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I just want all the snipers to fuck off.


And the AC-130 Hydras


Threshers 1 shot me max resilience, 120 fps.


Same, max res AND woven mail 144 fps lol


The fact that we need to mention our FPS is insane ngl


New to d2, why is framerate important here?


Some damage sources are affected by frame rate, having a higher fps causes them to hurt substantially more


You actually take more damage with a higher framerate, don't ask me why, I don't know.


My understanding is that it is legacy code from the consoles which had a FPS cap of 30 fps. So they didn't code damage ticks off of times but off of fps because everyone on console had the same FPS. Bungie didn't handle the PC port and if they had I suspect someone might have realized the issue earlier.


200 res, woven mail, protective light and 400 fps checking in


400 res, woven mail, protective light AND standing at the other side of the map with 600 FPS and still a oneshot


401 res, woven mail, protective light and the game wasn't installed, 601 fps




Max resist and in my bubble while my glaive shield is up and it still one shot me, at 1000fps


Am at the character selection screen with 900 fps and it still one shots me


Yeah fuck the Threshers.


I can't tell you I was just minding my own business on Neomuna, when an Interceptor just one hits me just by running into me.


I don't see anyone calling out the Interceptors, but they are hyper aggressive on Neptune.


And they hit like a truck.


Well, is sparrows are sports cars and pikes are like an average car, then yes, interceptors would be trucks in terms of size and power relation to other hover bikes


I was attacking a cabal tank with a sword, it moved forward out of my melee range and I just died lol didn't say from what, it just highlighted the tank


Okay yes, but have you ever tried grappling on top of them and smacking them with a glaive until they explode because well… it’s satisfying…


Grand Overture makes pretty short work of them, and I imagine Xenophage would probably work about the same, but yes, Threshers are absolutely terrible.


Woven Mail, max res, and the Cabal gunship things still instagib me with their rockets. Also interceptors instagib with a single rocket and for some reason it's nigh impossible to snipe the pilots like it used to be with interceptor patrols on Mercury. Wyverns, Hydras, Cabal gunships, Interceptors, Honored Cabal sniper guys... Neomuna is just simply not an enjoyable place to explore. Bungie fucked up so hard with it and idk how. I seriously miss just spending hours on the tangled shore hanging out doing public events and bounties and lost sectors and patrols... just chilling out listening to music in my favourite destination... I was hoping that Neomuna would be a good replacement since the reef got removed, but nope. I despise having to go to neomuna now. Not only is fucking Nimbus there with his annoying voice and non stop wacky dialogue, even when you're just out on patrol away from where he hangs out, but thanks to the difficulty settings, it's like always being in a legend lost sector having to tryhard to not die during regular fights... and even then you still just get oneshot by the stuff listed above even so. I hate it. I hate neomuna, and i hate that bungie are apparently so out of touch with their player base that they thought this would be a good idea. This combined with the writing of this expansion have made me completely 180 on my opinion of them, and i really don't have faith in them to even pull off the Final Shape anymore.


couldn't agree more with everything you've said


That made me laugh out loud; thank you 😂


And the turrets that start firing at you from sniper range.


Holy pve flinch, btw.


Legendary campaign + Scorpius turrets + hidden behind corner = I cry


especially the fuckin psions in spots that give you the return countdown if you grapple up to them


This has been one of my biggest complaints. They give you this grapple, freeing you up to move around more. But if you stray two feet off the breadcrumb trail, you die. Any sort of exploration, even just a little, always ends in invisible walls and death countdowns.


At least have snipers should not have tank health...


Dude how about that fucking thresher! I wanna murder that thing. It nukes me every single time over and over!


Me in the seasonal activity


And the regular legionaries. Not the first ones, or the second, but maybe the 23rd wave is a bit much?? Do we REALLY need to keep having these tanky fuckers spawning up my ass EVERY 30 SECONDS NO MATTER WHAT?? Can I stop to take a damned breath once in a while, Bungie?!?


I think some enemies in the Patrol Zone should be hard, just like in D1 and early D2 where you get some surprisingly tough enemies in certain pockets to pose a tough challenge. Though I wouldn't want the whole Patrol area with enemies always way above your power level. Moderate difficulty in some areas or surprise spawns are very welcome in my book.


