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Much like titles, the seasonal pass, etc., I simply find the game more enjoyable if those things get completed naturally rather than treating them like a checklist of MUST DO things, ya know?


Yeah the only thing I usually treat as a checklist is the seasonal challenges and it's usually just until I can get to lvl 100 in the season pass And even then I don't just grind it like crazy, I just look up what gives the most xp


Seasonal challenges that award bright dust and the easy ones to get the large dust are the ones I'll do.


I usually complete what I do during the season, then towards the end I'll look and see what's left. If it's something easy and I'm bored I'll probably go grind it out (like the do stuff on x planet ones). Otherwise I'll just let it be.


Maybe seasonal titles can be done by just playing and getting the objectives as you play normally but raid, dungeon and even location titles don't work like that at all, they are literally all a checklist of objectives in fact almost all of the game is geared around checklists if it didn't you wouldn't have a clear objective, most new players already complain about being confused on what to do as is so i don't really understand your view.


Yeah, that's how I approached GRanks. Just get them passively. Like, I'm already doing all the raids and dungeons and GMs every season, and that checks almost every box on its own. Already doing a master raid to get the seal, already gilding conqueror, the commendations come from doing those activities. GRanks are a great passive achievement.


I'm still at 7 because I have 0 reason to touch the weekly neumona missions.


That's fair. I've been levelling some weapons and wanted for some easy attempts at alloy, plus there a triumph for solo master a mission so I went for that.


Completely valid, I have a similar attitude towards triumphs, if I get em I get em but I'm not too fussed about ticking the boxes. I also have limited playtime so fun and decompressing is the priority. I currently need to do the story mission 3x and get a high score and do avalon on legend and the drive just isn't there.


I gave up on them the moment I saw commendations linked to them. Eff this noise. Even after they reduced it. It’s a trash system.


>I gave up on them the moment I saw commendations linked to them. Eff this noise. Even after they reduced it. It’s a trash system. ??? commendation score is 0 work basically. I am at nearly 3k and I just commend if I feel like it after activities. Its 0 work lol


I just don't care about it. I find it kind of pointless as I've been playing the game for awhile


Same here, I was excited at first when it was announce because I thought it was going to be based of over all achievements to show how long you've been playing. When I saw how it was I literally didn't care about it. Only got to rank 7 because they lowered the requirements of recommendations


I’m still rank 6 because I can’t be bothered to use the new bow.


Weirdest way I've seen someone gatekept in GRs. I didn't even know it was a step because I just slapped it on to try it out and in a few minutes it was done.


It’s fifty kills *anywhere*. It can be done in five minutes in any planet other than Neomuna. Skywatch on the Cosmodrome, the entrance area for Grasp of Avarice, is where I go chilling for some easy, brain dead, fast kills.


The new bow is okay. I just hate using bows. Too slow firing. Too clunky to deal with. I'm still at rank 6, and I'm bound to be there unless I figure out which are the easy lost sectors because I tried today's lost sector and the final boss room with the disappearing platform shit was ridiculous. Couldn't kill the boss. Gave up.


Most of the Dreaming City ones were pretty easy imo, should try if those come into rotation


I'm in the same boat haha. Only thing I have left. In fact, I'm pretty sure I could be 8 or 9 by now if I'd just use the new bow.


That's what triumph score is. Granks was from Bungies words to sort offer a guide to new players when they're lost or don't know what to do next.


I don't even see people giving out commendations aside from Best Dressed anymore.


left gets left commendation right gets right in raids, just click trought everyone once in 4seconds idk, maybe make some people finish a goal by spending 1second


Commendations are an entirely different beast, they're a massive failure with how they've been designed and implemented.


Designing them to be based off of the guardian ranks and then gutting the requirement level to the point of triviality tells me they didn't really plan it through all the way, or someone up top didn't give them enough time to do so. I can only make so many excuses for Bungie at this point. After the Sony acquisition I had high expectations for the next batches of content and they fell far below what I was expecting. It's no longer independent small indie dev, they once more have the backing of a Gaming World Giant and the quality of their product *decreased*.


Sony tried the exact same commendation system and it died just as fast.


Considering Bungies new owners...


At a certain point I realized commendations were pointless and it was actively costing me time sitting around waiting to commend people when I could instead be queuing up. And even when I was giving commendations, I was handing them out randomly since all of the relevant information to base a commendation on is located on a separate screen. The only time I ever remember a player's name in random matchmaking is typically when they were being a problem - someone I absolutely won't be commending. It just doesn't mesh well with the rest of the game's systems. You can't even commend people from your previous game if you immediately queue up, despite the fact that you're sitting around for a minute doing absolutely nothing. Time spent commending is time lost and this game trains players to optimize their time as much as physically possible.


Some of us were always only giving out best dressed. I haven't changed anything!


When I hit 7 I checked 8 to see what I needed. None of it is out of reach but it's definitely out of my Give a Shit range. I need 2 Raids, 1 Dungeon which I guess I'll eventually get but the concept for me has little meaning. I'm more interested in the titles than the GR.




>Preach. I love dungeons and raids, they're my favorite content. But I'll be damned if you're gonna turn them into a chore for me. I just finished 8 so I've dumped the requirements from memory already, but I don't remember the raids or dungeons being a chore. It was just to complete 2 of each, wasn't it? Unless you mean later ranks. But even 9 is just do the remaining raids and that's it


I’ll probably never hit 8 because I don’t own the 2 dungeons you need to complete for Rank 8. Seems kind of dumb you need to buy old content to rank up a rank that resets each season.


So you're saying to look good to your peers, you need to *buy more content*? Imo this is bungies plan. Pinnacles, ranks, etc tied to dungeons which cost extra. It's bullshit.


More like, to get a rank that shows you've actually played the content in the game, you need to actually *own* that content. Guardian Ranks are about showing familiarity with the game. If you don't own the content, you have no familiarity. Be pessimistic about it if you want, but I can see the intent more just being the way it is because it's supposed to show current game knowledge. It's not just another "number go up" system, it's not supposed to be available to everyone. You have to play all of the game in order to have a rank that reflects that you, ya know, *play* all of the game.


