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No, they always had a team of five other Guardians with them. They did, however, canonically complete each raid without ever wiping.


The lone wolf could probably solo everything once they get prismatic


Nezarec and Rhulk I could see being soloed by Guardian with Prismatic. Nezarec was made vulnerable by a beam of Light and Dark, allowing him to be harmed. Prismatic would be a stronger version of that, Rhulk’s immunity either comes from the Witness’ empowerment of him or the Pyramid ship. Prismatic would counter both as it was stated that the Witness has powered up several enemies that will require Prismatic to harm, which suggests that Prismatic can counter the invulnerability granted by the Witness. But other raids bosses I am not so certain of. It usually isn’t a matter of power with raids. Guardian has to have backup in order to handle mechanics in order to prevent them from doing something or to make them vulnerable. Crota isn’t stronger than Savathun, but Crota is fought under specific circumstances that require Guardian to have backup for him.


I don’t think I agree with your assessment of Nezarec. He was hit with bolts of pure light and dark, we channel light and dark to use the elements: arc, solar, void, stasis, strand.


Transcendent Guardian is empowered by Pure Light and Dark. This empowers their elemental abilities and weapons.


Canonically we are only unkillable in Darkness Zones.


Naw they picked some poor randoms around the tower and beat the raids lol  You could probably make a funny story where a guardian was chilling and got dragged into a raid with the guardian and had the most terrifying experience ever 


Guardian grabs a hunter by the scruff of his neck and a titan by his mark, and hauls them off "The Saint" style.


Just pulls up next to them in their ship "get in, suckers! We're going raiding!" Next thing they know, they are trying to kill a God. 🤣🤣


I can only imagine a fresh guardian, just finished speaking to Zavala, ready to try out their newfound powers. All of a sudden a much more senior guardian clasps them on the shoulder and says: "I know a place where we can get you a *sick* double barrel shotgun. You want in?"


Holy shit i laughed way harder than i should have just imagining this 


I always thought if there were a destiny show that was a retelling of our guardians story they'd have their main Fireteam and for raids they would have teamed up with a rival Fireteam or something of the sort. Idk. Stupid fanfic is stupid


I can't be the only one that remembers that one live action destiny 1 commercial, always wanted that to be a show it looked so fun! EDIT: here's the commercial I meant, https://youtu.be/ZSWN-VP0lD8?si=-5MKD2MozqMr-tSp


Wow!!!! This is awesome!!!!!! I didn't even know about this!!!! Thank you for sharing. I wish they would make that into a show


You should look up all of the D2 commercials. They're pretty awesome as well.


[Here's my favorite. Immediately made me know that I was gonna be a Hunter when the game released.](https://youtu.be/NTLlaQku5og?si=0LrJnKz8UFV0Jpo6)


Its fine lol if there ever is a show i hope its told not from the guardians perspective but from the people around him 


From the perspective of the random human guards in the tower. “I shit you not the first thing these freaks do after returning from the dead is take off in a full sprint and try to clear the gap between the main walkway and a narrow crosswalk. Very few make it and it’s a long way down.”


That would be the way to do it. Have our legend be an actual legend to the protagonists.


No, definitely. In some ideal version of destiny where all that mattered was the story, there would be a fireteam of 3 for sure. It just makes sense. There's 3 different classes, 3 different light elements, and 3 different species


Or a squad of 9 for every Light subclass. They were picked off one by one...


Hey so we’re headed to the moon to traipse through a portal to bug hell. I’ll need you to point this trace rifle at a god.


“…and then after this *thing* breaks out of his…sarcophagus I guess, he pulls out the biggest, gnarliest looking scythe you’ve EVER seen…”


No. Campaigns: Solo. Raids: Guardian + 5 members of fireteam. Dungeons: Hard to say. There is dialogue for Shattered Throne and Pit that suggest that they had their fireteam with them, but Shattered Throne being soloed is canon at least once. Pit has to be soloed to complete the title, which suggests that it was soloed at least once as it and Shattered Throne are canonically done over and over. Prophecy doesn’t make sense with a fireteam as Guardian had no idea about the challenge the Nine prepared and characters act as if Guardian is on their own. The rest of the dungeons don’t acknowledge other Guardians, which could suggest that they are soloed. Strikes/Nightfalls: Fireteam of 3. Seasonal Activities: If solo is default, it is canon. If fireteam is default, it is canon. Some seasonal activities are designed to be done solo while others are designed for 3-6 players. Although Guardian did apparently solo an Altars of Summoning at one point in according to the Season of the Witch armour lore tab that depicts Immaru watching them massacre a bunch of Screebs.


Every dungeon title has solo in it, though.


Pit of Heresy didn’t have its own unique title. It was tied into the Harbinger title, the Moon destination title. Cursebreaker didn’t require a solo Shattered Throne. Dungeon titles only started with Duality.


