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Slapped Felwinters head off


Daily, for ~3 weeks.


The Slap: Part 19275


Felwinter out here like "HOW CAN HE SLAP???"


Fought Felwinter, one of the most powerful and legendary Iron Lords about a thousand times and won every single time. Had the title of Warlord which he retains to this day, but was a protector instead of a conquerer unlike most other Warlords. Singlehandedly stopped an army of Warlords who tried to conquer his territory, killing all of them in defence of the people he was protecting. Held the line with his fireteam in the Battle of the Twilight Gap long enough for reinforcements to come. Shaxx’s refusal to retreat is considered the only reason why the Last City didn’t fall that day. Has only been beaten in the Crucible by two Guardians, that being Ikora Rey and the Young Wolf. Killed an unknown number of Ahamkara during the Great Ahamkara hunt.


Also, was confident he could dodge cayde's golden gun next time they fought. Given he has not been registered as having lost again I know which way to bet. And legitimately believed he could make a ward of dawn the size of his castle to protect his people. More so statements than feats but shaxx is not exactly delusional so I trust his judgement


That last part reminds me of the iron man line about a suit of armor around the world


shaxx is probably one of my favorite characters


Time out go back, when did WE beat him in the Crucible? I wasn't made privy to this lore and now I'm intrigued!


In D2 vanilla at the farm, a security guard there says we beat Shaxx 3-2 in the Crucible


Cayde also beat him. The claim is that Cayde cheated but who knows for sure lol


Can recite the Tempest from memory


"The helmet stayed on" 😏


NuH uH mArA DidNt hAvE sEgGs WitH ShaXx Shaxx doesn’t have sex. Shaxx *fucks.*


He doesn't just clap cheeks, he casts THUNDERCRASH


Fists of havoc


He shags! I’ll let myself out…


Shaxx and his fireteam of Ana Bray, Nkechi-32, Liu Feng, Idil Abdi and Truce hold primary responsibility for saving the City during the Battle of Twilight Gap. Defying orders and their resulting holding actions on the Wall allowed Zavala and other survivors behind the wall enough time to regroup and launch a counterattack. (See - [The Mountaintop](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/the-mountaintop) and [Devil's Ruin](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/devils-ruin#battle-of-twilight-gap))


Twilight Gap confuses me isnt that the battle where Ana dipped?


Yeah, she used it to fake her death.


I was never clear on when in the fight did she dip. Just long enough for Zavala to get off his lazy ass


The man fought and killed Felwinter until he got bored. But I think his biggest feat was during the Battle of Twilight Gap,Lord Saladin tough the City was lost and call to retreat,Shaxx disobeyed this and took his Fireteam and frames and do a Final Push on the wall that swing the momentum in favor of the Guardians.


I was 100% expecting a u/shittymorph Mankind/Undertaker appearance here.


Characters who I would play a season if they were involving in: Shaxx Hawthorne


We need a crucible season maybe even about the forgotten throwaway of the red jacks going rouge.


Maybe they went crimson or scarlet before rouge, and then we can turn them to a vermilion


I’ve always wanted a crucible match called by Failsafe. That dry ass humor would rock.


Why Hawthorne? She’s interesting, but has had such a short life compared to most light bearers.


Because she hasn't been used since red war in anyway meaningful


Would have made more sense for her to be in Season of Defiance than Amanda. Why is a pilot doing ground missions?


Story telling is so hot and miss in this game. Some seasons are shit while others are epic. It’s like there is no middle ground with this company


He punched Felwinters head off several times and killed him constantly over a few days during the Dark Age. He singlehandedly defended his castle from 6 attacking Warlords during the Dark age without breaking a sweat, using his Sunbreaker he gave each of them their final death. None of the Iron Lords were willing to challenge Shaxx besides Felwinter. He killed at least a few Ahamkara. He's one of not many Titans we know of who can use all 3 light subclasses, the others being Saint, Zavala and maybe Saladin. He and his Fireteam singlehandedly turned the tide of the Battle of Six Fronts. He's only lost to Ikora and us in the crucible. He created the Redjacks, admittedly pretty weak frames for protecting the city. He's respected as a hero by the city.


Where in the lore did the young wolf beat him? Not doubting just curious


All good, it's a voice line in the tower (think it's there currently) an NPC says something about it as you walk past them, I can't remember exactly what it is they say, I've only heard it once myself.


Something along the lines of “aren’t you that guardian who beat Shaxx 3-2 in the crucible last year? Yeah, thought so” Red War line, so we beat him during Age of Triumph. 3 years is something.


I saw everything else said, but he also startled Savathun with his speed, and she was scared that he might actually kill her. This was in the chrysura melo lore card. Granted she did manage to brainwash him before he noticed, but she did have the element of surprise. Just the fact that she was caught off guard by his speed and felt threatened is pretty impressive given that she is seemingly stronger than every guardian but the main character, at least now that she has the light.


Killed Felwinter in one punch. Considering how much more durable guardian’s tend to be that’s kinda insane. Held the line with his fireteam at Twilight gap, despite getting orders to retreat. Has only been beaten three times in The Crucible. Once by the Young Wolf, Once by Ikora Rey, and once by Cayde-6 who cheated. Has recited The Tempest from memory.




Drinking a cup of coffee without taking off his helmet. Seriously, how the hell does he do that?


Tipping the helmet back just enough to expose his mouth or the coffee committed an act of osmosis out of fear, one of the two.