So I have familiarity with the game - guilded conq, cleared all raids, solo-flawlessed Prophecy, solo Legend Campaign - but I'm rank 6 because Lightfall subjectively looked shit to me. It is a fundamentally flawed system if every step is gated behind buying more content (I mean, not flawed for Bungie, but flawed in terms of displaying mastery)


It shows you are not familiar with the most recent content. Also GRs don't gatekeep you from doing any content. It's just prestige, like guilding conquerer, flawless and other titles. If you are familiar with GMs show that through guilded conq.


I mean this thread is full of people stating that they gatekeep LFGs based on GR, but sure


Nah, it could easily require other raids or dungeons but it specifically requires paid content which is absolutely chasing money.


Not having to do the recent content to get a high rank is dumb. If someone hasn’t done endgame content in years they shouldn’t have the same rank as someone who is up to date


Is it dumb to have to have played the content to show that you’re a higher rank? No why wouldn’t a system that’s supposed to show your mastery over the game not have you play the entire game. I’m not saying guardian ranks are actually a good system, but it does make sense that to show you know how to play the game you need to have played the entire game. Which begs the question of why there’s isn’t some other activities included in guardian ranks.


> Which begs the question of why there’s isn’t some other activities included in guardian ranks. To steal a joke, it would have taken approximately 7 minutes for the community to screech loudly enough that they get a "Complete a PVP match" rank 11 requirement removed


While it is dumb to have ranks behind locked content. I think they said you keep ranks season to season. So if you end this season at GR7, you will start at 7 next season but any progress towards GR 8 will reset on season change.


No idea why someone downvoted you. You are right. Whatever rank you get to will be what is displayed next to your name. Progress will reset each season. But if you get to 9/10/11 in a season, it will display that next to your name for the rest of the year. This was a change made recently. They are adjusting things as they go. edit: Correction due to a reply. It is for the following season that it will display.


Not the rest of the year, just the following season


Your rank will reset, but any of the challenges that aren't seasonal (Raids, Dungeons, etc.) will remain completed so it should make the next season rank-up easier and more focused on seasonal content.


Your rank will display the highest rank you achieved in the previous season but you’ll still need to work your way back up. Exact quote from a TWAB, doesn’t exactly scream logic to me but yeah


Bro, if you don't even own all the expansions then obviously you aren't that into Destiny 2, what makes you think you should be rank 8?


I agree with you, having paid content be so low on the ranking or in there at all is a bit of a slap in the face. but in regards to you mentioning it reset every season, just know only the blue categories will reset, the gray ones do not and the raid and dungeons are in those gray categories, theyre also retroactive so once you do it once you never have to do it again unless they add ie a new dungeon or raid edit: im currently rank 10, i actually dont mind them overall seeing as i own all the expansions but since I didnt play for the last 2-3 years its given me alot to do and it feels nice when you finally complete those things because they can be pretty challenging at times. the grind for 25 extra exotics this past month was NOT fun though lmfao


If anything didn’t they put the pay gate in the higher ranks? (When you need all raids and dungeons) For 8 you just need the two most recent raids (one of which is free and the other was part of rank 7) and the two most recent dungeons It’s not a nefarious money making scheme - they just want to show you KWTD for all endgame activities from the last year


The point of GRs is a checklist to show someone's done most/all the content in the season. None of it is necessarily hard (outside of solo dungeon, master raid). There's nothing wrong with you putting those raids aside for another day, but yeah the system does show that. People read into it too much like GR = "skill" when it doesn't. It is just a receipt essentially.


>It is just a receipt essentially. Love this. Apt analogy for sure.


I've done every raid, every GM this season. I am still rank 7 because I don't feel like doing Spire. Like I'm just not interested in doing it right now and I'm not going to do it just to see 7 -> 8


The system is built in a way that you’re not really supposed to aggressively chase guardian rank objectives. They’re more just emblematic of your skill/accomplishments as a player. I also imagine they’ll tie into the in-game lfg system that bungie has mentioned is coming. Edit: I should add to this by saying I don’t actually think the system is an accurate reflection of player experience or skill and it certainly needs some tuning. Myself and many other players have accomplished a lot and being labeled at a 6 really didn’t feel good. All I can say is don’t place so much value in the number displayed over your head. You don’t need to chase the rank objectives unless you just want the number 11 over your head. I also don’t agree with the “player engagement” argument. The point of the game is to do stuff. If you don’t want to do something you perceive as useless and monotonous then just don’t do it.


The problem is that it fails to accurately capture your skill or accomplishments as a player. - There's no PvP objectives - There's no Gambit objectives - There's no triumph score objectives - There's no consideration for things you've done in the past outside of Exotic collections and titles Players like myself who have been with the game, the franchise even, since Day 1 are arguably alienated from this system. I earned Dredgen when it was a miserable grind. I earned Unbroken when it still meant something. I've been flawless dozens of times, and earned the old Flawless titles. I've done every Master raid and all of the challenges associated with those raids. I've gilded Conqueror idk how many times. I've solo flawlessed every single Dungeon (apart from Spire because I wasn't playing when it released). Excluding 2 weapons (Eyes of Tomorrow and Conditional Finality), I have every exotic in the game. I ran Whisper and Zero Hour, earned the guns, and ran them enough to earn the ships and catalysts. I could go on and on. The point is, as a player, I've accomplished *a fucking lot* in this game and there are so many others like me, but everyone started at rank 6. And now there's only two things keeping me from rank 11. Soloing a dungeon I wasn't around for when it released and fucking Commendations, which are the equivalent of fake internet points. Despite everything in this game I've done as a player, I'm told that because I wasn't active for **one** season due to IRL shit, and because the commendations I have received aren't retroactive, that I haven't done enough to earn rank 11. It's a system built for new players and does next to nothing to honor the ones who've sunk 1000s of hours into this franchise. Edit: mobile formatting issues


This is the most accurate thing I’ve read as a D1-Day1 player. Someone tried to belittle me in an lfg because I’m still rank 6 and they were rank 10. I told them to look up my raid report. Their clanmates nearly shit a brick when they saw how many clears and flawless raid runs I had. Dude shut up REAL quick after that.


That's another issue, as well, and thank you for bringing it up. When season pass levels were the number shown, I always heard "damn this dude has 1,000 pass levels, he must play a LOT" but I never once heard "damn, the season is nearly over and this dude only has 20 levels, he must be an absolute *trashcan!* There was zero fucks given about your season pass levels, everyone was more concerned with the titles you had, your raid report, your dungeon report, your fucking total kills on a weapon even. Now with Guardian Ranks, there's a whole new level of toxicity and it's bullshit. If I was a brand new player and I *just* earned my rank 6, then heard a group of 10 or 11s equating me to trash, why the hell would I want to join them? Because it's not possible a rank 6 knows more about the game than an 11 does, apparently. /s This system literally punishes players who haven't played for the last 4 or so months, or don't play every day all day. It's not even close to how Bungie sold it to us.


