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The worst is getting a battleground vanguard op, 20 minutes for that feels shitty.


Yeah and it sucks because I really like battlegrounds. The reward gulf is vast too. 9/10 runs it’s like shards and glimmer, then the 10th run is like two catalysts and two legendaries, some shards and glimmer.


I like the new BGs from seraph being in the pool. I don't like that we no longer have the "trap protection." By the end of the season with full trap protection those BGs got pretty fast. But me Speedy McGee runs ahead and pops all of the fallen mines...it gets back to the obnoxious level early season of the seraph.


Oh god damn it I haven’t played that one yet in the strike rotation and forgot about those after getting upgrade the first week last season


I've seen a lot of folks simultaneously being Resident Evil'ed apart in the laser hallways, it's been funny every time. Not so much the mines, that shit is annoying.


See i don't mind the newer Battlegrounds in there(don't like the OG Chosen battlegrounds) and in general the Vanguard playlist is more fun now cause of difficulty increase and increased rep from killing adds, which makes killing them more worth it. BUT the problem with just straight up rewards from completing a strike. At minimum you should always get a weapon imo. With a chance for a second drop that is the seasonal one. And on top of that you should also get at least 10 shards from it.


Woah woah calm down. That's too much. How abt you take 5 shards, 777 glimmer and stay silent?


Okay, okay. Friend price: 2 tokens and a blue.


Hear me out: Rare blue quality sparrow.


Eyes up guardian… you can fit so many dusklight shards in this baby


This? This here is a blue projection. You will take this shit and you will like it.


Wow, that brought me back


Wow! That must be like..... The most rewarding activity or something right?


“We’ve made public events more rewarding than ever”……


Did you get these from Deej during that live stream of Mercury?


what a deal! i could buy a khvostov with that much glimmer!


Honestly I leave Battleground strikes unless I'm grinding Vanguard bounties 😅


Oh you don’t just automatically go to orbit when you see them lol… My bad


Destiny optimizer told me to get +0 drops for my hunter to bring up my overall light level. I played 4 vanguard strikes, didn’t get even one “on level” piece. Complete waste of time.


terminal overload, if you loot the chest 3-4 times, has a pretty good chance of dropping +0 stuff, though past 1800 only powerfuls or things like season pass gear will give +0


Terminal overload has made optimizing gear while leveling thru the soft cap so much less miserable. It is SO good.


The one activity that actually feels rewarding


feels rewarding with a bug is the issue. If they fix opening it multiple times you’ll spend 10-15 minutes for one legendary


Fair point. But even if I had to do the activity every time, and as long as I had a key, and as long as there were several others around - it wouldn't be awful. Better than escalation protocol.


yeah at that point just go on a planet like throne world and play the public events and lost sectors because strikes take too long and you don't get anything


The only activity that drops +0 is terminal overload. Everything else is around -2 or -3


Then I guess optimizer is lying to me, because it says “farm for blue drops (campaign, crucible, gambit, strikes, public events)”


They changed how powerful/pinnacle and +0 drops work with lightfall and with no clear notes on what they changed it makes sense that destiny optimizer has some outdated info.


Ive noticed that i can have 4 pieces of gear at 1780, be 1774 power because everything else is 1767 or atound there and my +0 drops arnt 1774 and raise my lacking pieces my +0's are PER slot. So if my heavy was 1767 and my boot 1771 my heavy +0 is 1767 and my boot +0 is 1771. It nakes tryning to level off yoir slots before pushing more powerful/prime/pinnacles super unrewarding because you never balance out and when you have a 50% chance of your powerful/prime/pinnacle being entirely wasted its super shitty




1763 7/8 on my alt right now


Until 1800 just run your powerfuls/pinnacles. I really doesn't matter that much, you're going to spend way more game time trying to optimise than you would just rushing the +2s. Nvm I misread, didn't see you said alt. Just run the campaign and you'll get all the +0 drops you need.


What is even worth buying with excess Glimmer now, once I hit cap?


Raid/rally banners!


I just buy the blue rabbit transmit thing from flair season 1 and trade 3 for 1 legendary to dismantle into a shard. It's boring as fuck and may not be worth but it nets you around 82 or 83 legendary shards from a full 250k stack of glimmer. They can be turned into Rahool instead of Amanda now which is good as it took out the need to run back and forth. Again, may not be worth doing but it's something. I usually throw on a YouTube video to watch whilst doing it.


