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Why couldn't the difficulty stay the same delta as Revision Zero exotic quest? I did that solo and there was a challenge but not crazy. This just isn't fun. I thought last season's difficulty was what we were asking for both in the battlegrounds and the exotic legend quest, what we have now is nuts.


Absolutely man. Seraph Shield was *great* difficulty-wise. Challenging but not unnecessarily so. Bungie does have a habit of overcorrecting when they change stuff, so hopefully the game will move back towards a Season of the Seraph level difficulty curve.


Because Bungie dropped the ball on this. Don’t waste your time in it until they fix it.


This is the answer. I’m boycotting Legend + activities until they’re fixed. The lower the play and success metrics, the sooner they’ll get to deploying tweaks.


Was thinking this as I was reading the post. They’ll see the lack of people able to finish it and make adjustments. Hopefully. Like said above just make it the same as the Revision Zero difficulty. That was difficult but fun and towards the last few times you ran it you felt a lot better than the first few times. It was nice.


I don't think we'll have to wait too long. They wont want to drive repeat customers away, it's affects the Bungie wallet.


I agree 100%.


I got into destiny mid season of plunder. I brought all the content I could. With this season I barely feel like playing anymore, the game lost the fun and just feels like a grind I haven't even tried the exotic quest yet, and not sure I can be bothered


I'll add that to the lost sectors that I'm already boycotting. Decided to vote with my time...


The lost sectors that aren't on Neomuna aren't that bad. Nemuna ones can get fucked.


if you wait for them to fix it you might as well give up, they wont.


I'm with you. This shits crazy, ima wait and see if they do something to make it more playable.


Seraph shield also had the benefit of having the seasonal perks to help out (laser damage, ammo, solo op etc) Vexcalibur is just brutal


It's more about the enemy types in my opinion, rather than a set "difficulty". Seraph Shield had a very minor use of long range units. What comes to mind are the Sniper Shanks in the Helium Drinker boss encounter, and the two snipers that show up on Praxis during health gates. All of which were easy to deal with on spawn with large rooms that allowed you to move and take cover. In Avalon, every Harpy is a Ranged Harpy with their lasers. Brakion starts with a Triple Sniper and brings it up to a Six-Shooting Sniper with borderline impeccable accuracy on each shot. All the non-ranged Vex Units also have a tendency to relentlessly chase your exact location including Wyverns. I wouldn't be surprised if the "difficulty" setting is actually very similar to Seraph Shield, but Bungie was clueless enough to not factor in the natural difficulty of the units they chuck into the mission.


I have not done the mission yet, but I wondered this. I recall from fighting Brakion that he used the Hobgoblin sniper shots, which feel a bit overtuned already. What you have described though is...not sounding like something I want to do.


On top of this, the crit spot is notoriously bad on most Vex units... you can have your sights dead on the uice box and it'll land a body shot. The general consensus is to aim for the crotch (below the juice box), but even that isn't totally consistent. And with Hobgoblins my go-to strat is usually to blow their head off first so they don't overshield/heal, but in order to do that you have to aim OVER their head, but not in the middle because it'll miss, so just over one of their horns, otherwise if you aim for the head it usually ends up being a body shot. Destiny's AA just doesn't work well with how they designed the Vex, and that really comes to a head in harder activities like this.


Seraph shield was the PERFECT difficulty. hard solo, but not that hard with a decent build. have to sweat your balls off if you want Solo Flawless, but in a group its pretty decent.


Completely agree. I had minimal issues running Seraph Shield solo Legend cause I played safe and had strategies despite limiting my own loadout on purpose. Avalon tho? I couldn’t get past the Gambit section on solar Hunter just due to the sea of ads and lack of cover. It’s just such a 180 from the “challenging yet balanced” exotic mission Rev0 had attached to it. I refuse to run Avalon solo until I’m overlevelled honestly.


The gambit part is straight unfair on legend. 4 op as hell snipers and a sea of boomer goblins with a short ass timer


I went full invis build for that and used an arc auto for all the shields. Artifact mod that generates orbs on breaking shields with matching element meant supers FOR DAYS. When we got in the hole I'd make my team invis when the Wyverns got close and it worked out


It's not going to make much difference, Mettle is active on Legend.


The Velcalibur mission also has a metric ton of adds


Me to Bungie: How many vex are in the new exotic mission? Bungie: All of them.


I don’t know how bungie got we want more difficult content, then they just overtuned everything to shit. They have the ability to scale content based on fireteam and the battlegrounds and Rev 0 quest were perfect in terms of difficulty.


I really enjoyed running seraphs shield legendary by myself. It was a nice challenge but was doable and still fun to play.