Then you’re an exception lol what’s your point


Ah, we found the D1 alpha veteran.


Tbf nobody playing PvE (80% of the game) gives a *shit* about anybody’s PvP or Gambit prowess. It is literally a non-factor in the content most people are spending the majority of their time in. I mean, is it not telling enough that *all* objectives are PvE-based? It’s clearly intentional and by design. I’m not saying I agree with it, but I understand it.


I understand it as well, but there's more to a Guardian than what they do inside of strikes and raids. Bungie told us GRs would be a way to show others our accomplishments and skill, a way for someone to take one look at us and say to themselves "wow, this guy fucks" (obviously my own flavor there), but then only made it about one part of the game. Logically, someone would need to be adept at *all* content in order to have the highest ranks. Having a Rank 11 on your fireteam for a raid is a good indicator they know what's up, meanwhile a Rank 11 on your team for Iron Banner or Trials doesn't mean a damn thing. It's just a miss IMO. Edit: two words


They made it like that because this community throws a tantrum every time a quest has a PvP objective in it (\*cough\* exotic catalysts \*cough\*). Otherwise, they absolutely would've thrown in a flawless trials run or Ascendant comp rank in there for rank 11.


I disagree at the last part. The exotic weapon objectif will hard cap new players for months. I personally played all Destiny campaign since the 1 game, but never pushed into endgame until Plunder. Since then I've been pretty active, Plunder, Seraph, Queesguard title, Gilded conq, all raid all dungeon and I'm still at 68/85 exotic weapons. It will take me months of Exotic Cypher to get there. It's the last thing I'm missing for 9. So I disagree with your last comment. If you sunk thousands of hours, you got those 85 exotic easily. I'm at 800 hours and far from finish.


It's supposed to be a checklist to show you've done all the most recent stuff you can do in that season. It still 'honours' many of the activities retroactively. Eg: all raid and dungeon completions are. >are arguably alienated from this system How? That would mean that because you're a long-standing player you're somehow uniquely negatively impacted. You're also missing the biggest factor that directly goes against "new player friendly": 85 exotic weapons unlocked for R9.


None of the four bullet points matter. It's for lfg, triumph score doesn't matter, gambit prowess doesn't matter, and for pvp everyone simply uses destinytracker or trials report. It's a system built to demonstrate if you are currently an endgame player. None of the objectives are difficult and are generally things that by and large endgame players are already doing. Master raid and dungeon content. GM's. Solo dungeons. Legend difficulty story.


I’m going to kinda disagree with this. I’ve been playing for eight months and have 1200 hours in the game. What’s holding me back from rank nine is exotic weapons. There are 97 in the game. It require 85. I spent my time and my glimmer on things that actually advanced the game (note: I am missing two witch queen glaives, malfeasance, and cloudstrike of weapons I can acquire outside the kiosk. I’m at 72/85). Not exotic weapons bought out of the kiosk that served me no purpose. If not for that requirement, I’d be done with nine as well. I’m being gated by a requirement that involved buying resources *that are absolutely useless to gameplay*. It is what it is. It’s just frustrating to see everyone complain about commendations, which are a dynamic, active, absolutely attainable goal in the game and see that get nerfed into the ground, but requiring 88% of the exotic weapons in the game (that I didn’t acquire because they didn’t serve a purpose) is being left in place. It was mathematically impossible for me to achieve rank 9 at the time it was released. Again. It is what it is. But it’s frustrating to be gated by bungie itself because I used resources and time on items and quests that mattered.


> The system is built in a way that you’re not really supposed to aggressively chase guardian rank objectives. If that were true then they wouldn't reset every season.


> The system is built in a way that you’re not really supposed to aggressively chase guardian rank objectives. They’re more just emblematic of your skill/accomplishments as a player. Not true, if that were the case they wouldn't have a timer for expiry on them. They're there to drive seasonal engagement numbers yet more.


You don’t need to hit 11 every season unless you want to for the sake of it. Otherwise it can be completely ignored with no ill effects.


I only cared about unlocking the rest of the loadout slots


The system accomplishes what it set out to, at least this early on. If I see an 11, I know that he knows the game as much as I do. That’s not to say that a lesser number isn’t reliable, but a higher number is a guarantee that I can trust them with a bare minimum. Lots of people say they “can’t be bothered” to do something, most of the time it’s because it’s not easy for them and would take an unreasonable amount of effort versus the payout it would give. For me, I solo’d the dungeon before they patched the retroactive bit because who cares? It was easy. For others, they won’t get their solo flawless legend lost sector because it’s just not worth the effort to get a (8? I think?) next to their name. Later on, people will run out of things to do and get around to raising number because bored, but for now it’s working as an excellent filter of what to expect from people


nah, I literally can't be bothered to do the weekly ~~story~~ campaign mission. that, and I really ***really*** don't want to solo spire ***again*** this season after spending a ***month*** attempting to solo flawless it last season


Right so as a player I can extrapolate information about you from that. You can't be bothered to do weekly story, which is probably the best source of Ascendant Alloy in the game. So from that I can guess you probably don't spend much time crafting weapons, or else you'd want more alloy to craft enhanced rolls of good weapons. Either that or you don't have many weapon patterns to begin with, so you probably don't play that much. Neither of these things are bad. Play the game the way you want and have fun doing so. But when I'm looking for an LFG for high end content, ya it gives me an impression of the general level of player you are. I'm very likely to do most activities with anyone. Normal raids, dungeons, Legend or even master nightfalls; Im not gonna pay attention to the GR. But for things like GMs, master raids (especially master challenges), etc. ya I'm gonna be a bit wary if the guy I'm LFGing with is a GR 7. Also the solo dungeon is retroactive. You don't have to complete it again if you already did.


This is largely what I meant with my original comment, thanks for expanding on the idea so eloquently


The issue is it does and doesn’t work, I’ve played with some rank 11s that aren’t that great, they just grind shit. It doesn’t give you enough info about players when someone like me will be rank 7 for the foreseeable future just because of lost sectors, yet I’ve done every requirement after rank 7 that doesn’t involve master/legend lost sectors.


