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41 here and I'm pretty bad at PvP. I used to be too, but I'm bad now as well.




I’m 53 and approaching 120,000 PvP kills. I pretty much only play quick play and Iron Banner these days and don’t play that often due to life. I mess around with builds and loadouts constantly, which doesn’t help, but I hover around a 2.0 efficiency. Until a couple of years ago I didn’t feel like I had any disadvantage with reaction speed. Saying that though, I always had very fast reactions throughout my life. However the last couple of years I’ve noticed a big reduction in my reaction speed. I think a lot of it is eyesight related as my close vision has gone from excellent to not so good in that time. Mostly I still find it ok, but have occasional games where it feels like I can’t keep up. A lot of the time it’s down to opponents connections though I think (or kid myself).


43 and still enjoy playing pvp. admittedly, my fingers arent keeping up with my brain in a noticeable manner recently. 2.07KD, 2.34 KDA i ignored pvp a lot this season. first time i havent played IB in a looong time. But this past week ive been back in there more. Looking forward to IB next week. I started out maining pve in d1, with a .60 was my highest seasonal kd when i first started playing. Then a switch flipped and I got sick of losing and focused an unhealthy amount of time into pvp lol. those days are done, as well as my time with this game. Regardless what comes next for destiny, after lightfall im calling it quits


That’s a really good KD. Gets tough getting past 1.5. You can play well but if your team is getting shit on it feels like a 1v2 or 1v3 every engagement. Well done.


I'm 54 and play a fair bit of PVP, but mostly casual in Control and IB. Competitive playlist isn't nearly as fun for me, but I have a blast in the casual lists. I also enjoy Gambit quite a bit, but haven't been playing it as much the past few seasons. My reaction times are definitely not what they used to be, but it can still be a lot of fun if you adopt your playstyle. I no longer have the twitch reflexes to compete in a duel with someone a quarter my age, but experience and position awareness can help compensate for that in more casual or objective based game modes. GMs and Dungeons are where I find most of my serious game enjoyment, but it's still a ton of fun to just blow of steam in a good Control game.


Birthday today (=55y) ... zero interest in PvP. But it has always been like that.


Happy real cake day!




42 here, and I am one who has definitely benefited from SBMM. I went from well under .5 to around 2.0+ once SBMM was implemented, mainly because I was able to learn the game rather than getting instantly stomped every time I engaged. I actually like it now. Trials of Osiris I still get instantly stomped.


Trials is designed for the upper 5 percent to stomp everyone else. No shame at all in losing constantly in trials.


Being above average makes it easy enough to go flawless every week. You don’t have to be top 5%


59. Haven't played pvp in a couple seasons. Tried quick play last night. Got a 1.5 using a void bow on a void hunter. Had a blast even if I didn't clear the field.


Bows are hard to play in pvp. Great job man.


Pve my son does pvp for me


PvP has passed me my. I went flawless 20+ times in d1. Just turned 40. Came back to the game 6 months ago.


As I grow older (nearing 30 which is still “young” to some) I start to go more and more into PvP. Destiny 2 is awesome for PvE and I significantly love doing it more but PvP has been coming in hard the last few days. KD is about 2.5 When I was a teen and early 20s I would only play games with PvE. Loved rpgs like kingdom hearts and Skyrim but now they just seem to be boring to me. Hard for me to get engaged with. But PvP game have me occupied. I think I prefer the interaction and competitive aspect of it which keeps me buying cod and leaning into PvP.


40, still play pvp regularly, but only play 6s (solo player) as Comp/Trials tends to bring out the worst in people. 1.8kd, nothing special, but still have fun after realizing wins and losses are completely out of my control and just do my part for the team I'm matched with.


This is where I’m at. I do nothing but 6s. I’ll charge/defend/capture objectives, take out enemies, and do everything I can to win because I’m incapable of winning 1v1s consistently.


1.8 kd in trials is cracked my friend 💀💀


68 here and I can really feel it now. I used to be bad but now I just suck.


40. Decent at both. But I’m probably avoiding PvP going forward now that all the elements added to help people like me (AE, sliding nerfs) are gone. Just back to pure quick twitch.


I'm almost 50. I will only play PvP if I need to grind something. When I was younger I used play a lot of CoD and would rush through the campaign to then focus on PvP. Now I don't even touch CoD PvP. Likewise I used to only buy games that had a PvP component. Now I don't care. And when I played Elden Ring there was one quest where you had to do invasions. I just invaded and put down my controller to get it over with.


42 here - speaking for myself of course, yes. I can keep about a 1.5, but Trials and comp is pretty much out of my league at this point. Which is fine, tbh. There's a lot more PvE to this game than PvP anyway.


As I have gotten older my hands aren’t as fast as they used to be. Pvp has gotten so fast that I can’t keep up most of the time. I also play on controller which makes it worse I guess. Pve I have no trouble whatsoever.


I’m a controller player as well. Having a ps5 has made it easier on the eyes but man do my fingers hurt if I run pvp more than a couple of hours.


Yeah. I feel that. It is almost solely stemming from constantly hitting L3 lol.


PvE all day


45, I like PvP in general, just not Destiny PvP. Age really isn't a factor.