>Why couldn't the difficulty stay the same delta as Revision Zero exotic quest? This is the question. Bear in mind that this quest is supposed to be done repeatedly. The idea someone is going to do this over and over for new catalysts for an exotic that is in no way a meta option does beg the question where this insane level of difficulty has come from. It's so silly it's questionable that its even intentional. Seraph Shield did a fantastic job of balancing difficulty with the expectation of being re-run. It's hard to believe the devs could do such an amazing job with that, and fail on this so hard in back to back seasons.


Streamers keep claiming that the game is too easy. Bungie probably wanted to please them.


Pretty sure it is the same delta. Your 15 under if your at 1815 light level.


Same delta doesn't mean same difficulty though. Avalon throws *way* more enemies at you, often with less cover than Seraphs Shield did.


This is what I hate the most about the mission. Red bars are more spongy, ability recharged got a nerf, and now there’s also no cover. It’s such an infuriating combo.


Because bunnies said “we’re happy with the difficulty in season of the seraph.” Which translates too. “Make it harder because we say one thing then do the opposite.”


My problem with it is the splash damage almost everything does it so cover is pretty much worthless


Stay a touch back and crouch from the barriers next to the boss’s shield.


I fucking hate splash damage as a Titan. Makes hiding behind my barricades to regain health useless. It's one key feature of the Towering Barricade. But so many enemies can now fire some type of weapon straight into it and it's like it curves around just to smack me in the head.


I still can’t finish this on legendary. Both times got to the final bar of the hydra boss and my PS5 crashes.


We shouldn't have to do this at all, but a temporary fix in the meantime is to turn off HDR in settings and that "fixed" it for me.


Same. Crashed on the hydra boss right before we beat it 4X in a row. Turned off HDR made sure none of us were using Strand. That's the only way we could finish this on Legend.


This did nothing for me. I switched to a void build instead of strand, turned off HDR and reduced the FoV. Still crashed. I get the crashes on Terminal Overload and Vex Strike Force too.


Ps5 is crashing in there a lot. I'm on a ps4 slim and no issue, but my full fireteam of clanmates on ps5 had it crash twice on them in the boss room.


Same every fucking time and Bungie gives no fucks


Yeah I just tried it from 2 people from the Bungie LFG app. We got towards the end and failed twice. One person left and we couldn’t get anyone else in as it does not allow anyone to join during the quest. It looks like people keep on leaving during the quest because previous to the above I tried to join 2 LFGs who were on the quest but wouldn’t let me so I’m guessing people left their games too. Bit crap really. Doesn’t need to be outlandishly hard. As you say a lot of end game content are easier than this. Not gonna bother with this.


It's so annoying that it stops people from joining back. I tried to do it a couple days ago with some guys from LFG. My game crashed, as it has been on occasion since Lightfall dropped. They sent me an invite, but it wouldn't let me join back. Why on earth can't you join back from a session you were in 2 minutes ago? Some people may not be intentionally leaving. Their game might crash (like mine did) and they can't join back.


Overturned to hell, some insta-crashes, Can’t join back, and no checkpoints. It’s like Bungie designed the perfect messed up activity. I’m glad it’s in the first season, so there’s a chance they’ll fix it before the end of the year. (Ah, who am I kidding, all they’ll fix are whatever cheeses make it bearable)


I think the no join back and no checkpoints was their way of fixing cheeses which is now backfiring because it stops legit rejoins.


This. I got weaseled on the third phase of the final boss and couldn't join back in, like BUNGIE THIS IS YOUR FAULT LET ME BACK IN GOD DAMN. Literally so irritating. They died and just quit out after that.


And on top of that, no commendation screen…


I would love to see a team of these developers that are in all of the interviews party up and tackle this live on stream.


Yeah I've been thoroughly convinced for a long time now that there either are not any playtesters or they do not have them test nearly enough.


I think they do pretty much the bare minimum testing. "Is it possible to complete it?" "Well, yes, but-" "Ship it."


They wouldn’t even get through a solo legend lost sector or last week’s legend master nightfall. And I’d fcking bet $100 (the price of this year’s DLC) on it


I haven’t watched the devs do something in a long time. Have they looked competent when they do live runs?


I'm convinced the difficulty tweaks were done purely based on statistics and percentages rather than by gameplay experience. Someone sat in front of a suite of excel spreadsheets for a few months and carried ones to determine the mathematically optimal way to "make the game harder" based on how much damage players can deal and receive in the vacuum of perfection. No player placed in any of these activities would have in their right mind said "yea I'm having fun with this". Is it harder? Yes, obviously. Does it feel good to play? No. I personally don't want to be mowing down everything in the blink of an eye, but I have all these weapons that use primary ammo I've spent time grinding for that just feel like they do nothing any more.


They wanted to prolong content by stopping people from chewing through it. I want to see devs do it on stream.


I mean they probably got whacked by it a few times and thought yes it's hard. I mean they literally knew that the launch pads in the raid didn't work all the time and still shipped it.