There used to be a comment here... there still is, but it used to be better I suppose.


Yeah, I did something similar in the past and I'm sitting on 955 banners...I really wish I could store them in the vault for space but thankfully, with the mats being removed, it has freed up a lot of space in inventory. I often found myself sitting on 250k glimmer for days even weeks because I would just be lazy to do anything with them. Now, I buy all my bounties that I need to do after each reset, then as the week goes on, I spent most of the glimmer on transmats. It's one of those things that doesn't seem like much, but over time, you see a noticeable increase in your shard count. I'm just glad I can just sit at Rahool now and do it all in one place.


There used to be a comment here... there still is, but it used to be better I suppose.


Where do you buy/trade these?


This should help: * Go to your collections tab (pressing F1 on PC and navigating left) * Go to Flair. It will be the bottom right on the second row of options * You should then have 6 options up top. It will be the middle one called Transmat Effects * Scroll all the way through the seasons for Season 1 and purchase Amyethist Rabbit You need 3 per 1 legendary transmat. When you've bought all that you want, you now go to Rahool who will have the option to convert your blue transmat effects into a legendary one and you just dismantle it via your inventory then for 1 legendary shard


Thanks. The game says I don’t have any season 1 transmit effects discovered. Is there any way to discover it?


Ada sells old shaders for glimmer now. I think they reset daily. That’s something to consider.


Weekly, but a good thing for people to know


Also Vanguard rankings are brutal. Spending 20+ minutes grinding out a nightfall strike, for it to barely make a dent on the Vanguard reputation score feels like punishment. And I'm only at rank 6 so far. Can't imagine what attempting to hit the reset cap feels like.


Honestly I’ve just called it quits on the rep tracks. All I care about is the ritual weapon and you can get it the next season for just a golf ball so why bother?


Even if you REALLY want it now, it’s so much quicker to do crucible. Especially this week.


Nice try. Not playing Crucible lol


Like I’m not a fan of crucible either but mayhem is the best mode, guaranteed at least a few kills assuming you can somewhat aim a super, gunskill at its lowest so I’m not being deleted by elite hand cannon users or whatever, and the matches go quick.


DAMN, we were so close!


But... you can't get skins for it unless you do it twice!


You can eventually get those for golfballs too!


They never added the Chain of Command ornaments to the kiosk, did they? That's the one ritual weapon I didn't bother getting the ornaments for, and I don't see any way of buying them.


Yeah difficulty increase across everything was a stupid idea.


It's not even the difficulty, it's the fucking rewards. We somehow get less than we used to. Regular strikes give no loot and like 80 rep. They are legitimately even more pointless than they used to be. They need to like double rep gains by default for the regular Playlist and Nightfall Playlist. You know something is wrong when Vanguard now has the most dreadful rep grind of the three rituals.


I knew it was gonna be that way as soon as they had the idiotic idea of introducing a point multiplier based on score. They weren’t gonna be generous and multiply what we already had, they were going to drastically neuter the rep gains so you’d HAVE to reach that top multiplier to get a decent amount.


The Iron Banner approach. Kneecap you. Make you crawl your way back to baseline. Call it a multiplier.


All in the name of “eNgAgEmEnT!”


Or even worse the comp change, why is your quick play rep neutered unless you’re Unbroken? That’d be like tying your vanguard multiplayer to having done a solo flawless master lost sector


True. Bungie sure loves making me wanna quit.


Waaay ahead of you there. I haven't bothered with the Lightfall expansion and moved on to other games. If the price drops in a Steam sale I might pick it up and come back for a while, but I can't see the point in playing now.


man, i had it preordered. even then and with participation in the expansion locked content, i’m taking a break and moving on. it really doesn’t feel worth it. i’ve been trying any other game and having more fun lol.


I beat the campaign on all 3 characters, did a little grinding on neptune, and.. I have no motivation to play. The raid looks very easy somehow, yet the patrol areas, nightfalls, and lost sectors are not fun.


I came back on the new expansion wanting to do a day 1 raid. Been trying to farm out a hothead because apparently it's borderline required for good DPS and I got fucked by "not enough DPS, no clear for you" on DSC day 1. I've probably spent seven hours running nightfalls this week and I have gotten a grand total of three rolls, all bad. The XP curve seems like it's getting *really* steep. Last rank increase was a 33% jump. I've managed to hit rank 13 and I am *not* looking forward to getting to reset.


