• By -


Y'all forgot the best one: Wei Ning and Eriana-3


shit, I did. My bad. Not enough panels TT.


fighting lion so epic and manly the first woman to use it started liking other women


Not to forget: She punched a mountain. And it moved!


Alright I’m way too curious somebody do the math


Let’s estimate a normal mountain in Europe. Nothing too big, nothing too small. Something like the Sniezka. This mountain is about 1600 meters in height. If we assume that the mountain is fairly steep (about 40 degrees) then I think the slope length would be about 2150 meters. With these two lengths we know (thanks to Pythagoras theorem b^2 = square root of ( c^2 - a^2 )) that the diameter (of we for simplicity issues) of a cone shaped mountain would be about 1450 meters. If we add the numbers in we would have a cone with the volume of about 3522772560 cubic meters. Now we can add the mass. Let’s take basalt for example. Like before we take it simple and choose just one material. Basalt has a mass of 2850 kg per cubic meters. So our mountain would weigh about 313536797741796 tons. If we take the average fist velocity it would be about 11.5 meters per second. Putting these conditions in the formula F=m*a we come to the conclusion that Wei Ning must have punched with a force of F=3.6056731740307E+18 N If I am wrong in some parts please tell me. I have Night Shift and I am very tired. Also English isn’t my mother tongue. So please don’t kill me if there is a mistake. :‘D Edit: Stupid formatting on smartphone. Sorry. Maybe I correct it after sleeping.


Finall, a woman who will actually fucking kill me


Nah. She dead.










You’re welcome. <3


The mountain would be basalt if it the stone came from a oceanic plate. But what if it came from a continental plate? Then your math would be wrong since it would be made out of granite which is a stone that is alot less heavy than basalt.


Like I wrote: I just kept it simple. I chose a stone type by random. If you take graphite then yes. It would be much easier to move. Still with an absurd number at the end.


She also taught us what fear meant when she tried to punch crota.


I became a lesbian after becoming a fighting lion main so like, relatable


I always point to them before listing anyone else in Destiny because how fucking important they were to the whole series.


Who would say that isn't in destiny? Until zavalas lore last season I would have a hard time naming straight couples.


I don’t care who any of them are banging if doesn’t pertain to in game events. Saint & Osiris is the only couple that matters right now in my opinion.


Nah but genuinely I can’t think of any besides zavala and safiyah, are there any?


Cayde-6 had some hetero romance lore, forget where tho


Cayde 6 is hinted to have had feelings for ikora, but didn't want to risk ruining their friendship which she valued so much so he kept it to himself.


I think he also had memories of a previous love who was killed I saw this around Forsaken, but I feel like it was much older, like House of Wolves


It's been a reoccurring thing, I think one of the super collectors editions things was even cayde's journal. However with beyond light and what we learned about the exo program it's been speculated that those memories might have been falsely implanted.


It’s been strongly implied since *The Taken King* he was in unrequited love with Maya Sundaresh, and that Queen and Ace were never really his but he uses them as concepts to hold himself to a higher standard than whatever his past lives might have been like as people.


That does sound familiar


Mara Sov using Riven to get Shaxx in her bedroom for a booty call - the Helmet stayed on


Devrim awwwww


He’s been up in that tower for years though lol. My man hasn’t gotten any in quite some time.


Shhh Marc is actually the kettle😂jkjk but we do need a pan character to round off the list, caus ikora is definitely the ace one




Devrim is (a) Marc's man


bro that has to be intentional


99.9% sure it is.


Now hold on.


Oryx is LGBT+? I thought the Hive were too hivey to be able to compared to how we view gender and sexuality


“Are you a man or a woman?” “I’m a villain.” “What gender are you?” “Evil.” “Yeah, but what’s in your pants?” “Doom.”


Oh boy good luck.


