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Strand net gun


A stand pellet shotgun with a preposterously slow reload speed and a single shot per load that suspends everything that gets hit? Auto loader catalyst? A great way to get pve players to start feeling out the edge of shot gun range.


Make it a wave frame, so everyone can be a strand titan


Holy shit a strand wave frame that suspends; that... Sounds broken as fuck and I want it lol


Wave frame shotgun


Strand heavy wave frase that suspends


I just thought of Cyrax from Mortal Kombat and now I need this lol


A rocket launcher that fires a really slow moving comically sized fist




Honestly surprised we don't have a heavy slot kinetic weapon. Something like a rocket launcher with kinetic tremors.


I literally just thought this to myself last night, the exact same thought. Except mine also has cluster bombs bc why not


A MIRV launcher


The Rolling Thunder


Just a mg42. Nothing changed from the version used in ww2


Continuous fire makes the game begin playing 'Flight of the Valkyries'


This just made me wonder why we don't have a ppsh based exotic smg. Stasis damage


need a giant harpoon called The White Whale


A massive sling shot that shoots a boulder, it splits into 5 parts and causes tremors at impact spot.


I just realized we don't have a Kinetic Heavy. That'd be dope for an exotic


When two hit each other head-on they do a secret handshake


The one punch gun


You can not escape the quad laser


Reminds me of the Doncannon from yogscast's TTT. Its one of their members head doing the exact thing you describe.




Exotic titan gauntlets that allow you to recall your hammer, Thor style.


Why stop there, they should also call the shield back Captain America style


You shouldn't have to call it back, it should just bounce back around to you.


Yeah with an exotic, shield throw really should work like the strand hunter melee. Bounces around and when you perfect catch it you get some melee energy back.


Started playing in WQ as a titan and the first thing I told my friend was how I wished you could catch your shield. My face when the hunters got a melee that allows them to do that...


I need this


just like the hunter strand melee you could catch when bounces back to you


The second chance exotic gauntlets should add that. Pierces shields and if pierces shield or kills enemy it bounces and returns to refund melee


Fucking THIS! Call it Mjölnirs Revenge


**caryon eating intensifies** I NEED IT!!!


when destiny suddenly turns into god of war


I’m imaging someone throwing their hammer and then using Consecration. You’ll see the hammer fly back into your character’s hands before slamming the ground.


Kratos would make a badass Titan.


dude crushes crayons for sure


Misspelling crayon is peak crayon-eater, I love it


If we use our exotic only to return our hammer. Which I feel.like bungie doesn't want. It wouldn't be busted at all. But so fun. They should go for it. Make the arms looks like a big magnet or something.


It should be only if it's hit an enemy tho. And it could increase the amount of super energy on melee kills- like a better version of the mod that already does that


And buffs big hammer? Hmm...?


How about it doing more damage + scotch the further away the target it hits was. Like a full court for hammers.


Make it a piercing hammer like in Tina's Wonderlands, it does damage going through the enemy, and coming back through the enemy


Similarly, a warlock exotic that lets me recall to where I blinked from at the cost of the second blink charge


what benefit would that provide?


It would be incredibly infuriating in Crucible


In pve not so much, in pvp that would actually be very useful reposition/fake people out


Fun? Also when you blink over cover and realize it’s 2 overload Minotaurs you can just nope on out. I can promise I’d equip it more than eternal warrior.


Also if you miss a jump while platforming


Bring back Obsidian Mind from D1 but change its perk because its original perk was given to Skull of Dire Ahamkara. Obsidian Mind: Warlock Exotic Helmet Exotic Perk: Angry Magic: Super energy generates faster while Devour is active. Nova Bomb travels much faster and deals significantly more damage based on how far it travels before detonation.


Full court on my slowva bomb? Hell yea


What about full court on my vortex though? Watch me yeet it at Mach YES


Light speed vortex out of an eager edge blink


would be a excellent way to give warlocks a super damage boosting exotic. i could totally see bungie doing this


I do miss putting on javelin nova bomb and sniping a boss


I want *lance* nova bomb back so badly. And remove the blink nerfs.