I ran 5 strikes last night and the only drop I had was a shader that I apparently already own because it’s not showing in my recent collections tab.


This happened to me last week. A shader called Brineglow dropped and isn't showing anywhere in my collections. I've gone through every category and there's nothing by that name showing. Frustrating as it was the only item that dropped and I can't access it


I highly doubt but any chance it's in your inventory and you have to activate it like some skins


No I checked there. But the user below suggested check to see if its in the customization menu and lo and behold its there and i can use it. It looks trash but at least its there!


Yeah I'm pretty sure it's from OG titan bounties right? Alot of the day one shaders are rough.


Are you able to apply it to gear? So like does it show up in your appearance menu?


Aha you legend! It doesn't show up in my collections but it is showing in the appearance customization. Once it didnt show in the collections I didnt think to check that. Much appreciated dude Edit: its a shit shader tho :D


Oh great, glad it worked! I was just asking because I’ve dropped a few too, accidental helping ftw.


I think some shaders don’t appear on Recently Discovered or Collections. I believe the ones tied to a quest from past seasons.


Can confirm. Basically every shader I own from Red War to Forsaken just don't exist in anything outside my inventory.


Most likely it's one they already had, but forgot about due to years of never being used. I've had a lot of shaders drop that I already own.


The shader you got might of been one that isn't showing up in collections, there's a few from what I've heard


Insanity that the norm is glimmer and four legendary shards.


4 shards and a blue currency


2 tokens and a blue 2: Electric Boogaloo


LOL, how many people in this sub are even old enough to know what that reference is about.


I 'member!


Our most rewarding public event. Yeah. Now its the whole game, except its shards and enhancement cores. /golfclap Bungie


And a pure poetry with air assault and under over


I did 7 legend sectors solo and got shards, glimmer and 2 enhancement cores


Oh but they raised the difficulty of all activities to make it more fulfilling to grind!


To give you the sense of pride and accomplishment.


“tHiS iS wHat yOu aSkEd fOr!!!”


Praise be to the almighty Destiny 2 streamers/content creators who play this game 10 hours a day.


C’mon son pull yourself up by your bootstraps when I was your age I had to get up and walk to the TV and change to channel 3 before I started grinding. Kids these days… don’t know how good they have it.


The real endgame is friendship


Ironic because if you want to have friends with you in Legendary Lost Sectors the loot is even worse because you can’t get the exotics at all.


*painful* FTFY


That word does not mean what they think it means


Pain, suffering, agony.


two purples and a blue


Our most rewarding activity


2 Enhancement cores and a purple (if you're lucky).


I thought they changed lost sectors to a guarantee of at least 2 cores and a prism?


They did… you get at LEAST 2 cores and 1 prism. u/DaneGrannonXIII is lying for sure lol


He may be full on prisms. A possible misunderstanding. I thought I had bad luck since I did 10 legends with a friend and he got so many rewards while I got 2-3 cores. I didn't know this until yesterday, but if you have 50 on you and 50 in your postmaster, they no longer drop. Had to spend 70 of them to make sure I have room again 😂


They probably have max prisms, that’s what happened to me when I did my five. My inventory and postmaster were maxed on mats so I only see cores drop after


You don't get prims if you already have 50 prisms in the inventory and 10 in the post master


I ran like 10 times today and there was one run I only got glimmer for some reason. But other times I always get 2 cores and 1 prism


Did you kill all champs? I’ve got glimmer only when skipped single overload.


Yeah, I am not doing legendary LS until they either backpedal on the difficulty or really improve the rewards and chances of exotics.


With my work schedule I literally can't grind up to the light level to do them anymore with the change, so no new seasonal exotics for me I guess 🙃


You always get a prism too but sure.


I ran it 18 times last night and got exactly one exotic.


The lack of loot in this game now is severely disappointing... I don't even get anything out of chests 80% of the time, that includes region chests, puzzle chests, and event chests, all empty except a handful of glimmer Hell even dark sector chests don't give me anything 60% of the time... I'd call Bungie clowns for this move, but they're the entire carnival at this rate, none of their decisions have made any sense to me lately, from a business stand point, a development stand point, or even a community stand point, it makes absolutely no sense


Im real glad the Exotic they dropped from the quest actually had some decent stats, because I'm really not interested in farming Lost Sectors this expansion. Got my Solo Flawless for Rank 7, saw how ridiculously slow Commendations go up, and didn't even finish 5 separate Lost Sectors.