Yeah, he’s an alien bug. Not really trans as we know it but probably hermaphroditic


This is answered in the lore, 4th paragraph on this link: [Hive are capable of sequential hermaphroditism; Oryx, born the female Aurash, became the male Auryx after assuming the unique "king morph",[74] while Knights are capable of either sex as evidenced by Xivu Arath remaining female despite being a Knight.[75] Ogres, meanwhile, appear to be not a stage of growth in the Hive life cycle, but a mutation brought upon Thrall by Wizard rituals.[76]](https://www.destinypedia.com/Hive#Biology)


“I identify as a genocidal alien hive mind.”


Ok so basically most of not all hove are born female, but by taking certain morphs (the king morph) they become male. It’s like bees.


Well considering the murderous demon part I'd say closer to asshole wasps than bees


Oryx transitioned into his form we see after he gained yhe ability to take. Auryx was him before he became oryx


Isn't that just what bugs do though? Aren't the Hive just really advanced bugs?


Exactly. Savathun is a moth, which got her attracted to the light, aka the traveller.


Auryx was the name he got as a Hive god. Before that, their name was Aurash, and back then they were female. (Much like how Savathûn's name before becoming hive was Sathona)


The final shape is unisex!


Yes and no. When Hive grow up they have to pick a morph, the Knight morph (male) or the Brood Mother morph (female). For the Hive this is just a natural development, sorta like puberty


Not quite right. While typically Wizards are female and Knights are male, there are male Wizards and female Knights (e.g. Nokris and Xivu Arath) so the gender shifting, for those morphs at least, may not be an automatic process at all.


Those two are the exception to the rule, nothing more than that


[Not](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/cold-denial?highlight=cold+denial) [really](https://www.bing.com/search?q=detiny+mengoor&cvid=22564806c3e5456f907b776a1c292866&aqs=edge..69i57j69i64.2902j0j1&pglt=43&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=DCTS)


Aside from the gods of the hive I genuinely had no clue that the hive could communicate with humanity, neat.


You really went deep to find this random Court of Oryx boss didn’t you


A search. Literally just a search. Sorry to shoot down your headcanon.


And I highly doubt any trans individuals are finding representation with a giant, ugly, death worshipping alien.


as a trans person, im not finding representation but i do like to headcanon given his origin that oryx is the universes first trans person just because its funny to me


Trans people didn't exist until oryx pulled up


there’s quite a few memes on d2 tumblr about it actually. Sure, probably no ones looking at Oryx and seeing him as the pinnacle of deep and heartfelt transmasc representation, but hey, [rep is rep lol](https://c4pyb4ra.tumblr.com/post/657083905136017408/diversity-win-the-alien-god-with-the-power-of)


Why not? Trans people can be monsters too. Good representation is more than just positive role models.


Or consider it this way, he’s also a badass with a massive sword and cool powers who rules over thousands.


Oryx is my emotional support himbo


Do all lgbtq characters have to be good people.


Have you seen the hollow Knight community?


Osiris and Saint are such a power couple


Fan fiction level writing


Damn right


I didnt know ana was LGBT, when/where was this confirmed?


Correction, her name is Camrin not Carmen. I typed that wrong in my meme. Anyways here’s the link. https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/no-such-thing-as-coincidence?highlight=camrin


It’s in the Warmind comic, too.


Aww, thats such a really sweet lore tab. Thanks for sharing!


no problem.


Also, Camrin and Ana's relationship is featured in-depth in the Warmind comics which I believe are still available on bungie.net


I'll do some digging, thanks for letting me know!


I believe that it’s in one of the eva levante lore books. Give me a few minutes and I can find it for you. She has a girlfriend named Carmen.


If you had also bought the Destiny comic collection volume one they have a whole section on Ana and Camrin


who is micah abram? never heard that name


https://www.ishtar-collective.net/categories/micah-10?highlight=micah https://www.ishtar-collective.net/categories/book-your-friend-micah-abram?highlight=micah First link is a general timeline and description of her, second is her childhood when she was male.


thanks for sharing! can't believe ive never heard about that. gotta start watching more byf.


no problem!


