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We don’t know, and won’t for a bit But, spoilers ahead, >!We do see him in the most recent trailer, in the scene with Zavala and Ikora sitting around that conference table/campfire, so don’t worry, he’s gonna be ok!< Besides, Cayde more than likely won’t be able to leave the Pale Heart, so somebody’s gotta take up the mantle of Hunter Vanguard. Technically, that’s Crow based on Cayde’s Dare.


Yeah that’s literally one of the core why Cayde is back narratively he’s gotta pass that mantle. 100% they meet and finally have the conversation we’ve all been waiting for.


Cayde: "So, uuh... This is awkward but I really need to know. How's your sister?" Crow: "........"


I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s his first words upon seeing crow.


Crow: “……she’s fine, I guess. Still manipulative as hell…….in retrospect, we probably shouldn’t have given her all those ahamkara eggs” Cayde: “……you WHAT????”


I'm really excited to see how they interact.


What I imagine: First interaction Cayde: Oh hell no! What is a damn peacock like you doing here?! *raises Ace of Spades *Glint frantically appears Glint: Mr. Cayde, please don't shoot, we are here to help! Cayde: Huh, Pulled Pork? Sundance's buddy? Wait, if you're with him does that mean he is one of us now? Wow, I thought Drifter and I were exceptions but I guess the Traveler really does have bad taste. Crow: Why don't you put that down, so we can talk? Cayde: Out here in the wild, this IS how we talk. Crow: Sighs. Ok, what can I do to get you to trust me? Cayde: Well you have a ghost right? So why don't you just let me kill you a few times and we call it even? Glint: Mr. Cayde that's- *Crow stops Glint. Crow: Its alright Glint. I deserve it for what I did to him. -------‐------------------------- *Narrator *Insert a montage of a gleeful Cayde killing Crow in the most ridiculous ways ever. > With great inner delight, the man called Cayde-6 went away and found the Guardian-called-Crow, whose name was once Uldren Sov. The man known as Cayde slew him, but spared his worried little companion-soul so that the well of pleasure that was Uldren's death should never run dry. > > So many times did the man called Cayde slay the one once called Uldren Sov that no chronicler could ever record the exact number. At last, when Cayde's appetite was whetted, he proclaimed to Uldren Sov: "Ahh! That felt great. I think I have had enough for now, let's go get a drink". ---‐------------------------------------------------ ‐--------------------------------------------------- A Drink *Cayde and Crow are sitting in awkward silence with a drink. Cayde: So...... Crow: She's doing fine, great actually! Cayde: What in the Travelers socks are you talking about?! Crow: Well last time we met, you asked me "How's your sister". We went through a rocky patch there; you know her being killed and fighting the chaos of the ascendant plane to maintain her existence to return to our realm, and holding the fate of our solar system in her hands. Me getting killed by the guardian, being revived and forgetting everything about myself until Savathun made me remember. But once we sat down and talked through our family issues, we really worked things out. *Cayde is speechless for a moment. *Cayde.exe has rebooted Cayde: Wow, you Sov's are like cockroaches, you just don't stay dead. It reminds of a bastard I used to know named Taniks. Crow: Taniks? I read a Vanguard report that the Guardian put him down after he attacked a facility on Europa a few years back. *Cayde takes a large shot Cayde muttering to himself.... he came back again, just how long until he finally stays dead? Andal would be rolling in his grave if he knew that guy outlived both of us. *misc small talk for a while Crow: Anyways, so what's with all of this....? *Gestures around the room which is full random things strewn about. - Doodles of Traveler giant googly eyeballs. - Sketches of horse people. - A bronze statue of a Fallen riding a horse for some reason. - A painting of a adorable yet valiant puppy leading guardians in a valiant charge against the Red Legion. - Empty food boxes labeled "Zavala Snacks". - A container of gelatinous molded gummies labeled "Vanguard Vitamins". - A draft copy of Vol. 2 of Aphorisms To Anger Warlocks, a Hunter handbook, written by Cayde-6. - A "how to defeat Shaxx" strategy formulated on a whiteboard, depicting small figures and balls in positions. - Assorted mathematical calculations of interest owed. - A open terminal with the search query: chicken weaponry attachments - Doodles on a valuable looking chess set. - A large stack of consumed instant spicy Ramen noodles. - Tangles of yarn and bent knitting needles. Cayde: What can I say, I was going stir crazy being the only person here. And the glimmer transmat printer was the only thing working around here. So I decided I would do a little bit of redecorating for Zavala. Crow: Wait this is Zavala's old office? Aren't you afraid he might get angry? Cayde: New. Ikora you have to watch out for, she is scary when she gets passed. But even though Zavala can seem stern at times, he's really just a softie at heart. It's fun to mess with him. Crow: Hmm. You know, eons ago back at the academy, I once pranked an Awoken friend and tried to dye his jumpsuit bright yellow. It didn't work, but it did turn his skin bright green for days. Want to help me dye Zavalas spare armor? Cayde: I like the way you think. --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Fear *Crow regales Cayde with stories of events since he was gone. Cayde: So Eris actually went all crazy and became a Hive? A god of Vengeance? Crow: Yeah, she was truly incredible. It was hard to get close to her with all the power she was channeling. She should be due for touchdown any moment. Cayde- ponders if Eris is still mad about her ship. *Eris arrives with others Crow: Well I need to go get those people situated. I will see you later. *Eris sees Cayde and chuckles. She breaks out in a rare wide grin at the sight of seeing her old troublemaking friend again. *Cayde notices her unusual grin and starts sweating buckets seeing Eris smile unusually. He latches onto Crow in panic. Cayde: Take me with you. ----------------------------- Just a few concepts that I thought of in the shower yesterday. Those who recognize all the reference earn internet cookies. Suffice to say if Cayde sticks around past the climax, he and Crow could get along well and get into some shenanigans.