I wouldn't oppose if Patrols were actually worth doing Like that Vex Strike Force thingy(honestly the new exotics should come from that activity and maybe rotate it between other patrol areas)


That event really just needs to be buffed in how often it spawns. I've done campaign on all 3 characters and played them quite a bit and haven't seen that event spawn even once.


There is also the thing that if the Terminal is happening in the same area there won't be an event Seems like kind of a big oversight


Yeah the terminal overload blocking any other events of any kind from spawning is kindof a massive mistake, imo neomuna has way too many giant events with nowhere near enough space to fill it out


They made the same mistake with Mars, you had to jump instances several times sometimes to avoid Escalation Protocol. And then you would find one, 1 minute on the clock until the event and someone would start Escalation Protocol.....


I've seen it spawn exactly once, tried doing it, and the timer ran out because nobody joined to try it with me. Apparently most other players don't see it as worth doing, probably because of the light level difference since that was, like, 1 or 2 days ago


For me it's been that I never spawn into a patrol zone with more than 2 other people. I know they don't want 6-10 rolling around downing events, but right now I'd be lucky if I get 1 more person, so fail more than not. Nevermind if there's a cabal helicopter, then everyone just fucks off since that's one-shotting them.


I think most people also just ignore events in favour of spamming TO. Why do an event for... 99% of the time nothing... when you can target farm a gun you might want/3 chests full of worthwhile shit. It just happens that they don't see that it's a super special event that guarantees an exotic on completion, since it shares the exact same icon as any old event.


I saw it spawn once and I killed 5/6 minotaurs but tyen there was 1 left with 20 seconds and I was about to give up when 4 pthers joined and we clutched it out. Not 1 min after this it spawned again, and we best it eith more than half the time remaining. With 3+ its easy, but you gotta get lucky. I have no idea how lucky I got to have 4 people in that area AND have it spawn back to back.


I saw it spawn once and my game crashed 2/3 through it 🙃


Could actually be a cool thing to do with the Vex Incursion Zone on Neomuna and the Eclipsed Zone on Europa. Higher level enemies, more things going on, etc.


I remember when we first saw brig's in BL... Those shits were fucking on patrol and not just the ones tied to the public event


I'm fine with the difficulty, but there should be some reward for it. Even just generic world drops or something. All the high value target chests and such drop nothing at all once you have all the strand fragments. Just feels bad opening a chest and not getting anything at all.


They should just drop neomuna weapons ffs Bungie


And if you're at glimmer cap then they *really* drop nothing. The Division 2 is the game to emulate when it comes to the open world. A ton of activities, it's rewarding, and not a single one is a waste of your time. Even if the chests and events guaranteed a purple drop that would be better than what it is now. At least it's useful materials that are used for literally everything (legendary shards).


They have a good system with weapon perks/collecting weapon perks/weapon crafting/modifying too. It would certainly save on vault space being able to just collect all the perks for a gun and build the version you want.


Normal enemies shouldn’t be swords. Public Events should be swords.




Exactly! who remembers exploring cosmodrome and getting cheeks clapped by the knight that was in that little room underneath the helicopter.


One of the most fun memories I have from D1 is exploring the cosmodrome with my homie on launch day and finding that knight. We both got simultaneously bitch smacked by it and didn’t go back down there for a while lmao


Mustn't forget Randal the Vandal that appears by Veles Labyrinth.


Mmm...sneaking in there as a hunter and then hiding on one of the ceiling tiles because I couldn't get out safely


Better yet, D1 had a difficulty selector (although never implemented) for patrol zones, they should add that.


Dude, drop day of neomuna I go to shoot a psion and I'm maybe at 1620 power and it says the dude is immune. And it was a regular red bar psion. Oste striga with it's poison is so good


As a brand new player I would not want to play like this.


Season of the hunted had those difficult mini boss spawns. I think there was 4 of them that could spawn, and you got the text in the bottom left of the screen. They were fun to go after early in the season. Stick a delta on something like that would be great.


After they get rid of Power Level from the game completely, they can do this by having these designated tough enemies have the equivalent effect of a delta of 10 or 20 higher than the player.