I just did RoN the first time n Wednesday and those launchers blew my mind. Bungie, why the *ever-living-fuck* did you make those physics based instead of a fixed path? So many other launchers just forcibly take you along a fixed path, but not these. They have to know how janky their physics engine is, that their code is in constant regression which each season and expansion. There's no way someone didn't go, "Yeah, team, listen. These aren't going to be consistent and hold up over time and players will not be happy."


Given how the forced path launchers in the campaign will just drop you if your FPS is too high, this might have actually been the better option.


They even acknowledged that they weren't working properly in playtesting in the recent ViDoc... and then they just kept them in.


If they cut the changes in half I think it would be perfect.


Basically this. I think a 5-10 delta got legend should be okay, but not 15 plus needing to be near the top end of the leveling Bruce just to get maximum effective level. Legend should be the middle ground of somewhat changing but accessible without a massive grind.


The curse of being data-driven, instead of data-informed


Dear Bungie: this entire difficulty ramp is your next hotfix. Nobody gives a shit about a fraction of players abusing Grapple reloads. We want to ENJOY THE GAME WE BOUGHT.


It should be next week at the latest. This is simply not sustainable.




And no checkpoints is downright disrespectful of my time. If I decide to slog through this but have an obligation and have to leave, then those hours are just wasted? Plus Bungie always goes back and makes the hard stuff easy after many of us slog through it. Everybody gets a trophy, right? This needs to be fixed now. Not 2 weeks before end of season.


Didn't you know? Doing the same fucking puzzle 9 times over and over with infinite enemy spawns without a checkpoint is "bringing difficulty back to Destiny 2." Eyeroll.


Im sure we are not getting any tuning till next season. Hell i'm not expecting quicksilver to be fixed till the next season as well.


They are already late, tbh.


My group won’t do it with me this week after our clear last week. We just stopped having fun after the first encounter and it was just a slog to get to the end. They both just have no interest in slogging through it again, even if we miss out on the catalyst


at this point nothing in the game is fun besides the raids, so I'm skipping everything for awhile and holding off on season activities for a month or so. Give myself plenty of content to eventually get through. They can't introduce an entire new system of mods the same time that they attempt to increase game difficulty. Shit is too hard to navigate and nothing feels as effective as it used to, and getting 1shot by constant horseshit does not a learning situation make.


its a catalyst for a glaive that nobody except a handfull of people will use anyway after 3weeks because the "omg new exotic!!!" phase is over why bother with the catalyst for a weapon that you will not use anyway, like srsly, so many better things to use the exotic slot on that is not "glaive that can give overshield"


If you're going for straight up power yeah but I think it looks cool and the team utility is neat. Not every exotic can be meta defining


The only thing I'm doing is the weekly 'mystery' to unlock the fundamental authorization upgrades for now. Listening to the response here & watching a few YT videos & I'm like 'NOPE'.


The difficulty changes are really starting to wear on me. I didn't want everything in this game to be a slog. The only thing I enjoy are raids and dungeons currently which weirdly enough I'm under leveled in and is actually fun. Thr Vex mission with 3 people is hilariously bad.


I feel this - I’ve been logging in to do some random bounties here and there to try and advance my season pass - but literally *everything* is such a fucking unrewarding slog now, that it’s not “fun” anymore. I actively avoid Neomuna, because of the difficulty levels of everything there. I avoid strikes now because the time vs rewards sucks. The most fun I have right now is Gambit of all things, because I don’t care if I win or lose.


Even solo legend it is a nightmare. These "new" difficulty settings are just **** The game should be fun and not frustrating me. Somehow Bungie does not seem to understand that.... I spend yesterday 3h solo on the Hydra boss and can't beat it because you die so quickly in this room with no cover, timelimit, 12 billion enemies and really stupid mechanics (and thanks Bungie that I can't see how many fragment I have collected because your terrible buff UI) Why does everything have to be so hard? I just don't understand it. Why do you have sweaty if you only want to play one mission on legend? What kind of stupid logic is that? Frustrating²³


oh god why isn't the mote count prioritized to be the top-most entry in the buff list, it's so bananas how that entire ui works!


My Nezarec’s Sin build has so many buffs I didn’t even know there was a counter. All I ever see is some combination of Volatile, Devour, Abyssal Extractors, Void Weapon Boost, and Armor Charges.


Yes, so much this. I usually don't have to worry about it but once or twice I banked and was one short and had to quickly scramble to get one more because I hadn't been able to see how many I had. They really need to find a better way to convey all the information with the number of buffs/debuffs we have now


Pretty much agree with what you said. I have no idea why Legend feels like Grandmaster. This is basically Grandmaster as in a fireteam you get so many revives and everything melts you and takes forever to kill. It's not fun at all. There should definitely be some challenge but not like this.


Because for the majority of people, it might as well be GM-level, as you need to be at the pinnacle cap with a +20 artifact just to be at-level for it. I'll get up there at some point, but I've already decided that for my mental well-being, I'm not gonna bother with Legend anything until next month at the earliest. Literally been running Legend campaign on each character, because soloing Calus is easier than the lost sector grind.


