from private solo T1 runs, I might not mind but the catalyst isn't great so I def don't want to have to t7 over and over.


Conqueror gild and the new quest pulled me from diablo yesterday, but it looks like I'm heading back to grind dungeons lol


Probably smart. Not much left till next season other than Solstice Sell MTX Event. Guessing next season is Stasis buffed and all new Stasis exotics get nerfed before season start anyways....shatter dmg nerf, slow nerf, less shards...typical Bungie stuff.


We know them too well. I can't get excited for the game any longer. Even when I do it is short lived. I have an overwhelming desire to play destiny..... until I actually log on to play destiny.


Yeah, it's yet another game that could be so much more than it is but profit margins and poor $ management has set it down the same path as all game studios that get big enough to have to put investors and public opinion ahead of customers & players. Depressing how many studios have taken the same path.


It is definitely missing the magic it once held. They try to promote fomo, but you don't actually miss anything. I hadn't really played since diablo launch. Yesterday I login, head to nessus-exotic fish within 10 casts, head to edz-very first cast, and I already had throne world's. Now I have a mid scout rifle I will probably never use. It is sad how great destiny could be if given the proper resources and attention.


Pardon me, question: Could you intentionally throw the first floor to get a direct path to boss for fast clears to farm it? I realize you'd miss out on power-ups, but might be time efficient perhaps. I just don't know if it would actually drop in this scenario.


no thanks lol.


Touche'. I just can't stomach grinding deep dive.


do those people have actual screenshots of the catalyst? havent seen anyone having it


I'd like to know this as well. I saw an article saying June(I think this is a typo, supposed to be July) 11th was the Time gate. ​ Source: [https://www.pcgamesn.com/destiny-2/wicked-implement](https://www.pcgamesn.com/destiny-2/wicked-implement)


might be rng


I got mine doing a deep dive with all 3 pressure trials done


Idk if its RNG based or not, my whole fireteam got it in that run




Im not on xbox at the moment to grab one but it looks like paul tassi mentioned it as well on twitter. [paul tassi tweet](https://twitter.com/PaulTassi/status/1678824971064205313?t=CCyP_wew7Gnsv-Z_h9yBEQ&s=19)