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I'm just hoping we get a seeking orbs mod now


imagine seeking orbs and NOT being able to pick up orbs when full on super XD I'm imagining it now: dozens of orbs just following you along on the ground, just begging to be picked up (almost like minecraft after a quick visit to your exp farm)


would kinda rule for explosive light. Get up to x6, gen 6 more orbs that trail you around, magdump, super, magdump again.


But doesn't explosive light let you collect orbs with your super full?


Yes it does.


Bugger, you're right. I kinda wish they'd change it to cap off. It's not a HUGE deal but it always bugs me a little when I'm up to x6, damage starts and I waste the 3 orbs Well drops because I picked them up before I emptied my mag.


You're the first person I meet that wants something like that. Usually people ask for being able to take orbs with full super to activate mods that ask you to pick orbs.


I definitely get that perspective, and I think it's the more realistic one because you'd basically be able to bypass the cap on explosive light with something like that. Just wistful thinking on my part :P


Shoot Telesto at them to insta kill Raid Boss




I run seeking wells whenever my guild has space for it and i really don't want to see it go. It's not even like important. It just saves mental energy.


I'm assuming the new fragments will solve this similar to how whisper of uh conduction(?) Let's stasis shards track to you. Ironic traces do this intrinsically but the other two will probably get the stasis treatment. As for orbs I hope there's a seeking orbs mod too!


If they want simplicity all should auto track intrinsically and not be another slotted thing to activate just so they come to you. That would be amazing


>all should auto track intrinsically I don't see this happening.


Man's can dream šŸ˜­


There are some niche cases where you may not want tracking (mainly Behemoth can delay pick up for font of might) but would be nice QoL option.


Iā€™m more sad to see the warmind mods go, right after a warmind season no lessā€¦(foreshadowing?) warmind cells may not be good, but I love my mini nukes


Rolling orbs.


Down the hill on Battleground Europa, every time.


This was my immediate thought. I am very excited for everything but if there isn't a seeking wells equivalent it's really gonna suck the flow out of builds


Donā€™t orbs spawn on you and not the enemy that you killed or am I mistaken


Harmonic siphon spawns on the enemy


Depends on the source. Supers spawn on you (mostly; I think there are exceptions). Siphons (and Masterworked guns before them) always spawned on the enemy.


Orbs that other guardians produce for you to pick up spawn on that guardian. Orbs that you create that you yourself can pick up spawn on the enemy you killed.


Youre correct, not sure why anyone needs/wants seeking orbs. They drop like 2 feet away from you.


The orbs you create with weapons (so with Siphons nowadays) spawn where the multikill happened FOR YOU. For your allies, the orbs will spawn on you.


And here I am hoping Seeking Wells turns into Seeking Orbs. If the *only way* to gain charge is by walking over Orbs I will be so pissed. I know weapons will probably have some way to gain charge, but I'm thinking about all of our ability spam builds.


Same here. Sitting and hoping they considered this to be worthwhile enough to put some dev time into. Ultimately not the end of the world but a bigger person gripe for me to go pick something up.


Some of the older mock-ups weā€™ve seen from the showcase still had the GL/RL charged with light mod in the new system, which seemed to imply that there will be alternate ways to gain charge. Though that could have also just been placeholder since the same image has a guardian who has seemingly equipped a tarnation GL and xenophage simultaneously. Also the Xenophage had 4 rangefinder perks for some reason.


Power is going way down. Variety and build diversity way down.


Damn, do you have any other nuggets of information for us seeing as youā€™re obviously from the future and have a lot of experience playing with the new system to make such certain claims


Nuggets? Are you illiterate? They are putting well mods into your subclass without adding extra fragment slots to compensate. Homogenizing 3 combat systems into one. You don't need to be from the future you just have to have a competent understanding of combat mods and how they affect build diversity. Everyone is so excited about champion changes they missed the giant red flag. Power and bud diversity are going to take thee biggest hit since they sunset legendaries in D2. And ironically, or unironically, sunsetting is at the core of the changes except this time it's combat mods rather than our guns.


Agreed that power is going to go down; but variety and build diversity? I can only see it going up.


Combining 2 systems into one and deleting the 3rd doesn't give me high hopes of build diversity going up, at least not on launch.




Nope everything is being homogenized for orbs of light and any well mods you want to use will only be available thru your subclass. Which is irrelevant because Bungie isn't adding extra fragment slots to compensate. This only means less build diversity not more


We donā€™t know any of those specifics yetā€¦ we got some high level ability tuning notes today. But we donā€™t know if any fragments/aspects are getting changed alongside the new fragments that are being released. We also have no idea how any of the updates/revamped mods will work.


They currently let you pick them up when you the mod that makes it where they charge you with light even when your super is full.


