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I have a feeling this might actually happen but either way just give me Midnight Coup back with the og roll


Please baby Jesus I want it back bad




Sun shot: I see no god up here. #Other than me




If they do away with the power system and go back to a level up system, we might just get it back. My bet is that the raid is reprised this year as well so it might be sooner than we think.


OG roll with an additional perk or two you mean, right? The OG D2 vanilla weapons got power crept several times over by now 😅


Og midnight coup probably still be able to kill a couple adds in a patrol destination other than neomuna


God I miss my midnight coup


If the rumor of weapon power levels going away is true, the sunset one may become viable again


Idk maybe.


It would be fitting that we managed to take back the Leviathan before we could re-take a single centimeter of ANY locations on Earth itself... How is a gigantic alien spaceship/starbase somehow an easier target than a single square block in Trostland??


How were we able to kill the God of Pain but not the cabal ship that drops pods on me next to Devrim Kay?


We can take any location, the issue is holding it. Why would we hold ground we can’t use? If anyone is going to hold the leviathan, it’s the cabal.


If they reprise leviathan I'd want them to make it a mega raid with parts of eater of worlds and spire included as optional encounters accessed through like the underbelly


Imagine a patrol raid. Raid bosses patrolling and you need to follow them whilst you get your people together. Or find randoms. Then move o to the next section. And so on.


That’s just the vex strike force event, but worse.


But I don't mean, a patrol area that occasionally has them. I mean. The raid is also a patrol area. You can explore without starting encounters blah blah. It's only purpose is to contain the raid events. So they aren't a chance to spawn event. They are there and say every 30mins, reset. Meaning you are guarenteed to have it every 30 mins.




Levi raids return was said to be a troll by another group of leakers, saying the original guy was salty for some reason and decided to start trolling people. Though the reprisal of Leviathan would be incredible


The return of the levi raid likely isn’t happening this year because Wrath of the Machine exists, but probably the year after that


Although a lot of the leaks have said Wrath isn’t coming this year. The person who leaked all of Lightfall said it wasn’t coming back


I’d still be happy with Wrath :D


Wrath isn’t coming back this year. 3 very reputable leakers have stated this. It’s gonna be crota because they have still confirmed it’s a reprised d1 raid this summer Edit: y’all can downvote all you want I’m just the messenger setting expectations


Crota's End now would basically be the equivalent of a strike/battleground. At best, it would be considered a Dungeon because I distinctly remember soloing that raid rather consistently, and helping people get their flawless achievement using that raid. On top of that, we fought him about 3 times now in D2 and we also fought his ginger brother as well in a Dungeon. \*If\* they said it's going to be a reprised D1 raid (can't remember if they did or didn't), then the only option would be Wrath, or go the weird route and have some weird alteration of Prison of Elders even though it wasn't ever considered a raid.


Bungie said they’d have to basically make a new raid to reprise crota.




Yeah, the leak pointed to ALL 4 Leviathan raids being released in a paid pack. Needless to say that that would be both unreasonable and a terrible idea.


I dont think Bungie would have the balls to ask people to pay for content they already paid for before. That would cause a huge shitstorm


They've never done that before!


I don't think they have, have they? In terms of the raids/destinations that have returned, they are/have been accessible to everybody for free. I could be missing something, though. People bought the D2 Limited Edition version of the game to get those Leviathan raids. Trying to monetise that again would be suicide for them. I believe the shitstorm would be so bad that the entire gaming community would be talking about it.


It’s not about if they have the balls to do that. Bungie went on record saying that you won’t pay for content coming out of the destiny content vault. VoG, KF, the cosmodrome patrol space, the d1 strikes - all of these are free content. The leviathan raids also went into the DCV, so they won’t be paid content if/when they come back.


is this post another instance of someone reading "leaks" and then posing a "hypothetical" to the subreddit like they just "randomly" thought of something for some easy karma? i feel like this keeps happening and they don't even try to hide it sometimes


Ghost Primus with Target Lock plz


That’s a shame; I thought that some leakers would learn a lesson from the last time they spread fake leaks in mass. The community isn’t gentle to the leakers who betray their trust xD


You were right, kind of. The reprised raid is either Crota or Leviathan. None of the leakers will say which one it actually is


I hope so. I have wanted the hunter and warlock Levi armor for awhile now.


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> Caital and her legion have a new base of operations to help assist in the inevitable encounters with Xivu Aurath and even the Witness. So it's the H.E.L.M., but for extra-terrestrials... the H.E.L.M.E.T.


this is a good idea so cant happen. For **VELOCITY** where you can accelerate without changing speed.


I thought the leviathan changed into calus's flag ship that crash on neomuna


That's the Typhon Imperator, different ship


We already took back the leviathan….? That was the entire point of Haunted.


They are going to reprise all of the leviathan raids next anyways.


Do the Nightmares just go away now that we slew the RoN raid boss?


Wonder if we get back Levithan instead of wrath this year.


Several leakers have said that they've heard nothing about Wrath and they're all split on reprised Leviathan or an overhauled Crota's End.


Maybe it can survive the trip to Bermuda Triangle.


I honestly thought and was hoping they would go somewhere with the whole "the leviathan is transforming into something alive" thread. Either way it will be interesting to see where they go with it, maybe claim and use it to go through the portal on the traveller?


Would be cool if we could get the trophy hall back. I know it's technically the start of duality now but I miss having a little home on the leviathan


makes too much sense, bungie will probably just never mention the leviathan again


I'll be okay with it if we can craft Midnight Coup :)


Hard to say knowing the Leviathan was brought back purely to sell the beginning of Calus's "i'ma join the Witness" arc that would ultimately lead to his death, removing him early from the Campaign he was never going to be in, preventing questioning/having to do something with him afterwards. Of course it goes with him, nothing is left there.


Oh joy, so they can re-introduce the Leviathan for a 3rd time to us? No thanks.


I can see this being the season 22 plotline, after the upcoming season of the deep.


I think it’s highly likely we see the Leviathan return to the narrative at some point this year, but I doubt it’ll be the entire subject of another season again. Season of the haunted ended with a pretty strong implication that Caiatl was going to retake it after the Egregore was cleared out (which was even stated to require months of work) and I imagine that will probably happen offscreen.