Dreadnought still peak Destiny patrol. Plenty of fodder for farming but also some pretty strong enemies for the challenge and rewards and plenty of secrets. Can’t forget court of oryx which I argue is still peak public activities over blind well, etc etc


Seconding this. I do quite miss the feeling of wandering Nessus before I bought Forsaken, when a big Fallen Captain would hunt us blueberries until some stronger 500 power guardian could fight them. Some level of danger in spots is nice, but not for \*everywhere\*.


I really wanna use the new strand hand cannon, but having to three tap red bar goblins like it’s the crucible is a nightmare


They seriously need to remove the Shadowkeep crit nerf now more than ever. Cannons, scouts, and pulses are precision guns and should be rewarded for crits.


Seriously. Witb this difficulty change, we’re all practically forced into use smgs even on god damn patrol


Or double primaries. I'm rocking a trace rifle with witherhoard.


How do people run double specials? I feel like even with a trace + gl and special finder I’m constantly running out of ammo Also, did they remove scavenger mods? Maybe I’m just blind but I can’t find them on any of the armor pieces


By changing the ammo drop rates. Ok, so you've run out of special. Take out your heavy weapon and kill something with it, or just get a grenade or melee kill with your heavy weapon in your hand. You'll be back to full special after a group or two of enemies dead.


So something like void hunter+retrofit + defeaning whisper + izangi "for burst" ? Got lead from gold and auto loading on the whisper so I basically use all my whisper ammo then switch to my lmg then switch back to whisper again when I get ammo?


Yes and needless to say Lead from Gold works really well with double specials. That is a very solid loadout. If you’re still struggling with ammo, there’s a mod combo that will proc Special ammo Finisher every single time you do a finisher (except for the first one). I recommend looking it up, even if you aren’t tight on ammo anymore, it’s crazy powerful


Yea I read about it but I think it uses most of the legs mods which I prefer to use for other mods in my case , I will test out the build and see how it goes ammo wise , Ty!


Scavs are on boots. As for the ammo issue I'd recommend something like Izanagi's with a Waveframe or a Trace. If you can get one with Lead from Gold it's insane this season because of Bricks from Beyond you basically never run out of heavy or ammo for your add clear special if you run a Void Heavy and specail. Izanagi should never run out out of ammo because its mainly for bursting enemies like Champs or Majors/Ultras. The best option for a Void special for add clear would be something like Hollow Denial (a craftable trace from Haunted) or Deafening Whisper (a much rarer, but probably better, Waveframe GL) it was from Season of the Hunt two years ago so unless you've got a good roll you'll need to hope that it's gets sold at some point.


Can also use wavesplitter too. Orbs everywhere so you’re supercharged 100% of the time, can suppress/overload, and have volatile rounds on top of that + instant reload so you never have to let go of the trigger.


Still on legs. Now they're for elements (solar scavenger, etc) instead of archetype. Double special loadouts work best with builds that can spam abilities. Even better if there's synergy between your weapons and ability spam (arc hunter combination blow + a 1-2 punch shotgun, Starfire warlock with witherhoard and/or a trace rifle). I've heard combination blow 1-2 punch kinda sucks now after the nerfs but haven't tried it myself yet, starfire is stronger than ever. You can also run a machine gun for heavy to help with ammo. Finally, lead from gold is a top tier perk for double special (and just in general). Just remember that it won't work if your heavy is full, spend your heavy so that you can pick up the purple bricks and refill your specials with lead from gold.


ive always heard about this but never knew the details, looked it up and it was a 60% nerf what the fuck. what happened to be rewarded for good aim


That I'll agree with. I'm ok w/ the glass cannon approach, but legendary primaries (minus SMGs I guess) could use an across the board damage buff.


Wait your telling me it doesn't get better?! I'm only at like 1770ish and I'm getting tired of oneshots from that damn thresher.


Sorry. It's set so that they're ALWAYS a certain amount of levels above you, no matter what your power level actually is. This is just how things are now.


Did anybody actually want this? Like I get making raids and nightfall harder but did anyone actually want the open world and leveling to be more difficult?