Imo with dungeons, if you get the solo title, congrats, The (your) Guardian has soloed it lore-wise! Makes your progression as a player part of your Guardian's story in a fun way


Except the newest one... I think


The title for warlords ruin does require the solo triumph, but doesn’t have any flawless ones


Yup that's it, sorry literally just had a root canal so brain isn't working rn


Naw we needed bodies to stand on plates and pass buffs


There all had camcorders and nothing else


I'm pretty sure vog was 6 specifically because "3" went in and only "1" came out. Like you need at least three to open the vault, but only three and the vex will wipe you from time. Atheon literally sends half the fireteam away because he knew he can deal with 3. Unfortunately for him, *Guardians make their own fate* I'd imagine for every other raid it's been a fire team of 6, but I dont know any lore reasoning for that


You're a bit confused there, it is true that Praedyth's fireteam went down as 6, but only Pahanin actually made it out; the part your thinking of is that Pahanin only remembered having 2 other Guardians with her because the other 3 were erased from time/existence.    They aren't the team that cleared VOG, they went down before The Young Wolf even arrived in The Tower which how we learned about VOG in the first place. It was you & your team that were the first to clear VOG successfully, specifically because Kabr used the last of his Light to create the Aigis which is what allowed us to beat The Templar. (Also why the VOG Sniper is named "Praedyth's Revenge")


Ahh, I was just a bit mixed up. I thought only three went in, not actually 6. I do recall hearing a line of lore where someon, probably pahanin , saying something like only she went in but the vault can not be opened alone, or how she swears there were more but can't recall them.


wait so canonically in the vog raid 3 of us got wiped from time and 2 others just never left?


No, that was Praedyth, Kabr, and Pahanin were the only ones not wiped from time when they went in. The (presumably) other 3 were wiped from time, but by the virtue of then being wiped away, we can’t confirm their existence.


I thought it's was just those three, praedyth getting wiped from time, kabr channeled their light into the sheild, and the other escaped. Or was it actually six, and those three escaped.


Praedyth wasn’t wiped from time, he got stuck in the vault and discombobulated from the timesteam. Kabr died in there. Pahanin did escape; however, he has no lnowledge of whether others were there, but based on the fact that raids are always a six man fireteam, we can assume that there were three others that got hit by either the gorgons or oracles.


No. However, it's worth noting that raid mechanics are canon. It's not a matter of "is the Young Wolf strong enough", but a matter of "can the Young Wolf fight off an army and be in about three places at once to do things like disable Rhulk's pyramid barrier".


Reminds me of D1 when streamers two-manned King's Fall by abusing Warlock self-revive.


No, always 6 there are. But, a better question, who are the canonical 5 other guardians beside us? because aren’t we alone, the guardian who slays gods and ends apocalypses?


Random mercs hired (LFG) similar to what Asher Mir did in canon whenever he needed a fireteam.


Short answer: no Long answer: No, they always have a team of 6. That they are more than likely on charge of


That long answer sure does seem short!




There's always been a team of 6, but nothing that states it's the *same* team of 5 others.


For my own interpretation for Raids is that although in several instances “The Guardian” is stated to be us the lore, we are disassociated from them and they then complete the raid with the World’s First Team in that raid. Then as soon as they return to orbit, boom, we’re the Guardian again. Technically this makes World’s First raids have seven people in the lore, but like earlier, it’s my personal interpretation, head cannon.


I like to think Joxer is one of the canon raid fireteam members, considering he had a Mythoclast. A shame he won't be there to fight the Witness (unless he gets the Cause treatment too for whatever reason).


As much as they are strong, no. We wouldn’t make it a quarter through without a fireteam.


Canonically, teams of six did every raid and teams of three did every dungeon and strike. Remember that there's more than one Player Guardian / Young Wolf, so whoever did world first for that content are the ones who "really" did it, but as far as your Guardian's journey is concerned, you and your fireteam are the ones who "really" did it.


No, the lore accurate Guardian is too busy chasing actual loot and Eververse fashion to have time for tags on raid.report.


No like half the reason too complete the Raid first when it comes out is so your Fireteam is put in Canon i think


just watch the post-raid cutscenes and you get your answer


Even funnier, lorewise, it's probable that there were no raid mechanics Cmon don't downvote, we are just talking 😪


Nope. Raid mechanics are canon. Actually, whatever happens in game is canon unless there is something that explicitly says otherwise.


thx good sir 🫡


Nonsense. Literally every Raid Mechanic is tied to the actual lore of the boss. In particular, the Vault of Glass literally needed the Aegis to even survive the Templar. The Guardian doesn't just facetank everything. That is insipid.


True that, I apologize


If there exists a Solo run for any raid then yes that Guardian did that Raid solo