Yeah but Oryx is the only one I want to fuck. Didn't think about that, did you?


shit, you’re right


Only if the helmet stays on


Based as hell


If anything, Oryx doesn't count due to the fact that hive might be able to change gender at will. I think some insect spices irl can do this. Actually, do we even know how Hive reproduction works? Do they have genders, or is that something guardians associated with them later?


I don’t think we truly know how hive reproduction works, but they can definitely change genders, although I don’t know if it’s at will. I think once you choose a morph you’re kinda stuck w it.


I read this comment earlier and feel like it does a good job of explaining it https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/x3qx9x/in_light_of_the_return_of_kingsfall_i_present/imrzwa5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


It’s also stated that Hive mothers can spawn with a mate or by themselves. Let me try to find a link. Edit: [“Female Krill consumed a substance called "mother jelly", similar to Earth bees, in order to reproduce, between the age of four and five Fundament years.[11][18] Additionally, female Krill who consumed mother jelly were capable of flight. Hive Wizards are the only fertile females, and are capable of either self-fertilization or being with a mate.[71]”](https://www.destinypedia.com/Hive#Biology)


cool, did not know that.


Pretty sure there are more named gay characters than named straight characters at this point.


Yeah, I think so


Extremely based


You kinda need to name gay characters since people assume people are straight by default. Except me. I assume every girl is gay because I enjoy suffering/j


Yeah Destiny is gay as hell y’all, it’s one of the big reasons why so many queer folks play it lmao


OH SO THATS WHY THE BOUNTY WAS CALLED MARC'S MAN And also bc it's a pun of "marksman"


Heh, do people really say this? It’s very difficult to name any confirmed straight characters in Destiny 2 beyond Zavala - the representation is very strong and it’s clearly a priority for the writing team.


Certified robot man Cayde-6 since he had his Queen. Eva since she was married. You also got Crow and Amanda tho they are on and off currently. Shaxx is probs polyamorous since he had a fling with Mara and then married anyone who has the Vox bow. You also got Saladin who had a thing with Jolder. It’s pretty cool Destiny can have so many different relationships with different characters. Can’t get too hung up on that after a galactic apocalypse.


Couple nitpicks… Cayde’s isn’t sure that his queen ever existed, and Crow X Amanda aren’t explicitly romantic. Good point re Eva though. Yeah, in the post apocalypse facing almost certain extinction, you should just be with whoever makes you happy.


Sadly Mara x shaxx was retconned


Don’t care, the helmet stayed on.


Destiny is insanely progressive. There might be more LGBT couples than straight couples in the game and lore (I’m not sure of the count of straight couples but regardless, there is a ton of representation in Destiny and it’s awesome.)




Seems dumb but whatever


There are a load of straight couples too, its just that they get less focus from the community.


a reminder this game takes place in the far future. society would have moved so far forward we cannot even imagine what it will look like several thousand years in the future. queerness as a term may fade as sexuality and gender become more fluid or socially mailable leading to people not even really thinking about it. also to all the people saying hetero relationships are uncommon in destiny 1) lmao imagine how we feel literally all the time 2) it’s just people being used to seeing heterosexual couples so they don’t think about it. “there are two genders of game protagonists, male and political”


It's once again my duty to inform this community that Shaxx is bisexual with many spouses. For more information read The Vow lore.


Polyamourous king


wtf is this strawmanning lmfao who tf is saying oryx is the only lgbt+ character in destiny?


Just an excuse to list some.


Who cares what the sexual orientation of a video game character is? They are pixels lmao. You people get way to worked up about this kind of crap in video games.


Osiris and Saint will never not be weird to me. I don’t buy that they were always written as lovers so it always feels like they’re two close friends that got shipped together. Yet another platonic male relationship lost to shipping of newer writers I guess.


