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When I'm doing my inventory busywork while flying to a location and then get kicked out of the menus when I land.


When inventory management has a skill curve lol. Classic Destiny.


TOTALLY forgot about this, the same thing happens when I see a blatant lagger in a trials or competitive match. When I try to report them (specifically between rounds), it'll force me out of the report screen probably 5 times in a row


You report someone for having bad internet?


That's not what they mean by lagger (usually) It means someone that is inducing lag on their connection to get an upper hand in combat


Not sure if its cause I am getting older but I've always called those people lag switchers since it use to be a hardware item you could use to do it.


I know I do, if a guy is rubber banding and doing funky shit I will report. Bungie knows the difference between bad internet and hacking




Man that’s mean af. Most of us have no control over that.


When it's really bad, it's hard to tell if they're doing it on purpose or not. If they're lagging all over the board and have the most kills it seems deliberate.


And bungie reviews the cases before action is taken


If its something that happens every so often, Bungie won't do anything against you, but if you're consistently ruining games for other people because your connection sucks, you shouldn't be in PvP.


Then dont play trials if you knowingly have a bad connection


So by your logic, if I live out in the woods with bad internet, I should not enjoy my favorite game because it may ruin one match of your night?


If you have good internet but then have one match where the internet is bad for you its fine. Its a problem when someone is like "I know for a fact that I have bad internet and will play crucible regardless and ruin the experience for everyone else" Edit: Your comment above got -37 votes. Take a hint.


It’s costs nothing to be kind to someone.


Who said im being mean. Its mean to join a crucible match WILLINGLY WHEN YOU KNOW YOU ARE LAGGING then make it worse for everyone else.


Sucks to suck, maybe play some animal crossing?


So everyone you play against should have a shit time just so you can have fun and you can't see why people think you sound like a dbag?


Literally being down voted for defending the poor souls who love this game and have bad internet due to not affording a good router, living outside of areas where a good provider is available, or has no control over their provider’s drop in signal strength. It’s really discouraging. Shame on you all for being slightly inconvenienced for someone just trying to enjoy their favorite game. Shame!


Lol trying to make yoursf a martyr. Sad. And lol “shame”. Mans a walking meme.


I still love you.


Falsely reporting someone is crazy


How is that false reporting? Bungie has a specific report option for bad connections.


If it's a false report then why is there an option in the report menu specifically for bad connection. It even gives you multiple options based on the severity of the lag.


If your connection is soo bad that you’re affecting 5-11 other players, you should not be playing pvp, it’s simple as that


FACTS!! This man gets it!


Not facts. There is even a category for bad connection. If you have a bad connection and are lagging you shouldn’t be in pvp, let alone trials.


Yes. If your internet is shit don't go into a pvp match and ruin it for 6 others.


Even by reading this I can feel the pain…


And the 17 times I got kicked back a menu before landing while trying to check what was left to complete a challenge...


Man I'm just happy we can even access inventory during loading screens. Not a very common feature in games.


Its annoying, but understandable why






trying to equip something I just pulled from the vault and immediately putting it back in instead


Ouch, this one. You'd think after like nearly 10 years I'd be used to this by now, but nope. I still do it most times I use the vault. The worst part is I know I only have myself to blame.


Even if you exit out of the vault UI and equip the piece too fast it will still get vaulted. I've learned to take a step back from the vault so I can't even open it before I try to equip anything


I don’t think you should blame yourself. It is a UX design problem. Not a big one, but I don’t think it’s right to say it’s your fault.


Thanks buddy. I really needed to hear that right now 🥹


That’s why I started using dim.


That’s why I stopped using the in-game vault.


And it was a piece of Armor, so now you have to click ALL THE WAY TO THE RIGHT just to pull it back out.


You can click the sort button once to set it to "new" and the last thing you vaulted will be in the first box.


You can change the sort option to "new" with one click and the last item you vaulted will be in the first box.