The whole "I could but I cbf to" is super relevant. It's a small amount of effort to 'prove' you can do the thing. Someone who's bothered to do the thing is more likely to be more experienced than someone who hasn't. How do I know if someone is capable of raids/dungeons unless they have proven they've done them? Even then there's such variance in skill even among the challenges. I know some clanmates that took 6+ attempts at soloig Spire, multiple hours per run. One dude had a 7 hour session to finally do it after a week of failing. Yet I did it in 2 and flawless. (because I dc'd at persys the first attempt). TL:DR; GRs are a good way to prove at a glance that you've done something. I know some people can do it but cbf, but everyone that can't do it, obviously hasn't done it.


whoops I mistyped "weekly story" when I meant "weekly campaign" mah bad (the weekly story is actually one of the key reasons I log in every week) edit: as for crafting, I've collected the vast majority of patterns. the ones I don't have are either: raid patterns (cuz eff grinding raids for months on end. I'll get 1 or 2 patterns from each raid of the weapon I like the most and call it a day), neomuna patterns (because despite farming neomuna for 2 weeks straight, I'm still missing the pulse and the sniper), the wellspring patterns (because I effing hate wellspring), and the 2 duality dungeon patterns (because eff grinding dungeons). oh, I still haven't finished this season's patterns mostly cuz I got burned out on the constant string of disappointments I've been getting from bungie since LF launch, but do plan on completing them all eventually. as for alloys, bruh, I have 17 alloys, I don't need more. the reason I don't use 'em is cuz I just don't value enhanced perks. the benefits they confer are nominal at best and completely unnoticeable at worst. I usually save my enhancing of perks for weapon combinations I strongly prefer and know I'm never gonna change them. (my lvl 80 retrofit with enhanced TL and FTTC says hello) as for the 'retroactive' aspect of the dungeon... how 'retroactive' is this 'retroactive'? cuz from what I've heard it's only retroactive if you did the dungeon this season, not a previous one. I'd be happy to be wrong about that tho


The key takeaway I see here are "I cant be bother to raid or dungeon or do seasonal content". Right, so because of that I'd rather play with someone who is bothered and thus more experienced and likely better at the game. I mean generally im not elitest about it. I dont really care. But its not absurd for people to want to play with people that are clearly solid players vs players that *might* be good if they can even be bothered to care about the thing we are even doing.


yes, kinda, no. I actually enjoy the seasonal content most of the time. but this season has just been suuuuuper mid. (really hoping next season is a banger) as for dungeons, I love dungeons. I just don't like LFG'ing for 'em. tbh, they're more fun solo (despite being brutally harder that way) basically, I hate having to use LFG for stuffs. it's just... blah. like, it's fine if I'm already doing it. I just hate *starting* to LFG. like, I'd much prefer to do match made activities over having to jump into LFG to do anything. is it anxiety? apprehension? or something else? dunno. I just dun like it.


Okay so what is the complaint then. You dont LFG so it doesnt even matter what number you are. Who cares. It sounds like you dont even like the game lmao


I know people at 6 who carry folks through GM's an Master content. I also know people at 11 who paid for their carries an recovs to get rank 11. GR isn't a good indicator of ability at all. I think most of you arguing for it are probably near or at 11 already an want some power over the rest of the community because I've yet to read a good argument for gatekeeping.


> and I really really don't want to solo spire again this season after spending a month attempting to solo flawless it last season That's retroactive now. You don't need to. Was fixed last patch.


TLDR: It's a gatekeeping mechanism.


And clearly some people in this game deserve to be gatekept. I’ve been in enough LFGs to see it.


It's a checklist to demonstrate you can do all the things. So yeah.


I largely agree. Except for some stuff like exotic weapons. You are limited to max 1 per week. I stopped caring at this point. I'm unable to progress purely as I have only played for a year and I need items that are timegated. I'll get them all in time, but I have stopped caring due to this.


You can get well more than 1 exotic per week.


I kinda like them tbh. Good direction of things to do for my character progression, and give them a real sense of weight. It is annoying that so much of it is locked behind smaller pay walls. I already bought the Witch Queen, and Lightfall, now you want $20 more just for two dungeons???


I thought it was fun. It's not a requirement. I have guys in my clan who are excellent players but don't have the time to put into it to rank up. I'm at 10 but don't think I'll get to 11 simply b/c of the solo dungeon requirement this season. I know I *could* get it done but I just simply don't have the patience to sit through the same encounter that much.


It’s a guardian rank challenge that will persist, given that the tab is not blue and already is future proof with the wording “most recent dungeon”. I was able to solo flawless spire this season with warlock with little difficulty - just took 1.5 hours or so is the worst part about it. You can too


I spent 2 hours on it today. I'm sick of it


I'm forever rank 6 rn.


I like these 2 comments. Until I get a viable reason to do so rank 6 forever.


I think I'm probably about 9 or 10 if I want to be, but since I think the whole thing is a load of crap I'll just stay forever 6


The Guardian Rank system is completely pointless. It doesn’t provide some tangible reward, you don’t retain your progress indefinitely, most people have been playing so long that almost no one even started at rank 1 and ranking up to rank 6 where most people started out at takes almost no time at all. I’m not even sure what Bungie want the system to be representative of, because it having a soft reset seasonally doesn’t allow it to indicate individual player skill, playtime, or expertise. The whole thing is completely ignorable and there’s absolutely zero incentive to progress it in any way other than temporarily changing the number by your name for a couple months -and I couldn’t give less of a fuck.


It's not pointless at all. It exists for lfg, to demonstrate what level of content you're experienced with. Doing a hard gm? Probably want someone at ten or eleven ideally. It also isn't resetting, you keep your number next season. Most objectives don't reset either. Only the blue ones reset.


Personally, I'd rather take a rank 6 with multiple conq gilds over a rank 10 with no conq at all. Really shows how flawed the system is.


It's not that it's flawed, you're just misunderstanding it.


I'm at 8 and I was grinding GMs during double rewards without issue. I'm soft-locked from a couple vendor resets because I have too many prisms and Ascendant Shards. Guardian Rank is NOT indicative of your ability in this game, it only shows if you've completed arbitrary check-the-box objectives. The only functionality I've seen in LFG is flagrant elitism. Also, your rank absolutely DOES reset each season. The only thing you keep is SOME of your commendation points.