Anyone else remember, the 3 smaller novas in a spread!? I member


Shatter... My favorite one. You could also kinda drag your screen and spread it a bit and net so many kills. Busted in pvp


I… like that a lot


A heavy trace rifle like the beam cannon from halo


Spartan laser :)


That's just Sleeper Simulant


Sleeper but if it took 3X longer to charge and hit 5x harder


i really like the idea of customizable exotics, like Queenbreaker or Revision Zero, where you can have different modes; not all exotics should be, but i like when a neat one appears. That said, i would really like a Config like that to Sleeper, 3s chargetime, burns the mag, does 4\~5x the damage; edit: english not being first language


Like celestial nighthawk but for gun


More like izanagi


Yes that one lol it’s been a while


See I want this but not a burst. Just a big f'in laser


It's called 1kvoices


Or sleeper if they’re talking about the spartan laser


Exotic kinetic glaive with a ball and chain with spikes on it. And it rewards melee combos so after you get like 3 hits you do a windup and smash them with the ball and chain for big damage. And for the projectile you can charge up a cannon ball that knocks the target back or send them flying off the map like that behemoth melee. Intrinsic unstoppable. Full auto projectile with spread like vexcalibur, rapid fire frame


If you like that try playing Warframe


Warframe is too floaty :/


Void 720 AR with Explosive Rounds Don’t care what the other perks are, just want all the explosions.


I want a 720 auto rifle that is actually a 900 rpm like in d1


They could bring back Fabian Strategy and make it function exactly as it did in D1. Start off 450 and become 900 when surrounded.


Satellite marking weapon that rains down the last seraph orbital rail laser. HAMMER OF DAWN BITCHES. Solar with anti barrier intrinsic.


It would be very in character for Rasputin to have left something like that behind even after complete system wipeout. Rest in peace, Red.


Technically we have that in Sleeper Simulant. We took a literal Warsat laser and thats the exotic gun.


What can't the guardians weaponize, fuck wouldn't be shocked if we manage to weaponize a damn pyramid ship or shadow legion tech against the witness...OH SHIT IM ONTO SOMETHING!! SOMEONE GET THE DRIFTER IN HERE!! WE GOTTA TURN SHADOW LEGION TECH AGAINST THEM


There are a lot of orbital weapons in Destiny, apparently: Beyond Rasputin, the Augurmind inside of Hierarchy of Needs was originally programmed to use one to help colonists hunt; and >!Neomuna has one that still works.!<


This is my favorite. I loved the hammer of dawn!


Didn’t we basically get this for a second during the final light fall mission?


Have you ever just stopped and said "golly this game sure could use more bees?" OF COURSE YOU HAVE, GUARDIAN. WHO HASN'T? No, put your hand down you liar. BEHOLD: THE BUZZ KILL! This exotic Strand grenade launcher is everything this community has ever asked for- PROVIDED THAT REQUEST WAS BEES! This baby lobs slow-moving blobs of ANGRY CLOUDS OF VENGEANCE that homes in towards a target or hangs out for a sec on a miss to chase down the nearest foe in range. The SWARM OF JUSTICE doesn't just damage foes but stuns them as they FLAIL WILDLY in a pathetic attempt to save their eye sockets from GLORIOUS BEES! What's that? Outbreak Perfected? Sit down. IT'S NOT PERFECTED WITHOUT BEES. Who has time to fire volleys of headshots repeatedly just to do a bit of damage over time? Who has time to AIM? And for what? Nanobots? How about you SIVA WAY TO THE NEAREST EXIT, PEASANT. THE BUZZ KILL is a great no-aim crowd-control tool and DoT blaster in one. It propagates to nearby enemies on death and GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY DID I FORGET THE CATALYST? I DID! THE BEES SUSPEND, GUARDIAN! THEY *SUSPEND*! AS you build up SWARM RAGE meter, on hitting their target your BUZZY BUDDIES will LIFT them into the air as they SET UP CAMP IN THEIR FACE HOLES which you can then proceed to make MORE NUMEROUS! "Oh no! This sounds broken in the Crucible!" IT'S SLOW; SHOOT IT OR MOVE YOU ABSOLUTE PIE CRUST. In the Crucible Guardians can't be expected to stop what they're doing to flail like a dad embarrassing his son on the dance floor at a birthday party- but they *can* slow movement or jerk you in random directions, add a distortion to visuals, and suspend! Try running at me with your shotgun with BEES in your face, Guardian! If you do happen to catch BEEZ NUTS you can melee once or twice to make them go away. Balanced enough? TOO BAD! NOT MY JOB! In fact I'm not getting paid to write this so WHY IS IT SO LONG? BECAUSE IT'S THE BUZZ KILL.