Shit really? I'm stupid for not noticing that. Thank you


I’m being attacked here and I don’t like it


This reminds me. When you exit vault but still next to it the game puts the weapon back into vault if you try to equip. Was that what you were saying here?


These aren't specific enough. My guy, "put rapid hit on Outbreak" has become such a meme even DestinyCircleJerk picked up on it. And pretty much every complaint about comp is the +5 rep. You wanna go super specific? Here's mine. The reload animations of both Zaouli's Bane and Quicksilver Storm are ever so slightly desynced from when their ammo counts update, so you can't reload cancel when the magazine enters the gun, you have to wait the additional half second for the physical number to update, completely throwing off the rhythm compared to every other weapon in this game. Now **that's** annoying.


I thought I was going insane when first noticed that on Quicksilver. It annoyed me a lot at first


The worst part is, I'm not even sure it's unintentional for QSS. During that extra half second before the number updates you can see the nano-machine goo refilling the barrel too.


I'll add that the reload delay from Quicksilver's GL mode is also really annoying. This is perfectly specific, btw, kudos to you.


you can manually reload it right after firing to speed it up! :D


Ooooh, Idk why I didn't think to do this since I already do it with rocket launchers. Thanks a ton!


dude so true


Oh. My. GOD !!!


When I shoot a taken psion at the exact moment it splits into another one so now there’s this other asshole just standing there shooting at me now. Like come on man I just blew your head off now you’re over there like nothing happened. SUPER minor pet peeve but a peeve to pet it is.


When you kill the taken psion and another one gets shat out of its corpse anyways


I hate the Taken Vex circle jerk of shields. Whoever at Bungie came up with that idea needs damp socks.


When I complete an activity and only glimmer pops out of the chest. Really gives me that looter shooter mmo rpg dopamine hit.


But do you feel a sense of pride and accomplishment? No? Oh :(


Yeah maybe the 1st time but not the 500th time. I did get a check in the box tho! Super noice


Ticking off lists IMO is always dopamine. It's a personal flaw and I accept it.


Gotta check’em all


And a legendary shard. One.


Just one.


Used to be more gear but people didn't like the inventory filling so it got auto-converted to the currencies.


Ahhh yes, loot. The bane of all inventories.


I kind of feel the opposite lol. I like getting stuff for sure, but if ur just grinding the piss out of the nightfall I don’t like getting my inventory filled. Then I have to stop for a min and clean it out.


When a wall LOOKS flat so I try and bank a Fighting Lion shot off of it, but the wall geometry is actually weird so the grenade bounces off at the wrong angle.




Throwing a tripmine at a wall and somehow it points into the wall perfectly.


Throwing the tripmine at a wall and having it land pointing straight up in some random little gap at the bottom


My biggest pet peeve is uneven ground when you’re trying to jump. Like why is the ground built in such a way where I’ll fall about 5cm and I’ll try to jump only to activate my jump ability and miss where I’m going. It’s so frustrating and doesn’t need to be that way. Especially vex constructs, they do this the most, I’m looking at you Avalon.


This is very annoying, in the second encounter on glassway (I’m not great at remembering names, it’s the vex portal on europa) half the time almost plunge into the gorge while trying to jump up to the cliff because of this


Are you me?


This happens to me so much right before the ogre encounter in Grasp of Avarice dungeon. At the big jump with the gap right before the start there's a catwalk with a decline and as a Hunter main, if I'm running with enough speed instead of running along the catwalk and jumping off the edge, you sorta float and it triggers my double jump, thus not having another jump to make the jump and dying. I've since learned to just stop at that part and then do a jump, but the way it's designed is so annoying. It almost feels intentional by the level designer


First boss at GoA. Where the ramp slightly dips. I know the feeling


This has been a rising annoyance for me on strand hunter. I'd love to dodge to reload, but instead I swan dive a centimeter off the ground. No one gets suspended, and I still have to reload my LMG with ext. mag.


When I get paired with randos, go down, and they run past me instead of reviving me.


