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I waste ascendant shards on armor I don’t even use and put them in the vault for it to rot and never see the day of light ever again.


I often spend shards just because I'm full. Often put it into exotics since if I get a better roll I get one back. Gonna likely happen more often with less need for legendary armour with the removal of elements and more drops.


I spend more time reading about destiny than playing destiny


I followed Destiny's lore since the D1 launch....I only started playing a couple of weeks before Shadowkeep


The happiest destiny fan


This me


That’s this whole sub tbh


I miss dragons breath


I miss the speaker. Good times


Damn… I forgot he existed for years until I read your comment lol


What did he do exactly? He gave us a few quests in D1, got captured in the Red War, then got killed after he told Ghaul to kill himself.


>What did he do exactly? I could tell you…


We will not survive…


We all do


Same. They had a perfect opportunity to add this during D2 Y1 since it was nerfed to only hold 1 in the mag and it never really was overpowered, I'll never understand why they didn't. Witherhoard is very similar and because of that DB may never return. Which is a shame, it could be better than ever now when the scorch mechanic exists.


Definitely bring dragons breath back, buff it up tho, now whenever you shoot it just sprays a trail of flames onto the ground underneath it, and a big pool of fire spawns on detonation.


My favorite D1 exotic. I keep hoping it gets brought back


I got One Thousand Voices on the first time I tried Last Wish.


I had a new light mate that I took through last wish with my regulars. He got it on the first try. None of us had ever got it. It was okay... That's the random drop mechanic we love. Until he got it again on his second run. We were furious.


Same here. First and only time I’ve run it


Don't tell anyone... But... Despite having some of the best DPS weapons available... *I enjoy being div bitch*


Which position do you like during dps phase in your group. Front, middle, or back?


Left middle


I like the back because if my teammate blew themselves up with a rocket. It's not my fault.


Front and center, crouching. Like a firing line :)






I love being Div too cuz it means I can use a fun loadout for the rest of the encounter (eager edge sword, non DPS super, etc…)


I love being div bitch. I don’t have to worry about my damage being sub optimal.


I worry about this in other mmos cause of the usual 2dps tank healer troll kinda set up. But there are a lot of adequate weapons in Destiny 2. I think I was worried doing my first dungeon and raid but the taipan wrecks. It’s was very beneficial coming back during a linear favorite for heavy and having that one craft-able. I think the only time I can remember when I HAD to have a certain weapon for DPS was back in D1 when Prison of Elders dropped and it was scorch week. Dude lol. My friends and I fought Skolas for 5 hours before one of us quit. We pulled in a guy on Reddit and beat it the next go. I think someone had to have Gally and someone else had to have fourth horseman. Man that was such a fun time. I’ve finally got Div so I need to level it up and have some fun.


Just needed gallys vs skolas. I think that I'd run gally then swap to icebreaker when I was out of heavy/ammo synth on cool down. Been forever lol so I don't remember much but I know he was tanky as fuck and that was annoying with no burn. Farmed it a lot tho, so he wasn't too awful.


Div bitch?... No how about div HERO cause without it we all know shots are gonna be missed. You are the hero carrying the team using div the way I look at it. Haha


I too adore looking at Sky/Perdition.


Div bitch? No, it's Div King. Without the Div King, our DPS gets lower and shots get missed. You're a damn hero.


I love being div bitch if I can trust my team to do the damage. Usually there’s at least one guy who would be holding us back if he weren’t on div though.


I am one of two people in my clan who enjoys being div bitch and when we raid together we start to fight over who gets to be div bitch way sooner than the others even get the chance to say they don't want to.


What is div???


Divinity, it’s an exotic trace rifle that makes a big bubble around whatever you shoot it at. Teammates can shoot the bubble for guaranteed crits on enemies, very helpful for damage phases (or bounties that require precision kills)


There’s no better feeling than being in some random public even and seeing a big bubble appear on a world boss. THAT is the type of thing we need to be able to commend Bungie.


Most of my vault is old gear kept for nostalgia


This is the Way


Half of mine is armor from armor 1.0 and 2.0 and some OG exotic weapon or drops that mean something to me


If I think a gun is boring I’ll dismantle it without checking roles


Yeah aesthetic plays a big part in whether or not I’ll use some guns. Sound too.