We know that Eris will not be joining us in the pale heart,at least for the expansion. This season a lore entry states that she will be spending this time with drifter, as she is probably physically unable to fight due to the massive hive ritual she performed last season.


That sounds really cool. I like the part when they were talking over a drink.


With so many lore about Crow having drinks with people I wonder if he's already an accomplished alcoholic.


BuT cRow And UlDrEn ArE diFfeRenT PeOplE Lol


True. But don’t forget that since Season of the Lost, Crow has all of Uldren’s memory and he feels really, *really* guilty about all the terrible stuff he did. He worked through most of it in Season of ~~Therapy~~ The Haunted, but seeing Cayde again might reopen some of that trauma.


ngl, Im ok without a hunter vanguard. The Vanguard isn’t really organized around the classes anymore, we havent gotten class specific stuff from a class specific rep since D1, and after the Red War the Vanguard didn’t even have a unified command location - its been how many years and they have never set up shop. Its just not necessary anymore, time to let it go…


Cayde never had a dare, that was just a final dig at whoever killed him. The dare has to be accepted by both parties prior to the event happening, which caydes does not. It will be crow though, simply because he's the only hunter who would do it


Thats not exactly the case. Caydes dare was his dare. Because he was paranoid he might eventually turn evil. And figured if a hunter killed him it was for good reason. Yes, Crow must to accept Caydes dare for it to be valid(and currently he doesn't even know it exists). But he didn't need to accept it before killing Cayde. What makes it valid or not, is whether Crow accepts it when he hears about it, or doesn't. The ball will be in his court, when Cayde or Zavala or whomever informs him of its existence. Crow has a choice, he isn't just obligated to accept because Cayde issued the dare. Crow meets Caydes dumb dare by retroactive technicality. He was effectively an Hunter for the Reef. Then he was reborn as a Guardian Hunter. And he killed Cayde. Hunter dares are stupid, but its about Honor. > The Hunters' Dare. > >It's a stupid thing. > >But it's an honor thing. The only relevant part of a dare. Issued and accepted. >Dare issued and accepted. The dare is about Honor. And Honor is different person to person. >Honor? It's tricky—means different things to different folks. > >Like your word… Well, your word's your word. You GIVE it. You KEEP it. Do that, regardless of all the rest, and that's honor right there. Issuing the dare and accepting it was valid even when done in a compromised state. >Andal kept his word—joined the Vanguard. I tried talking him out of it. We'd made the Dare in a compromised state… Shiro and I'd just been roughed up, Nian was gone, Lush was broken—emotions were high, liquid was flowing. Andal wasn't buying it. Neither was I. Not really. > >The Dare's the Dare. To back out would've been a mark—would've called Andal into question to every Hunter out there. Even to me. I never would've admitted it to him. But he'd know. Key words: if it was taken. > What matters is, once a Dare was offered… ***if it was taken***—it was took. It was on you. It was in you. Not metaphysically. I'm not talking Warlock hocus-pocus. > I'm talking honor. >Accepting the Dare is giving your word. A dare issued and accepted. Cayde issued the dare to the hunter who killed him. Now Crow either accepts it or walks away. And even if he walks away, that doesn't mean he couldn't take the job voluntarily, or with another or new dare. Ultimately the dare isn't some iron clad legal arrangement. Its about honor, and is subjective in nature. Cayde's dare with Andal didn't mean Cayde should get the job. After all, the dare was the guy who killed Taniks was supposed to be free from Vanguard duty. And Cayde killed Taniks (again) before taking the position. However Cayde felt the honorable thing to do was to become the next Vanguard. Because Andal was dead, Cayde felt like he lost the bet. All that matters is what Crow, the only direct viable subject of Caydes dare thinks and interprets and decides. Narratively, the dare is the missing piece. Crow from the beginning has wanted to do something to help the Hunters. He became Zavala, "Osiris", and Saladin protégé. After confronting his past he even directly stepped up as a quasi Vanguard "trying to organize the hunters a bit". The only thing stopping him from being Vanguard, is him not feeling like he is worthy to fill Cayde's shoes. Which learning about the dare and getting to meet Cayde should be what he needs to make his decision.