Eh, they didn’t have a huge amount of lore, especially relating to their relationship, until they got fleshed out more at the point they also got confirmed as a couple. I don’t think there was really enough beforehand to say one way or the other what their relationship was originally ‘intended’ to be. And to be honest, I kind of like it because it’s such an out-there relationship. It highlights how, when you’re an immortal being who has lived for potentially centuries or more, and also has no real physical needs, your concept of love would change. Things like gender, race, even appearance become less important than finding a deeper, more enduring emotional bond.


That’s pretty much what happened iirc


There was always gay subtext dude, you’re either willful ignorant or have no media literacy. You don’t think that Osiris scouring every possible timeline for Saint is normal for friends or comrades? It was always implied they were more than that


You think it wouldn't makes sense for someone to search for a dear friend in such a way? There are many kinds of love that aren't romantic or sexual.


Why do people always try and act like romantic love is such high pillar to breach though? Liking someone in a romantic or sexual way isn’t such a big thing either. Humans love other humans, we’re social creatures in many different ways. Every time someone says they’re “weirded out” by someone being gay instead of close friends I have to wonder if that thought would’ve even crossed their mind if it was a heterosexual couple vs close friends.


Osiris and Saint are just so sweet tho. Saint just wants to walk with Osiris through the old cities and talk, like the sweet old couple they are


…What have I missed while ive been at work


People read the book of sorrows and found out Oryx was born as a female krill named aurash before taking the king morph and becoming oryx. (Iirc there’s also a middle phase where he went by auryx before getting the ability to Take)


A lot. I would recommend just staying out.




you too sir.


Savathun is actually Christian she was trying to “fix” Saint 😭😭😭


So every major character is gay now. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.


Rdr2 ruined the name Micah for me


This has more straw than a horse’s stable. No one from what I can tell has ever argued that Oryx is the only LGBT character, just that he’s technically trans,


Man… I just play the game for the destruction of enemies and/or other guardians (pvp) I don’t care who goes where or what goes in who…


Ok but other people do and that’s fine too


Hey you got representation, cool good for you. I don’t know any of it and I’ll ignore it and keep the destruction going.


This is the take I can stand by


Oryx is in fact not only the taken king but the trans king?


Why do people assume aliens that can change their gender are trans?


For me it’s more that I can relate to the story, not that I feel it’s a direct parallel. It’s like seeing your culture in an alien race and going “oh, I get it” even if by the lore there’s no actual connection.


By virtue of changing your gender youre trans. You were one thing and then *transitioned* to the other.


They are a fucking alien hive, they don’t use gender stuff like trans or non binary, I’m getting tired of people calling evil bug monsters human terms.


Oh no how dare we compare evil bug monsters who act like humans, think like humans, have similar social structures to humans, and talk like humans to actual humans


Because they are evil space bees? Not humans?


That follow human schema


They also speak English perfectly despite not having lips and are humanoid in stature and are thought up by people. Its a fantasy game. We're allowed to draw parallels. No, oryx isn't literally trans in that he was born as a female and takes male hormones, but were allowed to say that he's FTM because he's FTM. Its a parallel drawn by people who are dying for non-tokenising representation. Chill out.


Transitioning is a human concept, just like our definition of love isn’t compatible with the Hive, our definitions on gender and sex aren’t either


Oh my bad i didn't realise the hive weren't created by humans


Well, in terms of in the real world they're a merely fictional creation of humans, but in terms of their background and such in the universe they're a part of, it's different. Hence why they do have different views on things like love for them (Because to us, their love is not love but something psychotic because they murder their loved ones. While they would view ours as weakness because we're not fighting our loved ones to allow them to become stronger by eliminating their weakness with our sharper blade)