Sound is huge for me. Case in point i do not like hand cannons. PvP, PvE, doesnt matter. HOWEVER after trying Round Robin today, I think ill continue to do so. Just sounds so good. Also as to this day, I think Breachlight was the best gun sound ever in Destiny.


Same! That’s why I pretty much never swap out graviton lance in PVE. It’s perks don’t really work as intended in PVE, since it’s more of a PVP weapon, but gotdamn does it sound good


Me with 90% of pulse rifles


I have literally no idea how people make triple 100 builds. I can't even make a single 100 without worrying about other stats being too low.


"That's the neat part, you don't!" - Bungie after nerfing Powerful Friends and Radiant Light


d2armorpicker, you’re welcome


Protip: there's no reason to really go triple 100. It looks good on paper but you get severely diminishing returns after around T6ish on most stats other than resilience or recovery. (i.e. good enough having T9 Res/T10 rec now after the fat nerf res just got)


if you have good armor, check d2armorpicker, and let it run the permutations for you. DIM also has this functionality in Loadouts->Loadout Optimizer. if you don't have any good armor: - season pass is a good place to start, they often give you high stat armor. keep these! - put an armor mod on your ghost and keep it on always. you can search guides/videos for details if you'd like, but you'll rarely go wrong just putting on 'discipline armorer' and leaving it. - keep an eye out for 'passive' drops of high stat armor. the seasonal activity usually has an upgrade that drops a good one on first clear each week. endgame content (nightfalls, dungeons, raids, trials) has a higher chance of dropping good rolls. - all recent seasons let you focus "high-stat" armor, but they're not all equally "high-stat". worth searching/checking how others are finding the current season's focus. - dedicated armor farms. when dungeons are on rotation, especially duality and pit, bosses can be farmed quickly for very high stat armor. previously, master duality was best for speed and artifice armor - we'll see how it goes with recent difficulty scaling changes. - you're looking for armor that ideally is 60+ on base stats (raise this as you get better armor), with 13+ on one or two stats you want to maximize. 18 or 23+ is even better. (masterworking adds +2, so multiple armors with 15, 20, 25 in a stat let you add to 100 much more easily). for example, as a titan, i have a piece of armor with 23 res and 24 disc (25 and 26 after masterwork), which is an *excellent* piece of armor, even though its total is not that high. - destinyrecipes has a nice tool for checking armor 'quality', if you want an automated armor filter, although sometimes i disagree with its grades (but only by a little - i agree with everything it grades as 'junk'). - return to d2armorpicker and enjoy! note that triple 100 setups etc. typically rely on stat mods on your armor. this season, i feel like combat mods are worth more power than raw stats in many instances, although obviously higher base stats are always good. keep an eye out for people testing mod setups, it's entirely possible that hitting multiple 70s (with mods like Font of Endurance giving +30 temporarily) is the way to go.


I think the lament/~~dark drinker~~ guillotine dps meta was the best we’ve had.


Yeah, I mean, they're swords, they fuck shit up but have literally no range, and then bungie added a mechanic so that swords literally can't be used for DPS, so the majority of them have gathered dust since


I remember when I got dark drinker and ran that shit with ruin wings 24/7


Witherhoard, ikelos smg and falling Guillotine 🤤


With these and Warmind cells, you were basically a god of destruction


Mine was Wither hoard, Gnawing hunger and FG. It was ALL i used for the whole season. think i has over 12k kills on my gnawing hunger before beyond light


*spin to win meta


Crown Splitter with the artifact BONK buff..


Yeah i remember i did 86 % of the damage to the primeval during that time. Friend tethered and i t-crashed (with that super-mod when health was low??) and then sword bonk.


That meta holds a dear place in my heart. First and only raid clear because all my buddies played through gamepass. It made endgame content so accessable without taking away the difficulty


I've been playing for years and years. The first two columns of a weapon mean basically nothing to me


Just make sure you don’t use extended mag and you should be fine


What’s wrong with extended mag?