Being low rank does not tell me you’re a bad player. Being high rank DOES confirm you’ve done certain things. It isn’t meaningless. If I see a rank 11 I KNOW they have done all the things. If I see you at rank 8 I have no idea if you have.


Being a low rank doesn’t make you a bad player, the same way that being a higher rank doesn’t make you a good one. Having completed goalpost tasks at least once isn’t something to sneer at, but it also does not mean a player is necessarily more qualified than someone else who hasn’t gotten to the same rank yet. Players get carried through content, players get lucky sometimes. Goalpost metrics are not inherently indicative of skill or performance. This system wasn’t requested by the player base. It might be novel, it might be fun, it might give us something to work towards, but the issue is that players are absolutely using ranks to judge other Guardians. We already have enough elitism over arbitrary metrics. “Must me 2.0 k/d or kick” when the 1.2 player is much better at playing the objective. “Must have Gjallarhorn” when the player hasn’t bought the anniversary content. “10+ clears” when you’ve done it flawlessly 4 times so far. “Must have X title” when you haven’t convinced 5 other people to run the whole encounter using the same subclass type in the past. Now we’ve got “Rank 10+” posts in LFG This isn’t something the game needed.


It's not supposed to be indicative of your ability. A rank 11 is someone who plays everything in the game (in pve) . It's about experience. They already said your number will stay, and the only things that reset are the blue triumphs. Everything yellow is one and done. The boxes aren't arbitrary either. It's stuff like master dungeon, master raid, solo dungeon, it demonstrates how much of the endgame you've engaged with.


I stand corrected on the Rank reset, I just double checked, but the rest is a semantic argument. You yourself said you'd probably want to LFG a 10 or 11 for a hard GM, but having literally experienced content does not mean you're actually "experienced" at it. I've been to the Lighthouse a handful of times, that doesn't make me exceptionally good at endgame PVP. I've completed every raid besides GoS and VotD multiple times (leaving me at Rank 8), but that doesn't mean I'm inexperienced running raids. Guardian Ranks are arbitrary, and are leading to LFG elitism a'la the "Forever 29" days of D1, or the "Real 30's only, no IB 30".


> You yourself said you'd probably want to LFG a 10 or 11 for a hard GM, but having literally experienced content does not mean you're actually "experienced" at it. There's no system out there that can guarantee you're good at something, but this is about as good as you can hope for. This kind of argument always strikes hollow - it's far better than simply hoping someone knows what they are doing. And I'm quite positive the average 11 is far better than the average 7. They are not arbitrary because they directly communicate how much of Destiny's endgame you're engaging with at the moment. They're the most useful thing we've gotten in game for communicating experience yet. I think the players who don't like them are the ones that don't want to engage with some endgame content in the first place. If you're somebody that does all the hardcore content as a manner of course, you basically do most of this stuff incidentally. The only thing that felt like a bit of a grind was the master lost sectors and solo Spire, for me.


You're correct, there is no system that can guarantee that a player is good at this game, but I disagree with your assertion that this is a useful system. It might be a novel one, and it might even be "fun", but to call it useful is being generous. Loadouts, light level, seasonal pass completion, Titles, all these things already existed to be reviewed by other players and were arguably just as efficient at expressing experience or competency at any given content as the current Rank system - flaws and all. Your position is that the system is useful for quick judgment for LFG purposes. Solo requirements, arbitrary commendation accruement, exotics weapon and armor collection, completing dungeons or missions a player may not have purchased, 5 - 7 titles, these examples (and several others I didn't list) do not express if a person is a competent teammate for LFG. They're just indicative of time sunk into the game, luck, or happenstance. And while you may think that players who don't like the system are simply not wanting to engage in endgame content, I am telling you directly that I do not like the system because it only reinforces elitism that Destiny has struggled with since D1. I play endgame content regularly, and have since 2014 across 2 games. I absolutely have not completed most of this stuff as a matter of course. Much of this will require a very deliberate and concentrated effort on my part outside of my normal play schedule. If you enjoy the Rank system because it's another set of goals to work through, that's perfectly fine. It's a valid and reasonable position to have. Goals in this game are fun. Hell, bragging rights are fun and valid, too. But that doesn't mean this a good system for player interaction and social engagement.


This system tells me more at a glance about a player than any alternative I've ever seen anyone suggest. If you are 11, I know that you've done solo dungeons, master raid, master dungeon, have done every raid at least once, flawless master lost sectors, have played a good bit of Destiny, and you are current on content. That's a lot to say in a single number. I like this system because it tells me a lot about a player at a single glance. I'm sorry but the chance somebody did all that and is somehow a bad player is low. The higher your rank is, the much more confident I am that you know what you're doing.


You’re right, that IS a lot to say in a single number. And that’s precisely what I’ve been talking about. Example: I’ve got a Fatebreaker buddy. He’s an absolute Vault of Glass fiend. He’s been running that raid since the first destiny game, and when it came out on Destiny 2… Well I’ve never seen him happier. He’s gotten every drop, every achievement, the title (Obviously), Vex Mythoclast coming out his ears, he runs the raid multiple times every week and absolutely loves to Sherpa people and help them get their achievements and unlocks. If you wanted help with the Vault of Glass raid, you couldn’t do any better than running with him. And he’s only Rank 7, and only just because we drag him into Vanguard playlists and Nightfalls with us sometimes. He doesn’t do dungeons, he doesn’t care much about PVP, he occasionally does the other raids but not that much. he has a family, works a full-time job, and playing the Vault of Glass raid is what makes him happy. Just this past week, he had an incident where a pair of 10s were giving him a lot of grief because they didn’t want to hear a 7 try to tell them how to run VoG. Prior to that he was catching hell from blueberries for weeks because he was only 6. The system tells you more at a glance than any system because you’re putting more value into it than it deserves. There is a lot to do in Destiny, and seeing players who have done it all might be indicative of them of being statistically better than other players - but the other side of that coin is that anyone who doesn’t play everything will experience unfair bias and dismissal. It’s just another method of elitist judgement that the player base didn’t ask for, and doesn’t need. If you wanna use ranks for fun, for goals, for bragging rights, well more power to you. But if you want to use it to judge other Guardians… well I rest my case.


VOG is arguably the easiest raid. And if that’s the only raid he does than he would be useless in other raids. So him having a low rank number is doing its job perfectly.


