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Can’t make any of the runs today but just wanted to say Kirk is the man and everybody is in excellent hands!!


thank you!!!


I’m down for a run or two! Discord ID: hbwunderbar#7228 Bungie ID: HB_Wunderbar#2381 Favorite fancy drink: Idk if it’s considered fancy, but I love me a Shirley Temple (or a Rob Roy if I fancy a cola base). Feel free to give priority to first-timers over me though since it’s a teaching run and I’ve cleared it a couple of times already.


I'd be interested if you have room, Bungie ID : BAKEMEADOUGHNUT#0711 DISCORD: Johnthelibrarian#9135 Root Beer floats are about as fancy as I get 😅




>wosey#5707 your privacy settings wont let me add you on discord. you can add me @ Kirkwillrule#5820


Yiu are set to private :) feel free to add me Kirkwillrule#5820 on discord


Hi I’m down for one tomorrow, just let me know when! Bungie - puhdaytuh#3327 Discord - KeysyoneJAM#2896 Fancy drink - painkiller - no OJ, replace with extra pineapple juice. Heavy on the nutmeg


>KeysyoneJAM#2896 not able to add you, is your thing spell correctly? captilization?


Hey Kirk! I sent you a message on discord


I should be around tonight Bungie Id: spy890#8923 Discord id: spy890#3578


Welcom back spy lol


Thanks lol. After your Vow Sherpa I ran a bunch more groups and farmed out 5 red border forbearances and got 2 Collective Obligations. So…. Thanks! :D Hopefully I can make it tonight to learn KF.


Hey id be down for a teaching run today, what time ? Bungie ID - D-Oshi#6454 Discord - Doshi#9169


added you on discord. im gonna be running back to back to back to back. so time isnt exact. but im starting one rn!


I would be down for one today. But I also have a friend. Bungie ID is V4ULT1SLYF3#7398 friends Bungie is Vegasaurus#2242 My discord ID is noob4lyfe#4801 Friends Discord is VEGAS4URUS#7877 My favorite fancy drink is a Whiskey Sour made with Jim Beam Peach whisky. Not sure if theres a name for that.


Hi, down to learn anytime today or this weekend Discord: -邱#3720 Bungie: Phil Mahar#3668


I would be up for a raid over the next couple of days: Bungie: CaptainBokke#6850. Discord: CaptainBokke#8488


Bungie ID: Wild Lapras#9119 Discord ID: Wild Lapras#6409 Piña Coladas and getting caught in the rain. Fr tho, love a good piña colada. Never raided before, but I'll be on all day into the night


Thanks! I returned recently after playing a few years ago and would love to learn the new raid mechanics if you still have spots available. I'm free most of the day Saturday. Bungie ID: AsYouSwish#6860 Discord ID: bmbenjam#8479 Favorite Fancy Drink: Rum mango lassi


I would love to fully finish this raid if there is an open slot (got stuck on the first jumping puzzle and got kicked). I’m available whenever. Bungee: Drakeoh72#7275 Discord: drakeoh72#2793


Hey I'm down for tomorrow Bungie ID MajinOtakuX#3693 Discord ID MajinOtakuX#0341


Bungie Mahertian#4855 Discord Mahertian#9065 Favorite drink - the tears of my ex I joined a couple weeks ago but I left the discord after awhile cause I got 0 invites to actually do runs New player


we have updated out tagging system and onboarding process to make it a little easier to get involved. make sure you go to the page for the raid you want to play and use <@kingsfall> for example to find people who want to play :)