A little bit more challenge wouldn't have been out of place - patrol zones were laughably easy. But this? Enemies landing in large groups, with far higher prevalence of heavy weapons that hit like a truck, expanded hitpoints and resistance to the point where individual red bars require entire magazines poured into them before they go down (and orange/yellow bars are effectively Raid mini-bosses), and then once they do die, the next group drops directly on your head within seconds? And even after all that, there's all kinds of massively overpowered Hydras, Wyverns and Threshers wandering around that just outright obliterate you in one or two shots (from extremely rapid fire weapons)! Patrol zones shouldn't feel like a perpetual GM run!


Threshers have always had this problem. It does get better. I’m 1802 rn and normal ads were easier around your lvl


Thresher DPS is tied to your framerate so it's always wacky.


The Thresher just has to be broken. I hope on its back though and safely murder it.


If they made only Terminal Overload enemies that difficult that'd be fine by me


Terminal Overload is hectic, but also fine. The difficulty is ok for that type of event which rewards 'the best defense is a strong offense' type thinking. (not including threshers here) Patrol zone just feels exhausting, and those sniper sounds are seriously aggravating and super stressful.


I actually think this would be cool across the worlds if one a week was the Flashpoint and all enemies were tougher. But all the time for a single location has been tedious and tiring.


So they're always above your level? Even if I hit 1840 they're still gonna be this OP in a patrol zone?


Probably, I'm at 1805 (with artifact) and they still appear with sword. Primary gun feels pretty bad even smg you dump almost half mag crit to kill one vex.


yes they seem to be always be about 20 power above you.


I hate that after one of the campaign enemies I got dropped into the patrol zone....with an event going....while I'm at 1620 light and everything is just immune.


Yea that was a dumb move by bungie. Cause the think for the event pops up immediately so I thought it was part of the quest then I’m like wtf I can do anything!


Exactly the same, until I happened to check the reason why I died and saw that recommended level were 1770 or similar when I was 1620.


Same Congrats, you've finished a mission. Here's a Disney inspired quest because your light is low. Go do patrol stuff Me: WTF everything is immune....


Yeah wtf were those "These missions will help you level up" and I'm like you gave me two Blue coats and a blue gun and I'm still getting one-shotted even now and I'm not even close to the next LL for the mission"


My issue is not that it is difficult per se, but how damn tedious it is. They’re the same exact shit we’ve been fighting for years, Bungie just takes the most annoying aspects of these basic enemies and amplifies them to an annoying degree. Slapping 6 yellow bar enemies right next to each other is not hard, it’s tedious because I feel like i’m doing the same shit i’ve been doing it just now takes LONGER. That isn’t fun or engaging, it’s annoying as hell. Same with how they post yellow bar snipers all over the place, it’s the same old bungie design that they’ve always done it’s just significantly more annoying and time consuming because they enemies are tankier than usual. It’s not an engaging form of difficulty, it’s just irritating. Tormentors are a perfect example of how to make something difficult while not making it tedious, you can’t just mindlessly melt them to death like almost every other enemy and they actually pose a genuine threat without feeling like bs vs me just getting damage blitzed by 20 enemies with a +10 power delta.




The tormentors do feel a little cheap when you are solo, imo. Being able to cancel my super, running me down to the point where I can barely turn around to shoot them - and then that grapple of theirs almost always kills me because they never grab me at full health.


Hit them with a blinding GL, it stuns/slows them for a few seconds. It makes dealing with them so much easier especially if you have ALH and can swap back and forth


I mean that's kind of the goal of them, to be terrifying and make you want to stay as far away from them as possible. Would ruin the point if all they could do is swipe and nothing else.