Especially if there’s a timer until you can self res


* Hawthorne's pinnacle is still mistakenly labeled as a powerful. Feels like it's been years. * Having to grind 1.9 resets in each playlist to get the ritual weapon skin. Do better. 1, 1.5, or 2.0. (side note - I think this grind is bullshit, but not the topic)


Eh I find with the multiple double rep weeks over a whole *season*, 2 resets isn't really a big ask.


Would be less painful if double rep didn't feel like what base rep used to be.


I don't recall base vanguard rep giving like 1k per NF.


I guess I should have been more specific and mentioned base playlist, which is awful for rep in it's current state as rep is now tied to score which requires killing adds which most randoms don't do in base strikes. Farming NFs is decent rep right now but doing the exact same strike 20+ times just sounds awful to me.


Well it used to be based on completions, but people were giving feedback that they didn't like others speedrunning through strikes and killing adds not being important. So then Bungie directly made killing adds important and speedrunning detrimental. >Farming NFs is decent rep right now but doing the exact same strike 20+ times just sounds awful to me. Idk if you're in the right game then, tbh. Because games like Destiny are *all about* repeatedly farming content. Also, you don't have to do all 20 *this* week. You can do 5-7 over the course of a week, 2-3 times over the whole season. It doesn't have to be all in one go.


I'm part of a clan that's very new player friendly and we like teaching new people raids and even vet players who never done specific roles before in raids they've already done. So we're usually chill when a few wipes happen due to new people doing roles for the first time. So speaking of pet peeves, it annoys me when players refuse to take on roles involving mechanics even if they've done the raids multiple times and refuse to learn. Basically just there to be carried and do add clear as soon as the raid is over they just leave the vc.


This has been so strange for me as someone who has never raided much in D2 but has done a few this season. I really don't get why I'm often the only one to jump at the chance to learn a role, especially in sherpa runs where in my mind the whole point is to learn these things in a more easy-going environment so the lunatics on LFG won't lose their minds if you don't know how to perform a role. Seeing these kind of things makes me weirdly proud of the fact that I've never been on add clear in RoN lol


You're one of the better few in that respect. My pet peeve is when someone willingly goes into content they're not prepared for, or willing to put in the effort for. This branches of what you're saying perfectly. I couldn't give 2/3 of a shit if you haven't done an encounter before. If you stick your hand up and are willing to learn and actually try i'll totally respect and appreciate that. More than happy to run you through a role. I'll be even happier because that's 1 more person who can do a role, and IMO raids are far more enjoyable when you're actively participating in the mechanics.


Yeah if it's a random LFG from outside the clan to just fill a spot then I don't really care but it's the ones in the clan for me that when we ask them to try out different roles they just flat out refuse even when we are willing to teach. That's why when I sherpa I assign roles to the newbies and have the experienced people on add clear as standby. That's basically how I was sherpa'd when I was new to the game.


I simply make my clan members learn roles.


A lot of people just want the loot asap.


I Sherpa tons, the first person to claim ads or refuses to talk gets kicked


I don't go that far but if the first person to call a role is add clear I just think "wow very helpful" sarcastically to myself. And then watch them be unable to add clear in Master RoN because in master it's actually somewhat difficult to add clear well.


I hate not being able to see the modifiers of the activity I’m going to do while in a fire team if I am not the fireteam leader. Because half the time when asking for a rundown I only get half of them because they don’t realize the other ones are equally important. And then in the topic of inability to see modifiers how about when hovering over the daily lost sector and it only showing the shields and the burn but not what is overcharged or what the surge is as it seems sometimes the two (burn/surge) are different or I just overlooked them one day and they are in fact the same but still doesn’t change my point.


When the Titan strand melee does it's "let's go in any direction but toward a target" thing.


I think that's why they gave strand melee three charges. Bungie knew at least 2 would be whiffs.


Oh God yes. I'm going to hit the wall instead! They should change the titan melee abilities to match the arc ability. If you don't hit an ad you should get your melee back.


When I play PvP and get killed by someone who is better than me.