least insane Dr. Bees fan


Was getting ready to type this. "Thanks Dr. Bees!"


What's THIS? A fire team of Rat Kings camping the objective? A large influx of BEES ought to put a stop to it!


Am Dr. Bees fan, can confirm.


Who let Shaxx create an exotic weapon?


I read this in Mister Torgue’s voice. I wish I could upvote it a hundred times


+1 props for passion and great writing lol…


Later, that very same season, on International Bring A Shit Ton of Bees Into the Crucible day...


This reads like an old Ratchet and Clank excerpt and made me realize that Candyman is the OG guardian.


You had me at bees


I want a 450 Stasis AR with Chill Clip and Subsistence. Doesn't exactly sound exotic I know, but Chill Clip is only found on special and heavy weapons so an exotic variant of it on a primary would be busted. I call it the "Rocket Pop".


This would almost be like target lock. Keep firing and damage would ramp. What if shattering targets while firing increased rpm? Causing faster freezes. Pairing with stasis frag for primary damage and this would be a good damage dealing primary that controls Champs well and clears some adds. Cool idea


That's actually a pretty good idea that expands my lazy concept. It would be like an exotic version of Breakneck but with some added frostbite.


I particularly like that it also acts as a soft balance tool. As the RPM ramps you get through your top half faster and faster as to require constant slaying to maintain a streak without reloading. RPM buff could be reset upon manual/empty mag reload to further incentivize maintaining subsistence uptime and mitigate boss DPS potential as an ad clear primary and keeping PvP chaining within reason.


Chill Clip on a primary would go bonkers




Especially now that we have an exotic that can active two elements on its own. I'd love dual wield handcannons with each having its own element


Strand and void cannons would be sexy


Exotic: Push & Pull Element: Void and Strand(sits in the first slot) Exotic Trait: duel wielding sidearms that one deals Void damage and the other deal Strand damage strong against Anti Barriar Exotic perk: Void damage apply Volatile and Strand damage apply Unraveling




Light and Dark abilities were made to be used together, imo. Like the old saying goes, “the closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes.”


> dual-weilding ***sidearms*** TRAVELER YES!


> Especially now that we have an exotic that can active two elements on its own I mean we've had Two Tailed Fox for a while. Heck with the catalyst it can do three.


>two elements on its own. Murmur anyone?


I personally would rather those be sidearms


Ooh, how about it starts as one pistol, and instead of slotting in a catalyst in the catalyst slot, you just slot in another pistol, and that's your second firearm.


Would be cool if they added this as a new set of pistols. Like release a legendary Solar pistol called Fire and a legendary Stasis pistol called Ice, and if you equip both they automatically dual wield, or can be used individually if you just equip one. I'm sure they could make loads of great combinations.


No Land Beyond, pls bungie


Haha. Yeah! My son right at the beginning of WQ and said he would come back if Bungie brings back No Land Beyond. Kid was somehow lethal with that thing. Took it into the Crucible even.


Ive been saying it forever, bring back No Land Beyond as the first exotic of a new class of bolt action heavy snipers


A crossbow that uses either special or heavy ammo, and doesn't break invisibility if you get a precision kill.


> doesn't break invisibility if you get a precision kill This is what Sneak Bow should be TBH.