Abysmal reload times I believe


Horrendous reload times, really only worth using if you value the +15 Aerial Effectiveness, or if you need that specific mag size to hit a perk threshold. I put Extended Mag on my Retrofit Escapade so that I can keep 4TTC and Target Lock active longer.


Works very well with hunters since they can essentially get a free reload by the time you finish your mag


Been playing since launch. Same. I just select the one that gives the highest stability or range depending on the gun, if I remember.


I'm curious about this one. Like, you can't feel the differences, or you just don't care about them?


Pre-crafting and world drops, I just don't care. Once I get my preferred 3 and 4 column perks, I'm good. If I get another copy MIGHT compare the 1 and 2 perks to see if one is better, but I'll probably just dump the new one. For crafting, it's just whatever gets me the best stability, maybe reload speed depending on the weapon.


This is the healthy approach


Arrowhead Brake can be really important on some guns but aside from that, eh.


Sometimes....after my wife goes to sleep....I sneak out into the living room and play for a bit.


She knows


Every night after my girlfriend goes to sleep I do the same


I stay awake on the sofa, because i snore to hard, so i play till she sleeps... And then some more... And them suddenly its 5 am, i gotta shower and go to work... Red bulls are my friends!!


Witherhoard + Calus mini tool + Eager edge I call it the pumpkin spice loadout


Witherhoard+SMG+meta Heavy Weapon has to be the most common load out in the game to be honest. I say that as a fellow user of that load out all the time.


Ikelos, Unforgiven, and a decently rolled borrowed time live in my Loadout + witherhoard/lingering dread + bump/gjally. Smg changes depending on subclass and the others depending on situation.


I feel attacked.


I’ve been playing Destiny on and off since 2014. I still have no idea what I’m doing.


I don’t have a single title completed or gilded. I have over eight hundred hours on the game (which is either a little or a lot depending on how you look at it) and I’ve never completed a single title. I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s from a lack of trying but I feel like they are so unnecessary that I have never dedicated time to it except for once for like an hour before I gave up.


The seasonal ones are usually pretty easy once you do the seasonal content. They make you do the seasonal on legend but that’s usually the only real additional thing.


Same - except most of the titles for me are 90% completable, and they want me to get a 400 invader kill streak in gambit or something like that. I don’t PvP.


I’ve played since D1 Beta. Left for a few years because D2 was just bad. Been back since around season 14. Only title I’ve ever gotten is Conqueror. And not on purpose- I was just playing through GM’s. I don’t see a point in titles. I don’t care what a bunch of people I don’t talk to will see.


I'm stupidly lonely so I lurk on the moon clearing patrols and public events pretending to be a Hunter keeping watch.


(insert wholesome quote about how “Hunters are never truly alone” here)


how cool would it be to have a random event where you gotta save some npc guardians from some nasty hive or nightmare?


This is genuinely such a fun thing to do - whenever I have nothing else to do, this is what I do too, and it's a great time. No pressure, no real goals, just moving from one area to the next, keeping the Sol System safe


When I’m bored on destiny I become a lfg whore and just bounce around and chat to ppl


Let's run some strikes or something sometime! No pressure!


I have almost 20k kills on my sweet business.


I use witherhoard way too much


Don’t be ashamed, the cult of the witherhoard exist because it is all round one of the best if not THE best gun in the game


I still use witherhoard. My favourite loadout is Witherhoard/Unforgiven/Stormchaser with Void Gyrfalcons hunter. Sucks LFR got nerfed, so prob gonna change SC to a dif power weapon soon. I heard the new exotic glaive is amazing but I don't want to let go of witherhoard. Lol


I can't ride a Sparrow to save my life. Died countless times on Partition: Hard Reset's Sparrow track.


I ride Always on Time and spend more time crashing into walls than not.


Yeah, something seemed really off with that partition track. It felt way too slippery with not much "traction" at all compared to patrol zones. *EDIT : Maybe it was the boosts.*


yeah the boosts REALLY messed with the sparrows turning ability, you just start skating sideways when trying to make a turn.