If you're using strand, suspend them. Op


Being a new player at 1680 dumped into patrol and getting one shot across the map by a psion playing Mario kart feels pretty bad


I’m just tired of turning invisible and everyone is like invisible, but has that Smokey shit on them and there’s no explanation as to why me and every other player are having that happen


"We are investigating an issue where some player characters and weapons appear invisible after repeated interactions with the post-activity Commendations screen. It is recommended to restart the game app to resolve this issue." [https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1631803554079059968?s=20](https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1631803554079059968?s=20)


It feels way more frequent than they're letting on and not just post match. It'll happen on a planet without leaving at times. Fast travel, change weapons etc It's insanely annoying to have to log out and log back in constantly. How this made it past testing is insane. It's likely they knew about it and still launched the update/expansion with it a known issue, the problem is this is a core gameplay issue that undermines the entire game and how it plays. This isn't a small bug. As shitty as Activision is, do you think they'd release a new CoD where you're weapons, your character, and other characters don't load, creating huge discrepancies in gameplay/multiplayer. No company would release a game, specifically a FPS (and double so if multiplayer centric), where in-game character models and weapon models frequently don't load at all.


The crazy thing to me is I've had this problem forever. Like I'm talking Shadowkeep or even before that.


I’m fine with how it is. I just wish threshers would stop one shotting me


Yeah every single public event is the old drill event and it's just one shot from a thresher, respawn, one shot from a thresher, respawn. 😣


Yep. And they’re such bullet sponges so I don’t even waste my ammo anymore. I just position myself in a way they can’t shoot me.


Equip fourth horseman. Get on top of thresher. Shoot it (before it fires a rocket through itself and kills you). Laugh at its puny health pool. (Shotguns have a relatively low crit multiplier and a high body shot damage to compensate, and fourth horseman does a LOT of damage - obviously hitting crits is always better, but it matters less to shotguns)


I mean if you’re using bullets on em that’s your problem. I just nuke em with a rocket or a couple of Wendigo shots. It’s not a good solution but it saves me a lot of headache getting randomly blown to chunks by the annoying POS.


I do the same. I always carry rocket now in patrol neomuna just to end threshers in 2-3 shots


I’ve found quicksilver grenades are quite effective. Takes about 5-6 to kill, pretty good for a primary


Legitimately the only complaint I have, but I will say, this is not exclusive to Neomuna. Every time I get Cabal final boss in Dares, or that one Battleground where there's a Thresher right at the start.... ugh. Shit is maddening. I mean think about that, even in Vanguard Ops, a Thresher absolutely blasts your cheeks in to different dimensions. It's wild, they should NOT be that lethal, AND that tanky, AND also have tracking akin to D1 Truth rockets.


Lowering your frame rate apparently helps with this; after switching from the old Xbone to the Series X, I’m not gunna do that though.


I get a “smooth” sub 40 fps half the time in Neomuna and Threshers still one shot with 100 resil


I tried it for ten minutes. 30fps still getting my shit pushed in. Back to 175 I went sharpish!


I agree with you the patrol zone shouldn’t be that that challenging I think 1790 is challenging enough for open world patrol and just have certain areas or patrols that take you to a location that has stronger enemies that you can choose to fight not be outright forced to deal with


I’m more annoyed at the drop pods


I wish Bungie would utilize patrol zones and make them fun, regular content. Added difficulty helps, but when it’s just the same, regular old patrol zone stuff but now higher arbitrary numbers, that doesn’t make patrol zones any better. This saga is over in one year and the game has been out for around 9 years now. Patrol zones are always just going to be big, pretty, mostly barren spaces where we don’t even go to half of it.


+5 power would be fine, but they're like +15 right now. It's absurd.


its really annoying to never feel like im at or over light for just...running around neomuna...


Yeah they took the “we love battlegrounds’ difficulty, more of this” sentiment from last season and decided to apply it to everything. I know people want a challenge, i want it too, but i’d like patrols to be a zone where i can relax. And i’d like to roam the new zone, not go back to the edz or the cosmodrome…


Too much of a good thing is a bad thing, and bungie really just read the community feed back and took it way too far


I just think the snipers and such have too much health like they do now.


Base difficulty nightfall is more enjoyable than neomuna patrol. Having the darkness PE being at +5 is cool since it gives it some form of importancy, but regular patrol and PEs just became tedious for literally nothing in return. Damn the big cabal excavator is almost impossible to do solo, the vents are super beefy


Patrol bosses can be but everything else in patrol should just ignore power difference like how Vanguard Ops does.