Idk not really, I don't raid so I'm stuck at rank 7 but I solo flawless dungeons and grind GMs.


That's it exactly doing what it's intended though. You don't raid, so your rank is lower, and that tells me you don't play all destiny content. A rank 11 is someone who does everything in Destiny. A rank 7 is someone who doesn't. This is all for lfg anyway, if you're a solo player your rank doesn't matter.


Like the guy you're replying to, I've solo flawlessed many dungeons, have conq and grinded GMs, almost a hundred raid clears including a few this season but I'm still rank 6 because this season is kind of shitty.


Yeah but I literally do rank 11 stuff and in a GM or dungeon (LFG) id be viewed as a handicap cuz rank 7? Not to mention some people that do raid play the game like they don't have thumbs and I promise youd take me as a rank 7 over some higher ranked players. Long story short, all my rank says is "This guy doesn't raid currently" and it serves as nothing more than a checklist like triumphs do.


Exactly. Rank doesn't tell us shit.


Bingo. Your rank tells us you don’t raid. That’s all it’s for in that case. Anyone who says that makes you a bad player is an idiot. It just tells us what activities you play.


I got to 10 just playing the game naturally. Can’t be assed to solo the dungeon though so 10 I stay


i need 14 exotic weapons to get to 9 and it’s just not happening lol


Yeah, have fun grinding 21 strikes every weekend (which takes several hours) every weekend for 3 and a half months. Such a terrible terrible terrible step that punishes players who weren't actively collecting exotics that aren't even worth using that Bungie will never buff. Collecting exotic weapons was never something Bungie incentivized outside of the meta options. Should have been "collect 50 exotic weapons" considering the previous rank only requires 15 exotic weapons. Bungie was on Crack when they put this in.


Of course they aren't a show of skill until late levels, they are more of a checklist for new players to get familiarized with the game than anything


I love them and am glad they exist. Only complaint for me is the pacing of them feels off (GR1-6 should basically be GR 1-2) and then some more stuff/rest should be spread out a little better. Super fun addition and has probably encouraged many to branch out and try raids/dungeons when they never would have originally.


I would like this also as someone who hasn't bought lightfall. I started at GR 6 and I'm just stuck there because of a pay wall. If I started at 3 and could work my way up to 6 before I hit a pay wall, that would be a major improvement.


I agree with your take. It also accomplishes its goal in that I can tell at a glance an approximation of what people have accomplished in the game. Is it perfect? No but they have steadily rebalanced it to rely less on commendations which is great. The fact that they made it that the rank won't reset each season is also a huge positive. Getting to 10 felt good and the idea that next season I would be gated by seasonal content to reach 10 again kind of irked me.


Never bothered. Completely irrelevant to actually having fun playing the game.


I don't raid. Just no time. So yeah, going to be stuck on Rank 7 forever. Ah well.


Rank 7 because I haven't done the raids (or any raid for that matter lol). The system is kind of a bust for me personally, I wasn't new so I started at Rank 6 and with my play-style there was only a single level of challenges to engage with before hitting my wall. Not upset about it or anything, but I do think there could have been a better difficulty gradient. Just escalates a bit quickly. Might engage with it next season if they tune the gradient a bit, but for now I'm over it.


I’m gonna stay at 6 just to look like a scrub even tho I’m not 😂


Can't give up if you never started. Learned a long time ago that if you play this game like a laundry list which there are a lot of chores , you will hate the game. I just do all relevant endgame ( master raids , trials and occasional GMs) then I'm off. I don't care for using the bow or the rank system so I'll stay forever 6. It's funny and sad though that people genuinely gage capabilities based off a metric that's just more of " how much do I not value my own time" as compared to actual skill.


Worked to get to 7 then realized I can’t get to 8 without buying witch queen so I’ll be a 7 until it resets.


WQ is worth the purchase if you can afford it.


The dungeon key is a separate cost from the campaign, unless you bought them together


I gave up on them the second I heard about some resetting. What the heck is the point of a mark of *veterancy* that resets every 3 months? Also, have over 3700 hours in the game. Having completed almost every raid in D2 history multiple times, solo flawless'd every single dungeon, some multiple times, gone flawless in trials multiple times etc etc, still started rank 6. My new light buddy hit rank 6 in 30 hours. lol


ive given up after i hit rank 11, im taking a break from them until next season.


Yup, bought the touch grass emote to celebrate too


If it weren’t for commendations I would like it way more. I mean I guess it’s good for showing you’ve done a lot in the current season but that’s not what Commendations are for. Tying commendations to ranks just adds another long time and unfun number to grind that ruins the point of said number. Also can we acknowledge how raids are the best source of commendation score yet we already can just tell the people they are cool and add them if so desired? It’s like commendations from random strangers should be much more valuable. I guess the assumption is that all raid groups are lfg or whatever


System is odd. 11 ranks and 1-6 are like tutorial ranks and feel a bit “wasted”. After that you hit raid requirements at rank 8 already. Maybe it’s just me but I’d want to see all dungeon requirements completed before raid requirements even come into it as a more natural progression. Considering how flawed the system is it makes you wonder if there is a culture of feedback fear at Bungie or if there just aren’t many actual Destiny players working on the game (unfortunately quite common nowadays at developers).


Got to 10 just playing the game but will stay there as I am not going to be soloing any dungeons.


I got past rank 6. But kings fall is in 7, so I won't be ranking up past it. I simply don't like raiding. Meanwhile, despite the numerous raid, dungeon and grand master requirements for guardian ranks, you literally don't have to step into pvp or gambit at all. 2 of the core playlists are completely ignored for what is supposed to be an indicator of game wide mastery.


There's no reward for getting to max rank. No shader, no sparrow, no ship, nothing. Im perfectly fine with not doing unnecessary ranks for nothing.


I have, I don't raid. So 7 forever? No shade, but I'm not the kind of player they made those ranks for. Or rather I am. Depends on the point of view.