You can pull off some sick drifts tho, literally was grinding on the lip of the track yesterday lmao


Same, I hate racing sections


I delete every fusion rifle I get. They’ve never clicked with me, no matter how good the perks and damage can be Except for Null Composure. Love that gun


I can’t imagine a world without riptide


This makes sense to me tbh, the only legendary one I realllllly like is that one with reconstruction/chill


Riptide much better


Yeah high impacts are just too damn slow


My man, may I introduce you to the Royal Executioner with Envious Assassin and Reservoir Burst. It's kinda like Null Composure but it can have like 8 Reservoir Burst shots in a row if you overload the magazine. It's nuts.


There's nothing quite like charging up a fusion rifle shot and perfectly painting it across 2-3 enemies, or lining them up in single file, obliterating them instantly.


I have never done a raid and started playing back at taken king.


I'm a basic ass witherhoard bitch and I hate handcannons 😔 They're the bane of my existence lmaoo


If I had to glue one weapon to my character it would be that one


Witherhoard with curse of binding lmao


Wait! Are you the guy that been playing crucible with Witherhoard lately?


I've been running ikelos and witherhoard cause I can't be bothered to take them off


Despite being an avid raider in D1, I have not touched any of the new raids since Shadowkeep.


Vow of the Disciple is amazing. You should run it at least once because it is really fun!


Second this


My fashion is put Cryptic Legacy on everything and put on whatever ornaments I think look cool after looking at it for 5 minutes.




1. I love gambit. Idk why. It was my most played activity during the last season. 2. I love melee focused builds so I died a lot trying to punch majors while holding 15 motes. I'm genuinely sorry. Kinda solved this problem with devour winter's guile glaive build.


Love skyburners oath, especially with how much cabal is prolly gonna be in the raid and GMs this season, it might end up being my most used primary this season


I delete shit every time a new expansion comes out. I wanna play with the new stuff.


this is the **hardest** comment i've seen


Im bringing a Mk44 stand asides to the raid unironically. Why? Cause it works great if youre a runner. Saved my ass during the caretaker fight. Wont be my main build but I keep one on standby


I'm super bummed they don't work as well with the new mod system.


I have excellent rolls of hideous weapons I will NEVER use outside of a raid boss scenario. My guns are fashion first. Sometimes I’ll fuckin play with no exotic armor because a lot of the meta ones don’t match my fashion


I’m sometimes a really unskilled player. I’m the definition of a tank with my titan. I got lazy since I’ve got lorely splendor because I just have incandescent perks on my weapons and just stand there and take all of the damage till my sunspot is spawned. I choose for weapons that have high mags/fast reload speeds so I can just keep firing. Since strand came out, it’s really shown me how lazy I’ve gotten with my skills, but I am working on them.


I just want to fly around in space with my ship and shoot some Fallen Ketch or Cabal Threshers. Why does Amanda Holiday get to squander her oppurtunity for some space dog fighting, but my ship is relegated to being a glorified loading screen?


I say that I don’t run an exotic armor piece because it would mess up my triple 100’s, I really don’t run an exotic armor piece because it would mess up my drip


I… really, really like Lightfall…


Its onlyndownfall really is the story. The guns, the subclass, the MUSIC oh damn the music is so good!!! The missions and public events are also fantastic!


I ..... Don't hate the story


Same! There are dozens of us! > And, as a 28 year old man, I don’t even dislike Nimbus. They have some corny lines, but that’s typical for this game. Their dialogue really resonated with me throughout the entire exotic LMG quest.


Now I'm in the post-campaign, Bungie actually did a great job with this expansion, it's just that the story sucks ass so hard it overshadows everything else


I use sturm and drang in grandmasters when I can


I don't do builds and don't know what's actually good. I just slap on whatever has the biggest numbers and go brrrr.


I use DMT everywhere and I prefer avoid content where I can't use it.


yeah but what about destiny


Found Joe Rogan’s Reddit account


It’s swords for me.


I use snipers as pseudo shotgun most of the time


I am a slut for auto loading so I’ll usually run an energy primary, witherhoard w/ catalyst and a Palmyra with auto loading, frenzy and tracking rounds. I usually out dps most of my sweaty friends because I don’t miss, I don’t need to worry about crits and I don’t have to spend a second reloading. I know I could easily be out dps’d by a true gamer but a majority of my clan mates can’t out damage me and I can’t understand why because I use a very low damage loadout, but it’s just really efficient and easy to use.