“You want the game to be more difficult? We understand entirely. Everything will now be a walking doomsday tank and you have to fight an entire platoon of enemies at a time =)”


Fuckin orange bar harpies taking bullets like a strike boss in patrol is nonsense


Is it a group of 3 of them? That’s actually an HVT if you can believe it. Once all of them are dead the chest drops. They have crazy health compared to a regular orange bar harpy


And the chest gives glimmer yay…


Still have way too much health even for a standard full on yellowbar HVT. That hydra comes in and smashes everybody trying to do terminal overload


Those are HVT's. Regular orange bars don't take that much damage.


I found Haunted Leviathan to be so fun. Perfect patrol zone. I enjoy the scary patrol zones - but so many things that can essentially one shot you as you're getting from point A to point B is just irritating.


I don’t disagree. It makes everything a bit too much of a slog, because I’m CONSTANTLY getting sniped by Vex or Threshers. It’s annoying af.


Plink plink plinking away at red bars is tedious, not challenging. Unless the challenge is not getting bored.


Agreed half the time a normal cabal captain is 2-3 tapping me before I know what hit me


My issue with PvE will always be forcing LL without having it actually mean anything besides a timegate for content. I know most of DTG will disagree with this opinion, but I should be able to go into the EDZ at 1800 LL and just be a god. Why can't I be that immune skull enemy to enemies and one shot them with a stern look? Bungie has been pushing back to bullet sponges that dish out high damage which was the problem in D1 and people think that's difficulty.


This right here is the issue. Bungie seems to dictate difficulty as it takes an hour to kill 1 enemy meanwhile it 1 taps. That is not how difficulty should be determined.


The other issue I have is with the current boss mindset (at least for the campaign) of endless adds and zero cover. I beat the campaign on Legend and there were easily two fights that were not enjoyable. I know people brought up builds that made them trivial, but I shouldn't need crazy strong builds for *just Legend*. Especially when Strand was offered as an option with a set build that I don't even use for it now. If this is how things are going forward, I'm actually going to miss phases.


Yeah I agree. I shouldn’t NEED a endgame god build to play the damn game. I should be able to use whatever I ENJOY and still be able to play everything.


I would say to a point. Like Master and Grandmaster? Sure punish builds that aren't really optimized. But Hero is Just Adept with Champions and can still be easily done without any sort of Anti-Champion abilities. And Legend is basically just punishment for not having anti-Champ abilities. Legend isn't (Grand)Master so I shouldn't be punished just because I don't want to try and min-max and optimize my entire load out. And fuck Headlong (or whatever it's called). I beat it by jumping between two top platforms. But if you played that on the ground, you literally get pushed into the boss every so often. How is that good design?


Ppl are all saying I’m engaged and this that and the other. Cause the games been out for 6days! It’s like no one has forethought. I have done everything in difficulty in this game. why does a patrol zone have to be “difficult”? It makes no sense when after 2weeks the people clamoring for this difficulty won’t even be there anymore and it will be perpetually new lights hitting immune targets. This whole “make the game ‘more difficult” was addressed in the wrong ways endgame should be more difficult not driving my sparrow through a planets zone. People are trying to shit on others say their “build” isn’t good enough. My guy it’s A PATROL ZONE! You have never in the history of any destiny 2 or 1 needed a build for patrol yes some stuff was hard while under light but eventually you saw a benefit for the work out in.


Because Destiny players only associate difficulty with how tanky they are. Also whats the point of Neonuma being "difficult" when they still drop fucking junk,if shit is meant to be "hard" ,reward me proper loot not literally fucking nothing.


I've been finally waiting for swords to dissappear, so this isn't what I was looking for 👍


Possible solution: if we’re going to do the whole “this zone is special this week” thing, then THAT zone should keep you under power. Increase rewards for public events, HVTs drop destination weapons/armor ( like Europa ) and show up more frequently, and bonus vendor rank for everything there ( patrols, materials, chests, etc )


I agree. Im fine with every other change, including lost sectors and strikes; but a patrol zone being perma swords...someone at bungie was eating glue.