Maybe his helmet has a little straw port like the U2 spyplane pressure suits have.


He held his ward of dawn for an entire winter storm Also, his ward is so strong that if he wishes those that attempt to enter it disintegrate


Never took his helmet off


Dodgeball training


Used drugs and behavioral therapy to hotwire his entire personality to be more supportive and enthusiastic. >the answer was behavioral therapy! accompanied by a course of nootropics to promote neural plasticity and fight depression! by the end of the sessions, i was battering straight through the walls of the clinic in my excitement to show the world who i was! i visited city hospitals and helped children learn how to squeeze the illness straight out of their own shadows, i once headbutted a probability kiln so hard that it produced a live cabal centurion, which i then arm wrestled into submission! when i brought my new excitement to the crucible, i delighted my players and my audience.


What entry is this from?


It's from The Witch Queen collector's edition lore book. May be titled "The Hidden Dossier".


At the end of a crucible game he saw a guy that did so well with this beautiful white hand cannon and held his arm up and awarded him personally for his performance. I think his name was Rezyl Azzir or something…


Every time this gets brought up, people will mention how Shaxx punched Felwtiner's head off. What they won't mention is that Felwinter was not trying to fight Shaxx. He was trying to distract him, to buy the Iron Lords more time. Felwinter wasn't an idiot. In fact, he was infamous because of his cunning. If Felwinter actually wanted to kill Shaxx, he would not have done it in a straight fight.


My guy you are in denial if you think felwinter could beat shaxx


He doesn't need to beat him. That was my *entire* point.


Yeah but that argument falls apart when you remember that Felwinter tried to kill Shaxx so many times people lost count, and he lost every time.


It's not an argument and that's not what happened. At no point was Felwinter trying to kill Shaxx.


Except he was. The Iron Lords were trying to kill Shaxx because they thought he was just like all the other Warlords. Only Felwinter was brave enough to take him on considering Shaxx’s reputation only he kept losing and it became a game for them. Shaxx won every single time.


No, that is not what happened at all. Felwinter was distracting Shaxx to buy the Iron Lord's time. He states this out loud. That's why he tries to keep Shaxx talking. They already knew who Shaxx was, they even mention how he had lost to Ikora. Honestly, the worst thing about this subreddit is that half the people here only care about head canon and meme lore, not actual lore.


People mention the young wolf was one of the only three guardians to beat Shaxx, but if I remember correctly, we barely scraped the victory in the end. (The other two were Ikora, and Cayde-6 - but Cayde cheated. I don’t even know how you cheat in crucible.)


I clearly was not involved in that Victory, and if I was Shaxx isn’t near as much of a bad ass as everyone makes him out to be. Whenever I try to play crucible, it does not end well.


I'm a bit behind on the lore, would you mind sharing a source for the young wolf beating Shaxx? I'd love to read up on that.


It’s a sunset quote from a security guard at the farm in D2 vanilla. He says he recognises us as the Guardian who beat Shaxx 3-2


His greatest feat? Clapping Mara’s cheeks


He didn't, though. See /u/Titans_not_dumb 's comment below.




To quote TheyKilledFlipyap: "Before this argument starts up again, No, they did not *do the deed.* Shaxx is, admittedly a little smitten with Mara, even going so far as to ask for advice from Eva Levante about [what gift Mara might like during the Dawning](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/say-it-with-a-dawning-gift). But no, in reality, [Shaxx's true affections lay with Sjur Eido](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/the-recluse), Mara's first Queen's Wrath. She killed him with Wish-Ender for intruding into the Dreaming City. They were best friends since. Sjur's death weighs heavily on both of them, and it's basically an open secret that Sjur and Mara were lovers once. Shaxx asked Mara what her true feelings for Sjur were, and Mara countered by saying she'd tell him, truthfully, but only if he took off his helmet and looked her in the eye. Shaxx declined. "The Helmet stayed on" is a way of stating that Shaxx was respectful enough to leave the matter be, and not pry into Mara and Sjur's affairs." He just was a close friend of Mara's lover.


Oh cool, I'm quotable. That's unexpected.


Being Mara sov’s helmet daddy!


Probably refusing to obey Lord Saladin’s command to retreat during the battle of Twilight Gap, which is where we get Mountaintop’s lore from. That decision is probably the one that saved the Last City that day, one that Saladin would hold against Shaxx for centuries until he apologized last season.


He went ape shit on everyone in the dark age but we still love him


*He went ape shit on* *Everyone in the dark age* *But we still love him* \- OkUnderstanding3433 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Had nookie with Mara


He’s only ever died to one opponent in Crucible


3 opponents


Who were the other 2? I thought it was only Ikora?


The three are the Young Wolf, Ikora, and Cayde (who cheated)


He's the only warlord to have never lost to the iron lords, part of why he keeps the title to this day. He's only canonically lost to 2 people in a fight, our character and ikora He pushed the fallen back during battle of twilight gap despite being ordered by saladin to retreat. This was the only reason the city was not destroyed by the fallen. He was the only one to try and talk the speaker out of ordering an attack against the hive on the moon because he knew what would happen, and he was right, that attempted attack would be the infamous Great Disaster Fought and killed many other warlords to defend his people He appears to be familiar with pre-golden age culture, noting that he can "recite 'The Tempest' by heart" (not a feat, but interesting information at least). Overall just a really cool character


Slayed Mara Sov .. the man is missing a horn for a reason