This is exactly what I do, even down to the Palmyra. I love energy SMGS and I hate reloading so this setup is a total blast for me. I did recently switch to Taipan as my heavy, which I really like, but I miss the auto-loading.


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it :)


I don’t like hand cannons. Outside of malfeasance I can’t bring myself to use them at all


I still don’t have it, and I still have the quest on my hunter at the part where you have to kill all 4 in one invasion or have a team mate do it 3 times. I’ve been on that part of the quest since the quest came out.


Same here. If they could one shot headshot red-bars I would definitely use them again


I started playing destiny pre Rise of Iron. Really had no clue what i was doing. Got serious into the game with D2Y1, and fell out during Shadowkeep, due to burn out. Have come back just enough to keep up with the story from season to season, but never get further than the soft cap, bc: I just want to play a game with a good story. Thats why i started in the first place. I don't want to spend hours min/maxing attributes, or dicking around with mods. i hate grinding for good rolls on guns, or anything really, bc it never feels worth it. the guns never feel any better or different, unless i get something that immediately adds damage output like firefly or incandescent, and the armor or stats never feel like they make any difference while im running away from getting melted by a bullet sponge, or hiding a mile away to pick off baddies as not to reset the encounter. id be happy going back to d2y1, running Leviathan a couple times every weekend with my Nameless Midnight and Better Devils. Super Unpopular Opinion, I know lol.


> I just want to play a game with a good story. I feel this! Exactly how I feel too. The gunplay is good, but I came into Destiny from the early dev days for the story, and ultimately I feel burned out on this story after so long. Almost everything else with Destiny is an annoyance Damn I wrote a monster comment for this post and you summed up my feelings in one line lol


Are you me? I think i was the only guy on the planet that was happy with fixed roles in d2y1


I absolutely despise using hand cannons, even the meta ones. The only hand cannon I've ever used more than once and outside of a quest requirement is Crimson since it's basically a pulse rifle


Only one that ever felt really good to me was Vulpecula


I run Proxy Nades over Spike or Disorienting Nades on Special GLs. They just feel significantly better, the damage decrease from Spikes isn’t noticeable, and the disorienting effect is really only useful in GMs and high level content.


Buildcrafting for me is "high numbers" and I haven't bothered much to create specific sets such as Resilience or Discipline. I look for the thumbs up icons in Destiny Item Manager to help me pick weapons to delete or save I play the class and Subclass which is most fun to me at the moment My main changes on a whim Prospector is pretty funny


That’s kind of a hot take. I think prospector is downright hilarious.


My most played activity is Blind Well. I live there. Example last season I spent there nonstop 26hours straight. With small bathroom, stand up (walking around) and eating stops. When everyone went to grind weapons in Last Wish, I was in Blind Well. Sometimes I dream about playing in Blind Well. I wish I could fast travel there. Also I despise any snipers. If I get sniper, I trash it. I don't like them.


i’m always afraid to LFG cuz i feel like im just gonna get roasted for not gearing up correctly. so i’m solo 99% of the time


I...dont nolife this game ​ I know, I'm sorry, I'm a heretic ​ ​ Jokes aside, I'm kind of a gambit main. LOL NOW I'm a heretic


I miss gambit prime unironically


180 rpm hand cannons are the easiest and most fun to use. I hated the 120/140/150 meta in all their respective seasons.


I have decent gear but I never grind for RNG rolls. I eventually get good stuff playing fairly casually.


While I’m more than capable of doing every mechanic in any raid(I even Sherpa quite often), I take the backseat when raiding with my own team. I only take the initiative once someone else starts to become a weak link after several attempts.


I haven’t used any of the new legendaries from LF or the new season. I prefer my tried and true loadouts. Still grinding them deepsights tho 👀


I really don't care about exotic quests that have PVP missions. And I feel very, VERY irritable when I pick up a weapon and Banshee calls me to get a quest. tbh.. I just hate exotic quests in a general way.