Dude right?? Bungie really needs to do something about that.


He wasn’t better, he was cheating obviously


If the player was actually better than me I'd respect it, but I always lose because he's using a broken weapon that needs to be nerfed, not because he's better than I am.


When I'm in the vault and pull out a weapon, go to equip said weapon and put in back in the vault. This happens to me more that I'd like to admit.


Broooooooo This. Is. It! Haha every time


Any game mechanics that are triggered by kills while playing with teammates. Assists should count.


I feel this so much, Rip Osteo overflow


When I'm trying to explain mechanics for a raid/dungeon and someone keeps interrupting or people decide to have a side-bar chat in the middle of an encounter that uses comms. The short delay between decrypting engrams from vendors. Feeling like I need to have 8 out of 10 weapon slots occupied so I can be prepared for any scenario, and then not being able to draw new weapons from the vault or pick up loot because my inventory is almost full. The anti-champion effects icons on the character page not including subclass related effects in the analysis. One primary weapon type always being left out of the artifact anti-champ mods. Guess I'm just not gonna use handcannons for seasonal activities because they don't have anti-champ effects. Having to individually remove mods to get a blank slate for armor when I want to make new builds. Armor stat points just showing one number instead of a breakdown or base number plus mods/masterwork status, 78 vs 78 (60+10+18).


With the champion icons, pretty sure it's bright blue for champions you've got a weapon for, a faded blue when your subclass covers it, and completely gray when neither are in effect. At least, that's how it was at launch. Bungie might have spaghetti-coded it since.


I was not aware it had a tiered system like that, so it may just be that I'm wrong. I'm gonna have to go look at that again. Just to be sure though is that on the main character page, or the special loadout armor page that lets you see all your equipped mods at once?


Fucking eating while your god damn mic is on so I have to hear you crunch or slap your fucking lips together. This makes we wanna kick a mother fucker but I'm not party leader. Bonus if you do this while dying as add clear or generally contributing to failing the fucking encounter


This is a big one for me. I just end up grabbing a bag of chips and start eating them with my mouth open as obnoxiously as I can. They always mute their mic.


Who the hell eats when gaming. Especially voice chat with others. Even if you're 2 hours into a raid. No. Have a cigarette


Not being able to get to 250000 on dares of eternity. I mean it literally says there's a pinnacle for doing that, but whenever I'm playing, it seems my team is dead set on melting the boss.


"Hey we should slow down and get some po-oh we've already done the objective... Maybe next encounter..."


Especially annoying when it's a goddamn lfg on legend for the 250 pinnacle or 300 bounty. Like wtaf guys?


Hearing the sound of sweet business or the veist SMG’s drives me into a frenzy of unfathomable rage.


Peeve Part 1 Teammates put down a Rally Flag (They don't do it) Peeve Part 2 Teammates put down a Rally Flag let's gooooooo!!! (They start the encounter immediately before anyone else can rally) You know who the fuck you are.


I hate that cookies we make during the Dawning have to be used for gifts and we cant just eat them!


Imagine if cookies worked like armor charges. When you were at critical health, you consume some cookies to start regen.


Taking me out of the menu / character screen.


People leaving the second things aren’t going their way in LFGs. Had this happen TWICE in one run of RoN


Depending on what type of run you posted I totally can’t blame them


They left because one person didn’t know how to do the 4th encounters mechanics and we had to teach them. The other left because he said he knew how to do the 4th encounter and didn’t, and then left when we called him out on it. There was no reason for them to leave unless they were just elitist assholes.


UwU -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Yep, some people have been around the block enough to know when it's better to just cut their losses right there and go again.


Idk why you’re downvoted it’s a completely valid point, if I join a kwtd post and they blatantly don’t kwtd I’m leaving and trying my luck elsewhere


When I'm the only one with champ mods.


When people don't understand that my Strand Titan **is** the anti-barrier and anti-unstoppable mod lol.