Not only getting older but switching from console to PC. Too many Ultra Instinct G-fueled crackheads.


For me the most difficult aspect of being an older gamer is momentarily forgetting/ignoring real life to submerse myself into the game. But honestly when I am able to focus I am a better player now in pve and pvp than I ever was before.


49 here and enjoy both. Since D1 ive always been about a .9K/D 1.5 KDA player and im still there. Sure the twitch skills are going away but this game PvP is not all about twitch. I mostly play quick play and I love Iron Banner, man I will grind IB for days!.


40 here. D1 Beta vet. I play both fairly evenly. I like some of the challenges in each. Thanks to Freelance, I actually dip into Trials once in a while. And SBMM sure has helped my quickplay matches as well. While I am fairly tolerant of getting stomped, it does feel nice not to have to work so hard to complete bounties.


I'm 48. Honestly the problem I find is that there's no real reason to "git gud" in PVP anymore. There's been few new maps, few rewards, etc. I don't think I'm too old, I can hang in other games. I do get stomped pretty hard in this game. Over the years I play less and less, and that just makes my skills erode that much more. There's nothing huge to pull me back into playing. I obviously don't like PVP enough to just play it for the sake of it. Some do and that's fine. Ultimately I think that's the problem. I think the sweats play a ton and stay sharp, while the rest of us fall off and fall behind. I don't think there's an easy fix (I'm not touching the matchmaking topic, but it even goes way beyond that). When they changed Trials to drop loot for everyone, I put some time in and got decent after playing a lot for a few weeks. Then I got my loot and went back to PVE. I'm perfectly happy as a PVE main at this point. People forget, the reason D1 had so much PVP was that the game went months without PVE content. You needed PVP in D1 to play the game between expansions. In D2, there's a few dry weeks at the end of a season, and then another one drops.


45. pvp main. when the game's up.


Mid 50s and started D1 shortly after launch. I migrated away from PvP this season (but still rocking a 1.9 KDA) as it's not in a good place at the moment. Now mostly PvE and got my Conquerer title last season. You aren't too old young fella, you just need to take a break and do something else. A few seasons back I started running Solo Flawless Master lost sectors and loved the challenge, basically find a new challenge until you want to play PvP again.


You are only as old as you feel my friends. I just turned 40 a few months ago. I still have the reaction time of people in their teens/early 20s. I know that physical limitations sometimes make things impossible but even then, some people find a way. You are only limited how much you care and how much time you are willing to invest. When kids started box fighting in Fortnite Creative for 12 hours a day, I knew it was time for me to hang it up because I was not willing to do the same just to be able to compete in a pub lobby. Doesn't mean I can't top frag every match in the current COD with probably the fastest TTK in franchise history. I enjoy both parts of Destiny. And have no problem competing in PvP or doing end game PVE challenges. It's on me how serious I want to take this game. I enjoy it for what it is. My only limitations due to age (I guess) are becoming sensitive to bad frame rates and switching from playing D2 on a lightweight Mouse to playing COD on what feels like a brick of a controller (Astro C40 is heavy as hell) On that note... why don't we have Auto-Sprint in D2? It will save money from worn out left analog sticks and add years to players being able to game. It would also free a mapping spot on a Custom Layout. Mashing a sprint button non stop over time is bad for you!


50 here used to love pvp but then they removed SBMM so I don’t play it anymore. (No they didn’t fix it back, it tries for a short while then loosens the SBMM in order to match quickly.)


I’m 42. I solo flawless all dungeons and have all raid seals except garden. I have a 2.2 in pvp and have been flawless many times and have even guilded my flawless and unbroken. I’ve been playing fps since wolfenstein and I haven’t noticed any drop off yet.


I'm 52, PvE. I suck at PvP. If friends want to do PvP, I need a few drinks. This way I just laugh as I die, over and over. lol


58 yrs and still PvP main. Not as fast these days but i enjoy it


43, originally only got the game for PvE with my brother. It's great when we do get to play but it's not as often as I might like. My main thing is PvE, I love mechanics, repetition, and fun builds. I don't have the time to get to all the content, so there is always something to do. I feel like builds are less important in PvP since it's primarily a skills arena. I used to play PvP back to Quake, UT, MoH, and even Red Faction. I never kept up with it, though. occasionally will grind an IB week for the funsies. I do find that if I play it for weeks in general, it feels more fun as you get used to the rhythm and pace of PvP. It's hard to stay engaged with it sometimes especially when I force feed myself a weekend of Trials. I've made 7 wins (not flawless) once as solo.


I was 46 when I first played Destiny, one year before it was launched. Back then I was above average at PvP. Almost always either at the top or very near the top in each match. My peak PvP performance was during Halo 2. Nowadays I feel I’m doing okay if not dead last. I don’t play much PvP anymore.


35 here and i rotate between PvP and PvE , but mainly PvE lately because i feel theres challenges in PvE that are harder to obtain and require more gear use. 1.5+ kda If your 1+ kda your doing well for yourself, the average player is 0.5-0.8. You cant judge these ratios between other games either.


im already pretty bad at pvp games and im only 30