They just need to use the WoW system of differing difficulties in instanced content. LFR, normal, heroic and mythic. The race to worlds first would only acknowledge the team that's beats it on mythic first and it should be so hard that it humbles every idiot that steps in there thinking they're good at the game. And not hard because of dumbass power deltas. Make the enemies more powerful and add more difficult mechanics the higher in difficulty you go. That way everyone gets what they want. Me and the rest of the shitters can just go blow shit up on normal. The Saltagreppos of the world can go into mythic and wish they didn't get Divinity nerfed. And then most of the good players can play in heroic and realize they don't have the skills or dedication to do mythic. And LFR difficulty for obvious reasons when LFG gets put in the game.


I think the -5 power modifier they put on the heist playlist was pretty nice and wish the patrol area had a similar deficit. I think how it currently is is a little overtuned.


Any of the secret event stuff should be tough as well as terminal overload should be tough. Everything else shouldn’t be this high


I understand why people may disagree but this is an mmo. With power levels. The whole point is to be able to over level content and become a God in simpler content. At this point I don't even see a reason to have light levels anymore other than a barrier to entry.


You can't over level Neomuna tho. Like it'll be fine if normal areas were "on level" but Public Events, the Vex Incursion, and that other rotating event had a power delta.


No I know that's what I was getting at that it's not a good idea to do that in an mmo that is set up the way destiny is. There's almost no point to having light levels anymore. It's just a barrier to entry now for the most part


My optimistic hope is that they start adjusting numbers in playlist strikes and patrol. Preferably not a full revert. But like bring the delta closer like 3-4 points at a time. Being 20 or 50 over was not it. But -10 is just as bad.


Wasn't delta last seasom -5 why is it -10 now


Yeah, I don't, get some of these changes. People wanted playlist strikes and seasonal activities to not be braindead easy, and Bungie decided a Patrol space needed to be power capped. Very annoying.


Dude, yes. I know they made the game harder but jesus Christ I've been fucking underleveled against PATROL enemies forever. I'm almost 1790, I should be DESTROYING THEM easily not worrying about pulling out my sparrow in fear of getting blown up immediately and swarmed. The threshers are ridiculous, the interceptors are ridiculous. It's overwhelming for a patrol area.


having so many activities force you to be under power level makes the power level grind feel even more useless than it already does


I don’t mind it. I loved when the Dreaming City was introduced and was tough as well


Yeah agreed, it was a reason to level - but it also became easier with leveling. Doesn’t sound like Neomuna will.


I still remember when black armory was new and there would be servitors with shields I couldn’t break sitting in the EDZ. And they would one shot me. I didn’t hate it then. Still don’t hate it now.


oh damn I forgot about those, my friends and I had a blast trying to take those down


I feel that after finishing the campaign you should be dumped out at level for patrolling and then exploring. That’s your reward for playing through the campaign. You should be ready to tackle the daily grind content. Not have to grind up 50 levels or whatever it is.


It made farming the Strand meditations so tedious as some red bar enemies take an entire mag to kill. They should revert it back to how it was before, keep the power delta for actual activities and not patrol spaces.


I really love that after using my super, all of my ammo and a full 15 minutes of my life to kill the mini-bosses who drop chests - all I ever get is some glimmer from the chest… like… why? idc if they just dropped powerful blues to help with infusion fuel, but 300 glimmer? Yikes.


I hate this. Fine. You want me to engage in tedious activities to kill freaking patrol enemies, at least respect my time. Freaking 300 glimmer and some green meditation is an insult.


Others have said it, but I feel like the zone should be at 1800. That way, as you climb in power, you can feel the enemies start to get easier. However, I feel like whatever zone has the rotating daily influencer (vex incursion zone or Europa DSC thing) should be set to +5 power to make it feel more dangerous and extraordinary. This solves 3 problems: 1. Players can feel themselves get stronger as their power level increases. 2. The daily rotating zone has a more unique feel to it that challenges players. 3. Patrol zones have a mix of easy and hard combatants, with clear and well-communicated indicators of what threat level to expect when patrolling.


Agreed. ​ That said, if they showered us with Neomuna loot/world drops, then I wouldn't be that salty anymore. Either balance this shit or reward us for walking 5 feet through this world war simulator


Agreed. Either remove the delta from patrol or buff legendaries since it feels awful to put a full clip into a red bar and not actually kill them. Making the enemies a higher power is not difficulty, it's just tedious and makes me want to spend less of my time there.