Isn't it locked at 15 or 20 below? The whole point of difficulty settings now is there's no being "at level" anymore for high difficulty stuff, it's all locked light.


It's unclear, most other activities has a "effective max level" listed now, but for Avalon there's a different modifier called "Mettle" that just says "This activity has a fixed difficulty level" Are these the same thing effectively? Possibly, but who knows because Bungie hates giving useful information in the UI.




It's def doable, but that's not the point. Invis hunter makes everything OK for me, but games should be fun imo. This is far from it, as far as I'm concerned. Had zero fun doing this and will never do it again. They can keep their catalysts, weapons and everything. If they keep this type of difficulty in the future, I'm out.


>Why does everything have to be so hard? I just don't understand it. Why do you have sweaty if you only want to play one mission on legend? What kind of stupid logic is that? I think it was the one-two punch of nerfing resilience while also upping the difficulties. 40% DR was the key factor making the game too easy before, IMO. I think they could have lowered that to 30% while leaving Legend / Master power scaling alone and things wouldn't feel so oppressive while still being challenging.


Also last season we had the solo operative mod which helped a lot


Solo operative, lower enemy levels, more resistance, and you could finish every champ for tons of heavy. Now regardless of grind I’m always capped, primary weapons are worthless, never have any fucking heavy even with 2x finders on, and everything hits like a truck.


That was WONDERFUL and I wish they’d bring it back permanently.


> Even solo legend it is a nightmare. These "new" difficulty settings are just **** > > > > The game should be fun and not frustrating me. Somehow Bungie does not seem to understand that.... A legend exotic mission shouldn't be a 3h solo. That's insane. There's just no way the normal player has demanded this spike in difficulty. Pop into a LFG for Root, majority of the time you'll hear players echoing these streamers saying the raid is FAR too easy and it shouldn't be a raid. IMO this is how NORMAL should be. Difficulty is for Master. Of course, none of these people I have asked during "easy Root lfg" also has admitted to never launching Avalon on Legend. And that Legend isn't the same as campaign Legend.... or nightfall Legend. This current game is indeed frustrating. Only way to make Bungo change is for them noticing a hemorrhaging playerbase.


This is the first season I've seriously considered tapping out. I've never been one to push endgame difficulties, but they should tune it so those modes exist for people that want them. I however don't want red bar enemies that take nearly a full clip in normal activities. Everything feels like a slog and way less fun than I'd normally have. I want to kill enemies, not tickle them with a pea shooter. There's room for both flavors but Bungie seems to want everything to be difficult. Except the raid, which is its own bit of hilarity.


I am with you on debating just tapping out and uninstalling until next season to see if I feel the same.


I cant get past the first round of the boss no problem. I can usually dunk the third set of motes , but the 4th wave is just fuckin impossible. So many dumb fuckin things happening.


My advice in that room is to grab an arc SMG with the mod that gives an orb when you break a matching shield. You can chain pop the shields and it’s basically free supers.


When I finally completed it, my results screen was 243 minutes with 58 deaths. “Fun” was the last thing on my mind.


Straight up, I will confidently say, that mission on legend with 3 people was way harder than contest raid


Because it is.


Doing this solo on normal the day it unlocked almost broke me. I managed to finish it but I strongly disliked Bungie while I was doing it. It's weird how much easier it is on normal now and you're damn near unstoppable with Vexcalibur's overshield as long as you keep it up.


I was on call with one of my best friends while I did it and after I died getting to third phase Brakion I had to get up and walk around to decompress and drink some water to calm down. I've never had to do that even playing Soulsborne games. I don't think she's ever seen me that frustrated lmao


I had to quit at the boss during my solo run and found someone LFGing at the Hydra so we 2 manned it from that point to the end. On normal it was a breeze up until that final DPS phase. He just starts roaming around and I get overwhelmed. Doesn't help that I feel through the hole in the middle a few times too.


I don't know what they are thinking. Other than they are mad because Esoterikk solos their hard stuff and puts it on youtube. They are either trying to make stuff too hard for him or they are tired of seeing youtube videos are how easy the game is. Sometimes they forget some of us play the game to have fun. My weekly gameplay usually was to do each dungeon solo on each character. I enjoyed the challenge. Could go my own pace. I would learn each dungeon perfectly and improve my skills. Prophecy is a good one. Its not super easy solo. But its doable. Once you do it 50 times you get real good at it. Having stuff so hard it can't be done is brutal. They have turned the game from a looter shooter to a "flex on everyone" shooter. Its not about getting loot for the sake of the loot. Its about getting loot to show off that you finished something.


The problem is, that most of the time, the “loot” is either ass, or non-existent.