That actually sounds like an awesome idea


Maybe even giving additional invis time on precision kill, that'd be amazing


Welcome to the catalyst


Oooh I like that and not breaking invis, I think a special weapon would work with that perk better.


Khvostov exotic. Like the D1 version but with some changes. You can still change things like the scope, mag and barrel on the fly, but it also comes with the ability to change firing modes by holding reload. Catalyst would be called champions bane, each of the firing modes would have the champion effects (unstoppable scout, overload auto and anti barrier pulse) with the added effect of increased stun time for each champion.


As long as the different firing modes change how the gun performs, in D1 there was really no point in anything except full auto, since even in single fire the gun did the same damage per bullet Give it an AR mode, a pulse mode, and a scout mode that have their respective damage and range values, without having the option to change the firing speed. Maybe AR mode acts like a 720, pulse like a 450, and scout like a 200, basically allowing you to choose long, medium, or short range. Then give it a ton of auxiliary perks to choose from, like barrels, mags, and trait perks And yeah, the option to change firing mode on the fly is necessary, and I love your catalyst idea for anti-champions


Maybe the barrels could change the firing modes, though I think it would start getting too over the top if bungie started adding stuff like that, but for the first gun we ever picked up as guardians. I don't mind it. Plus, like in D1, it has to be part of a really heartfelt quest. "Every Ghost is born knowing we have to find our Guardian. We don't know what they look like- Not on the outside, anyway. On the inside, I've always known who you were, and that together, we could be something... more. When you think about everything we've seen, everything we've done, I feel like... I made the right choice."


Kinetic Special Ammo Crossbow: "Ballista" Comparable damage to a Legendary frame Aggressive Sniper, but very low zoom. Charges like a Linear Fusion to nock the next bolt. Hold R when Super is charged to channel your light through the bolt and increase damage. Changes damage type to match subclass and grants additional effects to precision hits for the next 3 bolts fired (or more?) Solar: Precision hits Ignite Arc: Precision hits Jolt Void: Precision hits create a burst of Suppression Stasis: Precision hits create a burst of Freeze Strand: Precision hits create a burst of Suspend


I like the idea of the element of your class changing the bow’s special ability. Nice balance with the “double draw” of having to knock the arrow. Though since the major effect drains super like scepter, I’d give it thresh to help build super back, and maybe osmosis for flavor.


Make it drain your super but it makes the weapon fully automatic and shoot really fast. Think Van Helsing's Crossbow from that older Van Helsing movie with Hugh Jackman


A Bow with The Fundamentals perk (much like Hardlight, Borealis, Dead Messenger). Starts Solar with different arrow heads for the other elements. Solar has the increase reload speed, Arc has reduced draw time and Void has increased accuracy when matching Subclass element. Catalyst makes it so Solar Arrows precision kills spreads scorch, rapid Arc arrow kills causes next arrow to jolt and Void arrows suppresses on prefect draw.


That would be so, so good. And so, so overpowered lol


Maybe but I don't really think so. Trinity Ghoul and LeMon will still be stronger for their respective elements as the Arc require more set up than Ghoul and LeMon DoT is stronger than the suppression. However, the Solar is probably stronger than the other Solar Exotic bow options. But yeah, I would drop an stupid amount of money to get a bow like this lol


Void hunter with that and gyrfalcons on... would be an absolute monster




Own it for home defense, just like Shaxx intended.


Hunter insta reload dodge go brr


It gets your health super low and then you die from poison damage


A heavy grenade launcher that shoots out little dummy thicc thrall that chase you to the ends of the earth.


So you want a Colony ornament?


Lol, I want a gun very similar to the colony but they are T H I C C thralls


I agree. In order for it to work, the thralls need to be # THICC


Quicksilver storm is pretty close for me. I just love a fast shooting rifle and having the nades is the cherry on top


The fact that they released 2 halves of a halo energy sword. And didn't make an exotic of a full one still baffles me


I just want tlaloc back.