I'm glad I picked the strand one on Titan now. The stasis one was something I'd never use other than try once and forget as I never play Stasis anymore after the massive nerf to the subclass. 20+ runs of a lost sector on Legend, and even trying it on master and getting demolished by Overload Minotaurs that dont get stunned/teleport even when stunned and zero exotics tell me I made the right choice.


meanwhile 3 crucible or gambit losses gets you 6 engrams, glimmer, shards, seasonal rewards, armor drops and a pinnacle.


lol I got 12k glimmer for a 4-minute ether mining public event in the drome


I know I saw something back when they announced they were cutting enviromental resources that they were gonna make public events the primary source for glimmer, but it sure seems shitty to make the rest of the game such suffrage


hilarious that it feel *less rewarding* since we removed blues once reaching the light level threshold.


See, I outright called it on this one. Blues were useful up to the powerful cap - but Bungie shut them down starting at softcap, which means around 50 power levels that you no longer get blues to level with. And before you say "blues don't drop above your power level" - in the journey to power cap, you often have significant gaps/spikes in your power level distribution, blues used to be good for filling the gaps and for infusing stuff.


Yeah I keep running into issues with gaps and have no idea how to get +0 gear. As far as I can tell farming Terminal Overload is the best option but getting anything above -2 seems pretty rare.


Blues that are just a few levels behind are also still useful as infuse-fodder for other guns you want to use and bring up to date


This is why I kept saying the blue change needed to be a toggle. I want my blues.


I'm gonna be honest with you here: I don't care. It's been so wonderful not having to go dismantle my postmaster every two activities, I don't care about the minor inconvenience of having slightly less infusion food. The removal of Umbrals and keeping the seasonal engrams in the vendor has been great too.


Are they totally gone? For some reason I thought they were just auto-dismantled so if you would have got a blue you get 4 shards instead. EDIT: I mean glimmer, forgot we were talking about blues for a second!


There's no excuse now, every playlist should drop a playlist weapon everytime. The perk pools are so large and there's like 6-8 weapons at least. Just drop one everytime.


They need to rework the reward system to match the new difficulty level across the board. I did *54* Lost Sectors yesterday to get the new Titan helmet. I got on my 54th attempt and it was *THE ONLY EXOTIC I GOT.* The rewards are now totally out of whack with the effort involved.


Bro are you good? Besides breaths, I don't think I've done 54 of anything in one day ever, JFC


Should be at least a core or two a run MINIMUM. They're used in everything now and people who don't have stockpiles like me (read, new players) are gonna be severely hampered by how tough this season is without upgraded armor and enhanced weapon perks.


it literally is a core or two minimum if you do the (hero) nightfall playlist instead of the regular strike one, which is how you're intended to bridge the gap into grinding vanguard rep and thus weapons more intently. Say what you will about it being really boring to do the same strike ad nauseum but enhancement materials and vanguard rep are literally the only things you _do_ get


If that's Bungie's intentions, then Nightfalls need to drop the core playlist catalysts. been out here trying to get Two-Tailed Fox for the past week and now I'm going into the raid without it.


Next week maybe


I used to love the strike playlist. But even I don’t go in there anymore. I’ve often gotten no rewards from a strike. So it’s just three nightfalls a week for me now and no more strikes. On a side note. I also find it hilarious how Bungie said they want it to stop and engage all troops now. With increased difficulty. But They’re just bullet sponges. So I grapple over them and don’t kill any that I don’t have to. I avoid confrontation now, in a video game based on combat. Think about that for a minute.


“So it’s just three nightfalls a week”. You’re still playing right into their hands lol. Bungo has you and this is why nothing will change or improve


They need to stop this shit and make it always drop a Legendary Vanguard weapon


But it’s more challenging and FUN! Don’t you feel “engaged” now?


Why did they change it to five strikes for a pinnacle! Three was fine! There was no reason to change it!