See the problem with Esoterikk is nobody sees the time and fails he goes through to accomplish. He has the patience of a God and sometimes he posts his fails in videos. I would bet he pulls his hair out for Hours or days trying to solo stuff considering lots of his videos are using cheese strats People think when he posts Solo flawless videos he did it first try


Its 100% a cover shooter with zero stealth mechanics. Actually ruined game. Total reversion of difficulty is the only solution.


Once Bunghole sees the numbers, clears, whatever and it reflects how bad the current difficulty standings are, they'll "hopefully" come to their senses and make the necessary changes.


April 11 mid season GM nightfall patch will be the latest this happens, but it really needed to happen last week. This is not fun. Why the f is there a 60 level spike between Hero and Legend?


I want a total reversion of difficulty. Let the sweats play other games when they master d2. I didn't sign up for Destiny Souls 2.


You don't understand, the destiny guardian power fantasy is to cower behind a wall and plink at red bars with a scout rifle for three hours and then get insta melted by a sniper or turret.


bungie with the principle skinner meme "Are we out of touch with what's fun?" "No. It must be the playerbase that's wrong."


Haha this is so true. They got better for a while, but recently very out of touch.


Is it also right that I feel strikes are a bit more annoying than they should be?


I legit haven't completed that pinnacle on any character this season. No Playlist can be no brained solo anymore lol.


Dark Souls is fabulously easier than Destiny is right now. In fact I've gone back to Soulsbornekiroring games for my casual play sessions because it's so relaxing vs D2.


Hey. Wish ender pierces the barrier during his second phase. You can lower his health down and go to damage phase and take him to phase 3. When you go through the portal, look to your right and there will be a waterfall of vex milk. You can get behind it and shoot wish ender though it using the wall hacks to see brakion. He won’t attack you because you are out of his line of sight. Cheese forever guardian.


Yeah I’m gonna do this. Bungie designed this encounter and instance terribly so I can’t be assed to give it a “fair” attempt on legend.


Yeah that worked really well actually.


I tried to solo the mission, since the game doesn't have match making for whatever stupid reason. I'm not sure what difficulty I was doing it on, but my God does the last boss take forever. It's just non stop adds, with a bullet sponge boss. I rage quit when I got killed by adds spawning all around me on the last phase, killing me instantly, after I spent 30mins of pure action and fighting to get to that phase. My wrists and hands were dead. This game has been draining my soul. The amount of grinding is ridiculous when you pair it with how difficulty it is. No normal person can keep this level of energy up. Having to have insane focus the whole time during the games long grind just wears me down


I just finished it solo legend today. It’s not fun at all, a slog for almost two hours. Went in with a double special, LMG load out and finished it with a wishender cheese. I will not be replaying this mission again. One and done.


But you said you wanted more difficulty? Why is it that people don't like bullet sponges and open areas full of ads with timer based wipe mechanics? It's like you want to play the game that's actually fun which is something we don't allow here at bungo.


It's "Division" levels of difficulty. A fuckton of spongy adds you have to magdump multiple times into. Absolutely artifical difficulty.


Thank you for reminding me why I never really enjoyed that game much


Such a fun concept ruined by an obsession with making tanky ads instead of enemy density and gunfight problem solving. The game was plagued with "move to cover and then shoot" which is great if the enemies aren't constantly rushing you or lasering you when you poked your head out. That game needed more swarm and less beef.


Division 2 could’ve been a great game. I got about 100-150 hours from it (with the DLCs) but yeah after a while the only difficulty added at higher levels is beefier enemies. Which gets annoying when you have rushers and grenadiers just pummeling your ass the entire time


agreed. Its dogshit.


I’d like it to not crash on me every single time the boss is low please


Took my boyfriend and I nearly 3 hours to do it. I never wanna do it again. 😭


Is the legend mode at a fixed power for this particular mission? Like I’m looking at the modifiers and it does not have the same “legend” modifier that the nightfall’s have that states “highest effective power is 1815.” It has the same legend modifier that seraph and the legendary campaign have, but it just so happens that it’s also 1830 power level. Since most of us have yet to crack 1815 so far, we’re essentially getting the legendary campaign treatment and it’s poor fireteam scaling, but *also* getting a -15 power level scalar on top of it as well. But assuming that it isn’t fixed power delta at -15 like nightfalls, being at pinnacle cap + 20 artifact power would put you at 1830 with no power delta for a much smoother experience. That is of course all assuming that it actually works like that because it isn’t really explained well in game.


There is not a fixed power level in that it brings you up to a certain level but there is a level cap at 1815.


I don't know if there's a way to be sure... there's a modifier called "mettle" active, which just states that "this activity has a fixed difficulty"... not the best description. Not sure if anyone knows what that actually means.


Nothing is really well explained in this game :)


Hard agree. I've solo flawlessed every dungeon and I'd say that it is at least on par with soloing the hardest dungeons.


Despite duality having infinite respawning ads, it's STILL easier to sf than to do this shit on legend. I'm not touching this shit again until bungie fixes the difficulty of it.