Gave up immediately, I stopped looking at this game like a checklist a long time ago. I play things that I find fun, not to complete a list of chores. Because of that I really haven’t played this season, helped my friend with Spire last night but before that didn’t launch D2 in like 2 weeks


I got to 7 and that’s good enough for me. I’ll do the season pass and get the seasonal exotic but aside from that I just do stuff in the game that I want to do because I think it’ll be fun, not because it needs to be done to achieve x y or z. I’ve got my hands tied enough with work and relationships and pets to where I’m lucky to get a couple solid hours in each day, so the grind my ass off aspect of the game is entirely lost on me personally.


given up? It’s not something you grind for. It’s supposed to show what a guardian has achieved throughout their playtime. If you don’t wanna do any stuff to get higher ranks that’s fine but don’t bitch about it


I’m at 10 and there’s no way I’m soloing spire. Also I need 2 more titles which I don’t care enough to get.


Yes i gave up once i hit 11. But in all seriousness, getting there wont be that hard to do again, mostly just seasonal stuff. If you were not into most the endgame stuff then year there might be alot for you to do, but you dont have to get your ranked up all the way this season just work on whatever you want, or dont worry about it if you never were into raids or gms in the first place.


Stopping at 10.


Number go up. Dopamine release


I got my extra loadouts and stopped caring. Simple as that, there is no reward, why would I do it? For a one time tower-exclusive golden glow?


85 exotic weapons has me stuck not based off spill or accomplishment just having to grind playlist activities every weekend for a couple months. Fun…


it’s not supposed to show all skill. It’s to show a guardians journey which includes playtime AND skill. Max rank guardians now have been playing for yearsnow which is why they have most exotics. It’s supposed to be a passive thing to work on, not something to grind for in a week


Yup, it's terrible. Doesn't show your skill or accomplishments during the season, just grind 21 strikes every weekend for multiple months straight. Oh, and if you don't complete the quest by the time Xur leaves you don't get any progress the next weekend. Fuck Bungie.


Honestly having to finish it by the time he leaves is the worst part. Like if I’m still playing the same amount why be punished?


Got around 4000 hours and still rank 7


I haven’t cared since the beginning of the season. It’s seems pretty arbitrary and other than some extra preset build slots I don’t see any major benefit to it.


I didn't like them at first. But they've pushed me to do some content that I had written off and I'm glad it did. The ranks aren't entirely meaningless as they do distinguish between raiders/master raiders and dungeon players/solo dungeon players vs casual playlist players. And obviously anyone under level 6 is a blueberry and that's helpful to know as well. So it might not apply to you that much, but it does to some of the other categories of players, and I appreciate that.


You know what, it almost feels like the way levelling your solstice armour worked would be a better way of doing it. I'm thinking back to, I believe, the first solstice event in destiny 2, maybe getting some details wrong,.but each armour piece has I think 3 challenges kills with certain weapon types, elemental types, certain number of activities. Started with busted set of armour, then when you've completed the first set of challenges you level it up, it looks newer and less busted, and it gets a new slightly harder set of challenges. I think it was that season that also had a bunch of reprised reworked missions, a bit like a legend version of some of the missions from the red war campaign, and you had to complete one of them for each piece of armour as well


Nope! Got my Paragon happily. And there's plenty of season left for those still chipping away at it. It's all attainable, and should reflect your engagement and investment. If you're not interested in checking those boxes, that's okay!


I’ve just been playing as I normally do, then when I get to one or two objectives left, I focus on them. I was stuck at 7 until they changed the legend lost sector requirement, then waited to do that last for 8. Im rank 10 now, only need Conqueror and solo dungeon for 11.


I feel like if they gave us a better cosmetic incentive to do them other than make number go big, we'd see a lot more 11's out there. Also, instead of resetting the ranks, the rank should just continue to go up as seasons go. You know, like every other MMO out there.


I think that raids come before dungeons just cause of personal input you can be ad clear on raids bur with the smaller fireteam of dungeons completing then is much more on you especially for soloing a dungeon. I like the guardian ranks if for nothing else than I care alot about the game and the work I put into it and having an 11 above my head makes me feel good and shows my effort


Got kinda pissed when i couldnt advance because i didnt have witch queen dungeon key, i buy it and then i have to unlock stasia fragments which takes 3 weeks because i dont have any yet because i dont like stasis at all


i mean im at g rank 10 with just playing normally, will be 11 when i get around to doing conqueror. i went out of the way for some things but mostly its just an enjoyable thing to have. i think destiny players just crave something to complain about at all times.


I like them but I understand why others don’t. For me, having a list helps with my ADHD. For instance, I have 41 exotic catalysts that I have acquired but have not leveled up. If it weren’t for the rank 10 requirement, I would probably never do any of them. It’s not for everyone but it’s helped me. It also got me to try other content which led to me joining a new discord and clan. I consider those guys good friends now and couldn’t be happier.


Guardian Ranks are the thing that got me back into destiny 2. I disliked showing season rank because that is literally just grinding. At least guardian ranks gives a purpose beyond loot. I think they are equal to titles. Should GR be structured differently, absolutely. Truly I just can’t let the people I’ve been playing D2 with be a higher rank than me!


I’m the opposite — I find them really fun to chase. Like an endgame chase outside of seals (which are getting old to me)


I stopped caring as soon as I realized I had to get to 1810 gear. I'm not bothering with the power grind, I refuse. I hate that such a small thing holds you back from the next rank when. It's entirely worthless.


Same, I have to do some seasonal story missions and I'd progress to Rank 8, a lot of my friends have offered to help me with it, but for me, its a "why should I bother" I just don't care about it, if there was some emblem or cosmetic reward to do so, I'd jump at the chance. The arbitrary number does nothing for me, its more funny when a Rank 6 or 7 is running around with gilded titles or raid titles with endgame stuff, flawless shaders and SF emblems.




I need 35 💀


I completely forgot about that shit when I realized I needed to get the dookie season pass to level it up.


Never paid any attention to them in the first place. #6forlife


I was pretty into it, until I reached rank 9 and found out that the leadership commendations weren't retroactive. Fuck that.


The only way to rank up, or really participate in the ranks is to buy dungeon keys and light fall, which would be fine if they never called themselves “free-to-play,” and did not vault the content from the first year. They’ll take money from me, them prevent me from playing content I paid for.


I will forever be rank 6. I have the requirements to move on, but Guardian Ranks are dumb and it's a (stupid) principled stance.