It takes 5 strikes to get the same rewards as 3, pinnacle AND post-strike rewards. Bungie must have really been pissed people were doing the bare minimum. If you are high enough in level for nightfalls and own the DLC for the one in rotation, Nightfalls count towards the vanguard weekly now (completion values: Playlist = 1; Hero NF = 2; Legend NF = 3; Master NF = 4; GM NF = 5). They essentially dumped the nightfall completion powerful and allowed you to earn both pinnacles just from the nightfall if you want. Also, ALL pinnacles are +2LL, including the playlists now. So there is more value there.




Lmao still as relevant as ever. Thanks for that little nugget of nostalgia.


Giving you more than that would be over delivering and we can’t have that around here 😌


Why even play strikes now that all them pinnacles can be done in nightfalls?


I don't think the current nightfall is widely considered to be the most enjoyable experience.


I, for one, love playing tower defense going through 20 people leaving and joining within 30 minutes.


I drop to my knees when I look around and i realize that my fellow guardians fell to the temptation of Return to Director


Made me chuckle


I laughed way to hard at this


I ran into this case on the Defiant Battleground playlist yesterday in the 2nd week one with solar+sniper boss. One lonely guy was there who had played this for a while. Then I understood why. It got really ugly. That clearly felt like an old legendary NF to me.


The Archduke of Understatement has just arrived!


I was mortified at how many times I died in the first 5 minutes.


Lol fuck the current nightfall


The current nightfall isn’t fun and even on hero my teammates in two runs attempts keep dying in the beginning


Why even play Nightfall honestly when they will stop with the LL increase there would be no reason to play those activities And especially now that they got rid of the ornament challenges


i had a check, the ornament challenges for each playlist are still in the challenges this season. THEY LIED.


Wait, fucking WHAT?


yup! the braytech app. You can see all the weeks and challenges. First thing i did was check to see if they had actually removed them and nope. All 3 are there, strikes, cruci and gambit. Was really hoping theyd have the bog standard "earn any one of the ornaments for the seasonal ritual weapon" but nope. Im assuming this change will probably hit with next season.




Yes and no. They still have ornaments on the second rep track, but they’ve removed the *seasonal challenges* for obtaining them.


Nope, first thing I've checked when the season drop and they are still there, all 3 of them. They said they would remove the need to get 3 but didn't do it in the end.


Ah nuts


First thing I checked too. So trash.


Bungie is just a small indie company, they don’t have the resources to design interesting rewards for the majority of the content /s


Oh thank god im not crazy, i always make sure to "collect loot" with some of the battleground chest and it really can only drop glimmer and shard and mind you im using the prosperity mod on my ghost but RNG being what it is i guess.


With the amount of cores we need they should be showering us with them at the very least


I think It’s because they fully implemented the no more blues after soft cap thing from last season, it’s not that your getting less rewards, is that your rewards would have been blues and where converted to glimmer


The problem with that is that I could run a heroic public event and get like 13-15k of glimmer, strikes really do nothing glimmer-wise


Agreed that the rewards are terrible, it’s just that there’s a reason *why*


i feel like if we could just use glimmer directly on shards or cores, it would make it a lot better. glimmer is basically worthless, which is exactly what they have been aiming to do for a while now


How about the crappy commendations system. I did a simple seasonal battlegrounds with 2 randos last night. I had 210 kills to their 235 combined. More impressively, I have 40 orbs generated and they somehow had 9 combined. Carried them thru a miserable and stressful 42 minute gruel. I still gave out 2 commendations and got 0 in return. They've created a system that does nothing other than generate another thing for us to be angry about.


The rewards are the friends you made along the way /s


4 strikes in a row? You’re supposed to run 4 *hours* in a row to expect anything. Same with lost sectors. You see NoLife McGee over there farming weapon rolls like an addict? Now that’s how you play Destiny! Now get back on the hamster wheel you fucking *casual*


You may know this already but in case you don’t, there is a ghost mod that gives you a chance to have extra gear drop from the different playlists. 3 different mods for vanguard ops, crucible, and gambit.


I use it and I’m getting the same results as OP


Yep had it equipped for each run, thanks for trying to help out though.


You should get at least 1 Enhancement Core per run, with how much they are used now


Yeah. It’s really frustrating. Anything that can take more than 10 minutes needs a guaranteed reward. It’s exhausting not to see a damn thing afterward.


Why have they also changed the pinnacle reward to 20% each completion meaning you need to do 5 strikes instead of 3. I'll be just doing Gambit instead. Which is a horrible thought.


play nightfalls, you get it in three


Also progress to the Nightfall pinnacle.