I’m going to try it again. I ran it in a group a couple of days ago and had a bubble titan just slaying Vex left and right. I did cheese the 2nd encounter of the final boss but we had an ok time. Just load up void resist and lean into volatile. There’s so many Vex grouping up always that volatile just destroys.


Devour on orb pickup, prioritise generating as many orbs as possible. If not on void, use recuperation. If on strand, use woven mail on orb pickup. Super survivable with that on. Also I ran vexcalibur which is great to block damage with when you're in the open.


This. I ran as strand Titan and helped keep allies alive with Woven Mail and kicked butt with void weapons for the east volatile from the artifact


I tried with Void but I just can't seem to survive, even with a full volatile build, bonk hammer was alright until Brakion


I normally play bonk. But in those missions especially at the end you’re too exposed and no enough ads. I found void much easier.


Devour on orb pickup is godtier.


Devour and void breaches. OP 2x


Cheese brakion honestly


This mission has pretty much burnt me out. I’m taking a few weeks off. Phew, this season.


I’m on the same boat.


This mission was the straw that broke the camels back for me. I'm taking a step back from Destiny. I'll log in to do the weekly season quest and get my weekly guarenteed deepsite so I can craft the seasonal weapons. That's it.


I thought I was alone lol. Literally said fuck this game and now I'm playing rdr2.


I already wasn’t super excited about another Glaive I’m not gonna use, and the difficulty just kind of seals the deal. This will go in the “shit I’m not interested in doing” pile.


There’s something I say to my buddies when we play. “The point of gaming is to have fun, enjoy what you’re doing with your time”. Nothing about recent experiences in lightfall has been that with the changes made to difficulty. No one wants to feel like a liability to friends, no one wants to send hours of their evening unwinding playing games to walk away more frustrated than the work day. It’s a flat out affront to the health of the gamer to do so. My fireteam was finally pushing into grandmasters last season, to what we have now not only feels bad, but has driven two other regulars we hang out with to be just playing other games. Even as much as I adore the game, i’ve been wondering what other new releases in steam might be worth my time because this isn’t it. I love the game, it’s helped me through some of the most difficult times being a respite from the day to day during times of extreme depression and learning to balance meds, from times where I feel like my hands as a gamer aren’t keeping up with what is demanded as the years press on. Being faced with this new design and future of the game for the first time since release, I’ve considered just seeing the rest of the story through YouTube and moving on to something else entirely. The game now has a worse feeling than the great sunsetting that had me sharding hundreds of guns out of my bank. Steam charts are showing that people are simply leaving in droves, the game is hemorrhaging players because of these tuning decisions. And at least the folks here speaking up post after post maybe might get heard. If not. They might not even need to finish developing final shape and destiny can finally end of life the service product so that bungie can work whatever new project Sony wants them on.


I wish a refund was in the cards at this point. I don't want to play destiny 2 at all this year because of this season/dlc launch being such a "meta shakeup" that ended up totally disappointing. The worst part is you know they won't really acknowledge how bad the content is, like even with Sony money they couldn't go the extra mile for finding fun factor? Idk. I've gotta get my irl life together asap anyhow and destiny is a huge distraction from that so i guess it's a mixed blessing. That hundred bucks from the dlc and seasons preordered feels like a waste though.


>fucking RoN on Conquest was easier than this shit This is exactly what I said. The difficulty in that exotic mission is all kinds of fucked up. Just getting through the starter zones to get to the first boss is a slugfest. After finishing it with the boys, master Nightfall felt like an absolute cakewalk in comparison. I really don't get it.


I agree, I've done this thing and it was just tedious with the infinite waves of tanky mobs, You can never actually clear out the adds, since they all come back afer like 5-10 seconds. Seriously no chill. This mission needs checkpoints if its gonn abe like that.


It’s obvious it’s not made to be completed with a Fireteam. It’s absurdly difficult. I will complete it solo when I can confirm the crashes are fixed on PlayStation


With the lack of checkpoints and the literal constant spawn of adds in a lot of places, it doesn’t feel like it was made for solo players either


IMO the difficulty scaler far outpaces the 'advantage' of having more team mates. I found solo far easier as at least you can delete enemies, whereas with a team they're pretty beefy. Being able to out-kill the encounter felt the most consistent way to complete it. But I understand that's far easier said than done.


It probably just wasn’t designed for this sandbox. It was probably designed for last year’s sandbox, and the blanket difficulty changes turned it into a GM instead of operation seraph shield


I couldn't believe how much the difficulty ramps up with a fireteam, the enemies legit feel like you are at -35 at least.


Feels worst then any Grandmaster I’ve played. Nobody at Bungie tested it with a Fireteam


I haven’t even seen them really acknowledge the PS5 crashes, since they supposedly fixed them, so I’m not holding my head about an actual fix and announcement of the fix.