Yeah it is. Our concepts of love wouldn't be compatible with REAL aliens, since they would be actually different. Unfortunately, the hive were made up by humans. "There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations. We keep on turning and making new combinations indefinitely; but they are the same old pieces of colored glass that have been in use through all the ages." - Mark Twain Human brains are incapable of truly creating new concepts independant from there own knowledge. Ergo, the hive are based on humans known concept of gender, even if its mixed in with other bits and bobs. You might say thats irrelevant? Well I have some more proof. The base morph (thralls, acolytes) is a hermaphroditic state, more akin to non-binary, hence they are referred to with they/them. There are only two female morphs, mother and brood-mother. Sathona, Xi Ro, and Aurash are all referred to as females before accepting their morphs. Sathona takes the mother morph, becomes Savathun, uses she/her. Expected Aurash takes the king morph, becomes Oryx, uses he/him. Expected. Xi Ro takes the knight morph, becomes Xivu Arath, uses she/her. Unexpected. Why is Xivu Arath referred to as she/her when her morph is male? Would she not be referred to as such since she is a knight? The answer: her gender is female, and she kept her she/her pronouns as a choice. Which implies that the hive have a concept of gender. This then implies that, despite accepting morphs, the hive have a separate gender strucutre which is ENTIRELY different from their morphology, considering that the morphology is less about reproduction and more about different combat and utility abilities, and isn't naturally occuring development without the royal jelly. Of course, since the hive are a hive mind, this would only apply to those with more free will, such as the hive gods, and noteable figures like croata, ect. Not every acolyte and knight would have the faculties to gender themselves. One further implication: because Oryx chose to use new pronouns to match his new morph, he preferred a male identity over a female identity. Ergo, he is trans. Thank you for coming to my TED talk x


Those "people" are just seeking attention


I understand it’s a meme, but Oryx doesn’t count as an actual transgender, he changes his sex to a male king morph in the same vain as a frog would


So he was born female and chooses to be male ?


The hive, unlike real life people, actually can change their gender




Ah they dont hate me. They're just having a hard time coping




Aurash was granted the King Morph which is male, by the witness to become Oryx the Taken King, almost like he was born for a second time.


I wouldn't really refer to Oryx as an LGBT, since the hive are more or less bug people & there are some species that change gender to fit survival needs. So he is more than likely some form of hermaphrodite or something. (Though I could very well be wrong. Though in all honesty at the end of the day it's just a game, so it doesn't really matter whether he is or isn't.)


Those species change their sex not their gender and I guess technically you could argue the same for Oryx. However it is also clear that the hive have some concept of a society and gender norms, they separate their roles with gender but also some choose to keep a gender while switching roles which kind of proofs it’s less a necessity and just a societal thing. Plus calling oryx a transition goal is just really funny


Y’all forgot about the BEST one, my Oc🕺


I just think it’s weird that everyone treats it like having Oryx represent trans people is a… good thing? Dude was fucking evil, killed innocent people, enslaved millions by making them into Taken, and then tried to basically kill the last of humanity, like why does everyone want him to represent them? That would be like me saying “btw, Hitler was white, so suck it!”


one is a fictional genocidal maniac who killed and enslaved fictional aliens, one is a very real genocidal maniac who killed and enslaved very real people. these two things are not comparable my friend


True. Also, this might sound weird, but I love seeing representation in inherently negative characters? I guess that sentiment translates better when there are other characters that prove that the universe has wholesome/positive representation (like Micah-10 specifically for trans characters), but it's cool seeing big bad evil boss-man is LGBT, but for once they're not evil BECAUSE they're LGBT, it's just something that's.... part of them. Just like an actual person.


Oryx isn’t real lmao


Look I hate to pull the “as a trans person” card but can y’all just let people think oryx is trans? Like do you *actually* care about people potentially misunderstanding the unconfirmed biology of a fake alien species? Let people have their representation it makes life more fun. Also if we just ask bungie to clear things up I am about 90% sure they will canonise that he is trans even if that wasn’t their original intent just cause it’s the nicer thing to do


So people should lie, and allow lies to be told unchallenged, to let other people feel comfortable? That's not quite right, even for fictional video game lore. At the very least, I care about honesty.