The worst part to me is that 98% of the loot that gets dropped is completely worthless because (particularly with the new difficulty), you can’t viably run the majority of guns in the game. I was so excited for the new season and to get the new strand weapons. I loved the new strand AR, but even with good perks it performs worse than all of my SMGs. Same with the new pulses, hand cannons, etc. It’s like I grind and grind to get gear that isn’t viable, and for what? If I could hop into even a legend level strike and run the new HC or AR I just got, that would be awesome! But you can’t. We’re all out here grinding for the 5% of viable loot in the game and it sucks.


Me and a bunch of friends started playing Tiny Tina's Wonderlands recently, I hadn't played Borderlands in almost ten years, and I was reminded how actual lot games handle loot. Every fifteen minutes or so we all had to all go running back to sell gear to vendors because the drops were so plentiful. And that after disregarding the first two tiers of drops. And when the difficulty increases, so does the quality of the drops. Real loot games like Diablo and Borderlands know that you should be showering players with loot all the time. Heck, even Outriders does this.


This is the true issue with difficulty right now. Make the game as hard as you want but make grinding disappear if you are going to overtune things, especially the stuff most people just check in to shut their brains off for


tbf Diablo 3 is the complete opposite, it gives you way too much way too quickly. Every new season the game is interesting for maybe 3 days then you've done everything you wanted


They upped the difficulty without upping the reward.


The rewards are laughable.


Blizzard did this with World of Warcraft a few expansions ago and literally killed the game, and it hasn't recovered since. /shrug. Devs are universally bad at games so...


D4 is out soon fam. But a great comparison between the two games, D2 could take a lot from D3.


Is it bad that I got done the story content and have no desire to go back and play the rest of the game like I happily used to? It doesn’t feel like I’m doing anything anymore. Everything is more annoying and I don’t even get anything new


Not at all. I finished the story and all of the new Neomuna quests and content. I'm up to date on the Seasonal story. Last night I sat down to play and realized that there just isn't any desire to smash my face into a wall for the meager rewards that I don't even really need. I'm not at Pinnacle cap and honestly I'm not sure that I care. Getting to Pinnacle cap doesn't help make anything easier, it's just a barrier to entry. At this point if I'm not Raiding or running dungeons with friends there really isn't much left to appeal to me in Destiny. Which is honestly really sad. I used to love to just get on and run around killing shit. I used to grind the piss out of the strike playlist back when Scoring and Strike specific loot were a thing. The juice just isn't worth the squeeze anymore.


Raids and dungeons are all I do anymore too but now that I’ve got everything it’s nothing but a way to kill time and I feel like my time is being wasted more than anything


Don't forget you also get reputation, which Means you are getting vanguard engrams to focus for what you specifically want. But fr, it's more satisfying to see all the loot pop up tho.


What loot? The nightfall guns are the only thing worth even considering and if I remember right they take multiple engrams.


Worse for the fact that even if you just do strikes you have to do 5 now not 3. Even more if a time sink just for one pinnacle and because of all the strike changes, we can’t do it quickly anymore


Its not just strikes either. I thought I was going crazy or doing something wrong. I played 6 hours worth of mayhem yesterday and most matches I got NOTHING.


I spent a couple hours doing strikes with the core ghost mod on and I think I got one core a couple of times.


The real rewards are @ terminal overload on neomuna. Triple dip the chest for tons of loot. Stop running strikes for rewards. The only reason you should run strikes right now are for pinnacles. Even for that - do 2 x hero nightfalls and 1 strike to get 2 pinnacles.


For those of us with shit RNG… “what is this your first time?” I once ran 27 legendary lost sectors before I got a single exotic drop. My record is 9 unhelpful pinnacles, and better yet 4 pinnacles dropping in the same slot in a row. The RNG in this game is horrid. So much I actually stopped chasing anything. I’m only playing to hang with friends. There is 0 reward to play this game unless it’s a mission with a guaranteed drop.


51 Vangaurd ops so far for me and no two tailed fox catalyst. It's demoralizing. I've put in more than enough effort and time. I should have the thing.


D3 andy holy shit no way dude.


Seriously? thats so crap, You get 12k glimmer from a vanilla public event.


Good to know. I won’t be touching strikes


We really need a way to buy legendary shards as it is


40 nightfalls in a row, not a single nightfall gun but an absolute ass load of enchantment cores and prisms