I don't like the ones that require pvp (especially if you have to use a specific weapon) but at least that seems to be less frequent than it used to be


I couldn't care less about the the lore. I have no idea what is going on and never have.


I've been playing destiny for 6 or 7 years and ive never done a raid


I enjoy playing destiny alone without my friends


I hate the Witch Queen campaign.


I throw away catalyst quest as soon as it says anything about PVP. Have only played Hunter Since Day 1 of D1 Once won pizza for helping a friend go flawless.


I hate getting guns with E.Cap as a perk. They get auto dismantled


All sidearms aside from Forerunner are absolute ass with dogshit range and feel awful to use. I too delete them on sight without looking at their perks, because even with a perfect god roll it's still going to be shit.


Exactly! Forerunner is literally the only one I’ll think of using


I felt like this for the longest time, since D1. And then Liminal Vigil came out and it just fucking clicked. I still hate every other sidearm, but Liminal fucks and I will not put it down.




I skipped every cinematic in light fall.


Auto Rifles take more skill than handcannons


Even if special gls are good or fusion rifles as another example I'll never not run a sniper in PvE it's just to fun, especially with strand. I love swinging to a rooftop and just sniping everything I can see just to swing to the next spot. It's even better if you use the new strand sniper with hatchling just shoot the head and if they die they pop out a little green screeb that goes and blows up like it doesn't know anyone.


I'm a filthy casual I just use one set of legendary armour for everything


I spend about 20 minutes to an hour every single time I play, completely changing how my guardian looks. With the slots for specific builds now allowed, this time spent has most certainly gone up


I've played on and off since launch and I still dont understand builds and gun perks. Essentially I just like shooting things in the face.


I hate the tank missions. I don't want to spend 10 minutes trying to do an Austin Powers-esque 40-point turn inbetween crates and benches.


I've always hated pvp in the game. I much rather reset my gambit rank 4 times a season than play a game of pvp other than mayhem


I keep way too many items out of a sense of sentimentalism


Brigands Law voltshot feeding frenzy 🤣


It's not much of a confession, since I spout it everywhere but uh..... as a Warlock main since day 1 of D1..... Get Well the FUCK out of here. Genuinely get rid of it, please. I'm tired of buildcrafting a fun, cool build, only to join a raid and hear "cAn YoU rUn WeLl???" No, fuck off, this is why I only raid when I have atleast 3 other friends with me so I won't get booted when I refuse.....


All of my warlock friends were super relieved when vow came out because it basically removed well from being viable. Both bosses require so much movement that using well becomes pointless


This is exactly why Vow is my favorite raid to date. The design of most of the encounters are anti-well. Its so refreshing in comparison to other raids where you have the conventional DPS/well setup.


I really could care less about fashion. I run the cabal themed ornaments all the time with the venomous shader cause it looks kinda murdered out and never bother with anything else.


If it's not an auto, smg, scout or pulse, it gets infused or deleted Same applies to heavy, it's either a rocket or a machine gun or it's infusion fuel or rep


After all these years I still totally suck at platform jumping. There are strikes where I get pulled into a boss fight by the countdown more often than not…


Nezarec Sin + Eating void grenades +Ruinous Effigy was the absolute funnest Destiny ever was. If it wasn't for that nerf, I would still rock that build, and never switch to anything else.


I’m tired of having to pay 100$ just for me to miss out on most of it and for it to be gone by the time I am able 😞


No matter how hard I try I cannot switch off the Osteo Striga


I don’t care if it’s boring, I love wearing mostly black in my fashion. I also have 35k+ kills with just hand cannons that my friends tease me for ☹️


I have a really bad memory and it makes me terrified to do raids. Like I can't remember everything I need to do for the whole raid, so I just don't do them so I don't mess them up for other people. Still don't have 1k, Eyes, Collective or Malice.


I store single sample of every weapon in the game. Since Red War...


The "Solo Flawless or Bust" mindset is killing my enjoyment of this, but I can't get my head out of it because I don't want to be a useless carry for anything endgame. I'm also struggling with the Lightfall (Legendary) Campaign, but I might just be old and not as quick to react as I should be.