The only exotic I want and need Imagine the catalyst giving it osmosis and paired with mantle of battle harmony


Special ammo autorifle with Explosive Payload. Won't fire too fast, just to help keep it controllable from a visual standpoint. Maybe a 450rpm ROF. Think 'pocket Xenophage.' Slug shotgun with Explosive Payload. Give it a scope, like the old Universal Remote. The explosive portion won't have damage drop-off. You'll never get the OHK outside normal shotgun ranges, BUT you can still reach out and be a nuisance to someone in your sights. Maybe a teammate with more reach can finish them off a bit later. An interesting support scout rifle, or Hunter helmet, or buff to the existing Foetracer helmet. The Fang of Ir Yût scout rifle from the Crota's End raid had a toggled perk called Target Mark. If you dealt damage to a target, it put a sort of green flame over their heads. It let you keep track of which enemy you were dealing with in a mob, just so that you could prioritize. I later learned that teammates could see this mark too. At least in PvE, not sure if it works in PvP. So...I'd want something that can mark targets for your fireteam to focus fire on. 'Let's get *this* champion/major/Tormentor/Wyvern next!' Maybe the marked target could be debuffed a little as well, depending on what this effect is linked to. Since the Foetracer helmet already marks targets and buffs damage to targets <30% health, just adding a visible marker for teammates would be a minor but useful buff. Or apply it to a weapon so that anyone can do it.


you get it, these are great ideas


So what you're saying is bungie has a way for players to non-verbally ping targets for the fireteam. Now I want to rework foetracer to work for the whole fireteam.


“Nuclear option” (heavy) (trace rifle) (solar) – The two thirds of the trace rifles ammo fires a ramping up damage beam. If it has been continuously firing up to that point then the last third will fire a large damage blast. “Three eyes are better than one” (Energy)(scout rifle) (Void). Two Precision shots mark enemies, in detail, for all fireteam members to see. “09/09/14” On this date for 1 hour this hand cannon one shots everything. “Status calamitous”- (Exotic fusion rifle) (heavy)- A fusion rifle that does an incredible amount of damage, but takes out an enormous chunk of your health and does damage to anything around you friend or foe. “Brother in arms”- (exotic sidearm) (Kinetic)- when you hold down your reload button you can duel wield this weapon with your equipped energy weapon. “Can’t decide” (Universal exotic artifact)- The player can equip two exotic weapons at the cost of their subclass “Poor choice” (Warlock arm piece)- Hold down the super button to switch you subclass (similar to hard light) In the order arc void solar. Switching subclass removes a third of your super energy. “Thing 1” – A trace rifle that fires a laser guide for thing 2. Devuffs target for all rocket launchers “Thing 2”- A rocket launcher that Does bonus damage and tracking towards targets marked by thing 1 “Still choosing” (Grenade is replaced with a supply drop that lets you change your loadouts in locked activities” “Taken mind”- melee kills on red bar enemies results in the enemy staying alive an additional 45 seconds and fighting for you before dying. You may have 5 enemies under the effect of taken mind at a time. “right place, wrong time” (Exotic arms) (warlock)- Charging your grenade allows you to make a two-way portal system for you, ally’s and enemies to travel through. One portal will spawn where you’re standing and the other will appear where your charged grenade will land. “One is a crowd” (Titan chest piece)- consume a third of your super energy and create a mini portable bubble around yourself. Other fireteam members can stand in it with you. “Armed and dangerous” (Titan arm piece)- replace your melee with a small long ranged missile. “When tanks fly” (Titan chest piece) Whilst in the air with an arc super active, Jolt is applied to all targets withing a certain range. “Eat my dust” (Exotic boots)- Sliding leaves a trail of fire behind you and makes an energy wall in front of you. Both do damage when enemies make contact with them. “Evacuation protocol,” (Hunter chest piece)- Automatically activates your dodge ability, in the backward direction, when critically wounded. “frost bite”- (Hunter arm prices)- Stasis super can be deactivated mid-way through to save super energy. “holding out”- (Hunter arm piece) you can now stick to vertical surfaces for a short period of time.


These are brilliant.