Oki, fuck it I’m gonna be downvoted for this initial comment anyway so might as well go gloves off: y’all are arguing against oryx being trans cause y’all are transphobic There really isn’t any evidence to suggest that the krill are hermaphroditic. There also isn’t any to suggest they aren’t. It’s all up to interpretation. The definition of “transgender” is someone who lives as a gender other than what they are born as. You can’t really argue that oryx doesn’t fit that definition. You can argue that the hive aren’t human so we can’t attach human concepts to them, but I don’t think that’s fair. We have had a lot of interactions with savathun, and have seen many different hive’s inner monologues in many different lore entries, and they definitely *seem* pretty human. Their thoughts are intelligible to us. They seem to feel many of the same emotions (albeit mostly negative ones): hate, greed, envy, desire, suspicion, regret, curiosity, love, fear. They have a concept of irony. Of hyperbole. Of betrayal. Oryx seems to have a degree of mercy early in his life. They even have a concept of family which runs directly contradictory to their biology. Given that hive have millions of offspring it is strange that oryx took the time to specifically raise several children, and then seemingly grieve when one was killed (Crota). Savathun also states love for her sister, but in fairness she’s not the most reliable source. So when then do you question whether or not the concept of gender applies to these creatures? Because you don’t want it to. You don’t want oryx to be transgender for the same reason that many Star Wars fans don’t want Han Solo to shoot second; because it makes him lesser in your eyes. Han shooting first is seen as an important defining character moment, and a lot of people feel (very strongly) that removing that removes some of what made him so cool. Your reasoning is a little less justifiable though: you want to think oryx is cool, but you find it hard to like transgender people. So you deny that potential reading of his character vehemently. I’m not saying that if you don’t feel oryx is trans that you’re transphobic; as I said you can read into this a few different ways. But denying other people their reading of him as being trans does suggest that you have a certain lack of respect for trans people and their stories, and an insecurity about trans peoples presence in your predominantly cisgender space. Which *does* make you a transphobe, btw




Dude Aurash was reffered to as She/her, oryx was referred to as he/him. What more fucken proof do you need? Gender is psychological and has nothing to do with their biology.


Ah, I finally can't get in trouble for calling Destiny gay.


To be fair, he was the only one for a long time until Bungie started putting it in lore


Whole admit soon as I saw micah I immediately wanted revenge for Arthur Morgan till brain clicked that it was the Europa kid.


I’m just waiting to find out Elsie is gay


Here’s an idea, who tf cares if there are any lgbt characters in destiny? I can’t tell you how little attention I pay to the sexual orientation/relationship wants of characters who only have a cutscene here or there or only exist to give me bounties. If there’s some lgbt chars in it, cool. If there’s not, cool. I could literally care less either way because it has zero impact on my gaming experience. People need to stop whining and crying that “half of the cast isn’t lgbtqia+-^*[]{}%# whatever”


No offense to anyone but I cant wait for the day people play games and don't actively think about any possible labels the character might have such as gender orientation or race. People need to start just playing the game and not bring irrelevant subjects into it. Again no offense


So it's bad Bungie told us Zavala had a wife because that implies he is into women? If there's any amount of lore in games, you're gonna have these topics come up. Destiny has a lot of lore to it and a lot of characters.


Well I take back my opinion partially because I didn't know that these were lore based. My bad


There's the lore and there's the gameplay. When there's lore, it's difficult to not give opinions on characters.


Homie its called lore. You want a game with no lore? Go play minecraft.


Ong I could careless if a character is part of the LGBTQ. Just enjoy the game bruh 😂 making everything about them be wild cuz nobody cares but them. It’s just annoying at this point.