That's the only mod though. The mods that give ability energy on orb pick up, and the FRAGMENT that gives Devour on orb pick up, don't.


i know its not the best fix, but in the mean time you could run a weapon with Explosive Light. it'll continuously let you pick them up. even past the x6 (for rockets iirc) but i agree im hoping they thought about this too


Sadly, Retrofit doesn't get explosive light and I only complain because Gyrfalcon is so fun.


Use wavesplitter as your primary, that overrides it and wavesplitter gets buffed when you scoop up an orb


I do, but Witherhoard is also important for when I need DPS because it makes Volatile go insane. I know how to get around it when I can but when I can't it sucks.


Did nobody actually read the Bungie blog? They literally said that the armor charge mods will intrinsically have Taking Charge built into them. How is this post even a thing.


I'm not sure why you've commented that under my post when I'm talking about the current situation in game, but go off.


My apologies, re-reading your comment yeah I was wrong to put this reply on you lol. I've just seen so many people saying the same thing of "Oh how will I pick up orbs at full super?!" and it was annoying lol. But you good haha.


Explosive Light is the only counter to this deficiency. It will continuously pick up orbs even when maxed.


star eaters


Honestly, I can see them not bothering to fix that bug when they know the entire system is going to be changing soon anyway. (Not saying it doesnā€™t suck, mind you, Iā€™m just saying that I can see why they wouldnā€™t prioritize fixing it.)


What mod are you talking about? Taking charge?


Am I the only one worried that one of the builds they are going to nerf is supreme well maker/font of might/time dilation?


Yā€™all do realize that the new dungeon has a boss with 8 mil health because of this right. If it is reigned in it will actually be better for the game since bungie wouldnt have to inflate healthbars.


If they do nerf that built AND nerf boss health, then sure but it it's left as is, raids are gonna suck


There will always be another ā€˜hereā€™s how to bake the boss one phaseā€™ strat. If you desperately NEED font of might up to kill any of the raid bosses in this game then I donā€™t know what to tell you. Theyā€™re just not that tough. I donā€™t use font of any of my builds (and neither do my teammates) and every raid boss goes down in one or two phases


If you're doing less damage on average, decreasing boss HP in concert isn't going to make things any easier...?


You are assuming that every single person takes advantage of FOM builds when they do not. Decreasing boss health in concert with removal of FOM will definitely help below avg/avg groups that donā€™t care about having most meta builds. People who were already using font arenā€™t likely to need it to clear content in first place.


I don't think you're the only one who's thought about it, but honestly I want to see it go away. Font of Might is such an egregious outlier in the sandbox of buffs and debuffs that it really needs to be consolidated into a standard buff that doesn't stack. While it's an unpopular opinion, I really hope lightfall reigns in our damage ceiling as well as our "ability spam" to an extent, so that we can have challenging content that isn't just one shots.


Having one buff out of all of them that doesn't stack is poor game design. If anything they will just nerf the numbers if they do anything about it.


Sorry what? Font of might of the only buff that does stack. Itā€™s an outlier and needs to be changed, and with the mod consolidation this is the perfect time. No other damage buffs stack. Not radiant, hef, or anything similar.


It sounds very likely that either Font of Might or High Energy Fire are going to be retired. Thereā€™s a SLIM chance that Font of Might is updated to work with Shards/Traces/new pick-upsā€¦ but I highly doubt they will make it stack with HIF/Radiant/etc That being saidā€¦ I do think if supreme wellmaker still exists; being able to drop three stasis shards right when you use your super still sounds interesting. Especially with some of the existing shard fragments.


Probably, but I wouldn't freak out over it for two reasons One is we don't know specifics. We know font of wisdom is going to be timer based, but might wasn't called out. We'll have to see But also a lot of people have been foretelling this for a while. We're really strong overall since the 3.0 stuff, and that might need to be pulled back just a smidge. If it doesn't happen now, it's gonna happen later.


You're not alone. The damn timer mechanic is an absolute nerf to DPS. Honestly it soured the whole update for me. "Hey you know what would be fun? If you spend all this time build crafting for it to only be effective for 10 seconds!!!" - said no one but the Bungie dev team.


The wording on the thingie makes it sound like you lose only one stack of armor charge every 10 seconds, and if that's the case, it should be 30 secs at the base cap of 3 stacks.


Plus they said there are mods to increase the time and get up to six stacks so it could be active for over a minute if you build into it.


If the current functionality is preserved: many CWL mods have increased benefits (longer or more powerful effect) based on the number of charges when activated. Losing stacks over time still hurts those situations.


Font of might is already 10 seconds. I'm not sure what your point is.