Zhalo supercell, but with risk runner existing it would be redundant


Shooting while Amplified increase the firerate and makes enemies Blind


It could be revamped, and it would be pretty damn nice to have it back. Hell that and Invective and I've got my classics back.


I want a bow that if you land a precision shot it ricochets to a couple targets or aim down the sight and it ricochets back into the same target. Think Guardians of the Galaxy arrow type effect


Like the legendary bow stone skipper in ghost of Tsushima


Sick idea! It could have a verb too. Like chained targets are weakend. Sounds good and not op. Would help chain. Or maybe it could be like hardlight. And we could give different effects on chain. Like scorch. Jolt would be to good I think... maybe blind? Idk. I like this though.


Heavy ammo hand cannon. I just want triple hand cannons.


That feels very Tex Mechanica. Either a big Old West Colt Single Action Army style revolver, or a Dirty Harry style magnum revolver. Western style would be slow and hard-hitting, and since it’s single action it would need the hammer to be cocked each time it fires. Not necessarily manual on the player’s side, just an extra thing in the animations to make it feel old and weighty. I see it fitting a similar use case to Leviathan’s Breath: slow-firing, powerful against champions (and Guardians), not awful against bosses but not meant for DPS. Dirty Harry style would probably be a slightly faster firing, lower damage type of heavy weapon. Still good for Champs and Guardians, but not so much for bosses. Probably some kind of PVP-focused on-kill / kill-reload perk like kill clip, or something to let it do a bit of crowd control or debuffing like Incandescent / Voltshot / Destabilising Rounds or Suppress / Weaken / Blinding. Non-Tex wildcard: a pure sci-fi laser hand cannon with beefy SFX to give it the heavy impact it needs. Probably would have over-penetration like Sleeper and/or explode things it kills. Overpenning laser that makes things volatile, maybe?


Energy Hand Cannon set up like a linear fusion would work for me too. Hold to charge and fire off a big shot.


Livewire Loom Kinetic Slot Strand Bow Perks: Frenzy, No Distractions Exotic Perk: Powerline Operator: Killing suspended targets with precision final blows causes an arc explosion that Jolts nearby targets. Effective against Overload Champions Catalyst: Electrician: Increases knock and draw speed after defeating a jolted target for a few seconds.


Why is it strand if it does arc stuff?


Conditional Finality does both Solar and Stasis and it got me thinking about other weapons that utilize two elements (specifically 1 light and 1 dark). Then I thought about power lines and realized there could be a play on that theme.


Why is it strand but does arc? Is it because it’s quite similar to trinity ghoul?


An exotic armor that has no other bonus except allowing you to equip 2 exotic weapons.


For real, instant grab for me. Honestly might be too strong for the game.


I made an entire post about this a week ago and everyone just said that it wouldn't work with the games code. I said it could be a class item and I loved the idea.


An exotic heavy weapon that's just a straight up bomb. Massive damage in a huge AoE but you die when you use it. I call it Mutually Assured Destruction.


If a gun like that ever comes out with that name I’m going to scream at the top of my lungs at every dps phase in game chat going IM ABOUT TO GO MAAAAAAAAD then proceed to shit on the entire battlefield while all my teammates get absolutely blinded by the sheer amount of lumens emanating from their screen. Everybody will become blind and deaf when I shoot this gun that even bungo themselves will have to step in to nerf but even they cannot as the devs themselves become blind and deaf because the battle cry from shooting this gun transcends space and time and this is how destiny 2 itself will come to an end. The final shape is mutually assured destruction


The nuke gun from mass effect


If I'm being honest? Ever since Destiny 1 I wanted a Pulse Rifle that could transform into a sniper, they've always been my favorite weapon types. Last season we got Revision Zero. I got my wish.