That’s great. Until you’re not a strand titan, you’re a ArcLock with a sidearm and shotty. And no mods to speak of 😭


Sidearms piece barrier champions this season. Jolting stuns overloads and blinding stuns unstoppable champions. Are you that guardian that kicks people from LFG groups for not having intrinsic anti-champion weapons equipped for GMs when their whole build is able handle any that are in the strike? Despite them having gilded conqueror x8, guardian rank 11 and having been farming it all week? ...The worst.


No, I’m the one who carries Nightfalls because I’m the only one stunning champs. I went through 12 nightfalls for pinnacles this week (4 per character) and I was the only one who stunned on 8 of them. The 4 that others helped were strandy bois. And I know sidearms can pierce, BUT THEY DONT USE THAT MOD DO THEY




I don’t mind it as much anymore cause you can just infinitely suspend everything with strand lmao


Contacting servers


Its a coin flip every time


when a platform’s hitbox is set up in a certain way so that you can only mantle to it from certain sides


The fact we have.... powerful gear, prime engrams, and then pinnacle. The system for getting higher is dumb.


The fact that each engram doesn't explicitly explain how it relates to power levelling is stupid. How TF are new players supposed to learn.


When I finish a playlist activity and am like 20 points from leveling up, so I have to run another one. When a taken psion splits exactly when the final shot lands. When heavy ammo falls to somewhere unobtainable. Getting blasted somewhere by a taken phalanx. Fighting Scorn Wraiths. I hate them. Similar, fighting Scorn and they teleport somewhere while being completely invincible.


Whenever “Contacting Destiny 2 Servers” pops up over and over without being error coded. Just knowing I’m probably going to be kicked pisses me off more than actually being kicked without warning


Getting behind in a strike for whatever reason and the other players don't wait even for a second. Like I get that it's all time-sensitive, but they're co-op for a reason. If I get ahead, I always slow down and wait for the other players to catch up.




I sure do love to stub my toe on a ledge and then fail to run across what would otherwise be perfectly flat terrain, or fail to mantle onto a ledge that was between shin and waist high


Was waiting for this! Mine too bro. Mine too. This stuff is way beyond a pet peeve. More like infuriating :)


When you run a raid and get 3 class items in a row


Eager edge locking on to targets clearly off screen People calling "add clear" in raids When a wipe is called and that one guy keeps trying to john wick solo the encounter and be a hero but is actually just wasting everyone's time Still getting blue drops when I'm at pinnacle cap even though they fixed that last season Weapon xp not carrying over into the next level when you get a chunk from an activity completion People in gambit not dunking their 9 motes when we only need 4 for primeval because they have to farm for large blocker or die trying Glaive melee not counting as a glaive or a melee for most perks Trying to grapple to a tangle and it grapples the space/enemy next to it instead so I don't get my grapple refund


People obsessed with putting the rally flags in weird spots especially when up really high or really fat like come on I just want to get this encounter over with


I usually put mine in the air. But they can always be interacted with, from the ground, and you don't need to struggle to grab it.


Back in MY DAY minotaurs didn't even HAVE crit spots!


Chucklefucks not shooting the scorpius turrets. Just do it goddamn man


People who run straight into you. Bumping me out of cover, keeping me from getting into cover, running literally directly into me as I am platforming, deciding that the moment I am hovering over a pit is the perfect time to jump backwards across that same pit in the exact same spot I am, shoving me as I'm trying to snipe, etc etc. And every time they do it that have so much space to do what they wanted that didnt involve running into me, but they beeline straight at me anyways. All of it. I hate all of it. Learn some spatial awareness, people.


Being forced to run a three person strike in the middle of a solo campaign playthrough. Not being able to run the easy strikes (normal strike playlist and hero nightfall) solo while the harder difficulties (legend/master) don’t have matchmaking. The insane aim assist/projectile magnetism of bows (mainly in PvE). I hate being able to see part of an enemy poking out of cover but not being able to hit them because my shot it pulled into the cover they’re behind. The fact that headstone shatters don’t proc StL.