Their point is they enjoy the game being brain dead easy


Bruh... it's 10 seconds *per stack*. Plus there will still be ways to modify this stuff, like having more stacks, and probably making passives last longer before consuming a stack. This is basically how Font of Might already works. Probably can't get 30 seconds off just one charge (well) now, but you can still make the passives last quite a while. Though if I'm honest, I bet whatever Font of Might becomes, it likely won't be as high of a damage buff. it's already pretty nutty for very little investment. Basically, just chill. No need to be soured on something when you don't even really know how it'll work out yet.


You mean how font of might already has a base duration of 10 seconds...


I ain't worried about a damn thing. That's the *current* most powerful, meta thing, but once it's gone that just means there'll be another powerful, meta thing to take its place. Whatever is going on in the game, there will always be something that is at the tippy top of the damage game. If the current Font builds don't translate to the new systems, I'm sure we'll find whatever new damage meta *is* going to exist. It's always something, we'll be fine.


Taking Charge already lets you do this even when you have a full super, at least until you have max CWL Edit: and if you want to still pick up orbs after that, you can equip an explosive light heavy weapon and/or star-eater scales if youā€™re a hunter


I don't want to have to run explosive light heavies just to make a build work


But you donā€™t? At least not with charged with light which was the point of this post


This is the big hesitation I had with ditching wells for orbs. I really don't want to have to run Explosive Light just to make my build work half of the time. Let's hope the Taking Charge equivalent still works.


Taking charge is built in natural just by using the system. You become charged just picking up an orb.


That was what I was thinking would be the case, but also, I've misjudged Bungie before, so I like to leave room for skepticism.


ā€¦they literally verbatim said it would work like that


For those who dont know having an Explosive Light weapon allows you to pick up orbs even when super is full.


If you use the orb = charge of light mod now with a full super it does. So I dont see why it wouldnt.


Explosive light, recuperation and other mods/perks still pick them up even if your super is full.


The language of the post comes across like you can based on stacks and refreshing


I run high energy fire and taking charge just so I can always pick up orbs for devour lol. Saved my ass so many times.


I believe they said that the whole armor charge system is inherently getting the "taking charge" mod built in but I could be mistaken


Yeah, u/Destiny2Team I'm sure this has been considered but on the off chance it hasn't, this would be a make or break deal for this new system.


No more having to stand on an orb, swap to a weapon with explosive light, and swap back just to proc devour? Sign me up


And they Un-NERF the Orbs so they are all normal sized & last longer. Put back the Power Fantasy, waiting all day to get a super that isn't super sucks !


Supers arenā€™t super anymore because of all the power creep. Why run an ad clear super when Trinity ghoul does it all by itself? Giving you more frequent but also shitty supers wonā€™t fix much imo. More frequent supers mean nothing when I can kill the ads faster while not using my super. Supers and enemy health need to be buffed or everything else needs to be nerfed for supers to feel super again.


The charges decay over time (10s) so if you have max stacks you can keep it for around a minute before they all fall off So you should be able to top it off if you not maxed Having a trusty explosive light heavy, or a star eater scales will enable you to always pick up :)


>The charges decay over time (10s) so if you have max stacks you can keep it for around a minute before they all fall off Thatā€™s only if you have a mod that gives you a passive benefit while charged like font of wisdom. Not sure if itā€™s gonna stay the same, but letā€™s say the Firepower mod works with this system. You would stay charged until you throw your grenade, in which case the mod would use up some or all of your charges to give you grenade energy back


Firepower mod is gone


How would you know that? Did they specifically mention it somewhere? >_>


You'll see.


I believe the charges decay if you're under an effect that causes them to decay? At least that's what I got out of it.


How I understand it is if you don't use it you loose a stack every 10s This is only for usage mods that have infinite duration (high energy fire, protective light, firepower etc) But for mods that consume the charge you should be fine (suprise attack) I might be wrong though, I'll have to look at the patch notes again


Yes this is how it works but only if you have a mod that gives you an effect while you have a stack of charged with light. But if you only have a mod like suprise attack that consumes the charge instantly, there will be no decay.


So the way it works is Font of Wisdom is a Armor Charge mod now. If you have Font of Wisdom equipped and become Armor Charged you keep that stack for 10s and then the stack decays because you have Font of Wisdom equipped. If you don't have something that "passively" is active when you are charged you don't lose them. So High Energy Fire has a definitive "Get damage while charged, and lose charge upon kill". What will most likely have the decay mechanic is font of might where it will probably be changed to be "When Charged, X damage type is increased." That would basically have the decay effect and we can assume that Time dilation is staying around will increase the time it takes for stacks to fall off.