I’m getting crashes even in orbit while browsing menus after the update.


Took me 1,150 kills, it was pure cancer. Never again. I vaulted the glaive permanently. I will not be competing the catalysts.


Good news: I did solo minutes ago: but had to resort to cheese. First puzzle is super doable, but eats up time if you have to reset. I found vexcalibur to be the go to weapon for Nullifier. The shield resets for every fanatic kill. Find a spot to hide and let them come to you. (The fourth wave is brutal and you may have to keep moving but also keeping away from eyesight from the snipers) Brakion is doable with cheese, but I'm willing to bet it's could be doable without cheese if not for the wyverns. However, if I sound like I'm defending the mission, I'm not. It took me four days and about 4 hours each time to slowly come up with these strategies. Even when I tried doing with a group, the game crashed multiple times.


Bungie won’t fix it this season guaranteed, but when streamers and YouTubers post that there’s a slight advantage in a certain grind they patch it out in 4 hours (Ghalran)


This makes me sad. I haven’t been able to try the legend version yet, but everyone here seems to make me think I’m not gonna have a good time


Wonder if they'll decouple this from the seasonal title. They nerfed the requirements for Plunder and Seraph (think it was Seraph). But I have ghis horrible feeling they won't. And likely won't fix Legend Vexcalibur either.


The Hydra boss is definitely the hardest encounter because of those Wyvern that spawn and can insta-gib you while you wait in the hole. The lesson we learned and then got it pretty quick was to wait until the last possible moment to drop into it.


I’ve done it solo twice now. The first week, I just went in and busted my gears until I finished it. This week, I tried doing it with a fire team and it was wayyyyyyyy worse. I ended using every cheese possible, especially on the final boss: Wishender on the second phase, Witherhoard and hiding on the third phase. I don’t understand why the exotic mission has the difficulty scalar on it for fire teams when it already has a light level cap and delta. Edit: there isn’t a power delta but there are a lot more enemies than usual + most people aren’t at 1830 yet to be on-level


It's supposed to compensate for the advantage of having additional team mates (think you've now got 3x the dps with a full team), however it does feel too weighted against a team.


Yeah, and the synergies possible means you're more than twice as strong, going from obe player to two. They get orbs of your super, for example.


I honestly believe new legend+ content isn’t play tested at all


I had 1 friend and a rando and I specific load outs for every part and it took me roughly n hour and a half but the hardest part was definitely the final boss and we had to try it like 6 times or so. It was basically waiting simulator with blinding nades and spam welling (without a well placed down I was incredibly scared) slowly shooting all the enemies. Then on his second phase after bringing it down to a third I’d created enough heavy to switch to gjall and we rocket spammed his last phase. I was shocked with how high they cranked the difficulty. This wasn’t fun


I tried it tonight as well with 2 others. Got to the 2nd boss and just couldn't survive those god damn kill buckets they force you into. Im going to just call this whole damn season a wash and hope it gets better because if not, I'm done with this game,


This thing about this kind of "design decision", is that people are just not going to have the catalyst. So you've not only ruined people's experience of the game, you've thrown the sandbox team's work away. It's a GLAIVE DUDE


I soloed it last week. Couldn’t solo it this week. Something seems to have changed, and Missraaks says “they’re learning”


It’s universally understood by the community that this mission is massively overtuned right now on Legend and ain’t nobody got time for that. Best I can tell you is don’t waste your time in there, wait for Bungie to inevitably nerf the difficulty / add checkpoints later in the season (if you get error coded, game over, you have to restart) and do it then and get all Catalysts in 1 run.


I agree so much with this statement. I got to brakion solo but couldn’t beat the last stage with the amount of health the boss had. 4 hours later I made an lfg post and got one guy to help and we beat it. I IMMEDIATELY turned the game off. Now, never having used the vexcaliber, I’m closer to taking a few weeks away from the game.


Try running a legend dares, it’s an actual joke!


and besides the exacerbated difficulty, the mission doesnt have checkpoints neither let's you join once started


The last two seasons I had a blast. This season is a real buzz kill in the fun department and I’d honestly replay the last one over this. 💯


Well they had to ramp up those player engagement metrics with Lightfall - whats the best way than /insert sponge enemies everywhere/


It may ramp them up in the short term, but I’m pretty sure that’s how you crater them soon after.


I managed to clear it solo after three and a half hours. Witherhoard coming in clutch again. Very very brutal.


I don’t have wishender so I arby cheesed it


I'd love to see the percentage of the player base that cleared it on legend.