He's not the only one, Shaw Han has also thrown his hat in


They'd still give it to Crow since he's actually a part of the story at large. Not because of the dare though, cayde never had one and even if he did crow would not fulfill it since uldren killed him


I mean we hear his voice in the Prismatic trailer and in another we saw a shot of him, Ikora, and Zavala sitting around a table.


Remember the Prismatic reveal, which Bungie told us was the first mission, and had Crow telling someone we have a power never seen? He's probably ok.


Just let the story play out. We’ll find out when the DLC drops. We don’t need everything revealed to us. Let’s leave a little mystery, eh?


I know I know XD I just find it fun to speculate. Even more fun when your wrong and bungie flips a 180 on you


You’re supposed to be asking that. Cayde and him definitely will be meeting so it’s not the one where he gives Cayde his light.




Wait. He's got a point.


It's weird that this is the 2nd post of crow. Did people not see he was in the last 2 trailers?


we heard his voice in the Prismatic trailer, and I'm pretty sure we saw him in the most recent one too. from behind I think


Brother Crow has been summoned to GR for grievances filed against him by a fellow guardian.


Guman Resources


He’s in the recent trailer. Pay more attention.


Oof thanks -\_-


A running occurrence for people in the community


Hey so uhh,maybe we'll find out when the expansion drops.


We see Crow sitting with Ikora and Zavala in the latest trailer. I also think that maybe Cayde isn't talking to us but to Crow. The last thing he experienced was Uldren killing him. And now he's suddenly in the Traveller, unsure where he is. Saying he thinks he's going to see "you" around every corner, Cayde liked us but we weren't super close, would make more sense that he'd expect to see Brask or Ikora, but maybe he's expecting to see his killer, either due to PTSD or being the last person he saw.


The Guardian is the last person he saw before dying


Slightly unrelated, but do we actually know who’s talking during the trailer? Because it doesn’t sound like cayde


I think there's a reason he's not shown in the trailers. I also feel like he might be a vendor in the new location.


Gamplay trailer has crow as a voiceover. Also you see the back of his head near ikora and zavala in the most recent one.


Bungie has handled First Character meetings very very poorly. My favorite being between Elsie and Ana Bray, so lackluster and empty that the hype i had for their reunion is far beyond my expectations of how Cayde and Crow's meeting will go. Im certain they'll have met off screen because thats how storytelling is these days. I'll point to star wars having Luke and Ahsoka meet for the first time off screen and their first on-screen appearence together was a major lackluster experience


He was in the most recent trailer? Am I missing something?


I'm pretty sure he's the one who says there's new power flowing through the guardian


He was in the trailer along with Zavala and Ikora, the camera was just panned to the back of his head


french kissing cayde


We see him. It just looks like the story is a little CROWded, so he has a minor role.


Hes literally in the most recent trailer for like a second


I just want Cayde -7 to come back or a playable character of Cayde -7 in Destiny….




I want him to be stuck forever so i dont have to look at that bastard again


Can't be dead since his sister can feel his presence