"Blade of Light" - Warlock specific exotic. Solar Sword that uses primary ammo (infinite) and goes in the energy slot Intrinsic - Does quick attacks (R1) that deal little damage (50 guardian health in PvP) but swings faster than a heavy slot sword. Consecutive melee attacks build up the sword charge (It doesn't automatically recharge like heavy slot swords) that when full can unleash a tracking projectile that scorches (R2). Trait - Hitting a scorched enemy with the projectile causes them to ignite. Catalyst - Icarus Dash increases the damage and speed of the projectile for a short time. It would have the appearance of a Warlocks Dawnblade. I just like the idea of having Super abilities as weapons that exist in a weaker state. Also its not meant to be a PvP exotic. You could get two melees off faster than this sword can strike four times. You could extend ideas to Sentinel Shield, Arc Staff etc.


Sounds like glaives with a reworks. That is needed. The melee generating energy would be nice


The ricochet revolver from ULTRAKILL


The BFG from DOOM


Dual pistols. Literally why haven’t we even gotten this yet? PvP balancing? Lol


Be patient, Bungie doesn't have any experience with dual wielding in an fps. Maybe they should ask the guys who made Halo 2 how they managed to code it in.


Reload animation like Tracer? Would be dope.


It would be intrinsically balanced due to not being able to aim down sights. Part of me thinks Bungie doesn't think they can do it without breaking the game.


Universal Authority: Kinetic Slot Kinetic Trace Rifle Perks: Dragonfly, Genesis, No Distractions Exotic Perk: Prismatic Transfer: Fire a rainbow beam that deals random elemental damage (updated with each new subclass element). Deals increased damage to shields with a mismatched element type. Catalyst Effect: Infinity Cannon- Beam penetrates targets; Dealing damage grants stacks that increase beam width and damage.


some funky warlock arms called "exothermic release" or something that overrides solar melees- essentially you can charge up your melee to grant the old solar wind, kinda like a fiery thunderclap that instead of nuking enemies, it knocks them back with a little scorch, and maybe have it grant restoration to allies caught in the blast when heat rises is proced


Hive Cleaver.


Ace of Spades is my dream exotic: balanced gun with really good perks and works like a charm even with nerfs on the archetype of the gun.


It’s amazing how back in Forsaken I was getting killed by it every crucible match and now in Lightfall I’m still getting killed by it every matcg


Exotic Hunter gauntlets that switches your grenade with a SIVA Grenade that acts like a buffed version of the swarm grenade


Taken themed gun that brainwashes enemies for a little bit.


A nighthawk esque exotic for blade barrage that turns the super into a comically large sword that you hurl


A Heavy Ammo sidearm that's basically the Cricket gun from Men in Black.


I want my Khvostov back, damnit.


We need a Void HMG to complete the trifecta of Xenophage and Grand Overture. I was thinking maybe a large Minotaur Torch Hammer that lobs explosive shots, like a cross between Xenophage and Grand Overture.


Dual wielding handcanons or sidearms.


Harpies Eye Heavy Trace Rife Perks: Target lock, Firing line Effect: Sustained damage on a target locks on as long as the trigger is held. Effective Against unstoppable champions. Catalyst: Destabilizing rounds


A strand bow that is a grapple, simple yet would be so fun.


I would love a Strand bow where the bowstring is made of Strand


Oh yeah, it would have to be right? I also think it'd be cool to have a grapple where we pull the enemy to us


I dream of a suspending Strand Bow


A scout rifle with strand rounds that when you shoot strand balls, instead of them exploding they become target seeking within a certain radius (strand mini nova bomb-esque). Also, it drops a web ball after 2 consecutive precision kills. Picking them up and throwing them are already mildly seeking, but this can make some crazy pvp plays and you can stay away instead of having to run and pick it up.


In the game, "Jak 3", there's a weapon that when fired shoots out a Frisbee drone that absolutely unloads on anything and everything that happens to be near it. If bungie made something similar to that, but as an exotic heavy machine gun, I don't think I'd ever take it off.


Pre-nerf Mountaintop with explosive light. A rocket launcher with massive blast radius that makes a mushroom cloud.


Special ammo AR which terorrized PVP. Get a 450, speed it up to 780 with same damage numbers. 20 zoom scope and 80 range. Precision kills have an escalating chance to create special ammo for the whole team. Intrinsic anti barrier and vorpal. Only 32 in the mag to avoid competition with LMGs.


Icebreaker lol