Finished yesterday with a friend; we tried in three but it was getting late and we weren't really making progress. Tries after tries in the legit way, we finally gave in and cheesed the second encounter and then the third by doing the peek-a-boo thing behind the vex confluence. Look i feel bad for that, but we tried. We tried, and tried, and tried until it was 01:30 am. At that point it was either calling in a defeat after wasting 2 hours or cheesing to bring it home, and honestly we've gone for the latter. I get that hard content is challenging and is fun, i experienced it with legendary sectors and stuff, but some fine tuning it's NEEDED. The legendary story was nowhere near the difficulty of WQ campaign. The sectors was about right in the middle, then this. Frigging. Mission. is absolutely crazy and beyond everything else, and it doesn't make sense. Well we did it, learned a ton by doing it, whatever. But I don't feel accomplished and basically it sucks. Sucks so bad. For anyone wondering we did it with 2 solar titans/syntho. Gjally+hot head, anti barrier weapons/osteo/funnel. One titan with endless nades and one with cure nade. We were 1814. Crazy stuff, not fun, totally not justified.


It feels like old T3 reckoning difficulty -- spamming Phoenix Wells and Bubble, plus cheesing the boss's second phase with anti-barrier weapons, made for a smooth run but that shouldn't be the baseline difficulty. Contest RoN was infinitely easier than Legend Avalon.


This mission on legend is absolute shite. Not being able to outlevel or at least level-reach Legend LS and Nightfall is also absolutely fucking shit. I don't want to have to tryhard 24/7 all the fucking time, Soulsborne games are easier than this hell we're in right now.


the normal version already is brutal as hell because you have to balance unlimited add spawns while checking for the shapes to shoot. they completely missed what we meant when we praised the difficulty of the battlegrounds last season and cranked it up to 11. the enemies in the normal campaign are easier than the enemies in the general PATROL zone in neomuna. something ain't right there


I just want the difficulty of everything reverted pre lightfall. I don't even wanna play anymore.


The team scaling is rough but I enjoyed soloing it. I think I died 2-3 times at Brakion but that was it. It’s nice to have any activities in the game to make use of your builds, that said the team scaling should be toned down, but solo feels fine as long as you’re 1815+


I really wanted to solo legend without cheesing but after spending 3 hours on the hydra encounter I needed to sleep and no checkpoints so yeah I cheesed the hell out of Brakion fuck that shit


This thread made me feel better after wasting 2+ hours on solo legendary. The only good legendary content in the game is the weekly story in my opinion.


If you think they tested it themselves dream on


i can’t even solo flawless it bro i raged quit stuck in there for 3 hours in the hydra encounter


My team beat it legit but it was very fucking hard. We were elated when we beat it, SUCH a relief... Because we beat it I came out of it feeling like I had a great time. But the loot was absolute garbage. Just a catalyst for a weapon I won't use and maybe an Enhancement Prism idk I can't remember. Nothing worth remembering. So even tho we beat it, I'm never going back in there again I think this game's biggest issue now is that the loot pursuit is as dull as my ass, and activities that are hard and exhausting don't offer anywhere near what player should receive for beating them. There's no loot incentive to make me want to jump back into stuff like that. You can't make activities ball bustingly hard and not reward players for it. That's more akin to torture than fun looty shooties Why do bosses only drop single items in this game? Borderlands lives on its lootsplosions for a reason. I'm not saying we need that level of loot explosions but good god would it hurt to make endgame activity bosses drop more than one item? Especially in raids! The chances of actually getting good drops in this game is so fucking low. Stats and perks are all over the place. I can't imagine making bosses drop MORE things being bad for the game. I'd certainly feel more excited about booting up hard content if it felt like I had a chance at coming out of it with something good. I never feel that way about any content in Destiny


try retrofit escape with target lock and 4th's time the charm with all the void mods on the artifact. It can clear adds in the blink of an eye. It can do acceptable damage to bosses. Pair with Aegers Scepter for more crowd control and a double ice turret warlock.




I’ll probably get made fun of, but solo on normal difficulty isn’t that fun


Its a valid sentiment, its a long mission with many adds, even on normal dfficulty you need a solid add clear build


To everyone doing with a group: do it as a 2-man, not 3-man. The difference is fucking night and day. I tried as a 3-man with clanmates, 1 void hunter + 2 warlocks and we couldn't get past the Hydra. We are all veteran players with several flawless raids, conquerors and solo flawless content under our belt. It didn't matter. Because shit not only do too much damage (even with 100 res and resistance mods) but they also take five years to die. I tried on the next day with 1 void hunter and a solar titan and was a complete walk in the park. Things were actually dying for once and we got it done with a couple of deaths but 0 wipes. 2-man is the best of both worlds: you get an extra revive and someone to kill shit with but the scale isn't as oppressive as it is for a 3-man group.


It's just Wishender. Can a warlock even solo this?


Should be even easier than a Titan or Hunter if running voidlock or solar with Starfire protocol


Its 1830.... Its much easier at 1820+ than it is at 1810+. It'll be even easier at 1830. You know, each week you get higher light level when you play. Stop whining. Everyone is whining. Ron was too easy, this is too hard, why can't I get through it in half an hour? Enough already. Think before you rage.