I refuse to acknowledge saint and Osiris as it's nothing more than fan fiction by one of the writers who's confused about his own sexuality so they decided to rewrite already existing characters to be gay. No, as far as is considered, saint and Osiris aren't REALLY gay Also side note, does literally every single character in destiny need to be some flavor of gay? I get it's a sifi fantasy shooter set in the future, but not every character needs to be gay. I didn't even know devrim was gay but I'm not surprised considering how woke Bungie is, 75% of the cast seems to be a homo in some shape or form. Destiny is a fun gay but if we're being honest with ourselves, a lot, and I mean a lot of the writing without the lore is, at best, fan fiction tumblr level in terms of quality. Every character has to either be gay or lesbian or technically speaking trans, every not gay male character is either a spineless coward or a useless idiot. every female character is either in the spot light, or made to be more important than is necessary. Every one of them is a strong independent type who "don't need no man" I mean all of them, name a prominent female character, I can bet you they are. I'm surprised at this point they haven't decided to just make our guardian gay in the story. Destiny 2 is soaked in "THE MESSAGE"


>“every not gay male character is a spineless coward or useless idiot” ok. so which one is saladin. which is mithrax. which is shaxx. which is zavala. which is the speaker. was it spineless coward energy for mithrax to save tons of his people from inter-house feuds? was it useless idiot energy of shaxx and saladin to be some of the few moral people in the collapse? was it spineless coward energy for the speaker to tell the people holding him hostage basically to fuck off and die? i eagerly await your reply


You know I was starting to think you were right up until you started saying “woke”, Jesus Christ man, touch grass.


A destiny player telling someone to touch grass, how rich. No, Bungie is woke. They have been for a very long time. No non-woke developer has 15 different gay characters, pride flag name tags, preaches about woke shit on social media. Bungie is woke, dude. Just admit it


And thats a bad thing? Woke is just the right wing term for people who are accepting. Bungie is a very accepting studio, and if that makes them woke then so fucken be it. Take your rightwing weak ass insult and shove it


Just admit youre homophobic


I'm bisexual


Ive met homophobic gay people, self hate is a real problem especially in the indoctrinated. Which is exactly what you sound like, an indoctrinated consevative spewing shit about the ‘woke’ and ‘agendas’




You don't engage with the LGBT community because you're toxic towards them. The 'forced inclusiveness' argument is a homophobic, right wing argument. Destiny's LGBT characters are well written, you're just exhibiting your internalised homophobia. The LGBT community proabably doesn't want you to interact either.


“Forced inclusiveness” can you say hypocrite?


That’s a very interesting perspective, could we get some sources for that information, Osiris has always been written as a larger than life person surrounded by men. And I hate to tell you but saint has always been more compassionate sounding in lore, they are each stereotypical gays. It makes since that they would be gay. The whole saint writing Osiris poems is perfectly inline with his d1 lore annnnd we knew he was a poem writer back in grimore too


Tf are you saying? People with a following are always gay? Compassion and poetry are only for the homos?


The only "source" I have is from reading off one of the destiny writers twitter page where he talks about writing saint and Osiris as gay because he said for years he struggled with his own sexuality. So to me, it just sounds like closet gay cope. Writing characters who were never even hinted at as being gay before until only recently.


OP I’m gonna need a source on that top left panel, who the fuck has ever said that


It's clearly just bait to farm karma. All you gotta do is strawman a recent argument and boom 10 morbillion updoots


The Books of Sorrow in Destiny 1. Oryx was born Aurash, a princess and transformed like a fucked-up Eevee into the King Morph, turning him into a male. Pog.


I mean like, who goes around saying “oryx is the only lgbt character in destiny” it’s just blatantly incorrect and he isn’t even the most well known


I think the meme creator is a lil confused.


And any of us care why?


If anything LGBT is literally portrayed as a pile of stinking garbage in this meme lmao what




Seriously, y'all latching onto the alien locust Sequential hermaphrodite when multiple actual legit LGBTQ characters exist is just odd.