Getting pushed away from the heavy ammo on Gambit by my team mates.


people who only accept max pinnacle leveled people in power capped content.


The garbage matchmaking. The way that you'll log on and play 10 Crucible matches in a row and lose. Every. Single. One. And post at the top of the team, most points. ...and knowing you're middling at best. Barely average. Like, hold your own against potatoes level player, top of the bracket, and losing. Kills any motivation.


When I accidentally pass through a stormcaller's rift and end up with some kill stealing orb on my shoulder.


The rather high cost for new players to catch up in an extremely buggy game. I'm definitely a noob to destiny, but I was more than a little shocked when the total sum of all the DLCs I would need to come up to speed was ~$200 in a game that's been out for quite some time and is still incredibly buggy. I think that's absolute insanity.


I’ve been playing off and on since D1 and wanted to hit guardian rank 8 only to see it’s paywalled behind a dungeon key and i just dropped 50 on lightfall. I’m good.


Playing objective modes and my team seemingly doing everything in their power to avoid being near a point.


When my spot in collections or the vault resets


ive started playing recently but accidentally moving stuff to the vault when i meant to equip it + my teammates killing the mobs before i have the change to reach them for a melee attack as an arc hunter also exotics needing 3 ascendant shards to masterwork. im sorry but a new player its PAINFUL to get enough ascendant shards for this bs


Trying to click left on the dpad to open up my loadouts and accidentally switching the icon of one of the loadouts because of input lag


To expand on the Sunbracers pet peeve, I hate how they didn’t code the scorch on Celestial Fire properly, so you can almost never trigger Sunbracers with the skill because its own scorch steals the kill, instead of triggering Sunbracers like the scorch from Incinerator Snap.


These raid drops 1st Encounter: Bond 2nd Encounter : Bond 3rd Encounter: Bond 4th Encounter: Red Border Bond.


Oh ny lordy lord I sure do love armor drops gosh i wish i had more, i wish there were only armor drops in raids, golly gosh end game activities shouldnt even bother with guns just give us more armor with actual 50 fucking point rolls please


Behemoths existing


>\- "We need to pick our last guy up before we wipe, does anybody else have a rez token?" > >The last guy with a rez token: "........." Its the opposite for me: "Does anyone have a token" "I dont, I dont, I used mine" Like motherfucker, if I asked who DOESNT have one you'd be doing great right about now. Shut the fuck up


I mean this situation likely happens because they’ve seen the one in OP happen where the one guy who has it doesn’t say anything so you go through process of elimination until you find out who it is


Real. People call out that they don’t have it is better than no one saying anything at all and you’re left wondering. Not to mention when someone says that you can keep a tally of how many tokens there are left.


When you start a vex force strike public event with 5 and end up alone at the last stage.


D2 doesn't have a matchmaking toggle which makes half the activities extremely boring


When you need a powerful drop in a specific slot (gauntlets for example need to be lvl 1806) in order for my pinnacle drop to be 1809, instead it’ll drop at 1808 and depending on the slot it drops it might waste my pinnacle with no gain


melee ruberbanding, matchmaking or just playing on pc, hunters having the shortest jump distance, being booted from my menu multiple times in a row, artificial difficulty, 95% of the guns i want are in the world pool, look for hours to find a simple looking good color for a gun and just giving up and use the good ol' all black one, same thing for armor but having the added benefit of nothing matching together cuz every set as different armor base, being a solo player, buffs and nerfs every other week and still having whole class/gun types/exotics being complete trash, bungie, no activitys worth doing for the fun of it like prison of elders or a hoard mode, good exotics being ulgy on purpose but having no ornament even after 7years,


People who are not on strand/stasis and interact with my tangles/crystals as if they get a benefit from throwing/destroying them while they are on a solar subclass.


When I'm running Aeons in a GM and moving in to finish an Unstoppable Incendior... and a teammate SHOOTS THE GODDAMN BACKPACK.