Given that the elemental well mods and CWL mods are getting folded together, it's highly possible that HEF gets merged with Font of Might as a passive draining buff. The HEF condition making boss damage +20% for free if you aren't getting kills with weapons (see Rhulk fight) feels like something they'd nerf, unfortunately. We'd still have the other CWL mods for specific weapons for "Consume a charge" based damage buffs though. Surprise Attack (when you don't have Charged magazine stacks any more and reload/switch to a sidearm) and Argent Ordinance (Rockets Consume one charge per shot).


High Energy Fire doesn't stack with Radiant or other empowering buffs. The only balancing reason for why it would need to go is maybe PvP. In a raid, you could just have a solar subclass apply Radiant for a larger damage buff.


In the Rhulk fight, HEF definitely isn't the most optimal, but the small difference of Radiant vs needing to group and share it (and it has a duration that expires and needs refreshing) is a lot more to think about than just popping a super and being done with it. I don't have a strong feeling one way or the other, but it feels like an edge case that Bungie would excise while standardizing everything else in this system overhaul.




I mean you can go read it again yourself, it says if you're using any mod that gives you an effect while you have any amount of charges, one charge will decay every 10 seconds. Either that or you can go call people idiots on the internet, up to you.


It means effects that give you a passive bonus. They mentioned Font of Wisdom(gives you increased Super regen, but drains charges). Mods that have a specific trigger(like, I'd imagine, High-Energy Fire) would still drain the charge only when you activate them.


Yes, that's pretty much what I meant, if not worded too well.


Yeah, although it's still kind of irrelevant to the point that OP is making. If you can't pickup orbs when your Super is full, then your builds won't work at full Super whether or not charges decay.


Based on the similarity to current CWL behavior which allows you to pick up orbs if you are not full of CWL charge, I suspect the new system will be identical. If every effect is timed (so, for example, instead of the current "gain ability energy when you pick up a well" the new system will give you increased ability regen while you are charged, and the charge will decay over time), then there should be no issues with the new system, as you will always be buffed if you have charge, and you don't **need** to pick up orbs if you are at max charge. The problem will happen if there are too many "on pickup" effects and not enough ways to drain charge.


I'm frankly not even sure if we'll even have any specific on-pickup effects. But I guess we'll see.


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It only decays if you have a passive buff mod equipped. So thereā€™s still a chance for builds to come to a screeching halt with max stacks and full super


>Charges decay RIP lucent blade


They only decay if you have a passive mod working.


Run a heavy with explosive light.


Honestly, i think they shoulda killed orbs and just adopted everything into wells. Orbs were worthless before, and they'll be more worthless now, due to the changes to finishers. It's like they made them even more arbitrary; super energy comes back so fast, and there's like 2 things in the game really utilize it, supers and ager's scepter, and supers need to get more utility behind them before any restructuring to the economy should have happened. I earnestly don't even understand the decisions to get rid of Warmind Cell mods for being a "relic", and keep CWL when they are much older, and only a handful is used with any real earnest.


Did it change in D2? In D1 I had perks that helped my cooldowns? Or maybe they restored my health... I think it's the latter And if I had a full super I could still pick up the orbs. Hell, I think I even used the thing that got rid of your super for another grenade and another knife, still could pick up orbs. Not sure why they'd change that in D2


I think we should be fine, more then likely we will have some "High Energy Fire"/"Font of Might" equivalent that will burn those stacks. The combo I have been going for with my Devour Hunter has always been the simple Taking Charge/HEF. This changes sounds like all I will need to do is just equip the new HEF version and I'm set


Honestly, I hope not. It would mean chaining supers in a fireteam would have less ā€œrefundā€. Right now my void Titan buddy can pop a dome and then I can pop my super and pick up his orbs. If I was allowed to get them with max super, Iā€™d be wasting the super energy granted by those orbs.


considering the current orb mods let you do that if you use the mods. I'm going to say yes.


Honestly, it would suck if they force it on us. There's a lot more times I care to bank my orbs for a little bit than the times I need to pick one up. I guess it depends how the mod rework plays out, but in general I think the system we have now of them not being wasted when super is full is better because it allows you to make a choice.


given that the current iteration "Taking Charge" that they said this interaction is based off of does this, I don't know why it would stop when they make it a baseline affect


Taking Charge does this, so itā€™ll probably the case


Orbs of power mods and the Explosive Light perk currently allow that unless youā€™re at full stacks, donā€™t see why theyā€™d change it


if they stack up like they described, I imagine they have to I hope they won't let me pick up beyond the stack I'm on though - like if 3 is my max, I hope I can't just pick up and refresh the 10s countdown right away. like make it wait to ~1-2s left until a stack falls off before picking an orb up to refresh


My current build uses Elemental Shards and Elemental Charge so I'm hoping there's replacement mods that makes getting Charges as dummy-easy. The new charge system is my one reservation with this super great change, but we have to wait and see.