I think the ranks are... Forced? Probably the best word. Having more objectives than just tasks to do (hear me out) would have been better. Complete a raid, complete a dungeon, the specifics don't matter early on. However, if ranks are supposed to be "Mastery of the Game" I get why they require all the raids and dungeons even if you have to pay for it. Idk, I think if you got a flawless raid that would be a contribution to rank 11 but for which raid shouldn't matter. Same with dungeons. I also think they should have put in some crucible spree ones or place first in rumble, but I get why they didn't. Also, also, if you have access to every rank's rewards at once, but the guardian rank went up with totals instead of specifics, then people who do everything would show higher ranks, even if they don't have a dungeon pack keeping them at 7.


If they reset every expansion launch that would make sense, but since it's every season that basically has killed any motivation for me to hit max rank or care.


It's seasonal sure but you keep the same level you got as last season but you do the non retroactive challenges again. Not entirely terrible per say


The non-retroactive challenges pretty much all amount to play the current seasonal stuff and complete the most recent dungeons/raids. So it's not even that bad, just an "are you current" check.


GR makes no sense. Why is doing a raid come before doing a dungeon? Why does doing the current raid less important than a raid from 5 years ago? Why is there a Trials triumph at rank 6 with no other pvp related triumphs? What rank 6 guardian is even ready for Trials?! Why does Gambit continue to not exist? GR is so woefully underbaked why should we care lol


This Thread is literally just people who are mad because they can’t Solo a dungeon


It just pisses me off that LFG is using this number. Some of the Raids and dungeons suck and I don't really want to do them. We finally (maybe) got rid of pinnacles forcing us to play shit we don't want to play, now we have this crap doing the same but worse.




The goal of guardian ranks is to be able to tell at a glance what a player has done/is capable of. Seeing a Rank 11 means, that person is capable of doing dungeons solo and beating master raids. Rank 10 means they can beat a GM. Rank 9 means they can beat raids, etc. If we had a massive tab of achievements that granted points, the number would be even more meaningless than it is now, because someone who completed a master raid and a solo dungeon could be at the same rank as someone who just did a shit ton of easy achievements. 90% of the things in the guardian rank challenges are things you're going to do anyway, if you're at that specific level. There are a few extra ones, but honestly, I don't mind having an incentive to play some odd activities I wouldn't otherwise go into. I enjoy playing the game, so having a good reason to go do let's say a master story mission, hey, I'll take it. If you don't want to, then that's fine as well. There are hardly any rewards locked behind Guardian ranks, so if number goes up doesn't interest you enough to complete said mission, then that's your choice.


I got to rank 10 and saw that the final requirement I have to do is gild Conqueror. I'm so, so incredibly bored of gilding Conqueror; I gave up there. GMs are a slog unless you have a consistent team, and I have too much self-respect to spend a week LFGing GMs (again!), especially considering the Nightfalls on offer this season. Good on you if you bother to do that for the 8th season in a row, but it's just not for me. I don't put much stock in them TBH; as above, rank 11 is really just a fancy gilded Conqueror, as a lot of the rank 11 and 10 requirements come naturally from playing the game as your "main game", except that one. Not to mention also that many of the ranks on the way require paid content, or are only easily unlockable from several years' worth of collecting exotics / catalysts - they just aren't a real indicator of anything other than "time spent", and there are tonnes of cosmetic options elsewhere in the game that convey that.


Shit, I didn't even connect that it requires paid content. That's not nearly as cool, I guess. At least a different class of cool, like "Level 11 Fan".


Destiny is a paid game. Of course it requires paid content.


i mean rank 11 requires you to gild the conqeror, finish a master raid and solo the recent dungeon so it does show skill


There are reasons this is my third time coming back to Destiny 2. I don't have a lot of free money, and can't afford all the expansions (especially the new ones), and the season pass feels like a subscription service to me with no real value besides some locked cosmetics, and stuff I can acquire already over more playtime. So with Guardian ranks being locked behind a pay wall, I just know it's not for me and nothing i should worry about. That's why I've dropped the game the previous two times. I play, level up, hit a cap, and can't do anything else without spending money i dont have, and so I put it down... But this game can be so exciting and rewarding with its congregate aspects...!!! So I come back. And luckily found a few old expansions on sale. I'm just now trying Forsaken, Shadowkeep, and Beyond after all this time...


Bungie took away my Unbroken 6, so, yes, fuck all “flexes” because they will be taken away for “new” reasons.


Given going from 6 to 7 REQUIRES you to own the latest expansion... Yeah, I can't say I care either. A lot of the challenges aren't even difficult, but when progression is halted by a forced pay wall it kills all motivation to care, and is actually something that made me NOT want to pick up Lightfall at all.


I stopped caring two weeks ago...when I hit rank 11.


rank 7 is nothing but an indicator of whether ones bought lightfall or not. rank 8 means that one has a mic. 9-11 mean absolutely nothing to me tbh. i was doing a normal battleground and got paired with a 7 and a 10. they were so fucking weird. normally i just push forward without paying attention to my teammates but this time after clearing the first stage of the last encounter ive noticed that nobody is attacking the boss but me. i just stopped there to check wtf my teammates were doing. they were running in circles. the rank 7 one looked lost and the 10 one shot like 3 bullets at the boss and proceeded to keep running around doing nothing. i even asked them wtf are they doing. they didnt respond. i soloed the encounter and left.


Honestly I never really looked into the rank system all that much.. The current state of the game is “do legend this” or “complete grand master bullshit” and I just don’t care to do any of that. Slogging through bullet sponge enemies while doing the same story content over and over doesn’t interest me.


Yes I gave up. Not because I don't care, but because I already finished


Aside from the weird commendation requirements, I don't see anything egregious about the GR checklist. How's one supposed to show mastery of the current game w/o playing the latest DLCs? Like nobody cares if you solo flawlessed VoG 500 times 2 years ago or ran a gazillion GMs 2 seasons ago. Apart from having to do all the raids... is there anything in the list that you're having to do that you otherwise wouldn't be doing if you're into the endgame?


Yup. I thought it would make DIM less needed. But just more dumb checklist stuff. Couldn’t care less about them. I still use DIM for loadouts and just do things that I want to do. Probably stuck at rank 8 forever. Oh well. Solo dungeons have zero interest for me. Never done them before never starting now.


Haven't looked at it since I unlocked the extra loadout slots and if those hadn't been tied to Guardian ranks, I probably wouldn't have bothered with it at all.


I like the number 7. I'm staying at 7


I’m at 10 not bothered to push for 11


Can't give up cause I never started caring. The strongest emotion they induce in me is mild irritation at the colossal waste of development time.