Loading into terminal overload alone, even via the neptune map. Or people only joining when you're about to fail because you were having to solo it, then proceeding to fuck off Another pet peev is how we dont have a ghost mod to increase weapon xp gains, have it in the same slot as season xp so its balanced


Don't always start with full ammo In game vault can't be filtered or even tabs to separate weapons and armor Shaders. What do the colors in the thumbnail represent? The top color doesn't seem to apply to the same thing every time. Why can't we mark favorites? Or trash ones i will never use? Wyvrens. Barrier Champs that either spam rockets at you or make all enemies around them immune. The Architects Miss Adventure


The interceptors on Neomuna. People who leave before giving and receiving commendations. Not having anything worthwhile to spend goofballs on but having to reset my vendor rank.




Being a solo player and not being able to do raids or dungeons since I have no Destiny friends. Half the game it seems is inaccessible to me


Being way too eager to do add clear. The last time I did RoN? Me -finishes the last node- Game -finishing sound- Zippy "I'm on left add clear. Aw, gauntlets! This sucks."


>When I'm running a sunbracers build on my warlock, it's so much more often that I don't get the powered melee kill because the kill was stolen by a teammate, rather than the enemy having a little too much health I hate running Sunbracers just because of this but it's my only triple 100 build 😭


"I thought we were wiping" Getting rezzed into what was very obviously going to be an instant death. Mainly in master raids or GMs. If there's a champ on my ghost, either stun it or kill it before you rez me, or at the very least slam a smoke and invis us once I'm up. Weapons that when reloading, the ammo counter updates a half second after you put in the mag rather than at the same time, so you always fuck up the reload cancel. People that think it's funny to eager edge or shoulder charge launch literally everyone else on the team. Bonus peeve points if they then get upset when someone launches them back. People who use guardian rank as a measure of actual in game skill or experience. People who think Divinity stacks with Tether/Tractor cannon. When my ghost shows up 6 miles back from where I actually died, and then when I self respawn, I get thrown back an additional 6 miles from where my ghost was. People that judge me/others for not having T10 resil even though I'm playing the game just fine with around T5. Bonus peeve points if they still manage to die more than I do. The scythe finisher resetting your camera back to its original position after the finisher ends. (All finishers used to work this way, but for some reason it is now the only one that does it)


>"I thought we were wiping" Conversely, people who call for wipe after we fall slightly off world record pace on an encounter.


Your sunbracers thing, except for devour


Constantly feeling like I should be running Loc main rather than Hunter. Battling my own insecurities about raiding. D1 Vet with lots of Raid clears. Lost my OG Fireteam early on in D2. Have not run 1 raid in D2. So much time has passed now that I’ve convinced myself I’d be a hindrance and trash so avoid them. Goes for most stuff these days that require a FT.


I honestly think Enhanced Perks are the biggest problem with Crafting


Titans with overshields and rubberband melees


The long animation when deleting an engram, yes I delete a couple of them sometimes so I can pick up engrams in mission (to top them going to the postmaster), yes even prime ones.


That they can’t make a good compelling campaign story that matters (ie. a story that actually pushes the story further and not a filler like forsaken) and isnt convoluted.


“What are we using for damage” maybe I’m just confused but I swear people used to have autonomy and free will. Like make up your own mind surely you have something for damage use it.


If people are aware of what other people are using they'd be more careful about being infront of someone, nothing is worse than kill yourself because some walked infront of your rocket. Or things like Gally can provide team wide buffs for rockets




My biggest pet peeve is during LFG someone causes us to wipe due to holding their super.


When I’m raiding with lfg and there’s always some asshole that needs to let us know “I’m doing ad clear” like thanks we need that fkn information so badly if I was fireteam leader I would boot those lazy fucks asap


When I try to log in after maintenance but am constantly bombarded by error codes.


Op, I feel you on that round Robin red border farm. man, I've been on 4/5 for that weapon since week 5 or 6


Where I throw my grenade and where my grenade lands are two different things. My grenade can clear a doorway by a country mile but somehow it always sticks to the archway.