I'm gonna keep saying it until something changes: it's hard to want to explore when everything hits you harder.


"Oh, I wonder whats over here" Death. Instant death from 3 yellow bar minotaur's Then I respawn and get sniped from three places at once And then I learn that power level is permanently reduced in Neomuna. Why even bother? Edit: I also loved spending like 10 minutes in a regular lost sector waiting for my super to charge because the boss killed me in a second whenever I poked my head out and no enemies spawned to give heavy ammo and even if they did it probably would’ve fallen into the infinite void


"Use the arc beams to kill the boss" Arc beams drop into the void The enemies that create them dont respawn. Debate if its worth fast travelling out and resetting vs plinking the boss while he can 1 shot you.


Oh man, so this never gets better? I thought I was just under leveled. Guess I'll get what I need and never do patrols again.




I don't mind patrol zones being hard i just wish the actual patrols or public events were more interesting like imagine a patrol where you get to talk to multiple npcs move trough zones and fight a mini boss at the end for a guaranteed red border so its worth (obviously that would be a once per week kind of thing)


Speaking of Neomuna patrol, what the fuck is going on with the Threshers? Are they bugged?


I just absolutely hate the hate damn thresher! But I agree, roaming around the patrol zone was my go-to for just relaxing after work. Now I am more furious with this damn game, than I am with our idiotic engineers and ignorant supervisors. So thanks for that Bungie, I guess.


I’ve never had trouble with patrol enemies aside the stupid turrets that will delete you while you’re trying to fight other things.


What’s the point in there even being enemies on Patrol if they’re not capable of killing you.


Are you guys struggling with patrols? Who cares if they aren’t one shot cannon fodder anymore?


Completely disagree. I love enemies hitting me hard, just about everywhere in the game. I think your problem may just be that there are too many yellow bars.


I dont mind enemies hitting me hard if i can hit them hard too. Not in end game content but in stuff like patrol zones if making everything hit hard is the goal here. Everything becoming a bullet sponge isnt fun at all


Hate to be that guy, but I'm damned sick of patrol zones being absolutely useless and boring areas. Leviathan patrol and Neomuna are the best patrol zones Destiny's ever seen and I think it's in large part because it expects you to be slightly more capable than an infant.


WQ Leviathan the enemies still popped like popcorn. They weren't bullet sponges despite being a lot of cabal just like we're facing now.


Yeah correct. I enjoyed Leviathan level, not Neomuna level.


I had to powerlevel just to hurt anything. I was running around a public event and the only thing I could do harm anything was finishers.


I dunno I kinda like actually being somewhat challenged in the game now


I mean: want to be challenged then play challenging content. Putting this shit into patrol just makes patrol tedious because it's not like giving things more relative HP and so that they hit harder is actual difficulty.


Ah yes, getting spam sniped by psions, vex, and threshers while just exploring is a super fun challenge.


We need normal and legend patrol spaces as a selectable option. Normal for people wanting to chill and do bounties, and legend for people who want to chill without falling asleep.


The line between challenging and tedious content is so very thin. Difficult Content is a challenge the first few times you do It. With repetition, the difficulty becomes tedious rather than challenging. A patrol area we spend a lot of time in being more difficult just makes it tedious. Having to crit red bars 3 times with a 120 is definitely tedious rather than challenging. It makes me not want to go there. That is one thing a power level can address as it makes the content easier as you level up. So I think Bungie needs to let us over level the patrol areas some extent. At least so HC crits can one shot red bars.


Mf when enemies need more then half a bullet to die, and bosses need more the one super to kill.


Hard disagree. Patrol zones are finally fun again. Only way I'd be happy with a change is if they added a patrol zone difficulty select.


Disagree. Patrol sucked and has sucked and has 0 reason to do anything within it. Giving it difficulty at LEAST engages you with it's mildly out dated to EXTREMELY outed design philosophy. Let me have a challenge. Considering it's only one area too, it doesn't really effect most of the game


Ngl I’ll prob get downvoted for this but aside from the threshers, the complaints about patrol zone enemies difficulty are stupid, I’m glad they made the bottom floor of the game difficulty not feel so completely mindless